Page 1: CBA Mid-Course Workshop June 29- July 3, 2009 Climate Change Challenges and Implementation of Community Based Adaptation Programme in Jamaica (2007-2009)

CBA Mid-Course Workshop

June 29- July 3, 2009

Climate Change Challenges and Implementation of Community Based Adaptation Programme in Jamaica


Knutsford Court Hotel, Kingston Jamaica

June 29, 2009

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Co-Related Challenges

•Extremes in Climate


•Banana industry & Other crops



•Sustainable Development

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What Happened in 1997 El-Nino?














Han Wes St.E Man Cla St.C Tre St.J St.A St.M Por St.T KSA

Extreme Severe Drought

All Parishes in Jamaica

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What were the impacts on socio-economic sectors?

Agriculture (Ja)•First to be affected •Some effects extended to 1998

e.g., the vol of cane milled from Oct to Dec 1998 was 37,998 compared with 81,341

tonnes in 1997. •Overall the PIOJ’s agricultural index showed decline in production

16.6% in 19971.1% decline in 1998.

•Direct financial losses island wide for 1997/98 was J$331,686,580 (US$ =J$47 approx.).

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Water supply (Ja)•Water-lock-offs instituted - low levels of water in reservoirs•water sources (rivers or wells) dried up. •Supply water by trucking. •Cost of this exercise was J$20,336,635. Environment (Ja)•Losses likely included damages to plant and animal species, wildlife habitat, air and water quality, and damages due to forest and range fires •Only quantifiable is an estimation of the number of forest fires increasing by 71%.

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Health (Ja)•Lack of water - problems with sewage, sanitation and hygiene •Ministry of Health initiated a Public Awareness and Education Programme

possibility of diarrhoea diseases and typhoid

•Cost: $6,846,555.Schools (Ja)•Schools not equipped with storage water tanks•Concern re effect on bathroom facilities•Some schools may have been closed due to lack of water.

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Expected Impact of Climate Change on Jamaica

Sea level riseSpread of diseases like dengueBleaching and death of coral reefsPossible more intense hurricanesWater resource shortfall Agricultural drought Reduction in Tourist arrivalDepletion of coastal resources

• Death, Migration of fishes to cooler watersEndangered human settlementPossible extinction of some species in biodiversity

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Not just agriculture, environment and infrastructure


Combating Climate Change Makes for Sustainable Development

- View of National Coordinating Committee of CBA

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CBA National Coordinating Committee (NCC), Jamaica

•Anthony Chen, University of the West Indies, Chair NCC•Gary Harriott, Vice Chair, Jamaica Council of Churches•Leonie Barnaby, GEF Focal Point•Courtney Brown, Social Development Commission•Zuliekha Budhan, Ministry of Agriculture•Chris Corbin•Derrick Gayle, Environmental Foundation of Jamaica•Badrul Haque•Margaret Jones Williams, UNDP•Amsale Maryam, Association of Developing Agencies•Franklin McDonald, UWI Institute of Sustainable Development•Karen McDonald-Gayle, Environmental Foundation of Jamaica•Edward Robinson, University of the West Indies•Jean Robinson, Private Sector•Andrea Shepherd-Stewart, Planning Institute of Jamaica•Jeffery Spooner, Met. Service (UNFCCC focal point)•Delores Wade, Planning Institute of Jamaica

Dale Rankine, National Coordinator, UNDPHyacinth Douglas, UNDP

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Focus of the CBA Country Programme Strategy (CCPS)

The CCPS Focuses on the following:1. CBA interventions in Jamaica will deliver global environmental benefits

in the GEF focal areas of biodiversity conservation and the prevention of land degradation.

2. Capacity building at the local level through both initiatives and improved natural resource management in the context of climate change.

3. In order to make such global benefits more resilient to climate change, project initiatives under the CBA will support new approaches for land management, taking into account the increased erosion and land loss risks associated with climate change.

4. Biodiversity conservation efforts under the CBA will seek new ways of protecting and improving habitats in a way that make them less susceptible to coastal and terrestrial erosion. Conservation efforts should also render species more capable of coping with the impacts of more intense extreme events, including hurricanes and other tropical cyclones.

5. This will be accomplished primarily through the implementation of 8-10 demonstration projects that generate global environmental benefits (GEBs), and make ecosystems resilient to climate variability and change. .

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CBA Strategy & SPA Requirements

•CBA projects should: generate global environmental benefits (GEB) and make them more resilient to climate change including variability.-The Strategic Priority on Adaptation (SPA) requirement

GEF Focal Areas

Operational Programmes

Biodiversity Conservation

•Coastal, Marine & Freshwater ecosystems-OP2•Forest Ecosystems-OP3•Mountain Ecosystems-OP4•Conservation and Sustainable use of BD

Prevention of Land Degradation

•Sustainable land management, including disaster risk reduction-OP15

Indicators for focal areas should be selected from menu of options

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Geographic Area of Focus: Preferred Locations

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Concept Review Form

CBA Concept Review FormTo be filled out by the National Coordination Committee, the NC, or a sub-committee of the NCC. Name of Project: Name of Proponent: Total Project Cost: Total Requesting from CBA Programme: 1. Fit to Global Criteria:

GEF Focal Area: BiodiversityGEF Operational Programme: OP-2, Coastal, Marine and Freshwater ecosystemsIs the concept complete? Does it address all of the required items in the concept template?Is the concept eligible for funding under the SPA?• Does the project reduce the risk to the target community stemming from a climate change hazard?• .......2. Methodology and Rationale:Does the project describe a clear objective, and describe a reasonable plan for meeting this objective?Are the proposed likely outcomes compatible with the SPA? 3. Budget: Is the total amount requested within allowable amount?Is the planning budget cost effective and can support the activities?4. Proponent Capacity:Is Proponent a legitimate NGO/CBO?Does the proponent have experience in successful community activities, or demonstrate the capacity to be

successful? Does the concept demonstrate community engagement?5. Planning Phase:Do proposed planning activities support the development of the project proposal?Is the planning budget cost effective and support the activities? What are the implications for co-ordination with prospective co-financiers?

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How does the VRA Work?

The VRA is composed of four indicators, based on the UNDP Adaptation Policy Framework approach.

These four indicators become four questions – tailored to the community and posed in community meetings before, during and after project implementation.

VRA meetings yield quantitative and qualitative data:–Useful in aggregating and assessing programmatic impact–Useful in guiding project design and management–Useful in capturing lessons learned

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CBA NCC Full Proposal Review Form

Name and Number of Project:Name of Proponent:Total Project Cost:Total Requesting from CBA:

Questions: the project proposal must satisfy all of the criteria below to be successful. An answer of NO in any of the following will require that the proposal be reformulated or rejected.

a) Does the proposal address a legitimate climate change risk facing the target community?-

b) Does the proposal meet the SPA criteria? Does the project ensure that global environmental benefits or GEB-generating activities in a GEF focal area are resilient to climate change?

c) ........

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Existing CBA Project portfolio

•We have to date approved 5 planning Grants (each for USD2000. Of these two have been successfully developed in to full proposals.

•Three are about to get started and will conduct their initial Vulnerability Assessments (VRAs)

•We have approved those two full proposals, One already underway with the Jamaica Conservation and Development Trust (JCDT) in Blue Mts (site visit tomorrow), the other in Cockpit Country (western Jamaica) with Bunkers Hill CDC.

•Total commitment of funds to date amounts to: USD103,000

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Participants at CBA Jamaica project concept development session, April 23, 2008.

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Site Visit

Eroded, deforested slopes in a coffee-growing region in Jamaica's Blue Mountains.  Slopes in these areas are particularly prone to landslides and erosion in the face of intense rainfall events and hurricanes, which are projected to increase in the face of climate change.

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