Page 1: Catitalizing on the Changing World of Work By Sherry Myers

Capitalizing on the Changing World of Capitalizing on the Changing World of WorkWork

November 11, 2008

Page 2: Catitalizing on the Changing World of Work By Sherry Myers

Company Facts

Our History– 1946 – William Russell Kelly

starts Kelly Services• Since that time, there have

been only two other company presidents

– #3 staffing company in the United States, #5 globally

– 16 million have been employed since 1946

– 40 countries and territories worldwide

– 2,600 company offices– $5.7 billion in 2007 sales

Our Customers– 93% of Fortune 500 companies– 99% of Fortune 100 companies– 84% of Fortune’s “100 Best

Companies to Work for”– 91% of “The 100 Best

Companies for Working Mothers”

– 93% of “Computerworld’s 100 Best Companies to Work for in the United States”

– Half of U.S. revenue from companies with 50+ locations

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How Has Kelly Touched Your Life?

Your…– Nike tennis shoes were

packaged by…– Treadmill was assembled by…– State education standardized tests

were graded by…– School children taught by…– Tombstone or Kraft pizza was

made by…– Customer service call on eBay was handled by…

Our…– Scientists assisted in creating a vaccine to combat biological agent anthrax– Multilingual attorneys are translating legal documents and providing review for

international litigation– Accounting managers supervise teams and oversee payments to one state’s

child welfare program– Scientists are working on R&D for next-generation optics (new contact lenses) – Employees are space radar scientists

at NASA– Electronic technicians are upgrading Colleague infusion pump used in hospitals

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Embrace the FutureEmbrace the Future


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How will these changes affect your organization, and what you can do

to stay ahead?

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The answers to four simple questions will gauge your organization’s ability to embrace these workplace changes.

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1. Will You Recognize the Best Employee?

Open your mind to different types of work arrangements and more varied populations

Be ready to acknowledge that not everyone you hire should necessarily remain with you forever

Adjust your screening criteria to identify potential hires based on abilities such as abstract reasoning, problem-solving and communication

Evolve your concept of “the right fit,” and how work will get done.

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1. Will You Recognize the Best Employee?

Questions to ask: Has your recruiting strategy significantly evolved in the past 10 years? In the past 2 years? In the past 1 year? Rapidly changing markets require continuous strategy evolution.

Are you recruiting in new places with new messages?

Has your definition of diversity expanded?

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Promote inclusive advertising and adapt your recruiting strategies to understand and speak to the varied needs of this diverse talent pool.

If you have “work,” you’re going to need to consider a variety of options for how to get that work done.


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2. What is Your Employment Brand?

The most qualified candidate for your company is not necessarily looking for a job

Utilize new media and technologies to promote general brand awareness and your corporate culture

Use new media and technologies to create an authentic voice for your company

Think like a marketer when recruiting, and find new ways to get your message out.

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2. What is Your Employment Brand?

Can you clearly and concisely articulate your employment value proposition/brand?

Is each employee (from leadership on down) clear about your employment brand, plus able and encouraged to share?

Have you identified new and innovative methods to promote your employment value proposition/brand to external audiences?

Questions to ask:

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A strong employment brand is crucial, but take note! It’s also critical that your brand is authentic.

By promoting a sincere employment brand that people can connect with, you’ll make it easy for passive candidates to identify and seek you out.


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3. Are You Meeting Their Technology Expectations?

This expectation extends from pre-employment stages to the hiring process, straight through to day-to-day operations and communications

Use today’s technologies to speak to those generations who were raised on Nintendo

Understand the important role that technology plays in the ongoing engagement of new generations of workers.

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3. Are You Meeting Their Technology Expectations?

Have you surveyed current and newly hired employees to understand their perception as to whether or not your technology enables your business?

Do you know if new grads would be using technology equivalent to what they have used at home or in school?

Have you benchmarked close competitors to understand what types of technology they’ve implemented to enable business processes, solutions and ease of work?

Minimally, is your hiring process facilitated by technology?

Questions to ask:

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Be on the edge of technologies that will leave your existing ways of recruiting and working in the dust.

Adapt to the expectations of younger generations as a necessity for keeping up with their employment needs.


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4. Are You What the Talent Wants?

Upcoming generations are no longer willing to give up their personal lives for their careers

To keep employees engaged, allow them to create a path for growth throughout your organization

Create a new and open employment environment that meets their needs and embraces new ways in which work can be done.

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4. Are You What the Talent Wants?

Can you and your employees point to programs and policies that demonstrate a commitment to your desired goals of work/life balance and rapid growth opportunities?

Do you have clear policies or opportunities for flexible schedules? Job sharing? Work from home? Free-agent or part-time employment?

If the top 10% of your employees wanted to adjust their work schedule or their relationship with you, do you have the motivation and the capabilities to facilitate this?

Questions to ask:

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Consider throwing out your old policies and adopting new ideas to create an infrastructure that supports a more open culture.

Encourage an employment/work community that earns loyalty to the organization rather than demanding it.


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Embrace the Change

By understanding the forces behindthese changes, and swiftly adapting the waysin which you approach the new world of work,

you’ll do more than just keep up

- you’ll get ahead.

As an original founder, global leader and evolutionary driver of the staffing industry, Kelly

Services is a trusted advisor for the future.

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Breaking Down The Generations That Are In The Workplace Today

The Veterans (1922 – 1943) now between 61 – 82 years old Values and Work Ethic

– Dedication and Sacrifice– Hard Work– Respect for authority– Adherence to rules– Duty before Pleasure

– Work ethic influenced by mfg. economy– Obedience and conformity over individualism– Seniority and age directly correlated– Tend to Respond well to directive leadership

Much more comfortable with “scientific management” style. Comes as result of the military background of this group Very conformist, little place for individual style

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Baby Boomers (1944 – 1963)Now between 41 – 60 years old

Values and Work EthicOptimismTeam OrientationPersonal GrowthPersonal GratificationHealth and WellnessInvolvementService OrientedDriven by the legacy of World War IIUncomfortable with conflictCan be overly sensitive to feedbackCan be judgmental of those who see things differently

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Baby Boomers

Management Style for the boomers?

– While Organizational Behavioral modifications really began to sink in with the Boomers, they largely responded well (and still do) to “Scientific”, directive style of leadership.

– However, desire to see a more referent model begins to emerge.

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Generation X

What Makes them tick?

– They tend to avoid Corporate politics – They Have No Orientation for This

– They are generally not very interested in traditional perks but (WARNING!!!) they will bail out if they see Boomers getting excessive perks.

– They are usually motivated by the prospect of independence, the lack of corporate structure, a lack of rigidity, and the latest technological advances.

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Generation X (1964 – 1980)

Values and Work Ethic:

– Diversity– Thinking Globally– Balance– Techno-literacy– Fun– Informality– Self-reliance– “differently oriented toward work”– “just a job– Flexible hours, informal work environment, just the right amount of supervision– Multi-tasking– Give them lots to do and freedom to do it their way

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The Myths Surrounding Gen X

They’re materialisticMany are struggling to make ends meet. This generation is probably

the American generation that probably will not replicate or improve on their parents’ lifestyle. They worry that they will not have the money to pay for a house and children’s education. They want to get out of debt. While money is important to them, material wealth and status items are largely scorned.

They have a “you owe me” attitude

No more so than any other generation.

They’re not willing to work hard

In interviews, Gen Xers consistently tell us they are willing to work very hard. They don’t want to be taken advantage of, though. Many believe it’s unfair to expect a seventy-hour week for forty hours of pay. And, as a generation, they’re committed to have a life beyond work.

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The Myths surrounding Gen X

They’re living on easy street.– In the 1950s young homeowners could make the monthly

mortgage payment by using 14 percent of their income. Today it takes 40 percent. And today, folks older than sixty will get back about $200 for every $100 they put into Social Security. Gen Xers will lose more than $100 for every $450 they contribute

» Adapted from Claire Raines, Beyond Generation Z» (Menlo Park, CA: Crisp Publications, 1997)

Style of management?– This group, while understanding a need for conformity in

healthcare, and respect of legitimate authority, wants to see referent power in action.

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How do you teach, train and orient them?

Does your department or facility use Web-based training?

This Group is not afraid to ask questions

Say at least 3 times – “We want you to have a life.”

Stress upcoming dramatic organizational changes Encourage a learning inventory at the end of each day Stress the importance of training; however, keep the

training materials brief and easy to read.

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Generation Y (1980 -)

Values and Work Ethic– Optimism– Civic Duty– Confidence– Achievement– Sociability– Morality– Street Smarts– Diversity– Collective action– Tenacity– Heroic spirit– Multi-tasking– Technological savvy– Have difficulty dealing with difficult people issues

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Generation Y – What Makes them Tick

Be Prepared– Education and Teaching– Business– Computer related fields– Law– Psychology– Medicine

What Makes Them Tick?– They love a challenge– They function well as team members – a bit different from their

older siblings in Gen X– They want to be heroes– They want to be surrounded by bright, creative people– They want it – Right Now

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Gen Y

How do you teach, train, and orient them?– Allow plenty of orientation time.– Create a clear, realistic picture of the work environment –

good and bad– Spell out expectations and goals– Take the time to find out their goals and help them define a

strategy for meeting them– Take note that gender roles of the previous generations do

not apply

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The Myths Surrounding Gen Y

The Youth of today are “going to hell in a hand basket.”– Experts believe this is a fine group of young people who will make

heroes of themselves. Today’s kids are getting a great education.

– Not all of them. Gregory Schmidt of the Institute for the Future, Menlo Park, CA, says,

– “Tomorrow’s haves and have-nots are already diverging in today’s third grade classrooms as they either advance into the information age or fall behind for lack of reading and math skills or access to computers . (Wall Street Journal, 2/9/97

Kids need to spend more time readying and less time watching TV and playing video games.

– Kids are spending more time reading. Business Week reports that surveys show video games cut into TV, not reading time (4/19/97)

» Adapted from Claire Raines, Beyond Generation X » (Menlo Park, CA: Crisp Publications, 1997

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Some takeaways for this generation

They are a unique mix – a very independent group politically. They are not as conservative as their older siblings in

Generation X; however, are not as liberal as their Baby Boomer parents were when they were that age.

They are religious, but not in a traditional sense. What makes them seek out greener pastures?

– They respect legitimate authority, but they will follow referent authority

– Work does not both them, but it needs to be meaningful, not just busy work

– Overemphasis on outward appearance – not overall neatness, but picky on insignificant matters

– Perceived disrespect of their youth

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