Page 1: Cathedral Basilica of St. Joseph · Misa de las 12 de la Medianoche Mass at 12midnight Bishop Patrick J. McGrath Padre Hugo Rojas Donation Envelopes available to contribute toward

Sunday Mass Schedule Las Misas Dominicales

4:30pm Saturday

8:30am Sunday

10:00am Domingo

11:30am Sunday

1:00pm Domingo Misa con Lengua de Señas

2o y 4o Domingo

5:30pm Domingo

Weekday Mass / Misas Diarias

Mon-Friday / Lunes a Viernes

7:30am & 12:05pm

Confessions / Las Confesiones

Saturday / Sábado: 4:00 - 4:25pm

Mon-Friday / Lunes a Viernes


and by appt./ y con cita particular

Parish Office / Oficina Parroquial

Mon-Friday / Lunes a Viernes

9:30am – 5:00pm

Sunday / Domingo

9:30am - 2:30pm

Closed Saturday / Cerrado en Sábado

Cathedral Tours

Visitas a la Catedral con Guía

Tuesday through Friday

Martes a Viernes

1:00 - 3:00pm

Groups of 10 or more 10 personas o más

Call / Llame para cita al

408-283-8100 ext. 2210

Horario de las Bendiciones

1er Domingo - Presentación de Niños

2o Domingo – Aniversario de Bodas

3o Domingo – Cumpleaños

3rd Sunday of Advent December 11, 2016

80 South Market Street, San José, CA 95113-2321 408-283-8100 ,


God speaks to you every day: Isaiah tells us our ears and eyes will be opened in Christ to hear God's voice. What do you hear God saying to you?

What is there in this promise from the Prophet Isaiah that gives you hope? How have you seen this promise fulfilled in Christ?

Cathedral Basilica of St. Joseph

“When John the Baptist heard in prison of the works of the Christ, he sent his disciples to Jesus with this question,

“Are you the one who is to come, or should we look for another?” Jesus said to them in reply,

“Go and tell John what you hear and see: the blind regain their sight, the lame walk, lepers are cleansed,

the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the poor have the good news proclaimed to them.

Blessed is the one who takes no offense at me.” Jesus then began to speak to the crowds about John,

“What did you go out to the desert to see? A reed swayed by the wind?... a prophet?

This is the one about whom it is written: Behold, I am sending my messenger ahead of you;

he will prepare your way before you.” Matthew 11:2-11

Page 2: Cathedral Basilica of St. Joseph · Misa de las 12 de la Medianoche Mass at 12midnight Bishop Patrick J. McGrath Padre Hugo Rojas Donation Envelopes available to contribute toward


Rev. Patrick J. McGrath, DD, JCD, Bishop of San José Rev. Joseph M. Benedict, S.T.D. Pastor

Rev. Hugo Rojas, Parochial Vicar Rev. Michael Syjueco, Parochial Vicar

Greg Ortiz, Deacon





Israel Arellano, Maintenance Tim Barrington, Sacristan Linda O. Brisuela, Catechetical Coordinator Jim Del Biaggio, Cathedral Gift Shop Manager Antonia Lira, Wedding Coordinator ext. 2204 Sharon Miller, Director of Social Ministry Marisela Peifer, Receptionist (Sunday) Susan Olsen, Director of Religious Education/Business Manager Jose Luis Rodriguez,Assistant Gift Shop Manager Juan Rosales, Roberto Solórzano, Maintenance Anaí Torres, Receptionist Nina Tranchina Parish Office/San Jose Cathedral Foundation Julie Wind, Director of Music Tanis Zuccaro, Administrative Assistant Tel. (408) 283-8100 Fax (408) 283-8110

la tienda DE LA CATEDRAL

Recursos y regalos, artículos para las devociones, rosarios

y literatura Católica Artículos de interés

para los niños.

New Hours/Horario Nuevo (408) 275-6090 Mon/Lun: Closed/Cerrada Tue 10am—3pm Wed-Sat/Mier a Sab 9:30am-5pm Sun/Dgo 9-3, 4-5:15

Cathedral Gift shop

Unique gifts, Faith-sourced

literature, devotionals, rosaries, music,

holy cards, items of interest for children.

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Zechariah 2:14-17 or Revelation 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Judith 13:18bcde, 19; Luke 1:26-38 Tuesday: Zephaniah 3:1-2, 9-13; Ps 34:2-3, 6-7, 17- 19, 23; Matthew 21:28-32 Wednesday: Isaiah 45: 6b-8, 18, 21b-25; Ps 85:9ab, 10-14; Luke 7:18b-23 Thursday: Isaiah 54:1-10; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-12a,13b; Luke 7:24-30 Friday: Isaiah 56:1-3a, 6-8; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 7-8; John 5:33-36 Saturday: Genesis 49:2, 8-10; Ps 72:1-4ab, 7-8, 17; Matthew 1:1-17 Sunday: Isaiah 7:10-14; Ps 24:1-6; Romans 1:1-7; Matthew 1:18-24 LAS LECTURAS PARA LA SEMANA Lunes: Zacarías 2:14-17 o Apocalipsis 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab; Judit 13:18bcde, 19; Lucas 1:26-38 Martes: Sofonías 3:1-2, 9-13; Sal 34:2-3, 6-7, 17-19, 23; Mateo 21:28-32 Miércoles: Isaías 45: 6b-8, 18, 21b-25; Sal 85:9ab, 10-14; Lucas 7:18b-23 Jueves: Isaías 54:1-10; Sal 30:2, 4-6, 11-12a, 13b; Lucas 7:24-30 Viernes: Isaías 56:1-3a, 6-8; Sal 67:2-3, 5, 7-8; Juan 5:33-36 Sábado: Génesis 49:2, 8-10; Sal 72:1-4ab, 7-8, 17; Mateo 1:1-17 Domingo: Isaías 7:10-14; Sal 24:1-6; Romanos 1:1-7; Mateo 1:18-24

Dec 10 4:30PM Evangelist Wong Dec 11 8:30AM Cathedral parishioners Los feligreses de la Catedral 10:00AM Margarita Santiago Cruz 11:30AM Felicisimo Paguirigan 1:00PM Fausto Prieto Galaviz 5:30PM Carlos Alfonso Colato Dec 12 7:30AM Charles Gordon 12:05PM Lucy ZapataDec 13 7:30AM Patrick Olivolo 12:05PM Andrea Juliana LunaDec 14 7:30AM Seiei Hanashiro 12:05PM Mario Joseph Santana Dec 15 7:30AM Michael J. Smart 12:05PM Familia Garza Dec 16 7:30AM Ofelia Medina 12:05PM Lythesia San Diego

MASS INTENTIONS for the week

LAS INTENCIONES de la semana

Dec 4, 2016 Mass/Misa Collection/Colecta 4:30 PM $883.00 8:30 AM $2681.00 10:00 AM $1680.00 11:30 AM $1827.00 1:00 PM $993.00 5:30 PM $531.00 Sub-total $8535.00 Parish Pay $1282.98 Grand Total $9817.98 We need $10,500 weekly in order to meet our parish expenses. Our deficit this week was $682.02. Necesitamos $10,500 por semana para cubrir los gastos de la parroquia. El déficit de la semana fue $682.02. The Office of Social Ministry collection was... La colecta para la Oficina del Ministerio Social fue.... $2951.00. Thank you/Gracias

Today’s Second Collection Retired Religious Fund

La Segunda Colecta de Hoy Fondo para la Jubilación de Religiosos

Total $9817.98




Horario Especial para la Intérprete de Señas en Diciembre El 11 de Diciembre

En vez de la misa de la 1:00 estará a las 9:00 de la noche para

Las Mañanitas y la Misa de la Medianoche En Navidad, Domingo, 25 de Diciembre

La Misa de las 10:30am (No hay misa de 1:00)

Page 3: Cathedral Basilica of St. Joseph · Misa de las 12 de la Medianoche Mass at 12midnight Bishop Patrick J. McGrath Padre Hugo Rojas Donation Envelopes available to contribute toward


Altar Servers Needed We invite you to call our office to be connected with Fr. Michael Syjueco for de-tailed information and train-ing. This opportunity is open to baptized boys and girls who have received Holy Communion.

Ocupamos Monaguilllos Les invitamos a llamar a la oficina para conversar con el P. Michael Syjueco para más detalle e instrucción. Es una oportunidad para niños y niñas bautizados que ya han recibido la Eucaristía.

USHERS NEEDED Help make people feel at home when they come to Mass. If you would like to be a Cathedral minister of hospitality, please give us a call. We will put you in touch with Fr. Michael Syjueco for your questions and training.

NECESITAMOS ACOMODADORES Ayude a los feligreses sentirse como en casa. Si le interesa ser min-istro de la hospitalidad en la Catedral, por favor comuníquese con nosotros. El Padre Michael Syjueco le entrenará y le contestará sus preguntas.

Virgen de Guadalupe Comienza el Domingo, 11 de Diciembre por la noche Begins Sunday night, December 11th

Mañanitas (Serenade) 9:00PM Misa de las 12 de la Medianoche Mass at 12midnight Bishop Patrick J. McGrath Padre Hugo Rojas

Flower Fund Donation Envelopes

available to contribute toward

the cost of Christmas Liturgical

Environment Thank you as always for your generosity.

Flores para la Catedral

Sobres Especiales Disponibles

para contribuir hacia el costo de la

Ambientación Litúrgica Navideña

Gracias siempre por su generosidad.

New in the

Cathedral Gift Shop!

Cathedral Etched Glassware

An Exquisite Gift

¡Nuevo en

La Tiendita de la Catedral!

Vasos Estampados con la imagen de la Catedral

¡Un Exquisito Regalo!

More g ift ideas, too!

Page 4: Cathedral Basilica of St. Joseph · Misa de las 12 de la Medianoche Mass at 12midnight Bishop Patrick J. McGrath Padre Hugo Rojas Donation Envelopes available to contribute toward



Cathedral Basilica of St. Joseph Social Ministry Performance Series …A Gift from the Heart of San Jose, celebrating our 21st year

Inside our Historic Church

December 12- 23, 2016

7:30 P.M. Nightly

(Performances are FREE)

Monday Dec. 12 San Jose Jazz – All Star Big Band

Conductor, Aaron Lington

Tuesday Dec. 13 San Jose Youth Chamber Orchestra

Anthony Quartuccio, Conductor

Wednesday Dec. 14 Castillero Middle School

David Finch, Music Director

Michelle Crivello, Dance Director

Thursday Dec. 15 One Voice, When Jesus was born Jewish, Muslim Christian Community Choir

Friday Dec. 16 San Jose Youth Symphony Yair Samet, Conductor

Saturday Dec. 17 California Philharmonic Youth Orchestra

Byung Kim, Conductor

Sunday Dec. 18 San Jose State University Choraliers Dr. Jeffrey Benson, Conductor

Monday Dec. 19 San Jose Symphonic Choir Conductor, Leroy Kromm

Tuesday Dec. 20 A Musical Theater Christmas

Tony Eiras and Kevin Surace, Conductors

Wednesday Dec. 21 Opera San Jose

Thursday Dec. 22 Silicon Valley Ballet

Director Dalia Rawson

Friday Dec. 23 Harpers Hall Celtic Harps Director, Verlene Schermer

This event is a wonderful collaboration of many different artists promoting the charitable work of the Cathedral’s Office of Social

Ministry serving the homeless and vulnerable of our downtown. Fostering a spirit of hope the whole year with a free healthcare clinic

on our site, food, employment and housing referrals; please support our efforts, join us on one of the evenings and remember to be

generous with a free will offering at the end of each concert.

Page 5: Cathedral Basilica of St. Joseph · Misa de las 12 de la Medianoche Mass at 12midnight Bishop Patrick J. McGrath Padre Hugo Rojas Donation Envelopes available to contribute toward


DECEMBER 24th The Cathedral will be open at


Vigil of the Nativity of the Lord 4:30PM Mass in ENGLISH 7:30PM Mass in SPANISH

11:00PM Lessons and Carols

DECEMBER 25th Midnight Mass 12:00AM


9:00AM Mass in ENGLISH 10:30AM Mass in SPANISH

These are the only two Masses on Christmas Day.


Parish Office Closes at 12:30PM FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24th

and will open TUESDAY, DECEMBER 27th



EL 24 DE DICIEMBRE La Catedral estará abierta a las


Vigilia del Nacimiento del Señor 4:30PM Misa en INGLÉS

7:30PM Misa en ESPAÑOL 11:00PM Lecciones y Villancicos

EL 25 DE DICIEMBRE Misa de la Medianoche 12:00AM


9:00AM Misa en INGLÉS 10:30AM Misa en ESPAÑOL

Estas son las únicas dos misas en el Día de la Navidad.


La Oficina Cerrará a las 12:30PM VIERNES, 24 DE DICIEMBRE

y vuelve a abrir el MARTES, 27 DE DICIEMBRE



Page 6: Cathedral Basilica of St. Joseph · Misa de las 12 de la Medianoche Mass at 12midnight Bishop Patrick J. McGrath Padre Hugo Rojas Donation Envelopes available to contribute toward


Support Group for Families of Incarcerated Persons The Diocese of San Jose, through the Office of Restorative Justice, has formed a support group for family members of incarcerated persons. This group meets at 7:00pm on the third Tues-day of each month at the Women’s Gathering Place (First Presbyterian Church) 49 North 4th Street, San Jose 95112.

The purpose of this group is to pro-vide support, encouragement, and prayer during this difficult time.

For further information, please contact Merylee Shelton at [email protected] or at (408) 218-1928 (call or text).

Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County offers a host of services for seniors and their families. One of most popular services is our non-medical home care which maintains the independence many seniors treasure and enjoy. Our highly skilled caregivers provide a personal level of care for disabled adults and seniors with the daily tasks of life. We even basic services, up to and including 24-hour care at competitive rates. Our care-givers create a Custom-Care Plan which may include: light housekeeping, meal preparation, personal care, overnight assistance, transportation, respite care, medi-cation reminders, and companionship. For more infor-mation, please call us at (408) 831-0441.

Las Caridades Católicas del Condado de Santa Clara ofrece diversos servicios para las personas de edad avanzada y sus familias. Uno de los más populares es el cuidado personal - no médico - en el hogar que permite retener la independencia que muchas personas de edad avanzada desean. Nuestro per-sonal es altamente entrenada para dar un nivel de servicio básico, incluyendo el cuidado de las 24 horas, con un prome-dio de cuotas competitivas con otras empresas. Nuestro per-sonal diseña un Cuidado Personalizado que podrá incluir: limpieza ligera del hogar, preparación de alimentos, cuidado personal, asistencia durante la noche, transportación, releve para la familia, monitoriar los medicamentos y compañeris-mo. Para más información, favor de comunicarse al (408)

Las Caridades Católicas del Con-

dado de Santa Clara

La Sociedad America-na contra el Cancer ofrece numerosos ser-vicios gratuitos para ayudar a las personas con cancer y a sus fa-

milias a superar los obstáculos en su lucha personal para que pueden enfocarse en su cura-ción. Un reto es el de tener más choferes para transportar a las personas a sus tratamientos. Los pacientes pudieran sentirse indispuestos para manejar, no tener un vehículo o dinero para la gasolina o pagar otro servicio de transporte. Se pide choferes voluntarios dispuestos a usar sus propios vehículos. Llame al

The American Cancer So-ciety offers many free services to help people with cancer and their fami-lies overcome obstacles in their personal cancer fight so they can focus on getting well. One challenge involves transportation to and from much-needed cancer treatments. Pa-tients may be to ill to drive them-selves, may not have a car or someone to drive or may not be able to afford gas or other trans-portation. American Cancer So-ciety seeks volunteer drivers who are willing to use their own vehicles to drive patients to ap-pointments. Interested volun-

11th Annual Revs vs Sems Basketball Challenge Come cheer on the priests and seminarians in the 11th An-nual Revs vs Sems Basketball Challenge. The game will be Friday, February 3, 7PM at the Leavey Center at Santa Clara University. Tickets are $10 general and $5 stu-dent. Youth under 18 get free admission if they wear their youth group shirts or sports jerseys. All proceeds will ben-efit seminarian summer formation. Details and online tick-ets are available at

El 11o partido anual entre los sacerdotes y seminaristas Echemos porras a los sacerdotes y seminaristas en este evento favorito de todos. Será el Viernes, 3 de Febrero a las 7PM en el Leavey Center de la Universidad de Santa Clara. El costo es $10 por persona - general - y $5 alum-nos. Los jóvenes menores de los 18 años entran gratis si visten con su playera de su grupo de jóvenes o la playera deportiva escolar. Los fondos recaudados benefician la formación seminarista del verano. Detalles y boletos en línea en el

Page 7: Cathedral Basilica of St. Joseph · Misa de las 12 de la Medianoche Mass at 12midnight Bishop Patrick J. McGrath Padre Hugo Rojas Donation Envelopes available to contribute toward



SUNDAY DOMINGO English Bible Study / Estudio de Biblia en inglés 9:30-11:00AM 2ND FLOOR

Religious Education / La Educación Religiosa 9:45AM CLASSROOMS

Confirmation / Confirmación 11:30AM LOYOLA HALL

Religious Education / La Educación Religiosa 3:00-4:30PM HALL & CLASSROOMS

Virgen de Guadalupe 9:00PM CATHEDRAL

TUESDAY / MARTES Cathedral Tours / Visitas con Guía 1:00PM-3:00PM CATHEDRAL

WEDNESDAY/MIÉRCOLES AA English / AA en inglés 12:00-1:00PM LOYOLA HALL

Cathedral Tours / Visitas con Guía 1:00PM-3:00PM CATHEDRAL

English Choir / Coro en inglés 7:00PM LOYOLA HALL

Rite of Christian Initiation Class 7:00PM 2ND FLOOR

Rito de la Iniciación Cristiana 7:00PM BASEMENT

THURSDAY /JUEVES Cathedral Tours / Visitas con Guía 1:00PM-3:00PM CATHEDRAL

Children’s Choir / Coro de Niños 6:00PM LOYOLA HALL