Page 1: Catalyst What is active transport? What is passive transport? Study for your quiz. Raffle Winners


What is active transport? What is passive transport? Study for your quiz. Raffle Winners.

Page 2: Catalyst What is active transport? What is passive transport? Study for your quiz. Raffle Winners


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Unit 1 Quiz

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Page 4: Catalyst What is active transport? What is passive transport? Study for your quiz. Raffle Winners

Cellular Chemistry

Unit 2, Module 2

Page 5: Catalyst What is active transport? What is passive transport? Study for your quiz. Raffle Winners

In your Notebook

List 3 foods that are high in fat List 3 foods that are high in protein List 3 foods that are high in carbohydrates

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I. Where can I find chemicals in my body?

A. A chemical is a substance that is made up of elements/molecules and used in a chemical reaction. Chemicals made up of more than one type of element are called compounds.

B. Living things are composed of two main types of chemical compounds:

1. Inorganic: compounds that do not contain carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen. Water (made of the elements hydrogen and oxygen) is the most important inorganic compound for life:C

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I. Where can I find chemicals in my body?

i. Water is the most abundant compound in a cell (and organism). Most organisms are 60-90% water by weight

ii. Most chemical reactions occur in water because it provides an optimum environment

Ex. transport of molecules in the cell

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I. Where can I find chemicals in my body?2. Organic: compounds that DO contain carbon, oxygen,

and hydrogena. Carbohydrates (carbon, hydrogen, oxygen)

Ex. Provide energy source for respiration (glucose)b. Lipids (carbon, hydrogen, oxygen)

Ex. Insulate and protect organs in the body (fats)c. Nucleic Acids (carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen

and phosphorus)Ex. Allow traits to be passed from parent to child (DNA)

a. Proteins (carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus) Ex. Provide specifically shaped molecules that can carry other molecules (hemoglobin carries oxygen)

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Why Wednesday?????

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I. Where can I find chemicals in my body?

C. Scientists can test for the presence of the different chemicals, such as

carbohydrates, using indicators. For example, iodine changes to a blue-black color in the

presence of starches.

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D. The six essential elements (CHNOPS) are essential to life because they help maintain homeostasis.

1. The elements make up essential organic and inorganic compounds. Each type of molecule performs specific jobs in organisms (see examples above).

I. Where can I find chemicals in my body?

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pH Scale-Acid: form H+ ions in a solution

pH range 0-6.9Base: Form OH- ions in a solution

pH range 8-14

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b. Hydrogen is also donated or accepted by weak acid-base pairs to regulate the pH of a system like cells and blood. These weak acid-base pairs are called buffers. i. When a cell’s pH drops (becomes more acidic), the buffers in

the cell “accept” the hydrogen ions which reverses the pH change

ii. When a cell’s pH rises (becomes more basic), the buffers in the cell “donate” hydrogen ions

iii. In a cell, acid is being produced as the cell respires. To maintain the pH, a cell must use buffers to counteract the acid

iv. Different cells or areas of the organism need different pH levels to perform. Buffers help keep that pH level constant

I. Where can I find chemicals in my body?

Page 14: Catalyst What is active transport? What is passive transport? Study for your quiz. Raffle Winners

Buffers Regulate pHNot enough hydrogen? Here’s another H atom!

Buffers can donate hydrogen

Too much hydrogen? I’ll hold a hydrogen atom!

Buffers can accept hydrogen.

Ahhhhh – just the right pH!

These are examples of artificial “buffers” we use

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Your Turn

Complete the boxes on the sides of your notes on pages 11 and 12.

Then complete the check yourself on page 13.

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II. How does synthesis provide important organic macromolecules using six essential elements?

A. Carbohydrates1. Monosaccharides are organic compounds made of

carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in a 1:2:1 ratio. Many monosaccharides bond together forming a larger compound chain called a carbohydrate.

a. In plants the monosaccharide called glucose (C6H12O6) bonds with other glucose molecules again and again to form starch or cellulose. The plant can use starch as food (like the “white” or a potato) and cellulose to build the stem and leaves.

b. In animals excess glucose bond together to form a compound (similar to starch) called glycogen which is used for short-term energy storage. Glycogen is found in the liver and muscles.

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Glucose - monosaccharide -simple sugar

Sucrose – disaccharide – table sugar

Starch – polysaccharide - corn

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Test: Use Benedict's reagent, a solution made of copper sulfate and sodium hydroxide to test for simple sugars (glucose) Remember: Ben likes sugar

Use iodine solution to test for starches Remember: Idaho potatoes 

Function: to store and release quick energy (but if not used, these are stored as fat)

Page 22: Catalyst What is active transport? What is passive transport? Study for your quiz. Raffle Winners

2. Functions of carbohydrates a. Energy is released when carbohydrates are

digested. This is because glucose is used for cellular respiration.

i. Monosaccharides (simple sugars) provide an immediate energy source

ii. Starch and glycogen are considered short term energy sources because these chemicals can be broken down over a period of minutes, hours or days to provide glucose for energy.

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b. Some carbohydrates are very stable and can be used for structure and support in the cell and body (cellulose in the cell wall of plant cells).

c. Carbohydrate chains on the surface of cell membranes are used as identifiers (like name tags).

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Typically, they end in…


Example: glucOSE, fructOSE, lactOSE

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Lipids What happens to the carbohydrates not used as energy?

They become FATS or LIPIDS! only called fats, oils, and waxes Composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen

in a NON SPECIFIC ratio (Example: C21H17O43)

Structure: Mostly carbon and hydrogen, some oxygen molecules

They are generally hydro–phobic in water! Think of pouring oil into water- do they mix?

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How does synthesis provide important organic macromolecules using six essential elements?B. Lipids

1. There are several types of lipids, but all contain subunits of glycerol and fatty acids made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. It is different from a carbohydrate because of the ratio and because the smaller units do not link together to form a chemical chain

a. Fats can be saturated (usually solid at room temperature) or unsaturated (usually liquid).

b. Phospholipids also contain a phosphate group and make up most of the cell membrane.

c. Steroids are lipid rings and help regulate the organism through cell communication (act as hormones)

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Monomer glycerol and 3 fatty acids

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Test is the brown paper bag test.


Test: Use the brown paper bag.

fatty acid

fatty acid

fatty acid


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2. Functions of lipids

a. Because of the numerous bonds and the way the body stores lipids, they can be used as very long-term (weeks, months) energy sources.

a. Quick energy (twice as much as carbs)

Ex. Bears accumulate a layer of fat before winter

(when food will be less available)

b. Fats stored in the body act as insulation and protection for internal organs.

c. Some hormones are composed of lipids (steroids)

d. Part of the cell membrane. 2. What is the other name for the cell


Page 30: Catalyst What is active transport? What is passive transport? Study for your quiz. Raffle Winners

Check Yourself

Complete the check yourself on page 15 Then fill in the boxes on the side. You have 1 minute 30 seconds

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II. How does synthesis provide important organic macromolecules using six essential elements?

A. Nucleic Acids1. Nucleotides are compounds made up of carbon,

hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and phosphorus. Many nucleotides bond together to make up a long chain called a nucleic acid. There are two basic types of nucleic acids:1. DNA is a double chain of nucleotides found in

all living cells.2. RNA is a single chain of nucleotides that

provides the structures needed for the cell to make proteins.

Page 32: Catalyst What is active transport? What is passive transport? Study for your quiz. Raffle Winners

2. Functions of nucleic acidsa. DNA makes up the genes. Genes are

used to pass traits from parent to offspring. Genes determine traits.

b. DNA controls cellular activities by controlling the production of proteins in response to hormones and other cellular signals.

c. RNA is used in the production of proteins.

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Carbs Lipids

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Structure: Contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen!

Monomer amino acids Polymer polypeptide

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muscle fingernails, clawsskinhair antibodiesenzymes

example: pepsin, catylase

hormones example: insulin

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II. How does synthesis provide important organic macromolecules using six essential elements?

D. Proteins1. All six essential elements may be used in the production

of small subunits called amino acids. There are 20 different amino acids, each with a specific side chain of chemicals. Amino acids bond to other amino acids to form a long chain called a protein. These chains of amino acids fold into a particular shape. The shape of a protein will determine its function. If a protein denatures (loses its shape) it can no longer function.1. Hemoglobin is a protein shaped to hold oxygen for

transport through the bloodstream.2. A group of proteins called enzymes are shaped to fit

and react with specific molecules.

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Proteins can twist and fold intomillions of shapes, and form fourdifferent levels of organization:

Primary: Sequence of amino acids in a chain

Secondary: Folding and twisting of amino acids into a pleated sheet.

Tertiary: Folding of the ________ chain into sheets

Quaternary: 2 or more ________ folded together

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2. Functions of proteinsa. Some proteins, called pigments, absorb

and reflect light. They also create color by reflecting light.

Ex. Chlorophyll absorbs light to gather energy for photosynthesis, and reflects the color green

2. Some proteins are constructed by cells to bind with and inactivate foreign particles in the body. These are called antibodies.

3. Proteins may form structures in an organism – such as keratin (a protein) in hair and nails.

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Unfolding a protein destroys its shapewrong shape = can’t do its jobunfolding proteins = “denature”

temperature pH (acidity)

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d. Some proteins are used for transport through the cell membrane or in the bloodstream (ex. hemoglobin)

e. Some proteins are used for communication between cells. These may be hormones (insulin) or neurotransmitters. Insulin is secreted by the pancreas and is required by the cells of the body in order for them to remove and use glucose from the blood. Insulin can be used to treat diabetes.

f. Enzymes (a special class of protein) act to speed up chemical reactions.

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For the next 2 daysRecord 10 of the foods you eat and what your

meal was composed of.List the food and next to it record what

molecules are present in each food. This will be due on Wednesday, 9/12/12.

Sign up for A poll will go out tonight for class pet.

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III. Why are enzymes necessary for life?

A. Enzymes help maintain homeostasis1. Metabolism (chemical reactions) requires certain

conditions to occur. Enzymes regulate metabolism, allowing life to continue. Enzymes speed up reactions, making an enzyme a biological catalyst.

2. Metabolism (each reaction) has a small range of temperature and pH at which it can proceed. Each reaction also needs some energy to begin. This is called activation energy. Enzymes allow reactions to occur at lower activation energy (body temperature).

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Graph of a reaction with and without an enzyme

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B. The structure of an enzyme determines its function

1. Enzymes are usually proteins. Proteins have a definite 3-D structure based on how the amino acid chains fold.1. On the enzyme, there is a place where the target

molecule can attach. This place is called the active site. The target molecule/chemical is the substrate.

2. If the enzyme’s active site changes shape too much, the substrate will not fit. An enzyme may change shape if it is denatured by a change in temperature, pH, or salinity. This means the enzyme will not be able to speed up the reaction.

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2. Enzymes mediate (help) chemical reactions using a specific chemical pathway (series of steps).a. The enzyme collides with the substrate.b. The enzyme and substrate fit together at the

active site like a lock and key. c. The enzyme changes the substrate in some way

i. It may help break the substrate apart by stressing bonds.

ii. It may hold two (or more) substrates together closely so the two parts interact.

d. The enzyme and the substrate (now product) separate.

Mr. Wanamaker's Enzyme Animations

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Enzyme-Mediated Pathway

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C. Enzymes have distinguishing characteristics

1. Enzymes are specific. This means enzymes will catalyze only one specific reaction because only certain substrates fit due to the shape of the active site.

2. Enzymes are reusable. Notice in the diagram above that the enzyme did not change shape or split. This means it can now fit with another substrate or set of substrates and repeat its role in speeding up the reaction.Reversible Enzyme Reactions Animation
