Page 1: Catalog - chocofactory · Veganism is a primarily ethically justified attitude and lifestyle, which rejects the use of animals and animal products no ani-mal products or milk are


Page 2: Catalog - chocofactory · Veganism is a primarily ethically justified attitude and lifestyle, which rejects the use of animals and animal products no ani-mal products or milk are


chocofactoryAltsagenstrasse 5CH-6048 HorwTel +41 41 555 40 00Fax +41 41 555 40 19

order [email protected]

Page 3: Catalog - chocofactory · Veganism is a primarily ethically justified attitude and lifestyle, which rejects the use of animals and animal products no ani-mal products or milk are



about ChoCofaCtoryabout chocofactory ........................................................................................................................ 4 labels ............................................................................................................................................................... 5 partner .......................................................................................................................................................... 6

ProduCtspure luxury .............................................................................................................................................. 8our bestsellers .................................................................................................................................... 14with coffee ............................................................................................................................................ 22my Switzerland ................................................................................................................................. 26go vegan ................................................................................................................................................. 30for connoisseurs .............................................................................................................................. 34small price big delight .............................................................................................................. 40annual events ..................................................................................................................................... 46

generalterms and conditions ............................................................................................................... 50VAT determination ........................................................................................................................ 54impressum .............................................................................................................................................. 55

Page 4: Catalog - chocofactory · Veganism is a primarily ethically justified attitude and lifestyle, which rejects the use of animals and animal products no ani-mal products or milk are


AbouT CHoCoFACTory

highest Pleasures & qualityChocofactory is a commercial practice company that is by order of SeCo (State Secretariat for economic Affairs) and WIRA (department of economy and employment of the canton of Lucerne) offering practical training and internship programs for unemployed commercial professionals. Since September 2017 choco-factory offers training and reintergration for person from disability insurances and social services.

As a practice company we deal in a worldwide practice enterprise network with over 7‘500 prac-tice companies in over 40 countries and approx. 65 enterprises in Switzerland. even though our trad-ing of products and services is on a training base, all our business procedures are being executed as per real business practice and standards. That means that all the business procedures are accord-ing to SMes, identical and with modern business principles. This way we promote on a daily working schedules the decisive, professional skills. Through integrated further education (professional- and personality development) job seekers can gain additional or new knowledge and practice for the job market. An intensive application coaching and

training is supporting job seeking and provides a fast and enduring reintegration in the job mar-ket. Founding body and organizing institute of the practice firm chocofactory is Stiftung Arbeitsge-staltung in uster, Zurich. Helvartis monitors and controls as a mandate from SeCo all the practice companies in Switzerland. chocofactory is part of the european Pen International worldwide trad-ing net that allows us to trade within the global network of practice enterprises.

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bioorganic production is an attitude. only farms that follow the guide-lines in full, may adorn themselves

with the bud. Strict controls are the foundation of seamless bud warranty. Production, raw materi-als, formulations, processing, transportation and storage must comply with the bud guidelines. bio farms are regularly checked by independent ins-pection and certification bodies. 100% organically grown. raw materials are obtained from organic farming. organic products are non-ionizing irra-diation, and also contain less food additives other than conventional food

utZuTZ is a program and seal of quality for sustainable cultivation. The term “uTZ” comes from the Mayan language and

means “good”. Sustainable farming helps farmers, workers and their families to achieve their goals, while contributing to protecting our natural re-sources now and in the future.

fairtradeFairtrade strengthens small farmers and plantation workers in developing and emerging countries, so that they can

sustainably improve their living conditions on their own. Central instruments are fair terms of Trade, strong producer organizations, price stability, pre-miums, sustainable farming and local support. The decision for Fairtrade products enables consumers to afford an important development policy. All our Fairtrade chocolates are purchased from selected suppliers.

VeganVeganism is a primarily ethically justified attitude and lifestyle, which rejects the use of animals and animal products no ani-

mal products or milk are consumed. These ingredi-ents are replaced with high quality natural products which are expensive and time-consuming.The ve-gan Chocolate contains rice milk, raw sugar, Cocoa mass, Cocoa butter, Water, Vanila or other flavours.

Page 6: Catalog - chocofactory · Veganism is a primarily ethically justified attitude and lifestyle, which rejects the use of animals and animal products no ani-mal products or milk are


PArTnerA big thank you goes to our three partners Aeschbach Chocolatier AG, Chocolat Schö-nenberger AG and Hug AG for their active support that we received during the creation of our catalogue and company visits. Thanks to the provision of generous photographic materials, product idea and information, they have made a significant contribution to the creation of this new catalogue. Further we receive from our partners kindly support for our yearly stand at the SwissMeet exhibiton, marketing activities and events. We are looking forward to further joint cooperation in the years to come.

hug agcodial, entrepreneurial and conscientious

Master baker Joseph Hug-Meyer invented the Swiss zwieback as long ago as 1877 in Lucerne. In the evenings, he cut the unsold bread into slices and toasted them overnight in the hot oven. The twice-baked bread became zwieback. Thus, Joseph Hug-Meyer laid the foundation stone for the HuG success story. Since then lots of other pastries such as «Läckerli», «ringli», dar-Vida crackers, gastronomy pastries, frozen snacks and “bricelets” cookies have been created to the assortment. In 2008 the takeover of Wernli AG from Trimbach allowed the company to complement the cookies and pastries with chocolate biscuits, cones etc.

The HuG family is situated in the heart of Switzerland with its three production sites in Malters, Willisau and Trimbach. The recipe for quality and the delicious taste of the products goes along with the employees who work for the company.

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ChoColat sChönenberger agfine swiss chocolate, Qualitätsversprechen, das verpflichtet

They still exist: Manufactories, which create special Swiss chocolate with traditional hand-work! That’s where lays the secret, of which Switzerland is being regarded the «chocolate country» Pioneering spirit, innovation, quality, sustainability and reliability play a huge role. Chocolate Schönenberger does everything to hold these traditions high and to take care of the worldwide reputation Switzerland being the producing country of finest chocolate.ProMoTIonAL GIFT CHoCoLATe IS CuSToMIZed CHoCoLATeThey develop out of your individual needs your own product with your brand or logo, support you with marketing and the design of your packaging, print those for you and store it if you wish so. If you need post production, order your product comfortable in the quantity you wish and they will produce it freshly for you.

aesChbaCh ChoColatier ag one CoMPany, one faMily, one brand

Aeschbach Chocolatier has created high-quality chocolate and confectionery specialities since 1972. own-brand original recipes, selected natural ingredients, loving handicraft and fresh products daily, are the secret of their success. Their headquarters in root / Lu-cerne has the distinction of being energy-efficient. They cool the building with ground-water and use the industrial waste heat of the air-conditioning for heating purposes. Their newly constructed building includes a modern manufacturing plant, a ChocoCafé, a ChocoShop and our new Chocodromo - a world of experience for companies, tour-ists and chocolate lovers.From the heart of Switzerland they deliver individual chocolate creations and sweet promotion gifts to corporate and business clients as well as whole-sale customers. They take pleasure to serve their private clients in four shops or at the online shop.

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Page 9: Catalog - chocofactory · Veganism is a primarily ethically justified attitude and lifestyle, which rejects the use of animals and animal products no ani-mal products or milk are


CHoCoLATewith ChaMPagnea bottle of champagne, high quality chocolat, home made chocolat and Grand Cru balls

1 box of 2.8 kg CHF 430.– Item No CFL18040 / excl. 7.7 % VAT

PrALIneSwith Canton eMbleMpralines in a different way! Milk chocolate pralines with canton emblem of your choice

1 box of 250 g CHF 72.– Item No CFL18041 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

Page 10: Catalog - chocofactory · Veganism is a primarily ethically justified attitude and lifestyle, which rejects the use of animals and animal products no ani-mal products or milk are


CréATIon CArréeassortedcarrée creation assorted with tonka, nougat, criollo, orange chili and caramel with sea-salt filling

5 x 6 boxes of 120 g CHF 129.– Item No CFL18101 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

HeArTHyCHoCoLATe-seduCtiona lovely compiled selection of traditional handcraft-ed pralines and truffles will melt you down

5 x 9 boxes of 220 g CHF 149.– Item No CFL18102 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

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LIqueur-CHoCoLATeindulgenCe PaCkageindulgence package with cognac grapes, champagne and old pulteney with wishky truffles

3 Boxes of 12 each CHF 129.– Item No CFL18100 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

My SWISSCHoCoLATe-Make ChoColate yourselfour chocolate, your creation – you create your own package and give it as a gift to your customers or employees with logo and own text message

40 bars of 100 g CHF 695.– Item No CFL18610 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

Page 12: Catalog - chocofactory · Veganism is a primarily ethically justified attitude and lifestyle, which rejects the use of animals and animal products no ani-mal products or milk are


FIbeLPralines & trufflesa delicious variation of mixed chocolates in a unique package.

1 box of 500 g CHF 115.–Item No CFL18004 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

TrAVeL ATLASwith ChoColate delightelegant travel atlas filled with the finest chocolate bars, pralines and truffles

1 book of 600 g CHF 189.–Item No CFL18176 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

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did you know that…… Switzerland exports around 115’000 tonnes of chocolate products, with the largest part

remaining in europe?

… chocolate at 33 °C melts, the only edible substance with a melting point lower than human body temperature?

… in South America in the 16th century, cocoa beans were a recognized means of payment?


You have a bigger project or occasion and therefore a greater need for chocolate or other delicacies? We offer you a whole pallet of selected, exquisite goods for large celebrations, customer gifts, etc.We deliver your order as whole one-way pallet for a special price to you.

chocofactoryaltsagenstrasseCH-6048 Horwtel +41 41 555 40 00fax +41 41 555 40 [email protected]

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Page 15: Catalog - chocofactory · Veganism is a primarily ethically justified attitude and lifestyle, which rejects the use of animals and animal products no ani-mal products or milk are


HoT-AIrbALLoon rIdedroP the ChoColateHot-air balloon ride with chocolate bag dropping, a unique experience for all! Surprise your guests on occasions such as weddings, birthday parties or company events.

For detailed description see page 49

Duration of the balloon ride 2 hours / Maximum 6 guests CHF 2 490.– Item No CFL18136 / excl. 7.7 % VAT

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MonTeLLoxxl-box of ChoColates100 pralines and truffles with different noble fillings

1 box of 1050 g CHF 294.–Item No CFL18171 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

CHoCoLATe SAFeassortedthe chocolate Safe includes chocolate gold bars and coins

1 piece of 4 kg incl. safe CHF 2 040.– Item No CFL18520 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

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PrALIneSColleCtiona variety of incredible traditional pralines from the best ingredients in beautiful packaging

3 x 9 boxes of 105 g CHF 95.–Item No CFL18131 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

TruFFLeSColleCtiona selection of affectionately composed traditional truffles in beautiful packaging

3 x 9 boxes of 105 g CHF 92.– Item No CFL18130 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

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GrAnd Crudark ChoColatethe extra fine grand cru chocolate 50 % cocoa opens the door to the fascinating experience

5 packs of 2 x 50 g bars CHF 81.–Item No CFL18070 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

CHoCoLATe-Fonduewith Caquelonthe best tender melting dark chocolate in an original can packed with a beautiful fondue pot (caquelon)

5 cans of 100 g incl. caquelon CHF 97.– Item No CFL18044 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

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SMArAGdPaCkagemineral water in a swarovski crystals decorated bottle, combined with chocolates and truffles and a bottle of champagne.

1 box of 2.5 kg CHF 615.–Item No CFL18020 / excl. 7.7 % VAT

GoLd bArwith ChoCo Pleasurethe milk chocolate - gold bar, another addiction to your happy palate

1 bag of 5 kg CHF 280.–Item No CFL18250 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

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TruFFLeSorganiC Vegan ChaMPagneorganic dark truffles with rice milk and champagne filling

1 bag of 105 g CHF 44.–Item No CFL18160 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

CHoCo To-GoChoColate sPeCialitysuitcase with various coffee-chocolate specialties

1 suitcase of 300 g CHF 89.–Item No CFL18140s / excl. 2.5 % VAT

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orGAnIC TruFFLeSChaMPagnechampagne truffles with dark chocolate

10 boxes of 105 g CHF 197.–Item No CFL18072 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

did you know that…… cocoa trees can be up to 200 years old?

… the two largest cocoa producing countries (Ivory Coast and Ghana) cover around 60 % of global cocoa demand?

… the current football world champion Germany is also top in per capita consumption (just before Switzerland)?

… 5 to 6 million small farmers worldwide, who produce more than 85 % of the cocoa fruits, live on cocoa cultivation?

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Page 23: Catalog - chocofactory · Veganism is a primarily ethically justified attitude and lifestyle, which rejects the use of animals and animal products no ani-mal products or milk are


HuG PACkAGeassortedHuG cookie package assorted with:3x nut stalks3x crispy blend3x original Willisau cookie circles

9 packs of 150 g CHF 49.–Item No CFL18501 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

HuG PACkAGeassortedHuG cookie package assorted with:3x nut hearts3x original Willisau chocolate cookie circle3x almonds

9 packs of 150 g CHF 49.–Item No CFL18502 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

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WeRNLI pACkAGeassortedWernli cookie package assorted with:4x Chocoly4x Japonais4x Chocobelle cookies

12 boxes of 180 g CHF 63.– Item No CFL18503 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

WeRNLI pACkAGeassortedWernli cookie package assorted with:4x butter hearts4x Chocofin4x Choco butter cookies

12 boxes of 180 g CHF 63.– Item No CFL18504 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

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WeRNLIPetit aMourcookie speciality with prime chocolate

5 boxes of 155 g CHF 25.–Item No CFL18506 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

HuGMeringuesHuG sweet meringues 12 cm dessert with an extra portion of meringues

3 packs of 120 g CHF 15.– Item No CFL18507 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

pallet «Wernli package»consisting of 30 boxes each: Chocoly, Japonais, Chocobelle, Butter hearts, Chocofin and Choco petit beurre

180 boxes of 180 g instead of CHF 945.– just CHF 800.–Item No CFL18990 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

Shipping on one-way pallet

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Page 27: Catalog - chocofactory · Veganism is a primarily ethically justified attitude and lifestyle, which rejects the use of animals and animal products no ani-mal products or milk are


kIRSCh/WILLIAMSSTALkSwith egg CognaCSwiss liqueur stalks Williams and kirsch (cherry) with egg cognac in a decorative wooden box

1 box of 950 g CHF 75.– Item No CFL18201 / excl. 7.7 % VAT

enGeLberGassorted naPolitainsassorted mini Swiss chocolate with Titlis mountain retro design

3 x 15 boxes of 180 g CHF 56.– Item No CFL18202 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

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PILATuSassorted naPolitainsmade from the finest Swiss chocolate

3 x 12 boxes of 160 g CHF 50.– Item No CFL18203 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

WeRNLI MINIChoCo Petit beurre au laitsmall biscuits with Swiss milk chocolate

5 box of 250 g CHF 25.– Item No CFL18204 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

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ALPIne CAn SILVerwith ChoColate deluxea beautiful can of fine milk chocolate

1 can of 300 g CHF 59.– Item No CFL18205 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

SennenCHäPPItriColoretender seduction of milk and dark chocolate in form of a traditional Sennechäppi

5 boxes of 250 g CHF 115.– Item No CFL18066 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

MATTerHörnLIChoColate sPeCialtydelicate Matterhörnli from Swiss milk chocolate in form of a Matterhorn with soft melting gianduja and caramel

5 boxes of 105 g CHF 128.–Item No CFL18045 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

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Page 31: Catalog - chocofactory · Veganism is a primarily ethically justified attitude and lifestyle, which rejects the use of animals and animal products no ani-mal products or milk are


dArk CHoCoLATewith ginsengfinest vegan dark chocolate, 54 % cocoa, rice milk and ginseng flavored

10 bars of 100 g CHF 98.–Item No CFL18172 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

CHoCoLATe bArwith Mango-Chilivegan bittersweet choclate with mango and spicy chili

10 cartons of 3 x 28 g CHF 130.–Item No CFL18099 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

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FreSH CHoCoLATewith Cranberryvegan dark chocolate with 15 % cranberry and rice milk

20 packs of 105 g CHF 179.– Item No CFL18075 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

MILk CHoCoLATewith haZelnutorganic chocolate with 41 % cocoa, hazelnuts and rice milk vegan

10 packs of 105 g CHF 94.–Item No CFL18164 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

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dArk CHoCoLATewith Citrus-CrisP70 % organic cocoa, rice milk, orange and lemon crisps / fairtrade / vegan

5 packs of 2 x 50 g bars CHF 96.–Item No CFL18161 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

did you know that…… in the early 19th century chocolate was sold in pharmacies as a tonic?

… for animals, especially dogs and cats, chocolate can be dangerous for life? They lack an enzyme that causes the metabolite theobrimine to break down.

Pallet «dark vegan chocolate»500 bars of dark chocolate made of rice milk, ginseng and organic cacao

500 bars of 100 g instead of CHF 4 900.– just CHF 4 000.–Item No CFL18991 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

Shipping on one-way pallet

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Page 35: Catalog - chocofactory · Veganism is a primarily ethically justified attitude and lifestyle, which rejects the use of animals and animal products no ani-mal products or milk are


ZuGer CASkeTsweet Presentgift box with 12 pc. Zug cherry blossom choco-late and etter cherry liqueur

1 pack of 2.5 kg CHF 396.–Item No CFL18140 z/ excl. 7.7 % VAT

CoLLeCTIonConnaisseur9 different pralines, created with love and care by the best chocolatiers

3 x 9 boxes of 105 g CHF 99.– Item No CFL18132 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

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TruFFLeSassorted with looP12 truffles of 4 varieties with a seasonal gift ribbon

12 packs of 105 g CHF 37.– Item No CFL18133 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

nobLeChoColate seleCtiona variety of Aeschbach pralines and truffles, in el-egant seasonal packaging

12 boxes of 180 g CHF 68.– Item No CFL18134 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

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orGAnIC-FAIrTrAde-TruFFLeSesPressoespresso truffles with dark chocolate

10 packs of 105 g CHF 140.– Item No CFL18071 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

FreSH CreAMTruFFLeSMoChadark truffles with fresh cream and mocha filling

1 pack of 200 g CHF 58.– Item No CFL18142 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

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WhoLe MILkCHoCoLATewith esPressothe best whole milk chocolate with espresso filling

1 pack with 10 bars of 100 g CHF 86.– Item No CFL18014 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

MoCHA-TruFFLeSwith Coffeedelicate truffles with coffee filling

1 pack of 300 g CHF 55.– Item No CFL18141 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

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SPeedy-CHoCoLATe CAkeingredients PreParation 200 grams of dark chocolate (with 70 % cocoa) CFL 18070 200 grams of butter

break the chocolate into pieces and melt with the butter over the hot water bath.

200 grams of sugar 200 grams of ground almonds ½ pack of baking powder 1 pack of vanilla sugar 1 pinch of salt 4 eggs 3 tablespoons of flour (possibly)

Add the sugar, almonds, baking pow-der, vanilla sugar, salt and finally the eggs. If the dough is very liquid, stir in another 2 to 3 tablespoons of flour.

place the chocolate dough in a springform pan (26 cm Ø) lined with baking paper and bake the chocolate cake in a preheated oven at 160 degrees, convection 140 degrees, gas stage 2 for about 40 minutes, allow to cool; after cool-ing, the chocolate cake should still be slightly sticky.

1 tablespoon powdered sugar Cut 1.5 cm wide strips from paper, place them on top of the chocolatge cake and dust with powdered sugar. Carefully remove the paper strip.

did you know that…… the smell of chocolate raises the theta brain waves that lead to relaxation?

… chocolate is used in many beatuy products because it moisturizes the skin, making it supple and preventing premature wrinkling.

… in addition, endorphines are released through the consumption of chocolate, which requires enjoyment and well-being.

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Page 41: Catalog - chocofactory · Veganism is a primarily ethically justified attitude and lifestyle, which rejects the use of animals and animal products no ani-mal products or milk are


Why NuT?ChoColate dreaMWhy nut! Choco crisps with prime Swiss milk choco-late with cranberry and almond chip

each 3 x of 150 g CHF 45.– Item No CFL18170 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

Why NuT?ChoColate dreaMWhy nut! Choco crisps with prime Swiss milk choc-olate with pistachio and hazelnut

each 3 x of 150 g CHF 45.– Item No CFL18165 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

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dArVIdA PACkAGesandwiChe & extra finCrispy crackers with creamy cream cheese and herbal filling. Crackers with thyme herbs and sea-salt.

2 x 5 packs of 44 g CHF 17.– Item No CFL18167 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

dArVIdA PACkAGesPeltspelt cracker without wheat - a fruity treat with cran-berries and refreshing apple flavour and crakcers with chocolate coating

2 x 5 packs of 44 g CHF 17.– Item No CFL18168 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

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SurPrISeboxwith ChoColate and bisCuitssurprise box with exquisite chocolate and cookie variation

gift pack of 5 kg CHF 395.– Item No CFL18162 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

CHoCoLATe-deLIGHTChoColate wisdoMmilk chocolate bar with lyrics of wisdom for pleasure

4 bars of 100 g CHF 20.– Item No CFL18166 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

Pallet «Surprisebox»10 boxes of 5 kg instead of CHF 3 950.– just CHF 3 600.–

Item No CFL18992 / excl. 2.5 % VATShipping on one-way pallet

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orGAnIC-FAIrTrAdeCHoCoLATewith haZelnutorganic fairtrade bar filled with rice milk and hazelnut

3 bars of 28 g CHF 13.– Item No CFL18074 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

SMALL SeduCTIonfor dessert12 pralines as a mini-dessert for coffee or snack

12 boxes of 150 g CHF 40.– Item No CFL18135 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

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CHoCoGreeTSChoColate greetingschocolate greetings with foto on chocolate - for enduring memories, easy with app

1 bar of 100 g CHF 11.– Item No CFL18169 / excl. 2.5 % VAT

A SMALL GIFT WITh GReAT eFFeCTChoCogreets – surPrising and thrilling

«Greetings with lasting memories» Are you looking for a giveaway of a special kind? Then our chocogreets are just the thing for you. The recipient will

receive your message, including a sweet surprise, to your home

Thats how it works

Download app ioS Android

quick start guide delicious chocolatebeautiful photoyour greeting

Choose your choco-late white, milk, dark50 g or 100 g

Upload a photo choose picture take a photochoose template

Greetings write latter steps receiverpayment method Let's go!

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Page 47: Catalog - chocofactory · Veganism is a primarily ethically justified attitude and lifestyle, which rejects the use of animals and animal products no ani-mal products or milk are


kRäuTeRhexLIWeGliZi wirZweliLet you and your children being bewitched by the herb witch Lizi on a theme hike. Pack-age incl. travel, train and cable car eggwald-Gummenalp. you start your hike at the witch trail on 1559 hm. The path leads you through mystic forest and lush grassland to a bewitched adventure. Fire places are available among the path. your children will be received with a surprise (witch Lili chocolate form and mystery puzzle).

1 adult 1 childCHF 55.– CHF 30.–Item No CFL18002 / excl. 7.7 % VAT Item No CFL18005 / excl. 7.7 % VAT

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ALPenrALLyethe best of Central switZerland alP rallye titlis - Pilatusroad trip through the alps to the two most beautiful peaks of Central Switzerland in one day! Package per person: public transport day ticket, cable car, snack box with chocolate specialities. you do the trip by yourself at your own pace. Tour information will be handed out to you. Crowning the day’s event, you will be visiting the Chocodrom at Aeschbach Chocolatier and create your own chocolate.

tour stops: Luzern – engelberg – Titlis – engelberg – Stansstad (boat transfer) – Alpnachstad – pilatus – kriens – Luzern – root – Luzern

Included in the price: 2nd class ticket (train, bus, boat, mountain railways and cable cars, tourcard travel documents, travel infor-mation, 10 % consumption voucher for the mountain restaurants pilatus and Titlis), snack box, Chocodrom entrance.

not included: food and drink

1 adult CHF 250.–Item No CFL18003 / excl. 7.7 % VAT

Kein Element zur Auswahl

© Daten:swisstopo,

5 km


Pilatus stansstaad






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dISneyLAnd® ParisFun and chocolate weekend for children and adults for two days to disneyland® paris. you take a culinary journey, meet the Disney char-acters and you will be producing your own chocolate.

Included in the price: Accomodation, breakfast, travel and admission

2 adults + 2 children (until 14 years) CHF 1 780.– Item No CFL18001 / excl. 7.7 % VAT

HoT-AIrbALLoon rIdedesCriPtionHot-air balloon ride with chocolate bag dropping, a unique experience for all! Surprise your guests on occasions such as weddings, birthday parties or company events. enjoy an aperitif high above the clouds and surprise your main guest (for example, a birthday boy, a jubilee, a wedding couple) with a fibula box with personal engraving (value ChF 115.–). Shortly before landing, you can personally drop 20 money sacks of 35 chocolate coins per mini parachute (value ChF 380.–) above the heads of your waiting guests.

Duration of the balloon ride 2 hours / Maximum 6 guests CHF 2 490.– Item No CFL18136 / excl. 7.7 % VAT

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TerMSAnd CondITIonS

1. general

business conditions and deliveries are made ex-clusively on the present terms and conditions, which are all on the basis of our offers from our current and valid catalog or our internet shop «».

The following conditions contrary or deviating terms are not applicable if they do not follow our provisions. The following terms and conditions shall also apply exclusively even we are aware of conflicting or deviating terms and conditions of delivery and services implicit fulfilled. If deadlines are being settled as working days, all working days are meant except Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.

2. PriCe

All prices in offers and price lists of the chocofac-tory are net in ChF, excl. VAT. 2.5 % or 7.7 % and without transportation costs. Transportation costs are based on cost and weight. The chocofactory reserves the right to change prices at any time.

delivery terms: Valid for customers from Switzer-land and abroad: exW. The transport documents will be issued as CpT (freight paid) as we will bill you for freight costs. Transportation and customs costs are at the expenses of the buyer. (delivery terms: exW)

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3. PayMent Conditions for swiss CustoMers

The invoice is issued with the delivery to the cus-tomer and must be paid within 30 days net / 20 days 2 % trade discount. For order volumes of CHF 501.- up to CHF 1‘000.- the chocofactory grants a discount of 2 %, from ChF1‘001.- a dis-count of 5 % on the product price. The discounts to wholesalers or resellers will be negotiated sep-arately with the chocofactory.

Minimum order is CHF 50.- (for orders below CHF 50.- a processing fee will be charged until the amount of ChF 50.- is reached)

3.1 PayMent Conditions for foreign CustoMers

The invoice is issued with the delivery to the cus-tomer and must be paid within 45 days net / 30 days with 2 % trade discount. For order volumes of CHF 501.- up to CHF 1‘000.- the chocofactory grants a discount of 2 %, from ChF1‘001 a dis-count of 5 % on the product price.

Minimum order is CHF 50.- (for orders below CHF 50.- a processing fee will be charged until the amount of ChF 50.- is reached)

4. deliVery tiMe

The delivery term is 12 days receipt of order at the chocofactory. If goods are on stock, delivery will be car-ried out immediately. With a possible delay in delivery, the clients will be informed and a new delivery date will be announced. The purchaser is not entitled to revoke the order or to claim damages. A order annulation will be accepted and is only valid in writing and by mutual agreement.

5. deliVery obligation

Precondition for the delivery obligation is the solvency of the purchaser. The chocofactory is under no obligation to execute the delivery, even after order confirmation has been issued, if sub-sequently should prove the solvency of the pur-chaser as doubtful. The contractual rights of the purchaser shall not be transferred to third party. The object of delivery remains our property until the fulfillment of all liabilities of the buyer arising from the delivery contract.

6. orders on deMand

orders on demand must contain a time indication. This order will only be valid if the desired date has been confirmed by the chocofactory.

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7. CoMplAInTs / returns

only products from the catalog or from promo-tions of chocofactory, in brand-new condition and with prior written (e-Mail, letter or fax) agreement may be returned within 14 days. The goods must be returned to us immediately. Any complaints re-garding quality and completeness must immedi-ately be notified at the latest within 24 hours after delivery of the chocofactory, otherwise the deliv-ery shall be deemed accepted. The chocofactory is not liable for damages resulting from improper delivery or storage of the goods after the takeo-ver by the customer.

We strive to offer our customers what they expect from us: perfect goods, reliable delivery and the fulfillment of your wishes. Should nevertheless an error crept in; do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy at any time to help you. Ideally, use our from, which is available on our website at, so we can process your complaint as soon as pos-sible.

8. PiCtures, Mass and weight

The information in the catalog and in the advertis-ing material of promotions of the chocofactory is not binding. Changes from the chocofactory re-main reserved at all times.

9. guarantee

The guarantee of chocofactory applies in Swiss and Liechtenstein territory. For deliveries outside this territory special arrangements are made on request by mutual agreement. The chocofactory guarantees first-class quality products, meeting the requirements of the Swiss Food Law. defective products, with an aesthetic error or packaging er-rors are to be returned unstamped immediately. Condition for free replacement is the timely noti-fication (according to point 7) on the damage that has occurred, so that the cause can be clarified by the chocofactory and measures of adjustment can be defined. except for the replacement, we do not assume any other obligations.

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10. deliVery daMages

When picking our products by railway stations, post offices, or upon receipt by the transport company, vis-ible damages must be reported immediately to the competent department ([email protected]) at the chocofactory. For damages caused by the Swiss rail-way, transport services or postal services the chocofac-tory assumes no liability.

11. Validity

The offer in the new catalog is valid from 1 January 2018, subject to any possible changes.

12. fulfillMent

Fulfillment and jurisdiction is Lucerne/Switzerland.

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ChoColate Containing alCohol

Food and additives included in the food law of 9 october 1992 (LMG) are subject to reduced VAT rate of 2.5 % (Art. 25 Abs. 2 Bst. a Ziff. 2 MWSTG; Not intended for food supplies at the reduced rate shall apply to alcoholic beverages with an alcohol content of more than 0.5 percent by volume. Food containing alcohol, for example kirschstängeli (cherry stacks), however be excluded and apply for VAT purposes under the reduced rate.

gift baskets

The gift sets are a combination for a total consideration (flat rate) (i.e., the various-settled through the package and controllable at varying rates items are not shown separately in the corresponding invoice), then the total consideration is subject to selectively either fully to the standard rate (7.7 %) or to that set, the so-called due to the 70 / 30 % rule results. According to this rule those tax rate are subject to the total consideration, which applies to those services that together constitute at least 70 % by value of the total consideration.

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Photos with friendly PerMission of:Aeschbach Chocolatier AG, Chocolat Schönenberger AG und Hug AG

front page: (Photo Cookie) Petra / PixabayCat. pure luxury: (Photo diamonds) Christian daum / Pixelio, (Photo diamond) Colin behrens / PixabayCat. our bestsellers: (Photo coffee pot with brownie) Jonny Lindner / Pixabay, (Photo hot-air balloons) dustin Commer / PixabayCat. with coffee: (Photo coffee pot with -beans) Segovax / PixelioCat. my switzerland: (Photo mountain) daniel Stricker / PixelioCat. go vegan: (Photo ear) birgit H. / PixelioCat. for connoisseurs: (Photo Praliné) Silvia & Frank / PixabayCat. small price, big delight: (Photo zipper) Alexandra Stockmar / Pixabay, (Photo mon-ey) Svizzera / Pixabay, (Photo Praliné) Silvia & Frank / Pixabay, (Photo surprisebox) Arek Socha / PixapayCat. year's events: (Photo pinecone) StockSnap / Pixabay, (Photos taboggan run, fire-place, playground), (Photo Titlis) berggseist007 / Pixelio, (Photo Pila-tus) raphael kaiser, (Photo map), (Photo Disneyland®) bunzellisa / Pixabay, (Photo Castle) uwe kern / Pixabayfiller page: (Photo coconut) nawal Abbas / Pixabay, (Photo chocolate apple) Alexander Stein / Pixabay

ConCepT / lAYoUT / CreATIonJacqueline Müller, Stefan Morche, Joshua Ilić, Veljko Cekic, reto kunle, Laurent Hugentobler, umut Altug, Hamilton Gonzalez

polygraph: Angi kaiser

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chocofactoryAltsagenstrasse 5CH-6048 HorwTel +41 41 555 40 00Fax +41 41 555 40 19

order [email protected]