
Project J: Online Tutoring

I-Pang FuMay 13, 2010


The case I may work on

Something I will use

Something I want to share

Something I want to ask

The Case

Case:Online English tutoringPart-time vs. Full-time

Possible issues:CommunicationTechnology ???

What Will I Use?

Interviews, for sure.

About the observations… Recording video of on-screen action

Jing vs. Camtasia

Note taking w/o video recording

Something to Share

Entry vignette: Technology

I used to be Ms. B’s student last winter and recently heard from her new job: online

tutoring for a company in Spain. “It’s about four months ago, I guess,” she told me that she began online tutoring in the beginning of this year. In the past, we used emails and recordings during our tutoring sessions. Ms. B is new to this job, but she appeals no worry about teaching online. “My husband will handle the tech issues for me, and I knew there is one guy who serves as a technical support for the company,” she said. As she described, there is a guideline for the curriculum on the website and the company provides a virtual chat room to the tutors for teaching. To this she replied, “You know I am not so comfortable with these things… Skype is the only thing I used for the class. And we are asked to turn on the web-cam... to let the students see us.”

Something to Share

Closing vignette: Family

It was 8 pm and it was a typical Sunday evening in April. “She is working now.” the oldest girl of Ms. B replies to me, and she is finishing her dinner when I come into the house which is located just besides the Crystal Lake. Having looked at the schedule on the wall, it is today’s last session for Ms. B. Not waiting too long, Ms. B asks me to go to her room and I explained to her my reason I visit. It is my first time to go to her “workplace”. Ms. B is sitting in front of her computer and making some notes for the session she just finished. “I just finished the talks with three Japanese girls… so, yes, I got your email…” While we are talking, T, the 3-year-old girl jumped in and asks for a hug from her mom. “Honey, just one more second, OK?” Ms. B tells the little girl to bring a cup of water for herself. When T goes to the kitchen, Mr.B smiles and says: “She is my little assistant, sometimes.” “Some of my students really like to have a talk with her.” “…OK, ha, here is what you


Something to Ask

The use of onscreen recording The struggle of writing up a vignette The possible problems I will meet The attractiveness and usefulness

Questions and Comments