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I. IntroductionA. The Patient and the Problem

The researchers target to present a case study on Primary Complex, taken during the second day of ourr 3rd week Related Learning Experience duty on Barangay Boalan, Zamboanga City. There were other interesting cases also, however, the researchers further decided to conduct a comprehensive case study on Primary Complex. Aside from being an interesting topic, the researchers would like to conduct an in-depth study on primary complex to determine further the patients health condition and the events that took place before and during hospital admission, and to be able to formulate Family Nursing Care Plans appropriate to the identified problems of the patient in achieving his optimal level of wellness.

B. Background of the Client

The researchers decided to choose Mr. X as the subject of our study. He was already under treatment when we found him. Recently, he was initially admitted to a government institution. May 28, 2014 and was diagnosed with Primary Complex. The patient is 11 years old Zamboanganueo and is a Roman Catholic. Like normal children, Mr. X goes to school but in recent times, his father asked for an excuse to stop his education until he is recovers from said illness. The patient also had previous hospitalization when he was 2 months old. Before hospitalization, the patient has unhealthy life style choices. He was fond of playing outside their house. According to his father he has poor appetite. The parents still provides the child the good nutrition unfortunately the child does not possess the idea of a proper nutrition.

C. Overview of the Disease

D. Objective of Case StudyGeneral Objective:Acquisition and application of knowledge, skills and attitude through the utilization of the Family Nursing Process in the care of a patient with Primary Complex disease with emphasis on promotive, rehabilitive, and preventive aspects of health care. This case study also intends to promote wellness, health and medical understanding of the condition to the patient through the effective implementation of nursing care services and client health teachings.

To be able to achieve the goals of care for our patient at the end of this case study, we have set specific objectives which are as follows;

1. Establish and maintain rapport to achieve optimal well-being of the patient2. Discuss the normal Anatomy and Physiology of the Respiratory system3. Discuss the pathophysiology of the patients condition, usual clinical manifestation and the factors possible complications of the condition4. Identify and differentiate risks for Primary Complex5. Formulate appropriate nursing diagnoses after identifying the health problem6. Identify and understand different types of medical management necessary for the treatment of Primary Complex7. Formulate a workable Family Nursing Care plan based on the health problem8. Discuss the theoretical framework that is related to the clients condition9. Explain the Pathophysiology of Primary Complex10. Be able to apply the learning and teachings on how to provide counseling related to clients condition11. Evaluate the effectiveness of care and interventions that was given to the patient12. Implementation of Family Nursing Care Plan13. Lastly, formulate conclusion based on the findings and enumerated recommendations concerning Primary Complex

Nurse-Centered Objectives:At the end of the study, the researchers:1. Shall have utilized the Nursing Process to systematically organize the steps in caring the patient. 2. Shall have familiarized used of effective inter-personal skills to emphasize health promotion and illness prevention3. Shall have conducted a comprehensive assessment to the patient as well as the family and implement care based on the knowledge and skills of the condition through the utilization of the Assessment Database (ADB)4. Shall have critical thinking skills necessary for providing safe and effective nursing care5. Shall have implanted the learning experience from direct patient care to fellow nursing students

Patient/Family Centered Objectives:At the end of this study, the patient/family shall be able to:1. Verbalize understanding of the disease process and readiness for enhanced health well-being2. Increase awareness on the risk factors of tuberculosis3. Identify possible risk factors that may have contributed to the development of tuberculosis 4. Identify measures that could minimize the risk of occurrence of the disease5. Develop the familys support and distinguish their respective roles in improving patients health status

E. Anatomy and Physiology of the Respiratory SystemGross AnatomyThe surface anatomy of the lungs in anterior and posterior view. There are a number of key features that allow positioning of the lungs within the chest. The suprasternal notch is located at the apex of the sternal bone and between the left and right clavicle. The sternal angle (angle of Louis) is located at the second rib, and is a small ridge near the apex of the sternum. At the base of the sternum is the xiphoid process. The nipple in the male lies in the fourth intercostal space, but may be at a different level in the female. On the posterior wall, the spinous processes of the thoracic vertebrae can be palpated along the midline. The scapula (shoulder blade) is flat and triangular and is located on the upper part of the posterior surface of the thorax.

Apart from the first rib, which lies deep to the clavicle, the ribs can be palpated from below the clavicle. The apex of the lung projects into the neck. Anterior and Posterior views of the thorax of a male. The major location points on the surface of the thorax are indicated, along with the sites of the major muscles covering the surface of the chest wall.

Anatomy of the LungsFigure 1. shows the normal structure of Respiratory System

The lungs consist of airways (trachea and bronchi) that divide into smaller and smaller branches until they reach the air sacs, called alveoli. The airways conduct air down to the alveoli where gas exchange takes place. The lung itself is covered with a membrane called the visceral (or pulmonary) pleura. The visceral pleura is adjacent to the lining of the thoracic cavity which is called the parietal pleura. Between the two membranes is a thin, serous fluid which acts as a lubricant reducing friction as the two membranes slide across one another when the lungs expand and contract with respiration. The surface tension of the pleural fluid also couples the visceral and parietal pleura to one another, thus preventing the lungs from collapsing. Since the potential exists for a space between the two membranes, this area is called the pleural cavity or pleura.RESPIRATIONRespiration is a passive, involuntary activity. Air moves in and out of the thorax due to pressure changes. When the diaphragm, the major muscle of respiration, is stimulated, it contracts and moves downward. At the same time, the external intercostal moves the rib cage up and out. The chest wall and parietal pleura move out, pulling the visceral pleura and the lung with it. As the volume within the thoracic cavity increases, the pressure within the lung decreases. Intrapulmonary pressure is now lower than atmospheric pressure; thus air flows into the lung inhalation. When the diaphragm returns to its normal, relaxed state, the intercostal muscles also relax and the chest wall moves in. The lungs, with natural elastic recoil, pull inward as well and air flows out of the lungs exhalation. The lungs should never completely collapse for there is always a small amount of air, called residual volume, in them.Under normal conditions, there is always negative pressure in the pleural cavity. This negative pressure between the two pleurae maintains partial lung expansion by keeping the lung pulled up against the chest wall. The degree of negativity, however, changes during respiration. During inhalation, the pressure is approximately 8 cm H2O; during exhalation, approximately 4 cm H2O. If a patient takes a deeper breath, the intrapleural pressure will be more negative. Under normal conditions, the mechanical attachment of the pleurae, plus the residual volume, keep the lungs from collapsing.

ABNORMAL ANATOMY OF RESPIRATROY SYSTEMFigure 2. shows the Respiratory System of an Uninfected individualBefore a person get infected with this certain disease naturally there is no deviation from normal findings just a normal, clear and healthy respiratory system.

Figure 3. shows Respiratory System of an infected individual However, when somebody coughs and they get you a mycobacterium tuberculosis into your lungs you got inhaled or breathed it in. This bacteria loves to settle along the fissures of the lungs and into the sub pleural space. The fissures separates the lobes of the lung more like the boundaries of the upper lobes, middle lobe and lower lobes. Pleural refers to the outside layer of the lungs so if its sub pleural its right underneath that outside layer of the lungs and so bacteria loves to go somewhere along the fissures or somewhere in the sub pleural space.Figure 4. shows the microphages engulfing the bacteriaBacteria multiply so fast that it could into and affect millions of alveolar sacs. An infected individual will have an immediate immune response whereas a microphage will engulf and consumes foreign materials such as microorganism or bacteria that is present in the alveolar sacs.

Figure 5. shows the microphages on alveolar sacs and lymph nodes The microphage carries the bacteria that will take a journey through the tissues of the lungs and it will drain down to a local lymph node on the hilar regions which is called the hilar lymph nodes. Now, the bacteria is in two spots which are the original spot, alveolar sacs, and in the lymph nodes because they got carried by the microphage.

Figure 6. Shows that the two spots literally turning into battlefields or granulomasThis is the part where the primary infection comes in because there will be reaction between the bacteria and the microphages in which they will start fighting against each other. And literally turning the two spots into a battlefield with dead microbacteria, dead microphages and some of the patients cell will be affected too.

Figure 7. Shows the close- up view of a Granuloma under a microscope (left) and the caseous necrosis or the cheese-like appearance found inside the granuloma (right)Now if you look at it under the microscope, it actually looks like a granuloma as shown in the fig.7. Granuloma is an inflammation found in many disease particularly in this case. It is a collection of immune cells known as the microphages. Granulomas form when the immune system attempts to wall off substances that perceives as foreign but unable to eliminate such substances include infectious organism like bacteria and fungi. Figure 8. shows the (Right) Caseous necrosis is actually found inside the granulomas. (Left) difference of Ghon's Focus and Ghon's Complex also known as Primary ComplexGhons Focus is a primary lesion usually sub pleural, often in the mid to lower zones, caused by mycobacterium bacilli develop in the lung of a non-immune host. Whilst, Primary complex is a primary tuberculosis seen in children and it is the combination of parenchymal lung lesion and nodal involvement particularly enlarged hilar lymph nodes.

Figure 9. shows a X-ray sample of a child which shows a large hilar lymph node on the right side of the lung shown by the blue arrow and the yellow arrow points to a parenchymal lesion.

PATHOPHYSIOLOGYTB disease usually occurs in the lungs (pulmonary TB), but it can also occur in other places in the body (extrapulmonary TB). Miliary TB occurs when tubercle bacilli enter the bloodstream and are carried to all parts of the body, where they grow and cause disease in multiple sites.Tuberculosis occurs when individuals inhale bacteria aerosolized by infected persons. The organism is slow growing and tolerates the intracellular environment, where it may remain metabolically inert for years before reactivation and disease. The main determinant of the pathogenicity of tuberculosis is its ability to escape host defense mechanisms, including macrophages and delayed hypersensitivity responses.Among the several virulence factors in the mycobacterial cell wall are the cord factor, lipoarabinomannan (LAM), and a highly immunogenic 65-kdM tuberculosisheat shock protein. Cord factor is a surface glycolipid present only in virulent strains that causesM tuberculosisto grow in serpentine cords in vitro. LAM is a heteropolysaccharide that inhibits macrophage activation by interferon-gamma and induces macrophages to secrete tumor necrosis factor-alpha, which causes fever, weight loss, and tissue damage.The infective droplet nucleus is very small, measuring 5 micrometers or less, and may contain approximately 1-10 bacilli. Although a single organism may cause disease, 5-200 inhaled bacilli are usually necessary for infection. The small size of the droplets allows them to remain suspended in the air for a prolonged period of time. Primary infection of the respiratory tract occurs as a result of inhalation of these aerosols. The risk of infection is increased in small enclosed areas and in areas with poor ventilation. Upon inhalation, the bacilli are deposited (usually in the mid-lung zone) into the distal respiratory bronchiole or alveoli, which are subpleural in location. Subsequently, the alveolar macrophages phagocytose the inhaled bacilli. However, these nave macrophages are unable to kill the mycobacteria, and the bacilli continue to multiply unimpeded.Thereafter, transportation of the infected macrophages to the regional lymph nodes occurs. Lymphohematogenous dissemination of the mycobacteria to other lymph nodes, the kidney, epiphyses of long bones, vertebral bodies, juxtaependymal meninges adjacent to the subarachnoid space, and, occasionally, to the apical posterior areas of the lungs. In addition, chemotactic factors released by the macrophages attract circulating monocytes to the site of infection, leading to differentiation of the monocytes into macrophages and ingestion of free bacilli. Logarithmic multiplication of the mycobacteria occurs within the macrophage at the primary site of infection.A cell-mediated immune (CMI) response terminates the unimpeded growth of theM tuberculosis2-3 weeks after initial infection. CD4 helper T cells activate the macrophages to kill the intracellular bacteria with resultant epithelioid granuloma formation. CD8 suppressor T cells lyse the macrophages infected with the mycobacteria, resulting in the formation of caseating granulomas. Mycobacteria cannot continue to grow in the acidic extracellular environment, so most infections are controlled. The only evidence of infection is a positive tuberculin skin test (TST) result. However, the initial pulmonary site of infection and its adjacent lymph nodes (ie, primary complex or Ghon focus) sometimes reach sufficient size to develop necrosis and subsequent radiographic calcification.Most persons infected withM tuberculosisdo not develop active disease. In healthy individuals, the lifetime risk of developing disease is 5-10%. In certain instances, such as extremes of age or defects in CMI (eg,human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] infection,malnutrition, administration of chemotherapy, prolonged steroid use), tuberculosismay develop. For patients with HIV infection, the risk of developing tuberculosis is 7-10% per year.Progression of the primary complex may lead to enlargement of hilar and mediastinal nodes with resultant bronchial collapse. Progressive primary tuberculosis may develop when the primary focus cavitates and organisms spread through contiguous bronchi. Lymphohematogenous dissemination, especially in young patients, may lead to miliary tuberculosis when caseous material reaches the bloodstream from a primary focus or a caseating metastatic focus in the wall of a pulmonary vein (Weigert focus). Tubercular meningitis may also result from hematogenous dissemination. Bacilli may remain dormant in the apical posterior areas of the lung for several months or years, with later progression of disease resulting in the development of reactivation-type tuberculosis (ie, endogenous re-infection tuberculosis).

Pathophysiology Map of Primary ComplexPrecipitating Factors- Socio Economic Factors- Improper Nutritional Intake - Environment (poor hygiene)- Age. 11 years old- Exposed to 2nd hand smoking

Decrease O2supply in the body tissueDecrease O2supply in the bloodDecrease gas exchangeAlveoli fluid increaseACTIVE INFECTION1. Cough and ColdsProduction of the cavities filled with cheese like mass of tubercle bacilli, dead WBC, and necrotic lung tissue. Necrotic degeneration occursBacteria invasion at the lung tissue or near pleurae of the lungsLow immunity/ resistance of patient

M. Tuberculosis (tubercle bacilli) enters the body Mode of Transmission: Airborne

Arrest of the phagosome w/c result to bacteria replicationBacteria is ingested by the macrophage

Drainage of the necrotic materials into the tracheobroncial trees

Tubercle bacilli immunity develops (2-3 weeks of inection)2. Difficulty in Breathing(DOB)

Tubercle bacilli remain in the body as long as living bacilli remains in the body

3. Body malaise 4. Fatigue

Acquiring the immunity leads to further growth of infection

5. Loss of appetite6. Sudden weight loss


Figure 10. shwos the complete Pathophysiology Map of a patient with Primary ComplexII. NURSING PROCESSA. Biographic Data

NAME: Mr. XAGE: 11 year-oldSEX: MaleSTATUS: ChildADDRESS: Zone III Boalan, Zamboanga City, Philippines, 7000RELIGION: Roman CatholicETHNIC GROUP: ZamboanguenoOCCUPATION: N/ADIALECT/LANGUAGE: ChavacanoCHIEF COMPLAINT/S: Shortness of Breath (SOB), Cough and AnorexiaMEDICAL DIAGNOSIS: Primary ComplexATTENDING PHYSICIAN: Dr. Sandy Macrohon

Patient History


According to the mother, the patient was exposed to the disease primary complex because the father as well as the sister of the patient had tuberculosis and the father is also a smoker. She believes that it was through droplets that causes the transmission of the disease to her son. Two weeks prior to admission, the patient had an unexplained fever and cough for more than two weeks. The patient is currently experiencing chronic cough (>2 weeks) and shortness of breath. He has as well loss of appetite to eat which leads to his weight loss.HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS:

According to the mother, the patient was hospitalized when he was 2-month-old and was diagnosed of bronchopneumonia. He was also hospitalized last May 28, 2014 because of his present illness which is Primary Complex.

HISTORY OF FAMILY:It was verbalized by the mother of the patient that the patients father has a history of tuberculosis and the other siblings as well.

B. Comprehensive Nursing History

According to the mother of the client, her child, Mr X was sickly and frail so they often go to Health Center to seek for medical attention. Moreover, the client was hospitalized before due to primary complex. Chest X- Ray was performed last June 3, 2014 resulting to Extensive TB with upper cavities. The client hasnt undergone any surgeries yet. However, he is currently on Multi-Drug Therapy in which the client is taking several different antibiotics at the same time to treat TB.

D. Physical Assessment PEDIATRIC ASSESSMENT TOOL:PHYSCIAL ASSESSMENTI. SKIN( ) WNL( ) Jaundice ( ) Bruises( ) Cyanotic( )Poor Turgor ( ) Burns( ) Lesions( ) Rash( ) Dry ( ) Birthmarks( ) Pallor( ) Absence Pigmentation( ) Simian Crease( ) Petichiae ( ) Others: _____________________________________Patients skin is equal in color there were no rashes or burns observed. And the patients is neither pale nor cyanotic.

II. Mental/ Psychosocial()) WNL( ) Short attention span( ) Hyperactive( ) Withdrawn( ) Hypoactive( ) Aggressive ( ) Others: ______________________________Family adjustment: ( ) Poor ( ) Fair() GoodParent bonding () Yes( ) NoPatient responds when talked to and was not easily distracted. Patient is shy during the interview.

III. Head and Neck() WNL6 months and over( ) Head Asymmetry ( ) Excessive neck skin( ) Head Log( ) Misaligned Trachea( ) Enlarged head( ) Enlarged thyroid( ) Neck pain( ) Enlarged lymph nodes( ) Neck swelling( ) Neck Webbing( ) Others: __________________________________The patient verbalized that he doesnt feel pain on his neck and there was no facial grimace observed. There was no swelling or enlargement on his head and neck upon assessments

IV Eyes() WNL( ) Displaced Position( ) Redness( ) Jaundice( ) Ptosis( ) Discharge( ) Strabismus( ) Swelling ( ) Sunset eyes( ) Dull cornea( ) Pale Conjunctiva ( ) Others: ________________________Follow Object with eyes: () Yes( ) NoWears glasses: ( ) Yes() No(Only during school activities-medical check-up) most recent eye examinationPatients pupil is black in color. Penlight was used to assess pupils reaction to light. When light was shined on the pupil it constricts.

V Ears() WNL( ) Displace Position( ) Pain( ) Hearing loss( ) Others: __________________________( ) DrainagePatients ears are not displaced and there was no drainage. Patient verbalized that he doesnt feel any pain in his ears and there was no problem in his hearing as he was able to interact with us.

VI Nose( ) WNL( ) Nasal flaring( ) Deviated septum( ) Nose bleeds( ) Nasal congestion() Drainage( ) Others: ___________________________The patient manifest nasal drainage and sticky mucus upon observation.

VII Gastro Intestinal Tract () WNL( ) Anomalies( ) GI reflux( ) Absent bowel sounds( ) Emesis( ) Hypoactive bowel sounds( ) Distension ( ) Hyperactive sounds( ) Abdominal tenderness() Abdominal girth ________( ) Ostomy( ) Diarrhea( ) Constipation( ) Others ____________________Patient with diapers( ) Yes() NoPatient is toilet trained() Yes( ) NoStool color Brown___Amount: _________Frequency 1x/day

VIII Nutrition( ) WNLDiet/ Formula: Regular dietAmount: ______Frequency: 3X a dayRoute () Oral( ) Breast ( ) Bottle ( ) NGT/GTAppetite:() Good( )Fair( ) Poor

IX Musculoskeletal System( ) WNL( ) Muscle Conditions( ) Kyphosis() Poor muscle tone( ) Scoliosis( ) Contractures( ) Trendelenburg Gait( ) Limited ROM( ) Anomalies( ) Poor gross motor skills( ) Fractures( ) Poor fine motor skills( ) Cast( ) Others ____________________

X GU/ Reproductive System () WNL( ) Anomalies( ) Hydrocele( ) Renal Disease( ) Vaginal Discharge( ) Polyuria ( ) Hernia( ) Labia lesions( ) Inguinal hernia( ) Circumcision( ) Undescended testes ( ) Hypospadias( ) Others __________________________The patient does not manifest early problems with his reproductive organs. He does not experience difficulty in his urination. He urinates 3-4 times a day depending in his fluid intake. He is still uncircumcised as verbalized by his father.

XI Endocrine System() WNL( ) Abnormal growth pattern( ) Abnormal sexual development ( ) Abnormal hair texture( ) Others ________________________Diabetic Insulin dependent ( ) Yes () No The patient is not a diabetic Insulin dependent. Patients height is average for his age.

XII Cardiovascular System () WNL( ) Congenital Anomalies( ) Edema (Site: _____________________)( ) Cyanosis( ) Poor capillary refill( ) Pallor( ) Umbilical Anomalies ( ) Murmur( ) Hypertensive( ) Others ______________________Patients capillary refill is 2-3 seconds and there was no edema observed. The patient has normal heart beat sounds. Upon assessment, the patient is not cyanotic and does not manifest early problems in his cardiovascular system.

XIII Neurologic System( ) WNL( ) Headache( ) Tetany( ) Drowsiness( ) Weakness( ) Spasms () Listlessness( ) Abdominal fontantels( ) Irritability( ) Seizure( ) Fixed pupils/ unequal pupils( ) Tremors( ) Neurologic disease( ) Others ___________________________________Patients LOC Awake and alert____________________________________________Reflexes appropriate for ages: () Yes( ) NoMental behavioural status: Enjoys learning, likes challenges______________________Speech or language difficulties: Speaks chavacano and tagalog_______________Cognitive performance: The patient is not interacting much but he mostly responds by nodding and smiling to us.Social Skills: The patient is shy around strangers.___________________________Gross Motor Skills: The patient mostly plays with their cat.________________________

XIV Respiratory System ( ) WNL ( ) Rales( ) Flaring() Cough( ) Rhonchi( ) Retractions( ) Stridor( ) Dyspnea( ) Cyanosis( ) Crepitation( ) Clubbing() Wheezing( ) Others Difficulty of breathing when coughing

XV Infusion () None( ) Intermittent( ) ContinuousPump type _________________________________________Line type ( ) Peripheral ( ) Central ( ) Brands __________ ( ) Gauge _______________Insertion site _______________________________________Date Inserted ________________________________________________________Dressing last change __________________________________________________Site assessment:( ) Patent( ) Redness( ) Infiltrated( ) Swelling ( ) Drainage( ) Out of vein

XVI Pain Presence of Pain ( v) Yes( ) NoOnset ___________________Pain medication None_________Effective ( ) Yes( ) NoLocation/ Characteristics and frequency of pain:The patient experiences discomfort during coughing and difficulty in breathing._____Alleviating Factors: The patient usually takes a complete rest when these signs are manifested.___________________________________________________________Pain Scale: 5/10_________________________________________________________Precipitating factor Patient is usually interactive but easily gets tired. The added factors causes the patient discomfort in his respiration and increases the production of phlegm.








XVIII Limitations( ) Contractures() Dyspnea with minimal exertion (during coughing)( ) Hearing impairment ( ) Growth( ) Limited endurance( ) Language delay( ) Abnormal Speech ( ) Amputation

PEDIATRIC ASSESSMENT TOOL: SCHOOL AGE CHILD 6-12 YEARS OLDI. HistoryA. Previous Hospitalizations: May 28,2014______________________________B. Common Childhood Illness: Coughing, Fever, Sinusitis_____________________C. Allergies or Allergic Responses: No allergies to food or dust_________________D. Immunizations: Complete_____________________________________________E. Health Status of Family Members: Poor condition, his Father has a Tuberculosis as well the patients sibling.___________________________________________

II. Developmental MilestonesA. Physical CharacteristicsCharacteristics6-12 years oldPatients Characteristics

Average Weight6 years 24 kg (48 lbs)12 years 38kg (84lbs)19KG

Average Height6 years 117cm (46in)12 years 150 cm (59in)132CM

Prepubertal Growth Spurt10-12 years, girls taller than boysPubic hair and other secondary changes: voice, moustaches for his age were not yet developed.

Vital Signs

TemperaturePulse RateRespiratory RateB/P

37C (98F)90bpm21-22bpm110/70mmHg

34.6C101 BPM21BPM110/70 mmHg

B. Behavioral Characteristics

AgeGross/Fine Motor SkillsIntellectualPsychosocial

10 years old>>enjoys physical games with peers>>Understand casual relationships>>behavior is predictable, controlled>> expands peer relationships in cliques

11 years old>>may be clumsy>>can solve simple math problems>> shy around strangers

E. Diagnostic Test 1. Radiologic Test (Chest-Xray)Date: June 4, 2014Clinical ImpressionMedical Implication

Extensive Tuberculosis With Upper Cavities This category comprises all findings typically associated with active pulmonary TB. An applicant with any of the following findings must submit sputum specimens for examination.1. Infiltrate or consolidation - Opacification of airspaces within the lung parenchyma. Consolidation or infiltrate can be dense or patchy and might have irregular, ill-defined, or hazy borders.2. Any cavitary lesion - Lucency (darkened area) within the lung parenchyma, with or without irregular margins that might be surrounded by an area of airspace consolidation or infiltrates, or by nodular or fibrotic (reticular) densities, or both. The walls surrounding the lucent area can be thick or thin. Calcification can exist around a cavity.3. Nodule with poorly defined margins - Round density within the lung parenchyma, also called a tuberculoma. Nodules included in this category are those with margins that are indistinct or poorly defined (tree-in-bud sign). The surrounding haziness can be either subtle or readily apparent and suggests coexisting airspace consolidation.4. Pleural effusion - Presence of a significant amount of fluid within the pleural space. This finding must be distinguished from blunting of the costophrenic angle, which may or may not represent a small amount of fluid within the pleural space (except in children when even minor blunting must be considered a finding that can suggest active TB).5. Hilar or mediastinal lymphadenopathy (bihilar lymphadenopathy) - Enlargement of lymph nodes in one or both hila or within the mediastinum, with or without associated atelectasis or consolidation.6. Linear, interstitial disease (in children only) - Prominence of linear, interstitial (septal) markings.7. Other - Any other finding suggestive of active TB, such as miliary TB. Miliary findings are nodules of millet size (1 to 2 millimeters) distributed throughout the parenchyma

2. Sputum ExamDate: June 10, 2014- 1st Sputum Exam June 14, 2014- 2nd Sputum Exam June 16, 2014- 3rd Sputum Exam

Clinical ResultMedical Implication

Positive Sputum ExamHarmful bacteria or fungi are present. The most common harmful bacteria in a sputum culture are those that can causebronchitis,pneumonia, or tuberculosis. If harmful bacteria or fungi grow, the culture is positive.

EVALUATIONThe group is studying the case of Mr. X who was diagnosed of Primary Complex, last May 28, 2014and was hospitalized at a government institution. We were able to identify three problems; primary complex is related to the condition of patients location, knowledge deficit on malnutrition and risk for improper hygiene. During the course of the process of the case study, the patient was the foremost concern of the group in prioritizing hisproblems and needs. The group employed a lot of work in providing quality nursing care to the client. The researchers were provided with ample time to conclude this case study. Improving and sharpening the skills and proper decorum was also an aspect of the study that the group trained. With the help of this case study, the group was able to go beyond the borderline about what they think, know, and perform in giving quality nursing care. The group was able to broaden their knowledge about specific topics such as anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system and as well deeply understand the pathophysiology of primary complex. On the other hand, the group was able to enumerate and facilitate focal-point interventions in accordance to patients level of comprehension and ability to comply treatments. On the process of this case study, the group was able to establish rapport. They had also done the nursing assessment cephalocaudally and were able to identify all the patients needs and problems according to their level of priority which guided the group in formulating the Family Nursing Care Plan. The group focused on a problem that revolves on the health deficit- Primary Complex, health deficit- Malnutrition, and health threat- Improper hygiene.The family nursing care plans were being implemented in the health center during our visit and related learning experience duty. All the nursing interventions were able to help the client improve his condition well. The empathy, wisdom and knowledge that the group gave to the client helped lessen her problems and worries. With the help of nurse-patient relationship and the rapport that has been established, the patient was able to relate all his feelings and difficulties as he is struggling to recuperate from this disease. At the end of the case study, the group was able to meet their objectives and goals. The group worked as a team and showed their cooperation to one another like a family. This case study helped the group in broadening their critical thinking abilities, improved and added new learning, ideas and information which will be useful for them in the future. The group gained the sense of responsibility and honesty. They also learned a lot of things like working as a group, brainstorming and sharing of information and knowledge with each other, accept all suggestions from people who are more knowledgeable than us and collaborate with others. Along the over-all process, the groups came a crossed with some problems that may affect the case study, these includes the availability of laboratory results, final diagnosis, medications given during his stay in the hospital, discharge plan and the time given to interact with the patient to dig in more details to support our case study however, the over-all process of our case study, in spite of the constraints met by the group, the researchers conclude that this case study met their goals and was a successful one.

RECOMMENDATIONS Patient and family members should be given thorough instructions and teachings to help the patient cope up with his condition. As student nurses, it is an obligation and a privilege to work closely with the patient and his family to reach the care desired and to the extent possible, or to facilitate a transfer to the following: 1. Medications The patient is given Isoniazid, Rifampin and Pyrazinamide. These medications are classified as anti-tubercular. Patient should able to religiously take this multiple-drug therapy within 6 months. Skipping these medications will allow the microorganism to resistant to any drug therapies in the future. 2. Exercises He is encouraged to exercise in short session, such as walking for twenty (20) minutes or completing two ten minute walks. He is advised to walk as often as he is able to. He is assured to only do exercises by doctors approval and to go outside if he has active tuberculosis. He is told that moderate walking is a good way to start, most especially if he has been inactive. As he builds his strength, he can slowly increase his walking time, once his disease is no longer contagious. He is provided with teaching that exercise can help his body fight the infection, speed the recovery and improve the mood.3. Treatment and Therapy He is assessed for hypersensitivity. He is advised not to skip doses and to take medications for full length of the prescribed therapy; is informed that urine, feces and sweat are red orange and soft contact if Rifampin is taken. He is told that the medications must always be taken as prescribed by the physician; never save antibiotics that are given to you for another illness. The treatment regimen that is ordered by his physician must be followed strictly and should not be stopped to prevent from the aggravation of the condition. He must not wait for the signs and symptoms to be severe. Consult health care providers at the health center if signs and symptoms are not diminished.4. Health teaching He must keep all his medical appointments, take his medicines as prescribed by his physician, report any side effects after he has taken the medications, and most especially vision problems. Advise patient to tell ahead to the physician if he plans to postpone the schedule in order for an arrangement to be prepared for the next treatment. Provide emotional support to him that he doesnt have to feel embarrassed about his condition and let him not worry that people may find out. He doesnt have to feel bad if people wear masks when they go near him. He doesnt need to feel isolated and alone because he cannot go to school. Encourage his family not to worry about paying for the treatment. They dont have to be rich to have treatment; there are always alternative ways to regain normal health condition. They do not have to be guilty. Patient must not go yet to his school where he can easily spread the disease, and must be kept in a separate bed room. Inform family to open windows in the room for this can get rid of tuberculosis from the air in the room and he must cover his mouth whenever he sneezes or coughs. Until he has been on antibiotics for about two weeks, he can easily give off the infection to others. After coughing dispose of the soiled tissue in a covered container. He must talk to his physician to further educate him about the precautions and prevention of tuberculosis.

