Page 1: Case Study - Clicktale › media › 2062 › case_study_1_800... · 2016-03-10 · Case Study Justin Olson Vice President Digital Commerce, 1-800 Contacts "Clicktale’s integrated


The ChallengeAs the largest retailer of contact lenses in the United States, 1-800 Contacts is dedicated to providing customers with a simple, hassle-free way to replace their contact lenses. 1-800 Contacts has filled more than 30 million orders for over eight million customers. The company’s primary channels are the web, mobile, and call centers.

1-800 Contacts strives to make it as easy and convenient as possible to purchase contacts. It is paramount for the company’s success to provide the most seamless customer experience - not only to maximize new customer acquisition and sales, but also to build customer loyalty, lifetime value, and brand equity.

• 4.3% higher mobile conversions

• 115% annual ROI on Clicktale after less than two months use

• Mobile conversions grew within only two weeks of implementing Clicktale

• Strengthened user experience - a key brand differentiator

Company1-800 Contacts On Google Play & App Store

IndustryE-commerce contact lenses and accessories

Channels Pure play e-commerce, focus on new sales, loyalty, lifetime value

Objective Optimizing customer convenience, success and lifetime value over all online channels in order to maximize new and repeat sales

Light up the digital world

Case Study

Justin Olson Vice PresidentDigital Commerce,1-800 Contacts

"Clicktale’s integrated workflow and actionable insights helped us better engage clients on our mission-critical web and mobile channel by creating a more convenient and friction-free user experience."

Page 2: Case Study - Clicktale › media › 2062 › case_study_1_800... · 2016-03-10 · Case Study Justin Olson Vice President Digital Commerce, 1-800 Contacts "Clicktale’s integrated

Why Clicktale

Actionable, Results-Oriented Insights

1-800 Contacts chose Clicktale to help their team proactively identify and seize opportunities for improving customer convenience and increasing revenues. They also needed Clicktale to reactively help with quality assurance when site issues are reported.

The 1-800 Contacts team is highly experienced in both analytics and site optimization, leveraging various solutions that provide insights towards site enhancements. However, they required deeper insight, beyond just numbers, in order to see exactly how visitors behave on their journeys across the site, and improve the digital service experience.

1-800 Contacts leveraged Clicktale’s focused insights and tight workflow integrations to dramatically enhance the online customer experience, across all channels. Clicktale not only directly impacted topline revenues and customer lifetime value, but also delivered outstanding 115% annual ROI. Within only two weeks of implementing Clicktale on the mobile site, 1-800 Contacts saw a 4.3% rise in mobile conversions. Moreover, the company markedly strengthened the overall user experience, which is a key brand differentiator in its crowded marketspace.

"Clicktale’s unique contribution to our optimization eco-system is to show us the ‘why’ behind the ‘what.’ With Clicktale, we don’t just look at raw numbers. Now, we understand exactly how customers behave within test variations. That helps us validate test results, build trust in the numbers, and improve our digital service. Clicktale lets us iterate our tests more quickly by understanding which exact elements of the test were successful. This way, we can reengineer tests to create an even better experience and impact revenue."

"Clicktale helped us realize that we can optimize our website greatly by making a few simple changes. Our team looks at data every day, but it wasn’t until we had Clicktale that we could actually go in and see what was going on. We can see the experience from the customer’s perspective, and understand what they are expecting. This enables us to see how we can make the site as easy as possible for our customers. We can react more quickly and push the right enhancements up in priority, leading to immediate benefit for customer success and revenue."

Jesse Brimhall Digital Analyst Manager,1-800 Contacts

Steve Evans Digital Analyst,1-800 Contacts

Justin Olson Vice PresidentDigital Commerce,1-800 Contacts

"Customer retention is what drives us. The real value in this business is the reputation we build. Contact lenses are just the product we deliver. What we really sell is service."

Page 3: Case Study - Clicktale › media › 2062 › case_study_1_800... · 2016-03-10 · Case Study Justin Olson Vice President Digital Commerce, 1-800 Contacts "Clicktale’s integrated

Optimizing Order Entry Tools

Before customers can order, they need to supply prescription information for their contact lenses. 1-800 Contacts aims to make this step as convenient, smooth, and easy as possible. The website provides visitors with options on how they can enter their prescription.

Quantitative analytics showed that most visitors were making use of these options, yet one option had a surprisingly high incompletion rate among visitors. Why was this happening? Was the process as user-friendly as possible? Traditional web analytics could not answer these questions.

Taking advantage of drill-downs from the web analytics and site optimization segments into Clicktale heatmaps and session replays, 1-800 Contacts investigated this mystery and found surprising insights into points of visitor friction.

Leveraging Clicktale’s Scroll-Reach, Attention, and Mouse Move Heatmaps, 1-800 Contacts found that the prescription information call-to-action (CTA) button was seeing less than optimal engagement, because it often fell under the fold on smaller screens or lower resolutions. Clicktale helped the 1-800 Contacts team quantify the frequency and impact of this issue - enabling the organization to quickly rectify it and increase customer success rates.

Clicktale’s heatmaps show higher engagement with the upload photo CTA, and lower engagement with the manual data entry option, after the CTA was moved above the fold.

Image CTA above fold

Manual data entry option

Fold Height average

Upload photo option

Image CTA under fold

Manual data entry option

Fold Height average

Upload photo option

Additionally, the 1-800 Contacts team focused on optimizing this ordering option. The business value of such optimization was clear – it leads directly to more completed orders and greater revenue. Thus, anything that could be done to smooth the process would dramatically impact ROI.

1-800 Contacts took advantage of drilldowns from Clicktale Heatmaps to related session replays, and exposed another surprising and avoidable friction point.

1-800 Contacts found that six out of 10 visitors opted for one of the two options to enter their prescription. The user experience was intended to equally encourage either one or the other option. Clicktale’s unique insights led 1-800 Contacts to more prominently emphasize the alternative nature of the two options, by simply increasing the font size of the word “or.”

Page 4: Case Study - Clicktale › media › 2062 › case_study_1_800... · 2016-03-10 · Case Study Justin Olson Vice President Digital Commerce, 1-800 Contacts "Clicktale’s integrated

Optimizing Mobile The easier 1-800 Contacts makes it for mobile customers to use the website, the better they can capture revenue at the moment customers on-the-go think of replenishing their orders.

Using Clicktale and its integration with the site optimization ecosystem, 1-800 Contacts analyzed heatmaps with aggregated insights into customer attention and scrolling behavior, and revealed yet another surprise.

The mobile site had a large header showing various annual promotions and discount offers that the company perceived as useful. Despite this, Clicktale’s Attention Heatmap showed that visitor attention was more focused on the calls to action further down the page. Scroll-Reach Heatmaps, however, revealed that not everyone was scrolling down enough to see the calls to action.

This insight – which no traditional analytics solution could have discovered - led to a simple yet impactful change. By removing the header, 1-800 Contacts achieved 4.3% additional conversions - substantially increasing revenues. Without the unique data supplied by Clicktale, dropping a marketing promotion in favor of user experience would have been much harder to justify.

Removing the promotional header increased conversions by 4.3%

With Header Without Header

Clicktale was also instrumental in numerous other enhancements to the 1-800 Contacts customer experience. For example, Form Analytics insights from Clicktale clarified why certain form fields confused customers during the order process. While analytics data could quantify the frequency of form validation errors, by seeing the behavior in Clicktale “it finally clicked” as to why exactly certain issues were occurring. The team was able to turn this insight into straightforward ideas for redesigning the form in order to streamline the customer experience

Page 5: Case Study - Clicktale › media › 2062 › case_study_1_800... · 2016-03-10 · Case Study Justin Olson Vice President Digital Commerce, 1-800 Contacts "Clicktale’s integrated

Integrated Workflows across 1-800 Contacts’ Optimization Ecosystem

Integration with Digital Analytics

Integration with Site Optimization Solutions

Leveraging deep workflow and data integrations, Clicktale added value to 1-800 Contacts’ complete analytics ecosystem – enabling quick and seamless triangulation of questions across the ecosystem.

Leveraging Clicktale’s integration with Adobe Analytics, 1-800 Contacts can drill down from any web analytics segment – such as a marketing campaign or converted versus non-converted visitors - to reveal in Clicktale with which site elements each group interacts. They can view individual visitor browsing sessions as well as aggregated heatmaps - all directly from the Adobe Analytics interface.

1-800 Contacts engages two site optimization partners, SiteSpect and Qubit. Clicktale’s existing integration with SiteSpect enabled 1-800 Contacts to understand the why behind their AB testing results. 1-800 Contacts and Clicktale collaborated to configure the integration with Qubit. “We’ve had a chance to help design and provide feedback on the best ways for the integration to work,” said Steve Evans, Digital Analyst at 1-800 Contacts.

“We use segments in Adobe Analytics for everything. Having Adobe segments automatically appear in Clicktale for further analysis is really valuable for us, so we can see exactly what we want,” said Steve Evans, Digital Analyst at 1-800 Contacts.

Adobe AnalyticsClicktale can be used seamlessly from within Adobe’s user interface

ClicktaleAdobe Analytics Segments populateautomatically within Clicktale

Page 6: Case Study - Clicktale › media › 2062 › case_study_1_800... · 2016-03-10 · Case Study Justin Olson Vice President Digital Commerce, 1-800 Contacts "Clicktale’s integrated

About Clicktale

Clicktale lights up the digital world, revealing customer behavior, needs and intent across all key touchpoints: web, mobile and apps. The world’s #1 enterprise-class experience management platform, Clicktale’s deep drill-downs get to the heart of the “how” and “why” behind customer behavior. Via session replays, high-fidelity heatmaps, conversion analytics, powerful integrations and in-depth expert analysis, Clicktale provides critical insights needed to remove friction, delight every customer and achieve digital success. With a global customer base that includes Walmart, UBS, The North Face, MetLife, Lenovo, Adobe and CNN, Clicktale is the most advanced, robust enterprise-grade solution on the market, analyzing over 100 billion in-screen behaviors per month.

Integration with Voice of Customer Solutions

Close Partnership with Clicktale Consultants


As a customer-centric company, 1-800 Contacts also integrated Clicktale with the ecosystem partner solution used for customer feedback. “A lot of times when using customer surveys you don’t know why a customer is rating an experience poorly. With Clicktale, we’ve been able to look at customer feedback, find individual sessions, and see exactly what was causing frustration,” Steve Evans continued. “We find things that we didn’t know were going on and can resolve them more quickly.”

The 1-800 Contacts team has almost daily interactions with the Clicktale team - exchanging ideas and communicating business priorities. “The Clicktale team is very proactive, and takes the time to understand our business and our customers. They know our site very well. They go in and bring us informed recommendations leveraging their extensive experience, and we have implemented many of them. We can consult them when we see areas of drop-off from our site, and Clicktale comes back to us with focused insights,” said Jesse Brimhall, Digital Analytics Manager, 1-800 Contacts.

Clicktale’s ROI-focused insights, together with its workflow integrations across the entire analytics ecosystem, enabled 1-800 Contacts to markedly enhance the customer experience. Leveraging Clicktale, 1-800 Contacts further streamlined the order and purchase process - making it even more easy and convenient to purchase contacts, and directly impacting topline revenue and customer lifetime value.

Based on the success of the Clicktale implementation, the 1-800 Contacts team plans to continue using Clicktale for validating and analyzing tests, and optimizing future site redesigns. Leveraging the proven power of the analytics ecosystem integrations, 1-800 Contacts also plans on integrating Clicktale with its Demandware platform.

"Our tip to CRO professionals is that it is crucial to prioritize where you focus analysis and optimization. Start from visual insights and choose your optimization projects carefully in order to get the most from your investment."

Steve Evans Digital Analyst,1-800 Contacts

Light up the digital world

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