Page 1: Case exposition in preparation of procedures

Case Exposition with selections from material available being worked out earlier.

Lectori Salutem! In addition to the extensive medical pieces of research being worked out, included you will find a exposition of the case put together, based upon selections from earlier researches. At each selection the source is mentioned with the page number of the orignal research. Like as A-48 stands for page bladzijde 48 of the research in part A, B-2 is refering to page 2 of the rearch after fraude in part B, and I-11 is standing for page 11 from the epistle Medical Initiation. The total reserach resulted in 3 writings where from selections underneath. In some cases a selection from a (medical) report has been made, which has not been used in the research forgoing after unallowed medical actions, and will be mentioned separately.

Situation: I have fist-wide cyst stituated in between the brain-membrane, in the left lower quadrant of the backside of the head. The cyst came gradually into excistance after a fall from a climbing-tower when I was at the age of three pon the concrete floor. Hereafter arose a minor bleeding. It is not unthinkable that next to a severe brain concussion also a of the skull bone was there, in any case I lost consciousness after the fall. As result about that bleeding a chalk deposition arose with, that started to hold back water (brainfluid), and likewise the cyst started at first with. I never underwent any trouble from that cyste before in the past until 1999, I even did not know that such a large cyst was situated there ...

Scan extractions of the cyst seen from three sides. The cyste is shown here in mirror image, but is situated on the left side of the head between the brain-membrains which are covering the brain just under the skull. In order to treat the cyst from growing further only cutting a hole through the covering brain membrane was needed in order to make a connection with the brainfluid underneath. (Source I-2 . and at the most right A-45). Acter the second operation the cyst also stretching beyond the –brain-halfs- separating brainseparaying walls (falx). Take a look at the photo at the middle.

Translation of selection of the report Dr. Strack Van Schijndel – Van Hanswijk 5 mei 2008:


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The patient is familiar with the medical status after neurosurgical intervention because of a large arachnoidale cyst in the posterior fossa being diagnosed in the past by MRI scans being performed because of complaints of dizzyness, an anoying tinitus and a strongly diminished hearing capacity. The cyst was located at the left side and was pushing the cerebellum to the front. Because of this the VII/VIII (nervus) course is some more comlex, and nextto this also the a. Carotis Interna went some more streched under the schedelbasis what might explain the sensation of tinitus. After this (edoscopic fenestration) treatment there was no improovement from the complaints. By now several other researched have been performed after that treatment and it seems there is a persisting subarachnoid cyst, where a reduced flow is to be seen inespecially in the sinus transversus, by which we may think that that sinus transversus has no patency anymore. The cyst now measures 7,5 by 4,5 by 7 cm. An impression remains visible of the left cerebelair henisphere from the mid-line (to the right). The ventrikels as well as the cisternas are slender. (Source: report Dr. Strack Van Schijndel – Van Hanswijk 5 mei 2008)

There were two surgical treatments at hand, which in principle should be equal to eachother, but where at the second operation other handlings were performed then was agreed. There after a fals medical report was given that actions were performed conform agreement.

Translation of the selections from AMC rapportage Neurochirurgie 21 december 2000:In februari 2000 an endoscopic fenestration took place of sub-arachnoid cyst from the posterior fossa. At first the complaints reduced in dizzyness, disturbance of equilibrium, and loss of hearing at the left ear. However after two months again there is a increase of complaints as mentioned above. The loss of hearing has been objectivised by a medical specialist (otorhinolaryngologist). Tract history: no cardial or pulmonaty complaints. Allergic reactions: unknown. Medication: none. Intoxications: alcohol 2 units a day. Smoking: no.Course:On 30.10.2000 a fenestration took place from the cyst to the cysterna magna by craniotomic surgery. Patient was able to remobilize quickly without disturbance of equilibrium. On 09.11.2000 patient could be dismissed in good condition. The further course on the complaints will be evaluated during policlinical control in three months. (Bron: AMC rapportage Neurochirurgie 21 december 2000 (Zie ook KNO: A-56 en A-57)


(Selections P. 1)

(Selections Page 2)

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Besides from the medical fraud in reports about the operations, I also got confronted with a general cult of silence. Docters are allowed to perform ‘truthfully’ with what had been put on paper fraudelent... (Likewise ms. Dr. Strack Van Schijndel – Van Hanswijk was not able to write something about this after finding in her medical referral letter see page 1.)

Translation of the report from the medical injury of harm advisor mr. Drs. Wolthuis 06 august 2008:On 30-09-07 I received from client concerned an email with supporting documents from concerned himself date 04-08-06 with adjustments date 15-06-07 and 26-09-07. One and another had to do with partly very technical details because of in special the second surgical operation.Because there was no further question form your side regarding (the assigning lawyer) I just took a rough notice of certain matters. On account of your current request I’ve looked through one and another more closely.Then I confine myself to state in this with the affirmation that during that second operation apparently quiet some went wrong meaning that a major (drainage) vein (Sinus Rectus?) has been hit. There was a considerable loss of blood during during that surgical operation, hartrythm failures. Apparantly they indeed got technically speaking the situation under control, but for that purpose the concerning sinus has been removed or disconnected and also certain other local changes were applied. The comcerning patient is pointing at the fact that after that operation a complete different anatomic situation arose, with an altered and and a hindered passage of the draining venes and possible concequences comparable with abrainconcussion. There are consciderable reproaches in regard to the neurosurgeons in that way that unquestionable they have been acting careless. One and another is also because after they acted in mysterious drawing concealment towards the concerning. (Source: Report advisor medical injury of harm mr. Drs. Wolthuis 06 augustus 2008)

About the illegal implant thus was not written by mr. drs. Wolthuis, but prof. Dr. Seibel did ackowledge this indeed, after his collegue Dr. Stückle had performed an enhanced research in MRI scans,en explicitly mentioned that material was attached around the third neck vertebral.

Translation of bi-lingual report from prof. Seibel 26 november 2007:


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In the cervical vertebral (spinal) column is at the height of the C2/3 an extintionartefact to be seen in the transversal layers with partly an extinction of the spinal canal to the right. The complete cause for this artefact can not be described MR-morphologically, in case needed a conventional X-ray photo should give an exclusion, because also from the surgery report there cannot be deprived from, what intervention as been done. The cervical spinal column shows a stretching deformation. Image of a medial protrusion in segment C6/7 with medial both sided neuroforamine stricture and direct affection of the neural roots. Stricture of the spinal canal for ca 20%. Medial slight protrusion in segment C5/6 without relevant neuroforaminal stricture. The Myelon shows a norm conform signal character, likewise the liquor spaces. No catheter material has been seen.(Source: medical report from prof Dr Seibel 26 november 2007. (See also A-6)

Inspite of the cult of silence the UWV (social fund for sick people) did acknowledge my researches, even as the medical injury of harm advisor mr. Drs. Wolthuis did being related to the office Joosten advocaten at Amsterdam:

Translation of UWV writing 4 december 2008 head assurance physician Drs. P.C.M. Kok: Dear sir (concerning patient), we have received your writing mentioned above in good order. Your bill has been added to your medical file. By this addition your annotation has become an integral part of your medical file. (Source: UWV writing 4 december 2008 head assurance physician Drs. P.C.M. Kok. This writing I received during a juridical procedure because of entitlement of a social income for sick people, because of the cult of silence regarding medical blameable activities I also was being harmed in my interests in this. There even was tried to harm me even more, but that is another (proven) matter.)

We were able to read from selections of reports mentioned above, that with the violation of the main vein called vene Sinus Rectus, and with this also the brain separation walls, (after having made a hole on the left side and starting to cut underneath just passing the middle line at the right side,) and above with illegally implanting a damage-causing system of artefacts in the neck: this isnot ver good at all and is not in favour of the patient his welbeing.

(Bron A-17) (Bron A-18) (Bron A-30) (Zie ook B-2!)The image Source A-17 shows the missing of the vene sinus rectus (arrow), as well as that operation matarial was left behind in the backside of the head (oval circel). On the image at the middle we see the cyst with underneath a image disturbance in the neck (Source A-18). On the photo to the right we see a selction from the image of Source A-30, which is showing clearly that the artefact is consisting with several parts. (On page A-31 we see the upper part of the artefact system probably might be as a tie-wrap, which is stringed around the second vertebra.) The handlings were ment causing damage in kind. There is no issue of performing surgery in the neck by accident and without my knowledge and permission. It is proveable that these handlings took place only in the AMC. By the AMC it was suggested that a vainclip located in the head –being a closed area from the rest of the body- sagged down from into the neck within a month time, and to remain there for more then 10 years then after? (B-4 B-5)


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The offender behaviour occurring afterwards with forgery of documents, but also in Ct-scan and x-ray fraude in notable even proven international cooperation in grouping of interests is speaking for it self already… Note: Professor Seibel gave the advise to have a regular x-ray being made in order to point out clearly about that system of artifacts further. It is of importance to remark that he also stated a sagging of the sixt vertebra (old age wear) in his diagnosis... Th e X-ray-photo’s being made there upon were frauded. Already excisting other scans were used for this. (Source B-6)

There have been two x-ray reseraches. One was performed by the Medisch Centrum Jan van Gooyen, which has a commercial interest(?) with the AMC, and the second was made by a German hospital. The 2nd was equally made to the first serie frauded scans with covered overwritten nametags, including variating lovations of the so called vainclip in the neck vervaardigd: the second hospital has made similar image manipulations as act of imitation. I refer to the complete reserach what is showing this like as wuth images in part B. The German Hospital did not write a report; the Jan Van Gooyen clinic however did and wrote a false medical declaration wherein was stated that at the seventh vertebral was called the vertebral being sagged in instead of the sith vertebral being sagged in.

Translation of the report of Dr. H.J. Wieringa 16 november 2007:Stretching position fitting with hypertension. There is some loss oh height of the corpus C7 an some arthritic hook forming on that level and an ibtervertebral arthrosis on C6-C7. A little clip is projecting dorsal somewhat more to the right side in the myleumcanal (....) at the hight of C3. That clip is showing strong resemblance with the clip shown in the occipint CT neck scan in 2000, (frauded Ct scan AMC dec 2000). (Source: report radiologist Dr. H.J. Wieringa 16 november 2007)

For further substantiation of the case I point to my three reserach epistles, which are pointing out the medical ill-treating with apparantly predicided mind. This writing aims only to report the case summarized in easy-veiew into a compact form with various selections.

Because I knew I had to deal with a misdrijf, allthough the kind and character and the extent became more clear to me only at the end of 2007, I understood that asking for a copy of my medical file would not have of much use, for there were already given false declarations in report to my generalist. By consequence I had to perform research in privat. First I had made scans at Dia Sana scans, but besides from good scans made by Dr. P.H. Haarbrink, I did receive a report from Dr. D.J. Venderink without content. But here was stated that the cyst had become smaller after the second surgical operation, in contradiction with the forgoing diagnosis of the OLVG..


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Translation of the radiologic report from Dia Sana august 18th 2006:In relation to the scanning by the OLVG(2006) there is no increase shown, and a declibe t.o.v. AMC (2001). The sinus transversus to the left is showing no flow en has presumably no has no patency anymore (see anamnesis).(Source: Dia Sana radiologisch verslag 18 augustus 2006)

(Bron: Dia Sana radiologisch verslag 18 augustus 2006)

But the OLVG MRI report from 08 juni 2006 contradicted this completely and all:

(Source: Dr. Franssen-Franken OLVG 08 juni 2006)

Translation of the report by Dr. Franssen-Franken OLVG 08 juni 2006:MR brain:On the MR research presented only sagittal scans and scouts are to be seen. A very large cyst infratentioneel with a transversal diameter of 7,5 cm and a maximal sagittal diameter of 4,5 cm is located to be seen. This is located infratentorieel at the left side the cranio-caudal diameter sizes 7 cm. The image is conform the research from the AMC of february 8th 2000. Unchanged some impression on the left cerebellum with a licht displacement from the midline in this place. Hence normal foramen, normal configuaration and signal intensity of the medulla oblongata, pons, mid-brain and supratentorial. There is a slender ventrical and cisterne system. Supra tentorieel no midline shift. Some very small white matter laesies paraventricular namely at the left side. Slender sulci and gyri. Conclusion:Syze of the arachnoidale cyst is in essence unchanged to the scan from februari 8th 2000.

With the scan material from Dia Sana I started to study anatomy, in order to be able to explain the scans. I did understand that I was going to get to see something that is not as it should be, but at that time I had no idear what was to be found in conclusion with these scans. After a year of study the epistle Medical initiation arose with, (which ms. Dr. Strack Van Schijndel – Van Hanswijk during a consult stated to me as being an impressive piece of work.,) I was able to formulate my assignment for reserach for prof Seibel, where his report and my epistle medical reserach part A came forth out. After that, only after determination of x-ray photo’s manipulation, a part B regarding the research after image manipulations was added to that.

Finally it became of importance to request for the medical file from the AMC as yet, conform on the law on agreement of medical treatment (WGBO) in order to see if we still could find additional information, although there was already a frauded excisting serie. Before during a poli-clinic visit upon my 1st confrontation with the suspicion of improper acts was reacted negatively, but I did receive a surgical report from Dr. Leenstra to take home with, what in spite of its infirmity of report meant for concealment it still gave some indications even yet in agreement with my findings. Ik refer in short to the file-pages A-20 until A-23 and A-53. (There was no declaration-billl available of that consult according to the health-insurance compagny CZ Tilburg).


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From Dr. Schuurmans I just and only received the reports that were sent already to my generalist and excluding reports of research, surgery and nursing reports, while these conform the WGBO definitly should be supplied. We already know this, at the AMC they keep a different opinion and likewise norm of legislation themselves. Note: in fact conform WGBO (legislation medical treatment agreement) only the personal annotations of the physician are meant to be kept for him/herself.

Translation of the writing of Dr. P.R. Schuurman 14 september 2009Attached you will find a copy of the letters that have been sent regarding you, where upon indeed you have the right to receive them based on the WGBO. A full copy of your medical file including all annotations is however not meant under this. If you want you may just look through the file, but here for you have to make an appointment for with the secretariat of the department neurosurgery of the AMC.(Source: writing of Dr. P.R. Schuurman 14 september 2009 see also A-58)

Resuming. In itself cutting through the falx cerebelli, the lower brain separation wall between both halfs of the little brains would have been a better solution, then just aking a hole in the covering brain mambranes towards the large left brain-fluid-chamber (as had been reported after), but for this it was not needed to violate the vcene sinus rectus. Further implanting illegally into the neck –according to prof Seibel a damage-causing artifact (extinction means killing), and also comitting fraud perpetually about afterwards, is obviously pointing out, that we are dealing with a crime in natably organized cooperative connection. S. van Hoek.

PLIGHT BLOODY - PLIGHT MESSY (Copy Source A-48 en B-26)

Cutting through of the falx cerebelli in stead of the spoken and to the generalist reported phenestral cutting through the lowest layers brain membrain into the direction of left cisterna magna being the sub-arachnoid layer and the Pia Mater. The more they report this violation as if it is the most common thing in the world, under ignorance of basic knowledge of the anatomy according to this surgery report. But the falx cerebelli is the separation wall between the left and the right half of the little brains. The tentorium is the horizontal separation wall separating the larger brains form the little brains, the larger brains also have a separation wall falx cerebellum which is situated in the lengthened of the falx cerebelli. In the cross point of the falx cerebelli / -cerebellum and the tentorium is enclosed the unanimous major vene sinus rectus. (In case the cyst was situated on both halfs at start, instead of the left half only in the left quadrant underneath, then maybe there was a deviating anatomic situation, but not in this case.) The single vene sinus rectus is draining away as a vene the inner brain fluid from the left and right venes sagittalis inferior and the underneath situated venes cerebri magna. The vene sinus rectus is in the confluence continuum connected to the vene sinus sagittalis superioris which is ending up via the vene transverses into the vene jugelaris which is leading to the hart. To report to have hit a vain so-called by surprise, (with conversion of the report being the vene sinus rectus) is false. The vene sinus rectus is the fifth vein counting from the hart, which in its existence with knowledge from the anatomy notably under neuro-navigation reference (with the untold use of contrast fluid) can be found. Venes are by the way visible through the membrane. Next this that vene has not been named, and also it has not been reported if the vain was repaired; only the staunching of the bleeding has been reported. Hereafter they even cut further into the falx cerebelli, where they think not to see a vain. They suggest as if they operate in a dangerous area; Ambush!


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They might think of course that under the flag of ignorance, and a surprise everything is allowed for them? The surgery report is significant insufficient. The vein being hit is not named, neither if that one was repaired. The use of a clip in the head has not been reported as well, and neither the incision that running down half way the neck, neither the illegal implant. An incision of that dimensions was not needed for the proposed operation. A hart operation is also not done ‘funny’ with an incision from the navel, Harakiri! Thus, a crime concealed in medical terms…

The parables underneath give a comparing in non medical parole:- In stead of the demanded hole into the floor a hole has been made into the wall. There were

some electricity-plugs known, and likewise they hit so called by surprise a wiring not to be called. This one they remove just ‘eyes wide shut’, under the excuse not to see that one, where in result the wiring hit is also not existing anymore: problem solved for the wiring being hit. Fact remains: the demanded hole in the floor has not been made, but the undertaking has been reported and billed such as being done.

- Operation target: opening backseat trunk and taking out sport bag (with the car key belonging to…!): To open the trunk we crash the back-window, and take the suitcase (!?) from the backseat… We put the suitcase back again, and we enter the trunk by pulling forward the backseat. We grab the sport bag and put the backseat back in its place. For closing we glue a thin plastic layer in front of the smashed in window. Conclusion: miniscule operation (with sledgehammer) successful. (Was there something inside that suitcase?)

- A bank robber does not grab in the cash-desk where he is not thinking to see money, but he also does not give a copy of his passport while performing his violating way of reign. And in case he does leave something behind, (identification) this will certainly not be correct information. We also do not ask the robber to cooperate in the investigation, to point out some responsible for this. In the medical branch however this is such as happening in the judgment of cases. One judges primary with the report of treatment without external expertise…

The above stated parables are mend as a comparison to point out my findings in other ways by deduction of the juridical and medical facts and nomenclature. Unfortunately the parables are to be recognized back from the facts in the research file. What they have been experimenting underway is not complete clear, but the final results of the treatment are far going pointed out, and here is acted definitely unacceptable.

In the service for honorable doctor and honest patient. Make the System Work! Siegfried van Hoek.

