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Josh!!! give me back my phone sorry jules no can do mom josh give the poor girl back her phone now here ya go you cry baby.Let me introduce myself my name is Julia Rodriguez, i'm 16 years old with two older brother whose names are Josh and Luke along with my mother Claudia. We live in the small town of Punta Gorda, Florida due to this i have a medium brown complexion. My hair color is an ombre of blues because i decided to be a little bit rebellious last week ending up with my mom grounding me. I have hazel eyes, freckles ,and i'm about 58. I guess youre wondering where my father is, well to tell you the truth he died when i was 9 but before he died he got me a pit bull who i named monster because his face would scare anybody, i also have a turtle hwos name is tiny. I went through this stage when my dad died, i wouldn't talk to anybody but thanks to monster i'm all better. Another thing you should know is that i'm a witch and my brothers are warlocks, weird i know. Julia, Josh, Luke time for school coming mom. Once me and my brothers got to school i meet up with my friends while my brothers went and hung with the soccer team. hey jules said my best friend syd what? Corbin is staring at you no he isnt he so is, go talk to him no. you see corbin is my brother's friend he also happens to be the captain of the soccer team and my long time crush. Hes about 6 foot 5 with black hair and emerald green eyes, he also has a pit bull whose name is sammy and let me tell you she is a sweet heart. Bring crap we're gonna be late said syd, we both ran inside the school see you in math and with that she walked away. As i was walking down the hall i bumped into someone causing me to fall on my butt im so sorry i didnt see you there said a deep voice that sounded familiar, when i looked up there stood Corbin umm its okay i wasn't looking either here let me help you up, i grabbed his hand and he helped me up, so are you going to the game he asked yeah cool umm i gotta get to class, see you later? yeah, see you laterOMG i cant believe that you talked to corbin shut up sid, or else the whole school will hear you sorry ,but i just cant believe you talked to him all by yourself we were sitting in the cafeteria with my other friends courtney, blaine, and mickey. well jules it looks like youre in quite the predicament now aren't you shut it mickey,or else i will throw this apple at you he made a hand motion like he was zipping his lips shut so who wants to hang out at my house this weekend proposed courtney we all replied yes except syd i'm going on a date with josh who i asked josh wait weird josh, or my brother josh? your brother when did this start asked blaine, about two weeks ago well i never would have guessed did i mention that corbin wants to go to, meaning you my dear jules are going no im not yes you are but no buts, its final fine.So what movie are we going to see i asked said later that night while we were getting ready that new disney movie Big Hero 6 you mean the one with the robot yep thats the one okay i think i have a good outfit for the movie i told syd and that is my off the shoulder cream sweater with my black skinny jeans and my combat boots perfect and im going to wear my aztec print sweater with my bleached jeans and uggs sounds good. By the time we were done my brother was in the kitchen talking with corbin finally you guys are ready weve been waiting for like three hours it was only 30 minutes Josh, calm down okay so jules youre with corbin and syd youre with me. With that we headed out to the movie and one the way there i got to know corbin a little bit better so are you excited to see the movie i asked yeah, im really into animated movies and action what are you into i like disney movies and i love Grease no way you like Grease, i thought i was going to be the only kid our age that liked it no way, and sally is my favorite character mines danny of course we talked the whole way there and by the time we reached the theater we were both laughing hysterically. so did you guys have a good ride over here asked syd yeah it was good replied corbin, once we got our tickets josh and corbin went to go and get the snacks do you like sweets yeah cookie dough bites are my favorite okay i will be sure to get those k. lets just say that the movie was amazing and corbin put his arm around me, but as we were leaving we ran into a little trouble corbin,omg i cant believe it's you hey tiffany so whos this this is julia, my girlfriend ohh i see you moved on yeah and i see that you didnt*** yeah well listen we should go okay umm bye bye. with that we left her standing there and i dont think she was too happy to see him with me but on another note corbin called me his GIRLFRIEND can you believe that.tiffanys povI cant believe it,how dare he date another girl, how dare he betray me , betray us, after all we went through he thinks he can move on to some little witch, ill show her who he really belongs with, a vampire. Drake we have an issue what is it little sis hes dating a witch well that is a problem, now isnt it.who was that i asked corbin my crazy ex vampire girlfriend oh okay wait what! vampire yeah why,what,how,when,what? i know and i promise that i will tell you later but right now lets just try to get home safely. We drove in silence until we reached my house,so can you tell me now that weve reached my house i guess and getting there, it all started when i moved here from britain, tiffany was the first girl that i meet, i knew she was a vampire but didnt care i was in a rebellious stage in my life and didnt care what my parents thought, we were pretty serious and on our one year anniversary i went over to surprise her but i got the surprise when i caught her with a demon, i broke up with her and promised myself to never date a vampire again. wow not what i was expecting i know and im sorry about tonight it wasnt your fault corbin, it was hers okay, listen i should get home since we have school in the morning and everything :umm yeah ill see you then bye bye.i cant believe that she is here, i mean out of all the schools in the country why here calm down jules im sure its just a coincidence that she picked our school yeah a coincidence just then corbin came running over im so sorry if i had know that she was going to come here for school i would have told you by.. corbin its fine really it is okay then how about we get to class sounds good to me The moment i walked into math i noticed a new kid sitting up front next to Mr.Kien class this is Drake and he just moved here from pennsylvania so say hello and tell us about your self well he said in a thick more like russian accent than pennsylvanian i just moved here with my sister, and i like to play the guitar, and i hope to do the world some good okay then class give drake a friendly greeting and then drake you can go and sit by please not me please not me julia, raise your hand just my luck and with that i raised my hand and he came and sat next to me hi listen he said in a hushed voice stay away from my sisters boyfriend because if you dont you and your friends will get hurt and we wouldnt want that now would we what are you talking about im not dating anyones corbin and with that my blood ran cold this was tiffanys BROTHER oh dear im in how was your day babe corbin asked as i climbed into the cab of his truck well i meet tiffanys brother today and he told me to stay away from you his grip on the steering wheel tightened her brother is here and he talked to you corbin calm down he didnt hurt me you dont get it he did hurt you just not physically, but mentally he did, he get inside of your head and is trying to make you doubt that you are good for me corbin what? you are good for just like i am you so calm down and lets go have dinner with your parents okay? okay. did you tell her yes do you think shell back off? i think she will with time but right now just go and try to ruin her date okay. I went up stairs to my room and threw on my dress for my date with corbin and his parents along with that thing he calls his girlfriend. Tiff time to go coming when we got there i could she corbin with his mom and dad along with that thing attached to his arm okay tiff remember the plan okay? i got this drake dont worry. hello Mr. and Mrs. Rodriguez how are you doing? tiffany replied corbins dad i didnt know you were in town i moved here a couple days ago, so should we go and have dinner what do you mean? :ohh corbin didnt tell you he invited me to join you guys did he know corbin a word yeah dadDid you invite that thing here tonight no but i think she is trying to get back with me well then go out there and tell her to leave got it. hey tiffany mom what is going on? ooh i just invited tiffany to sit with us you know i wish you two hadnt split up you guys made a really cute couple well mom now im with julia and i really like her whatever, so tiffany how have things been since the breakup :well it was hard at first but then i realized i just had to get corbin back no matter what. And with that my mother and tiffany ruined my evening with julia, not once did my mother talk to her or listen to her and i was on a whole new level of pissed off. Julia look im really sorry about my mom and tiffany.. its okay corbin i guess your mom just doesn't like me and thats fine cuz the only person who needs to like me is you and i do i know alright i guess i will see you tomorrow at school night corbin night juliai dont think i can go to school today mom well with a fever of 100 you're not josh can you tell corbin that im sick no problem sis thanks. At school: well im glad that your mom is taking the day off to be with her dont worry you can come over after school the corbin!, hi how are you doing and where is your girlfriend jenny julia and she is sick oh the poor thing i hope she gets better no you dont, now what do you want just saying hi whatever, listen i gotta get to class, by tiffany. hey i think im gonna skip the rest of the day and go take jules some soup ya sure yeah, see you guys later bye corbin. Hey babe corbin what are you doing here,you're supposed to be at school well i wanted to bring you some soup thanks no prob. We spent the rest of the time watching movies and laughing at a comedy movie when my mom and luke got back from the market hey mom hi miss. berneil hi kids, how are you feeling julia better now that i had some warm soup im glad okay corbin hate to rush you out but i want jules to get a good night sleep and its almost 9 oclock okay, see you tomorrow? maybeSmash i cant believe that little girl she acts as though she is innocent when really she isnt tiffany calm down before you kill someone but i dont care, how about this we break your leg and see if pretty boy will give you some sympathy and i will spend more time digging up some stuff on her that will make him drop her like a fly fine but if it fails, im coming after you it wont fail it better not.hey babe how are you feeling today, i brought some more soup for you so you could have it at lunch thanks and im feeling better Hey did you guys hear what happened to tiffany said one of corbins friends no what happened to her? apparently she was out running when she tripped over a tree branch and fell breaking her leg, look her she comes sure enough tiffany came crushing in (more like faking it you could tell trust me) and everybody gave her sympathy hey corbin do you think you could help me to class today we dont have any classes together and all of yours are on the other side of the school ill help you tiffany said a freshmen who was making googly eyes at her thats fine really, i was really hoping that corbin could help me well hes not so find someone else to do it and with that i walked away with corbin in tow that was hot :thanks, now wanna help me get to class sure. Lets just say that the day was eventful tiffany kept trying to get corbins attention and we kept ignoring her and as the day went on she got madder and madder at me and corbin(mostly me) but we didnt care.the plan didnt work drake, you said it would work i got the last bit of dirt i need on our little witch let me see it hey its not nice to snatch things out of peoples hands whatever, omg i cant believe it, she was responsible for her fathers death, this is just too good now the plan is set into motion and all you need to do is make the first move not going to be a problem dear brother not a problem at allmom! what is it honey my 17th birthday is coming up i know honey but dont worry you will be fine i destroyed my closet mom how is that fine it will be alright, okay just calm down and everything will be fine okay,calming down, calming down good? i think so good because corbin is downstairs mom i groaned hey whats up? just wondering if you wanted to go to the movies with me sure i would love to alright then lets go. As we were driving we started to talk as to why tiffany might have faked breaking her leg she probably wants your attention she know im with you you think she cares no okay then eyes on the road and just as i looked back there was a figure standing in the middle of the road and it wasnt moving corbin slow down trying but if i hit the brake any hard wwe will hydroplate and then we spun and spun and spun until we hit a tree and stopped and the last thing i saw was the figure walking towards the car. wakey wakey eggs and stay away from my boyfriend tiffany? where am i? what are you doing? me, well im just getting what i want and that is? you out of my way and corbin back in my arms so that was you standing in the road no dont be silly i would never go out in the rain, that was my brother, now you are going to listen and listen well why would i listen to a word you have to say because i can ruin your life if you dont with what? the truth as to how your dear daddy died dont talk about my dad, you have no right to ohh but i do because you see if you dont break up with corbin i will tell everybody your secret and when they find out that you were the one to kill your father, well they will never want to see you again how did you find that information, it classified you dont need to know that all you need to know is that if you dont break up it will come out and we wont want that happening now would we and then it all went black.Beep Beep Beep will someone turn off the beeping please im trying to sleep i said as i woke up hey honey are you okay? mom where am i i said as i tried to sit up not to fast honey, you got a fractured rib due to head on impact with the tree along with a concussion is corbin okay? hes fine, a busted lip and a broken arm although his car is no longer in service that bad? yeah, your brothers are downstairs along with corbins parents well this is a good way to meet them we both laughed i brought you some close, the doctor said as long as you dont move fast you can shower on your own, will you be alright if i leave to go get the boys and some food? ill be fine mom, you go ahead and i promise to take it slow for now okay see you in a little bit okay. The shower wasnt that bad it was getting dressed that sucked but lucky for me my mom packed my brothers sweats instead of one of mine knowing i could use the extra size to be comfortable and not have to squeeze into it. When mom got back she had pudding and the boys with her how are you feeling little sis? asked josh better and thanks for letting me wear your guys close it wasnt a problem we figured you would be more comfortable in baggy close then you would in close that fit you were right, is that pudding for me? cuz you know i love sweet stuff yes and corbin also had his parents get you flowers but we couldnt bring them in here so there back at the house in your room said mom can i go talk to corbin and tell him thanks? as soon as the doctor clears you and just then my doctor stepped through the door know let me tell you something about my doctor he's indian and he loves to play jokes on people so when he told me that i would have to stay another night i thought he was kidding and i laughed at him im not joking jules you have a concussion and we want to make sure that you dont slip into a coma okay? but i will allow you to visit corbin hes just down the hall in room 401 does that sound good i guess and thanks for letting me visit him it means a lot no problem and also not to much pudding okay okay. knock knock come in hey corbin its me hey jules how are you feeling? he asked as he sat up and thats when i noticed that the arm he had broken was the one that had been holding my hand the night of the crash did you stop the airbag from breaking my ribs? corbin you shouldnt have done that jules its fine, it was a natural reflex, that is what the doctors told me and if i hadnt done that you would be here for more than just a couple of days sorry it just I know i would have done the same thing, so when do you get out? i have to stay one more night they want to make sure that i wont slip into a coma and then they want me at home for about three or four days before i go back to school so thursday you will be in school, can i visit you on your days off or is that a no go? ill make sure that you can visit me just have to talk to the warden first we both laughed alright kids almost bed time looking over at the clock i noticed that it was almost eight meaning i had to be in my room in 15 minutes see you soon jules see you soon corbin night night with that i left and began the walk back to my room along the way i started to think about tiffanys threat i just cant believe that she got that information on me what should i do? by the time i got back to my room i knew the answer. jules corbins here to see you and he brought more flowers shouted my little brother luke from down stairs coming i ran down the stairs and saw corbin talking to luke hey my boyfriend with that i pulled him up the stairs and to my room so do you wanna watch a movie sure what do you have? i looked at him and went across the hall to the spare room that is our movie room over to the tall movie shelf, and put my hands up like vana white man that a lot of movies and are they all disney movies too? yeah im a disney kid, we have all the classics, remakes, sequels, prequels, and then at the bottom we have some horror and action films, what do you want to watch? hmm lets see how about The Lion King series, Alice in Wonderland, and Red, sound good? sounds great, come sit down. It was around 9 when we finished all of the movies that corbin picked he had ordered pizza and luke came up too watch Red with us i had a good night corbin , thanks for coming over no problem and i had fun too drive safe please i will and you get a good nights sleep because tomorrow is school i groaned night jules night. So did you kids have fun yeah umm mom theres something i need to tell you guys what is it honey :you might want to sit down okay. remember when dad took me too the zoo the day he died yes jules honey we know what happened but you dont and i want you to hear this from me okay what is it? i killed dad, it was on accident and i was afraid if i told you that you would hate me honey i could never hate you know what happened? After we left the zoo dad took me to go and get ice cream at yumberry, on the car ride home i split it in the back seat and dad got mad he told me honey im not angry but you should have been more careful but i was angry with myself and before i knew it the car swerved and we hit the tree and the car caught on fire, it wasnt until two months later that i realized it had been my fault, apparently i got so angry that my powers kicked in and i didnt know it by this point i was sobbing into her arms mom i didn't mean to and everyday i feel so bad because i ruined your life and i ruined the boys, im so sorry honey calm down its not your fault, it was an accident, i dont hate you okay? im sorry that you had to hold onto this for all these years but why are you telling me now? corbins ex knows and she is threatening to tell you if i dont break up with him and i just wanted to let you hear it from me and not some psychopath ex girlfriend its fine honey and i love you love you too mom. Bang! the door was busted open by my brother who was breathing hard corbin. luke.. fight .. hospital luke was stabbed thought you would want to know come on lets go, jules front seat josh back seat and get some water.We arrived at the hospital 20 minutes later thanks to my mom doing 80 in a 60 and the cops knew not to pull her over at the moment. Luke Rodrigez, im his mother room 501 but right now hes in surgery okay then umm how about corbin sanchez this is his girlfriend my daughter room 415 minor injurys thanks. When we arrived at corbins room i was not expecting tiffany to be there also and his mother was not pleased to see me. why are you here you stupid little girl cant you see what you did to my poor baby she yelled calm down martha the poor girl had nothing to do with the fight that corbin and luke got into, how are you doing dear and how is your brother? fine and hes still in surgery mom and josh went up to his room to wait for him, i thoughti would com by and see how corbins doing, how is he? sleeping, broken rib, sprang wrist and some minor cuts but your brother saved him from the stabbing, tell him thanks will you? yeah, when will corbin be out? some time tomorrow and then he has pt for his wrist for about two weeks okay well im going to head up to lukes room, ill let you know how he is in a couple days thank you jules no problem with one final look around the room and getting a glare from both tiffnay and martha i walked out and got on the elevator to my brothers floor. mmmm, hey can someone get me some water, my throat feels like the desert here luke, easy dont drink to fast my mom scolded him how are you feeling? i asked good my stomach hurts though ill go get the doctor said mom and with that she left luke and me in the room alone, josh was at the house taking care of the animals, thomas said thanks for saving corbin, what happened luke, who did this? who do you think it was drake him and some of his cronies came out of nowhere and started to beat us up, i dont know if corbin will remember or not he got a blow to the head that was pretty hard probably not tiffany was in his room last night and she might have slipped something into his food or drink im back and i brought you some food jules figured you would be hungry thanks mom so how much pain are you feeling today on a scale on 1-10, one being happy and ten being a lot of pain? about a seven and a half maybe a solid seven well thats about normal for a stabbing victim, im going to give you some pain meds for home and also no solids for about a week to a week and a half, i also want to start your pt for your stomach next week okay? sounds good doctor and we will make sure that he does what he is supposed to do, right luke mom said as she gave him a glare yes mom so when can my baby boy be released? in just a couple of hours, we would like to run some final test and the police would like to get his statement know that he is awake okay then ill drive jules home and she can help josh and then ill be right back to get you okay hun? okay mom.Hi Mr.Sanchez its me jules i was just calling to tell you that luke is out of the hospital and would like to hang out with corbin if thats okay? actually jules that is a wonderful idea we have been trying to get corbin to do something and i think luke just might help with that, what time do you want him over? how about lunch time i was going to fix turkey soup and the bread should be done by the time he gets here sounds good thanks Mr.Sanchez no problem jules. The door bell rang three hours later at noon, i went to the door and there stood corbin. hey come in, luke is up stairs if you want to go and hang with him until lunch is done how are you holding up jules? ive been worried about you :im fine lover boy, now go up stairs and see your best friend in the whole world okay and with that he left me with a kiss on the cheek and went up stairs. boys lunch is ready i called up to them half an hour later and next thing i know i hear luke,josh,and corbin come down the stairs so are you guys having fun? yeah, thanks for inviting me over jules i needed to be out and hang with the people who matter the most no problem, so corbin i guess you and luke will be starting pt together yeah i guess and the good thing is we can encourage each other to try harder each day. We spent the next few hours watching movies and playing video games not caring about the world outside and it was nice to forget for awhile that is until my mom came home and ordered luke to bed and told corbin that he should get home by guys, i had a good night, bye jules bye corbin and drive safe please, call me or text when you get home okay yes mother ohh shutup and leave bye and kissed me on the cheek and left.Its been about three weeks since the boys fight and both of them are dong well in pt, the cops found drakes boys and locked them up and through away the key but no sign of drake or tiffany since that night, i guess they ran or maybe tiffany gave up, i cant believe i just said that she would never give up, well corbins mom still ahtes me but i dont care. Hey babe first day back and our first game back are you guys excited i asked corbin and luke as we ate lucnh at school duh were excited, are you going to come? since when have i missed a game you goones never not even when you came down with chicken poks you still showed up at the game stated luke and it was true when i was eleven i came down with chicken poxes the day of their tournoment and i went even thiugh my mom tried to got a babysitter to watch me, i snuk out and went to the game bad news mom cought me and i was grounded for a week. come on corbin, come on i said as i watched my brother and my boyfriend run down the feild passing the ball between them as they tried to score with only two minutes left in the game, we were down by one and if we tied we would go into over time but then one of the players tripped my brother befroe he could shoot just as time ran down to one minute and forty seconds. The ref blew the wistel and coch came up to my mom hes fine but corbins going to take hes shoot luke got the wind knocked out and he said that his side was hurtin i could tell that muy mother wa worried but i knew luke would be okay. Corbin was lined p to take the shoot and he made the whole crowed went up in cheers we one the game. good job boys you all fought hard for that win thanks babe, hows your brother? hes fine its my mother you should worry about she wont stop fussing over his side listen i gotta go but umm do you want to come to my familys cook put this weekened i want you to meet the crazy people in my life? i would love to corbin, what time adn whta day? its on saturday and about noon one oclock, is that okay with you? that fine with me okay see you saturday, night jules night corbin. Happy birthday jules said my mom when i came down the stairs the next morning thanks mom, can i stay home from school today i dont want to hurt someone on accident? thats fine jules you can help me clean the house, boys you will need to get all of her school work okay got it mom okay and jules dont forget that we are going over to corbins house for your birthday dinner, so you will need to dress nice can i go shopping while you bake my cake? who said i was baking your cake? mom you bake my cake every year yes you can go shopping but take luke with you okay? okay mom well we need to get to school so that we can get your work and so that you can get mine for the last half of the day so i can take you shopping said luke okay have a good day and dont get into trouble josh, i dont want another call from the principle you hear me yes mom replied josh okay then bye bye mom, bye jules bye. Me and luke headed to the mall around noon to get my dress, we stopped by some stores but the dresses were a little too short for lukes liking so we tried a different store. what do you think of this one?, too short or maybe a different color? it looks fine jules, i think you found the dress to wear tonight and corbin better behave his self thanks luke and dont worry corbin is a gentleman he would never do something like that he better not, alright lets go buy this dress and get home so i can eat some lunch, mom made turkey soup yummm, lets go. We left the store with a deep red dress with a sweetheart neckline and flare skirt, floor length and it wasnt too tight or too loose it fit just right and i made sure not to break moms budget. Mom were home did you get the perfect dress? yes mom and you have to wait to see it just like everybody else ohh fine, would you like some turkey soup what kind of question is that, of course i want turkey soup. Now i dont remember if i told you this before but my mom makes the best food in the world and her turkey soup is the best because it is a home grown turkey from down the road at the Perry Farm and the vegetables she uses are homegrown too she gets them from the farmers market in town. jules hurry up or else we are going to be late and you dont want that now do you? no mom but i need your help what is it sweetie she asked as she came into my room do you think dad would be proud of me and i turned around ooh honey my mom said with tears in her eyes he would be very proud of you and the lady you have become, now come on corbin is waiting for you :okay lets go. When we arrived at corbins house it was quiet until we stepped into the dining room and i was given a suprise Suprise, happy birthday jules a lot of people shouted out and then came my knight in shining armor so do you like it? corbin its wonderful and i wasnt expecting to meet your family like this they couldnt wait and i wanted them to come at a different time but they wanted to come now so are you going to introduce me or am i going to stand here and try to guess all of their names? after corbin introduced me to his family we all sat down at the dining room table to eat and corbins mom had made my favorite spanish dish tamales with chicken instead of beef thank you martha you didnt have to i did and honey im sorry about how i treated you but when tiffany was here it was like i wasnt in control of what i was saying and now that shes gone i can be myself and i hope its not too late for us to get along? its never too late martha after i said that we all laughed and ate and i noticed luke looking at a girl across the table from jessible corbins cousin corbin who is that girl luke is staring at? that is maria jessibles friend why? i think luke has a crush no, ohh i see it now, yep hes love sick puppy now corbin don't say that be nice :you were thinking the same thing shutup. After dinner i helped martha while the boys went into the living room to set up my presents. okay so what one are you going to open first asked luke i dont know i do said mom its from your father, he purchased a gift for all of you for your 17th birthday mom its okay honey go on and open it okay when i opened the present i was not expecting what i saw it was a stick what is this? a wand said luke look i've got one too and he pulled a wand similar to mine out of his back pocket so what does it do? it helps you harness your power,s o that it doesn't go all haywire on you and hurt people thanks dad and so went the opening of presents until the end of the night and we all had to go to bed because it was a school day and the boys had a soccer game in the morning night corbin, see you tomorrow night julesThe next day there was this feeling in the air, like we were going to experience something bad and i didnt know what that was. i dont like the feeling i have about today corbin it feels as though something bad is about to happen dont worry jules nothing bad will happen, how is your self training going? fine, still having trouble with the wand but its getting better as a work :i g;lad, are you coming tonight or are you going to stay home and practice some more like i would ever miss a game :okay, dress warm please i dont need my girlfriend freezing to death i was about to reply when a voice behind me said wouldnt that be nice tiffany, what are you doing here i thought you had left for once and for all? me leave please honey you have another thing coming if you think i was leaving without corbin whatever and you will never get home tiffany, never well see about that tiffany well see. I went home that night and got ready for the game but before i left i took my spell book with me just incase i ran into tiffany and i need some magical help. hey honey you made it, i didnt think you were going to come my mom said when i arrived at the game i would never miss a game mom, you know that : i know, ohh here comes the boys, whooooo!!!! she screamed right into my ear as our team took the field. Let me tell you two hours sitting on a metal bench is not fun but we won and as a result there will be a party at corbins house and i plan on going are you going to corbins party yes mom and don't worry if it gets too late i will stay the night there, we both will :okay be safe and dont forget i know take lukes keys away and don't give them back until we are back at home, got it :be safe honey i will,bye mom bye honey.I was having a good time at corbins party, talking to my friends and making new ones, playing spin the bottle and truth or dare ( the appropriate kind) and keeping an eye on my brother when tiffany walked in the front door corbin why didnt you invite me because he didnt want you here yelled someone from the back of the room but im his girlfriend no your not his girlfriend is julia, not you no its me no tiffani its not you are not my girlfriend jules is and you need to leave i will not leave, not until you admit that you are my boyfriend and not hers hes mine tiffany and if you want him you will have to fight me for him then lets fight lets three weeks from now sounds good to me. Jules dont do this you're not ready you just got the hang of your powers i can do this corbin and she isnt going to keep us from living our lives she never will okay but please be careful, promise me i promise ill be careful thank you. Ive been training very hard to defeat tiffany and the fight is in less than a week. Jules come and eat dinner coming mom jules you need to stop training and come eat dinner mom i need to defeat tiffany you need to eat to get energy to defeat tiffany fine im coming good. That night we had roast beef with mashed potatoes and green beans so luke how are you feeling today mom asked better my physical theripy is going good and corbin helps to encourage me and try hard and i do the same thing foe him i glad hey luke, how is corbin doing? good, he has a couple more days and then hes done im glad, so when can you guys play full out again the doctor said it would take about two more weeks until we could play a whole game at full strength again well at least you guys are making progress yeah.Todays the day, the day that me and tiffany fight to see who will live and who will die. are you ready for this jules corbin asked corbin ill be fine just calm down okay, i know what im doing okay but promise me that you will try to fight her off as much as you can i will corbin, i have to go but i promise i will try and make it back to you okay? okay, i love you i love you too. I walked into the woods with my wand in my boot and some potions in my bag, ready to take on tiffany and what ever evil she brought with her. I waited for about an hour when i heard the crunch of someones shoes on the leaves on the forest floor and i waited and waited until i was standing face to face with Drake, what was he doing here? what are you doing here, where is your sister? shell be along shortly but she wanted me to tell you that you should have taken her warning about telling everybody the truth about what happened to your father my family knows what happened and so does corbins family and nobody in this town will believe a word your sister says about me or my family maybe not, but we can still strike fear into their hearts and yours what do you mean? and just as i asked that a scream tor through the air what did you do? you might want to go help, or ealse you wont have a home to go back to. I took of running back into town and down the main street, following the screams until i landed myse;lf in front of corbins house, i ran inside and what i saw was horrifying.Tiffany was standing over corbin holding a bloody knife while his mom and dad along with my mother and brothers stood on the wall being held back by her goones. tiffany what did you do? she had this look of horror on her face as she turned to look at me i didnt mean to stab him, it was ment for your mother but he jumped infront of her tifany put down the knife and we can talk about this no you did this, if you hadnt had come inbetween me and corbin non of this would have happened and we would still be together no tifany it your fault, you came between me and corbin not the other way around, if you had stayed away then non of this would have happened her face was red and she started coming toward me with the knife still in her hand i will kill you no you wont i said as i pulled on of the potons out of my bag and threw it at her ahhh, what is wrong with my eyes? blinding potion, it wont last for long but it will last long enough for me to kill you :you will never kill me she said as she started to try and walk toward me while swining the knife back and forth in front of her, i looked and corbins mom as i pulled out my wand and nodded my head hopping she would understand and get corbin and everbody else out of the house and she did. tiffany im going to give you one last chance and if you dont take it i will kill you by know the potion had strated to wera off and she could particially see me never and with that she came chrging at me and i pointed my wand at her and said crucioadvada and she turned to dust. Its been almost three months since my battle with tiffany, we couldnt find her brother or the goons anywere but we know that somewere they are hidding and waiting for us. Corbin made it through lukley the knife tiffany had wasnt pure silver, he has a scar on his stomach and calls it his battle scar and shows it off when ever people ask about it. I guess you could say life is good right about know, i have corbin, my family is happy and my brother has a girlfriend. Luke and maria have been dating for about three weeks and they make the cutest couple ever, josh on the other had has come out as gay and i couldnt be happier knowing that he is happy just the way he is. My mother also has a new love interest and his name is tony, he was moms lawyer for about five years until they fell in love as she puts it and all of us are happy for them, they have been dating for about three years secretly. ohh did i mention that they are getting married today, no well any way they are.Jules honey come on we need to get your dress on, the wedding is going to start soon my mother scolded me mom its your wedding not mine, so there for you are the one who needs to get ready not me im sorry it just that im nervous that your father wouldnt want me to do this mom you're crazy, of course dad would want you to be happy, we all do, now lets get you in that dress okay. The wedding was beautiful, me and my brother helped tony pay for the wedding on Hawai. Mom decided that this time around she would let the man plan the wedding and tony likes Fitzgerald so the theme was The Great Gtasby, we all dressed in 1920s fashion and even learned some of the dances from back then, we danced all night and the best part was when corbin got down on one knee and asked me to be his wife and of course i said yes, he is my mate after all.Epilogue Remember when i said our fourth baby would be on time, yeah, i lied this one decided that it was going to be about a week early and was not waiting for mom to get to the hospital. I was in labor for about 16 hours before Hayden James was born, a beautiful baby girl born on 11-25-14, weighing 6 lbs. 4 oz at 20.16 inches. so who want sto hold her first, mom? no i think this time i will let josh hold the baby first but mom you always hold the baby first, even when i was born you kept josh in your arms for an hour before you let us touch him said luke i know but, i think josh needs to hold hayden first josh are you okay with holding her, i promise you wont drop her i told him i guess. I handed baby hayden off to josh with corbin looking over his shoulder and josh went and sat down on the bench by the window and began talking to her hi hayden, im your uncle josh and you are very pretty you look just like your mother he started to make funny faces and she started to laugh at him and then we all joined in at hayden laughing at joshs face.Me and corbin have been married for about five years now with three beautiful children and one more on the way, im about eight months along but so far they have all been on time so i dont worry about this one being early, so far we have two boys and one girl, we like not knowing what the next one will be. We found out soon after my mom and tonys wedding that drake and his goons had went back to the underworld and got busted for selling drugs and on top of that they all had warrants, they were arrested and sentenced to death by sun, yes vampires burn and so do demons. Our oldest child is four and his name is Braxton and he looks a lot like his dad, our second eldest is my baby girl Daisy she is three and a half just about to turn four in the next month, our third baby is Russ after my father and he is two, none of them have shown signs of being either a warlock, witch, or werewolf yet but you never know, they could surprise you.

Its december now and hayden is having her first christmas and let me tell you she was a spoiled baby. She got everything a baby could want, even a puppy, a gift from my mother what i just wanted her to have a friend mom shes a month old, she dosnt need a puppy fine then, it can be the family dog and how about braxton gets to name it i guess that can happen, braxton what do you want to name your puppy? chocolate! he said excitedly okay then his or her name is chocolate yay said the whole family.Luke and Maria got married about a year after us and have two kids of their own. They now live in the country and dont worry about the future they like to live in the moment. We all get together and remember the time i fought tiffany and how glad we are that i made it through and how dad must have helped me and gave me a little bit extra power to defeat tiffany. We want all of our kids to grow up without having to go through the troubles we went through but we know that we must prepare them just incase something happens to us.