Page 1: Carol’s Piano 2016... · in your student’s piano jour- ... kumar on violin. Marie Roza, ... grader will play “Hedwig’s

check for the time and date

for your child’s group class.

No makeup lessons are

available for performance

class, however if scheduling

is a problem for your pianist,

it is possible to swap

groups, (group size is lim-

ited). Please note that per-

formance classes are stu-

dent only events.

It’s Performance Class time!

All students are invited to

participate by memorizing a

piece of their choice to per-

form for their peers. We will

be focusing on proper per-

formance etiquette and the

benefits of constructive

peer feedback.

Performance class is more

than just performing for your

piano friends. Here are just

a few of the benefits:

Creates a very strong sense

of community amongst stu-

dents. New friendships are

made! Often students dis-

cover that pianists from

their group class attend

their school, play soccer on

their team or attend the

same dance class.

Promotes learning among

peers. Children learn from

watching other children.

Performance etiquette and

constructive feedback skills

are best learned in a group

setting. Games that rein-

force theory concepts are

more fun when played with

your piano friends.

Are just plain fun! Piano is

such a solitary instrument at

times; music is meant to be

shared and mutually en-

joyed. Performance class

offers the perfect opportuni-

ty to hear new pieces, and

enjoy familiar pieces that

students present. Groups

are a great opportunity to

explore the joy that is music.

Our Performance Classes

are scheduled for the week

of March 28 to April 2 and

will take the place of the

regular weekly lessons.

Group assignment notices

were sent home this week

in your student’s piano jour-

nal and are also on the

March statements. Please

Performance Class Week—March 28 to April 2


The Women’s Choral En-

semble and the Clark Col-

lege Chorale will present

“Sing On!” on Thursday,

March 10. Under the direc-

tion of April Duvic, this event

will be held at 7:30 p.m.,

Gaiser Hall, on the Clark

College Campus.

The Clark College Concert

Choir and Clark College

Concert Band will present

“Musicks Empire” on Sun-

day March 13 at the O’Con-

nell Sports Center on the

Clark College Campus.

Admission is free to both

concerts. Donations for the

Music Department Scholar-

ships are gratefully accept-


Carol’s Piano Studio

Mar—Apr 2016

Volume 4 No. 4

Inside this issue:

Solo & Ensemble



Talent Show



More Student



Wall of Fame 3

Landon Snyder

Joins AmeriCorps





Studio Info 4

Vivian Barnard learning theory

at a performance class.

Page 2: Carol’s Piano 2016... · in your student’s piano jour- ... kumar on violin. Marie Roza, ... grader will play “Hedwig’s

Conducted by the Washing-

ton Music Education Associ-

ation, Solo and Ensemble

provides the opportunity for

the finest of Washington's

high school music students

to hear each other in a com-

petitive situation. From 22

regional contests, the win-

ners in each category move

on to the state competition

where first, second and third

places are selected. At the

middle school level, stu-

dents receive adjudication,

but do not proceed to state


There are 29 solo catego-

ries, including seven wood-

wind categories, five brass,

four percussion, four strings,

six vocal, piano, guitar and

harp. The ensemble contest

includes "small" and "large"

ensembles in seven catego-

ries: woodwinds, brass, per-

cussion, strings, women's

vocal, men's vocal and

mixed vocal.

The following students from

Carol’s Piano Studio partici-

pated in Solo and Ensemble


Thamira Skandakumar, a

junior at Mountain View

High School performed Noc-

turne, Opus 55, No. 1 by

Frederic Chopin.

Swedha Skandakumar, a

seventh grade student at

Shahala Middle School per-

formed Sonatina, Opus 36,

No. 1 by Muzio Clementi.

Emily Rosenkranz, a sixth

grade student at Shahala

Middle School performed

Arabesque by Burgmuller.

We would also like to recog-

nized the following piano

students who performed on

other instruments: Molly

Myers, a Union High School

freshman, on oboe; Tiffany

Nugyen, a Mountain View

High School junior on trum-

pet, and Thamira Skanda-

kumar on violin.

Marie Roza, a sophomore at

Union High School, accepted

an invitation to audition to

accompany the children’s

choir at her church. Her au-

dition was successful! Ma-

rie will be playing “Glory to

the Risen Lord” for the chil-

dren’s choir at this year’s

Easter service. Congratula-

tions Marie!

Ellie Barrett, a seventh

grade student at Our Lady of

Lourdes recently participat-

ed in a fund raiser. During

the evening dinner and si-

lent auction event, Ellie

played popular, easy listen-

ing pieces by Jim Brickman

and Jennifer Eklund, as well

as repertoire from her favor-

ites list. Well done Ellie!

Elizabeth Keller, a fourth

grade home school student,

shared her musical talents

with an adult day care audi-

ence at Innovative Services

Northwest in Vancouver.

This non-profit organization

is grateful for volunteers like

Elizabeth who brighten their

patient’s day! Thank you


Solo and Ensemble Performers

More Student Performances

School Talent Show Performers

School talent shows offer

students the opportunity to

share their musical gifts

with other students and the

community. George Ogden,

a first grader at Illahee Ele-

mentary School played “Jack

and the Beanstalk” at his

school’s talent show. The

following students from Har-

mony Elementary School will

perform at their school’s

talent show: Elise Distant, a

first grader will play

“Windmill Waltz,” Brayden

Barker, a second grader, will

play “Dance of the Irish,”

Wyatt Gustafson, a second

grader will play “Hedwig’s

Theme,” Noah Lawson, a

third grader will play “Beauty

and the Beast,” and Myla

Barker, a fifth grader will

play “Malaguena.”

Page 2 Carol’s Piano Studio

Use your



has one)

in any way

you can.

Don’t keep it

for yourself

like a miser,

spend it

like a


Lucy MacDonald


Page 3: Carol’s Piano 2016... · in your student’s piano jour- ... kumar on violin. Marie Roza, ... grader will play “Hedwig’s

response, and recovery ac-

tivities. They provide support

in areas ranging from work-

ing directly with disaster

survivors to supporting dis-

aster recovering centers to

sharing valuable disaster

preparedness information

with the public.

Landon graduated from

Evergreen High School in

2015. All the best, Landon!

Former piano student, Lan-

don Snyder has been ac-

cepted to AmeriCorps.

Landon is currently training

at McClellan Air Force Base

in Sacramento, California.

After training, he will travel

with his team of eight to

Virginia where they will work

with the FEMA division.

FEMA Corps members focus

on disaster preparedness,

Wall of Fame

Landon Snyder Joins AmeriCorps

Volume 4 No. 4 Page 3


These students have

moved up a level in

their piano studies.

From left to right:

First row:

Cruz Toves

Kaelyn Thomas

Marie Roza

Second row:

Noah Kelly

Ryan Price

Emma Fell

Third row:

Ethan Chu

Georgia Cochran

Jessica Barrett

Fourth row:

Emily Rosenkranz

Sarra Laptiv

Paige Nelson

Page 4: Carol’s Piano 2016... · in your student’s piano jour- ... kumar on violin. Marie Roza, ... grader will play “Hedwig’s

Payment Options

Your on-time payments are greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much!

Payment options for lessons include:

Personal check made payable to Carol

McCallum (brought to lesson or mailed).

Cash—please place the correct amount in a

sealed envelope with your child’s name on

the front.

Bill pay service with your bank. If you choose

this option, please let me know so that I can

expect your check in the mail.

Please do not leave checks or cash under the

front door mat or slip payment under the front

door. That’s too risky!

Studio Calendar

March 28-April 2 Performance Classes

April 3-9 Spring Break – Studio closed

April 11 Lessons Resume

May 30 Memorial Day – Studio open

June 6-10 Performance Classes

June 11 Studio Recital

June 13 Lessons Continue

Studio Info

Contact The Teacher

To cancel a lesson

Visit the website, click on ‘Makeup Lessons” and fol-

low the steps. It’s so easy!

For other matters

Email [email protected]


Phone 360-882-4678

Please do not text or send messages via Facebook.
