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St. Thomas University

Carol City Middle School – Report Card Review Reflection

Aimee ThielmanThis document will contain information on applied psychology, observations made during the Report Review at CCMS, the Theories of Emotions that may aid in understanding the emotions the students displayed, regions of the brain and its functions, EBD students, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and a personal reflection.


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Definition and Examples

Applied Psychology is the usage of psychological methods and results of scientific

psychology to solve everyday issues that an individual or organism may encounter or experience.

Fields in psychology that use applied psychology are clinical, counseling, educational,

environmental, evolutionary, forensic, health, industrial and organizational, neuropsychology,

school, sport, social and sport. Examples of how applied psychology is used are “When a

forensic psychologist conducts research on witness evidence and serves as a consultant to an

attorney during a case”, “When an industrial psychologist recommends a corporation about

improvements in the selection of employees.” and “Investigating various treatment methods in

order to observe which approach is more effective for reducing anxiety.”


Applied psychology concentrates on the results that are obtained from scientific research

and utilizing it in real world scenarios, as well as observing the external validity of the research.

When conducting a study there are three main types of validity that are concentrated on,

construct validity, internal validity, and external validity. Construct validity occurs when there is

a theoretical construct of cause and effect, which is a representation of a real world scenario, and

it also assesses the quality of the experiment’s design. Internal validity can only occur when

there has been a causal relationship between the variables that are being experimented on, and

the disadvantage to it is that there could be other variables influencing the causal relationship.

External validity occurs when the causal relationship can be generalized to other populations and

scenarios as well as when correct sampling has occurred. Applied psychology may aid in real-


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world research, such as “A hospital conducting research on how to prepare its patients for certain

surgical procedures.”



Emotions can be defined as rapid arousals of personal significance during a situation; it is

also an energized behavior, and the individual is prepared for action. There are various Theories

of Emotions, The Common Sense Theory, James-Lange Peripheral Feedback Theory, Cannon-

Bard Theory, and Schachter’s Two Factor Theory. Each theory focuses how the sequencing that

occurs during experiencing an emotion once a stimulus is perceived. The Common Sense Theory

of Emotion suggests that the perception of a stimulus produces, which then causes a physical

arousal. James-Lange Peripheral Feedback Theory suggests that the perception of a stimulus

causes a physical arousal, which then produces an emotion. Cannon-Bard Theory suggests that

the perception of a stimulus causes a physical arousal and emotion simultaneously. Schachter’s

Tw-Factor Theory of Emotion suggests that the perception of a stimulus must cause physical

arousal, the arousal must be cognitively labeled and then the emotion can be experienced.

Mood & Body Language

Mood can be defined as an internal state of emotional feelings, which is generally

temporary, less intense and less likely to be triggered by a specific event or stimulus. There are

multiple mood disorders, which are listed in the DMS V that an individual can be diagnosed with

such as, Major Depressive Disorder, Bipolar Disorder I & II, Cyclothymia, and SAD (Seasonal

Affective Disorder). Body Language can be defined as the gestures, postures, and facial


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expressions, which an individual manifests multiple physical, mental or emotional states and

communicates it to other nonverbally. Mood and body language are related due to the fact that

depending on an individuals mood he or she will have a certain posture, for example if an

individual is in a depressed mood, he or she will have hunched shoulders, attempt to make

themselves seem smaller than they are, and they will cross their arms in front of themselves in

order to inform other that they do not want to be open.


Emotions, Moods & Body Language

Carol City Middle has a mixed diversity of ethnicities, age groups, personalities, cultural

backgrounds and ranges in psychological capabilities. During the Report Card Review in Carol

City Middle School there were various emotions and body languages that the students exhibited.

The major emotions and moods that were displayed by the students were anxiety, hesitance,

intimidation, surprise, assurance, enthusiasm and satisfaction. These emotions and moods were

triggered due to the fact that the students were coming in contact with college students and will

be handing over their report card to a complete stranger, who could possibly belittle their lack of

intellect or behaviors. The students entered the Report Card Review area with hesitance to

approach the tables, but once seated at a table they were anxious about interacting with the

college students. The anxiety dissipated once the college students began holding a conversation

with the Carol City Middle School students before reviewing the CCMS students’ report card.


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Also in before being seated with a college student mentor a majority of the CCMS

students when they first entered the report card review area exhibited a more withdrawn stance,

even when being seated with a mentor; however, the was a shift in their body language where

their shoulders became more relaxed, chest raised in a confident manner, and their overall

demeanor changed to a more confident and relaxed, once their emotions changed. Behavior is

influenced by cognitions and emotions, and the cognitive process is the logical reasoning, which

occurs before a behavior is carried out and the cognitions and emotions are then experienced as

an attitude. There were several students who were exhibiting signs of negative emotion and

stress but that was due to the lack of motivation that he or she felt and was possibly receiving.

Fig. 1. 7th Grade Data from Report Card Review at CCMS and enlarged calculations


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The moods that were observed during the Report Card Review were reluctance, elevated

levels of anxiety and fear when the students handed the mentors their report cards, and then

satisfaction if they received positive reinforcement. A theory of emotion that could be used to

describe the students’ emotions is the Cannon- Bard theory due to the fact that the students

experienced some sort of stimulus and then they would experience a physical arousal and an

emotion simultaneously. This theory is plausible for their emotional reactions due to the fact that

when I observed the students they would perceive a mentor reviewing their report card and then

their inhalation speed would increase, there was a presence of anxiety in their voice when a

question was asked and at the same time of the physical arousal they would experience an

emotion, such as anxiety.

The Limbic System & Emotions


In order to experience any type of emotion, whether it be anxiety, sorrow, or joy there are

various regions of the brain that must active in

order for the emotion to be experienced. The

amygdala is a minute almond shaped structure

in the brain, deep inside the temporal lobe,

which connects to the hippocampus, the

prefrontal area and the medial dorsal nucleus

of the thalamus. The amygdala main function

is the mediation and control of affective

activities like friendship, love, affection, and also expressing a mood like fear, anger and

Fig. 2 Diagram of the brain with the Amygdala labeled


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aggression. It is also the main identifier of danger, hence it aids in self-preservation, and when it

is triggered it allows an organism to prepare itself for a flight or fight response.


The hippocampus is located in the medial temporal lobe of the brain and forms an

important part of the limbic system that

regulates emotions. The main function of the

hippocampus is to retain long-term memory,

which means that the organism can compare

past and present experiences and choose the

most suitable reaction in order for survival.

This recall in declarative memory focuses on

facts and events, hence it attaches memories to

a certain emotion, for example if an individual experiences happiness when walking through a

field of flowers then the hippocampus will associate the feeling happy and the olfactory

sensation to walking through a field of flowers, hence the person will experience happiness again

if they experience a similar event.


Fig. 3 Diagram of the brain with the Hippocampus, Amygdala and Prefrontal Cortex labeled


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The thalamus is a minute structure located above the brainstem between the cerebral

cortex and the midbrain, and it has extensive

nerve connects to both regions. The thalamus has

multiple functions depending on various regions

and systems in the brain. The main functions of

the thalamus are sensory and motor signal relay,

the regulation of consciousness and sleep, and

aids in coordination. The thalamus is also

important in the visual system due to the fact

that it receives sensory input from the retina, and it is then relayed to the optic nerve. In the

auditory system it relays auditory information from the medial geniculate nucleus to the inferior

colliculus of the midbrain and the primary auditory cortex. The main importance of thalamic

nuclei on the regulation of emotional behavior is not due to the thalamus itself, but to the

connections of these nuclei with other limbic system structures.


The hypothalamus is located below the thalamus, but just above the brainstem, and the

main function of the hypothalamus is to produce essential hormones and chemical substances

that aid controlling various cells and organs. The hormones that the hypothalamus produce

manages physiologic functions like temperature regulation, thirst, hunger, sleep, mood, sex

drive, and the release of other hormones within the body. The reason it regulates all of these

hormones and chemical substances is due to that fact that the pituitary gland and other glands are

houses in this region. The hypothalamus is also involved in other processes in the body such as,

Fig. 4 Diagram of the brain with the Thalamus labeled


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behavioral, autonomic whether it is involuntary or unconscious, and endocrine functions, such as

metabolism and growth and development.

The main function of the hypothalamus is homeostasis, which is to maintain the body's

status quo system-wide, and in order to

regulate they body’s system to a set-point

it uses including electrolyte and fluid

balance, body temperature, blood pressure,

and body weight to do so. The

hypothalamus is believed to play a role in

emotion, the lateral region of the

hypothalamus is involved in pleasure rage,

and the median part is involved in aversion, displeasure and the tendency to uncontrollably, loud

laughter. Overall the hypothalamus deals more with the expression of emotions than with the

affective states.


The brainstem is located at the juncture of the cerebrum and spinal cord, and includes the

medulla oblongata, the pons, and the midbrain. The

main functions of the brainstem are regulation of

heart rate, breathing, sleeping, eating, arousal, and

digestion; however it is also responsible for

emotional reactions, which consist of reticular

formation, and the locus coeruleus, a

Fig. 5 Diagram of the brain with the Hypothalamus labeled

Fig. 6 Diagram of the brain with the Brainstem and its parts labeled


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concentrated mass of nor-epinephrine secreting neurons. Even though those are primitive

structures they remain active in order to act as an alert mechanism that aids in survival and

maintains a sleep-wake cycle.

Ventral Tegmental Area & Septum

The Ventral Tegmental Area is located in the mesencephalic part of the brainstem; there

is a compact group of dopamine-secreting

neurons whose axons end in the nucleus

accumbens. The spontaneous firing of

neurons belonging to the ventral tegmental

area produces pleasurable sensations, some

of them similar to the sensation of an

orgasm. If an individual had a deduction of

dopamine (D2) receptors in the accumbens

nucleus he or she will eventually be incapable

to obtain gratification from every day pleasures,

thus they will seek atypical pleasures such as,

alcoholism, drug addiction, impulsive gambling

and a compulsion towards sugary foods. The

septal region lies anterior to the thalamus, and it is

responsible for orgasms due to the fact the

septal regions is associated with different kinds

of pleasure, and is related to sexual experiences.

Fig. 7 Diagram of the brain with the Ventral Tegmental Area labeled.

Fig. 8 Diagram of the brain with the Septum labeled.


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Prefrontal Cortex & Self Control

The Prefrontal Cortex is the cerebral cortex and is part of the frontal lobe, and the main

functions are planning complex cognitive

behavior, expression of personality, the

ability to ignore external distractions is

partially influenced, decision-making, and

arbitrating social behaviors. The prefrontal

cortex is not generally part of the typical

limbic system but its intense bi-directional

connections with the thalamus, the amygdala

and other subcortical structures, allow it to play an important role in the expression of affective

states. Hence the prefrontal lobe can be linked to self-control due to the functions that it performs

can have an impact on how an individual will react to a stimulus.

EBD Students

Definition & Classification

EBD stands for emotional and behavioral disorder, which is characterized by excesses,

deficits or disturbances of behavior over a long period of time and which can adversely affect a

child’s educational performance. The conditions that the child may exhibit are an inability to

learn, which cannot be explained by intellectual, sensory, or health factors, an inability to form

or maintain satisfactory relationships, exhibiting inappropriate types of behavior when it is not

Fig. 9 Diagram of the brain with the Prefrontal Cortex labeled


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necessary, generally depressed, and has a tendency to form physical symptoms and/ or fears

pertaining to personal and social issues.

When classifying an EBD student he or she must exhibit certain characteristics like,

hyperactivity, aggression, self-harm, isolation, immaturity and learning disabilities. Children

with the severe emotional disturbances may exhibit distorted thinking, excessive anxiety, bizarre

motor acts, and abnormal mood swings. Numerous children who do not have any form emotional

disturbance may also display some of these behaviors at various times during their development.

However, when a child has an emotional disturbance, these behaviors will continue over long

periods of time, and their behavior signals that they are not coping with their environment.

Working with EBD Students

When working with EBD students it is best to employ various interventions, which will

allow the teacher to have a controlled classroom and it decrease the disturbances that may occur

due to the EBD students being present in the classrooms.

When implementing a self-management intervention with an EBD student he or she must decide

on an academic subject that they want to focus on, have them complete every assignment for that

targeted subject, allow the EBD student to correct his or her work while the teacher is informing

Fig. 10 Self Management Interventions


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them of the correct answer, allow the student compute the accuracy and productivity score, and

then record and graph these scores on the progress graph, and also encourage them to use this

self-monitoring across their other subjects. Another manner to work with an EBD student is to

apply an Identifying and Implementing Evidence-Based Practice, which deals with the



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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Psychotherapy and Counseling

Theories & Approaches

Psychotherapy is any non-biological, noninvasive psychological technique designed to

improve a person’s adjustment to life, and due to psychotherapy there are multiple counseling

approaches and theories that were derived in order to aid an individual who needed therapy.

When counseling an individual the counselor has to decide on what type of counseling theory

they are going to implement during the session. Theories they can choose from are the

Psychoanalytic Theory, Psychosocial Theory, Learning Theories like Classical Conditioning,

Operant Conditioning, Social Learning Theory, also Cognitive Theories, Biological Theories,

and Eclecticism.

Once a theory is chosen, and then the approach the counselor would like to take with the

client needs to be chosen. Some of the counseling approaches that were created are

psychoanalytic counseling, Adlerian, Existential, Client-Centered, reality therapy, behavior

therapy, and cognitive therapy. When psychotherapy is applied it is done during a process known

as counseling, which is the providing of aid and guidance in resolving a personal, social, or

psychological issue and difficulties, especially by an individual who is a professional. During the

process of counseling the counselor will examine the behaviors, cognitions, and emotions that

are triggering the negativity within the client’s life.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

A highly influential type of therapy that numerous counselors are using in this generation

is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, which is based on Beck’s cognitive model; it is mainly used to


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treat adolescents with severe major depression. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a form of

psychotherapy where negative thought patterns about the self and the world are challenged in

order to change the unwanted behavior. When using cognitive behavioral therapy the counselor

will focus on all factors that place the individual at risk, his or her role in the family and social

life, beliefs about his or herself and how they influence them, usage of empirically tested models

of effective intervention, and his or her behavior, emotions and thoughts. The goals when using

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy are emphasizing the client’s need to monitor their mood, focus on

identifying and modifying any sort of negative cognitions, educate them with problem solving

skills, social skills, and affect regulation skills.

Implementations of CBT at Carol City Middle School

The implementation of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy into CCMS especially with EBD

students may aid the teachers, mentors, and social peers to be able to interact better with the

students who are being exposed to CBT. If it were implemented then it would allow teachers to

understand the behaviors of the student more rather than just punishing them due to the fact that

they are isolating his or herself, or acting in a peculiar manner. The main goal of CBT is to aid

the client to unlearn their unwanted reactions and to learn a new way of reacting, hence if the

students can be expose to CBT then it my aid in changing their negative thought patterns, and

also changed their negative behaviors, which in turn will create a better teaching and learning


In order for any form of therapy to influence the client and aid them a counselor needs to

exhibit certain key traits for the counseling sessions to have sort of effect. A counselor needs to

show personal commitment to aid their clients, show active involvement, show some degree of


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authority, inspire hope, be a mediator between the client and society, aid in releasing emotion,

aids in rethinking problems, listens empathically, and should provide an explanatory system that

aid them in understanding the pain and change they are experiencing.

Counselors should also have certain attributes in order to be helpful, such as, have good

psychological health, genuineness, an interest towards others, empathic, warm, self-aware,

tolerant to ambiguity, and is aware of their and the clients’ values. The negative traits that a

counselor can display are having premature problem solving, not understanding therapy is a

process, failing to set limits, fearing silence, asking an excessive amount of questions, being

impatient, is moralizing, reluctant to refer the client, and cultural barriers.

When I worked the Report Card Review at CCMS I attempted to display certain positive

traits of a counselor in order to make the students feel comfortable and willing to talk. I showed

them that I was an authority figure, that I was personally committed to listening to them and not

being distracted by my environment, I listened empathically if the students had issues at home or

reasons to not completing assignments, I presented myself as being warm and open to a certain

extent, and I tolerated their ambiguity when it was expressed to me. The students that

approached me left generally with a smile on his or her face and seemed motivated to continue

achieving the goals they were already achieving or their new goals that they had set. The Report

Card Review was overall a good experience and it is beneficial towards the CCMS students

because as college students we can be inspirational and motivate them to stay in school and keep

improving in order to achieve their dreams.


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