Page 1: Carnmoney Parish Church Carnmoney Revie · 2018-11-25 · Carnmoney Parish Church ‘The Church of the Holy Evangelists’ Carnmoney Review Vicar: Rev. Mercia Malcolm M.A., Dip. R.S.,

Carnmoney Parish Church‘The Church of the Holy Evangelists’

Carnmoney ReviewVicar: Rev. Mercia Malcolm M.A., Dip. R.S., M.Phil. 20 Glebe Road, Newtownabbey. Tel: (028) 9083 6337


June 2016

SUMMER FETEon Saturday 11th June from 10am – 1pm

Around the Church Treasure Hunt • Teas • Various Crafts • Treats • Books

• Tombola • Bric-A-Brac • CollectablesEVERYONE WELCOME

Registered with the Charity Commission for Northern - NIC102377

Page 2: Carnmoney Parish Church Carnmoney Revie · 2018-11-25 · Carnmoney Parish Church ‘The Church of the Holy Evangelists’ Carnmoney Review Vicar: Rev. Mercia Malcolm M.A., Dip. R.S.,


Page 3: Carnmoney Parish Church Carnmoney Revie · 2018-11-25 · Carnmoney Parish Church ‘The Church of the Holy Evangelists’ Carnmoney Review Vicar: Rev. Mercia Malcolm M.A., Dip. R.S.,


In this month’s issue.....From the Vicar’s Desk .......................... p4Upcoming Events in June .................... p5Diary for June....................................... p6Advance Notices.................................. p6Readings & Readers ............................. p7Mothers’ Union .................................... p8

CMS Ireland .......................................... p9CoI Men’s Society .............................. p10Remembering the Somme ................ p10Annual General Vestry Report .......... p11Treasurers Report .............................. p122015 Accounts ............................. p13-15

Who’s WhoVicar

Rev. Mercia Malcolm 9083 6337

Lay ReaderValerie Murray 9083 5761

Vicar’s WardenBrian Adrain 9084 4433

Hon. SecretaryJanet Crilly 9083 6166

Vicar’s GlebewardenMaurice Atkinson 9084 4093

Church EnvelopesRoy Williams, 5a Dorchester Gardens,

N’Abbey BT36 5JJ. 9084 1752

Gift Aid SecretaryDavid Gibson 9086 2237

CMS GlobesJohn Beck 9084 7026

Magazine DistributorGeorgie Gibb 9083 6967

Parish WebsiteElaine Munn 07477 574247

[email protected]

Youth Co-ordinatorGordon Harper 9083 8063

CurateRev. Carol Harvey 9335 1654

SextonHarry Hamilton 9083 5848

OrganistDavid Rutherford 9028 7515

People’s WardenJohn Beck 9084 7026

Hon. TreasurerJoyce Lardie 9084 9584

People’s GlebewardenRobert Campbell 9084 3505

Church Restoration FundBarbara Talbot 9058 7830

Faith FactoryLinda McCullagh 07503 298562Carolyn Beasant 07857 329999

Jayne Gray 07787 290894

Bible Reading SecretaryGeorgie Siberry 9083 7015

Church of Ireland GazetteBilly Gifford 9080 1268

Carnmoney ReviewHarry Beckinsale 9336 6788 - [email protected]

Weekly Notice SheetJoan Bradbury 9083 6035 - [email protected]

What’s OnMon. 7.30pm

Indoor Bowling ClubJohn Fenton Tel: 9083 5409

2nd Tue. 8.00pmC.o.I. Men’s Society

Bert Sheppard Tel: 9083 26924th Tue. 7.30pmMothers’ Union

Joan Killen Tel: 9084 3206

Wed. 8.00pmChoir Practice

Maurice Carson Tel: 9334 2342Thu. 7.00pm

Church Girls’ BrigadeAmanda Kenny Tel: 9083 0524

3rd Thu. 8.00pmHealing Service

Pat Archbold Tel: 9443 3618Fri. 6.30pm

Church Lads’ BrigadeDana Henderson Tel: 9083 0420



028 9080 0770

Page 4: Carnmoney Parish Church Carnmoney Revie · 2018-11-25 · Carnmoney Parish Church ‘The Church of the Holy Evangelists’ Carnmoney Review Vicar: Rev. Mercia Malcolm M.A., Dip. R.S.,

In or Out? At the time of writing, the debate on the European Referendum on June 23rd is getting a lot of media attention. I have to confess to no strong opinions on either side and to considerable confusion about the various arguments. Since the arguments are presented with the bias of one side or the other, it is very hard for the ordinary person to weigh up pros and cons impartially and make any kind of informed decision. Both options seem to have major advantages and disadvantages. I’m still not at all sure which way I will plump on the day and I suspect I am not alone in this indecision. Whatever we as a nation decide to do about the European Union however, as Christians we do have vision of the unity that can be found through faith in Christ. Jesus prayed on the night before he died that all who claimed the name of Christian would be one, that the world might believe that he had truly come from God and was our way to salvation and wholeness. This unity stems from our faith and trust in him and in what he has done on the cross to reconcile us to God and to each other. It does NOT mean that we will be in complete agreement on all points of doctrine or belief or even conduct. Indeed, Christian history demonstrates all too clearly how easy we find it to disagree on many things. But it DOES mean that we recognise Jesus as the source of our knowledge of God and our hope of salvation. It DOES mean we put our trust in him day by day as the one in whom we see God’s love in action and God’s will for our well-being. It DOES mean we acknowledge the resurrection of Jesus as the transforming reality that proved the truth of his words and his claims, one with the Father and the sender of the Holy Spirit, to enable us to live in his love and grace now and into eternity. If we have joined this common community of faith, we will never want to opt out. So as we prepare for a decision that we are told by both sides will be crucial to our national life for decades to come, let’s remember that all human institutions will be flawed and bring difficulties as well as blessings, however well intentioned they may be. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do our best to make decisions that will bring good as far as possible to as many as possible. It just means that, as Christians, we know that in the end we have a greater allegiance to a more permanent kingdom in which alone true unity and peace will be found. For in the end, the most important decision that any of us can make is to join that community of faith and live each day in the love and power of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Every blessing,


Dear Parishioner


1. Set up a Monthly Standing Order withyour Bank. (Church Bank Details available

on request)


2. Forward your envelopes to theaddress below


3. Have your envelopes collected monthly

Roy Williams5A Dorchester Gardens

NewtownabbeyBT36 5JJ

Tel: 90841752Email [email protected]

Elevenses* Dorothy McClean, Margaret Nelson, Roberta

McFadden, Doreen Atkinson.* Responsible for shopping and

organising.Georgie Gibb Tel: 028 9083 6967

Alpha Course Gets a Revamp The Alpha Course has been revamped to offer an alternative way for people to think about faith. Now a series of documentary-style talks have been filmed, which are being offered to churches as an alternative to the traditional Alpha talks. The Alpha film series is presented by the Rev. Toby Flint and CBBC TV presenter Gemma Hunt. The 16 films include questions like, who is Jesus?; how can people have faith?; what does prayer mean?More details can be found at:

Page 5: Carnmoney Parish Church Carnmoney Revie · 2018-11-25 · Carnmoney Parish Church ‘The Church of the Holy Evangelists’ Carnmoney Review Vicar: Rev. Mercia Malcolm M.A., Dip. R.S.,

Upcoming Events in JuneWednesday 1st June - Noon Day PrayersPlease join us on Wednesday 1st June for our monthly time of prayer for our parish at midday in church. We will not be meeting for these prayers through July and August and will hope to resume in September.

Thursday 2nd June - Fellowship Group, 7.30-9pm, Memorial RoomThe Holy Spirit part 2: Life in the Spirit. All welcome. This will be the last session before the summer break and we will hope to resume this group in the autumn. Summer holidays and the way dates fall may mean this will not be until the first Thursday in October.

Sunday 5th June - Evening Prayer, 6.30pmThe organist and choir of Immanuel Church, Ardoyne, will be coming on their annual visit to join with our choir for Evening Prayer. In addition to the usual hymns, psalms and canticles, the joint choirs will sing an Introit, anthem and Vesper. After the service, all are invited to the church hall for light refreshments. The choirs hope as many as possible will be able to come to enjoy this very special evening service.

Saturday 11th June - Summer Fête. 10am-1pmOur fundraising summer fête will include a wide variety of stalls, a tombola, a treasure hunt round the church and grounds, face painting, and teas, scones and tray-bakes, for a great morning of fun and entertainment. You can give your support, not just by attending, but in a wide variety of ways, from contributing items for the tombola to donating craft work or bottles to ‘manning’ a stall for a time on the day. Contact Janet Crilly (9083 6166) for tombola items, Maurice Carson (9334 2342) for the Men’s Society Bottle stall or Billy Harson (9084 2584) for the plant stall, to arrange collection of donations. Help will also be needed on the Friday evening prior to the fete in setting up the hall and the stalls. You can also take part in the Vicar’s Challenge from Sunday 5th June. The Vicar will bring 100 pound coins to church on that day. If you want to accept the challenge, take a pound coin home to ‘grow’ it during the week or on the day of the fête, either by using it to fund ingredients for something to sell or in any other creative way you can think of. But the condition of accepting the £1 is that it must be at least doubled by the end of the fête and hopefully grown, five fold or ten fold or twenty fold or more.... See Luke 19:11-27 for the inspiration for this.

Saturday 18th June - Mothers’ Union outingThe Mothers’ Union outing will be to the ‘Circle of life’ flower festival at Derryloran Parish Church, Cookstown. The bus will leave the church hall car park at 10.30am and return at 5pm. Some places may still be available. Contact Joan Killen on 9084 3206 for further information.

Sunday 19th June - Faith Factory Prize-Giving and Parish PicnicTo celebrate the end of their year, the Faith Factory prize-giving in the family service will be followed by a parish picnic to the Loughshore Park at Jordanstown. The younger families would be delighted to be joined by the wider church family for fellowship over lunch and fun at the park. Provide your own food and transport and meet at the park after the 11am service.

Sunday 26th June - Healing ServiceOur next service incorporating the ministry of healing in the main morning service will be on Sunday 26th June at 11am Morning Prayer. This is in addition to the normal monthly Holy Communion with ministry of healing on the third Thursday in the month, which will be on June 16th.


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Diary for JuneWednesday 1st June 12noon Noon-day prayers in church

Thursday 2nd June 7.30 - 9pm Memorial Room. Parish Fellowship group - The Holy Spirit part 2: life in the Spirit.

Sunday 5th June 2nd Sunday After Trinity 9.30am Holy Communion 11.00am Parish Communion and Faith Factory 6.30pm Evening prayer with the joint choirs of our parish

and Immanuel Church, Ardoyne, followed by light refreshments in the church hall.

Tuesday 7th June 7.45pm Select Vestry

Saturday 11th June 10am-1pm Summer Fête - Stalls, tombola, face painting, treasure hunt round church and grounds, and refreshments.

Sunday 12th June 3rd Sunday After Trinity 9.30am Holy Communion (One) 11.00am Morning Prayer and Faith Factory

Thursday 16th June 8.00pm Healing Service

Saturday 18th June 10.15am Mothers’ Union outing. Coach leaves at 10.30am sharp

Sunday 19th June 4th Sunday After Trinity 9.30am Holy Communion 11.00am Family Service with Faith Factory prize-giving, followed

by parish picnic to Loughshore Park, Jordanstown.

Sunday 26th June 5th Sunday After Trinity 9.30am Holy Communion 11.00am Morning Prayer and Ministry of Healing

Sunday 3rd July 6th Sunday After Trinity 9.30am Holy Communion 11.00am Parish Communion and Faith Factory 6.30pm Said Service of Evening Prayer

Advance NoticesEvening Services in July and August Part of the agreement when we reduced evening services in January was that the service on the first Sunday in the month would be maintained throughout the year. We will therefore have an evening service on Sunday July 3rd and Sunday August 7th. However with choir holidays and difficulty in arranging organ cover to be considered, these summer evening services will take the form of a more informal said evening prayer in the choir stalls, with a short mediation or reflection in place of a formal sermon. All are welcome, though more formal services may still be available at our neighbouring parishes.

Clergy Summer Holidays The Curate will be on holiday from 4th – 24th July inclusive and from 22nd August - 29th August inclusive. The Vicar will be on holiday from 26th July - 21st August inclusive.

Page 7: Carnmoney Parish Church Carnmoney Revie · 2018-11-25 · Carnmoney Parish Church ‘The Church of the Holy Evangelists’ Carnmoney Review Vicar: Rev. Mercia Malcolm M.A., Dip. R.S.,


ReadingsDate Morning Evening5th June Galatians 1:11-24 Genesis 8:15-9:17 Luke 7:11-17 Mark 4:1-2012th June 1 Kings 21:1-10, (11-14) 15-21a Luke 7:36-8:319th June Family Service26th June 2 Kings 2:1-2, 6-14 Luke 9:51-623rd July Galatians 6:(1-6), 7-16 Genesis 29:1-20 Luke 10:1-11, 16-20 Mark 6:7-29

ReadersDate Morning Evening5th June Mrs S. Earley Mr J. Fenton12th June Mr B. Sheppard19th June Family Service26th June Mr D. Gibson3rd July Mr T. Prenter Mr J. Steen* If you are unable to carry out your reading please contact either of the Churchwardens.

Flower Rota5th June .................................. Mr & Mrs B. White12th June ........................................... E. Cassells19th June .............................. Mr & Mrs J. Fenton26th June ..............................................................

Flower arranger - Mrs Diane Lee 9083 6988

F.W.O. Counters5th June .................................... Mrs J. Fitzgerald12th June .................................... Mr J. Magowan19th June ................................. Mrs M. Robinson26th June .................................... Mr R. Campbell

Restoration Counters5th June ...................................... Mr M. Atkinson12th June .................................... Mr L. Hamilton19th June ................................... Mrs E. Roulston26th June ........................................... Mrs M. Hall

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On Tuesday 26th April we welcomed Isobel McKenna to our meeting. Isobel gave us a very informative talk on plants found in the Bible, through a Powerpoint presentation. She began her journey explaining the trade routes used in Bible times. Isobel set a table with water melon, grapes figs, pomegranate (Noah planted the first vine) henna, saffron, lentils, camomile and coriander. This was a most interesting and informative evening and we thank Mr Trevor Gibb also, who kindly set up the laptop to facilitate the Powerpoint presentation.

Sheila Harper

Celebrating 140 Years of Mothers’ Union On Tuesday 24th May our branch celebrated the 140th Anniversary of the founding of Mothers’ Union by Mary Sumner. After the birth of her first grandchild, Mary invited 40 new mothers from her Parish into her home for a simple prayer meeting and to pass on practical advice...the birth of Mothers’   Union. From a small group of 40, membership has grown to 4.3million in 83 countries. Under the theme ‘A Celebration of Life’, our branch were delighted to welcome Brian and May Gault. Brian was born in 1961. During her early pregnancy, his Mum was prescribed medication for morning sickness; 8 months later Brian was born without arms; the medication... Thalidomide.

Rev. Malcolm and Joan Killen pictured with Brian and May Gault at our recent 140th Anniversary meeting.

Page 9: Carnmoney Parish Church Carnmoney Revie · 2018-11-25 · Carnmoney Parish Church ‘The Church of the Holy Evangelists’ Carnmoney Review Vicar: Rev. Mercia Malcolm M.A., Dip. R.S.,


Three Times the Fun Here is some news from Kiwoko Hospital, where our CMS Ireland partner Rory Wilson is the Medical Director. It’s been a real pleasure to be back in the Maternity Unit after 3 years’ absence. There are lots of new faces but many familiar ones too, which is great and helps me to get over my anxieties after such a long gap from active practice. Dr Corrie and Sister Hajarah make an excellent team and have made many changes to make the work go more smoothly. Dr Ritah has just joined the team, though Dr Ishaq still makes visits back to the ward after his 1 year stint. There is a noticeable increase in the number of mothers coming through with around 2,500 delivered in 2015. January was unusually wet, resulting in a big rise in the number of cases of malaria around the time I arrived, and this affected the whole hospital. It is a serious problem in pregnancy and affects mothers and babies alike. Treatment needs to be prompt and effective. Thankfully, no mothers died from malaria last year, and a baby born with congenital malaria during January did very well thanks to the vigilance of staff. A mother pregnant with triplets developed malaria, and there were fears she would deliver, but she held on until 34 weeks before going in to labour. There was great excitement all round when she had her Caesarean section, and the theatre was full of all the extra staff needed. Three healthy little girls were delivered, weighing 1.7, 1.6 and 1.5Kgs. They are doing well. May God bless all the amazing work throughout Kiwoko Hospital and the community. Gayle Hanna

Brian shared many stories of his childhood. At the tender age of 13, he gave his life to serving the Lord. After leaving school, he attended college in Coventry and studied Business. He also passed his driving test first time In the year 2000, Brian had his book ‘Look no Hands’ published, and in August of that year, married his sweetheart, May. All profits from Brian’s book (and it’s now in its 20th reprint) goes towards helping disabled children. Thalidomide is still used today, particularly in Brazil, for people suffering with leprosy, and unfortunately children are still being born there without limbs. Brian and May have helped 146 families by supplying wheelchairs, scooters, computers and much more. Rev. Malcolm thanked Brian and May for joining us in ‘Celebration of Life’. After grace, we all continued in celebration with supper. Sheila Harper

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Pray for the Following Families in June5th June - Logue (St Quentin P), Macklin, Magoveny, Magowan (Carnhill P), Malcolm, Mallett, Martin, McAdam, McAlister, McAlpine.12th June - Logue (Glebecoole D), Magowan (Cherryvale P), McBride, McCarroll, McClay, McClean (Colinbridge G), McCommiskey.19th June - Logue (Elmwood G), McClean (Harmin P), McConnell (Ferndale P), McCrea, McCullagh (Dorchester A), McCullins (Tudor P), McCullough (Archvale D).26th June - Logue (Ballyearl G), McConnell (Fairhill R), McCullagh (St Brigid’s Fold), McCullins (Cherryvale A), McCullough (Dorchester A), McCurrie, McDonald.

Recycling for Restoration Fund This month we raised £142 from scrap metal and £18 from books. We would appreciate it if clean clothing, including shoes (in pairs), hats, belts, handbags, bed linen and curtains (no duvets, pillows or cushions) are left in the church hall, and please do not put any other items, such as ornaments or books, in clothing bags. Scrap metal, including aluminium and steel cans (preferably in separate bags), electrical items, including leads, cables and any items with wiring attached, such as phones and chargers, can be left at 7 Glebecoole Park (please call Maurice or Doreen on 9084 4093 to ensure someone is at home before delivering items as bags left are liable to be taken by other collectors or draw unwanted attention if we are away at night. Also, please do not put any glass in bags of scrap metal. So, before you bin or kerbie, think recycle for the church - if in doubt ring us. Maurice Atkinson

Church of Ireland Men’s Society The Annual General Meeting of the CIMS took place at the May meeting. The election of officers was carried out by the Branch President Rev. Mercia Malcolm, and it was good to see some new faces as committee members. Maurice Carson took the Chair for another year, and in his address, stressed the need to recruit more members for the Branch to stay viable and to attract the calibre of speaker we have become accustomed to. He went on to state how embarrassing it is to invite a speaker along to a group of just a few people, especially when they may have come some distance. This was acknowledged by all those present, and during a lengthy discussion, it was stated how surprising it was that so many of the men in our congregation did not join us for our monthly meeting. It was agreed that a concerted effort would be made to recruit new members for the new season to start in September. It was agreed that the previous committee had provided a very enjoyable and interesting programme over the past year, and some suggestions were made for possible speakers in the coming year. The meeting concluded with the Chairman wishing everyone a good summer, with the hope of plenty of sunshine. Trevor Gibb, Hon. Secretary

Remember the Battle of the Somme Communities across the UK are to hold vigils to mark the centenary of World War I’s terrible Battle of the Somme, in which a total of 1.5 million men died. The Government and the Royal British Legion are inviting villages, towns and cities to organise their own remembrance events alongside national and international commemorations. It is hoped that evening vigils will be held on 30th June or on 1st July. There were more than 600,000 British and French casualties in the battle. The Somme Offensive of July to November 1916 was meant to be a decisive allied breakthrough, but turned into a horrendous stalemate that became a byword for indiscriminate slaughter. By the end of just the first day, 1st July, the British had suffered 60,000 casualties, of whom 20,000 were dead.

Page 11: Carnmoney Parish Church Carnmoney Revie · 2018-11-25 · Carnmoney Parish Church ‘The Church of the Holy Evangelists’ Carnmoney Review Vicar: Rev. Mercia Malcolm M.A., Dip. R.S.,


Annual General Vestry 2016 At the Annual Easter Vestry on 5th April, the Rev. Mercia Malcolm presided and opened the meeting with prayer. The minutes of the last Easter Vestry were agreed and signed by the Vicar. The names of sixteen parishioners who had died since the last Easter Vestry were read out, and a silence was kept. The Vicar noted that in the same period, there were three weddings and six baptisms. The Vicar commented that another busy year of parish life seemed to have passed quickly with the usual rhythm of worship, fellowship and activities. She was thankful that Carol recovered well from surgery last spring and has maintained her caring and much appreciated ministry among us. Last autumn, we enjoyed welcoming an Ordinand in training, Johnny McFarland, on a ten week placement with us. Our Sunday worship is key to our church life, and the Vicar said we are blessed in the talents of our organists and choirmaster and the quality of music which enhances our services each Sunday and brings a spiritual depth to our worship at the special services at Christmas, Easter and Harvest. She was thankful that our organist David Rutherford recovered so well from his recent illness, and she thanked him for arranging cover for his time off work. However, fewer people were attending the evening services, and from January this year, the Bishop agreed to change our pattern of worship to once a month for the evening, service with the addition of occasional fifth Sundays and special services, like the annual ‘Carols by Candlelight’. This change has been made with regret and will be kept under review. The Vicar thanked Maurice, David and Joyce for organising a new activity this year with an ‘expanded choir’ going carol singing in December as well as visiting several nursing homes in the parish and also the Children’s Hospice. The Vicar expressed her appreciation for the wider ministries of our lay people which build up the life of the work of the church. Team Faith and the leaders of the CLB and CGB support the spiritual life and development of our children and young people. The ministry of healing is kept central to our church life through the healing intercession group, our monthly mid-week healing service and our three special healing services each year. Through the visits of our Pastoral Care Team, we can reach out with God’s continuing love to those who can no longer play an active part in church life. Our parochial organisations remain a strong part of church life. The programmes of the Mothers’ Union and Men’s Society offer a varied range of topics to engage members in matters, both spiritual and secular, and the Bowling Club provides great fun as well as opportunities for building friendships and offering mutual support. We all enjoyed the fundraising social events such as the May Fayre and play by the Gateway Theatre Group, which made a considerable difference to our finances. All of this, together with the efforts of many others who offer their talents week by week, is greatly appreciated. From our church wardens, glebe wardens, and select vestry to our lesson readers, counters, flower arranging team, magazine editor and magazine distributors, there are many whose contribution is often hidden but essential to the day to day life of the church. However, there are still challenges ahead. We still face financial difficulties, and after the autumn event, those who worked so hard as a fundraising team over the previous two years, felt the need of a break from such demanding activity. We all appreciate the work of this group, who made a considerable contribution to our finances. However, it does mean that all of us must be more proactive in working together to continue fundraising activity in the parish. We have an older congregation, and every year brings more losses to our parish and an increasing pastoral need. The Vicar asked that we should pray for the renewal of our parish life with new families and more people willing to commit time and energy to building up the community of faith. If we do not grow, then this church might not be here for future generations. All of us have a part to play in ensuring its continued well-being and growth. Despite the many challenges of church life, the Vicar asked that we recognise that God is able to do far more than

continued on p12

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we can ask or think, and in that faith, let us go forward in his strength and grace to serve the work of his kingdom. The Easter Vestry concluded with the appointments of Churchwardens, Glebewardens and members of the Select Vestry as detailed below.

General Vestry Appointments:Vicar’s Churchwarden - Brian Adrain People’s Churchwarden - John BeckVicar’s Glebewarden - Maurice Atkinson People’s Glebewarden - Robert Campbell

Select Vestry: Janet Crilly, Trevor Gibb, Joan Killen, Joyce Lardie, Jonathan Leathem, Trevor Prenter, Maureen Robinson, Eileen Roulston, Bert Sheppard and Jim Walker.

Janet Crilly, Hon. Secretary

Treasurer’s Report 2015 During 2015, the Parish successfully registered with the Charity Commission for NI. Due to this, I have had to make some changes to our accounting practices as we now have to adhere to their rules and regulations. Further changes may have to be made over this incoming year. Our General account for everyday income and expenditure is on page 13. We ended the year with a very small surplus of £310. This was achieved through a combination of a great deal of your hard work and your generous financial support. I would like you all to understand what a great difference the Fundraising Committee made to our finances again this year. Fundraising raised a net £4,310. I’m sure that without their efforts we would be showing a major loss. As you know, they have stepped aside, and we will miss their major contribution to Parish life and stability. I plead with you, if you care for your Church, please volunteer some of your time to fundraising. We kept an eye on our costs as much as possible, and we thank Harry Beckinsale for printing the Review etc. at a very good price and Roy Williams for negotiating a reduced price for the church envelope printing. We also obtained a reduced tariff for our electricity. Charity giving is very important to our congregation, and they have again been generous this year with £4,027 given to charities. You will be able to see more of the breakdown of the figures in these accounts on pages 14 and 15. A balance of £26,023.38 remains in our general bank account. The Restoration Account shown on page 15 does show a deficit of £2,331 but that is only to be expected given the amount of restoration work that had to be undertaken this year. Thanks must go Robert Campbell and Maurice Atkinson for ensuring a keen price is paid for works completed. The deficit could have been a positive if the VAT refund had been received before the year end. A balance of £19,639.29 remains in this account. The summary of all funds held in the name of Carnmoney Parish is shown on page 15. This is more detailed than previous years due to instructions from the Charity Commission. The first account shown is our reserves cash account, held with the C of I Trustees in Belfast. We did not have to use any reserves this year, and they remain healthy. These reserve balances, along with the General & Restoration bank balances, are shown in the table at the bottom of the page as they are all held as cash. The two unit trust investments shown in the middle of the page are restricted funds that cannot

be withdrawn as they were donated by bequest. The Parish can only benefit from the dividends we receive from their investments. For example, back in 1890’s Rev. George C. Smythe bequeathed £1,025. This is still invested in the C of I Trustees Unit Trusts and benefits the Parish by a return this year of £105.58, which is restricted as it has to be used to fund the vicar’s Stipend. Rev. Smythe’s original bequest remains untouched. I hope these accounts are acceptable to you all but if you do have any queries, please feel free to contact me at any time.

Joyce Lardie, Treasurer

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General Account 2015 Addendum

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CoI Trustees Deposit Account - Year Ending 2015

Restoration Account 2015

Summary of Account Balances

Joyce Lardie

David Gibson

Page 16: Carnmoney Parish Church Carnmoney Revie · 2018-11-25 · Carnmoney Parish Church ‘The Church of the Holy Evangelists’ Carnmoney Review Vicar: Rev. Mercia Malcolm M.A., Dip. R.S.,

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