  • 1.CARMON CREEK PROJECT IN SITU HEAVY OIL Process map 4Purchased Sweet Fuel GasCo-generationCo-generation and Steam Facilities6 Rights-of-way On-siteMake-up WaterTreated GasRights-of-way On-siteRecycled Water67Rights-of-way On-site1 Vertical Steam Drive Wells5GasPipeline Gathering System3Bitumen ProcessingBitumen Rights-of-way On-site7 Bitumen, Water and Gas2Produced Bitumen, Water and Gas Steam and Condensed WaterRights-of-way Off-siteBitumen SalesWell PadsProduction Well48 wells will be drilled per pad.H2S to Deep Well DisposalWater TreatmentWater6 600 metresSteam Injection WellRights-of-way Off-siteDiluentSteam Excess Power to Regional Grid68People

2. CARMON CREEK PROJECT IN SITU HEAVY OIL Process map 4Purchased Sweet Fuel GasCo-generationCo-generation and Steam Facilities6 Rights-of-way On-siteMake-up WaterTreated GasRights-of-way On-siteRecycled Water67Rights-of-way On-site1 Vertical Steam Drive Wells5GasPipeline Gathering System3Bitumen ProcessingBitumen Rights-of-way On-site7 Bitumen, Water and Gas2Produced Bitumen, Water and GasRights-of-way Off-siteBitumen SalesWell PadsProduction WellSteam and Condensed WaterH2S to Deep Well DisposalWater TreatmentWater6 600 metersSteam Injection WellRights-of-way Off-siteDiluentSteam Excess Power to Regional Grid68People 3. CARMON CREEK PROJECT IN SITU HEAVY OIL Peace River leases and Carmon Creek Phase 1 and 2 Development Lakes TWP.86 RNG.20 W5TWP.86 RNG.19 W5LakesRiverTWP.86 RNG.21 W5TWP.86 RNG.22 W5986Cadotte Lake Reserve TWP.86 RNG.18 W5Cadotte Lake Reserve TWP.86 RNG.18 W5TWP.86 RNG.17 W5TWPCadotte TWP.86 RNG.16 W5TWP.86 RNG.17 W5PeaceRiveTWP.86 RNG.19 W5Pe ac eTWP.86 RNG.20 W5rTWP.86 RNG.21 W5TWP.86 RNG.22 W5986TWP.85 RNG.21 W5TWP.85 RNG.22 W5TWP.85 RNG.20 W5Three CreeksTWP.85 RNG.16W5 Phase 1 and 2 Development LocationCliffdale BatteryWebervilleTWP.84 RNG.21 W5TWP.84 RNG.20 W5TWP.84 RNG.20 W5TWP.84 RNG.19 W5TWP.84 RNG.18 W5688TWP.83 RNG.21 W5SmTWP.83 RNG.20 W5TWP.83 RNG.20 W5TWP.83 RNG.19 W5744TWP.83 RNG.21 W5TWP.83 RNG.22 W5TWP.83 RNG.17 W5TWPTWP.84 RNG.16 W5TWP.84 RNG.17 W5TWP.83 RNG.19 W5TWP.83 RNG.18 W52o k y Ri verTWP.83 RNG.22 W568 4WestTWP68 4r ive tRTown of Peace RiverWestWesley CreekHe arCliffdale BatteryTWP.84 RNG.17 W5r ive tRPeace River Landing SettlementTWP.84 RNG.18 W5Wesley CreekHe arTown of Peace RiverTWP.84 RNG.19 W5688TWP.84 RNG.21 W5LEASESPeace River Landing SettlementTWP.83 RNG.18 W5TWP.83 RNG.16 W5TWP.83 RNG.17 W57442o k y Ri verTWPPhase 1 and 2 Development Location743WebervilleSmCarmon Creek Central Processing TWP.85 RNG.17 Facilities W5Carmon Creek Central Processing TWP.85 RNG.17 Facilities W5LEASESTWP.84 RNG.22 W5TWP.84 RNG.22 W5Peace River TWP.85 RNG.18 Complex W5TWP.85 RNG.19 W5Peace River Three Creeks TWP.85 RNG.18 Complex W5TWP.85 RNG.19 W5743TWP.85 RNG.21 W5TWP.85 RNG.22 W5TWP.85 RNG.20 W5Peace River Leases0Project Area 03,5007,00014,0003,50021,0007,00014,00028,000 Meters21,00028,000 Meters 4. CARMON CREEK PROJECT IN SITU HEAVY OIL Peace River leases and Carmon Creek Phase 1 and 2 Development Lakes Lakes TWP.86 RNG.18 W5Cadotte Lake ReserveCadotte LakeTWP.86 RNG.18 ReserveTWP.86 RNG.19 W5Cadotte TWP.86 RNG.16 W5TWP.86 RNG.17 W5CadotteW5TWP.86 RNG.16 W5TWP.86 RNG.17 W5PeacPeeR986iveTWP.86 RNG.19 W5TWP.86 RNG.20 W5ac eRTWP.86 RNG.20 W5iverTWP.86 RNG.21 W5TWP.86 RNG.22 W5rTWP.86 RNG.21 W5TWP.86 RNG.22 W5986ALBERTATWP.85 RNG.20 W5TWP.85 RNG.21 W5TWP.85 RNG.22 W5Peace River TWP.85 RNG.18 Complex W5TWP.85 RNG.20 W5TWP.85 RNG.21 W5TWP.85 RNG.22 W5TWP.85 RNG.19 W5Peace River TWP.85 RNG.18 Complex W5 Carmon Creek Central TWP.85 RNG.19 W5Processing TWP.85 RNG.17 Facilities W5Three Creeks743743Three CreeksTWP.84 RNG.20 W5TWP.84 RNG.21 W5Cliffdale BatteryTWP.84 RNG.19 W568868 4TWP.84 RNG.16 W5BANFFProject AreaTWP.83 RNG.20 W5 TWP.83 RNG.19 W50 0TWP.83 RNG.19 W5 TWP.83 RNG.18 W5TWP.83 RNG.18 W5TWP.83 RNG.17 W5 TWP.83 RNG.16 W5TWP.83 RNG.17 W5744o k y Ri verSm744o k y Ri verJASPERCALGARY2SmTWP.83 RNG.20 W52Peace River LeasesTWP.84 RNG.16 W5Wesley CreekTWP.83 RNG.21 W5TWP.83 RNG.22 W5 TWP.83 RNG.21 W5TWP.83 RNG.22 W5W5TWP.84 RNG.17 W568 4r ive tRWestEDMONTON TWP.84 RNG.17 W5r ive tRHe arTown of Peace RiverHe arWesley Creek Peace River Town of WestCliffdale TWP.84 RNG.18 BatteryTWP.84 RNG.19 W5 TWP.84 RNG.18 W5Peace River Landing SettlementPeace River Landing SettlementATHABASCA DEPOSITLEASES TWP.84 RNG.20 W5TWP.84 RNG.21 W5TWP.85 RNG.16 W5TWP.85 RNG.16 W5688WebervilleTWP.84 RNG.22 W5WebervillePEACE RIVER DEPOSITPhase 1 and 2 Development LocationPhase 1 and 2 Development LocationLEASES TWP.84 RNG.22 W5Carmon Creek Central Processing TWP.85 RNG.17 Facilities W53,5007,00014,0003,5007,000 21,00014,000 28,000 Meters21,00028,000 MetersTWP.83 RNG.16 W5COLD LAKE DEPOSIT 5. CARMON CREEK PROJECT IN SITU HEAVY OIL Well Pads 6. CARMON CREEK PROJECT IN SITU HEAVY OIL Central Processing Facilities 7. CARMON CREEK PROJECT IN SITU HEAVY OIL
