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Once the holiday season has passed, it’s important to target shoppers where they spend most of their time – on social media sites. Shoppers are not only

using these channels to socialize, but also for inspiration, information, motivation and of course, discounts.

Here are some tips to help your retail business ride the momentum of your holiday social and digital marketing campaigns well into 2017.

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We’re all familiar with the concept of New Year’s resolutions and sayings such as “new year, new you,” both of which perfectly illustrate just how drastically the mindset of an average consumer changes once a new year begins.

Whether your target customers are resolving to be more active, more organized, more frugal or more successful in any area of life, these self-improving desires are certainly something you should try and take advantage of in terms of social media.

Try making a list of five or so products you offer that could help your target customers stay on track with their goals for the new year. Encourage them to comment with their own personal resolutions so you open the door to engage with them in a personable, meaningful way.

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Many retailers believe that once the holidays are over, it means they have a couple months or so to take a break before it’s time to start offering more discounts, coupons, free shipping or any other type of special offer. But in reality, offering special sales and discounts shortly after the new year begins is a great way to keep your customers coming back for more, despite the fact they may no longer be shopping for a specific gift item or reason.

Continue on to the next slides for some post-holiday sales ideas worth trying this coming January.

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Winter Clearance Sale


Still have an abundance of winter or holiday-specific items you don’t see being a top seller once the new year arrives? There’s no better way to clear out your inventory – and make a profit on items that may not have sold otherwise – than to have a seasonal clearance sale.

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Free Gift with Purchase of a Certain Amount


As silly or simple as it may sound, sometimes the only motivation a person needs to move them from consideration to actually swiping their card or handing over cash is a free gift item with said purchase. It doesn’t have to be anything big or expensive, just find something you have in excess that virtually all of your customers would enjoy (or give people a choice between two or three small items).

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Bulk Discounts


Similar to the winter inventory clearance sale, offering discounts to people who buy in bulk (especially if you only do this for items you have in large quantities) can help make room for hot new products while encouraging people to buy even more of a given product than they may have without the bulk discount.

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Want to take it even one step further?Combine social advertising with the tip we shared earlier about capitalizing on the New Year mindset by using Facebook’s Carousel Ad format to present your customers with simple, high-quality, eye-catching images of products you sell that can help them stay on track with their goals/resolutions and you will amplify your efforts!

Be sure to announce any New Year’s sales to all of your social media followers and even consider offering an additional 5-10 percent off if they show proof of having liked, commented or shared the post(s) mentioning the sale.

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The team of knowledgeable social media and search advertising specialists at G/O Digital would be happy to take a look at your current campaign’s performance and work closely with you to develop new and improved strategies to help you make the most of your marketing efforts in the new year ahead.

Contact us today for a free digital analysis

Ready for more? Download our eBook

“How to Measure the Success of Social Media”

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