
CAPITOL CORRIDOR JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Wednesday, November 20, 2019, 10:30 a.m. Simultaneous teleconference calls: Santa Clara Transportation Authority 3331 North First Street, Room B-106 San Jose, CA 95134 (see attached maps)

AGENDA I. Call to Order II. Roll Call and Pledge of Allegiance III. Report of the Chair IV. Consent Calendar Action 1. Minutes of September 18, 2019 Meeting 2. 2020 CCJPA Board of Directors Meeting Schedule 3. FY 20 CCJPA/Amtrak Operating Agreement: Update 4. Diesel Exhaust Fluid Storage and Dispensing at Oakland Maintenance Facility 5. California Passenger Information Display System (PIDS) Modernization: Budget Update V. Action and Discussion Items 1. Capitol Corridor Annual Performance Report (FY 19) Action 2. CCJPA Managing Agency Selection Action 3. FY 20 Transit Intercity Rail Capital Program (TIRCP) Application Authorization Action 4. Davis CA Crossovers and Signal Upgrade: Project and Budget Update Action 5. Legislative Matters Action 6. Capital Projects Update – Sacramento to Roseville Third Mainline Track, Phase 1 Info 7. Placer Sacramento Gateway Plan: Congested Corridor Plan Info 8. Managing Director’s Report Info 9. Work Completed Info a. Safety Train - Operation Rail Safe Event b. Richmond Right of Way Clean-up c. Hannigan-Fairfield Station Dedication d. Transbay Terminal Bus Stop Relocation e. Marketing Activities (September – October 2019) 10. Work in Progress Info a. Onboard Wi-Fi b. California Passenger Information Display System (CalPIDS) Modernization c. Renewable Diesel Pilot Program – Phase 2 d. South Bay Connect (Oakland to San Jose Phase 2A) e. Alviso Wetland Railroad Adaptation Alternatives Study f. Procurement of Door Panels for Norcal Surfliner Rail Cars g. Upcoming Marketing Activities VI. Board Member Reports VII. Public Comments VIII Adjournment. Next Meeting Date: February 12, 2020, Suisun City Hall, City Council Chambers,

701 Civic Center Blvd, City of Suisun, CA

Notes: Members of the public may address the Board regarding any item on this agenda. Please complete a "Request to Address the Board" form (available at the entrance of the Boardroom and at a teleconference location, if applicable) and hand it to the Secretary or designated staff member before the item is considered by the Board. If you wish to discuss a matter that is not on the agenda during a regular meeting, you may do so under Public Comment. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes for any item or matter. The CCJPA Board reserves the right to act on any agenda item. Consent calendar items are considered routine and will be enacted, approved or adopted by one motion unless a request for discussion or explanation is received from a CCJPA Board Director or from a member of the audience. The CCJPA Board provides services/accommodations upon request to persons with disabilities who wish to address Board matters. A request must be made within one and five days in advance of a Board meeting, depending on the service requested. Call (510) 464-6085 for information.

Placer County Transportation Planning Agency

299 Nevada Street, Auburn ------------------------------------------ 3500 Larchmont Drive, Fairfield

------------------------------------------- 6000 Heritage Trail, Clayton

Bay Area Metro Center, Angel Island Conf Rm 8338

375 Beale Street, San Francisco ----------------------------------------

City of Citrus Heights 6360 Fountain Square Drive Lobby Conference Room A

Citrus Heights


Directions and Maps Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority, River Oaks Office, 3331 North First Street, San Jose, CA From Capitol Corridor’s Santa Clara-Great America Station (GAC) Take one of the following three options to get to the meeting location: 1. Take VTA Route 828 Brown -Get off at River Oaks and First Street Stop -Cross the street to VTA Office

2. Take VTA Light Rail 901 Alum Rock Line Southbound -Get off at River Oaks Stop -Walk one block to VTA Office

3. Take VTA Light Rail 902 Winchester Line Southbound -Get off at River Oaks Stop -Walk one block to VTA Office

Freeways Near Meeting Location


Item IV.1 (consent)


Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority Board of Directors

Minutes of the 114th Meeting September 18, 2019

The 114th meeting of the Board of Directors of the Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority (CCJPA) was held at 10:00 a.m., Wednesday, September 18, 2019, via simultaneous teleconference at Council Chambers, City Hall, City of Sacramento, 915 I Street, Sacramento, California; San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART), Directors’ Office, 23rd Floor, 300 Lakeside Drive, Oakland, California; San Francisco Bicycle Coalition, 1720 Market Street, San Francisco, California; and Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (SCVTA), 3331 North First Street, San Jose, California. Vice Chair Saylor presided; Patricia K. Williams, Recording Secretary. I. Call to Order. Vice Chair Saylor called the meeting to order at 10:06 a.m.

II. Roll Call and Pledge of Allegiance. Directors present in Sacramento: Don Saylor, Yolo County Transportation District (YCTD); John Allard, Placer County Transportation Planning Agency (PCTPA); Lucas Frerichs, YCTD; Jim Holmes, PCTPA; John McPartland, San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART); and Steve Miller, Sacramento Regional Transit District (SRTD). Directors present in Oakland: Chair Rebecca Saltzman, BART and Robert Raburn, BART. Director present in San Francisco: Janice Li, BART. Director present in San Jose: Teresa O’Neill, Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (SCVTA). Absent: Directors Raul Peralez, SCVTA; Harry Price, Solano Transportation Authority (STA); and Jim Spering, STA. Directors Bevan Dufty, BART, and Kerri Howell, SRTD entered the meeting later. Vice Chair Saylor introduced himself. He explained that Chair Saltzman was participating in the meeting via telephone and that she asked him to facilitate the meeting. III. Report of the Chair. Vice Chair Saylor provided the Report of the Chair. He welcomed and introduced Director John McPartland as a new Director of the CCJPA Board. Vice Chair Saylor explained that Director McPartland formerly served as an alternate Director of the CCJPA Board. Vice Chair Saylor thanked former Director Foley for his service on the Board. Vice Chair Saylor recognized Mr. Robert (Rob) Padgette, Managing Director of the CCJPA. Vice Chair Saylor noted that Mr. Padgette’s appointment was acknowledged at the last meeting, but this meeting was his first meeting as the new Managing Director. Vice Chair Saylor also recognized Mr. Robert (Bob) Powers, Executive Director of the CCJPA and General Manager of BART and thanked him for attending the meeting. Vice Chair Saylor also thanked staff their efforts to bring materials for the CCJPA Board meetings at each location and for their logistical acumen. Vice Chair Saylor highlighted agenda items, including the Fiscal Year (FY) 20 Budget from the California State Transportation Agency; the National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak) Operating Agreement; and the creation of an Ad Hoc Committee to examine the Managing Agency Agreement with BART for the next five-year period. Vice Chair Saylor also mentioned Mr. Stuart Cohen with Freedom, Affordability, Speed, Transparency, Equity, Reliability (FASTER) Bay Area. IV. Consent Calendar. Director Holmes moved adoption of Item IV.1, Minutes of the June 19, 2019 Meeting; Item IV.2, Resolution No. 19-18, In the Matter of Requesting Funding Allocation from Alameda County Measure BB; Item IV.3, Resolution No. 19-19, In the Matter of Authorizing a Revised Budget for the Davis Signal Replacement Project; and IV.4, Resolution No. 19-20, In the Matter of Authorizing a Budget for Contract to Develop Best Transportation Analysis Recommendations of a Second Transbay Rail Crossing. Director Frerichs seconded the motions. The motions carried by unanimous roll call vote. Ayes: 10 – Directors Saltzman, Saylor, Allard, Frerichs, Holmes, Li, McPartland, Miller, O’Neill, and Raburn. Noes: 0. Absent: 4 – Directors Howell, Peralez, Price, and Spering. V. Action and Discussion Items.


1. CCJPA FY 19-20 Budget – Operations, Administration, Marketing, Supplemental. Mr. Robert Padgette presented the item, highlighting an award received from the State on July 31, 2019 that reflects the information submitted by the CCJPA as part of the April Business Plan. Mr. Padgette also noted that the only change to the submission in April is a change in the amount dedicated to Wi-Fi services. Mr. Padgette explained that CCJPA manages the Wi-Fi services for the CCJPA’s cars and the San Joaquin Joint Powers Authority’s cars. He further indicated that there was in an intention to manage the Wi-Fi services for the Los Angeles-San Diego-San Luis Obispo (LOSSAN) Rail Corridor Agency’s cars as well, but the LOSSAN Rail Corridor Agency will continue to utilize Amtrak for Wi-Fi services because the cars are owned by Amtrak. He noted that the modification in the budget reflects the shift in Wi-Fi management for the LOSSAN Rail Corridor Agency’s cars from CCJPA’s budget to LOSSAN Rail Corridor Agency’s budget. He explained that other than this modification, the budget information is the same information submitted in April. Mr. Padgette repeated a summary of his comments for those who were unable to hear his initial presentation. Vice Chair Saylor invited questions or comments from the Board. No comments were received.

Director Frerichs moved adoption of Resolution No. 19-21, In the Matter of Adopting the Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority Fiscal Year 2020 Budget. Director Holmes seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous roll call vote. Ayes: 10 – Directors Saltzman, Saylor, Allard, Frerichs, Holmes, Li, McPartland, Miller, O’Neill, and Raburn. Noes: 0. Absent: 4 – Directors Howell, Peralez, Price, and Spering.

2. CCJPA/Amtrak FY 19-20 Operating Agreement. Mr. Padgette presented the item. Mr. Padgette noted that, every year,

the CCJPA approves the Agreement with Amtrak to operate CCJPA’s service. He generally described the Agreement, which includes the CCJPA’s expectations for service levels, reporting requirements, penalties, and incentives. He explained that the present Agreement is largely the same as the Agreement that was approved last year. He indicated that the coverage period for the present Agreement is from October 1, 2019 to September 30, 2020. Mr. Padgette explained that the only notable changes contained in the present Agreement are an added expectation that requires Amtrak to support CCJPA in using the California Integrated Travel Program, potentially for ticketing, if CCJPA pursues this effort in the next year; the addition of a single car to train 544, which has increased in use over the last several months; and updated data reporting requirements to improve CCJPA’s ability to oversee the service. Mr. Padgette indicated that, other than these changes, the Agreement is largely the same as the Agreement approved last year. Mr. Padgette noted that the CCJPA has been working with Amtrak over the last several months to finalize the Agreement, and that there may be a few minor changes, but the present Agreement is largely reflective of what they intend to execute. The item was discussed.

Director Raburn moved adoption of Resolution No. 19-22, In the Matter of Approving the Agreement for the Provision of Rail Passenger Service (“FY 2019 Operating Agreement”) Between the National Railroad Passenger Corporation and the Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority. Director Miller seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous roll call vote. Ayes: 9 – Directors Saltzman, Saylor, Allard, Frerichs, Holmes, Li, McPartland, Miller, and Raburn. Noes: 0. Absent: 5 – Directors Howell, O’Neill, Peralez, Price, and Spering.

3. Legislative Matters/FY 19-20 State Budget. Mr. Padgette presented the item, highlighting that the two bills supported by the CCJPA Board, Assembly Bill (AB) 752 – Lactation Rooms at Train Stations (Garcia) and Senate Bill (SB) 742 – Intercity Passenger Train Service Connecting Bus (Allen), were passed by the California State Assembly and Senate. Mr. Padgette noted that AB 752 and SB 742 are awaiting signature by the Governor, and that SB 742 will become effective on January 1, 2020 if the bill is passed. Mr. Padgette noted the significance of SB 742, which will allow the CCJPA to improve customer service and take advantage of service that is already on the street. Vice Chair Saylor asked whether the CCJPA will send letters to the Governor’s Office regarding AB 752 and SB 742. Mr. Padgette responded that staff can send letters regarding AB 752 and SB 742 to the Governor’s Office, if the CCJPA Board so desires. Vice Chair Saylor expressed that he expected that the CCJPA Board would support sending letters to the Governor’s Office regarding AB 752 and SB 742. Vice Chair Saylor indicated that the CCJPA Board supported the bills in the process and that the Board should continue to offer support for the bills. The item was discussed.

Vice Chair Saylor asked Mr. Padgette whether he would like a motion from the CCJPA Board to authorize him to send letters of support to the Governor regarding AB 752 and SB 742. Mr. Padgette accepted Vice Chair Saylor’s offer. Director Raburn moved to authorize the Managing Director to send letters of support regarding AB 752 and SB 742 to the Governor. Director McPartland seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous roll call vote. Ayes: 10 – Directors Saltzman, Saylor, Allard, Frerichs, Holmes, Li, McPartland, Miller, O’Neill, and Raburn. Noes: 0. Absent: 4 – Directors Howell, Peralez, Price, and Spering.

4. Establish Ad Hoc Committee for Selection of a CCJPA Managing Agency. Vice Chair Saylor commented on the item,

noting that the Agreement between the CCJPA and BART as CCJPA’s managing agency is scheduled for renewal in February 2020. Vice Chair Saylor explained that the renewal of the Agreement occurs every five years. He noted that the renewal of the Agreement is an opportunity for the CCJPA Board to review how everything is working, provide comments, or make changes to the Agreement. He indicated that the present item is a request for an Ad Hoc


Subcommittee, to be appointed by Chair Saltzman. Vice Chair Saylor explained that the Ad Hoc Subcommittee will include up to six members and that the Subcommittee will be charged with making recommendations to the full CCJPA Board on the selection of a managing agency and provisions of the Agreement. The item was discussed.

Director Howell entered the meeting in Sacramento. Discussion continued.

Director McPartland moved adoption of Resolution No. 19-23, In the Matter of Ad Hoc Subcommittee for Selection of a CCJPA Managing Agency. Director Howell seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous roll call vote. Ayes: 11 – Directors Saltzman, Saylor, Allard, Frerichs, Holmes, Howell, Li, McPartland, Miller, O’Neill, and Raburn. Noes: 0. Absent: 3 – Directors Peralez, Price, and Spering.

5. FASTER Bay Area. Mr. Padgette introduced Mr. Stuart Cohen with the FASTER Bay Area Coalition. Mr. Padgette

indicated that Mr. Cohen’s presentation would include discussion of efforts that are underway to seek additional transportation funding from bay area voters, potentially in the November 2020 election. Mr. Cohen presented the item, highlighting general information about FASTER Bay Area; FASTER principles; outreach feedback; a preview of the draft framework; the funding mechanism; and process timeline. Mr. Padgette provided information about the item, specifically regarding how FASTER Bay Area’s effort relates to the CCJPA. Mr. Padgette noted that the CCJPA is involved in and desires to coordinate with FASTER Bay Area’s effort. He indicated that staff wishes to ensure that intercity passenger rail, specifically Capitol Corridor Service, is eligible for funding. He indicated that CCJPA has a real reach regarding market and customers, which the voters will find interesting. He also noted that CCJPA has a Vision Plan that established CCJPA’s projects, including the South Bay Connect Project, the Second Transbay Crossing, and other investments in service to increase capacity. He indicated that these projects should be considered for inclusion in FASTER Bay Area’s effort. Mr. Padgette indicated that staff hopes that the California Integrated Travel Program and investments in technology like this program will also be included in FASTER Bay Area’s effort. Mr. Padgette reiterated that CCJPA is very much involved and will be supportive of FASTER Bay Area’s effort going forward. He also indicated that staff will provide updates as the effort progresses. The item was discussed.

Director Dufty entered the meeting in San Francisco. Discussion continued. Mike Barnbaum addressed the Board. BART Director Elizabeth Ames addressed the Board.

6. Update: Programmed Capital Projects. Mr. Padgette introduced Ms. Shirley Qian, Senior Planner. Mr. Padgette provided a brief overview of the organization and presentation of updates regarding capital projects. Ms. Qian presented information about the South Bay Connect Project, including an overview of the Project, the Project schedule, and CCJPA’s receipt of the Transit Intercity Rail Capital Program (TIRCP) grant. The item was discussed.

7. Managing Director’s Report. Mr. Padgette gave opening remarks. He introduced and welcomed two Climate Core

Program interns, Mr. Aaron Rubin and Mr. Michael Alves. Vice Chair Saylor welcomed Mr. Rubin and Mr. Alves. Mr. Padgette addressed CCJPA’s growth; continued progress on big projects and shorter-duration projects; and management of contracts. Mr. Padgette reviewed FY 19 performance measures, including ridership, revenue, on-time performance, system operating ratio, and customer satisfaction rating. He provided more detailed information regarding revenue, ridership, on-time performance, Positive Train Control (PTC) issues, mechanical issues, and minimizing Port of Stockton shipping delays. Mr. Padgette introduced Ms. Priscilla Kalugdan, Manager of Capitol Corridor Marketing/Communications. Ms. Kalugdan presented information regarding recent customer experience improvements and upcoming projects. Ms. Kalugdan gave an overview of communication touchpoints for train status and service updates; the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system; staff’s redesign of bus schedule signs at bus stops; and an upgrade of service alerts using Amtrak’s social media team to provide service alerts twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week. Ms. Kalugdan also provided information about upcoming technology updates, including the onboard Wi-Fi upgrade, café car point-of-sale upgrade, and installation of digital menu signs in café cars. The Managing Director’s Report was discussed.

Ms. Kalugdan gave a brief overview of customer comment tracking and ratings. Ms. Kalugdan also reviewed customer complaints. The Managing Director’s Report was discussed.


Mr. Padgette provided information about a program created in response to nineteen fatalities that occurred in the Corridor in 2017. He explained that the CCJPA, Union Pacific, and communities along the right-of-way, have been focused on fencing, vegetation clean-up, and encampment removal in cooperation with local services to reduce the number of fatalities. Mr. Padgette indicated that nine fatalities have occurred in the Corridor in 2019. Mr. Padgette provided information about the program’s progress. Mr. Padgette noted that Director Spering asked him to remind the CCJPA Board that the recognition ceremony for the naming of the Tom Hannigan Station was scheduled for September 27, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. Mr. Padgette also mentioned a service change, specifically that CCJPA service will be shifted from the Temporary Transbay Facility to an on-street location adjacent to the Salesforce building on October 14, 2019, due to the complexity of the contacts and the CCJPA service pattern in San Francisco. Mr. Padgette indicated that passengers will be notified of the upcoming service change and that staff will monitor the change in the upcoming weeks. The Managing Director’s Report was discussed. Mr. Padgette gave an overview of the Annual Onboard Survey findings, including information about riders, trip purpose, length of use, frequency of use, and overall customer satisfaction. The Managing Director’s Report was discussed.

8. Work Completed. Vice Chair Saylor invited questions or comments from the Board on Item 8. No comments were received.

9. Work in Progress. Vice Chair Saylor invited questions or comments from the Board on Item 9. No comments were received.

VI. Board Member Reports. Vice Chair Saylor invited Board Member reports. Chair Saltzman explained why the CCJPA Board appointments changed. Directors Dufty, Li, and O’Neill exited the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 11:24 a.m. for lack of a quorum. Next Meeting Date: 10:30 a.m., November 20, 2019, at the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority, 3331 North First Street, Room B-106, San Jose, California.


Item IV.2 (Consent)




TO: Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority Board DATE: November 12, 2019 FROM: Robert Padgette, Managing Director

SUBJECT: 2020 CCJPA BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING SCHEDULE PURPOSE For the CCJPA Board to adopt the meeting schedule for the Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority Board of Directors during Calendar Year 2020. BACKGROUND Pursuant to the CCJPA By-Laws, staff provided to the CCJPA member agency staff a draft schedule for the CCJPA Board meetings in Calendar Year 2020. Based on feedback from the CCJPA member agencies, the following schedule is being submitted to the CCJPA Board for adoption:


Time Location

February 12, 2020

10:00 am

Suisun, City Council Chambers * Business Plan Adoption

April 15, 2020

10:00 am

Martinez, City Council Chambers

June 17, 2020

10:00 am

Oakland, BART Boardroom

September 16, 2020

10:00 am

Sacramento, City Council Chambers

November 18, 2020

10:30 am

Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority

RECOMMENDATION The SCG recommends that the CCJPA Board adopt the 2020 Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority Board of Directors meeting schedule. Motion: The CCJPA Board adopts the attached meeting schedule.


2020 Meeting Schedule DRAFT CCJPA Board of Directors


Time Location

February 12, 2020

10:00 am

Suisun, City Council Chambers * Business Plan Adoption

April 15, 2020

10:00 am

Martinez, City Council Chambers

June 17, 2020

10:00 am

Oakland, BART Boardroom

September 16, 2020

10:00 am

Sacramento, City Council Chambers

November 18, 2020

10:30 am

Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority

* Adoption of Business Plan requires an affirmative vote of at least two-thirds (11) of appointed members.

ADOPTED: _________________________ CCJPA BOARD OF DIRECTORS


Item IV.3



TO: Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority (CCJPA) Board DATE: November 12, 2019 FROM: Rob Padgette, Managing Director SUBJECT: CCJPA/AMTRAK FY 20 OPERATING AGREEMENT UPDATE PURPOSE For the CCJPA Board to authorize the execution of the CCJPA/Amtrak Fiscal Year 2020 (FY 20) Operating Agreement for Amtrak’s operation of the Capitol Corridor Service (intercity train and feeder bus). BACKGROUND The CCJPA Board authorized execution of the FY20 Operating Agreement at the last Board meeting on September 18, 2019. Due to an administrative error, although all background materials were provided for the FY 20 Operating Agreement, the incorrect resolution was attached to the Board agenda. The correct resolution is included to finalize authorization of the execution of the CCJPA/Amtrak Fiscal Year 2020 (FY 20) Operating Agreement. The substance of the materials did not change. Based on the FY 20 allocation letter from CalSTA to the CCJPA for its FY 20 budget, the operations/Amtrak FY 20 budget will be $28,174,000 to support the CCJPA/Amtrak FY 20 Operating Agreement. RECOMMENDATION The SCG recommends that the CCJPA Board authorize the execution of the FY 20 CCJPA/Amtrak Operating Agreement with a contract amount not-to-exceed $28,174,000. Motion: The CCJPA Board adopts the attached resolution.




In the Matter of Approving the Agreement for the Provision of Rail Passenger Service ("FY 2020 Operating Agreement") Between the National Railroad Passenger Corporation and the Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority / Resolution No. 19-24

WHEREAS, as of October 1, 2018, the National Railroad Passenger Corporation ("Amtrak") and Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority ("CCJPA") entered into an Agreement for the Provision of Rail Passenger Service, the FY 2019 Operating Agreement; and

WHEREAS, the FY 2019 Operating Agreement provided, among other things, for the provision by

Amtrak of intercity passenger rail (“IPR”) service on the Capitol Corridor route and connecting bus service under CCJPA's direction upon the terms and for the budget set forth therein; and

WHEREAS, Amtrak and CCJPA mutually desire to enter into a similar form of agreement

substantially in the form provided under separate cover, providing for IPR and bus service that is in effect as of August 22, 2016 between the parties as set forth more fully in the FY 2020 Operating Agreement; and

WHEREAS, the effective date of the FY 2020 Operating Agreement (superseding the FY 2019

Operating Agreement which expires by its terms on September 30, 2019) will be October 1, 2019, the date of agreement in principle between the parties to all the terms and conditions of the FY 2020 Operating Agreement, subject to appropriate legal review and execution by the parties;

RESOLVED, pursuant to the receipt of the annual allocation letter for FY 2020 from the Secretary of the California State Transportation Agency, the CCJPA Board does hereby authorize execution of the FY 2020 Operating Agreement with a budget not-to-exceed $28,174,000 to support the planned operations for FY2020 by the Chair of the CCJPA Board or her duly authorized designee, on behalf of the CCJPA, substantially in the form presented to this meeting.

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that subject to appropriate legal review and execution by the parties, the said FY 2020 Operating Agreement shall be effective as of October 1, 2019.

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the FY 2020 Operating Agreement shall, when executed,

supersede and replace in its entirety the FY 2019 Operating Agreement, which expires by its terms on September 30, 2019.

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the CCJPA Board forthwith transmit a copy of this

resolution to Amtrak, the California State Transportation Agency, and California Department of Transportation Division of Rail and Mass Transportation.

# # #


Noes: _____________________

Patricia K. Williams Abstain:



Item IV.4 (Consent)




TO: Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority Board DATE: November 12, 2019 FROM: Robert Padgette Managing Director SUBJECT: DIESEL EXHAUST FLUID STORAGE AND DISPENSING SYSTEM FOR THE


PURPOSE For the CCJPA Board to approve the budget for the design of a Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) storage and dispensing system to be installed at the Oakland Maintenance Facility. BACKGROUND Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) is used during the operation of the new Charger locomotives currently in service on the Capitol Corridor route. The DEF is currently added to the tanks of the Charger locomotives during refueling and servicing at the Oakland Maintenance Facility using a temporary system of tanks, pumps and hoses. This temporary system is currently functional but needs to be upgraded in order to properly service locomotives at this facility and to provide a permanent system at this site. The CCJPA has been pursuing the design of a DEF storage and dispensing system to be installed at the Oakland Maintenance Facility (the “Project”). The previously identified budget for this work was $85,000 funded by FY16 Capitol Corridor Reinvestment Program (CCRP) funds, below the threshold required for CCJPA Board approval. Work of this design has identified a revised budget need for the design of the project of $150,000. Capitol Corridor staff has identified funding for the expected Project costs: Funding Source Budget FY16 Capitol Corridor Reinvestment Program (CCRP) $85,000 Revenue Above Budget (RAB) $65,000 Total Project Budget $150,000

RECOMMENDATION The SCG recommends that the CCJPA Board approve a budget of not-to-exceed $150,000 to implement the Project and authorize the CCJPA Executive Director or his designee to execute all necessary and appropriate actions for the implementation of the Project. Motion: The CCJPA Board adopts the attached resolution.




In the Matter of Authorizing a Budget for the Diesel Exhaust Fluid Storage and Dispensing System for the Oakland Maintenance Facility / Resolution No. 19-25

WHEREAS, Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) is used during the operation of the new Charger locomotives

currently in service on the Capitol Corridor route; and

WHEREAS, replacement of the existing temporary storage and dispensing system is needed to continue servicing the locomotives at the Oakland Maintenance Facility; and

WHEREAS, the CCJPA embarked on design of a permanent DEF storage and dispensing system for the

Oakland Maintenance Facility (the “Project”) with a current budget of $85,000; and

WHEREAS, the total Project cost is now expected to be $150,000; and

WHEREAS, the CCJPA has identified $85,000 of FY16 Capitol Corridor Reinvestment Program (CCRP) funds and $65,000 of Revenue Above Budget (RAB) funds that can be used to complete this Project; and therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the CCJPA Board does hereby approve the revised Project budget for an amount not to

exceed $150,000; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the CCJPA Board hereby authorizes the CCJPA Executive

Director or his designee to execute all necessary and appropriate actions for the implementation of the Project;

# # #



Noes: Patricia K. Williams Secretary


Item IV.5 (Consent)



TO: Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority Board DATE: November 12, 2019 FROM: Robert Padgette, Managing Director SUBJECT: BUDGET UPDATE FOR CALIFORNIA PASSENGER INFORMATION DISPLAY


PURPOSE For the CCJPA Board to approve an updated budget for the California Passenger Information Display System (PIDS) modernization project (“the Project”). BACKGROUND California PIDS provides train status and service updates to customers at stations for the three Intercity Passenger Rail services and Altamont Corridor Express (ACE). The existing PIDS was first designed and implemented in the early 2000’s, and the technology used then (both hardware and software) is reaching end of life. CCJPA received $1.1 million State Rail Assistance (SRA) funds in early 2018 to support a California PIDS modernization project. Since then, CCJPA staff have worked with other partner rail agencies such as San Joaquin JPA and San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission to conduct a competitive procurement process for a modernized California PIDS that will serve Capitol Corridor, San Joaquins, ACE, and potentially other passenger rail services in Southern California (e.g. Pacific Surfliner, North County Transit District). The modernized PIDS is being procured under a service-based model where capital and operating costs are amortized over five (5) years to keep pace with technology upgrades and to establish stable annual project budgeting. The new California PIDS Master Services Agreement (MSA) will be a Work Directive-based contract. The scope of the MSA includes the design, testing, and maintenance of PIDS for Capitol Corridor, San Joaquins, ACE, and potentially other rail services in California. There is a need to update the Project budget so that the MSA can be executed. The original Project budget was established as $1,110,529 per Resolution 18-9. The updated five-year budget estimate for the Project MSA is up to $8.5 million. Work Directives under the MSA will be issued only as funding is secured. The cost estimate for the first Work Directive under the MSA, which includes project kick-off and design of PIDS, is $1.2 million which will be fully funded by the CCJPA SRA allocation secured in 2018 and contributions from San Joaquin JPA and San Joaquin Regional Rail Authority. While the PIDS design work progresses, CCJPA staff will work with partner rail agencies to identify additional funding to support future Work Directives under the MSA. RECOMMENDATION The SCG recommends that the CCJPA Board approve a not-to-exceed budget of $8.5 million to implement the Project and authorize the CCJPA Executive Director or his designee, pending secured funding for each Work Directive, to execute all necessary and appropriate actions for the implementation of the Project. Motion: The CCJPA Board adopts the attached resolution.




In the Matter of Authorizing a Revised Budget for the California PIDS Modernization Project / Resolution No. 19-26

WHEREAS, the existing Passenger Information Display System (PIDS) used to provide train status and

service updates to customers at stations for the Intercity Passenger Rail services and Altamont Corridor Express is reaching end of life; and

WHEREAS, CCJPA is leading the California PIDS Modernization Project on behalf of partner rail

agencies such as the San Joaquin Joint Powers Authority and San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission; and

WHEREAS, the design, testing, and maintenance of the new California PIDS is procured under a service-based model where capital and operating costs are amortized over five years to keep pace with technology upgrades and to establish stable annual project budgeting; and

WHEREAS, the design, testing, and maintenance of the new California PIDS will be a Work

Directive-based Master Services Agreement; and

WHEREAS, CCJPA and partner rail agency funding has been secured to support the first Work Directive under the Master Service Agreement, estimated to be $1.2 million; and, therefore be it

RESOLVED, that the CCJPA Board does hereby approve the revised Project budget for an amount not-to-exceed $8.5 million;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the CCJPA Board hereby authorizes the CCJPA

Executive Director or his designee, pending secured funding for each Work Directive, to execute all necessary and appropriate actions for the implementation of the Project.

# # #



Noes: Patricia K. Williams Secretary



Item V.1



TO: Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority (CCJPA) Board DATE: November 15, 2019 FROM: Rob Padgette, Managing Director SUBJECT: CAPITOL CORRIDOR ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REPORT (FY 2019) PURPOSE For the CCJPA Board to review, comment, and adopt the draft Capitol Corridor Annual Performance Report for the reporting period of Federal Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 (October 2018 through September 2019). BACKGROUND As part of its outreach plan, CCJPA produces an annual performance report that presents the basic information regarding how the public investment in the Capitol Corridor is being managed and what the resulting service quality and quantity is, as measured by standard business performance indicators. For FY 2019 the service performance for the Capitol Corridor continued its strong performance for ridership, revenue and efficiency (System Operating Ratio). • Capitol Corridor finished as follows for FY 2019: annual ridership (1.77M passengers; +4.1% vs FY 18),

revenues ($38.0M; +4.7% vs FY 18), and System Operating Ratio (60%; +2.3% vs. FY 18). • At 89%, End-Point On-Time-Performance (OTP) fell just below the target of 90% with promising reductions in

Positive Train Control (PTC) delays. • The rating for Customer Satisfaction was 90% Highly Satisfied. This year’s annual report (a draft will be sent under separate cover) will be similar to last years’ short format, with an emphasis on infographics and focus on notable service statistics, as well as overall performance in FY 2019. CCJPA staff will also prepare a companion mobile site to present the information and engage readers across more channels. The CCJPA Board Directors and staff can then use the report to raise the awareness of and present the success of the Capitol Corridor Service to interested parties – elected officials, local communities, chambers of commerce. Staff is pursuing an aggressive timeline for the completion of the final print version of the Annual Performance Report in order to make it available during the start of the new California Legislative Session in mid-January 2020. Comments from the CCJPA Board will be incorporated into a final version. In addition to the Legislature, the document will be used in presentations to local community leaders and other interested parties that are or may be involved in partnership with the CCJPA. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the CCJPA Board approve and adopt, as revised in conjunction with comments from the CCJPA Board, the Capitol Corridor Annual Performance Report (FY 2019).

Motion: The CCJPA Board adopts the attached resolution.



BOARD OF DIRECTORS In the Matter of Approving the Capitol Corridor Annual Performance Report (FY 2019)/ Resolution No. 19-27

WHEREAS, the CCJPA has identified the development of a Capitol Corridor Annual Performance Report (“Report”) as a means of providing basic information regarding how the public investment in the Capitol Corridor is being managed and what the resulting service quality and quantity is, as measured by standard, industry business performance indicators; and

WHEREAS, the Report is to be utilized by the CCJPA as an outreach tool to present the success of and

the CCJPA’s vision for Capitol Corridor Service to interested parties, such as elected officials, local communities, and chambers of commerce; and

WHEREAS, a draft Report for Federal Fiscal year 2019 (FY 2019) was transmitted to the CCJPA Board

and comments received from the CCJPA Board at its November 20, 2019 Meeting will be incorporated into the Final Report; and

WHEREAS, the Final Report will be transmitted by mid-January 2020 to the State Legislators and will

also be used in presentations to local community leaders and other interested parties in the corridor; RESOLVED, that the CCJPA Board does hereby approve the Report for FY 2019, substantially in the

form presented at this meeting, subject to appropriate policy review; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the CCJPA Board hereby authorizes the CCJPA and its

member agencies to distribute the Report, as revised pursuant to comments received at the November 20, 2019 CCJPA Board Meeting, to interested parties and utilize the Report as an outreach and promotional tool to raise the awareness of the Capitol Corridor Service and develop partnerships with state, regional and local officials.

# # #



Noes: Patricia K. Williams Secretary



Item V.2



TO: CCJPA Board of Directors (CCJPB) DATE: November 12, 2019 FROM: Mike Luken, Placer County Transportation Planning Agency (PCTPA) Staff to the CCJPA Ad Hoc Subcommittee SUBJECT: SELECTION OF CCJPA MANAGING AGENCY (5-YEAR TERM EFFECTIVE

FEBRUARY 20, 2020) PURPOSE For the CCJPA Board to select San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) as the Managing Agency for the CCJPA and to extend the Administrative Support Agreement (ASA) with BART for a five -year term from February 2020 through February 2025. BACKGROUND BART has provided administrative and staff support to the CCJPA since its establishment in 1996, first under the enabling legislation SB 457, and subsequently under a series of ASAs adopted over the years. In recognition of the success of the model, the enabling legislation was amended in 2005 to extend the ASA term from three to five years and has been reflected in ASAs adopted by the Board since then. The current ASA was adopted by the Board in November 2014, covers the five years starting in February 2015 and is set to expire in February 2020. With the pending end of BART’s term as the Managing Agency to the CCJPA, the Board established the Ad Hoc Subcommittee for the CCJPA Managing Agency Selection under Resolution 19-23. Ad Hoc Subcommittee Members have discussed the various scenarios of an agency that is best suited to perform the management and administrative duties to the CCJPA. After deliberation, the Ad Hoc Subcommittee feels that preparation and publication of a request for proposals, a mechanism commonly used to select providers of professional services in similar situations, would not be productive in this case for several reasons, including the following: 1. The Ad Hoc Subcommittee members could not identify any existing public rail transit agency, which has

performed the administrative functions for an intercity rail service other than BART. 2. None of the Ad Hoc Subcommittee members knew of any such agency which has expressed any interest in

submitting a proposal for such work. 3. Any such request for proposals would have to reveal that, similar to BART’s role as administrator to the

CCJPA, compensation for any proposer’s services is not guaranteed, is solely at the annual discretion of the California legislature, and that any provider would take on the potential risk of being underpaid, or not paid at all, for its services.

4. The legislative grant of authority to the CCJPB to select a successor agency (a) already contains a specific

authorization to allow selection of BART as the successor provider of administrative services, and (b) gives broad latitude to the CCJPB in the methods used to select such a successor by providing that the Board may make such decision “ . . . through procedures that it determines.”


More importantly, BART continues to do an excellent job in providing the administrative support needed for the operations of the CCJPA, at a very reasonable price. In fact, CCJPA Former Managing Director Kutrosky was able to reduce the negotiated overhead rate over the course of the last ASA from 38% in 2010 to 16.5% in 2014, while still providing all the support needed for efficient operations. The current ASA is projected to continue the overhead costs at the current 21.23% rate. Accordingly, the Ad Hoc Subcommittee is recommending, based on the continuing success of the service performance as well as the beneficial, cooperative relationship between BART and the CCJPA member agencies, that BART be reappointed to provide administrative support to the CCJPB for another five-year term as provided for by the amended statute. Ad Hoc Subcommittee members recommend that two items should be added to the ASA reflecting the Board’s ongoing priority to place great emphasis on customer service and to improve coordination between BART and the CCJPA Board. Those items include:

1. Modification of ASA Section 1 MANAGING AGENCY (xii) to read as follows: (xii) Recommend changes in scheduling, customer service improvement plans and levels of service to the CCJPA;

2. Addition of ASA Section 3-STAFF OF MANAGING AGENCY/CCJPA (v) to read as follows: (v) The General Manager of the Managing Agency, serving as the Executive Director of the CCJPA shall consult with the Board of the CCJPA when selecting the CCJPA Managing Director position or equivalent role.

RECOMMENDATION The Ad Hoc Subcommittee recommends that the CCJPB extend the Administrative Services Agreement (ASA) with the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) for a five-year term, effective February 2020 and continuing through February 2025 with sections modified/added above. Motion: The CCJPB adopts the attached resolution.




In the Matter of Extending the Administrative Services Agreement Between the Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority and the Managing Agency For Five Years (February 2020-February 2025)/ Resolution No. 19-28

WHEREAS, effective February 20, 1999, the Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority (“CCJPA”) and the San

Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District (“BART”) entered into an Administrative Support Agreement (“ASA”) with an initial term of three years, by which BART would provide all necessary administrative support to the Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Board (“CCJPB”) to perform its duties and responsibilities; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to California law, the CCJPB selected BART to continue in such position on the same terms and conditions as stated in the ASA for one further three-year term, commencing upon the date of termination of the initial term of the ASA, February 20, 2002, and extending until February 19, 2005; and

WHEREAS, State law was modified so that the duration of the Managing Agency’s administrative and management duties to the CCJPA will be for five years; and

WHEREAS, at its February 16, 2005, November 18, 2009, and November 19, 2014 meetings, the CCJPB selected BART to serve as Managing Agency to the CCJPA in the ASA for a five-year term extending until February 19, 2010, February 19, 2015, and February 19, 2020 respectively; and

WHEREAS, the ASA and California law provide that at the conclusion of the current ASA’s term, the CCJPB may, through procedures that it determines, select BART or another existing public rail transit agency to provide all necessary administrative support staff to the CCJPB to perform its duties and responsibilities; and

WHEREAS, at its September 18, 2019 meeting, under Resolution 19-23, the CCJPB established the CCJPA Ad Hoc

Subcommittee to guide the renewal of the CCJPA Managing Agency and make recommendations to the CCJPB as appropriate; and

WHEREAS, one of the factors in the continuing successful performance of the Capitol Corridor has been the CCJPA’s management of the Service through the beneficial, cooperative relationship between BART and the CCJPA member agencies;

WHEREAS, the CCJPA Ad Hoc Subcommittee recommended two minor changes to the ASA to include the

modification to Section 1-MANAGING AGENCY (xii) Recommend changes in scheduling, customer service improvement plans and levels of service to the CCJPA; and Section 3-STAFF OF MANAGING AGENCY/CCJPA to add as follows (v) The General Manager of the Managing Agency, serving as the Executive Director of the CCJPA shall consult with the Board of the CCJPA when selecting the CCJPA Managing Director position or equivalent role.

RESOLVED, that the CCJPB does hereby select BART to serve on the same terms and conditions as previously stated with two recommended changes in the ASA for a five-year term, commencing upon the date of termination of the term of the current ASA, February 20, 2020, and extending until February 19, 2025.

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chair of the CCJPB forthwith transmit a copy of this resolution to each of the CCJPA member agencies.



Noes: Patricia K. Williams Secretary



Item V.3

CAPITOL CORRIDOR JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY __________ MEMORANDUM TO: Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Board DATE: November 12, 2019 FROM: Rob Padgette, Managing Director, CCJPA SUBJECT: FY 20 TRANSIT INTERCITY RAIL CAPITAL PROGRAM (TIRCP) APPLICATION AUTHORIZATION PURPOSE: For the CCJPA Board to approve the CCJPA staff to support an application with identified partners for funding grants based on the SB 1 state funding sources BACKGROUND SB1 Fund Sources: In April 2017, the Legislature enacted, and the Governor signed into law, Senate Bill 1 (Beall, Chapter 5) to fund transportation improvements. CCJPA can directly apply for is Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program (TICRP) funds, an element of SB1. CCJPA has been a successful recipient of prior TIRCP cycles in the past and is implementing projects funded pursuant to the respective TIRCP grant awards. Key goals of the program are to expand and improve rail service to increase ridership and integrate the rail service of the state’s various rail operations, including high-speed rail. Funding under the TIRCP program is for a programming period of five (5) years. The TIRCP applications are due by January 16, 2018. The new capacity available for TIRPC Cycle 4 is currently estimated at $450-500 million but may change based on auction proceeds and cash flow requirements of already awarded projects between now and the anticipated April 2020 award announcement. For the Cycle 4 TIRCP funding applications, CCJPA is working with station partners to support improvements that will increase Capitol Corridor ridership and enhance transit and bicycle access improvements. The project below is still in development at this time.

1. Sacramento Valley Station Phase 3 Bus-Mobility Center and Transit Coordination Improvements: Project includes a variety of critical Phase III Sacramento Valley Station elements that synergistically program all known modes of transportation access according to the Sacramento Valley Station Master Plan consistent with State Rail Plan integration objectives. These integrations focus on the access point to the existing passenger rail platforms and includes re-alignments that significantly increase the intermodal connections between bus transit and intercity passenger rail. Included in the improvements are the following programmed elements:

• Bus mobility center with top-up electric charging • Light rail station platform • Bicycle trails through the station and to the

platform access point • Bicycle storage facilities

• Micromobility curbside service • TNC pickup/drop off (transitional to automated vehicles)

• Electric vehicle charging & parking • Walkable and protected plaza from Historic Station to platform access point

• Sacramento RT roadside bus stops • Interstate 5 on-ramp redesign for more direct transit vehicle access to SVS

• Remote electric charging and hydrogen fueling layover vehicle

• Opening to the north side of the SVS station to the Railyards development


• Sacramento area regional commuter bus service re-routing to serve SVS station

• Relocation of various micro-mobility sharing facilities

Taken together these improvements being coordinated via one TIRCP application are complex and involve the extensive coordination of various agencies providing transit service in the Sacramento Area. CCJPA will support a TIRCP application to be submitted by the City of Sacramento.

Staff is seeking authority from the CCJPA Board to support the application for the projects mentioned above. More project development is required, and staff will continue to provide updates to the CCJPA Board as details are known. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the CCJPA Board give authorization for CCJPA Executive Director or her designee to support the application as described above for the Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program. Motion: The CCJPB adopts the attached resolution.



BOARD OF DIRECTORS In the Matter of Authorizing the Submittal of Applications from the 2020 Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program (TIRCP) Call for Projects to Support Capitol Corridor Station Enhancements/ Resolution No. 19-29 WHEREAS, the passage of SB 1 has provided CCJPA and project partners access TIRCP funding and the State of California is now on Cycle 4 of TIRCP funding; and WHEREAS, CCJPA has been working with project partners to identify productive TIRCP projects that would meet the State’s objectives to reduce greenhouse gasses, improve safety, improve rail and bus transit ridership, and better serve communities of concern; and WHEREAS, a Call for Projects has been activated for 2020 TIRCP funds in October 2019 and TIRCP funds are set to be released for applications in January 2020; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the CCJPA to support its partners in the submission of a TIRCP application in the pursuant of funding projects listed in the table below with the details of the funding request to be decided before TIRCP applications are due January 16, 2020; and

Total 2020 PROJECT Budget TIRCP Application Sacramento Valley Station Phase 3 Bus-Mobility Center and Transit Coordination Improvements

$TBD Design/Env’l and Construction

RESOLVED, that the CCJPA Board does hereby authorize the CCJPA Executive Director or his designee to provide support for applications in response to the 2020 Cycle 4 TIRCP Call for Projects that will, subject to pending project development and TIRCP application analysis, advance the project identified in the table above; and. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the CCJPA Board transmits this resolution to all applicable project partners for the submittal of such authorized applications.

# # #



Noes: Patricia K. Williams Secretary


Item V.4



TO: Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority Board DATE: November 12, 2019 FROM: Robert Padgette Managing Director SUBJECT: PROJECT AND BUDGET UPDATE:


PURPOSE For the CCJPA Board to approve a revised scope and budget for the replacement of the crossovers and railroad signal system near the Davis Capitol Corridor station. BACKGROUND The CCJPA Board, through Resolutions 19-09 (June 19, 2019) and 19-19 (September 18, 2019) authorized the use of a variety of fund sources to improve the railroad signal system at Davis CA (the “Project”). These Resolutions authorized a total budget of $2,150,000 for the Project. This Project is considered critical due to the age of the existing signal infrastructure and the difficulty of obtaining spare parts. A failure of the existing signal system at this location would likely have a serious effect on the on-time performance of the Capitol Corridor service. The Capitol Corridor is actively working with Union Pacific to complete this work and resolve this issue. Since these Resolutions were adopted, Amtrak has proposed a project to improve the ADA accessibility at the Davis boarding platforms. This project, in the early stages of development at this time, would involve revising the track alignment at the Davis station in order to construct a single island platform with grade separated pedestrian access. This is the platform configuration used today at the San Jose, Richmond, Fairfield-Vacaville and Sacramento stations and meets a critical aspect of the CCJPA Station Policy. The current configuration of the Davis boarding platform sometimes requires passengers to cross the active main line track in order to reach their train. This is a significant safety risk recognized by the CCJPA Station Policy and is mitigated by the “Hold-Out Rule.” This Rule requires all other trains to wait outside the station (“hold out”) while a passenger train is boarding. This results in substantial reduction in the railroad’s capacity due to the interruption in the train operations. In addition to resolving the ADA accessibility issue for boarding passengers, this project would also increase passenger safety by eliminating the need to cross the main line tracks and would resolve the operational restrictions related to the “Hold-Out Rule” thus improving the railroad’s capacity and fluidity. While the design of the future track layout to support the platform changes at Davis has not yet been completed, it is certain that construction of a center island platform between the two main tracks will require relocation of the crossovers just east of the station. Relocating the crossovers would therefore require repeating the signal work currently proposed for this same location, at a significant increase in that future project’s cost. The logical way to proceed, then, would be to advance the crossover relocation and include it in the current signal Project. This will result in significant cost savings to the boarding platform project and avoid repeating a major investment in infrastructure.


Relocation of the crossovers also has independent utility. The current crossovers at this location are an old design that requires trains to slow to 10 mph when crossing over from one main track to the other. Replacement of the crossovers will allow an increase of the speeds to 30 mph, matching the speeds of other crossovers nearby. Furthermore, the newer design crossovers will reduce maintenance needs, so that Capitol Corridor trains will be less likely to be slowed at this point for maintenance reasons. All of this will help with on-time reliability for Capitol Corridor trains. The total Project budget for crossover and signal replacement is expected to be $7,300,000. Knowing that replacement of the crossovers east of the Davis Station will be important to the boarding platform project, Amtrak has offered to contribute $1,000,000 in State of Good Repair (SOGR) funds so that it can be done in conjunction with the current signal replacement project. Through a cost sharing agreement, Union Pacific Railroad has offered to contribute $2,150,000. Capitol Corridor staff has identified an additional $2,000,000 of Revenue Above Budget (RAB) funds that can be used to complete the Project. To complete the Project, the Capitol Corridor would need to contribute a total of $4,150,000 as detailed in the following table. Funding Source CCJPA

Funding Partner Funding

PTA allocation FY 19 $950,000 State Rail Assistance (SRA) allocated Jan 30, 2018 $700,000 Capitalized Maintenance FY 18 $500,000 Revenue Above Budget (RAB) $2,000,000 Amtrak State-Of-Good-Repair (SOGR) $1,000,000 Union Pacific Rail Road Contribution $2,150,000 Total CCJPA and Partner Funding $4,150,000 $3,150,000

Total Project Budget $7,300,000 RECOMMENDATION The SCG recommends that the CCJPA Board approve a revised budget of not-to-exceed $4,150,000 to implement the Project and authorize the CCJPA Executive Director or his designee to execute all necessary and appropriate actions for the implementation of the Project. Motion: The CCJPA Board adopts the attached resolution.




In the Matter of Authorizing a Revised Budget for the Davis Crossover and Signal Replacement Project / Resolution No. 19-30

WHEREAS, in the interest of reducing the potential for train delays due to signal problems as well as

improving passenger safety and convenience, the Capitol Corridor wishes to replace and upgrade the crossovers and railroad signal system near the Davis station; and

WHEREAS, replacement of the obsolete crossovers and signal system will result in improved ability to maintain and repair the system; and

WHEREAS, replacement of the obsolete crossovers and signal system will assist in a future project to

improve the boarding platforms at the Davis station; and WHEREAS, the CCJPA has adopted the Davis Signal Replacement Project (the “Project”) pursuant to

Resolutions 19-09 and 19-19 with an approved budget of $2,150,000 for necessary signal improvements; and

WHEREAS, the total project cost is expected to be $7,300,000; and WHEREAS, Union Pacific Railroad has agreed to fund $2,150,000 for the Project; and WHEREAS, Amtrak has agreed to contribute $1,000,000 for the Project; and WHEREAS, the CCJPA has secured a total funding amount of $4,150,000 for the Project; and therefore,

be it RESOLVED, that the CCJPA Board does hereby approve the revised Project budget for an amount not to

exceed $4,150,000; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the CCJPA Board hereby authorizes the CCJPA Executive

Director or her designee to execute all necessary and appropriate actions for the implementation of the Project;

# # #



Noes: Patricia K. Williams Secretary



Item V.5

CAPITOL CORRIDOR JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY __________ MEMORANDUM TO: Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority Board DATE: November 12, 2019 FROM: Robert Padgette, Managing Director SUBJECT: LEGISLATIVE MATTERS PURPOSE To provide the CCJPA Board with an overview of the proposed legislative matters affecting Capitol Corridor service. BACKGROUND

AB 752 - Lactation rooms at train stations (Garcia) This bill requires multimodal train stations to include a lactation room if they commenced operations or a renovation on or after January 1, 2021 and meet specified conditions, such as size. As Capitol Corridor train stations are owned by local communities or agencies, CCJPA staff will work with these station owners on implementation. The CCJPA sent a letter of support to the author on June 11, 2019. Status: As of October 8, 2019, the bill was signed by the Governor and Chaptered by Secretary of State - Chapter 616, Statutes of 2019. SB 742 – Intercity passenger train service connecting bus (Allen) This bill allows Caltrans to provide funding to Amtrak, a joint powers authority, or any other public or private transit operator for the purpose of entering into a contract to carry passengers over regular routes without a train ticket. SB 742 will increase state rail revenue at no additional cost, reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions by eliminating automobile trips, and reduce congestion on some of the state’s most congested freeways. The CCJPA sent a letter of support for SB 742 on April 12, 2019. Status: As of October 8, 2019, the bill was signed by the Governor and Chaptered by Secretary of State. Chapter 652, Statutes of 2019. Proposed Federal FY 20 Budget On May 22, 2019, the House Transportation, Housing and Urban Development (THUD) Subcommittee marked up its spending plan which includes the various accounts for Intercity Passenger Rail (IPR) services (see table below). The Senate THUD Subcommittee approved recommendations for FY 20 on September 17, 2019 as shown below. The Federal budget for FY 20 remains under a continuing resolution that continues through November 21, 2019.



Item V.6



MEMORANDUM TO: Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority Board DATE: November 12, 2019 FROM: Robert Padgette Managing Director SUBJECT: UPDATE: PROGRAMMED CAPITAL PROJECTS PURPOSE To provide the CCJPA Board with an update on the CCJPA’s Capital Program including infrastructure projects and rail vehicles for the Capitol Corridor service. BACKGROUND CCJPA maintains an ongoing listing of various capital projects led by CCJPA and those led by others that will influence Capitol Corridor service. The table on the next page provides the latest update on the projects that are underway by the CCJPA. A more extensive list of all capital projects in all stages of development are presented annually in the required Business Plan Update document adopted by the CCJPA Board at its February meeting. The current list of active projects underway using secured capital funds is provided below. RECOMMENDATION For information and discussion.


Project Name Project Description/Benefits Cost Projected Completion

Alviso Wetland Railroad Adaptation Alternatives Study

Examine feasible track improvements between Newark and Santa Clara to achieve goals of seal level rise adaptation, passenger rail capacity increase, and enhance wildlife habitat restoration. Stakeholders are engaged for input and feedback on high-level track design options.

300,000$ December-19

Capitalized Maintenance 2019/2020

Track maintenance for State of Good Repair Program to maximize on-time performance (annual program)

1,000,000$ December-20

LED Station Lighting Upgrade (Richmond and Martinez)

Replace station lighting with improved and more efficienct LED lighting at the Richmond and Martinez Stations. 455,000$ May-20

Signal Replacement/Upgrade Replace outdated signal systems to reduce signal system interruptions and delays (three year program).

1,200,000$ Phase IIJune-20

Davis Station Signal Improvements

Improve the railroad signal system and replace track crossovers at Davis station to improve reliability and lifespan of the railroad infrastructure.

5,150,000$ December-21

Stege Signal ImprovementsImprovements to the railroad signal system in the vicinity of Richmond station which will result in improved reliability and better on-time performance.

1,050,000$ December-20

Santa Clara SidingDesign and construct 2,000' siding in the vicinity of the Santa Clara Great America Station 1,441,969$

Design June-20 Construction


ROW Safety/SecurityAnnual funding to support UP in ROW clean-up including vegetation removal, clean-up and encampment relocation (three year program).

2,250,000$ March-21

Sacramento to Roseville Third Main Track Phase I

Construct first phase of third main track and layover facility improvements in order to increase service frequency between Sacramento and Roseville.


Design/ROW - June-21

Construction - June-24

South Bay Connect (Oakland to San Jose Phase 2A)

Preliminary engineering (up to 35%) and environmental documentation for the relocation of service to the Coast Subdivision

15,600,000$ December-22


Project Name Project Description/Benefits Cost Projected Completion

California Passenger Information Display System Modernization

Design, test, and implement an improved passenger train arrival/alerts system all communication channels including signs, servers, data, software.

1,260,529$ December-20

Door Panel ProcurementProcurement of door panels for Caltrans-owned Surfliner Rail Cars 531,000$ June-21

California Integrated Travel Program

Develop a governance structure and approach for a system that allows for seamless statewide travel and fare purchase across multiple agencies and modes

27,100,000$ Pilot


Network IntegrationSupport for initial Second Transbay Crossing study and Southern Alameda County Rail Study 2,000,000$ Ongoing

WiFi Upgrade & Oversight Management of onboard WiFi upgrade and operations for the Capitol and San Joaquins Corridors.

1,368,000$ Ongoing





Item V.7

CAPITOL CORRIDOR JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY __________ MEMORANDUM TO: Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Board DATE: November 12, 2019 FROM: Rob Padgette, Managing Director, CCJPA SUBJECT: PLACER SACRAMENTO GATEWAY PLAN: CONGESTED CORRIDOR PLAN PURPOSE: To provide the CCJPA Board with information about the Congested Corridor Plan involving the Placer-Sacramento Corridor and to authorize CCJPA staff participation in partner funding applications for the Solutions for Congested Corridor Program (SCCP). BACKGROUND In April 2017, the Legislature enacted, and the Governor signed into law, Senate Bill (SB) 1 (Beall, Chapter 5). SCCP is only eligible to be applied for by a regional transportation planning agency, county transportation commission, or authority responsible for preparing a regional transportation improvement plan under Section 14527 of the Government Code. Caltrans may also nominate projects for funding. The SCCP is a statewide, competitive funding program with $250 million available annually for projects that implement specific transportation performance improvements and are part of a comprehensive corridor plan. SB 1 requires preference to be given to plans that demonstrate collaboration between Caltrans and local or regional partners. Eligible project elements within the corridor plans may include improvements to state highways, local streets and roads, rail facilities, public transit facilities, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, and restoration or preservation work that protects critical local habitat or open space. Capacity increasing projects on the state highway system are restricted to high-occupancy vehicle lanes, managed lanes, and other non-general purpose lane improvements for safety and/or operational improvements. In 2018 a first cycle of funding was awarded to construction ready projects. In March of 2020, Cycle 2 SCCP funding will be available. All SCCP funding applications may only be for construction unless part of a design/build project and require a fully funded plan. The Placer County Transportation Planning Agency (PCTPA) has been leading the effort to develop the Placer Sacramento Gateway Plan following the required coordinated and comprehensive planning Congested Corridor Plan (PSGP). Support is being provided by CCJPA, in coordination with Caltrans and various city and transportation partners. This PSGP through extensive community involvement has identified a series of corridor eligible projects, including CCJPA’s Sacramento to Roseville Third Mainline Track (SR3T) Phases One and Two. CCJPA in cooperation with PCTPA is participating to ensure readiness for any future cycle of SCCP funding for later SR3T phases. RECOMMENDATION For information and discussion.


Item V.8

Date: November 12, 2019

From: Robert Padgette

To: CCJPA Board of Directors

Subject: Managing Director’s Report – November 2019



Item V.9



TO: Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority Board DATE: November 12, 2019 FROM: Robert Padgette, Managing Director SUBJECT: WORK COMPLETED (November 20, 2019 Meeting) PURPOSE To provide a report on work completed up to the November 20, 2019 CCJPA Board meeting. BACKGROUND The following is a report on recently completed work:

a. Safety Train – Operation Rail Safe Event - On Tuesday, September 24, the Capitol Corridor joined

California Operation Lifesaver (CAOL), Amtrak, Union Pacific, the City of Berkeley, and local law enforcement for Operation Clear Track, an event to raise awareness about rail safety. After a Proclamation delivered by the City of Berkeley’s Vice Mayor, Susan Wengraff, as well as remarks from our Managing Director, Rob Padgette, and CAOL Executive Director, Nancy Sheehan, rail officials and members of the media from SF Chronicle, Fox TV KTVU, and KCBS, boarded a special “safety train” to demonstrate enforcement exercises at rail crossings between Richmond and Emeryville.

b. Richmond Right-of-Way Clean-Up –The Union Pacific Railroad and Capitol Corridor have partnered with

San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) to remove encampments, illegal dumping, vegetation and trees adjacent to BART’s Richmond Yard. The location of this cleanup is north of the Richmond Station and spans for ¾ of a mile. Fencing was installed behind the BART Richmond Yard Tower to provide additional security.

c. Fairfield-Vacaville Hannigan Station Renaming and Dedication - On Friday, September 27, officials,

members of the public, and the Thomas Hannigan family gathered to celebrate the official renaming of the station to the “Fairfield-Vacaville Hannigan Station.” Capitol Corridor joined the cities of Fairfield and Vacaville, as well as Solano Transportation Authority, to honor the late Thomas Hannigan, the visionary who was instrumental in making the Capitol Corridor a reality. Jim Spering, CCJPA Director and Solano County Supervisor, District 3, was the Master of Ceremonies. Former Managing Director, David Kutrosky, spoke about the Capitol Corridor's history and the important role Tom had in making this vital rail service a reality.

d. Relocation of Transbay Terminal Bus Stop - Our Transbay Temporary Terminal Bus Stop relocated to the

Salesforce Plaza. On Monday, October 28, 2019, we commenced servicing the Salesforce Transit Center at a new on-street, unstaffed, bus stop next to Salesforce Plaza, at the corner of Mission and Fremont streets in downtown San Francisco. The Salesforce Plaza stop (SFC) connects with our three other on-street and heavily-used San Francisco bus stops. The Transbay Temporary Terminal will close soon after our move. A new bus schedule also went into effect on October 28.

e. Marketing Activities (September – October 2019)

● Advertising, Promotions, and Offers: - Promoted SHN Broadway’s “Anastasia”, Exploratorium partnership, new College/University

loyalty program and Six Ride Ticket.


- NFL Games: Oakland Raiders 25% discount begins. Capitol Corridor will serve several evening games with adjusted schedule service, boosting off-peak ridership.

- Partnership with SF Travel to promote holiday travel to San Francisco via train ● Print and Digital Communications:

- October 28, 2019 Timetable Update: Communicated SF bus stop move to Salesforce Plaza and seasonal bus changes.

● Public Relations, Events, Outreach, and Customer Service: - Halloween theme Cappy Hour on (10/30) - Meet & Greets with the Managing Director, 10/29 and 10/31 - Rail Safety Month – Partnership with Operation Lifesaver to promote rail safety. - Participated with STA and City of Fairfield on dedication of Fairfield-Vacaville Hannigan

Train Station on September 27. - Began work with UC Davis Design Thinking class to study our fleet

RECOMMENDATION For information only.


Item V.10



TO: Capitol Corridor Joint Powers Authority (CCJPA) Board DATE: November 12, 2019 FROM: Robert Padgette, Managing Director SUBJECT: WORK IN PROGRESS (November 20, 2019 Meeting) PURPOSE To provide an update on work in progress up to the November 20, 2019 CCJPA Board meeting. BACKGROUND The following is a report on work efforts currently underway:

a. Onboard Wi-Fi - The existing Northern California passenger rail (legacy) fleet is now in the design phase for its planned next generation Wi-Fi system upgrade from the initial 2011 installation. As well, the new Siemens cars are soon to also enter the design phase. As scheduled, the first prototype legacy train is expected in February 2020, and presuming all goes well, the remainder of the fleet will be upgraded in the months that follow. The upgraded Wi-Fi system will get a new landing and authentication page. Oversight services are also under contract resulting in improved system function, more up-time, and skilled diagnostic reporting and issue resolution. This should continue to improve as the next generation system comes online as the reporting/monitoring tools with the next generation system are superior to the originally installed system.

b. California Passenger Information Display System (CalPIDS) Modernization – The Master Services Agreement with the selected consultant is expected to be executed by mid-November, and project kick-off is expected shortly after. CCJPA staff have been working with AT&T to scope the telecommunications improvements needed at Capitol Corridor stations to support CalPIDS.

c. Renewable Diesel Pilot Program – Phase 2 – The Renewable Diesel (RD) Pilot Program – Phase 2 commenced the testing of renewable fuel on a Charger locomotive and will continue for the next year. If testing results in expected performance, the CCJPA will work with Amtrak to switch all fuel used on the Capitol Corridor route to cleaner burning renewable diesel. Renewable diesel has proven to reduce greenhouse gasses by 80%, soot by 33%, and NOX by 12% as compared to petroleum diesel.

d. South Bay Connect (Oakland to San Jose Phase 2A) – The project is at the end of the project definition phase, in which the project is validated and defined in preparation for the start of the environmental process in early 2020. A Project Definition Report has been completed, and three Project Development Team meetings have been hosted to gather key stakeholder input during the project definition phase.

e. Alviso Wetland Railroad Adaptation Alternatives Study – All stakeholder meetings have concluded for this

project and adaptation alternatives finalized. A draft final report is being reviewed by CCJPA staff.

f. Procurement of Door Panels for NorCal Surfliner Rail Cars – CCJPA staff is working with BART Procurement to finalize the contract with the selected vendor.

g. Upcoming Marketing and Communications Activities –

● Advertising, Promotions, and Offers: - Developing new ad campaign, integrating partnerships and social media in the strategy


- Promoting the rest of the NFL season and adjusted service for games ● Print and Digital Communications:

- FY19 Annual Performance Report ● Public Relations, Events, Outreach, and Customer Service:

- Thanksgiving Outreach for holiday travelers; outreach to colleges for student travel - Promoting availability of Weekend Service Alerts, re-engaging with our subscribers

RECOMMENDATION For information only.

DATE: November 15, 2019 FROM: Robert Padgette, Managing Director TO: CCJPA Board of Directors SUBJECT: Supplemental Materials for the CCJPA Board Meeting - November 20, 2019

Please find attached the following supplemental materials for your review:

• Item V.1 - Capitol Corridor Annual Performance Report FY 19 • Item V.2 - CCJPA/SF Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) Administrative Support

Agreement (February 20, 2015 – February 19, 2020) • Item V.8 - Managing Director’s Report • Item V.8 - FY 19 Performance Charts • Item V.9e - Marketing and Communications Activities Report

If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to call me at (510) 464-6990. Attachments

Item V.1

CCJPA Annual Performance Report – 2019 DRAFT content Overview This year, staff proposes to continue the infographic-based style for the Annual Performance Report, based upon the positive response to last year’s larger fold-out format, and companion “Fast Facts” section. Presenting our data in infographics allows us to better highlight our achievements from the past year in a visually-appealing and contemporary format, that facilitates sharing across mediums, and better capture the attention of readers. The standard KPI data shown in the charts below will remain in this year’s report, though the visual style and presentation may differ for select charts as we develop the final publication. In addition to the KPI’s, this format allows us to feature additional information about Capitol Corridor customers, ridership trends, and impact of projects on service performance. As we did last year, the FY19 Performance Report will be printed in a newspaper-style format, which will allow for larger graphics. Overall Performance Summary

Twenty-One Years of CCJPA Management Capitol Corridor Performance Summary

Period Service Level Ridership Revenue (in millions)

Revenue-to-Cost Ratio

FY 2019 30 daily trains 1,777,136 $ 38.03 60% FY 1998 (pre-CCJPA) 8 daily trains 463,000 $ 6.25 30% FY 1998 - 2019 (21-year improvement) 275% 284% 508% 100%




1,410 1,441 1,404 1,419 1,474

1,561 1,607

1,707 1,777


















FY 10-FY19Ridership (in thousands)

$24.37 $27.18

$29.60 $29.20 $29.18 $30.09 $32.18 $33.97 $36.22 $38.03











FY 10-FY 19Revenue ($ millions)

On Time Performance


93.1%94.9% 93.9% 95.0% 95.2%

93.1% 94%91% 90% 89%













FY 10-FY19On-Time Performance

47%49% 50% 51% 50%


57%59% 60%




















to C

ost R



FY 10-FY19Farebox Ratio

State Standard 50%

Customer Satisfaction

Ticket Type









































Overall Customer SastisfactionCCJPA Biannual Surveys and Amtrak CSI Scores (since2003)

Average CSI Scores Linear (Average) Linear (CSI Scores)





Ticket Type - FFY19

Round-trip/One-way 10-Ride Monthly

Rider Profile

Mode Split




3%2% 1%

Rider Profile - FFY19

Work/Business Family/Friends Leisure/Recreation School Vacation Other







Mode Split


Drive Alone






Item V.8

Date: November 15, 2019

From: Robert Padgette

To: CCJPA Board of Directors

Subject: Managing Director’s Report – November 2019

Service Performance Overview Kicking off Fiscal Year 20 (FY 20), the Capitol Corridor carried 162,476 passengers in October 2019, consistent with October 2018. Average weekday ridership increased by 2% and average weekend ridership decreased by 4% as compared to October 2018. (There was one less NFL game in October 2019.) Revenue for October 2019 was $3,291,038, a slight increase over October 2018. The System Operating Ratio for the month was 58%. End-point and Passenger On-Time Performance (OTP) were both lower than the 90% standard due in large part to several trespasser incidents, impacts from area fires, and signal delays due to the Public Safety Power Shutdown events during the month. Customer Satisfaction scores are not yet available for October 2019.

Standard Oct 2019 Oct 2018 YTD vs. Prior YTD vs. FY20 Business Plan

Ridership 162,476 0.0% 162,476 0.0% 8.0% Revenue $3,291,038 0.3% $3,291,038 0.3% 2.7% Operating Ratio 58% 65% 58% -3.3% 11.9% End-Point OTP 83% 91% 83% -7.9% -7.3% Passenger OTP 86% 91% 86% -4.7% -4.4% Customer Satisfaction n/a 93 n/a n/a n/a

State and Federal Legislation and Funding/Regulatory Action Proposed Federal FY 20 Budget On May 22, 2019, the House Transportation, Housing and Urban Development (THUD) Subcommittee marked up its spending plan which includes the various accounts for Intercity Passenger Rail (IPR) services (see table). The Senate THUD Subcommittee approved recommendations for FY 20 on September 17, 2019 as shown below. The Federal budget for FY 20 remains under a continuing resolution that continues through November 21, 2019.


Rail System Safety Rule On June 11, 2019, the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that would make changes to the Rail System Safety Rule and expand the definition of railroads to include states that act as a financial sponsor of service. As such, these states would bear the responsibility for the development of a System Safety Plan. CCJPA submitted comments on August 12, 2019, jointly with Indiana Department of Transportation, the LOSSAN Rail Corridor Agency, and the San Joaquin Joint Powers Authority (SJJPA) outlining our concerns about this proposed change. CCJPA also supported a submission of comments by the States for Passenger Rail Coalition (SPRC) to coordinate our efforts with other sponsors of rail service. We are now awaiting a final rulemaking from the FRA. Updates

• Our Transbay Temporary Terminal Bus Stop relocated to the Salesforce Plaza. On Monday, October

28, 2019, we commenced servicing the Salesforce Transit Center at a new on-street, unstaffed, bus stop next to Salesforce Plaza, at the corner of Mission and Fremont streets in downtown San Francisco. The Salesforce Plaza stop (SFC) connects with our three other on-street and heavily-used San Francisco bus stops. The Transbay Temporary Terminal will close soon after our move. A new bus schedule also went into effect on October 28.

• Capitol Corridor was able to maintain uninterrupted service through multiple Public Safety Power

Shutoff (PSPS) events that affected portions of our service area thanks to the extraordinary efforts of our partners at Union Pacific (UP). Although all of our signal systems and railroad crossings maintain battery backups for short term power outages, the extended duration of these events require generators to ensure that operation continues uninterrupted. Though only a few specific locations lost power during these events, UP prepared for a wider outage given the uncertainty of where outages would occur. We extend our sincere appreciation to UP. On Sunday, October 27 when there were multiple PSPS events and fires that limited freeway access, we safely carried in excess of 600 passengers to/from the San Francisco 49ers football game at Levi’s Stadium in Santa Clara.

• On Tuesday, September 24, the Capitol Corridor joined California Operation Lifesaver (CAOL), Amtrak, Union Pacific, the City of Berkeley, and local law enforcement for Operation Clear Track, an event to raise awareness about rail safety. After a Proclamation delivered by the City of Berkeley’s Vice Mayor, Susan Wengraff, as well as remarks from our Managing Director, Rob Padgette, and CAOL Executive Director, Nancy Sheehan, rail officials and members of the media from SF Chronicle, Fox TV KTVU, and KCBS, boarded a special “safety train” to demonstrate enforcement exercises at rail crossings between Richmond and Emeryville.

• As a part of our ongoing effort to maintain a safe and clear railroad right-of-way, the Union Pacific

Railroad and Capitol Corridor partnered with San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) on a multi-day effort to remove encampments, illegal dumping, and vegetation adjacent to BART’s Richmond Yard. The area of this cleanup is located to the north of the Richmond Station, extended for nearly a mile in length and resulted in excess of fifteen tons of debris removal. Fencing was installed behind the BART Richmond Yard Tower to provide additional security in this location.

• On November 4th, we welcomed our newest team member, Leo Sanchez, as the CCJPA’s new Deputy Managing Director. Leo has worked for Union Pacific for the past ten years and was most recently based in Roseville. He brings a wide range of railroad experience with a mechanical engineering degree from Texas A&M. Welcome Leo!

• We are now in the design phase for the next generation onboard Wi-Fi system. The first prototype installation is expected in February 2020 with a subsequent upgrade to the remainder of the fleet. We expect improved system function, more up-time, and skilled diagnostic reporting.


• The South Bay Connect (Oakland to San Jose Phase 2A) project is at the end of the project definition phase in preparation for the start of the environmental process in early 2020. A Project Definition Report has been completed, and three Project Development Team meetings have been hosted to gather key stakeholder input during the project definition phase.

Outlook We expect that Capitol Corridor will continue its strong performance into the next fiscal year with increased ridership and revenue and improved On-Time Performance. We are only a few months away from the initiation of our upgraded WiFi service, with other exciting technology projects to follow including electronic menu boards in our café car and a new Passenger Information Display System. We have started design on a new siding in Santa Clara to improve reliability south of Oakland along the single-track section of our service. We also continue our progress on long-term improvements including the Sacramento to Roseville Third Track project and South Bay Connect.

Capitol Corridor FY 19 Performance MeasuresOct 2018 – Sept 2019

Ridership Revenue

On Time Performance


On Time Performance


System Operating


SatisfactionActual 1,777,136 38,109,114$ 89% 87% 60% 90.4Business Plan 1,670,400 35,300,000$ 90% 90% 52% 92.5Actual vs Businss Plan % Diff 6% 8% -1% -3% 16% -2%Previous YTD % Diff 4% 5% -1% -3% 2% 6%

Marketing and Communications Update

Marketing Partnerships


PARTNERSHIP HIGHLIGHTSOperation LifesaverRail Safety initiatives are pursued throughout the year, with a special emphasis on September, which is Rail Safety Month. Our partnership with Operation Lifesaver offers an opportunity to activate a variety of channels to do Rail Safety outreach.

Contests and PromotionsThe Capitol Corridor has kept the fall season full of excitement with promotions from partners. The Exploratorium offered tickets for 4, which garnered 500+ entrants, with a 52.23% conversion form the contest landing page. Currently running, is the SF Travel Holiday Sweepstakes, offering participants a weekend package in San Francisco including a hotel stay, theater tickets, dinner and more! This contest received 600+ entrants in the first few days.

Rail Safety Month

SF Holiday Sweepstakes


Marketing and Communications Update

Public Relations & Rider Experience: September & October 2019

Thomas Hannigan Station Renaming Stride on Board – College Promotion

New creative for the Stride On Board program, which is targeting college students, and features a variety of student fare options as well as a new loyalty program.

The 49ers are having a stellar season and the Raiders have been in playoff contention throughout their final season in Oakland; this, combined with our proactive rescheduling and promotion of “game trains,” has led to high ridership on game days. On 10/27, the last 49er home game brought in 600+ riders taking the train to and from the game. Future rescheduled trains include the Raiders 11/7 game as well as the 49ers 11/11 game.

September 27 dedication in honor of the late Assembly-Member Thomas Hannigan at the Fairfield-Vacaville staiton. Program highlights included a speech from former Managing Director, David Kutrosky as well as an unveiling of the plaque in honoring Thomas Hannigan.

Oakland Raiders/ SF 49ers Special Trains Rob & Good Day Sacramento

Managing Director, Rob Padgette interview for Good Day Sacramento, promoting the train as an option to Sacramento Valley and Solano County residents, highlighting on board amenities such as the Café Car, and to discussing the Stride On Board campaign. This opportunity was done in partnership with Solano Transportation Authority.

Marketing and Communications Update

Communications: Social Media, Service Alerts, CC Rail Mail and Blog

Followers as of 11/06/19 October 1 – 31, 2019Net New Subscribers Total Subscribers Engagement Rate

CC Rail Mail 18 5,296 47%

Weekday Service Alerts 60 4,790 42%

Weekend Service Alerts 149 328 38%

Get on Board -42 1,536 44%2,64497

Earned Media Reporting – October 2019

Number of News Stories: 393 Number of Broadcast Stories: 14

Earned Value (AVE): $3.66M


15,773 89

Website - September 2019

CapitolCorridor.orgVisits: 62,731 Sessions

15,232 Referrals to from

Percentage of Visits Via Mobile %: 62%

4,737 Bookings on initiated from

Marketing and Communications Update

July BOGO Weekends – Buy One, Get One Senior Midweek - 50% Off Rescheduled Train for Paul McCartney

concert (7/10) Rescheduled Train for Queen + Adam

Lambert concert (7/14) Café Car Menu Refresh (6/26) IVR – Twilio Launch (7/13) New Platform Signage for 47x47

frames Exploratorium partnership kickoff A’s/Giants VIP contest launch Finalize Crisis Communications Plan

and Press room on website

August Group Travel Planning for FY20 Rail Safety Month kickoff event Rescheduled train for Rolling Stones

concert (8/18) Football season promotions (Raiders

25% and 49ers) Promotion kickoff for Anastasia (SHN

Theatre) Install New Platform Signage 47x47 College/University


September• 2020 Transit Transfers, Placer Step-Up

Coupons• Review Transit Transfer Program

Options• Rail Safety Month• Safety Month & Safety

Train/Proclamation (9/24) • CHP Wellness and Transportation Fair• Fall Timetable Planning• Raiders 25% discount begins• Evergreen Station Signs• Hannigan Fairfield-Vacaville Train

Station Dedication Event 9/27

October Begin design/production of FY19

Annual report Cappy Hour – “Cappy Halloween”

10/30 Fall Menu Update Managing Director onboard “meet

and greet” with passengers Fall Timetable Change (10/28) Salesforce Plaza Service (10/28) Verb Surgical Employee Fair (10/29) Station Access Survey

November• Thanksgiving service communications• California Everyday Discounts (Renew)• Capitol Corridor Company Store

Relaunch• SF Travel holiday shopper promotion


December• Holiday card• Holiday travel communications

January• Annual Performance Report• Business Plan workshops• Visit Oakland Restaurant Week


February• Stitch ‘n’ Ride Discount to Stitches

West Expo in Santa Clara• Valentine’s Day Cappy Hour

March• Oakland A’s promotion/25% discount

April• Earth Day events and promotions

including onboard Cappy Hour• Contract/Vendor planning for FY21• Spring Timetable Planning

May• Bike to Work/Bike East Bay

partnership – onboard Cappy Hours and tabling at Capitol Bike Fest

June• Group fares renewal• Contract vendor planning for FY21

FY20 Marketing and Communications Overview
