Page 1: Cape Palmas E-Newsletter vol. 1 issue 2

July-December ,2011

Volume 1, Issue 2

of the parish. The PFC is con-

sulted before any major item

of expenditure is in-

curred. They (PFC) advise the

parish priest and the PPC on

the ongoing maintenance of

the Church as well as oversee-

ing any fundraising project.

The PFC is responsible in en-

suring that proper records of

income and expenditure are

maintained and that an ac-

count of administration is

given to the priest and parish-

ioners. PFC members should

also ensure that the parish

income remains in line with

rising costs. With this in mind,

the PFC should encourage

parishioners to make signifi-

cant contribution to parish

funds. May God bless you.

+ Most Rev. Andrew J. Karnley

Bishop of Cape Palmas

Message from the Bishop

My dear brothers and sisters

in Christ, I want to take this

opportunity to thank all of

you for the warm reception I

received during my pastoral

visitation to parishes across

the diocese. As your newly

ordained bishop, it was in-

deed an opportunity for me

to see the overall situation of

the diocese and at the same

time, to discuss with you and

your pastors about issues

pertaining to the growth of

the church.

During my visit, I spoke im-

mensely about the functions

of the Parish Pastoral Council

(PPC) and Parish Finance

Committee (PFC) in your par-

ishes. Permit me to re-

emphasize some of the key

things I spoke about. The

Mission of your Parish: The

Mission of the Parish can be

found in Matthew 28:19-20.

In this gospel, Jesus commis-

sioned all of us to go into the

world and make all peoples

everywhere his disciples.

Our ability to respond to this

call will depend on the extent

to which we allow our par-

ishes become a living, grow-

ing, healthy communities of

faith. It is, therefore the role

of the Parish Pastoral Council

(PPC) to encourage and nur-

ture this. The first task of the

PPC is to help the parish

identify and define its par-

ticular mission within the

overall mission of the Church.

In this way, it gives the parish

a real sense of purpose and

a vision to work towards.

But its work must not end

there. It must then decide on

priorities and set goals for

appropriate pastoral activity

in a wide range of areas.

The Powers of the PPC: The

PPC is consultative (Cf.

Can.536). Consultation prop-

erly understood and exer-

cised in the right spirit can be

a source of empowerment

and life for the parish com-

munity. Vatican II stated

that people have a right and

duty to express their opinion

on what pertains to the good

of the Church. This gives

parishioners the task of in-

vestigating, considering and

reflecting on all matters re-

lating to the life of the par-

ish. It also invites them to

draw conclusions and make

good recommendations.

The Finance Committee:

Canon 537 of the Code of

Canon Law calls for the es-

tablishment of a Parish Fi-

nance Committee (PFC) to

help the parish priest in the

administration of the goods

Inside this issue:

Bishop Karnley visits US

Two Transitional Dea-

cons Ordained



Pastoral &Catechetical

Team Ends Training


CARITAS Boost Food


Diocesan Website to be




Bishop Emeritus Hon-


Priestly Life in Rome

Cape Palmas Diocese

Mourns Rev. Tarwo




Pastoral Visitation In


Missio Visits Liberia



International Peace Day

Africae Munus

Xmas Greetings




Xmas Greetings

Holy Father’s Mass In-

tentions 2012



Cape Palmas Herald Diocesan E-Newsletter

His Excellency, Bishop Karnley

Page 2: Cape Palmas E-Newsletter vol. 1 issue 2

Bishop Karnley Visits USA

Bishop Andrew J Karnley has returned from the United States America as guest of the

SMA Fathers ( American Province) in Tenafly, USA from July 24-September 15,2011. Speak-

ing upon arrival in Harper, Bishop Karnley said, his visit to the United States was fruitful

and rewarding. The purpose of the visit was to strengthen the long existing relationship

between the diocese and the SMA Fathers.

While in the United States, Bishop Karnley served as homilist of the 9th SMA Fathers Afri-

can Festival held on September 10, 2011 in Tenafly, New Jersey. In his homily, Bishop

Karnley said that Liberia has a hopeful future but there are great challenges looming ahead.

He then named healing, reconciliation, justice, integral and sustainable development as

some of the challenges. Quoting Pope Paul VI, Bishop Karnley told the congregation that

“development is a new name for peace”. He said the development of Liberia must take into

consideration the education of its people especially those in rural communities where peo-

ple have not fully enjoyed the right to quality education, heath care, basic social services

and infrastructural development. He also added that the Church in Liberia has been an ac-

tive partner in the promotion of peace and development.

Speaking of the partnership between his diocese and the SMA Fathers, Bishop Karnley said

“the SMA have been a key partner in the growth and development of the Church in Liberia

since 1906. The centenary of some of the communities of faith established by SMA mission-

aries will be celebrated in 2012”. He then stressed the need to restore hope to the people

of those and other communities by rebuilding infrastructures such as churches, chapels,

convents, clinics and schools. In conclusion, Bishop Karnley thanked the SMA Fathers and

their benefactors for the partnership and support to the Church in Liberia.

Meanwhile, Bishop Karnley also paid a courtesy call on Bishop Donald Trautman of the

Diocese of Erie, PA. The Diocese of Erie is host to two religious of the Sisters of the Holy

Family, Sr. Kade Browne and Sr. Christiana Menyongar. Both religious are studying at the

Mercyhaurst College in Erie, USA under the sponsorship of the Mercy Sisters. According

to Bishop Karnley, the two diocesan sisters are doing well both in health and studies. He

also visited the Adorers of the Precious Blood, a religious congregation in Ruma, Illinois. In

New York, accompanied by Fr. Ted Hayden SMA, Bishop Karnley held talks with the Na-

tional and Assistant National Directors of the Propagation of Faith of the USA. He then

visited St. Nicholas Parish in St. Louis, Missouri, at the invitation of Fr. Urey Mark SVD.

While in St. Louis, Bishop Karnley also held talks with Archbishop Robert Carlson and

Msgr. Francis Blood of the Propagation of the Faith of the Archdiocese of St. Louis.

Page 2 Cape Palmas Herald


During his pastoral visitation to

parishes across the diocese,

Bishop Andrew Karnley spoke

immensely of the functions of the

Parish Pastoral Council and the

Parish Financial Committee.

Bishop Karnley also stressed the

need for the clergy and laity to

work together for the common

good of their parishes. Vatican II

recommended the establishment

of such councils and stated that

people have a right and duty to

express their opinion on what pertains to the good of the

church. We at Cape Palmas

Hera ld be l ieve that by

establishing a Parish Pastoral

Council, the priest acknowledges

the wisdom of his parishioners

and gives them the task of

investigating, considering, and

reflecting on all matters relating

to the life of the parish. The

priest invites his parishioners to

draw conclusions and make

decisions. This provision within

the canon of the Church provides

the opportunity for the clergy to

involve the laity to run the

affairs of the parish in a more

transparent and dedicated way.

Bishop Karnley’s call for such a

parish environment shows how

dedicated he is to see both

priests and parishioners working

together in making sound

decisions for the growth of their

Christian communities. We hail

B i s h o p Ka r n l e y i n h i s

commitment for a more

transparent and dedicated parish


From Left to Right: Msgr. Francis Blood, Bishop

Andrew Karnley and Fr. Urey Mark, SVD

From Left to Right: Sr. Menyongar, Bishop Karnley,

Bishop Trautman, and Sr. Browne

Page 3: Cape Palmas E-Newsletter vol. 1 issue 2

Bishop Karnley Ordains Two Deacons

Pastoral & Catechetical Team ends 3years Formation

Clark, Bishop Karnley said;

“Celibacy is not a restriction to be

endured but a reality that is to be


He also advised the two newly or-

dained not to see their ordination

as a status but as a call to service; a

service in administering to the peo-

ple of God .

Speaking of obedience, the Bishop

of Cape Palmas called on the newly

ordained deacons to obey and re-

spect him as their Bishop and those

who will succeed him. He then ad-

vised the deacons to be men of


Meanwhile, Bishop Karnley has an-

nounced two major diocesan events

scheduled for January 2012. The

two events are: the ordination of

five transitional deacons to the

priesthood and the final profession

of three religious of the Sisters of

the Holy Family.

Barely three months after

his episcopal ordination on

April 30th, 2011, His Excel-

lency Bishop Andrew J.

Karnley on July 17,2011

ordained two transitional

deacons ( Rev. Pius Gipply

and Rev. Francis D. Torpor

II) for his diocese. Speaking

at the ordination Mass,

Bishop Karnley told the

congregation gathered at St.

Theresa’s Parish in Harper

that it was a joy and pleasure

to ordain two brothers to

the diaconate. He said, the

diaconate is a step forward

in pursuit of the vocation to

the priesthood. He told the

newly ordained deacons that

they are becoming deacons

through the call of God with

the help of men. He cau-

tioned the deacons to com-

mit their lives to the practice

of celibacy. Quoting Keith

mittee among other topics.

Meanwhile, the 52 Catechists

and Lay-leaders trained in the

final phase are to serve as

trainers in their various dean-

eries. Sr. Godfrey said they

are to work with the Dioce-

san Pastoral and Catechetical

Team in the training of oth-

ers in their various parishes

and outstations at the dean-

ery level. She also praised

and thanked Missio Aachen

for the support the agency

continues to give to the Di-

ocesan Pastoral and Cate-

chetical Team.

The Pastoral and Catechetical

Team has ended a training

workshop of 52 Catechists and

Lay-leaders from parishes and

stations across the diocese .

The training program was the

climax of a three year contin-

ual formation program. It bene-

fited more then 200 catechists,

lay-leaders, parish animators

and ordinary lay people. The

program which started in 2008

was sponsored by a grant from

Missio Aachen, a funding agency

in Germany.

The 52 Catechists and Lay-

leaders who attended the final

phase of the training were

selected based on their per-

formance during the first

and second phases.

Speaking to the Herald, Sr.

Philomena Godfrey,SHF said

the Catechists and Lay-

leaders were trained in mar-

riage counseling, HIV-AIDS

prevention, catholic social

teaching, skills for facilita-

tion and modules for creat-

ing social awareness, cate-

chetical methodology,

church growth, functions of

the parish pastoral council

and the parish finance com-

Page 3 Volume 1, Issue 2

“With the tasks and

challenges before us, I make

a fervent appeal to the

Clergy, Religious and Laity of

the Diocese of Cape Palmas

for collaborative action in the

dispensation of our duties in

the Lord’s vineyard. There is

a popular saying that unity

gives strength”. Bishop

Andrew J. Karnley (abstract

from Bishop karnley’s

remarks on April 30,2011)

Bishop Karnley with the two newly ordained Deacons

Page 4: Cape Palmas E-Newsletter vol. 1 issue 2


Distributes food to refugees and hosts in Maryland and River Gee Counties

Diocesan Website To Be Developed , Bishop Karnley Reveals Plan

1.5kg pulses/beans, 1.5

CSP and 0.9kg of vegeta-

ble oil per month.

Hosts benefiting from the


project include: the dis-

abled, single parents, win-

dows, terminally ill per-

sons and people living in

extreme poverty. Giving

reasons for the inclusion

of the host communities

in the process, Mr.

Nugba pointed out that

the presence of refugees

has increased the high

cost of living in the vari-

ous communities, “the

hosts are experiencing

shortage of food both on

the markets and at home.

The cost of goods and

services are high due to

high demand. This pro-

ject will help reduce the

high cost of living”.

By Ben Collins

As part of efforts to en-

sure that both the Ivorian

refugees and their hosts

are self-sufficient in food,

the relief and develop-

mental arm of the Dio-

cese of Cape Palmas, Ca-

ritas, is distributing food

rations to about 45,000

refugees and more than

20,000 hosts in 66 com-

munities in Maryland and

River Gee counties on a

monthly basis.

The project, which

started in June 2011, is a

tripartite agreement be-

tween UNHCR, WFP

and CARITAS Cape Pal-

mas. Rations given bene-

ficiaries include: cereal

(bulgur wheat), pulses

(beans/split peas) Corn

Soya Blend (CSP) and

vegetable oil. According

to the Program Officer of

Caritas Cape Palmas, Mr.

Patrick Nugba, the pro-

ject is currently catering

to refugees and hosts

within more than 20 clus-

ters within Maryland and

River Gee Counties. He

named some communi-

ties benefiting from the

program as Youkudi, Ne-

bley, Kablaken, Daykey

Town, Nemiken, Bar-

robo, Poula and Harper

in Maryland, and Putupo,

Sarbo, Tuobo, Webbo,

and Glarro districts in

River Gee.

Mr. Nugba disclosed

that Caritas is also offer-

ing special trainings to

refugees on how to pre-

pare the bulgur wheat - a

strange but nutrients-rich

food. According to him,

each beneficiary is receiv-

ing 12.6kg of cereal,

aging Editor and Msgr.

Melvin Nyanti Gaye to

work with the SMA IT

Division to ensure that

they gather all information

and materials to keep the

website updated. Herald’s

boss thanked Bishop

Karnley and said the web-

site will be a boost to the

social communication sec-

tion of the diocese.

Bishop Andrew J Karnley

has revealed plan for a

diocesan website to be

developed soon. Speak-

ing in a telephone con-

versation on August 28,

2011 with the Herald's

Managing Editor Solo

Otto Gaye , Bishop

Karnley said he has dis-

cussed with the SMA Fa-

thers (American Prov-

ince) in Tenafly , New

Jersey , USA to assist in

the development of a

diocesan website. The

website, if developed, will

serve as a source of in-

formation dissemination.

According to Bishop

Karnley , the website will

feature activities and sto-

ries of various depart-

ments, parishes and reli-

gious congregations

within the diocese. Mean-

while, Bishop Karnley has

designated Herald's Man-

Page 4 Cape Palmas Herald


The Diocese of Cape

Palmas is located in South-e as t e r n L i be r ia . I t

comprises of five counties:

Maryland, Grand Kru, Sinoe, Grand Gedeh, and

River Gee Counties with the total population of ap-

prox im a te ly 481 ,908

inhabitants. Its catholic population is 15,863. At

present, there are ten

functional parishes with several outstations. On

February 2,1950, it became a Vicariate. On May 7,1962

it was elevated to a

Vicariate Apostolic and on December 19,1981, it was

created as a diocese.

Ivorian Refugee Camp in Harper

Page 5: Cape Palmas E-Newsletter vol. 1 issue 2

Bishop Emeritus and 10 Parishioners Honoured on Parish Feast Day

The Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) of the St. Theresa Cathedral Parish held an honouring program as part

of the celebration of the parish feast day. Speaking at the ceremony which was held on Sunday, October 2, 2011,

Rev. Fr. Andrew Sieh, Parish Administrator, told that congregation that the selection of the 11 honourees was

made after a critical scrutiny of names suggested to the Parish Pastoral Council by the CYO. Among the 11 hon-

ourees was the Bishop Emeritus of Cape Palmas, His Excellency, Most Rev. Boniface Nyema Dalieh. According to

the CYO Honouring Committee, Bishop Dalieh was honoured for his diligent service as chief shepherd of the dio-

cese and readiness to help the parish out in its pastoral activities. Others honoured included: Mr. S. Kyebo-Mle

Harmon for regular attendance at daily Mass and active participation in parish activities, Mrs. Ama Wejlah for dili-

gent service to the Catholic Women Organization (CWO) and being available at all times to coordinate parish

programs. Ms. Maya Dalieh and Ms. Grace Cooper were honoured for their commitment to the church choir.

Others included Mr. P. Mike Jurry for a long period of service to the Parish Pastoral Council and spearheading

church fundraising programs, Ma Lucy Kofa Sackor, Mr. Moses Hardy Sr. and Mr. Abraham Jarbo Gray honoured

for regular Mass attendance, while Ms. Annie Bropleh was honoured for her commitment and service to the Kru

Community and Mrs. Regina Eshun Kodjo for an enabling leadership of the Ghanaian Community and provision of

10 loaves of bread for breakfast at the Cathedral Presbytery 6 days per week since 2004.

Meanwhile, the Keynote Speaker at the honouring ceremony, Sr. Philomena Jappah SHF, spoke on the importance

of saying thank you and been good mannered. Sr. Jappah said “Good manners display respect, care and considera-

tion. Everyone has the basic right and responsibility to help each other feel positive about themselves and others

around them”. She then named six steps by which we can cultivate the habit of good manners. Among the six, she

emphasized on the importance of children respecting their parents while at the same time, parents being a good

example to their children and young people. In conclusion, Sr. Jappah said “No matter how big or small, saying

“Thank You” is a great way to make yourself and people around you feel loved and better”.

Speaking on behalf of the honourees, Mr. P. Mike Jurry thanked the CYO for the honour and called on the youth

to follow their (honourees) good example so that when they grow up as adults, the habit of giving to the God and

the Church will be part of them. He said when you do not give to the church as a youth , it will be very difficult to

give to the church as an adult. He also called on parishioners to follow the good example of the honourees.

Page 5 Volume 1, Issue 2

Bishop Emeritus Most Rev. Dalieh receiving his certificate Bishop Karnley blessing the honourees

Page 6: Cape Palmas E-Newsletter vol. 1 issue 2


By Rev. Fr. Dennis Nimine, (Rome) Vatican City

Ciao to all my brothers and sisters in

the Catholic Diocese of Cape Palmas

and the entire Local Church of Libe-

ria. In Italian, when a person says

ciao it means „hi/cheers or hello‟. I

would like to send a special ciao to

Solo Otto Gaye, the Managing Editor

of the (Cape Palmas Herald) diocesan


I guess many of you do often wonder

why do our priests go to Rome to

„study again‟ after so many years of

study during their formation in the

seminary. Even some lay people curi-

ously asked questions like: „why do

we send priests to Rome when even

some of our parishes lack priests to

do pastoral work?

When Priests are sent to study in

Rome by their bishops, it is in order

to specialize in one of the various

branches of theology (moral, dog-

matic, scriptures, liturgy, etc), phi-

losophy or social related sciences of

the Church (social communication,

anthropology, etc). One obvious point

is every local church in every coun-

try needs to have „specialists‟ in these

areas in order to adequately respond

to the pastoral, spiritual, moral and

material needs of its people they are

ordained to serve, rendering qualita-

tive service to God and to humanity.

It is therefore in this perspective that

the priests who are sent to Rome to

study are engaged in what is best de-

scribed as Continuous Formation.

Just as in the seminary days, there is

time for community prayers, morning

and evening; time for the celebration

of the Holy Mass and the adoration of

the Blessed Sacrament; time for

meals: breakfast, lunch and supper.

We have monthly recollections and

annual retreats. We also have time for

sports, gymnasium and voluntary

community services.

We have three Pontifical Colleges ,

(accommodation where priests

live): St. Peter, St. Paul and Colle-

gio Urbano (mainly for Seminari-

ans) that are strictly under Propa-

ganda Fidei. I live in St. Peter‟s

Pontifical College. In this great

college, we have about 200 priests

mainly from Africa, Asia and

South America. From this beauti-

ful abode, we depart every morn-

ing and sometimes in the after-

noon to our various universities in

and around Rome to attend lec-


I am presently undertaking my

License (Masters) Program at the

famous Pontifical Biblical Institute

(BIBLICUM). Since the program

runs for four academic years, ex-

pect to see me at home soon, so

that together we can journey

through the Scriptures as the Fam-

ily of God on the mission to


I believe in this expression: North

or South, East or West, home is

the best. As Student-Priests in

Rome, we often have nostalgia for

our home countries. That is why I

was so happy to have come down

for the Episcopal Ordination of

Most Rev. Andrew J. Karnley. We

also do follow daily the socio-

economic and political life and

developments of our various coun-

tries. In Liberia, my dear country,

as we approach the forth coming

presidential and legislative elec-

tions, we want to assure you of our

prayers for violent free elections.

May God continue to bless all the

citizens and the Church of Liberia.

We entrust all of us in prayer to

God, that He may continue to

bless Liberia!

Kindly view some pictures of the

sporting spirit and social life that

permeates the Student-Priests in

St. Peter‟s College, Rome.

Page 6 Cape Palmas Herald

The Soccer Team of St. Peter’s College; cap-

tained and coached by Fr. Dennis Nimene.

During this match with St. Paul’s college, we

had an emphatic 5-2 victory.

During the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter,

Feb.22; Feast of our College. Fraternal Agape!!

Fr. Nimene and Fr. Alain Pierre Yao from the

Archdiocese of Buoake, Cote d’Ivoire. Fr. Yao is

studying Liturgy at St. Anselm University.

Page 7: Cape Palmas E-Newsletter vol. 1 issue 2

Page 7 Volume 1, Issue 2

Cape Palmas Diocese Mourns Rev. Tarwo

The Diocese of Cape Palmas on July 21,2011 lost Rev. Stanley Tarwo. Rev. Tarwo met his untimely death when the car he was riding in overturned near Fishtown in River Gee County, Liberia. He was en-route to Monrovia to visit family members before taking up pastoral assignment in his home parish, Christ the King in Zwedru, Grand Gedeh County. Ac-cording to medical report, the late Rev. Tarwo was badly injured in the head. After hours of intensive medical care at the Fishtown Government Hospital, Rev. Tarwo was airlifted to Monrovia onboard a hu-manitarian helicopter belonging to the Samaritan Purse ( a medical NGO). Unfortunately, he died while he was been airlifted to Monrovia for further treat-ment or subsequent transfer abroad. The late Rev. Tarwo was born on November 23, 1979. He started his priestly formation at St. Charles Lwanga Pre-Major Seminary in Pipeline and St. Paul’s Mayor Seminary in Gbarnga, Bong County where he earned a BA in Philosophy in 2006. After his philosophical studies at St. Paul’s, he moved to Saints Peter & Paul Seminary in Ibadan, Nigeria were he earned a BA in Theology in June 2011. He met his untimely death weeks after his return from Nigeria to await his priestly ordination scheduled for January 2012. Bishop Karnley described the death of Rev. Tarwo as an unfortunate situation.

The late Rev. Tarwo at the Ordination Mass of Rev. Francis

Torpor II and Rev. Pius Gipply , July 17, 2011

The vehicle in which the late Rev. Tarwo was injured in the head.

The late Rev. Tarwo being evacuated from Fishtown to Monrovia onboard

a Samaritan Purse helicopter. Unfortunately, Rev. Tarwo died while being

evacuated to Monrovia.

The late Rev. Tarwo in the middle chatting with fellow classmates

Rev. Tugbe and Rev. Nemah after the ordination Mass on July 17,2011. At that ordination Mass, Bishop Karnley officially announced the priestly ordination of 5 transitional deacons scheduled for January

2012. They include: Rev. Tarwo, Rev. Nemah, Rev. Tugbe, Rev. Torpo, and Rev. Gipply. Unfortunately, Rev, Tarwo died in a motor

accident. May he and all the faithful departed rest in peace

Page 8: Cape Palmas E-Newsletter vol. 1 issue 2

Catholic Diocese of Cape Palmas

E– Newsletter

Page 8

Bishop Karnley’s Pastoral Visitation in Photos

May 21-July 11,2012

Bishop Karnley is welcomed to St. Patrick Parish with a bouquet of flower and walks with City Major of Grandcess

Bishop Karnley rides on motor bike and crosses the River Nueh in a canoe to meet with his flock at St. Jude Church in Picniccess

Bishop Karnley & his Vicar General Msgr. Gaye receive kola nuts from chief and

elders of Picniccess and then inspect mission property at St. Jude

Bishop Karnley meets tribal chief and receives kola nuts from tribal leaders

Bishop Karnley interacts with Gbankan residents while band plays Bishop Karnley is welcomed to St. Joseph Parish in Sinoe

Procession at St. Jude Church built in 1922 and Sr. Emily, SHF rides a bike to reach St. Barnabas

Bishop Karnley is welcomed to St. Barnabas, an

outstation to St. Patrick‟s in Gbankan-Wedebo

Page 9: Cape Palmas E-Newsletter vol. 1 issue 2

Catholic Diocese of Cape Palmas


Missio Delegate visits Liberia

Page 9

Mr. Toni Goertz, the newly appointed Desk Officer for Liberia at Missio Aachen in Germany, paid a week long

visit to the Liberia. During his visit, Mr. Goertz held discussions with the bishops and their pastoral workers

about the collaboration between Missio and their dioceses. These discussions acquainted him with the pas-

toral realities in the country. The visit which started from November 16-23,2011 took Mr. Goertz across the

three dioceses in Liberia ( Archdiocese of Monrovia , Diocese of Gbarnga, and Diocese of Cape Palmas ) .

From the November 20-22, Mr. Goertz was guest of the Diocese of Cape Palmas. While in Cape Palmas,

Mr. Goertz was given the opportunity to travel to Our Lady of the Angelus and Christ the King Parishes in

Grand Gedeh County, St. Theresa Cathedral and St. Francis Parishes in Maryland County, and St. Peter

Clever, St. Patrick's, and Christ the King Parishes in Grand Kru County to have a first hand impression about

the pastoral situation in those areas. In Cape Palmas, Mr. Goertz met and held fruitful discussions with

Bishop Andrew J. Karnley, Vicar General Msgr. Melvin Nyanti Gaye, Chancellor Rev. Fr. Joe C. Nyanti , pas-

tors, catechists, lay-leaders, the laity, and members of the Diocesan Pastoral and Catechetical Team.

In an interview with the Herald, Vicar General Msgr. Melvin Nyanti Gaye said, Missio Aachen is a long time

partner of the diocese and Mr. Goertz ’ s visit was necessary. For his part, Bishop Karnley described Mr.

Goetz's visit as fruitful and rewarding for both Missio and the diocese. Bishop Karnley meanwhile thanked

Missio Aachen for the visit and said that the diocese look forward to a more fruitful working relationship with


In a related development, Dr. Marlies Reulecke, a consultant from Misereor visited the diocese as guest of

the Catholic Heath Services ( CHS ) from November 23-25,2011. During her stay in Cape Palmas, Dr.

Reulecke visited CHS heath facilities in Harper, Pleebo, Kanweaken and Zwedru. She also held talks with

Sr. Edith Wallace, Coordinator of CHS, as well as Bishop Andrew J. Karnley and Vicar General Melvin Nyanti

Gaye. Misereor is a funding agency of the Catholic Church in Germany. It funds and supports social develop-

ment programs in the developing world.

Mr. Toni Goerzt

Page 10: Cape Palmas E-Newsletter vol. 1 issue 2

Catholic Diocese of Cape Palmas


Page 10

By: Ambrose T. Wreh

The International Day of Peace was celebrated on September 21,2011 in Harper City, Maryland County. The celebration which was

organized and sponsored by the Diocese of Cape Palmas brought together over 700 participants from around Maryland County. The

International Day of Peace was established in 1981 by the United Nations General Assembly to strengthen ideas of peace between

all nations and peoples. In 2002, the United Nations General Assembly officially declared September 21 to be observed as Interna-

tional Day of Peace. This year‟s theme was “Working Together with Love to Maintain the Peace”.

The program which could not be stopped even by a heavy downpour of rain, began with an inter-religious service, sponsored by the

Christian and Muslim Communities together , held at the St. Mark‟s Episcopal Church in Harper. It was later followed by a parade

through the principal streets of Harper and finally to the Harper City Hall for a symbolic planting of a “Peace Tree” and an indoor


Speaking at the symbolic planting of a “Peace Tree” exercise at the Harper City Hall, the keynote speaker, Rev Amb. Gerald B.

Coleman said, “this simple event we are doing today has profound meaning... Today‟s program symbolically represents the planting

of a New True Liberia and Africa as we join millions of global citizens to celebrate and proclaim PEACE as the core value of life”.

He then called on participants to not only be concerned about the planting of the tree but also to be committed to its healthy growth

and development. “Allow me to plant this tree to proclaim it as a symbol of our commitment and thus capacity to bring to life the

essence of Peace through our collective love of God”, Rev. Amb. Coleman said.

Delivering a peace message at the indoor program, Rev. Coleman said,” this is not just a day to make speeches but a day to make

commitment to the universal idea of peace”. He then give a brief history on the establishment and declaration of International Peace

Day by the United Nations General Assembly about 30 years ago. He further went on to question the reasons for many wars and

gruesome activities perpetuated all around the world, stressing that these violent activities have far reaching consequences. “Let us

recognise the fact that the violence we cause has a long term effects and ramifications through generations. Let us recognize that the

path of life has a fork of death and destruction and a fork that leads to life through dialogue based on the love of God, and of self and

love for our neighbour”.

The event was climaxed by performances of dramas and songs from different communities based groups and representatives from

the Ivorian Refugee Community in Liberia.

International Peace Day celebrated in Cape Palmas

Bishop Dalieh speaking at the program Planting of the “Peace Tree”

The parade

Ivorian Refugee Peace Club performing a

dance St. Theresa Youth

Keynote Speaker, Rev. Amb. Coleman

Page 11: Cape Palmas E-Newsletter vol. 1 issue 2

'Africae Munus' Calls for Reconciliation, Justice, Peace Holy Father Invites Africans to be 'Salt of the Earth'

Catholic Diocese of Cape Palmas

E-Newsletter Page 11

By Ann Schneible

COTONOU, Benin, NOV. 20, 2011 (

The apostolic exhortation "Africae munus," published two years after the most recent synod on Africa, is the response to the 57 propositions offered by

the synod fathers at the conclusion of their 2009 Assembly. The objective of the exhortation is to address the particular needs of the Church in Africa as

determined throughout the course of the African synod.

"With this document," Benedict XVI writes, "I wish to make available the encouraging fruits proposed by the synod, and I invite all people of good will to

look to Africa with faith and love, to help it become -- through Christ and through the Holy Spirit -- the light of the world and the salt of the earth (cf. Mt


The apostolic exhortation, delivered to the Church on Saturday as the Holy Father was in Benin for his second trip to Africa, consists of two parts: the

first addresses the basic structures of the Church in the service of reconciliation, justice and peace (these being the three main elements of the 2009

Synod). The amount of documentation acquired during the synod called for a transforming of "theology into pastoral care, namely into a very concrete

pastoral ministry in which the great perspectives found in Sacred Scripture and Tradition find application in the activity of bishops and priests at specific

times and places."

The second part of the exhortation addresses the practical contributions that the Church has made to African society through education, health care and

social communications.

In the document, the Holy Father affirmed the unique sufferings that the people of Africa experience in their daily lives. He writes: "It is with paternal and

pastoral concern that I address this document to the Africa today, which has lived through the traumas and conflicts that we know so well." Africa contin-

ues to suffer the consequences of violent conflicts between ethnic groups, slave trade and colonization. For this reason, the exhortation invites all peoples

to reconciliation with God and neighbor. "Only authentic reconciliation can achieve lasting peace in society. This is a task incumbent on government au-

thorities and traditional chiefs, but also on ordinary citizens." The Holy Father stresses the Church's duty to form consciences according to divine justice.

The document looks to subsidiarity, solidarity, and charity, saying: "preferential attention must be reserved for the poor, the hungry, the sick, the impris-

oned, the migrant, the refugee and the displaced."

The Holy Father also speaks about grave pandemics, such as those of tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, and malaria, which continue to ravage Africa in spite of the

constant struggle on the part of medical science to bring these pandemics to an end. Pope Benedict therefore asks that particular defense and protection

be provided for the family, for women, for children and for all human life, noting that the Church is on the front line in the fight against these pandemics.

Moreover, if the fight against HIV/AIDS is to be successful, says the Pontiff, the approach must have an ethical as well as a medical dimension: preventing

the spread of the disease can best be accomplished by rejecting a culture of promiscuity, through the encouragement of abstinence outside of marriage,

and through fidelity within marriage itself.

Another key point in the document pertained to the challenge of preaching the Gospel in a country where Islam and traditional religions have a significant

presence. Benedict writes: "The Synod members noted a dichotomy between certain traditional practices of African cultures and the specific demands of

Christ's message. In her concern for relevance and credibility, the Church needs to carry out a thorough discernment in order to identify those aspects of

the culture which represent an obstacle to the incarnation Gospel of values, as well as those aspects which promote them."

The 2009 Synod was the second of its kind to take place on Africa, the first having been in 1994 under Blessed John Paul II. "The Post-Synodal Apostolic

Exhortation Ecclesia in Africa of my predecessor, Blessed John Paul II," writes Pope Benedict, "brought together the pastoral insights and proposals of the

Synod Fathers for a new evangelization of the African continent. It was appropriate, ten years into this third millennium, to rekindle our faith and hope, so

as to help build a reconciled Africa by pursuing the paths of truth, justice, love and peace (cf. Ps 85:11)."

Some of the concrete proposals made by Benedict XVI include: Increased promotion of lectio divina (devotional reading of Sacred Scripture) with the

objective of building fraternal community; a continental Eucharistic Congress to celebrate the fraternity established by the Eucharistic, which transcends

linguistic, tribal, and ethnic differences; to elicit suggestions from local Churches for new saints; to encourage the bishops to support SECAM (Symposium

of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar); to promote annual celebrations of Reconciliation Days or Weeks, ideally in Advent or Lent; and

SECAM's promotion of a continental Year of Reconciliation (in conjunction with the Holy See).

Page 12: Cape Palmas E-Newsletter vol. 1 issue 2

Catholic Diocese of Cape Palmas

E - Newsletter

Page 12

The Bishop, Bishop Emeritus, Priests, Religious, and Laity

of the

Diocese of Cape Palmas

Extend warm Season Greetings to

Archbishop George Anthonysamy - Apostolic Nuncio to Liberia,

Archbishop Lewis Zeigler of the Archdiocese of Monrovia, &

Bishop Anthony Bowah of the Diocese of Gbarnga

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2012

Page 13: Cape Palmas E-Newsletter vol. 1 issue 2

Catholic Diocese of Cape Palmas

E - Newsletter Page 13

Bishop Andrew J. Karnley

Extends warm Christmas Greetings to the

Bishop Emeritus, Priests, Religious ,Laity,

and Benefactors

of the

Diocese of Cape Palmas

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2012

Page 14: Cape Palmas E-Newsletter vol. 1 issue 2


Join with the Holy Father in praying that:

January - Christians dedicated to peace may bear witness to the name of Christ

before all people

February - the Lord may strengthen health workers assisting the sick and elderly

in the poorest regions of the world

March - the Holy Spirit may sustain those, particularly in Asia, who suffer

persecution or death for the name of Christ

April - the risen Christ may be a sign of certain hope for the men and women

of Africa

May - Christian volunteers in mission territories may witness to the love of


June - Christians in Europe may rediscover their true identity and proclaim the

Gospel with greater enthusiasm

July - Religious women in mission territories may be witnesses of the joy of the

Gospel and living signs of the love of Christ

August - following Christ, young people may proclaim and bear witness to the

Gospel to the ends of the earth

September - Christian communities may send more missionaries, and material

resources to the poorest Churches

October - the celebration of World Mission Sunday may bring about a renewed

commitment to evangelization

November - the pilgrim Church on earth may shine as a light to the nations

December - Christ may reveal himself to all humanity as light shining from

Bethlehem and reflected in his Church

Philippians 4:13, “I have

the strength to face all

conditions by the power

that Christ gives me”.

Catholic Diocese of Cape Palmas

E – Newsletter

follow us on facebook of Cape Palmas Diocese

Cape Palmas Herald is the official E-Newsletter of

the Diocese of Cape Palmas

Managing Editor : Solo Otto Gaye

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +231-886333-194

Production Center: Diocesan Secretariat, Harper,

Liberia, West Africa

Inspirational Quote

“Peace and war begin

at home. If we truly

want peace in the

world, let us begin by

loving one another in

our own families. If we

want to spread joy, we

need for every family to

have joy.”

Mother Theresa

Most Rev. Andrew J. Karnley, 5th Bishop of Cape Palmas since April 30, 2011