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Economics: What is it?

If someone asks you to define economics, what are you going to tell them? Without running to

your book, let’s look at the word eco-nomics itself. The prefix ‘eco’ from the Latin word ‘oeco’

refers to household and ‘omics’ is a general term for a broad discipline of science which analyses

certain variables. So the word economics can be defined as:

‘...A social science that studies how individuals, governments, firms and nations make choices on

allocating scarce resources to satisfy their unlimited wants’ (Investopedia)

‘...The social science that deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services

and the theory and management of economies or economic systems.’ (American Heritage Dictionary)

‘... The study of how society uses its scarce resources.’(The Economist)

‘...the branch of knowledge concerned with the production, consumption and transfer of wealth.’ (Oxford


This leads us to the first branch of economics. A group of concepts and explanations have been

developed to explain the choices that individuals and firms make and how they react to certain

conditions that may occur. This branch of Economics is called ‘Microeconomics’ or narrow


How is economics going to help me?Scenario 1:

As a high school or college student, you about doing a number of different career options but why do you end up with one or two major interests?... Yes, you make a choice whether or not you want to be a Doctor, Lawyer, Entrepreneur, Accountant, Economist, among other professions. And economics has to do with making effective choices and how they impact you as an individual.

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Individuals and firms from the previous definitions are not the only ones who have to make

economic choices. Governments around the world have to make choices which affect their

population. For larger countries such as the United States, United Kingdom, China, among

others, their decisions affect the entire world. This branch of Economics is referred to as

‘Macroeconomics’ or wide economics.

Throughout this course you will tested on many areas, the most popular type of questions relate

to food and other consumer choices in microeconomics and the most popular questions in

macroeconomics are in relation to national economic effects and outcomes. You are also

required to construct and use diagrams to explain economic principles in both areas. Students are

also required to have comprehensive knowledge of Mathematics up to the CSEC level.

You can use this text a as guide to completing the CAPE Economics programme. Unit 1 of

CAPE Economics requires students to attain mastery of Microeconomic concepts and principles

and apply them to real life models. In Unit 2 on the other hand students are required to attain

mastery and apply Macroeconomic principles to real life principles. The basic modules of each

unit are:

Unit 1: Microeconomics

1. Methodology: Demand and Supply

2. Market Structure, Market Failure and Market Intervention

3. Distribution Theory

Unit 2: Macroeconomics

1. Models of the Macro-economy

2. Macroeconomic problems and policies

3. Growth, Sustainable Development and Global Relations

Note: Each Unit is independent of the other so can be taken in any order.

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Even though Economics is in no way English language students are urged to write their

responses in a logical format, so as to make an impression on CAPE examiners. It is also

important for students to be abreast with current economic affairs in your territory as knowledge

of such will aid in your discussions in classes, lectures, tutorials and in exams.

The CAPE economics assessmentJust like CSEC Economics the final exam is comprised of three papers. Paper 1 comprises of a

multiple choice paper of 45 questions representing 15 questions from each module. This paper is

1 ½ hrs in duration. Paper 2 comprises of six questions two from each module of which you’ll

choose one. So in total you should complete three questions in 2 ½ hrs, Papers 1 and 2 represent

(80%) of the total assessment. Paper 3 represents the internal assessment which is a project

report. Candidates should determine a topic with their teacher’s consultation. Further details will

be provided later on in this text. Private candidates take an alternate mini case study paper taken

on the same days as paper on a topic that is pre circulated by the Caribbean Examination Council

(CXC); further information may be sourced in the syllabus.

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Unit 1 Microeconomics

Module 1Methodology: Demand and Supply

Central Problem of Economics

Theory of Consumer Demand

Theory of Supply

Market Equilibrium

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Central Problem of Economics Now that we understand what economics is many economists, (who are professionals who use

economic theory in order to do their jobs), will tell you that they always have varying problems

to consider as they make predictions and are doing research. So it begs the question is there a

problem with economics. They answer to that is solely based on personal interpretation. Many of

my peers while doing this course expressed that it had some difficulty and they regret, the choice

they made while doing this course. Many of them also stated which course they could have done

and how much it cost them to give it up. Many individuals , I am sure you and your parents

involved want to purchase a certain volume of item (unlimited wants) but only have a certain

amount of money to purchase those wants (limited resources).

If you were reading carefully above a few clues were given on the central problems involved in

economics. Firstly we have choice, opportunity cost and scarcity. All other principles in

economics are based on one or more of these terms.

Because societies constantly face the three problems aforementioned, the societies need to be

able to three interrelated questions:

1. What to produce- because an economy cannot possibly produce everything choices

have to be made to decide in what quantities certain goods should be produced.

2. How to produce- because resources are scarce , we need to consider how to efficiently

use our resources to maximise production.

3. For whom to produce-because all persons wants cannot be satisfied , so decisions have

to be concerning how much of a person’s wants will be satisfied

Scarcity The concept of scarcity is simply defined as unlimited wants match my limited resources. For

example; As a consumer you wish purchase a plot of farmland across 5 acres in one location. But

when you go to buy you find that you can only purchase 2.4 acres as the other areas are

developed. This shows that you wanted 5 acres of land but you were limited to the 2.4 acres

which was available.

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Limited resources In economics limited resources are characterized under four broad areas, known as Factors of

Production. These areas comprise of all major branches of resources and are characterized as:

1. Land

2. Labour

3. Capital goods

4. Enterprise(Entrepreneurship)

When considering the theory of scarcity two main goods come into play, free goods and

economic goods.

Free goods- In economics, free goods refer to items of consumption (such as air and fresh water)

that are useful to people, are naturally in abundant supply, and needs no conscious effort

to obtain.

Economics goods- These are consumable items which are useful to people but scarce in relation

to demand, so that human effort is required to obtain them.

In an exam most timse you can be asked to define scarcity and another word, but always

remember that while you define you must give examples.

Opportunity costs Opportunity cost can be defined as:

“...the cost of an alternative that must be forgone in order to pursue a certain action. Put another

way, the benefits you could have received by taking an alternative action.”(Investopedia)

“... the value of the next-highest-valued alternative use of that resource.”(econlib)

“...The difference in return between an investment one makes and another that one chose not to

make.”(Financial dictionary)

The concept of opportunity cost as outlined by the definitions, indicate that a choice has to be

made in regards to which good or service should be bought or produced. The general task of

making these decisions is left to individuals, householder, firms and the government.

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As a student of economics one must be constantly aware of the choice you have to make

and what you give up for that choice to follow through. Future questions may ask you to

identify how opportunity cost is applied to various situations and what are the

implications of it.

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Production Possibility Frontier (PPF)The production possibility frontier is a curve depicting all maximum output possibilities for two

or more goods given a set of inputs (resources, labour, etc.). The PPF assumes that all inputs

are used efficiently (Investopedia).

The PPF is a graphical representation of the total potential output of two or more goods

considering the resources available (Mortley, 2012).

To understand the PPF you must realise its two major assumptions:

For this level the market only produces two (2) goods and all resources are specialised for the

production of those goods.

To understand how the frontier works you have to understand construct the frontier.

1. Draw a pair of axes labelled with each good. (for e.g. sugar and bauxite)

2. Calculate the maximum productive capacity for each good(for e.g. 1000 units)

3. Construct a schedule of the distribution between goods(this shows opportunity cost and

accounts for the shape of the PPF)

4. Plot the points on the pair of axes

5. Construct the curve

6. Always give comments on the curve(and every other curve you draw throughout your life

studying economics)

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700 900 1000 Bauxite








A diagram showing the Production Possibility Frontier (PPF) for Sugar and Bauxite

Notes: 1. Any point outlined that is on or below the PPF (ie A, B, C, E) are considered to be


2. Any point outside of the curve(i.e. D) is considered to be unattainable

3. Points that are located on the PPF are as a result of the full utilization of the resources

available. They are also regarded as efficient levels of production

4. Inefficient levels of production are production points either above or below the PPF

being either attainable or unattainable based on the resources available.

Analysis:At ‘A’, 800 units of sugar and 700 units of bauxite are being produced. Increasing bauxite

production to 900 units requires a reduction of sugar by 300 units. That is, the additional 200

units of bauxite required that the producer give up 300 units of sugar. This mode of analysis can

be used for all movements along the PPF.

Any increase in technology or economic growth may push the PPF outwards. That is, an increase

in the amount of resources available or an improvement in technology will cause the PPF to shift

to right so that combinations that were unattainable [‘D’] can now be produced.

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NB: Movements along the PPF are caused by an adjustment to the special resources from one

good to the other and Shifts in the PPF generally outwards are caused by increases in the

resources available.

Method of EconomicsPositive Economics – An approach to economics that seeks to understand behaviour and the operations of systems without making judgements. It describes what exists and how it works. What determines the price in a market? The answer to this question would be the subject of Positive economics.

Normative Economics- An approach to economics that analyzes outcomes of economic behaviour, evaluates them as good or bad, and may prescribe courses of action (policy economics). Should the Government subsidize Tertiary education? The answer to this question would be the subject of Normative economics.

Economic Theory –A Statement or set of related statements about the cause and effect, action and reaction.

Model: A formal statement of a theory, usually a mathematical statement of a presumed relationship between two or more variables.

Variable: A measure that can change from time to time or from observation to observation.

Rational choice

A rational choice is one that uses the available resources to most effectively satisfy the wants of the person making the choice. {Only the wants and preferences of the person making a choice are relevant to determine its rationality.}

Types of Economic Systems

Your instructor may ask you to do a research on this portion of the syllabus but the most important points to note are the differences between the systems.

There are four types of systems:

1. Traditional 2. Planned3. Mixed4. Market

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Theory of Consumer Demand

Utility No is does not refer to utility bills like your electricity or water charges, but it solely based on the concept of consumer satisfaction. So in economics , instead of saying the consumer was fully satisfied with his purchase. We use the word Utility.

There are two main approaches to the utility concept:

1. The Cardinal Approach- This method assumes that a consumers utility can be quantified into units which are measured as UTILS.

2. The Ordinal Approach – This method assumes that consumer’s satisfaction cannot be measure but consumers will rank their consumption into bundles that represent the same level of satisfaction or utility. This level of satisfaction bundle is represented on an indifference curve(We will address Indifference Curve Analysis further on in the book)

Total Utility – Simply Defined as the total level of satisfaction that a consumer receives from consuming a good or service

Marginal Utility- this refers to the difference in the level of total utility based on a single unit change in the unit of a good i.e. the satisfaction from each additional unit of good or service consumed.

Pay keen attention to this concept as further analysis will have to be done on this area

The formula to calculate Marginal Utility (MU) = ∆TU/∆ Consumption (since it is a one unit change)

The revised formula for MU=∆TU

Law of Diminishing Marginal Returns

If you are thirsty and you buy 10 bottles of Pepsi, after the first one you feel very satisfied, after the second you still feel satisfied but not as much as the first and the trend continues all the way to the tenth Pepsi. The law of diminishing returns states that the more of a good or service is consumed the marginal Utility increases at a decreasing rate. This implies that even though the total utility increases after a certain amount of goods the rate at which the consumers thirst is quench is far less than in the beginning.

The table below shows the results up to the 7th Pepsi. You can observe that even though the total utility is increasing the marginal utility starts decreasing after the second Pepsi.

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Quantity of Pepsi’s Total Utility (TU) Marginal utility (MU)0 0 -1 100 1002 290 1903 350 1704 420 1505 500 806 550 507 570 20

Indifference Curve Analysis This is an approach to the study of consumer behaviour without the use of quantitative means. An indifference curve is a curve that shows all the combinations of goods that provide the consumer with the same level or satisfaction (utility).


The consumer will be indifferent between W and X since they are on the same indifference curve

The consumer will prefer either Y or Z as they fall on a higher indifference curve and thus maximise utility

The indifference curves never meet

Good a

Good B






IC 1

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Each pair of axes can have thousands of indifference curves as consumer utilities and preference are so variegated.The Budget ConstraintWe are going to assume that:

There are only two goods Prices are given….the consumers cannot affect the price of the good. The consumer spends all his/her income on the two goods

The budget line shows the boundary between what is affordable and what is not. It describes the limits to consumption choices and depends on the consumer’s income and prices. The household’s consumption choice is constrained by the household’s income and by the price of the goods and services.

Graphical representation of the household budget line for goods A and B:

If the price of good B decreases budget line will pivot as is become more affordable to purchase good B

Good A


Good B

Bl0 Bl1

Good A

Good BBl


Al- upper limit for good A

Bl- Upper limit for good B

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If the level of household income increases the entire Budget line can shift outwards as it is now more affordable to purchases increased quantities of both goods.

Good A

Bl0 Bl2

Good B

Consumer Equilibrium The objective of each consumer is to maximise his or her utility subject to their budgetary constraint. This means that a consumer will decide to choose a bundle of products that he/she can afford.

Good A

Good B


IC 0




The consumer will choose to maximise their utility at the point where the budget line is tangent to the indifference curve i.e. at point Y

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Equi-Marginal Principle This equality says that the consumer maximises utility at the point where the last dollar spent on each good yields the same Marginal Utility(MU).


If MUb/Pb > MUa/Pa then consumers will increase their consumption of good b and this would reduce the MU of good B according to the law of diminishing marginal utility.

Income - Consumption curve and Engel CurveHow does a change in the consumer’s income affect the optimal choice?


Income consumption curve


Income Engel curve

The Income consumption curve is the locus of consumer optimum points resulting when only the consumer’s income varies

The Engel curve shows the amount of a good that the consumer would purchase per unit of time at various income levels

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Price consumption curve and demand curveThis curve is derived by changing the price of one good (B) and holding all others constant (ceteris Paribus). The PCC for good B is the focus of consumer optimum points resulting when only the price of good B varies. The demand curve of for the good shows the quantity of good B that the consumer would purchase per unit of time at varying prices.




Demand Curve


The demand curve is plot of the demand function, X1( P1 , P2 ,M ) holding P2 , M constant



<0 ⇒ ↑P1→ ↓X1

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Income and Substitution EffectsWhenever the price of a good change there are two effects:

1) Substitution effect2) Income effect

Substitution effect: this is the change in consumption due to the change in relative prices. When the price of good changes one of the goods become relatively cheaper. Rational consumers will substitute towards the cheaper good. To separate the substitution effect we hold utility constant; consequently the substitution effect is measured along the IC. The substitution effect is always negative; opposite the price change.

Income Effect: Results from a change in purchasing power. It can either be negative or positive; depending on whether the good is normal of inferior.

Income and Substitution Effect for a Normal good


Substitution Effect

Income Effect


Income and Substitution Effect for an Inferior good


Substitution Effect

Income Effect


1) Substitution effect Negative

- P Food

2) Income effect Positive

- M Food

3) Income effect reinforces the sub effect.

1) Sub effect Negative

- same as above

2) Income effect Negative

M Food

3) Inc. effect < Sub. Effect

4) Inc. effect opposite Sub. effect

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Income and Substitution Effect for a Giffen good


Substitution Effect

Income Effect



1) Sub. effect negative

- same as above

2) Inc. effect Negative

- same as above

3) Inc. effect > Sub effect

4) Inc. effect opposite Sub. effect

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Demand: Theory, Application and Elasticity

The quantity demanded of any good or service is the amount that people are willing and able to buy during a specified period at a specified price.

Quantity demanded is measured as an amount per unit of time – e.g. 2 socks per day

The law of demand states that there is a negative relationship between price and quantity demanded; ceteris paribus, as the price of a good increases the quantity demanded must fall.

Demand is the relationship between the quantity demanded and the price of a good when all other factors remain constant. The quantity demanded refers to a specific quantity at a specific price while demand is a list of quantities at different prices illustrated by a demand schedule and demand curve.

Demand schedule is a table showing how much of a good an individual would be willing to buy at different prices.

Demand Schedule for Patty

Price [$/Patty]Qty Demanded [Patties

per day]













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Demand Curve is graphical representation of how much of a good an individual would be willing to buy at different prices.

Demand Curve for Patties

A change in the quantity demanded [movement along the demand curve] of a good is caused solely by a change in the price of the good.




Q2 Q1

A change in demand [shift the entire demand curve] is brought about by a change in the original conditions; any factor other than price.






When the price of a good increase from P1 to P2 then the effective change is that the level of quantity demanded will move from B to A showing the negative relationship between quantity demanded and price.

When the price decreases from P2 to P1 then the quantity demanded will move from A to B. Showing the reverse of the previous condition.

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D2 D1 D3

Factors that affect demand: Price of related goods: A change in the price of one good can affect the demand of a

related good. The nature of this change depends on the nature of the relationship between the two goods; related goods can either be substitutes or compliments.

Substitutes are goods that can be consumed in place of each other, e.g. butter and Margarine.The demand for a good will increase/ (decrease) if there is an increase/ (decrease) in the price of one of its substitutes. This means that the demand for a good and the price of its substitute moves in the same direction.

Complements are goods that are consumed together, e.g. bun and cheese. The demand for a good increases/decreases if the price of its compliment decreases/increases. This means that the demand for a good and the price of its compliment move in opposite directions.

Income: The demand for a good is also affected by changes in the consumer’s income. Where the increase in income leads to an increase in demand the good is classified as a normal good. If, however, the increase in income results in a decrease in demand then the good is classified as an inferior good.

Expectations: Expectations of future prices and income will affect the demand for goods and services.


If the overall level of demand increases the demand curve shifts to the right or from D1 to d3

If the overall level of demand decreases the demand curve will contract, or move to the left represented by a shift from D1 to D2

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Number of buyers: The greater the Number of buyers in a market the larger is the demand.

Preferences: A consumer’s demand for a particular good will depend on that consumer’s tastes and preferences. Whenever there is a change in preferences, the demand for one good will increase and the demand for another will decrease.

Elasticity of Demand

Price elasticity of demand is a measure of the extent to which the quantity demanded of particular goods change when there is a change in the price of the good, (ceteris paribus).Price elasticity of demand is calculated by dividing the percentage change in quantity demanded by the percentage change in price:

Calculating the percentage changes: The Mid-Point Method

Note: Due to the law of demand, the sign of the % change in demand will be opposite the sign of the % change in price. Therefore, the price elasticity of demand will always be negative. However, it is customary to express elasticity as a positive number.

Elasticity and the shape of Demand curves

The size of the elasticity measure is used to classify demand curves as either: Elastic, Inelastic or Unitary elasticity. Demand is considered elastic if the percentage change in the qty demanded exceeds the

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percentage change in price. In this case we say that demand is very responsive to price changes. There is one particular case where demand is so responsive to price changes that changes in price do not affect the demand. In this case we say that demand is perfectly elastic. When demand is perfectly elastic any change in price will lead to an infinite change in quantity demanded.

Perfectly elastic Demand Curve


Demand curve


Demand is considered inelastic if the percentage change in the qty demanded is less than the percentage change in price. In this case we say that demand is not responsive to price changes. There is one particular case where demand is very unresponsive to price changes. In this case we say that demand is perfectly inelastic. When demand is perfectly inelastic price changes will not affect the quantity demand.

Perfectly inelastic Demand Curve


Demand curve


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When the percentage change in demand equals the percentage change in price we say that demand is unit elastic.

Unit elastic Demand Curve


Demand curve


Factors that affect the Price Elasticity of Demand (PED)

Availability of substitutes: The more close substitutes a good has the more elastic its demand will be since consumers can easily switch to cheaper goods if its price should rise.

The nature of the goods (luxury vs. necessity) the price elasticity of luxury goods is usually more elastic than that of necessities.

The definition of the good (narrow or broad): The broader the definition of a good the less elastic is its demand. The narrower is its definition the more elastic is its demand. For example, the demand for vegetables is very inelastic compared to the demand for canned carrots, which is more elastic.

Passage of time: the demand for some products is more elastic in the long run than in the short run and vice-versa.

Fraction of income spent on the good: goods that consume a large proportion of income tend to have more price elastic than goods that don’t. for example, a 10% increase in the price of salt would barely affect its demand, while a 10% increase in the price of cars would have a significant effect on the demand for cars.

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Total Revenue and Price Elasticity of DemandA major concern to the producer is the effect that a price change will have on total revenues. Total revenue is equal to price times quantity. Therefore, a price increase, will have two opposing effects;

Revenues will increase, since each unit sold goes for a higher price Revenues will decrease, since fewer units will be sold at the higher price.






If area A is larger than area B, then the increase in price will increase revenues. Demand is inelastic. If area A is smaller than area B, then the increase in price will decrease revenues. Demand is elastic. If area A is equal to area B, then the increase in price will not affect revenues. Demand is unit elastic.

The total effect will therefore depend on which change is greater. Now, if demand is elastic, then the increase in price will lead to a greater than proportional decrease in quantity demanded. This suggests that where demand is elastic, a price increase will lead to a fall in revenues.

When demand is inelastic, the increase in price will lead to a less than proportional decrease in quantity demanded. This suggests that a price increase where demand is inelastic will increase

A - Increase in revenues due to price increase

B - Decrease in revenues due to reduced quantity

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revenues. For example, if price increases by 10% and quantity demanded falls by 5%, then revenues will increase and we say that demand is inelastic.

Where demand is unit elastic the increase in price will lead to an equal proportional reduction in demand suggesting that revenues will not change. For example, if price increases by 10% and quantity demanded falls by 10%, then revenues will remain unchanged and we say that demand is unit elastic.

Cross Elasticity of DemandCross elasticity of demand is a measure of the extent to which the demand for a good changes when the price of another good changes, ceteris paribus. Cross elasticity of demand is calculated by dividing the percentage change in quantity demanded of good A by the percentage change in price of good B:

Now, this measure of elasticity falls into three ranges:

[CED< 0]; implies that good A and good B are Complements. For example, an increase in the price of bun may reduce the demand for cheese

[CED> 0]; implies that good A and good B are Substitutes. For example, an increase in the price of tea may increase the demand for coffee

[CED= 0]; implies that good A and good B are unrelated.

Income Elasticity of DemandIncome elasticity of demand is a measure of the extent to which the demand for a good changes when income changes, ceteris paribus. Income elasticity of demand is calculated by dividing the percentage change in quantity demanded by the percentage change in income:

Now, this measure of elasticity falls into three ranges:

income elastic [YED<1]; implies normal good income inelastic [0 < YED< 1]; implies normal good [YED< 0]; inferior good

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Theory of Supply

Production Production can be defined as the creation of value; or the design of articles having exchange value. We generally start out by looking at production in the short run.

Short run: - this is a time frame in which the quantities of some resources are fixed. Examples are technology and capital.

Long run: - this is a time frame in which all the factors of production are variable.

Fixed factors: - factors that cannot be varied in the short run

Variable factors: - factors that can be varied in the short run to increase or decrease the level of production.

Production function - The production function relates the output of a firm to the amount of inputs, typically capital and labour.

Assume the following:

Production is in the short run Only one factor of production is variable

We have three fundamental questions to answer.

What is the relationship between the quantity of inputs used and the quantity of production?

What is the relationship between the input decisions of the firm and its cost structure?

How do firms select the optimal quantity of a particular resource?

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Total product: - is the total quantity of a good produced in a given period. TP is an output rate – the number of units produced per unit of time. Example, the TP schedule lists the max quantities of bottled water per hr that a firm can produce with its existing plant at each quantity of labour.

Labour (TP)




































Graph of Total Product

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7



Marginal Product: - is the change in total product that results from a one unit change in the quantity of labour employed holding all other inputs constant.


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Graph of Marginal Product

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7










Marginal Product

Graph of Average Product

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7






Average Product

Graph of TP, MP and AP

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7















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The Theory of Costs

What is the relationship between the input decisions of the firm and its cost structure?(Assume short term conditions)

Total Cost (TC):- this is the cost of all the factors of production used by the firm. It can be divided into two categories: total fixed cost and total variable cost.

Total Fixed Cost (TFC):- this is the cost of a firm’s fixed factors such as land, capital and entrepreneurship. Since, in the short run, these factors do not vary with output, TFC does not change as output changes.

Total Variable Cost (TVC):- this is the cost of a firm’s variable factors of production – labour. Since the variable factor must change for output to change in the short run, TVC changes as output changes.

Worker/Hr Gallons/Hr TFC TVC TC MC AC AFC AVC

0 0 10 0.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

1 1 10 6.00 16.00 6.00 16.00 10.00 6.00

1.6 2 10 9.60 19.60 3.60 9.80 5.00 4.80

2 3 10 12.00 22.00 2.40 7.33 3.33 4.00

2.35 4 10 14.10 24.10 2.10 6.03 2.50 3.53

2.7 5 10 16.20 26.20 2.10 5.24 2.00 3.24

3 6 10 18.00 28.00 1.80 4.67 1.67 3.00

3.4 7 10 20.40 30.40 2.40 4.34 1.43 2.91

4 8 10 24.00 34.00 3.60 4.25 1.25 3.00

5 9 10 30.00 40.00 6.00 4.44 1.11 3.33

Graph of TVC, TFC and TC

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 100
















TVC and TC increase at a decreasing rate at low levels of output and then starts to increase at an increasing rate at higher levels of output. However, to fully understand the pattern of TVC and TC we need to examine the Marginal and Average costs.

Marginal Costs: - is the change in TC that results from a one unit change in output.


Average Cost: - is the total cost per unit of output. It can be expressed as average fixed cost plus average variable cost.


Average Fixed Cost: - is TFC per unit of output. AFC=TFC


Average Variable Cost: - is TVC per unit of output.


Graph of MC, AVC, AFC and AC

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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 90.00














The AVC and AC curves are u-shaped.

The vertical distance between the two is the AFC, which shrinks as output increases because AFC shanks as output increases.

The MC curve is also U-shaped and intersects the AVC & AC at their Minimum points.

When MC < AC, AC decreases. When MC > AC, AC increases.

Why the AVC and AC are curves U-shaped?

The shape of the AVC and AC arises from two opposing forces.

Spreading TFC over a larger output Decreasing marginal returns

When output increases TFC is spread over a larger output, thus AFC decreases (slopes downward). However, as output increases VC increase at a faster rate than output, thus AVC will increase (slope upward).Initial increases in output will cause both AFC and AVC to fall; however, as output continues to increase AVC will begin to rise while AFC continues to fall. Since AFC approaches zero as output increases, AC will eventually take the shape of the AVC curve.

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Relationship between Cost and Product Curves

Graph of MP and AP

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

















d M


Graph of MC and AVC

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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9














At low levels of employment and output:

As the firm hires more labour, MP & AP rise and output thus rises faster than costs so that AVC & MC falls.

At the Maximum of MP, MC is at its minimum. As still more labour is employed MP falls MC rises.

AP will continue to rise up to the point where MP = AP (at this point AP is at its maximum). If the firm continues to hire labour after this point then MP < AP and this will cause AP to fall.

When AP is at its max AVC will be at its min. The subsequent fall in AP will cause AVC to rise.

Shifts in the Cost Curves

The discussion so far has revealed that the position of the firms short run cost curves is dependent on the technology used by the firm as well as the price of the factors of production.

Long Run AnalysisWe now relax the short run assumption.

Recall that in the long run a firm can vary all the factors of production.

The question that must be answered is, how does this variation affects the cost structure of the firm?

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For example, suppose the firm is able to vary its plant size, how would this affect its AVC?

Would AVC increase, decrease or remain the same?

All three possibilities exist. When a firm increases its plant size it may experience:

Economies of Scale Diseconomies of Scale Constant returns to scale

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Economies of Scale: - this occurs when an equal percentage increase in both plant size and labour is matched by a larger percentage increase in output thus leading to a reduction in AC.

Diseconomies of Scale: - this occurs when an equal percentage increase in both plant size and labour is matched by a smaller percentage increase in output thus leading to an increase in AC.

Constant returns to scale: - this occurs when an equal percentage increase in both plant size and labour is matched by a similar percentage increase in output thus leading to constant AC.

The Long Run AC Curve:-shows the lowest AC at which it is possible to produce each output when the firm has had sufficient time to change both its labour force and its plant size.

Increasing Marginal Returns: - this occurs when the marginal product of an additional worker exceeds the MP of the previous worker. IMR usually occurs when a small # of workers are employed and arise from increased specialization and division of labour in the production process.

Decreasing Marginal Returns: - this occurs when the MP of an additional worker is less than the MP of the previous worker. DMR arise from the fact that more and more of the variable factor (labour) is added to the fixed factors.

The law of Diminishing Marginal Returns: - this law states that as additional quantities of the variable resources are combined with a given amount of fixed resources, a point is eventually reached where each additional unit of the variable resource yields a smaller MP.

Average Product: - is the total product per worker employed.


AP is largest when it is equal to MP. That is, MP cuts AP at the max of AP.

When MP > AP, AP will increase

When MP < AP, AP will decrease

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Supply: Theory, Application and ElasticityThe quantity supplied of a good or service is the amount that producers are willing to and able to sell during a specified period at a specified price. It is measured in quantity supplied per unit of time.

The law of supply states that there is a positive relationship between price and quantity supplied.

an increase in price is usually followed by an increase in qty supplied a decrease in price is usually followed by a decrease in qty supplied

Supply is the relationship between the quantity supplied and the price of a good when all other factors remain constant. The quantity supplied refers to a specific quantity at a specific price while supply is a list of quantities at different prices illustrated by a supply schedule and supply curve.

A Supply schedule is a table showing how much of a good an individual would be willing to supply at different prices.

Supply Schedule for Patty

Price [$/Patty]Qty Supplied [Patties

per day]













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A supply Curve is graphical representation of how much of a good an individual would be willing to supply at different prices.

Supply Curve for Patty

A change in the quantity [movement along the supply curve] supplied of a good is caused solely by a change in the price of the good.

A change in supply [shift the entire supply curve] is brought about by a change in the original conditions; any factor other than price.









- Green: decrease in supply- Purple: increase in supply- Red: increase in quantity supplied- Blue: decrease in quantity supplied

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Factors that affect Supply:

Prices of related goods: A change in the price of one good can affect the supply of a related good. The nature of this change depends on the nature of the relationship between the two goods; related goods can either be substitutes in production or compliments in production.

Substitutes in Production are goods that can be produced in place of each other, eg., butter and Milk. The supply of a good will increase/ (decrease) if there is a decrease/ (increase) in the price of one of its substitutes in production. This means that the supply for a good and the price of its substitute in production moves in opposite direction.

Complements in production are goods that can be produced together, e.g., beef and cow hide [used to make leather]. The supply of a good will increase/decrease if the price of its compliment in production increases/decreases. This means that the supply of a good and the price of its complement in production move in the same direction.

Prices of resources and other inputs: The supply of a good will change if there is a change in the price of one of its inputs [input prices affect the cost of production]. The more it costs to produce a good the less will be supplied at each price and vice-versa {ceteris paribus.}Productivity: This is defined as output per unit of input. An increase in productivity leads to a reduction in costs and thus leads to an increase in supply. A decrease has the opposite effect. The main source of productivity changes is technological change; however, some natural events also affect productivity. Expectations: Expectations about future prices have a big influence on supply.

Number of sellers: The greater the number of sellers in a market, the larger is the supply.

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The Price Elasticity of Supply(PES)Price elasticity of supply is a measure of the extent to which the quantity supplied of a particular good changes when there is change in the price of the good, ceteris paribus. Price elasticity of supply is calculated by dividing the percentage change in quantity supplied by the percentage change in price:

Elasticity and the shapes of Supply curves

The size of the elasticity measure is used to classify supply curves as either: Elastic, Inelastic or Unitary elasticity.

Supply is considered elastic if the percentage change in the qty supplied exceeds the percentage change in price. In this case we say that supply is very responsive to price changes. There is one particular case where supply is very responsive to price changes. In this case we say that supply is perfectly elastic. When supply is perfectly elastic any change in price will cause quantity supplied to fall to zero.

Perfectly elastic Supply Curve


Supply curve


Supply is considered inelastic if the percentage change in the qty supplied is less than the percentage change in price. In this case we say that supply is not responsive to price changes. There is one particular case where supply is very unresponsive to price changes in this case we say that supply is perfectly inelastic .When supply is perfectly inelastic any change in price will not affect quantity supplied.

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Perfectly inelastic supply Curve


Supply curve


When the percentage change in supply equals the percentage change in price we say that supply is unit elastic.

Unit elastic supply Curve

Price Supply curve


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Consumer Surplus

Only the marginal consumer is willing to pay just the market price in typical supply and demand equilibrium.  Consumers would be willing to pay more than the market prices which is what makes the demand curve slope downward.  The amount that these consumers would be willing to pay, but do not have to pay is known as the consumer surplus. The diagram below is borrowed from Who Pays a Sales Tax?, which applies this concept (

Producer Surplus

The supply curve slopes upward because, given a market price, there are producers who can produce profitably at a price below that market price.  The revenues to producers that exceed the minimum amount that they would have to receive is known as the producer surplus.

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MARKET EQUILIBRIUMMarket equilibrium occurs when the quantity demanded equals the quantity supplied.

- The equilibrium price is the price at which the quantity demanded equals the quantity supplied.

- The equilibrium quantity is the quantity bought and sold at the equilibrium price.

Graphical Representation of Equilibrium

Note that at equilibrium, quantity supplied is equal to quantity demanded. Whenever this equilibrium is disturbed, market forces will restore it.

Price is the regulator that pulls the market toward its equilibrium.

- If the price is above the equilibrium price, then there is a surplus or excess supply; quantity supplied exceeds quantity demanded. In this case the price will fall to restore equilibrium

- If the price is below the equilibrium, then there is a shortage or excess demand; the quantity demanded exceeds the quantity supplied. In this case the price will increase to restore equilibrium.

The law of market forces states that, when there is a shortage the price rises and when there is a surplus the price falls; in both cases the move is such that equilibrium is restored.








Market Equilibrium

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Illustration of Surplus and Shortage














Market Equilibrium








Market Equilibrium

Quantity demanded = 40

Quantity supplied = 65

Surplus = (65 – 40) = 25

Price will fall to $5, where qty demanded = qty supplied.

Quantity demanded = 65

Quantity supplied = 40

Shortage = (65 – 40) = 25

Price will increase to $5, where qty demanded = qty supplied.

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The Effects of Changes in Demand

The effects of changes in supply






SoAn increase in Demand

- shifts the demand curve to D1

- raises price- raises qty supplied- increases equilibrium qty

A decrease in Demand

- shifts the demand curve to D2

- lowers price- lowers qty supplied- decreases equilibrium qty

An increase in Supply

- shifts the supply curve to S1

- lowers price- raises qty demanded- increases equilibrium qty

A decrease in supply

- shifts the supply curve to S2

- raises price- lowers qty demanded- decreases equilibrium qty







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The effects of simultaneous changes in supply and demand

Increase in supply and demand

Decrease in supply and demand



Effect of an increase in:

Variables Demand Supply Total Effect









Effect of A Decrease in:

Variables Demand Supply Total effect









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Increase in demand and decrease in supply

Decrease in Demand and Increase in Supply

Variables IncreasedDemand











Variables DecreaseDemand


Total Effect









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Module 2Market Structure, Market Failure and Intervention

Market Structure

Market Failure


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Market Structure

The Firm The objective for this portion of the course is basically to examine the market system, which is the process by which scarce resources are allocated. We have shown thus far that resources are allocated through the market via a pricing mechanism. Therefore, we want to find out how are prices determined. So far we have discovered that prices are determined by the interaction of demand and supply.

The objective of any firm is to maximize profits, which is the difference between total revenue (from the sale of output) and the opportunity cost of attracting resources to the firm. But the other goals of the firm are growth, satisficing, sales and revenue maximization and market dominance.

Profits: 1. Accounting Profit: - total revenue minus explicit costs. Accounting profit ignores the

opportunity costs of using one’s resources.2. Economic profit: - total revenue minus all costs (both explicit and implicit). Economic

profit accounts for opportunity cost.3. Normal profit: - the accounting profit earned when all resources used by the firm earn

their opportunity cost.

Accounting profit above normal profit is economic profit.

How do firms select the optimal quantity of a particular resource?

Assume: Perfect competition (

Variable input (labour) wage rate (w)

Fixed factor (capital) interest rate (r)

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Production Function: - identifies the maximum quantities of a particular good or service that can

Be produced per period of time with various combinations of resources, for a given level of technology.



Isocost Lines: - gives all the combinations of factors that yield the same cost.


With labour alone: TC=w∗L L=TC


With capital alone: TC=r∗C C=TC


Graph of Isocost Line


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Slope= riserun

− TC /rTC / w

=−wr Ratio of the factor prices

Isoquant Line: - gives all the combinations of inputs that yield the same level of output.

Graph of Isoquant Line




1. Convex to the origin

2. Do not intersect

3. Negatively sloped

4. Further from origin yields higher level of output

Slope: the slope of the isoquant is called the Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution (MRTS).



The MRTS is the rate at which the labour can be substituted for capital without affecting output. The objective of the firm is to maximize profits. There are circumstances under which maximizing profits is the same as minimizing costs. Therefore, the firm will choose its inputs

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such that profit is maximized or cost is minimized. Now, how does the firm goes about achieving these objectives?

Minimizing costs

1. For a given level of output, the firm will choose the lowest isocost curve that is tangent to the given isoquant in order to minimize costs.

Maximizing profits

2. For a given cost, the firm will choose the highest isoquant that is tangent to the given isocost in order to maximize profits.



Therefore, the input decision is determined by the slopes of the isocost and isoquant curves, i.e., the firm will choose its inputs such that the slope of the isocost curve is equal to the slope of the isoquant curve.




This point is characterized as a point of tangency.

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Profit Maximization under Perfect CompetitionThe firm’s objective is to maximize economic profit, this is achieved by: Deciding how much to produce [in the short run] and deciding whether or not to enter or exit a market [in the long run]

Note that firms in a perfectly competitive market are price takers; they can sell as much as they can at the prevailing market price.

Revenue Concepts

Total Revenue [TR]: is equal to price multiplied by quantity. It is the revenue earned from the sale of the firm’s output.




Marginal Revenue [MR]: is the change in total revenue that results from a one unit increase in the quantity sold. Note that under perfect competition MR is equal to price. This is due to the fact that the firm can sell any amount at the market price, therefore, if the firm sells an additional unit of output it does so at the market price and thus TR increases by that amount. But the increase in TR is the MR, which also happens to be the price.



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Profit Maximizing Output

Recall that as output increases, TR increases. But TC also increases; and because of decreasing marginal returns, TC eventually increases faster than TR.

The firm’s objective then is to find the output level at which the difference between TR and TC is maximized. This occurs when the vertical distance between TR and TC is greatest.




Marginal Analysis

Another way to identify the profit maximizing level of output is to use marginal analysis; that is, consider the MR and the MC at each output level. Recall that as output increases MR remains constant but MC eventually increases.

1. If MR exceeds MC, then the extra revenue from selling one more unit exceeds the extra cost incurred to produce it. This implies that economic profit will increase if output increases.

2. If MR is less than MC, then the extra revenue from selling one more unit is less than the extra cost incurred to produce it. This implies that economic profit will decrease if output increases.

3. Therefore economic profit is maximized at the output level where MR is equal to MC.MR &MC



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The profit maximizing qty is the qty supplied at the specified price. If the price were higher the qty supplied would increase; if the price were lower the qty supplied would decrease hence the “law of supply”. Illustrate by shifting the MR curve up and down and show that the maximizing qty would increase and decrease respectively.

Exit and Temporary shutdown conditions [Short Run]In the short run firms may be making an economic loss which they believe is temporary. If this is so they may decide to stay in operation or shut down temporarily. To make this decision, the firm will compare the loss it would make in the two situations. If the firm decided to shut down it would make a profit equal to the negative of the fixed costs of operation. If the firm decided to produce some output it would make a profit equal to TR minus (TFC + TVC).

First Possibility

The firm will shut down if the profit it makes from shutting down is greater than the profit it makes from staying in operation.

−TFC>TR−TFC−TVC−TFC+TFC+TVC>TRTVC>TR Show that in this case P<AVC [TR=P*Q]

That is, if TR is less than TVC then the loss would be greater than TFC. As such it would suite the firm to shut down since the loss incurred would be less than if it continued operation.




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Second Possibility

The firm will stay in operation if the profit it makes from staying in operation is greater than the profit it makes from shutting down.

−TFC<TR−TFC−TVC−TFC+TFC+TVC<TRTVC<TR Show that in this case P>AVC [TR=P*Q]

That is, if TR is greater than TVC then the loss would be less than TFC. As such it would suite the firm to continue operating since the loss incurred would be less than if it shut down.




Therefore, as long as the firm can cover its variable costs it will stay in business in the short run. That is, as long as the price is greater than the minimum AVC the firm can maximize profit by producing where MC=MR=P. If price is below AVC the firm shuts down. This implies that the firm’s supply curve is the portion of the MC curve above the minimum of the AVC curve.

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Price shutdown point Supply curve




The market supply curve is the horizontal summation of the individual firm’s supply curves.



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Market Equilibrium and SR profit maximization







Price is determined by the market demand and supply……each firm is then able to sell all they can at that price…….thus the demand curve facing each firm is flat [perfectly elastic].

Perfect competition in the long runIn the long run firm’s make zero economic profit; i.e., they only make normal profit.

If economic profit existed in the short run it will act as an incentive for

1. new firms to enter the market OR2. for existing firms to expand production

In either case market supply will increase…..this will cause a reduction in the market price and hence profits.

This process of entry and or expansion will continue until economic profit has been completely eroded and all that is left s normal profit. That is firms will continue to enter until the market price is equal to ATC.

If economic loss existed in the short run it will act as an incentive for

1. firms to exit the market OR2. for existing firms to cut production

In either case market supply will decrease…..this will cause an increase in the market price and hence profits.

This process of exit and or contraction will continue until economic losses have been completely eroded and all that is left s normal profit. That is firms will continue to exit until the market price is equal to ATC.

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Market structures: There are four types of market Structures:

- Perfect Competition- Monopoly/Monopsony- Monopolistic Competition- Oligopoly- The Cob Web Model

Perfect CompetitionThis type of market structure exists when:

- there are many buyers and sellers in the market- all the sellers sell homogeneous products- there exists perfect information among the buyers and sellers about prices and availability

of resources- no barriers to entry

When these conditions exists in a market no one individual [buyer/seller], has any control over prices. Prices are determined by the market demand and supply and so the participants are considered price takers.


This type of market structure exists when:

- one firm sells a good/service that has no close substitutes- Barriers to entry exists

TR is the same for the monopolist, however, since the firm is the only supplier in the market the demand curve facing the monopolist is also the market demand curve. Therefore, unlike for the perfectly competitive firm, the demand curve facing the monopolist is downward sloping. This is due to the fact that if the monopolist wants to increase quantity sold he must reduce the price of

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MonopolyTR is the same for the monopolist, however, since the firm is the only supplier in the market the demand curve facing the monopolist is also the market demand curve. Therefore, unlike for the perfectly competitive firm, the demand curve facing the monopolist is downward sloping. This is due to the fact that if the monopolist wants to increase quantity sold he must reduce the price of the good.



Gain D = AR


Average Revenue [AR] is to revenue per unit sold.



=P⇒ AR=P

Note that this is the same for the perfectly competitive firm. The AR curve is the same as the demand curve.

The relationship between P and MR is different in monopoly than in Perfect competition. Specifically, for the monopolist the MR is less than P. As the firm increase output MR falls. This occurs for two reasons:

1. the amount received from selling another unit declines [since price drops]2. the revenue forgone by selling all units at this lower price increases [since all units

must now be sold at the lower price]

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These two effects causes the MR to fall as the price falls along a given demand curve.





Marginal Revenue and ElasticityWhere demand is elastic, MR is positive; so TR increases as price falls. Where demand is inelastic, MR is negative; so TR decreases as price falls. Where demand is unit elastic, MR zero; TR is maximized

The profit maximizing Level of outputThe rule for identifying the Profit maximizing level of output is the same for the monopolist as for the perfectly competitive firm. The monopolist will increase output as long as the additional output adds more to TR than to TC. That is, output will be increased as long as MR is greater than MC. Therefore, profit is maximized at the output level where the rising MC curve intersects the MR curve. Since MC is never negative, it will never intersect MR where MR is negative. Thus the monopolist will only produce where the demand curve is elastic.

Price MC




MR Qty

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Short Run shut down conditionThe monopolist will continue to operate in the short run as long as price is greater than AVC.

Price Loss ATC





Long Run Profit MaximizationSince by definition, monopoly means one seller monopoly profits can persist in the long run.

- Barriers to entry

Monopoly and PCA monopoly will produce less and charge a higher price than under perfect competition.





Am QC Qty


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The Inefficiency of the monopoly

Perfect Monopoly

Price S=MC Price


Pm dead weight loss to society


Qty Qty

Qc D=MB Q m Qc



Resources are efficiently allocated when the Marginal Benefit [MB] = Marginal Cost [MC]…that is, the society achieves allocative efficiency when the amount consumers are willing to pay for an extra unit of output is equal to the cost of producing the extra unit output.

Recall that the marginal willingness of consumers to pay is given by the MB or demand curve [that is, the marginal willingness to pay is P]…..therefore, the condition for allocative efficiency can be written as MC=P.

- Under the competitive equilibrium, firms produce where MR=MC. Since MR=P… implies that MB=P=MC….so that resources are being used efficiently.

- Under the monopoly equilibrium, the firm produces where MR=MC. Since MR<P… implies that MB=P>MC…. so that resources are being used inefficiently. A dead weight loss occurs due to the underproduction that takes place, which causes total surplus to be less than its maximum value.

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Monopolistic CompetitionThis type of market structure exists when:

- Many buyers and sellers - Few barriers to entry- compete on product quality, price and marketing- consumers face wide choice of differentiated products - Each firms seeks to maximise profits

Oligopoly- small number of firms- products may be similar or differentiated- barriers to entry

Alternative types of Oligopolistic behaviour

- Cartels- Price Leadership- Quantity Leadership- Bertrand- Cournot


This refers to a group of firms that agree to coordinate their pricing and production decisions so as to act as a single monopolist and earn monopoly profits. Eg., OPEC. There is always the temptation to cheat on the cartel agreement

Price Leadership

This refers to a situation where a dominant firm in the market set the price and the others follow the lead and try to avoid a price war.


- the industry is made up of one or few large firms and a number of smaller ones- the dominant firm maximizes profits subject to the constraint of the market demand and

the behaviour of the smaller firms

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- The dominant firm allows the smaller firms to sell all they want at the price set and then supply the difference.

- There is no price fixing.Quantity Leadership

Cournot: Exists where there are two firms in the market; both firms choose their production level simultaneously.

Bertrand: Exists where there are two firms in the market; both firms choose their price level simultaneously

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The Cob Web Model

Comparative Static: - comparing the new equilibrium with the original

Dynamic Analysis:- the study of the behaviour of systems in states of disequilibrium

Supply lag: - delay between the decision to change quantity supplied and it actually being changed.

The Cob Web model can only hold if certain conditions are met.

- production is completely determined by the producers’ response to price under perfect competition

- the time needed to adjust production is at least one period- price is set by the supply available

Stable adjustment: - one which will take the market to its equilibrium; the actual price and quantity will tend towards their equilibrium values. In this case the demand curve will be flatter than the supply curve.

Unstable Adjustment: - one which will not take the market to its equilibrium; the actual price and quantity will tend away from their equilibrium values In this case the demand curve will be steeper than the supply curve

Nb: You may not need this for your CAPE course but it is good to note

Industrial concentration Industrial concentration occurs when a small number of companies sell a large percentage of an industry's product. There are two methods

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1. Concentration Ratio- This refers to the percentage of the market by each large firm.

CRn = S1 + S2 + S3+ S4 +...+Sn

The model typically has 4 firms which possess the market share. If one firm takes up 75-90% of the market it can be classified as a natural monopoly

2. Herfindahl-Hirschman Index - the percentage of an industry’s output produced by its four largest firms. This method specifically deals with 4 firms.




Apply the industrial concentration methods to the market structures mainly in relation to the number and power of firms.

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Market Failure

Pareto Efficiency Pareto efficiency is an economic state where resources are allocated in the most efficient manner. Pareto efficiency is obtained when a distribution strategy exists where one party's situation cannot be improved without making another party's situation worse. Pareto efficiency does not imply equality or fairness. (Investopedia)

Market failure: This occurs when the interaction of demand and supply in a market does not lead to *Productive or *Allocative Efficiency

*Productive efficiency: This refers to using the least possible amount of scarce resources to produce a particular amount of produce

*Allocative Efficiency: This refers to producing those products that are most wanted by consumers given the costs of production

Reasons for market failure:

1. Public goods 2. Merit and Demerit Goods 3. Externalities4. Asymmetric Information: Adverse selection and moral hazard5. Imperfect market

Types of goodsPublic goods: these are goods that bar no one from consumption (non-exclusive) and the consumption of the good by one consumer does not impede another consumer from consumption (Non-rivalrous). E.g. National Defence, Lighthouses, Roadways (*Quasi-public Goods)

*Quasi-public goods: These are goods that are intermediate between public and private goods.

Private goods: These are goods that bar some consumers from consumption mainly through price and there is a limited quantity to be consumed. Therefore private goods are exclusive and rivalrous.

Merit and Demerit goods: Merit Goods are those which offer benefit to the society for e.g. Education , Healthcare and Affordable Housing, which if the market was left on its own it would under-produce these goods. Demerit Goods are those goods which are more harmful to society

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than not, for e.g. Tobacco and Alcohol. If the market was left on its own it would over produce these goods.

Externalities Externalities represent the external costs and benefits of any productive activity. These can be classified as:

A. Production Externalities(positive and negative) -This exists when an external cost or benefit arising from production must be borne by someone other than the producer of the good

B. Consumption Externalities(positive and negative) –This exists when an external cost or benefit arising from the consumption of a good must be borne by someone other than the consumer of the good

Costs and Benefits Marginal Social Cost: the sum of the marginal private costs and the marginal external costs


Marginal external cost: The cost of producing additional units of output borne by individuals other than the product of the good or service

Marginal social benefit: The sum of the marginal private benefit and the marginal external benefit.


Marginal Benefit: The benefit of producing an additional unit of output that is borne by the producer.

Marginal External Benefit: The benefit of producing an additional unit of output that is borne by individuals other than the producer of the good or service.

Asymmetric Information When individuals do not have the correct information when making transactions, distorted or wavered decision will be made: there are two types market failures due to asymmetric

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1. Moral Hazard- Hidden actions or morally hazardous behaviour by one party in a transaction, very popular in the insurance industry.

2. Adverse Selection- This occurs when asymmetric information arises from a hidden attribute of a good or service. Applies to sales where the sellers or the buyers know more than the other about the good.

InterventionWhen the market does fail, the task is left up to the government to intervene. The government can use many methods to stimulate the market from a point of failure to recovery.

The government can implement measures to control market failure such as:

- Regulations- Anti-trust policies- Taxation - Privatisation and deregulation in some industries to offset cost and other factors - State ownership of resources - Subsides to firms to spur on production- Legislation- Market creation(tradable permits)

Government intervention according to many economic theorists can be detrimental if the government does not allow the natural market to settle problems on its own. Many times as governments intervene some consumers may suffer. But there are benefits to government interventions as many consumers and producers who have been affected my market intervention do reap the benefits from some of the actions of government aforementioned.

In the Caribbean our smaller economies are heavily reliant on government intervention but the private sectors should be given leverage and support where needed.

Private Sector Intervention When the private sector is allowed a hand in market failure intervention, they have many methods they can use. According to this course they can use:

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- Corporate Code of Conduct- Corporate Social Security - Voluntary Agreements- Corporate Ethics

Module 3 Distribution Theory

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Demand for and Supply of Factors

Wage differentials

Income inequality, Poverty: Theory and Alleviation

The Demand for and Supply of Factors

Do you remember the factors of production Land, labour Capital and Enterprise? These factors of production also had rewards that are related to them.

Factors of Production Factor rewards

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Land Rent: Income earned for the usage of the land

Labour Wages: Income earned for productive activity

Capital *Interest:

Enterprise Profit: the returns to owners of resources

Derived Demand:A term used in economic analysis that describes the demand placed on one good or service as a result of changes in the price for some other related good or service. It is a demand for some physical or intangible thing where a market exists for both related goods and services in question. The derived demand can have a significant impact on the derived good's market price (Investopedia).

Labour market Labour is treated like any other good in the market, except demand comes from the firm instead of the consumer. The price a firm pays for labour is known as the wage. In addition to a wage, workers also commonly receive fringe benefits such as insurance and vacation time.

Real wage: Wage adjusted for inflation.


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Perfectly competitive labour market 1. Everyone is a wage taker-neither employers nor employees set wage rates 2. Freedom of Entry- No restrictions on the movement of labour3. There is Perfect Knowledge- workers are fully aware of what jobs are available and the wages

and employers know what labour is available and how productive it is.4. Homogenous Labour-workers are categorized in accordance with their productivity

y=wage rate

A: Labour Market B: Employee C:Firm


W* Dl W*

L* L* L*x=Labour

Diagram A shows the interaction between the market demand and supply of labour which determines the going wage rate (W*) and the employment level (L*)

Diagram B shows how individual workers have to accept the going wage rate. In this case the demand is perfectly elastic.

Diagram C shows how individual firms hace to accept the going wage rate. the supply of labour to the employers is infinitely elastic


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Supply of Labour The supply curve for the labour market shows how much labour workers or households will provide at each wage. There are two alternatives for each household’s time: leisure and working at home. As the market wage changes, decisions concerning work will also change. There are two effects of a wage change, which work in opposite directions:

Substitution effect: If the marginal benefit of leisure or working at home is higher than the market wage, the household should choose either leisure or working at home. This means that as the wage rises (falls), households are more (less) likely to choose the labor market.

Income effect: As the wage rises (falls), households are less (more) likely to spend more time in labour market. With a higher (lower) wage, they can work less (more) to make the same income.

The relative strengths of the income and substitution effects will determine the shape of the household’s labour supply curve.

If the substitution effect is stronger, the curve will be upward sloping. If the income effect is stronger, the curve will be downward sloping. If the substitution and income effects are equal, the curve will be vertical.

Most people have a backward-bending labour supply curve, which is upward sloping for low wages, vertical or nearly vertical at higher wages, and bends backward with a downward slope for the highest wages.

Market labour supply, on the other hand, is a straight, upward sloping line. It is not backward-bending because, as a whole, more workers will be attracted to higher-paying jobs.

Backward-Bending Labour Supply

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Demand of LabourThe demand curve for the labour market shows how much labour firms will buy at each wage.

Firms must determine how much labour is needed for a profit-maximizing level of production.

Marginal revenue product (MRP): Revenue increase resulting from the purchase of an additional unit of labour.

The firm maximizes profits by purchasing additional labour until the MRP is equal to the market wage.

If the costs of any factors necessary to produce a good change, the MRP will be affected and the amount of labour demanded by the firm will also change.

Adding up all the firms’ labour demand curves will equal the market labour demand curve.

If demand increases (decreases) for a good that a particular type of labour produces, the demand for that type of labour will also increase (decrease).


 Wage Rate




Employment level

The profit maximising firm will hire labour until MRP=AC

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Labour EquilibriumAs with other goods, the supply and demand for labour create an equilibrium wage rate and quantity in the market when they are equal. There are several possible inefficiencies, which may cause the wage to differ from equilibrium:

Income tax: Workers pay a tax on their income, and it affects the amount of time they are willing to work.

Minimum wage: The government sets in the market a minimum wage, which firms are forced to pay.

If the minimum wage is lower than the market equilibrium wage, then there is no impact because firms will pay the equilibrium wage.

If the minimum wage is higher than the market equilibrium wage, labour supplied will be higher than labour demanded, and some workers will be unable to find jobs.

Discrimination: Firms may choose to hire or set wages based on factors that are not related to productivity, such as race, age, or gender. Non-profit maximizing decisions are inefficient.

Unions By bargaining with firms for higher wages, unions decrease demand for labor. Some workers will then move to non-union firms, which can compete with lower costs because they pay lower wages. However, union firms often have other benefits that offset the higher cost of labour, such as lower turnover.

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Transfer Earnings and Economic RentTransfer earnings are the minimum payment to the Factors of Production which is just adequate to compensate the owner

Economic Rent refers to the payment made to any Factor of Production in excess of the minimum (Transfer Earnings)

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Capital Market The supply of capital expenditure comes from all sources from which it can be borrowed usually from savings. Savings represent the amount available from a pool of borrowers. The cost of capital is usually expressed as interest rates. The Marginal Efficiency of Capital (MEC) is the marginal revenue product relating to capital.

Interest (R)




K1 Capital (k)

*Interest rates are determined through the market interaction between the supply of capital and the MEC.

Determinants of the Supply of capital 1. Interest rates- as interest rates increase savings also increase so there is a positive

relationship2. Price Level- As price increases the amount of goods and services which can be affected

by saved funds decreasing. As a result individual uses forgo buying to stock up on wealth

3. Size of Income- If income increases savings increase so there is a positive relationship.

Wage Differentials Wage differentials can be defined as the difference in the wage rate between the different types or classifications of workers. Wages may differ based on four main discriminating factors; Qualifications (Human capital –Education), Race, Gender and Mobility

Imperfections in the Labour MarketIn the real world labour markets are rarely perfectly competitive. This is because workers or firms usually have the power to set and influence wages and therefore wages may be set to levels different than anticipated by MRP theory.

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Different Imperfections in the Labour Market

1. Monopsony: This occurs when there is just one buyer of labour in a market. Even if there is more than one employer, firms may still have the ability to set wages. Therefore they have Monopsony power 

The marginal cost of employing one more worker will be higher than the average cost because to employ one extra worker the firm has to increase the wages of all workers.

To maximise the level of profit the firm employs Q2 of workers whereMC = MRP

Therefore the firm only has to pay a wage of W2. This is less than the competitive wage.

2. Trades Unions:

Under certain conditions Trades unions can bargain for wages above the competitive equilibrium

This can be achieved by restricting the supply of labour (e.g. Closed shops) or threatening to go on strike.

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Trades Unions can cause higher wages, however in competitive markets this can have the effect of causing unemployment of Q1 – Q2

However Trades Unions can be beneficial if

They operate in an industry with a Monopsonistic employer

They help to increased productivity by bringing in new working practices

3. Discrimination

Firms may not be rational but pay some workers different wages on the grounds of age, race, or gender 

4. Difficult to measure productivity

The theory of MRP assumes firms can measure the MPP of a worker however in practice this is difficult because in many jobs, especially in the service sector productivity cannot be measured precisely e.g. How do we measure productivity of nurses and teachers?

Therefore wages may be set due to different reasons other than MRP

5. Firms may be Non Profit Maximizers

If demand for a product falls, MRP theory suggest wages are likely to fall. However firms may be reluctant to cut wages or make people redundant therefore they may keep paying high wages despite this.

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6. Wages will vary due to geographical differences:

In the North, wages tend to be lower because there is less demand and higher unemployment. In the South, wages tend to be higher for the opposite reason.

In theory, workers from the north could move to the south to take advantage of better employment opportunities. However there are likely to be geographical immobilities - e.g. It is difficult for workers to move)

This is because:

I) They are attached to their local communitiesii) Difficult to find housing in the southiii) Ignorance of Jobs elsewhere

7. Poor information

Workers or firms may suffer from poor information. E.g. Workers may be unaware of better paid jobs elsewhere. This enables firms to have monopsony power.

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Income inequality, Poverty: Theory and Alleviation

Income inequality

The concept of income inequality refers to the extent to which income is distributed in an uneven

manner among a population. It can also be seen as the gap between the rich and everyone else.

The ultimate result is that income distribution has never or will never be totally equal.

Size and functional distribution of income The size distribution of income is one of two ways to measure inequality in income, under this

method, individual and household income is collected and arranged in ascending order. The data

is, then, divided among groups. Most common method is to divide data into "quintiles" (i.e. in

five groups, each representing 20% of data) and/or “deciles" (i.e. in ten groups, each representing

10% of data) in percentage form. Then, it is determined that what percentage of total income is

received by each income group.

The other method is functional distribution of income, which is the method where the income

within the economy is divided among the owners of the factors of production (FOP), namely

interest, wages, rent and profit.

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Lorenz Curve and Gini Coefficient Lorenz curve: A Lorenz curve shows the degree of inequality that exists in the distributions of two variables, and is often used to illustrate the extent that income or wealth are distributed unequally in a particular society.

This Lorenz curve illustrates the degree of inequality in the distribution of income. A Gini coefficient can be calculated using areas on this Lorenz curve. The 45 degree line would reflect absolutely even distribution of income. The pink shaded area A between the line of perfect equality and Lorenz curve reflects inequality. The blue area underneath the Lorenz curve is B, and the Gini coefficient can now be calculated as A/(A+B). Gini coefficients are often expressed as percentages

Gini coefficient: A Gini coefficient is a summary numerical measure of how unequally one variable is related to another. The Gini coefficient is a number between 0 and 1, where perfect equality has a Gini coefficient of zero, and absolute inequality yields a Gini coefficient of 1. Although Gini coefficients are used primarily to summarize distributions of income, they are also used to summarize inequalities in market shares by firms in an industry, or in the distribution of wealth (

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Income inequality Alleviation Income inequality on the other hand can be alleviated through government intervention. as the areas of income inequality are assessed, a government would have to make a choice to find the most suitable method of alleviation for persons who are being either over compensated or undercompensated but more so the latter. The CAPE syllabus emphasises three methods the government can use to alleviate income inequality, namely; taxes, subsidies and transfers.

Taxes Taxes are mandatory payments made to the government either on income or consumption. In this case we will deal with income taxes. Many governments use a standard rate tax system, where everyone pays the same percentage of their individual income over to the government, e.g. 25% (Jamaica) once they earn a certain amount of income (Income Tax Threshold). The government can take two actions to alleviate income inequality to some extent. The first could be to implement a progressive tax system where persons who earn a higher income

Subsidies Subsidies are allowance by governments to firms or individuals to either promote production or consumption. The government can provide subsidies to firms in an attempt to get them to increase their supply of goods at services at lower cost so that everyone will be able to afford them. Also the government may subsidies certain services like education and healthcare to allow for lower income earners to have access to these services.

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Absolute PovertyThis measures the actual number of people within an economy who are unable to afford certain basic goods and services such as food and shelter. This occurs because their level of income falls below the poverty line or threshold. According to the UNDP the worldwide poverty line is $2.00USD / person/day.

Relative Poverty This measures the extent to which an individual’s financial resources fall below the average level of income within the economy. For e.g. If the average level of income $3,000 USD /month then an individual who earns $1,700USD / month would be classified as relatively poor where they may not be classified as absolutely poor.

Factors that contribute to poverty: Unemployment Non-ownership of resources- whether or not a person is employed, ownership of the

Factors of production may provide sufficient income to afford a higher standard of living. Persons who do not own any of the factors are disadvantaged and may be lead into poverty.

Uneven distribution of income- the size distribution of income has major bearing on the poverty rate

Inflation- As the price of goods increase, persons whose income is constant will be able to afford less.

Large number of dependents- Large families with low increase generally tend towards poverty overtime

Single parent/female –headed households- With only one4 income or no constant income these household structures may suffer.

Discrimination- Persons who are too old, too young , disabled or of a different gender may be overlooked for the jobs available thus leading to little or no income to them or their families which can lead to poverty

Social and Physical environment-Drought, Inner City or tent city communities may lead to persons being out of work thus having little or no income which can lead to poverty.

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Persons who are most susceptible to povertyA. Persons with special needs :

I. Physically challengedII. Elderly

III. YouthIV. Single Parent FamiliesV. Indigenous People

B. Reasons- Limited access to employment, level of training, Legislation, Availability of Income to share among family

Ways to measure poverty 1. Basic needs- What is it that the general population needs as basic items and what

percentage is able to comfortably afford them 2. Poverty Line (threshold)- Persons who earn income below this line or do not earn any

income at all and are not on benefits will be classified as poor or impoverished 3. Head count- areas that have households with many members and a small income may be

classifies as impoverished 4. UNDP Human development index- The Human Development Index (HDI) is a composite

statistic used to rank countries by level of "human development" (the standard of living and/or quality of life).

Strategies to alleviate poverty Transfer payments-A redistribution of Income within the income by government

Free education and healthcare


Minimum wage legislation

Equal employment opportunities

Government employment creation (special works programme

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Cost of povertyUnemployed human resources

Lower potential output

Inefficient allocation of government expenditure

Social and Environmental costs

Economic benefits of poverty Provision of Education and Health leading to development of human Capital

Improvement of well-being as measured by the UNDP HDI

More equitable distribution of income
