Page 1: Cannabis Church's Special Message to President & Pope

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEContact: Deaconess Anne Armstrong 401-304-6543 [email protected]

Originalist Cannabis Church Trumpets SpecialJewish New Year Message to President and Pope

[Foggy Bottom, Washington DC] A cannabis church comprised of the most dedicated believers in the world has a special message for the Pope and the President ahead of the 2 world leaders’ Sept 23 summit. This upcoming Monday 14th Sept 2015, The Healing Church is briefly interrupting their 40-day, 400+ mile foot pilgrimage from in RI to Washington DC. Church members are driving to DC ahead of schedule for a day, to resume their march the next day -- they say they want to issue forth a series of ram’s horn trumpet blasts at the Watergate hotel, re-enacting Nehemiah 8’s reading of the sacred law “at the Water Gate,” in order to give the President and Pope a 9-day notice about Biblical KNH BSM law before the 2 world leaders meet to discuss religious freedom. The Church says they want the Pope and the President to fulfil their roles in the re-enactment by explain the law’s meaning to the People, so that they may understand, finally, and weep for their own sins.

Page 2: Cannabis Church's Special Message to President & Pope

“We have a legitimate High Priest with a valid apostolic succession pedigree from the relevant Church of Antiquity, ready to assume the role of Ezra in our Nehemiah 8 re-enactment,” says Deaconess Anne Armstrong, who along with other Church officers was repeatedly cited in May and July 201 for praying with Biblical KNH BSM at the site where US religious freedom was founded in 1636, the sacred Wellspring of Roger Williams. According to Armstrong, the wellspring suffered an earthquake (a rarity in RI) the night after federal police attacked the grandmother and ordained clergywoman there, signaling divine displeasure. Armstrong and another Church officer sued the federal government to halt the attacks, claiming the site is the one prophesied at Revelations 22:2 where a sacred spring in a city of God (Providence) will nourish the healing leaves of 12 Trees of Life, a plant species which is to be finally restored to mankind at the site.

Pastor Rey “King” Herrera, 25, and leader of the foot pilgrimage, has been having startlingly prophetic dreams about religious cannabis incessantly for several months, shocking skeptics time and time again, says the Church Canon, Alan Gordon, a 45-y.o. UK law grad, religious cannabis user since 1993, and 25-year veteran of the cannabis reform movement. “King’s dreams kept describing futures that then came to pass, so I am convinced God speaks through him,” Gordon says.

If all goes as planned, the Church will blow the ram’s horns on the Sept 14 th New Year, the Feast of Trumpets, signaling a reflective time of meditation until Yom Kippur, the day of atonement (the day of the Pope’s summit with the President, Sept 23), at which the final trumpet will be blown as the elders explain the law to the people as per Nehemiah 8.

“At Nehemiah 4:20, it is written that whosoever shall blow the ram’s horn shall receive divine assistance,” says the Deaconess.

WHERE: Grassy area between the Watergate Hotel and the Shopping CenterWHEN: 9 am - Noon, Monday Sept 14th, 2015