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Canada’s Mixed Economy


What role does the free market play in Canada’s economic system?


Making Connections Look at the products you bring

to school (clothes, notebooks,

pens, pencils, or calculators).

With a partner, discuss where

the products are made. What

materials are they made of?

Where do those materials

come from?

mixed economy an economy that combines different economic systems, such as the market and command systems


Are you an avid shopper, or do you just buy something when you need it? Do you pay full price for what you need, or do you look for bargains? No matter what your shopping habits,

you are a consumer—a driving force behind Canada’s economy. The market brings together sellers and buyers to decide prices based on supply and demand. Sometimes the supply is greater than the demand for a product, and it will likely go on sale. Other times the demand is greater than the supply. In this case, the price of the product may rise.

Governments enter the economy by promoting growth and setting the minimum wage. They also pass laws to regulate commerce and protect consumers. Governments collect taxes and spend heavily. They even own and operate huge companies, such as VIA Rail and Hydro One. Like many countries, Canada combines the market and command systems in a mixed economy. In this chapter you will be investigating the mixed economy as part of the unit’s Big Idea: How do economic systems influence industries across Canada and the world?

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Why is government such an important part of Canada’s economic system?

Questions to Consider as You Read this Chapter

• How does the mixed economy work in Canada?

• What are the three different types of industry?

• How has technology changed industry in the past century?

• How do I research and communicate information about an industry?

• How do I interpret a map of industrial location factors?

Thinking About Literacy

Comparing Information and Finding Ideas

Create charts to compare economies and industries as you read this chapter. Use headings and subheadings to choose topics for your chart, like the example below. As you read the chapter, include your ideas on the importance and meaning of the topics.

Mixed Economy

Traditional Traditional Market and Importance/ and Market and Command Meaning


Traditional crafts sold to tourists

People in this country have learned to earn money from their traditional ways

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Mixed Economies: A Closer Look


Checkpoint Check pages S 12–S 13 to review

analyzing photos. What do you

see in these pictures? What

clues can you use to answer the

question in the caption?

You just picked out a snack at the variety store. At the cash register, your 99¢ item suddenly jumped to $1.12 with the addition of two government sales taxes. Welcome to Canada’s mixed economy! Canada is not the only country with a mixed system. In fact, most nations today have some combination of the basic types: traditional, market, and command. Mixed economies are everywhere.

Traditional and Market: Around the world, you will find traditional economies that also have marketplaces in which goods are offered by vendors. Services such as local taxis or repair work are also available to those who can afford them. Also, traditional craftspeople make many different handicrafts to sell directly to tourists or for export. Fair trade goods are increasingly popular with Canadian consumers.

Traditional and Command: Among the five communist governments that remain today are four Asian nations: China, North Korea, Vietnam, and Laos. Many people in these countries rely on subsistence agriculture. It would be very difficult for these governments to successfully change traditional farming methods adapted to the land.

Market and Command: There are no longer any “true” market economies in the world. Even the best examples of the free market— the United States, Taiwan, and Singapore—have some degree of government regulation of business. At the other end of the scale, some European countries like Sweden and Norway have market economies with a great deal of government planning and taxation.

How can you tell which type of mixed economy is best represented in each of these photos?

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Canada’s Mixed Economy Business, government, and consumers all play a part in Canada’s economy. Every day, news headlines show the important role each group takes in our mixed system. All three have the power to influence the production and consumption of goods and services.

Ontario Government to Close Coal-Fired Plants

Telus Corporation Eyes Bell Canada for Merger

Police Probe Store Open on Holiday

Imperial Oil Bids on Arctic Natural Gas

Consumer Group Claims Gasoline Overpriced Which of these news headlines show the actions of a) business, b) government, and c) consumers?

Governments Tax and Spend All levels of government in Canada affect the economy because they tax and spend. You may not pay income taxes yet, but you contribute to government revenue every time you pay the GST (Goods and Services Tax) and the PST (Provincial Sales Tax) on purchases. The federal government in Ottawa collected more than $220 billion in 2006 from all sources. Ottawa then chooses how to spend this money for the benefit of Canadians and the world.

WORDS revenue the amount of money a company or government receives as income


Revenue Collected by Canadian Federal Government (2006)

Personal Income Tax $103.7 billion

GST (Goods and Services Tax) $33.0 billion

Corporate Income Tax $32.0 billion

Other revenues and earnings (e.g., VIA Rail) $19.6 billion

Taxes on imports, energy, tobacco, alcohol $17.7 billion

Contribution to Employment Insurance plan $16.5 billion

How does government revenue collection affect you?

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WORDS consumer a person or organization that purchases and uses products or services

consumer advocate a group or person who protects consumers from fraud, inferior products, false advertising, etc.


WEB LINK • Learn about consumer rights in Canada. Visit our Web site.

Spending by Canadian Federal Government (2006)

Program expenses (e.g., defence, public safety) $56.9 billion

Transfers to persons (e.g., old age security) $55.6 billion

Transfers to provinces (e.g., health care) $41.0 billion

Interest payments on the national debt $33.8 billion

Other transfers (e.g., foreign aid) $24.9 billion

Paying down the national debt $13.2 billion

How does government spending affect you?

Consumer and Producer Groups Did you ever buy something that didn’t work? Was there anything you could do about it? Consumer groups in Canada represent the interests of consumers, which includes protecting them from inferior products. At the same time, there are producer groups that look after the interests of sellers. Both meet with governments to influence regulations affecting the economy.

Consumer Groups Buyers take a direct interest in the quality, safety, and value of products and services as consumer advocates. Organized groups, like the Consumers’ Association of Canada (CAC) and the Canadian Toy Testing Council, are more than 50 years old. The CAC tackles food and health issues, as well as product standards and prices. For example, they monitor gas prices, and call for government investigation if prices are too high. The Toy Testing Council tests toys every year and rates them in an annual Toy Report. Consumer groups have also pushed CD and video companies to post Parental Advisories on their music and game products. Consumer groups influence the marketplace in Canada’s mixed economy.

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marketing board an organization created by producers to promote their product and to maintain fair prices by controlling supply

WORDS MATTER Producer Groups Farmers and other producers have organized marketing boards to improve product quality while ensuring the income of their members. Suppose farmers brought huge quantities of eggs or milk to market at the same time. They would receive very low prices because of the oversupply of their product. To help prevent this problem, marketing boards organize farmers to regulate the production of their goods. This creates a fairly even supply, which helps stabilize prices. They also use advertising to inform consumers about farm products and to protect the interests of Canadian farmers.

Every year, the Dairy Farmers of Canada publish the Milk Calendar, which is distributed free in print and online. Recipes inside the calendar are centred on milk products and are based on Canada’s Food Guide. How is this effective advertising?

WEB LINK • For links to producer groups visit our Web site.


1. What is a mixed economy? Answer the caption question found with the photos of mixed economy combinations on page G 92.

2. Examine the two loonies showing Ottawa’s revenue and spending on pages G 93 and G 94.

a) Identify one fact from each diagram that you found most surprising. Explain why.

b) Use examples from your community to explain why government taxing and spending are so important in Canada’s economic system.

3. Based on the two loonies, construct circle graphs of your weekly or monthly revenue and spending. How might this graph be useful to you? ac



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Three Types of Industry

industry work that provides income for people



Making Connections Think about where you live. Do

you have factories, resources,

or tourism in your area? If you

have more than one, which one

is most important to your area?

Discuss with a partner.

With a compound bar graph, the bar segments are stacked one on top of the other for a particular year. It is a useful way to see overall changes in detailed information.

Everyday life can be very different in various parts of the world. While you are in school, or perhaps spending part of your day helping out in the family business, other young people are working many hours a day. Girls your age are knotting handwoven carpets. Young boys must sometimes work in dangerous conditions in factories. In Canada, most people work in service occupations—for example, electricians, ski instructors, and fashion designers. Education and training are very important in service-based economies.

Most people think of industry and manufacturing as two words for the same thing. To geographers, industry is any type of work people do to make money. Carpetmaking and metalworking are industries—they manufacture products. Teaching and designing are also industries—they provide services. If a ski instructor is giving a lesson, that’s industry. When she skis on her day off, her skiing is leisure, not work. There are three types of industry:

• Primary industry is work based on harvesting natural resources, such as animals, crops, trees, or minerals.

• Secondary industry makes commercial products from these resources, through manufacturing or construction.

• Tertiary industry provides personal, social, and commercial services, as well as transportation and public utilities.

Canada: Employment by Industry, 1941–2006












0 1941 1961 1981 2001 2006

Primary Secondary Tertiary


Describe the pattern of changes in Canada’s industrial employment shown in this graph.

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WORDS sustainable yield the amount that can be taken from a natural resource (e.g., cod stocks) without reducing the resource’s ability to maintain itself

primary industry the collecting of raw materials for use in industry


Our Environment

Environment and Industry

All primary industry takes natural resources directly from the earth. Producers must harvest a sustainable yield, leaving plenty for future use. They must also prevent damage to the environment through pollution or waste. Poor farm practices, over­fishing, clear-cut logging, and poisonous mine wastes are all environmental threats.

Create a poster to increase awareness of environmental threats in one primary industry.

Primary Industry In Grade 7 Geography you learned about Canada’s natural resources and the industries that process them. You might think that these industries make up a large part of the Canadian economy. However, you might be surprised to know that farm, fish, forest, and mineral production accounts for less than 6% of the total value of Canadian goods and services. Only about 1 Canadian employee in 25 works in these activities. Farming, fishing, forestry, and mining are called primary industries because each one gathers natural resources, the first stage of industrial production. Use this chart to learn the main characteristics of the four primary industries.

Farms Forests

• cultivating, planting, and harvesting crops, raising livestock and farming specialized products such as honey or nursery plants

• cleaning and packaging fruit and vegetables and other products

• harvesting trees for manufacturing or retail sale, as well as planting seedlings

• includes sawmills, which make building materials (cut lumber and plywood) for construction

Fish Minerals and Fossil Fuels

• catching, cleaning, and packaging fish and all varieties of shell fish, such as lobsters or clams, from the wild or from aquaculture

• processing may be done on “factory ships”

• extracting any type of mineral from the earth, from diamonds to gravel, along with petroleum and natural gas

• includes any refining which purifies minerals before use in manufacturing

Industry Combinations Sometimes primary industry may combine with another type of economic activity. Clovermead Apiaries, near Aylmer, Ontario, has been owned and operated by the Hiemstra family since 1975. Besides producing honey, they have also created a small pioneer village on their farm that attracts school groups and tourists. Special festivals related to honey production and a country store round out the Clovermead operation. Tourism, education, and retail sales are all services, and examples of tertiary industry. The Hiemstra family business is a combination of industry types.

The annual “bee-beard” competition at Clovermead Apiaries attracts many visitors. Don’t try this at home!

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1. Inputs

4. 2. Feedback Process

3. Ouput

Manufacturing System

input the first stage of the manufacturing system, in which decisions are made

process the second stage of manufacturing, in which the product is made

offshore companies foreign firms that supply goods and services for export to companies in other countries, such as Canada

output the third stage of manufacturing, in which products are distributed to customers

feedback the last stage of manufacturing, in which the product and process are judged

secondary industry manufacturing and construction activities


WEB LINK • Explore an interesting Web site about jeans—history, production, and ads. Visit our Web site.

Secondary Industry If you play or watch sports, you know that a good team uses winning strategies. Before games, players practise strategies. Afterward, the coach reviews what worked and what didn’t. Manufacturing follows a similar system. Input and process steps are like the game plan, while output and feedback stages are like the game results. Use the information about the clothing industry on this page, and the Zoom In feature about the automobile industry on pages G 104–G 105 to understand more about secondary industry.

Fashion: Input and Process The manufacturing game plan calls for a new line of clothing. First, several important imputs are required. Company designers study the latest fashion trends before creating their own designs. Suitable fabrics, leather, buttons, and thread are purchased from suppliers. Pattern templates for the cutters to use are prepared in every clothing size. The process of actually making the clothing differs from company to company. Some use mass production methods in order to sell inexpensive garments, while others focus on quality, perhaps having one skilled sewing machine operator produce an entire outfit. Some produce the goods locally, while others use offshore companies, such as garment manufacturers in Mauritius or China. The choice to use off-shore companies is usually made because of lower labour costs.

Fashion: Output and Feedback Clothing manufacturers employ sellers who arrange contracts with stores. If the store buyers like the new products, they place big orders. As a result, manufacturing output is large, and extra labour is hired to increase production. On the other hand, the designers may have misjudged consumer tastes. Fewer sales contracts result in lower manufacturing output for the season. The volume of sales provides company management with important feedback. After discussions with the store buyers, managers may reward successful fashion designers, and let others go. This feedback will help the company have a better game plan for next season. Manufacturers are like coaches—they don’t like to lose.

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Industrial Factors in the Fashion Industry Montréal and Toronto are Canada’s most important fashion design and manufacturing centres. Industrial factors such as raw materials, labour force, and markets explain why the clothing industry is located


Checkpoint in these places. Create a chart to organize your

notes on the fashion industry.

Inputs: Raw Material Montréal and Toronto are well situated to receive shipments of fabric, leather, and other materials. Highways speed the movement of container freight shipments from around the world. Care must be taken so that the materials do not become damp or musty in transit or storage. Why are quality materials so important in the garment industry?

Add your ideas on how input,

process, output, and feedback

relate to the primary,

secondary, and tertiary aspects

surrounding the fashion


WEB LINK • Learn about Toronto’s fashion industry at our Web site.

Process: Labour Force Output and Feedback: Market Canada’s two largest cities are leading garment centres based The large populations of Montréal, Vancouver, and Toronto on a large, skilled workforce. Many fabric cutters and sewing make them the consumer base of Canada’s garment market. machine operators have been immigrant women. Colleges in Fashion shows are used to present the new lines to store both cities train designers. What skills would a successful buyers, and their response shapes the production volume for fashion designer require? the season. Why do international designs usually get their first

Canadian showings in Montréal and Toronto?

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Making a guitar: secondary industry. Selling a guitar: tertiary industry. Teaching guitar players: tertiary industry.

tertiary industry the providing of services, such as customer support, distribution, or retailing

outsourcing sending work to an outside provider, usually to cut costs


Tertiary Industry The store buyers and models at a fashion show are not producing anything; instead, they are buying and selling the finished products. People behind the scenes are providing services too—truck drivers, stage technicians, advertisers, and caterers. This is different from the designers and machine operators who actually turned the cloth into clothing. In Canada, there are about four service workers for every manufacturing job. All developed countries have economies heavily based on tertiary industries.

Now look at tertiary industry in daily life. Do you ride a bus to school? If so, that is tertiary industry: transportation. After school, you might have a guitar lesson, or buy milk, or mail a letter. All personal and commercial services are tertiary industries, as are communications activities like the mail system. It is not hard to understand why about three-quarters of all Canadian employees work in tertiary industries.

A recent trend in tertiary industries is outsourcing. Companies that offer services such as accounting or computer support are hired by companies in other countries. Often it is cheaper for companies to outsource these tasks, rather than have their own employees deal with them. How can this affect Canada’s tertiary industry? Why is outsourcing often a concern for Canadian employees?

Tertiary Industry in Canada, 2006 Value in Canada’s Economy, 2006

Category Value (% of GDP)

Finance, insurance, real estate 19.2%

Education, health, social services, government


Retail and wholesale trade 12.8%

Professional, scientific, and technical services


Information and cultural services 4.1%

Industry Category Value (% of GDP)

Primary Industry 5.8%

Seconday Industry 22.0%

Tertiary Industry 72.2%

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WORDS multiplier effect the effects of spending in a local economy


The Multiplier Effect Some communities in Canada have economies based almost entirely on tertiary industry. These are tourist centres such as Niagara Falls, Whistler, and Peggy’s Cove. They have a high proportion of businesses offering tours and activities, food and lodging, shopping, and souvenirs. Tourists bring money, and the tourism businesses circulate the money through the local economy. Business owners and their employees then use their profits or wages to pay for food, clothing, and shelter. Geographers call this the multiplier effect. It occurs in every type of community. Many communities seek manufacturing opportunities because this also results in a high multiplier effect—it promotes other manufacturing and more services. Local economies also prosper when resource industries sell their grain, fish, wood, or minerals.

Local businesses and services

(e.g. stores, offices)

Local resources, products, and services $$$ $


(e.g. farming, tourism)

Local employers and workers

Outsiders buy local resources, products, or services

$ $



$ $

How is the multiplier effect like throwing a stone into a pool of water?


1. Classify each of these activities as primary, secondary, tertiary, or non-economic. Explain your choices. a) delivering newspapers, b) making steel rods for the construction industry, c) working on a ranch, d) fishing with friends, e) making woven carpets, f) babysitting for neighbours.

2. Fashion moves across Canada from Toronto and Montréal. List examples of goods and services that flow into these two cities from each region of Canada (e.g., oil from Alberta).

3. Apply the terms input, process, output, and feedback to an industry such as building construction in an isolated First Nations community.

4. a) Explain the multiplier effect in your own words.

b) How can the multiplier effect change a region? Discuss how discoveries of precious minerals, such as diamonds, affect Canada’s North. ak





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Interpreting Industrial Location from Maps


Area Symbols

urban area

wooded area

Line Symbols

180 elevation contour


railway track

power line

407 divided highway

major street

Point Symbols

large buildings

The Chrysler Corporation operates a huge auto assembly plant in Brampton, in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Here you will learn to interpret the location factors for this industry from topographic and road maps.

Step 1 Review the Meaning of the Map Symbols You will need to know how to interpret area, line, and point symbols, particularly those used on a topographic map. Use Chapter 1 to review topographic map reading skills.

Step 2 Locate the Industry on the Maps You can spot the assembly plant on the topographic map as a large three-part building near the northeast edge of the Brampton urban area. Find this place on the road map.

Step 3 Find Industrial Location Information on the Maps

• Flat land: a large area with few contour lines (for buildings and completed cars)

• Raw materials: expressways to bring auto parts to the plant in transport trucks

• Labour supply: a large population of workers in the surrounding region

• Market: a large population of customers in the surrounding GTA region, and railway tracks to transport cars to more distant customers

Step 4 Make a Sketch Map A sketch map is a simple hand-drawn map that shows only certain details related to a topic. Use the topographic map to make a sketch map which shows only the industrial location factors for the industry. Start with a blank page and follow the steps found in “Using and Making Maps” on pages S 14–S 15 of the Skills Tool Kit.

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0 .5 1 km

1 : 50 000




190 180Brampton

Chrysler Assembly Plant



Power transmission lines

Multi-lane divided highway

Main road

Other road


Railway line

Large built-up area

Wooded area


Elevation in metres 180





Lake Ontario




401 403






0 2.5 5 km



Brampton Chrysler Assembly Plant


1. Use the maps to record the industrial location information listed in Step Three for the Brampton assembly plant.

2. Make a simple labelled sketch map to show this location information.

3. Vehicles are carried from Ontario across Canada by truck or rail. Give examples of raw materials that reach Ontario from specific provinces by a) ship, b) rail, c) transport truck, and d) pipeline. k



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Chrysler Canada Ford Canada Cami Automotive Toyota Canada Toyota Canada Chrysler Canada Honda Canada Ford Canada GM Canada


Windsor St. Thomas Ingersoll Woodstock Cambridge Brampton Alliston Oakville Oshawa

Building Chryslers in BramptonZOOM INCASE STUDY

The automobile industry is one of the leading manufacturing activities in Canada. Motor vehicles and parts are Canada’s leading export products, greater in value than wheat, lumber, or minerals. The industry is concentrated in southern Ontario, where it has a tremendous effect on the economy of the region. More than a quarter of Ontario’s manufacturing employees work in some phase of the auto industry, either producing auto parts or assembling the actual vehicles.

L ake Erie

Lake Ontario








0 30 60 km











Vehicle Assembly Plants

Where are automobile assembly plants located? Why?

Brampton Assembly Plant: Facts and Figures (2006)

Floor area: 278 711 m2 (the size of 40 football fields!)

Production: 968 vehicles per day (two shifts)

Employment: 3 500 people

Robotics: 507 robots

Economic Resources Chrysler Canada was formed in 1925. Today, Chrysler Canada operates two major assembly plants in southern Ontario, one in Windsor, and the other in Brampton. The Brampton plant was built in 1986. It produces the Chrysler 300 and Dodge Magnum sedans for the North American market.

The Brampton assembly plant is huge—more than half a kilometre wide! However, this factory does not make any parts. Instead, car parts manufactured in communities all across southern Ontario (and some in the United States), are assembled into completed cars. Brampton is an excellent site for an assembly plant for several reasons. A large supply of trained labour is available in the Greater Toronto Area, as well as land and capital resources. And as you have seen, the plant is well located in relation to transportation routes. (See page G 103.)

The Brampton Chrysler assembly plant

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Input and Process Chrysler has a reputation for progressive designs from their high-tech Design Institute in Detroit, Michigan. Like the fashion industry, new ideas are featured at international auto shows to test public reaction—the input stage of manufacturing. The process stage uses the assembly line. Three separate lines begin moving in different areas of the plant: the engine, chassis (or frame), and body lines. When both the engine and chassis are complete, powerful robotic arms fit the engine into the chassis. Later, other robots lower the completed body onto the chassis. Painting, upholstery, glass, tires, and trim are all added along the continuously moving final assembly line.

Output and Feedback A new vehicle rolls off final assembly every few minutes. This output is distributed to Chrysler dealers in two ways. Delivery within a few hundred kilometres is completed using trucks with open trailers that can each carry ten cars. They are a common sight along Highways 407 and 401. More distant delivery uses covered triple-stack railway units, specially designed for the purpose. Consumer feedback is all-important. The popularity of the retro-styled Dodge Charger led Chrysler to develop a similar concept car, the Dodge Challenger. It drew rave reviews and is scheduled for production at the Brampton plant in 2008.

In what other ways might technology affect industry in the future?

robotics mechanical arms which can repeat simple operations over and over with precision.



1. Suggest why robotics are used to a) combine the three assembly lines, b) paint car bodies, c) install windshields.

2. With a partner, make a chart to compare the manufacturing systems for clothing and cars. Consider both similarities and differences.

3. All of Canada’s major vehicle assembly plants are in Ontario. Explain why. Then, look at atlas maps to identify why certain resources or goods are produced in a) British Columbia, b) the Prairies, c) the North, and d) the Atlantic region. mk



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Technological Change

technology the application of mechanical arts and sciences to producing goods and services

microchip a tiny integrated circuit on which computer technology relies

high technology equipment and methods based upon computers, robotics, and space researcg



Checkpoint Create a new chart for this

section. Use the three economic

eras for your column headings.

Would you rather have a cellphone or a land line? An iPod or a portable radio? A laptop or a desktop PC? If you picked the cellphone, iPod, and laptop, it’s probably because they are smaller and more portable than the other choices. They also use more advanced technology. Twenty-five years ago, people would have been happy with the choices you rejected, because the cellphone, iPod, and laptop were not yet available to consumers. The electronic systems that operate them had just entered the marketplace in the Commodore 64 computer. The age of cheap microchip circuits was only beginning in the early 1980s.

Economist Nuala Beck identifies three stages in Canada’s economic and industrial development, each with its own technology. The Commodity Economy lasted until 1918, and relied on coal for energy and steel production. Next was the Mass-Manufacturing Economy, with wide-scale secondary industry based on cheap supplies of petroleum. Beck believes Canada entered its third economic stage in 1981, what she calls the Technology Economy. It continues today, driven by inexpensive microchips, computers, and the telecommunications industry. You live in an era with technology that was not available when your parents and grandparents were young.

New technology changes the equipment and methods that society uses to gather and process natural resources. In the past hundred years, Canada and the other developed countries have moved quickly from steam engines to computers. New machines and methods have made it possible to produce more goods using fewer people. High technology is being applied to most types of industry. For example, computer-assisted design (CAD) and robotic assembly have become vital parts of the automobile industry. Even the vehicles themselves are controlled by internal computer systems.

Canada’s Economic Eras

Industrial Commodity Era Mass- Technology Era revolution begins to 1918 Manufacturing 1981 to present

Era 1918 to 1981

1750 1900 1950 2000

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New Technologies Change Primary Industry

Computerized Mining Mining takes place throughout Canada, but three-quarters of Canada’s metallic mineral production happens in Ontario, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, and Québec. In some Canadian mines, underground equipment is controlled by operators on the surface. Watching television monitors, they control mining equipment using joysticks. Inside the mine, an operator watches over two or three machines in one area. Mining companies also use “virtual reality” simulators to train workers.

Precision Farming The majority of Canada’s grain farming happens in the three prairie provinces. On these large farms, precision farming combines satellite technology and computers. A yield monitor and a global positioning unit are attached to a combine. This equipment records how much grain is harvested from each part of the field. Computer software then makes a yield map, showing which areas were most productive. This allows the farmer to improve the soil with lime or fertilizer only where needed.

High-Tech Forestry Cut-to-Length (CTL) logging systems are used to cut more than 30% of the world’s wood. This technology is also used in Canada’s foresty industries, in such provinces as New Brunswick and British Columbia. The harvester machine grabs a tree and cuts it at ground level. Then a sharp collar strips off the branches before the machine slices it to length. Then a forwarder machine picks up and piles the logs for removal.

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Technology and Tertiary Industry Technology has increased production while reducing the need for workers. This sounds like a recipe for unemployment, but that hasn’t happened, because technology creates new jobs too. Skilled technicians are needed to install and repair new high-tech equipment. Increased production has also brought wealth to developed nations, and living standards have risen a great deal. This has led to the rapid growth of tertiary industry, as people use a wider range of services. Internet use is a good measure of the level of technology available in a society. The map below shows that developed nations dominate the Internet.

World Internet Use











NEW Internet providers Internet bandwidth ZEALAND Per 10 000 people Megabits per second (Mbps)

0 1500 3000 km Over 100 Over 5000 10 –100 10 00–5000 1–10

Under 100Under 1

With which countries does North America have the most Internet traffic? What does this suggest about technology and living standards?


1. Work with a partner to make a chart comparing the 3. In a small group, discuss the extent to which rapid benefits and problems of each of the three new technological change has been a good thing or a technologies in the photos on page G 107. t c bad thing for the Canadian economy. Rate your

personal overall opinion on a scale from 1 (very2. How might technology change the economy of good) to 5 (very bad). k c

Canada in the future? Consider a) production, b) jobs, c) living standard. t

G 108 Unit 2: World Economic Systems

Page 20: Canada’s Mixed’s Mixed Economy ... market, and command. Mixed economies are everywhere. Traditional

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Canada has a mixed economy that combines market and command characteristics. You examined the importance of government, business, and consumers in this system. You also learned how three types of industry— primary, secondary, and tertiary—operate in this business environment. Finally, you saw how much technology has changed Canadian industry. These ideas were all part of the unit question, How do economic systems influence industries across Canada and the world?


Synthesize Information from the Chart

Consider the unit question. Using the information from your charts (especially in the importance/ meaning column), write down what you know about the factors that affect industries. Continue adding to these notes as you read the last chapter of this unit.


Chapter 5: Canada’s Mixed Economy G 109


1. Choose one of the industries listed here as a research topic. Carefully record four good primary and secondary sources of information about your topic. Use charts to support and organize your research.

2. Prepare a map to show the location of the industry in relation to raw materials, labour, and markets.

3. Prepare an organized report describing the characteristics of the industry. Answer the question: Why has this industry been successful? Use chapter vocabulary, and apply the concepts of input, process, output, and feedback where you can.

• wheat farming in the Prairies

• nickel mining in the North

• salmon fishing in British Columbia

• newsprint manufacturing in New Brunswick or Northern Ontario

• steel manufacturing in Ontario

• aerospace manufacturing in Québec

• a major homebuilder in your local region

• a major bank in your local region

• a major retailer in your local region ack


