Page 1: Can the Big Society Policy Aid Collabrative Prosperity in 2011

Can the Big Society Policy aid

Collabrative Prosperity in

2011. White Paper

Diane Shawe

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The Big Society Policy and Challenges for

Collaborative Prosperity. .......................................... 3

Councils and Mobile Technology .............................. 3

Technology saves Councils Quarter of a billion by

using Location based technology .............................. 4

Leicestershire piloted Bluetooth proximity for it

Safer Community Strategy. ....................................... 4

Helping the local economy respond to the recession.

................................................................................... 5

How is Bluetooth developing? .................................. 6

Bluetooth to launch version4 for 2011/12 ............... 7

No need for Cabling .................................................. 7

EU R&TTE Directive (Radio and Telecommunication

Terminal Equipment) ................................................ 7

The Effects of EU Directive on Free Wi-Fi ......... 8

A. Taking Wi-Fi interoperability for granted ..... 8

B. Retention of Data .......................................... 8

Print v Digital Marketing & Data Collection. ............. 9

The rapid evolution of Mobile Smartphones .......... 10

Intelligent Mobile Marketing .................................. 10

Intelligent targeting ................................................ 10

Access for the Visually Impaired ............................. 10

Bluetooth Location Based Technology a

Breakthrough .......................................................... 11

Commissioning a Pilot Scheme or Consultation ..... 12

I-send Conclusion .................................................... 12

Contact Details


Tel: 0207 193 1511 Email: [email protected]

Date 11th October 2010.

Author: Diane Shawe 07401 655196

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The Big Society Policy and

Challenges for Collaborative

Prosperity. Previous recession reports have outlined the latest impact of global economic conditions on businesses

and Councils throughout the UK.

The Big Society policy forms part of the legislature

programme of the Conservative/Liberal Democrat

Coalition agreement. It aims to create a climate that

empowers and builds communities, resulting in a

shift of power away from the role of government, to

the people.

Within this framework there remains opportunities for small businesses, community projects, social enterprise initiatives the public and private sector, which are all, considered a critical component of the economy in which they can interpret this policy. Helping them share and spread a new form of partnership to mitigate the impact of the recession locally, but at the same time maintain momentum on medium and longer term economic goals with a vision to building more prosperous economies, Town Centres and public services.

Quote: Association of Town Centre Management

Although town centres is most often associated with businesses, town centres are also places where people live, work and visit. Understanding the effects of change on people and factoring this into the planning and implementation of the Big Society strategy by channelling easier access to information will impacts on people both positively and economically.

It has always been said that 'small businesses are

imperative to the growth of any economy'. We

therefore feel that if the Big Society policy is to be

effective, it is crucial that small businesses views

along with other local and regional public and private

sector companies/organisations explore ways of

merging communications to form potential partners

for prosperity. Particularly as in this economical

climate, smaller, leaner, better local knowledge of

the points of delivery may provide small businesses

with a competitive advantage against some of the

larger, multinational businesses and organisations.

Council throughout the UK are adopting a proactive role by working with local partners to plan an integrated and comprehensive understanding of – and response to – the recession with the main objective of regenerating there localised economy to become leaner, better informed by using the most up

to date technology.

As technology evolves more rapidly year after year,

the costs and size of technology have shrunk

considerably, just as the computational power of the

technology has increased.

Councils and Mobile Technology

Only a ―tiny handful‖ of UK councils are making significant use of mobile technologies to transform services and generate efficiencies, a leading industry figure has told E-Government Bulletin.

Mark Armstrong, head of public sector at mobile network provider O2, told EGB in an exclusive interview that a range of factors are holding councils back from widespread mobile working in areas like social services and home-working. The potential is there for social care workers to have remote access to care records; schedule jobs on the move; and for lone worker security systems to be implemented, Armstrong said. Greater efficiencies could also be generated from home working; mobile workflow systems; mobile access to management systems; mobile services and information, mobile email and a range of other areas, he said. But only ―a very small percentage – a tiny handful of councils‖ were integrating mobile access across social care, he said, and mobile penetration was lagging behind the private sector across the board.

No single factor is responsible for this lag, he said. ―Social care involves many bodies, such as the

The accepted definition of a town centre is “a place that enables a wide range of the community’s needs to be met on one trip”

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primary care trust, and no two council systems are the same, they all start from different positions.

Implementation cost is another barrier, Armstrong said, and there are cultural barriers – though these are not confined to the public sector. There are also particular security considerations for public sector bodies in implementing mobile systems, he said.

However, there are a few pioneers, and others will follow, Armstrong said. ―No-one wants to be the first, so the lead time for acceptance is long, but once it is deployed, public sector bodies are very good at learning from each other.

―Use of mobile devices is going to be infinitely more pervasive in the future – the number and type of application that is designed for mobile devices will be much greater and joined up together. At the moment, most areas are looking at one specific application but in the future, there is no reason why they should not be running 20 mobile applications at once.‖

Technology saves Councils Quarter

of a billion by using Location based


Mobile devices, web-mapping, iphone ‗apps‘ and other new technologies have helped to save UK local government around £230 million during 2009, according to a new report from the Local Government Association (LGA).

‗Location-based technology‘, is allowing councils to link service delivery more closely to residents‘ own locations, and is the basis for much of the financial savings and increased efficiency, the report says.

Among examples cited by the report are a series of ‗apps‘ for the iphone, including an app launched by Telford and Wrekin Council, Huntingdonshire District Council and Merton Council. The app allows residents to point their phone at a restaurant or pub and instantly receive its food hygiene rating, as decided by council environmental health officers. Gloucester County Council launched another app allowing residents to buy parking tickets for the area of their choice before leaving home.

The LGA research estimates that South Tyneside Council saved just under £147,000 through avoiding having to field telephone or face-to-face enquiries by

allowing residents to use the ‗My South Tyneside‘ web facility, allowing them to search for local schools, libraries, doctors‘ surgeries and other facilities and receive a local news email alert service.

Daventry District Council was another of the many local authorities to utilise location-based technology, using satellite location equipment to plan refuse collection routes more efficiently, resulting in an estimated saving of £223,000.

Councillor David Parsons, chairperson of the LGA‘s Improvement Board, said in a statement that the continued use of these and similar technologies could result in further financial savings for councils in the future, and estimated at more than £370 million a year by 2014-15.

Leicestershire piloted Bluetooth

proximity for it Safer Community

Strategy. In 2008 Leicestershire Drug and Alcohol Action Team (DAAT), Leicestershire County Council, Hinckley and Bosworth Community Safety Partnership, North West Leicestershire Partnership in Safer Communities and Leicestershire Police have worked in collaboration to pilot a proximity marketing campaign in Leicestershire. The pilot was intended to feed into respective districts Community Safety Strategies. Within Coalville, the pilot dovetails particularly well with the priority to ―Work towards developing a vibrant and safe evening and nighttime economy‖ as well as supporting priority outcome 6.2 of the Sustainable Community Strategy for Leicestershire: ―6.2 The harm caused by drug and alcohol misuse is reduced in local Communities‖ The pilot also links in with two key headline activities outlined in ―Sensible Measures‖ the Leicestershire Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy to:

―Develop consistent information and advice (disseminated in creative ways) aimed at a broad range of people (i.e. young people, black and minority ethnic populations, new arrivals, homeless, travellers), in order to ensure wide range of awareness raising and prevention messages‖

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―Reduce further incidents of public place/ licensed premises based alcohol related rowdy, inconsiderate and violent behaviour by creating interventions such as Night Time Economy strategies across the districts‖

Proximity Marketing allows you to send multimedia content to mobile phones easily and with no per message cost. Bluetooth marketing has been used successfully in the private sector for a number of years however there is a scarcity of similar campaigns in the public sector. Trials of the technology have recently taken place in Salford and Merseyside aimed at deploying crime prevention messages. Most recently, the Home Office adopted a successful Bluetooth campaign in central London alongside an advertising billboard campaign targeting binge drinking. Nevertheless, the technology has not been widely used in the context of reducing alcohol related crime in the evenings. Given that, younger age groups are more likely to be users of the night-time economy and are more likely to own a mobile phone or a Bluetooth enabled device, proximity marketing is particularly relevant for this population. Research shows that alcohol is increasingly linked to violent incidents. The British Crime Survey (2006/2007) revealed that in nearly half (45%) of all violent incidents in the United Kingdom, victims believed offenders to be under the influence of alcohol. Binge drinkers1 in particular were identified as committing a disproportionate amount of the total number of crimes compared to regular drinkers and a survey revealed that the 18 to 24 demographic are the group most likely to binge drink. A recent Night-Time Economy report of Coalville town centre also highlighted the need to tackle alcohol fuelled violent crimes in hotspot areas. Evidence showed that the area around Marlborough Square experiences a particular concentration of alcohol-related anti-social behaviour due to the proximity of a number of pubs and the Emporium nightclub. Given the higher population density in town centres and the number of visitors both during the day and night it is expected that these areas would provide a suitable and ‘captive audience‘ for a Bluetooth messaging campaign aimed at reducing harm caused by alcohol misuse.

Alcohol-related crime can have a significant impact on individuals, families and communities and therefore has adverse consequences contributing to and creating social problems, economic problems, health problems and crime. This project pilots Bluetooth technology as a means for promoting safe drinking and enhancing feelings of safety in Coalville town centre.

The Bluetooth Pilot had the clear aim of disseminating messages in a creative way to communicate with young people using the nighttime economy in order to reduce alcohol related anti social behaviour and violence as part of a strategic approach to managing the nighttime economy.

Helping the local economy respond

to the recession. Survival: Local businesses must be provided with appropriate support to increase their resilience to the economic downturn. In particular, micro-businesses (which make up the majority of the business base) have the potential to grow and to generate wealth and jobs, but at present may be at risk from a drop in demand from a few key customers. Without appropriate targeting these businesses may miss the vital support or funding to help them ride out the recession. Bounce back. Local residents who are made redundant or who have found it difficult to access employment during the recession must be provided with the necessary support to help them get back on their feet. Raising awareness of enterprise and helping people to become enterprise-ready can provide an important route back into the labour market and the world of work. This will not only prevent a generation of workers from being lost from the economy due to short-term cyclical difficulties, it will help to stimulate demand and employment and increase the resilience of the local economy during this period of uncertainty. The next generation. There is a need to ensure that each local economy continue to bring through talented people who bring

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new ideas and provide the role models to inspire the brightest individuals of the next generation. If this issue is not addressed now, then the problem of worklessness among young people will not just remain, it will get worse, and will result in an increase in worklessness, a rise in long-term unemployment and greater disengagement from the labour market. The Big Society policy must ensure that our young people do not end up outside the labour market. Location based communication is increasingly becoming vital. Flow and ease of access to information as cost effectively as possible could be achieved with Bluetooth technology.

How is Bluetooth developing?

Bluetooth as a Standard

Nine companies are the primary promoters of Bluetooth technology: 3com, Ericsson Inc., IBM Corp., Intel Corp., Lucent, Microsoft Corp., Motorola, Nokia, and Toshiba Corp.

Bluetooth is developing in two different directions,

the first, known as High Speed Bluetooth, being the

higher-bandwidth but lower-power-per-bit Bluetooth

over UWB or Bluetooth over 802.11. Even if the BT

SIG announced in March 2006 that the UWB

technology will be used for the high speed channel,

the Bluetooth SIG just unveiled that 802.11 will be

given higher priority, UWB being used in a second.

High Speed Bluetooth enables a new range of

applications such as storage, high-speed file transfer,

printing, synchronization, fast music/video download

and streaming. At first sight, none of these

applications – which are all, in theory, very simple

data transfer tasks – requires Bluetooth. They could

be handled by other wireless technologies such as

Wi-Fi, or Certified Wireless USB (which is also based

on UWB).

However, as these tasks are quite different to each

other, Bluetooth offers an ideal means of combining

them in a single, unified and problem-free way. By

porting Bluetooth on top of UWB or 802.11, most of

the anticipated uses of all the existing Bluetooth

profiles are covered. At the same time, Bluetooth

provides a framework that allows other uses, such as

multimedia, to be created in a non-proprietary

fashion, thanks to the definition of new profiles.

In addition, Bluetooth handles the security and

device registration issues thanks to the Secured

Simple Pairing feature added in the newly released

Bluetooth 2.1+EDR specifications. Furthermore, the

power consumption is more fully optimised in High

Speed Bluetooth than in Certified Wireless USB or Wi-

Fi, by the legacy Bluetooth part for control signalling

and low power modes.

Bluetooth therefore allows for a swifter and more

reliable implementation than would be possible using

other wireless standards.

Initial pilot High Speed Bluetooth implementations

during 2008 have seen widespread adoption in

consumer products expected in 2010/2011. Because

of its large bandwidth, Bluetooth over UWB is likely

to be a critical part of future home entertainment and

home networking systems.

The bandwidth will permit, for example, the driving

of high definition video / TV streams from handsets,

as well as the ability to support data-intensive jobs

such as computer backup and file sharing.

For single wireless technology companies, such as

Wireless USB chipset vendors and WLAN chipset

vendors, High Speed Bluetooth is highly attractive.

These vendors may expect to leverage High Speed

Bluetooth as a way to enter the huge Bluetooth

market by providing higher bandwidth alternatives to

traditional Bluetooth applications. Moreover, these

vendors are able to concentrate on their core

expertise in UWB or WLAN, while integrating third

party Bluetooth IP without diverting too many


The second direction that Bluetooth development is

taking is the extremely low power, low data rate

market. ―Wibree‖, a standard initially developed by

Nokia and later adopted by the BT SIG as Ultra Low

Power (ULP) Bluetooth, is designed to permit the

interoperability of devices such as wireless

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keyboards, mice, remote controllers, wireless

sensors, remote displays and medical devices.

In dual-mode implementation devices such as mobile

phones or laptops, ULP Bluetooth has the benefit that

it can reuse most of the existing Bluetooth

functionality, incurring only minimal cost increase.

Bluetooth to launch version4 for


Michael Foley, Ph.D., executive director of the Bluetooth SIG talked about the new Bluetooth version coming out in 2011.

Bluetooth v4.0 throws open the doors to a host of new markets for Bluetooth manufacturers and products such as watches, remote controls, and a variety of medical and in-home sensors. Many of these products run on button-cell batteries that must last for years versus hours and will also benefit from the longer range enabled by this new version of the Bluetooth specification.

Bluetooth v4.0 will offer three specifications in one:

Classic Bluetooth technology, Bluetooth low energy technology and

Bluetooth High Speed technology.

Different devices can use these three specs simultaneously or separately.

Why is that important? Well depending on the Bluetooth-enabled device you are about to use, you will actually be relying on a certain Bluetooth technology. For small gadgets like pedometers and glucose monitors, the low energy technology will be used.

Specific watches could collect data from various sensors using low energy technology and then send that data computers through regular Classic technology.

Mobile phones and PCs will use all three of them with the Classic, low energy and high-speed technology running ―side by side.‖

Bluetooth v4.0 will offer an improved range of up to 200 feet and even more which will come in handy when using it for in-home or in-business sensor application where decent ranges are required.

Bluetooth v4.0 will be available in smartphones and PCs in early 2011.

No need for Cabling

One of the best-publicised effects of Bluetooth will be

the aesthetic effects: namely the removal of cables in

offices, homes and external environment. Bluetooth

technology replaces the need for such cabling.

Bluetooth can also be combined with other

technologies as explained with the pending launch of

Bluetooth version 4.

EU R&TTE Directive (Radio and

Telecommunication Terminal



Two main sets of approvals requirement must be

addressed before products using Bluetooth can

legally be placed on the market. These requirements

are Bluetooth Qualification Program and Product


As of April 2001, the essential requirements of the R&TTE (Radio and Telecommunication Terminal Equipment) Directive became mandatory. These product requirements relate to EMC, safety and effective us of the radio spectrum. Equipment now operating within a harmonised frequency band and for which there is a harmonised standard, may now be placed on the market subject to provision of a declaration of conformity (DoC) stating compliance

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with the essential requirements of the R&TTE Directive. The procedures defined within the EMC Directive and the Low Voltage Directive may be used to demonstrate compliance with the essential EMC and safety requirements defined with the R&TTE Directive.

The R&TTE Directive is the CE marking directive that applies to radio equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment as defined in the directive.

The definition of telecommunications terminal equipment encompasses Bluetooth devices. There are several exceptions, the most important of which is for radio equipment that is intended to be used solely for the reception of sound or television broadcasting. This exception does not include Bluetooth devices, since Bluetooth devices are intentional transmitters.

Apparatus within the scope of the R&TTE Directive must:

Meet the requirements specified in Low Voltage (Electrical Safety) Directive (Directive 73/23/EC on the harmonization of the laws of the member states relating to electrical equipment designated for use within certain voltage limits (OJ 1973, L77/29)).

Meet the emissions and immunity protection requirements under the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (Directive 89/336/EC on the approximation of the laws of the member states relating to electromagnetic compatibility (OJ 1989, L139/19)).

If the apparatus is radio equipment, be constructed to avoid harmful interference.

The Effects of EU Directive on

Free Wi-Fi

As the Prime Minister David Cameron said:

"Super-fast broadband is the electricity of the digital must be for all-not just for some...We have already decided to commit public funding to ensure existing broadband reaches nearly every household in Britain by 2012".

Many councils and commercial businesses around the UK are exploring the opportunity to deliver free wi-fi

to their customers, visitors, residents and businesses. However, there are two main points to consider.

A. Taking Wi-Fi interoperability for


Wi-Fi Interoperability Should Never Be Assumed. As

802.11n makes its way onto new smartphones and

tablets, wireless administrators should stay sceptical

about interoperability, warns Andrew Garcia from e

week Europe publications.

Most of the mobile phone devices have not received

Wi-Fi interoperability certification from the Wi-Fi

Alliance especially if they are more than 18 months

old. Nevertheless, devices such as Apple‘s ipad and

iphone 4, Motorola‘s Droid X, and the BlackBerry

Torch 9800 are a sampling of new 802.11n-enabled

devices likely to be connected to enterprise Wi-Fi


B. Retention of Data

Summary of Directive 2006/24/EC (15 March 2006) on the retention of data generated or processed with the provision of publicly available electronic communication services or of public communications networks The requirements for retention of data in relation to all providers of Internet access, Internet email and Internet telephony services. The Directive requires that data necessary to trace the source of a communication is stored. This means that the individual user ID, telephone number, and name and address of the subscriber using the service at the time of a communication must be stored. In addition, the same data must be stored so that the destination of a communication can be traced. Data must also be stored so that the date, time and duration of the communication can be traced, including the date and time of the log-in and log-off of the user. The data must be stored for a minimum of 6 months, and destroyed after 2 years. The data must be stored securely, which means that service providers must ensure that it cannot be tampered with or altered, and that only specially authorised personnel can access the data. It must be stored in such a way that it can be supplied without undue delay to law enforcement authorities.

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When did it come into force in the UK? The Directive will be enacted into UK law before it becomes effective. This had to happen between 15 September 2007 and 15 March 2009 at the latest. Given the UK’s stance and concerns about combating terrorism, as well as their recent enthusiasm for enacting anti terrorism legislation it seems likely that they will implement the directive reasonably quickly

Who will have to pay for implementation of this new law? The company or County providing the Internet access to the end user will have to bear the cost of setting up, maintaining and managing the retention of data, whether the Wi-Fi service is charged for or not.

Because the objective of the EU directive is combating terrorism, it will apply to these locations which offer free Wi-Fi services, despite their core business not being an Internet Service Provider. and the lack of profit they receive from their service. Importantly the EU Directive will now govern service providers not previously obligated to retain data stipulations, Frost & Sullivan notes4. To comply with the law the business will need the following equipment:

Radius server for authenticating users Storage server for holding data Database to store user details and internet

data The cost of setting up such a service will increase astronomically, with hardware and labour setup costs running well in to the thousands of pounds, and monthly hosting, storage and data management fees exceeding hundreds of pounds per month. This high level of cost and management will deter independent establishments wishing to entice customers to their coffee shop or hotel with free Wi-Fi from providing such a service in the future. So exploring alternate ways of communicating directly with mobile phone users is essential.

Print v Digital Marketing & Data


The impact social media has on consumer behaviour highlights the fact that social media is not a fad but rather a stepping-stone to the future. Social media is bridging the gap from the previous generation‘s marketing/advertising philosophy with today‘s technology, which heightens the effectiveness. Before there were social networks, smart phones, and blogs, advertisers used print. They designed beautiful ads that had the right information, branding the company through visuals. They could estimate how many people would be directly exposed to the ad (i.e. subscribers) but they could not determine how many sales they made directly because of it. That does not mean those ads did not work. People who were exposed to the brand, felt connected with the brand through their visual ads and when the time came for them to buy product X, Brand X popped into their head. The ad did its job, but calculating the ROI is nearly impossible. Social media‘s value overlaps this older advertising ideology.

A new study by Harris Interactive shows that the younger demographic are more interested in receiving mobile offers on their SmartPhone. In fact, 42 percent of users between the ages of 18 and 34 express some level of interest in mobile offers. Among this group the most popular categories are:

- 68 percent say they would like to receive discounts on groceries - 64 percent would like promotions and offers from restaurants, (while another 50 percent are interested in promotions related to fast food) - 58 percent would like alerts on entertainment such as movie tickets.

Between men and women, there‘s also an interesting difference. Women are more interested in mobile offers to do with groceries and apparel, while men are more interested in electronics and sporting goods.

Justifying social media‘s value is the great debate. Traditionally, the ROI would be calculated rather quickly by plugging figures into a neat equation. Social media‘s value extends beyond raw numbers. Word of mouth is the most coveted type of marketing. A personal referral is much more trusted than an unsolicited marketing message. Branded proximity marketing with localised customised apps

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can go a long way to bridging this gap between digital word of mouth and the new world of digital referrals.

The Social Media Impact is the reason it is pertinent for companies to consider collaborative partnership in establishing low energy proximity location based broadcasting channel by using Bluetooth technology.

The rapid evolution of Mobile


The rapid evolution of mobile phones, both on hardware and on a software level, combined with a surge in application storefront releases, deployments of higher-capacity network infrastructure and recent developments in positioning technologies could drive revenues from mobile location-based services to more than $12.7 billion by 2014, according to a new report published by Juniper Research.

The report found that while MLBS had experienced a number of false dawns from 2000 to 2007, improvements in handset UIs together with easier consumer access to a range of app distribution channels had led to greater interest from service providers in providing mobile location-based applications.

While service usage will be highest in Far East China over the next few years, greatest revenues will come from Western Europe, Juniper forecasts

Intelligent Mobile Marketing Mobile devices are no longer being used solely as a means of getting information. With the traditional marketing channels suffering various levels of decline, mobile marketing is experiencing triple-digit growth annually. Why you ask? According to the Director of Research at Nielsen Mobile, "People look at every text message they get", and they do so within 15 minutes. Can you think of any other advertising medium where you are almost guaranteed that every person targeted will see the message?

Intelligent targeting

―Location-based applications are extremely interesting for brands and retailers in that they allow those companies to direct consumers to outlets in their vicinity while simultaneously providing information about the products on offer. When these are allied to measures such as mobile coupons and vouchers, you have the combination of information and financial incentive which can be compelling for consumers.‖

Dr Windsor Holden

With intelligent application and targeting, Bluetooth messaging can enhance a brand, and produce great results. Furthermore, it is cost-effective, measurable and intuitive: lifestyle data in particular has a wealth of additional variables, because the way in which the information has been volunteered allows for the fine-tuning of campaign targeting like no other data can. While all other marketing media seem to be feeling the squeeze - through fragmentation of networks in TV advertising, environmental issues with direct mail and the growth in registrations on the Telephone Preference Service (TPS) for telemarketing - mobile marketing's future looks rosy. There is an extraordinary and unprecedented opportunity from a technological standpoint for mobile marketing in the next few years, both in terms of the way consumers will receive commercial messages and notification and in the way, they will respond to them. However, right here, right now, there is a pipeline for immediate, measurable and targeted communication bursting with potential, and waiting to be exploited to the full. Delivery of permission based message, capture of response, trackability of source-to-sale at a low cost-per acquisition: the next big thing for mobile marketing is the application of data. Bluetooth low energy technology promises to deliver even more solutions that can lend a helping hand to people for whom traditional wired technology is out of reach.

Access for the Visually Impaired

There are 12 million visually impaired people in the UK.

These numbers are set to increase with the growing elderly

population, the so-called ―Baby Boomers‖. Most of these

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people are not disabled but are just suffering from the

problems caused by the simple passing of time.

Most people registered do not work and have great

problems using public transport. Visiting any form of

Cultural institution for some people is almost impossibility.

Most are taken as members of an impaired group or

society. People who visit as individuals could be

encouraged and benefit from the assistance of audio guide

or properly trained staff.

This group has an estimated spending power of £51.3

billion (1999 figure). They cannot be ignored, the ―baby

boomers‖ are coming and access to cultural institutions

need to be urgently attended to.

Recently, a ‗Secret Shopper‘ survey was carried out at Hampshire museum sites organised by the Access Officers with particular aspects of access concentrated at the various selected sites.

The usual problems emerged and the issue of physical access at some sites is still a problem. Lack of appropriate signage; no form of large print or provision of Braille guides were identified as a regular feature.

Nearly everyone who carried out the survey said an audio guide would help them to negotiate and enjoy the sites. In addition, staff training should be provided as a way of helping impaired visitors.

Physical access has been tackled at most of the

cultural institutions due to the 1 October 2004

Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) Service provider‘s

deadline, but as we can see the concerns of the

visually impaired people and those who depend on

access awareness policies sadly has little influence on

the legislative process under the equal treatment


Intellectual Access is still a challenge. This is why

visually impaired people do not visit many Cultural

Institutions and find it hard to negotiate simple tasks

like following signs in shopping areas. Clearly,

budgets remain the key issue as the provision of

access facilities and trained staff within any site rises

costing beyond previous expectations.

With 2012 just around the corner and the eyes of the

world focused on how we support the disabled and

visually impaired, while the DDA is a valid and strong

force the ideological attitudes towards access and its

wider ramifications must be openly addressed.

Bluetooth Location Based

Technology a Breakthrough

The goal of this whitepaper is to introduce an

optional solution to Wi-Fi with the introduction of

Bluetooth's low energy broadcasting and

communication technology.

Location based Bluetooth enabled zones, which will

not require an internet broadband infrastructure, can

communicate in location proximity with users of

Smartphones at lower costs without all the EU


Introducing the Linux isender servers.

This new Bluetooth Broadcasting unit boasts a

breathtaking 105 simultaneous connections, which

breaks new ground in Bluetooth Broadcasting and as

a result becomes the new benchmark.

The isender Linux server can help to enhance the walking journey of both sighted and visually impaired Individuals.

By supplying access to location specific content, the

Linux server and software can be uploaded with

audio or contextual information through remote

management from one or more centralised location.

This information can be easily broadcasted to their

mobile SmartPhone, which can be activated with

their Text, Image, Video, Real Time Player, MP3 or

text to speech software.

The isender server can communicate with Bluetooth enabled mobile devices in real time, offering relevant, dynamic, and up-to-date information, the combination of which may not otherwise be accessible. The isender server is small enough to be placed inside street lampposts and additional antenna boosters connected and located externally or internally. There is also the new iSender mini, the smallest embedded Linux ™ Operating System Bluetooth transmitter with an adjustable connection range up to 200 meters.

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Both items have external USB connector for extending the product capabilities with GRPS/3G USB modems, Wi-Fi or extra memory.

Commissioning a Pilot Scheme

or Consultation

I-send is working on several propositions ranging

from the introduction of pilot scheme through to the

implementation of making certain towns become a

Bluetooth zone.

The technical and campaign teams will commit to

conducting the following:

Project Management Feasibility and idea reality-checks Technical due-diligence Vendor/partner evaluation and selection Technical and architectural design and

implementation Install & integrate permanent units within a

location for on-going use. System Integration Matchmaking with potential partners

Campaign launch management

I-send Conclusion Mobile phones are poised to significantly influence the way people shop and respond to information. Looking ahead to 2014, Gartner estimates that three billion adults around the world will be equipped to conduct transactions via mobile or Internet technology. In addition, mobile phones will overtake PCs as the most common web access device worldwide by 2013 As consumers become increasingly connected – to each other and to brands - it is critical that within the Big Society Policy that partnership develop a seamless cross-platform communication strategy between sharing information and retail experience. The Public Sector in partnerships should leverage the mobile strengths of convenience and portability to build regional brand loyalty and ultimately connect consumers, visitors, residents and businesses seamlessly and in real time.

Immediate opportunities exist to leverage the convenience of the mobile channel to alert customers, visitors, residents, workforce and businesses about support, information, alerts, special offers and tourist information. The investment required to build the infrastucture will bring huge ROI for everyone involved within any borough. In fact, it should be viewed as an extension of existing CRM initiatives. Additionally, all users will have the opportunity to extend existing CRM strategies through Location Based Services (LBS). Gartner predicts the LBS user base will grow globally from 96 million in 2009 to more than 526 million in 2013. The ability to serve specific messages to opted-in consumers in a retail or social environment will become a very real opportunity in the near future. A recent Compete study found that product research (price comparison, reading ratings and reviews) is the most common mobile shopping related activity conducted by SmartPhone users. And according to a Motorola report released in January 2010, more than 50% of Internet users worldwide incorporated mobile devices into their shopping activities in December 2009. Public Sector in partnership with enterprise businesses, Retailers and local services can take advantage of this trend by creating branded applications that provide tools to help consumers communicate obtain product information and improve the overall purchasing experience. As a best practice, any investment in application development should be consumer-driven (i.e. what value does this provide?) and media supported. Simply building an application is not enough—consumers need to know that it exists! Mobile offers an immediate opportunity to connect in a meaningful way. Because of obstacles presented by this new media, councils that will be most successful are those who collaborate with experts to help define the strategy, build the tools and communicate with partners.

Partnership for Prosperity within the Big Society Policy will help with the regeneration of projects, Supporting enterprise and innovation, supporting the visitor Economy whilst stimulating and Encouraging Inward Investment.

Page 13: Can the Big Society Policy Aid Collabrative Prosperity in 2011

October 1, 2010


Isend White Paper Enabling Bluetooth technology to aid Big Society Partnership for Prosperity by Diane Shawe Page 13

Tel: 0207 193 1511 Email: [email protected]

Date 11th October 2010.

Mobile: 07401 655196

Source of Information

Jupiter White Paper 2010 Rapid evolution of mobile phones e week Europe publications. Wi-Fi Integration

Harper, S. and Green, P. A Travel Flow and Mobility Framework for Visually Impaired Travellers. Proc. ICCHP 2000. (2000), 289-296. Kaasinen, E. User Needs for Location-Aware Mobile Services. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. 7, 1 (2003), 70-79. EASPD – European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities 2010 Oudergemselaan 63 Av. D‘Auderghem

New Bluetooth System Orients Blind and Sighted


The EU Directive

The proposed Directive

The proposed amendments (6-page / 119KB


EASPD's position paper (3-page / 152KB PDF

Bluetooth SIG

Nexus 404 Version 4 Bluetooth Technology

Contact Details

Contact: Diane Shawe Project Director

i-send proximity Ltd

311 Shoreham Street

Sheffield, UK

S2 4FA

Company No. 7416406

