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Nutrition that works!


HEALTHHEALTH January – February 2016 Volume 6 Edition 1

AIM Canada Wishes You

a Year of Good Health,

Happiness & Prosperity!

spiritual beliefs do not matter to him. “The same sun shines on all rooftops,” Doug said. “We are all one no matter which religion.”

Doug is often found in palliative care units, to give comfort and pray for those who are about to pass. He admitted, “I feel so tired after coming home from those visits knowing they could have had a better quality of time and an easier journey by taking products like BarleyLife. I get upset that many of these people are so young. We believe in getting people to move beyond their diagnoses and giving them hope. Miracles can happen, and BarleyLife is a miracle.”

Doug and Fran believe they have a moral obligation to give. “To be honest, we give a lot of the products away. Some people can’t afford it,” he acknowledged. “We’re thrilled to provide someone with quality of life.

As for the quality of their own lives, Doug and Fran feel blessed to work together as friends and partners. “We both have a wing and together we make one eagle.”

Doug and Fran Gray in Bond Head, Ontario, became AIM Directors in three months after being reinstated as Members on July 24, 2015.

Sponsored by AIM Chairman’s Club Directors Muriel and George McPherson, Doug and Fran are thrilled to get back on BarleyLife, and their children and grandchildren are also taking it. “We wanted to become involved in getting products like BarleyLife out to people,” Doug stated. “Our AIM is to make people well. Our business isn’t the business of making money, but rather the business of unfinished business: feeding the body, mind and spirit.”

As of November 2015, Doug and Fran signed up twenty-nine new Members, which put them well on the way to earning a free 2016 AIM Conference package for two in the Branson Bucks Contest. Some of these new Members signed up after having the Grays recommend that they simply give the products a try because great nutrition is involved and it’s easy to take in the morning. Others have known and respected Doug and Fran for a long time, so they trust the AIM products.

Long ago, Doug was given the name White Eagle by the Mi’gmaq (Micmac) First Nation, of which he is a respected elder. “The moment you become an elder is not about age. It’s about wisdom at any age,” he explained, sounding so youthful in his mid-seventies. “Intelligence without humility is arrogance. Intelligence with humility is wisdom. That’s what eldership is about. As we take our place in the circle of eldership, we give away things learned along the way. Truths. One of those truths is the gift of health through BarleyLife, which is a gift from God, from the earth.”

Along with both of the Grays being dowsers (diviners of water, buried metals, etc.), Doug is an ordained, non-denominational minister who facilitates baptisms, weddings, funerals and spiritual ceremonies as well as healing rituals to bring balance to the earth. When Doug performs ceremonies for people, differing

Our AIM is to Make People Well

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The human body encompasses between 50 and 75 trillion cells, each type having its own life span.

Every new cell your body produces is a new beginning. The question is whether or not you are doing everything possible for your body to create healthy cells. It’s an interesting concept when you think about it.


There are five elements: food, exercise, environment, protection and attitude. Any effort you make in integrating them into your life will result in a stronger constitution and improved health for you and your trillions of cells.

Food The food choices you make are the most important element

of a healthy lifestyle. Proper nutrition is essential for healthy cell replication and repair.

More than just about anything else, a daily intake of whole, fresh food has a positive impact on the body’s cellular make-up. In contrast, convenient processed foods loaded with artificial flavours, chemicals, sodium, sugar, etc. have negative effects. It is believed that the introduction of these unnatural foods to North America in the mid-twentieth century has greatly contributed to widespread modern diseases and obesity. Instead of reaching for convenience, choose the wealth of nutrients in real foods to nourish your body.

Options for Cell Food Support

BarleyLife, BarleyLife Xtra, AIMega, LeafGreens, CoCoa LeafGreens, Just Carrots, RediBeets, ProPeas

Note: The Daily Essentials

(BarleyLife, Herbal Fiberblend

and AIMega) have a positive

impact on all five

elements of the

Healthy Cell Concept.

Exercise Whether you have Ironman or Ironwoman status or simply

take regular walks, the benefits of any type of exercise are long-term. Exercise releases endorphins—natural pain and stress fighters—in your body.

Exercising fifteen to twenty minutes a day helps to reduce health risks. That’s only 105 to 140 minutes a week. Of course, you may exercise a lot more depending on your fitness or weight management goals. However much you do, producing healthy cells is a natural outcome.

Options for Cell Exercise Support

Red Rush, ProPeas, Peak Endurance, CalciAIM, Frame Essentials, Mag-nificence

Environment External factors that affect health and well-being come

from your environment, which can include home, work and outdoors. The quality of the water you drink, the air that you breathe and the land you live upon are only three in a long list of factors. Some factors are controllable, such as cell phones (radiation), cleaning supplies (harmful chemicals) and personal care products (unnatural ingredients). Others you may just have to live with (or move elsewhere), including local allergens, weather and pollution.

Environmental factors affect the cellular environment, so whatever is within your control, consider the healthy options. For example, use earbuds or speaker mode with cell phones, choose green cleaning products and carefully select natural personal care products.

Options for Cell Environment Support

Herbal Fiberblend, fit ’n fiber, Herbal Release, FloraFood, LeafGreens, CoCoa LeafGreens

Protection Attacks by bacteria, viruses and other

microorganisms on your body are a constant threat that requires protection. Ensuring your immune system is working optimally is one of the best strategies for defense. Proper nutrition, regular exercise, clean environments and a healthy attitude greatly contribute to strengthening your immune system. Being able to handle stressful situations also protects you from inestimable damage to your immune system and overall wellness.

Options for Cell Protection Support

Proancynol 2000, FloraFood, CranVerry+ , PrepZymes, Herbal Release

Attitude The fifth element of the Healthy

Cell Concept is attitude. Optimism is essential for it provides a wide variety of benefits, including stress relief, endurance and follow-through with goals. People with positive attitudes are likely to develop healthy habits, such as proper nutrition, regular exercise and healthy sleep patterns, all of which support healthy cells.

Options for Attitude Support

Composure, GinkgoSense, Red Rush, RediBeets, Peak Endurance, Mag-nificence, Cell Wellness Restorer

Go to to download The Healthy Cell


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AIM Director Irene Standish of Oshawa,

Ontario, celebrated her 80th birthday at

the Clarington Older Adult Association

in Bowmanville.

Did you know...?


barley grass


Swiss chard

broccoli sprout


By adding arugula, Swiss chard and kale, the new AIM LeafGreens™ formula contains more ingredients that deliver compounds known as glucosinolates. When digested, they break down into biologically active isothiocyanates, which provide anti-inflammatory properties and protect the body from DNA damage and carcinogens (chemicals that cause cancer). In fact, isothiocyanates not only stop carcinogens from being activated, they neutralize activated carcinogens and quickly eliminate them from the body1. Protect yourself with LeafGreens!1Source: Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (

Irene Standish has had various health issues throughout her life: bursitis, tendonitis, and osteoarthritis to name a few. “I’d scream in pain if someone shook my hand,” Irene explained, adding, “Bronchitis was a yearly occurrence.” In 1993, one of the scariest health problems surfaced when she found out there were several growths on her liver. “When a friend of mine heard about it, she told me I should try AIM’s barley grass product called BarleyLife®. I was skeptical.”

Even with her doubts, Irene started taking the capsules and a week and half later switched to the powder. “The truth is that I felt sick as a dog,” she admitted. “When I contacted AIM, I was told about the possible symptoms of detoxification, and that is exactly what was happening: toxins were coming out of me.” It was suggested that she take less than the suggested serving, but, even with the discomfort, Irene kept increasing the amount until she was taking three tablespoons daily, always on an empty stomach.

Within a month, the ache in her shoulder from bursitis disappeared. As more weeks passed, the pain of tendonitis and arthritis also went away. Even more incredible, after three months of taking this nutritious green powder, the growths on her liver were gone.

“That was over twenty-two years ago, and today, I’m still in good health at the age of eighty—no arthritis, bursitis, or tendonitis,” Irene said. “And I don’t take any medications.” Her annual bouts of bronchitis are also a thing of the past. She still takes a tablespoon of BarleyLife daily to maintain her wellness. Over the years, Irene has added AIM products such as CellSparc 360®, Frame Essentials® and Proancynol® 2000 to increase her intake of important nutrients.

“You see, I want to stay healthy,” Irene stated. “I swim whenever I get the chance. And I’m a ballroom dancer—I love it. People can’t believe I have so much energy!”

Irene wants people to enjoy the same health benefits, letting those in her social circle know about AIM and BarleyLife whenever health issues are discussed. “David, a friend of mine in our seniors’ dance group, had arthritic pain in his feet and legs. I told him what BarleyLife had done for

my health, so he bought some from me. After two weeks of taking it, the pain in his feet and legs was gone.”

Irene admits that it is not easy to convince people to make BarleyLife a part of their daily nutritional

intake. “But people who are consistent are helped. It’s just getting it through their wooden heads that they’ve got to take

it daily,” she said with a chuckle. “It’s preventative, so people should really

start taking it when they’re young.”

Dancing with BarleyLife

Nurturing Health • January - February 2016 February 2016 33

Providing 500 mg of cranberry extract per capsule along with the fruit extracts of mangosteen and juniper, CranVerry+ offers incredible health benefits for men and women. Make sure CranVerry+ remains available in the AIM product line-up by ordering it on a regular basis.

Cranberries contain a wealth of phytonutrients, most notably, proanthocyanidins that stop bacteria from adhering to the lining of the stomach and urinary tract. This makes CranVerry+ ideal for reducing the risk of stomach ulcers and preventing urinary tract infections and their recurrence.

Recent research indicates that cranberry extract can do so much more. Cranberries help to maintain healthy gums, reducing inflammation in the body which, in turn, lowers the risk of heart disease. Cranberry nutrients support cardiovascular health by lowering blood pressure, reducing arterial stiffness and improving circulation. The combination of phytonutrients in cranberries has been shown to reduce the proliferation of cancer cells, including brain tumor, breast, colon, liver, oral, ovarian and prostate.*

With such revelations, make CranVerry+ a daily must-have addition to supplemental nutrition.

*Cranberries versus Cancer: Nutrition Facts Volume

13 · May 13th 2013 · Michael Greger, M.D.

Order CranVerry+ Today!

ins a

d urinary tract

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Share Your AIM Testimonials If you have a personal success story about AIM products, we would love to hear it. If your testimonial is published in Nurturing Health, you will receive

30 BarleyLife single-serving packets and Just Add Water cards.

Call 1-888-343-9977 to give us your testimonial by phone, email [email protected] or mail your testimonial along with

high-resolution photographs to:

Editor, Nurturing Health, AIM Canada™ Head Office 390 – 2025 W. 42nd Ave., Vancouver, BC V6M 2B54

For listings of upcoming Webinars and Teleclasses, see the Living Well magazine or go to, log in, and select Events.

WebinarWebinar Wednesdays

Don’t Miss Out on

Teleclass Tuesdays

Holiday ClosuresThe AIM Canada (Vancouver) office and the Calgary warehouse will be closed:

January 1 for New Year’s Day

The AIM Canada (Vancouver) office will be closed:

February 8 for Family Day (BC)

The Calgary warehouse will be closed:

February 15 for Family Day (AB)


It’s well-known that anti-depressants are available at the drop of a physician’s signature. In fact, Canadians have the dubious achievement of being among the highest users out of twenty-three developed countries surveyed by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

The 2013 survey shows that 85 out of 1,000 Canadians take antidepressants daily. More often than not, they do so unnecessarily. There are a number of possible reasons as to why, including an increase in seasonal affective disorders (SAD), the current focus on reducing the stigma of mental issues and the medical community’s prescribing habit.

Imagine a natural way to lift your spirits when you are feeling down. That’s the beauty of Composure, a three-herb combination that calmingly soothes the soul without leaving any addictive scars or chemical side effects. Valerian root, passionflower and hops flower work together, helping to relieve anxiety, stress and sleep deprivation. There is a link between lack of sleep and depression, and Composure can help to increase hours spent in deep sleep.

It’s worthwhile to explore the benefits of this mild sedative approved by Health Canada.

The Calm of Composure

Dr. Lanny Donald (Dentist and Chairman’s Club Director) welcomed fifty attendees to the first Annual British Columbia Conference, organized by the Donald family and held at Vancouver’s Broadway Holiday Inn. Jensina Donald (Director) co-emceed the event that featured an informative talk by her mother, Lanny, and presentations from the General Manager of AIM Canada Rose Bird, who is also a Chartered Herbalist. Moving personal testimonials were heard from Anitra Donald (Director), Inge Hanle (Director), Mitch Clarke (Group Builder), Kathleen Bird-Ekman (Preferred Member) and Keith Snider (Member). This well-attended gathering also included scheduled prize draws. The special guests of the conference were Lanny’s three grandchildren—Kaius, Kaelan and Keiran—also known as the BarleyLife Babies.

LIVING LIFE BETTER with AIMNutrition that works!

Member Event • November 28, 2015Annual British Columbia Conference

Policy Update Reminder

Effective January 1, 2016, the

renewal fee for Director and above

will be raised to $150.00. However,

we will still offer free renewal when

600 PV or more is purchased during

the membership year. The renewal

fees and BVP requirements for

Wholesale, Preferred Member and

Group Builder will remain the same.