Page 1: Can endurance training improve your Mental and Physical health?

Life Matters Consultancy


Can endurance training improve your Mental and Physical health?

Some of you might have been asking if an endurance training or exercise may also benefit a

person’s mental health. The simple answer is yes! And below, we have outlined the physical and

mental health benefits that you can get from an endurance training.


Burn more calories. Endurance exercise burns more calories than other type or exercise. This

type of training may also result on a lower perception of appetite hours after you are finish with

your session resulting to a bigger energy deficit within 24 hours.

Burn more fat. The intense exercise accelerates the travel of fatty acids towards your muscles.

This is more effective if you do endurance cycling or high dose of endurance training.

Antiaging. Telomeres – the DNA’s protective ends as you age - are shorten by endurance

exercises. This does not just delay the aging process but also works against cancer and other age

related disorders.


Stress reliever. Long hours of workout gives a person the chance to train himself to deal stress.

This is done by coordinating the body and its systems in the most tedious yet beneficial ways.

Sharper brain. Endurance training increases memory by aiming towards the chemicals that

works in your brains. If training is done consistently, it can help lower down the development of

age related cognitive body debility.

Better Resilience. Resilience is the capability of a person to endure, mend and grow in the face

of a demanding life. Mental toughness are said to drastically increase due to long hours of

physical training.

Before engaging in this kind of activity get a lot of rest, eat high quality healthy food and drink

plenty of water. A fair intake of healthy carbohydrate and protein will help. Hit the spot without

taking your health for granted!

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