Page 1: Campus News - Chairo Christian School · Simon Matthews, Executive Principal Governance News Association General Meeting There will be an Association general meeting on Thursday 9

Thursday 21 September 2017

Dates to RememberSeptemberFriday 22 Term 3 Concludes (2.15 pm finish) Administration Office Closes, 4.30 pmOctoberMon 2 – Fri 6 VCE Practice ExamsMonday 2 Administration Office OpensFriday 6 Years 3–6 SOAR Holiday ProgramMonday 9 Staff Preparation DayTuesday 10 K4G–Year 12 CommenceWednesday 11 K4R Commence Year 12 Ticking Minds Exam Seminar VCE Music Recital, 4.00 pmFriday 13 Years 7–12 CSEN ChampionshipsThursday 19 Years 3–6 Regional Athletics CarnivalFriday 20 Years 5–6 Lightning PremiershipMonday 23 Prep–Year 2 Swimming Lessons, Kings Swim Centre, 12.00 pmTuesday 24 Prep–Year 2 Swimming Lessons, Kings Swim Centre, 12.00 pm Year 12 Celebration Day Year 12 Valedictory Dinner, Cardinia Cultural Centre, 6.00 pmWednesday 25 Years 7–8 Rally Day

Thursday 26 Prep–Year 2 Swimming Lessons, Kings Swim Centre, 12.00 pmFriday 27 Years 5–6 Division Summer Sports Prep–Year 2 Swimming Lessons, Kings Swim Centre, 12.00 pmMonday 30 Prep–Year 2 Swimming Lessons, Kings Swim Centre, 12.00 pmTuesday 31 Prep–Year 2 Swimming Lessons, Kings Swim Centre, 12.00 pmNovemberWed 1 – Fri 24 VCE ExaminationsWednesday 1 Years 9–10 Rally DayThursday 2 Prep–Year 2 Swimming Lessons, Kings Swim Centre, 12.00 pmFriday 3 Years 9–10 FOCUS Festival Prep–Year 2 Swimming Lessons, Kings Swim Centre, 12.00 pmMonday 6 Mid–Term Break – Staff & Student FreeTuesday 7 Melbourne Cup Public HolidayFriday 10 Prep–Year 2 Swimming Carnival, Kings Swim Centre, 12.00 pm

All aboard the Endeavour!

Page 2: Campus News - Chairo Christian School · Simon Matthews, Executive Principal Governance News Association General Meeting There will be an Association general meeting on Thursday 9

Whole School NewsA Helpful FrameworkI have been writing recently about how we might understand education, particularly Christian education – the very thing that Chairo seeks to deliver distinctively.

In the previous newsletter, I spoke about the idea that we seek to understand all of life (education, learning, students, families, every-thing) within a bigger story – the story of a King and His Kingdom.

Like many big ideas, it is important to break that down to a manageable and understandable framework. The basic framework we use at Chairo is referred to as the Creation-Fall-Redemption-Restoration Framework (which still sounds pretty complicated!).

When we want to understand something, we need to ask some questions:

In the beginning, what was God’s purpose for this thing?Let’s consider the concept of families. When we read God’s story, we hear God saying that he wants people to live in community, and the first way this happens is in families. Families were created as a good thing – for people and for society! And families were designed to live well because they live rightly with God.

What went wrong with this thing?We also understand from God’s story that mankind chose not to live the way that God intended, and so everything (again, every-thing) ended up becoming broken in some way. Instead of families living rightly with God, they chose to live independently of Him. Instead of ‘normal’ family life being a safe and positive place to live, they now had potential to be places where selfishness and self-centredness allowed for pain and hurt.

So, what did God do about this?The simple answer is that God sent His Son Jesus to make all things (yes, every-thing) right again. In short, he sent Jesus so that families can again know forgiveness, healing and restoration for any brokenness. I don’t know about you, but this is really good news for me and my family. This gives us great hope!

So, what is our response to this?This is the question that I love the most. By myself, I can’t do anything to fix the brokenness that I experience in our family. But I can respond to what God has done through Jesus. For me, this means that I endeavour to grow in patience, selflessness, forgiveness and humility. These things help restore my family to what God intended.

While I have used the example of family, this framework can apply to any part of God’s creation. Why not have a go this week by talking about it as a family and trying to apply it to some part of your life and living?Simon Matthews, Executive Principal

Governance NewsAssociation General MeetingThere will be an Association general meeting on Thursday 9 November at the Drouin East Campus, commencing at 7.30 pm. One highlight of the evening will be the launch of SP17, Chairo’s new strategic plan that has been developed over the course of this year. All parents and staff members are encouraged to attend what will be an informative and enjoyable evening.

General meeting guest speakerWe are pleased to announce that the guest speaker at our November general meeting will be Professor Darren Iselin, the President of CHC (Christian Heritage College), a multi-disciplinary college of approximately 900 students in Brisbane.

Darren has extensive leadership experience within Christian education, and has served in a plethora of principal and senior leadership roles and responsibilities within both higher education and schooling sectors.

He has also been involved in a diverse range of educational consultancy and professional development initiatives throughout the Asia-Pacific region, regularly presenting on a range of topics including: Christian worldview, faith formation, school culture, building leadership capacity, leadership, and faith-learning integration.

Full membershipFull members of our school Association are able to vote at general meetings and nominate others for election to serve on the Board. Current parents who are Christians and fully supportive of our Articles of Faith, and have been associate members for at least one year, are able to apply to become full members. Application forms can be obtained by contacting the office at any campus and will also be available at the November general meeting.

Board ElectionFull members are invited to prayerfully consider who they might be able to nominate for election at the general meeting to serve on the Chairo Board. Nominations will be accepted until Tuesday 10 October. Forms are available from Caroline Weatherhead ([email protected]) or Darryl Martin ([email protected]).

Page 3: Campus News - Chairo Christian School · Simon Matthews, Executive Principal Governance News Association General Meeting There will be an Association general meeting on Thursday 9

Certificate of Christian EducationCEN (Christian Education National) will be conducting a one-day engaging workshop at Maranatha Christian School on Saturday 28 October from 8.30 am to 3.30 pm for interested parents and staff members.

The cost of participating in the CCE (Certificate of Christian Education) course is $170, which includes lunch, refreshments and course materials. See the flyer attached to this newsletter for more details.

Our Board Chairman, Jeff Calway, has previously completed the CCE and said, ‘If you’ve ever wanted to articulate “why Christian schooling?” but have struggled to do so, this course comes to your aid!’

Those wishing to attend should register at

From the Senior ChaplainTuesday 31 October marks the 500th anniversary of the start of the Protestant Reformation. Previously, we have looked at how Martin Luther and the other Reformers rediscovered the magnificent truth that we are saved by grace alone (Ephesians 2:1–10).

The second ‘idea that changed the world’ from the Bible, re-discovered by the Reformers, is that God’s grace comes to us through Christ alone. In the words of Jesus’ apostle Peter: Salvation comes no other way; no other name has been or will be given to us by which we can be saved, only this one. (Acts 4:12)

I am challenged by Paul’s words in Philippians 3: I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ – the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith. In other words, there is nothing more important and nothing more wonderful than knowing, loving and depending on Jesus Christ.

How can this be? Because only Jesus can save. Only Jesus can restore our relationship with God, our loving Heavenly Father. Why was Paul willing to lose all things for the sake of knowing Jesus? Because by knowing Jesus, we gain far, far more than we lose.

Jim Elliot (1927–1956) understood this. A few years before he was killed by the Ecuadorian natives he was attempting to evangelise, he famously wrote: He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose. Through Christ alone, we gain what we cannot lose: eternal blessings, and life forever in paradise with God, our gracious and compassionate Heavenly Father.

May the Chairo community look to Jesus for our salvation, and may we treasure Him above all things.Medon Loupis, Senior Chaplain

Campus NewsTerm 2 Early FinishPlease note that school will finish at 2.15 pm tomorrow, Friday 22 September.

School Holiday Office HoursThe Administration Office at the Pakenham Campus will close on Friday 22 September at 4.30 pm for the first week of the holiday break. It will re-open on Monday 2 October.

Uniform in Term 4There will be a three week period at the start of Term 4 when students may choose to wear either summer or winter uniform, depending on the weather.

From the commencement of Week 4, Monday 30 October, full summer uniform only must be worn by all students.

Please note that hats must be worn outdoors in Term 4, regardless of which uniform is being worn.

Uniform Shop Holiday Trading HoursTo assist parents with uniform requirements as we change over to summer uniform, additional uniform shop trading hours are:

• Wednesday 4 October, 10.00 am – 2.00 pm• Monday 9 October, 10.00 am – 2.00 pm• Wednesday 11 October, 1.00–5.00 pm• Thursday 12 October, 8.30–11.30 amNormal trading hours will resume in the week commencing Monday 16 October.

Footy Dress Up DayTo celebrate the end of Term 3, the Parents & Friends Committee will hold a Footy Dress Up Day tomorrow, Friday 22 September, for all students in Red Group Kinder to Year 12.

On this day, students who donate a gold coin may enjoy the privilege of attending school in their favourite footy attire, which needs to be in keeping with our Student Appearance Policy. All money raised will go to supporting charitable initiatives through the Parents & Friends Committee.

Careers at ChairoCurrent Vacancies:PE and Outdoor Education Teacher (Pakenham)Secondary Maths and Science Teacher (Leongatha)

Page 4: Campus News - Chairo Christian School · Simon Matthews, Executive Principal Governance News Association General Meeting There will be an Association general meeting on Thursday 9

Prep to Year 2 SwimmingWeek 2 of Term 4 will see our Prep to Year 2 students take part in swimming lessons at Kings Swim Centre, Narre Warren South. Lessons for each class will be thirty minutes in duration, with the first lesson commencing at 12.00 pm and the last completed by 2.30 pm each swimming day.

This is an exciting and busy time for students and parents alike. As such, we stress the importance of ensuring that students come to school each day with their swim gear already on underneath their school uniform.

Parents who find themselves having to deliver forgotten bathers during this time are asked to telephone Reception prior to confirm bus departure times. Swimming lesson days will be as follows:

• Monday 23 October• Tuesday 24 October• Thursday 26 October• Friday 27 October• Monday 30 October• Tuesday 31 October• Thursday 2 November• Friday 3 November

Story Dog ProgramStory Dog is a program specifically aimed at assisting students identified as reluctant readers. It provides these students with the opportunity to read to a dog without fear of correction or judgement. Research has suggested that ‘story dogs’ improve students’ interest and confidence in reading. This is a widespread practice with positive results reported from schools across Australia and internationally. It is frequently conducted through schools and is seen as a viable, valuable and productive experience.

Remus, a 7-month-old labrador, owned by Stephanie and Daniel McNeil, works as a chaplain dog at Rivercrest Christian College and will be Chairo Pakenham’s story dog. Remus’ current daily activities involve visiting classrooms, working with children with social, emotional or learning needs, and engaging with students in the yard.

Students selected to participate in the Story Dog program will do so during periods 1 and 2 on Tuesday 17 or Tuesday 31 October. Story Dog sessions will be conducted in the comfortable surrounds of the Junior School Library under the close supervision of Daniel McNeil and myself.Jo Bridgman, Teacher Librarian

VCE Practice ExaminationsParents of VCE students are reminded that practice examinations will take place during the second week of the school holidays.

Please note that students are to arrange their own transportation to and from the Drouin Campus for these examinations.

Monday 2 OctoberSession 1 9.00 am – 12.15 pm EnglishSession 2 2.00–4.45 pm Chemistry 2.00–4.15 pm Theatre Studies

Tuesday 3 OctoberSession 1 9.00–10.45 am Further Maths Part 1Session 2 11.45 am – 2.00 pm Physical Education Software DevelopmentSession 3 3.00–4.15 pm Specialist Maths Part 1 3.00–4.45 pm Business Management

Wednesday 4 OctoberSession 1 9.00–11.45 am BiologySession 2 12.30–1.45 pm Maths Methods Part 1Session 3 2.30–4.45 pm Legal Studies

Thursday 5 OctoberSession 1 9.00–11.45 am PhysicsSession 2 12.15–2.00 pm Product Design & Tech 12.15–3.00 pm PsychologySession 3 3.30–5.15 pm Further Maths Part 2 Visual Communication

Friday 6 OctoberSession 1 9.00–11.15 am Health & Human Dev Specialist Maths Part 2 MediaSession 2 12.00–2.15 pm English Literature History RevolutionsSession 3 3.00–5.15 pm Outdoor Education Indonesian Maths Methods Part 2

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Page 5: Campus News - Chairo Christian School · Simon Matthews, Executive Principal Governance News Association General Meeting There will be an Association general meeting on Thursday 9

Year 12 Celebration DayOur Year 12 students will soon complete their schooling and move on to new and exciting pursuits. To mark this special occasion, students will participate in a Celebration Day on Tuesday 24 October, with an official Graduation Ceremony from 11.30 am – 12.30 pm in Finlay Hall.

We wish to advise parents that Celebration Day is a time of fun and entertainment for the Year 12 students and is not a Muck Up Day. There will be no pranks or mischievous stunts as part of this day. The students have organised a carnival to run between 8.30 and 9.30 am, with activities for all students. Parents are welcome and encouraged to attend, as they are an integral part of the school community.

The graduating students are considerate of the safety and needs of younger students, and therefore have arranged many activities and events that the entire school can enjoy on this day.

If you usually drop your child at school, please feel welcome to come a little earlier to enjoy the festivities.

Year 12 Valedictory DinnerAs part of the graduation celebrations for our finishing Year 12 students, a Valedictory Dinner will be held on Tuesday 24 October at the Cardinia Cultural Centre from 6.00–10.00 pm.

This event will include a three-course meal and non-alcoholic beverages. Formal presentations will form part of this evening as students enjoy reminiscing about their time at Chairo.

Tickets are $70.00 per person and can be purchased by visiting Online ticketing is now open for booking until midnight on Wednesday 18 October.

Community NewsBaby CongratulationsCongratulations to the Ellis family on the birth of their baby boy Parker Robert, born 12 September weighing 7 lb 3 oz. Parker is brother to Marley and Hunter.

Bunyip Agricultural ShowExpressions of interest are being sought for people to join the Bunyip & District Agricultural Show Society committee. The show takes place on Sunday 25 March 2018 and monthly planning meetings will be held between now and then on the third Wednesday of each month in the Bunyip Hall Supper Room.

Interested people are encouraged to email [email protected] or attend the next meeting to express their interest.

School Holiday ActivitiesOnce again there are many activities available within the local Cardinia area to entertain children these holidays. Examples include:

• Movie screening at the Cardinia Cultural Centre• Casey/Cardinia Libraries holiday activities• Cardinia Youth Theatre production of Robin HoodFor more information, please visit or

Chairo provides advertisements within the parameters of our Advertising Policy as a community service. The inclusion of any advertisement is not necessarily an endorsement by the School.

Page 6: Campus News - Chairo Christian School · Simon Matthews, Executive Principal Governance News Association General Meeting There will be an Association general meeting on Thursday 9
Page 7: Campus News - Chairo Christian School · Simon Matthews, Executive Principal Governance News Association General Meeting There will be an Association general meeting on Thursday 9

Ossie’s Tennis Coaching Professional tennis coaching at the Pakenham Tennis Club (Anderson St).

Tiny Tackers small group coaching (3-6 years). Cost $110/term. Groups of 3 pupils per coach. 8 x 30min lessons per term. Modified courts and equipment for immediate success and enjoyment.

Hotshots small group coaching (6-11 years). Cost $150/term Groups of 3-4 pupils per coach. 8 x 45min lessons per term. Modified equipment to create the best possible learning environment.

Technical & Tactical small group coaching (12-16 years). Cost $150/term Groups of 3-4 pupils per coach. 8 x 45min lessons per term.

Private/semi-private lessons: Starting at $40 per lesson.

Adult group lessons & Cardio Tennis also available from $110/term

Contact Paul Osborne for enrolment: Phone 0413594633 or email [email protected]


Find us on Facebook: Ossie’s Tennis Coaching in Pakenham

Page 8: Campus News - Chairo Christian School · Simon Matthews, Executive Principal Governance News Association General Meeting There will be an Association general meeting on Thursday 9





for presentations, videos, discussions, cartoons and reflections



Join us

How is it different to another education?

How is teaching Christianly distinctive?

How is Christian education based on the Bible?

Maybe you love Christian education

but would like to be re-energised

What is Christian education?

Maranatha Christian SchoolSaturday 28 October 8.30am - 3.30pmLunch and refreshments providedRegister: CEN website under Vic EventsE: [email protected] or visit Maranatha school office

Page 9: Campus News - Chairo Christian School · Simon Matthews, Executive Principal Governance News Association General Meeting There will be an Association general meeting on Thursday 9





for presentations, videos, discussions, cartoons and reflections



Join us

How is it different to another education?

How is teaching Christianly distinctive?

How is Christian education based on the Bible?

Maybe you love Christian education

but would like to be re-energised

What is Christian education?

Maranatha Christian SchoolSaturday 28 October 8.30am - 3.30pmLunch and refreshments providedRegister: CEN website under Vic EventsE: [email protected] or visit Maranatha school office

Chairo has a vibrant and exciting music department that offers students the opportunity to learn an instrument as part of the private instrumental music program. We are pleased to announce that we are now offering private lessons in both guitar and voice.

Lessons are also still available in trumpet, trombone, euphonium, French horn, bassoon, tuba, flute, clarinet, saxophone, oboe, piano, violin, viola, cello and double bass. Students wishing to enrol in the program for Term 3 are encouraged to collect a music handbook from reception or the music department for further details.

Some of the exciting things that you can be involved in once learning an instrument include the school’s Symphonic Winds Band, Concert Band, High Tea, Music on the Lawn, Music Camp, eisteddfods and competitions, AMEB exams, Band Tour, Clarinet Choir, Flute Ensemble, Brass Ensemble, String Orchestra and a variety of other groups. The school music program also allows students to further enhance their learning and perform at a variety of school functions and community events.

If you are unsure which instrument you would like to learn, please contact Mrs Thomsen on 5942 5632 (ext. 323) or at [email protected] for more details.

Get involved and have a blast learning!