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7 December 2015

Principal’s Awards

Congratulations to the following children who received Principal’s Awards at

assembly on Thursday 3 December.

Jiwoo Son (Rm 1), Isabella Foote (Rm 2), Angela Zhang (Rm 3),

Boston Kelly (Rm 4), Archer Wallis (Rm 5), Sorcha Mauger (Rm 6),

Dominic Nicholson Rm 8), Ashley Brown (Rm 9), Kaya Donnelly (Rm 9),

Rory Mulcahy (Rm 10), Marina Marquez de Prado Lopez (Rm 11),

Holly Wells (Rm 12), Monte Clegg (Rm 13), Breanna de Zwart (Rm 14),

Nicholas Yang (Rm 18), Yoon Ho Maeng (Rm 19), Emma Molesworth (Rm 20),

Milla Leonard-Clifford (Rm 21), Oliver Brimelow (Rm 22),

Dylan Bryce-Borthwick (Rm 23), Dusty Clegg (Rm 24),

Lucy Henderson (Rm 25), Ella Brooke (Rm 26), Poresha Yee (Rm 27),

Eliza Ferguson-Dudding (Rm 30), Zieden Urlich (Rm 30),

Hannah Finley (Rm 30), Tianyi Lu (Rm 36), Chloe Kelly (Rm 37),

Isabel McQueen-Hilig (Rm 5S), Lucy Rich (Rm 5G), Cruz Erdmann (Rm 5B),

Dongah Park (Rm 5O), Edwin Mao (Rm 6O), Freya Caisley (6O),

Moeko Yumiba (Rm 6O), Kyra Smithson (Rm 6S), Isis Quin (Rm 6B), Ryder

Clegg (Rm 6B), Caleb Lipman (Rm 6G)

Congratulations to Zoe Meacher (Rm

6S) who was presented with MRE Kiwi

Spirit Award. Well done Zoe.

042 School Bus - Thursday 17 December

The school bus will operate as normal in the morning next Thursday. However it

will not be operating at 12:30pm or 3:00pm.

Please make alternative arrangements to pick up your children next Thursday at

12:30pm. Thanks.



Year 6 Graduation

FOCBS Mufti Day


Year 5 and 6 Market Day


Christmas Concerts


International Students shared lunch 12:00 – 1:00pm


Mufti Day for Year 6 Students

School finishes at 12:30pm



12 October – 17 December


2 February – 15 April


2 May – 8 July


25 July – 23 September


10 October – 16 December

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7 December 2015


This is a 'hat term.' Please ensure your child has their named school hat at school every day.

For the sake of safety we ask that you inform us ahead of time if your child is not going to be at school. Please use either the designated telephone number (410 9551) or the absence option on the tiqbiz school app. Haven't downloaded the app yet? Please see below how to do this. The app is an important communication tool.

Important 2015 Dates

Wednesday 9 December - 5.30pm Year Six Graduation Dinner (PA Rooms)

7.00pm Year Six Graduation Ceremony (Hall)

Friday 11 December - 2015 school reports to go home to parents

Monday 14 December - 5.00pm Years 0 - 2 end of year concert

5.30pm Years 3 - 6 (including kapa haka) end of

year concert

6.20pm Approximate end of concert

Please Note: (1) All times are approximate. (2) Should the weather not allow

the concerts to be held on the field the concerts will be held in the hall.

(See page 4 for full details)

Thursday 17 December

12.30pm School year ends with a final assembly on the court area outside the

hall or inside the hall if the weather dictates this.

Swimming Pool Keys

There are still keys available to

purchase for the swimming pool,

for use over the summer

between 18 December and mid

March 2016.

The cost of the key will be $80.00

and there are limited numbers of

keys available. Keys will be given

on a ‘first come - first served’

basis once payment has been


Keys can be purchased via the

online payment portal ONLY.

Either click on the link on the

school website - under

Campbells Bay School Online


or use the tiqbiz app online

payment portal.

A copy of the contract / rules will

be given to you with your key

Should you require a copy of this

before you purchase a key,

please collect from the school


Dates the pool will be


Monday 11 January to Friday 22

January 9:00am to 4:00pm –

holiday swimming programme

offered by Skillz4Life.







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7 December 2015

Friends of Campbells Bay Bay School - Second-Hand

Uniform Sale – Term Four, 2015

The Friends of Campbells Bay School (FOCBS) will be running a second-hand

uniform sale at school on Thursday 17 December 8:00am until 9:00am.

Helpers for the sale – Thursday 17 December at 7:45am in PA room to help

sell, (email [email protected]/text 021 129 5273 to let me know if

you are available). Helpers get first pick of the items!

Year six students will be given the option to wear mufti on Thursday 17

December to allow their uniforms to be sold should they want to.

Buyers: Please come to the sale with cash or cheque only.


Fill in the registration form which is on the school google website:

Secondhand Uniforms folder SecondHandUniformSaleRegistrationForm1.pdf

Set a price for each item you wish to sell, taking into account the condition of

the item. Please price to the nearest dollar as this will help with change.

Safety pin a small square of cardboard (approx. 5cm square) with the

following information - Size, Description, Price. An example is below:

Bring the clean unwanted uniform to the school office any day leading up to

the sale

Please ensure that you have completed all the registration information and

securely attached your pricing tag to your items. We need to be able to track

each item sold or returned to the registration form to be able to pay you


FOCBS will collect 20% of the sale price to cover administration costs and as a

fundraiser for the benefit of the school. After each sale, we will pay you in cash

for the items sold (ie, 80% of the sales price) or return your unsold items. The

cash and unsold items will be available at the school office on Wednesday 3

February or you can text me to collect it earlier as required.

Donations of uniforms - FOCBS gratefully accept any donations of uniforms,

100% of these sales will be collected for the benefit of the school. We aim to

price donated good quality uniforms at half the price of new uniforms. Please

drop off donated uniforms at the school office.

Queries to Becca Hammond - email [email protected]

text 021 129 5273

Thank you - Tēnā Koutou

End of Year Concerts

and Twilight Fun Night

The end of year concerts on

Monday 14 December are being

well supported by the Friends of

Campbells Bay School (FOCBS).

As you can see, they are

providing a range of food and

recreational options for your

enjoyment. Thank you FOCBS!

Friends of Campbells

Bay School Mufti Day –

Wed 9 December

Please bring in a small brand new

$2.00 children’s type gift or $2.00

to be used for the lucky dip at the

twilight fun night.

Proceeds will help keep the prices

of the other rides down to $2.00!

Volunteers Required

Volunteers required to help man

the rides at the Twilight Fun Night

whilst the concerts are on at

5:00pm and 5:30pm.

Email Bronwyn if you help:

[email protected]

Size – 8

Sports Shorts


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7 December 2015

Year 3 and 4 Fun Athletics Day

Year three and four Fun Athletics Day is on Tuesday 15 December from 9:00am until 12:05pm.

Please ensure your child is well prepared for a morning of outside activity - school sunhat, sunblocked and drink bottle

filled with water.

Parents and caregivers are welcome to come along and enjoy the fun.


A reminder, the concerts will be held on Monday 14 December come rain, hail or (hopefully) sunshine.


Years 0 - 2: All students to assemble on the netball court at 4.45pm in readiness to walk into position on the bank in the

corner of the field. The concert will start at 5.00pm. At the conclusion of their concerts year 0 - 2 students will be walked to

a vacant area of the field to be reunited with parents :)

Years 3 - 6: All students to assemble on the netball court at 5.15pm in readiness to walk into position on the bank in the

corner of the field. The concert is expected to start at about 5.30pm. It is expected this concert will be completed by

about 6.20 pm.

INSIDE CONCERT PLANS - the plans we hope we won’t have to use

Years 0 - 2: All students assemble in the hall at 4.45pm for concert to start at 5.00pm.

Years 3 - 4: All students assemble in the hall at 5.3 pm for concert to start very shortly thereafter.

Years 5 - 6: All students assemble in the hall at 6.05pm for concert to start very shortly thereafter.

If we have to have the concerts in the hall we will have to compromise the quality of the experience. We will do our best

and we ask for your tolerance and understanding for a decision (to hold the concerts inside) that is beyond even our


All students are requested to wear Christmas-coloured clothing using the white, red and green theme. However, a

combination of all colours is NOT required and there is no expectation new clothing will be purchased!

Christmas/festive-type head wear is perfectly fine, reflecting what we hope to be a fun filled event.

Other Events on the Night

Thanks to the Friends of Campbells Bay School, the evening should be a family fun event with plenty to do (and eat).

Please see the attachment to the newsletter that outlines these events.

Market Day - Friday 11 December

The Market Day run by year five and six students is this Friday from 10.00am to

2.00pm, raising money for the school.

Children are invited to bring their pocket money (please only bring coins,

no large notes.

There will be lots of fun things to try:

Face Painting


Beauty Salon

Go Carts


Tomorrow a permission form will come home for those students who would like their faces painted or makeup applied.

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7 December 2015

CBS Book Week

Our school Book Week was a huge success. The aim for the week was to promote literature and help develop a love of

reading. This was evident around the school from the buzz in the air and sheer excitement about books. Throughout the

week children enjoyed visits from Tony Williams, Des Hunt, Mark Sommerset, Tamsin Worsely, Peter Millett, Winnie the

Witch and Jenny Watt with her musical story. Competition was hot as every class decorated their class door in the theme

of their favourite book. Well done everyone. They looked amazing. The grand finale to our week was the book character

parade last Friday, where both teachers and students showcased their favourite book character. Each class selected one

lucky winner who received a book of their choice kindly donated by Scholastic Books.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for supporting another successful Book Week. We sold just over

$18,000 worth of books and with the $6,000 proceeds our library will receive hundreds of new books as well as books

kindly donated from many families. Thank you very much FOCBS for their hard work and support with running this event.

A special thank you to our parent volunteers Jocelyn DeSuza, Tash Bartlett, Catherine Young, Lucy Knight, Stephanie

Houliston, Georgina Nicholson, Sonette de Koster, Alice Rong, Sophie and Jen. In particular, a special thanks to Tracey

Smith who spent many hours organising author visits, grandparents day, book fair set up and pack up as well as being

there daily to help sell books and share her valuable knowledge with parents. We couldn’t have done it without all of

these volunteers.

Here are some photos from Book Week 2015.

Christine McLean, Learning Hub Teacher

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7 December 2015

Grandparents’ Day

Grandparents morning was a highlight of Book Week. It was delightful seeing proud grandchildren leading their equally

proud grandparents and special visitors around the school. The children and teachers thoroughly enjoyed having the

opportunity to share some work from throughout the year as well as spend some time reading together. Thank you to all

the wonderful grandparents and special visitors who came to spend the morning at our school last Wednesday and

support our school Book Week. It really was a great morning to be treasured by all!

Christine McLean, Learning Hub Teacher

CAT FOUND on walkway from school to Peter Terrace:

CALL 0273 063 920

Walking School Bus Travelwisers

Well done Adam, with Eliza and Kaya, & Max, who have walked to CBS every Monday, on the Walking School Bus!

What champion travelwisers!

A WSB ‘fruit platter’ celebration will be held in Rm 29 on the morning of 17


More news next week. Keep being Travelwise CBS!

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7 December 2015

Sports News Weekly sports results can be found on the following link:

Would all managers of sports teams please email weekly news and results to our new sports email address:

[email protected]

Auckland Junior Swimming Champs

The Auckland Junior Swimming Champs were held on November 27th-29th at the West Wave Aquatics Centre. Five CBS

students who swim for North Shore Swim Club swam qualifying times during the year which allowed them to compete in

this event. Well done to Tayla Helms, Savannah-Eve Martin, Sally Sim, Charlie Twose and Xavier Gordon for competing

at this swim meet. Charlie Twose is to be congratulated on finishing the event with a silver medal and two bronze medals

and Savannah-Eve Martin and Xavier Gordon won a bronze medal each. This event allows swimmers to qualify to swim

in the National Junior Swim Champs which are being held in Auckland in February 2016. Sally Sim has qualified to swim

in a butterfly event, Savannah-Eve Martin has qualified to swim a backstroke event and Charlie Twose has qualified to

swim in 9 events! We wish these swimmers all of the very best for Nationals.

Weetbix Tryathlon

Weetbix Tryathlon registrations are now open. CBS will be sending a school team. There has been a change of venue

and the event will no longer take place at Narrow Neck Beach. The new venue is Manly Park Whangaporaoa. The North

Shore event is now called the Hibiscus Coast event and will take place on the 3 April 2016. Early bird discount rates apply

and all necessary information can be found on the official Weetbix Tryathlon website. You can enter as an individual and

do the swim, bike and run or as a 2 person team where one person does the swim, the other the bike and both team

members do the run. Only online registrations are accepted and no registrations or entries will be taken through the

school office. During the online registration process select Campbells Bay School as your school team option. Any

queries please contact Keri Maunder on [email protected]

Harcourts Beach Series

The Beach series is once again up and running. It takes place on a Tuesday evening down at Takapuna Beach. There is

a schools points competition so make sure you select Campbells Bay as your school when you register. The kids 2.5km

beach run starts at 5:50pm from in front of the Takapuna Boating Club. It is a great way to keep fit, interact with other

families in our community and take in the wonderful surroundings we are blessed with on the North Shore.More

information and details can be found on the official Harcourts Beach Series website. It has been great to see so many

Campbells Bay School families down at the run this summer. Keep up the great work! Any queries please contact Keri

Maunder on [email protected]

Waterwise instructors course dates for 2016

(you need to be able to attend ALL 5 sessions.)

February Monday 8 4:00pm-8:00pm Wednesday 10 4:00pm-8:00pm

Saturday 13 The morning approx 9:00am-12:00pm Monday 15 4:00pm-8:00pm

Wednesday 17 4:00pm-8:00pm

Please email me at [email protected] by Thursday 10 December.

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7 December 2015



Help us reduce the growing mountain of lost property! Ensure your uniform and any valuable items are clearly labelled

with a name for easy identification.

Many parents have already taken advantage of the name label fundraiser organised by our school fundraising committee

and local business COOLdesigns. We are pleased to advise the range of labels has now been extended to include a

wider choice of label packs, some with over 200

name labels!

You can now order through our online payment

portal and have the labels posted to your home free

of charge. The school online payment portal offers a

convenient way to place and pay for your order.

The school will also receive a donation of 10% of

the sale value.

The iron-on clothes vinyl is soft and stretches with

the fabric and can easily be applied with your iron.

All vinyl labels are dishwasher and microwave safe

and can be personalised with a name and images.



Label Packs Number of

Vinyl Labels

Number of Iron

On Labels


Basic Name Labels 16 $12.95 FREE

Shoe Labels – Classic 30 $19.95 FREE

Iron on Labels – Classic 21 21 $18.95 FREE

Iron on Labels - Premium 30 30 $24.95 FREE

Basic Variety Pack 58 42 $29.95 FREE

Favourite Variety Pack 160 42 $44.95 FREE

Ultimate Variety Pack 200 60 $54.95 FREE


Four bedroom, 2 bathroom, 3 toilet home in Campbells Bay/Westlake school zones. Top of Sunnynook Rd, single garage

and some off street parking. Available early next year. Tidy, modern and north facing. Please contact Ann or Chris Davis

at 09 4783812 or 0211202656.

Babysitter Available

Hi! My name is Mica. I am a 16-year-old student at Westlake Girls High School and I’m an experienced baby-sitter. I love

kids and I like being active! I will give 100% of my attention to your kids! I am trustworthy, reliable, responsible, and a

genuinely happy person. Also, I can cook simple, healthy meals that kids like!

Contact Info: 021-064 9530

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7 December 2015

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7 December 2015

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7 December 2015

Westlake Girls High School Reunion for graduating year of 1985 (even if you didn’t complete 7th form).

Casual drinks at The Gardens, The Commons Takapuna 9 December 7.00pm.

Email [email protected] for invite or to RSVP

Music Lessons

2016 Individual Guitar; Piano; and Violin lessons at Campbells Bay School

Enrolment forms for Guitar; Piano and Violin lessons will be available at the school office in the first week of school in

2016. For further information contact us through [email protected] or phone us on 0800893939

Music tuition for $150 - $250 for the whole year. (Includes the music)

When: After school or Saturday mornings.

Where: Murrays Bay Intermediate School.

When: classes start 27 Februaru 2016.

Instruments offered: Drums, Guitar, Ukelele, Cello, Violin, Saxophone, Clarinet, Keyboard/Piano, Trumpet, Recorder

and Flute.

Enrolments are open online at for 2016, 1 December. Spaces are limited.

Any enquiries email Emma Tolmie [email protected]

KIDS CHOICE SCHOOL HOLIDAY bookings are now open. The programme will open

on Thursday 17 December 2015 and finish on Wednesday 3 February 2016.

Days are full of fun activities and trips to stimulate and entertain your children in a safe, fully supervised environment.

CYF’s approved allowing you to apply for a subsidy.

We are based at the Presbyterian Church, 10 Penzance Road, Mairangi Bay. Hours of operation are 7.00am until 6.00pm


Contact Barb 027 440 6363 or Tash 021 073 2782.

Email: [email protected]


Before and After school Care for 5 – 14 year olds.

Limited vacancies are currently available in our CYF’s approved before and after school care programme.

Based in the Presbyterian Church hall, 10 Penzance Road, Mairangi Bay.

We give the children breakfast and they take part in quiet activities until we take them to school each morning.

After school we collect the children from school and take them to the programme where they have afternoon tea and

assistance with their homework. We have several computers available for the children to use for homework purposes.

Each day the children have a choice of various planned fun activities such as craft, art, cooking, knitting, cross stitch,

games, sport etc. We spend time outdoors when the weather permits. Your children will be cared for by a great team of

caring, professional, police vetted staff who love working with children. While our rates are reasonable we are also CYF’s

approved enabling families to apply for OSCAR subsidies.

Transport to or from sports activities can be available by negotiation.

Call in for a visit and meet the team.

For further information Contact Barb 027 440 6363 or Tash 021 073 2782

Email: [email protected]

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7 December 2015