
Pastors Letter

Pastor Mike Osladil Dear Beloved Ones of Calvary,

My wife, Janel, and myself have enjoyed our ministry to you who are part of the Calvary Bible Church family. For any of you unable to be present when I read my letter of resignation on Sunday, Oct 15th (after providing it to the elder board at our monthly meeting the previous Thursday), I’ve included that statement below.

“In recognition of God’s leading I am announcing my resignation as Senior Pastor here at Calvary Bible Church effective sixty days from this notice to the elder board (thus 12/11/17). I have loved serving you, the congregation of Calvary for these past eleven and a half years. But knowing that in general a Senior Pastor is most effective in reaching people ten years older than himself to ten years younger than himself, and even more importantly with a growing sense of my own spiritual and emotional needs I had anticipated most likely retiring from the demands of this position by at least my mid-sixties if not before. While the timing for my retirement from this position is coming earlier than I originally anticipated, and will present some financial challenges for us, both my wife Janel and myself have sensed God’s clear leading in this decision.

“As we are seeking to act in faith in what we sense as God’s leading, our hope is that you the leadership and congregation of Calvary will continue to trust God to lead you as a church. Trust Christ’s promise to build His Church and to prevent the gates of hell from prevailing over her. I firmly believe Calvary’s best days can be before her. I’m so

Table of Contents

Pg 1,2 — Pastor’s Letter

Pg 2 — Library Link

Pg 3 — Music News

Pg 3 — Church Decoration

Pg 4 — Elder Express

Pg 4 — CBC Marketplace

Pg 5 — Calendar

Calvary’s Light


grateful for the role God has allowed me to serve in advancing His kingdom through you, the people of Calvary these past nearly one dozen years, and building on Calvary’s firm foundation. With both the joy of seeing many people’s lives transformed through the gospel, as well as sharing in challenges we’ve faced as a church and/or heartaches of members of our congregation, it has been my deep pleasure and joy to serve you, this body of believers, these many years. Truly “I have you in my heart” as the apostle Paul stated about congregations he served. I will seek to continue to remember you in my prayers and I appreciate your prayers for myself and my family.

“With our oldest son and daughter-in-law here, as well as a grandson (and another grandchild on the way) I anticipate our occasional return to Hanover as our schedule will allow. I have accepted a position as a chaplain at a retirement community in Cincinnati.”

As I shared this week with our missionaries when I informed them of this transition I believe I am leaving the ministry here on a firm foundation. God has blessed us with both a good elder board as well as pastoral and ministry staff. We just had sixteen adults attend our most recent Welcome Class in September for those interested in church membership. Pray for both the elder board and staff in this transition.

After over thirty-eight years in pastoral ministry, including the last eleven and a half here at Calvary, which I’ve found to be very fulfilling and fruitful ministry, but also an increasingly heavy and more stressful responsibility, I had made the decision over a year ago to begin the process, above my regular ministry schedule, of receiving training in Clinical Pastoral Education to both continue to sharpen my pastoral ministry skills as well as provide an opportunity to pursue chaplain ministry at some point for my last few years of full-time ministry. As noted above I recently accepted a chaplain position in a retirement community in Cincinnati. I believe God will use this ministry to expand His kingdom as I minister to residents and staff. As part of my responsibilities in this role I will also be available for pulpit supply to local churches in the Cincinnati area. (Best email after Dec 11 is [email protected] ).


Library Link

Come Thirsty

Come Thirsty by Max Lucado is another great one! Physical thirst is one thing but depriving our soul of spiritual water will cause dehydrated hearts, tempers, worry, guilt and fear. As well as hopelessness, resentment, loneliness and insecurity. But we do not have to live that way. God invites you to treat your thirsty soul as you would your physical thirst. Just

visit the WELL and drink deeply. Let Christ be the water for your soul.

The Wonder of You

The Wonder of You by Susan May Warren is the fifth book in the Christiansen Family series. The main character, Amelia, has just returned home from a year abroad that was cut short. But the last thing she expects is for someone to follow her. Come in and see what happens next.

Christmas Decoration We need helping

hands to help

make the Church

look beautiful and

festive for the

coming season.

For more details,

please contact

Gail Kollmar at


You are invited to join us in worship as we celebrate the birth of our Savior,

Jesus Christ. You’ll be blessed by the joy and inspiration of the Adult and Children’s Choirs, accompanied

by the Orchestra.

Come, let us adore Him!

Posters and invitations are available at the Welcome Center.

November 15th

6:15 PM

Elder Express "That they may be one, as we are." That was Jesus' prayer for his disciples as he readied Himself to be sacrificed for the sin of the world. It was also a prayer for future believers whom He knew would be pulled in every direction by that world. We Americans pride ourselves on our rugged individualism, it's a badge of honor to be different, to march to your own drum. Yet, when it comes to the Christian life, Jesus' prayer was that we be one. Webster's dictionary defines one as being in agreement or union. So Jesus' great intercessory prayer was that His followers be unified when it comes to spiritual matters. The apostle Paul expanded on this thought in I Corinthians 12 where he said," Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually." Imagine that! Individuals who make up a body! His body! So, while we all have individual preferences, and our opinions vary, when it comes to matters centering around the Lord Jesus Christ, we are, as the apostle Paul also said," Steadfast, immovable." As we face the future of CBC together, let us remind ourselves to " be one" as we advance the cause of Christ, from Hanover to Hanoi.

Special thanks to the WAC and Missions Leadership Teams for orchestrating a "WAC-tastic" missions conference. From the Sunday school and morning messages to the displays in the lobby, from the "Up Close and Personal" times to the "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner",and from brownies and ice cream to the yellow missionary prayer cards, our missions conference was an excellent way to reach from South America to France to the Canary Islands to Hanover. Thank a member of the team when you see one.

November's ministry focus is on the Orphan's Ministry. Special emphasis will focus with Sam and Ruth Ann Wegner and the problem of children "aging out" of foster care. Check out the foyer where we will again be collecting monies for the Soroti (Ugandan) Orphans Ministry Project this year. Your contributions will allow an orphan to come home with a box laden with rice, cornstarch, soap, the only sugar the family will have all year, and soda pop, just for fun! For that one day, the orphan is the most important person in the world!

November is also the time to begin praying for those men God has laid on your heart to serve as elder for the next 3 years. Mike Mathias and Tom McFeaters will be heading up the nominating committee for those men to fill this vital leadership role for CBC. Nomination forms may be found at the Activity Table.

As we ask for each month, and especially during this season of transition, we covet your prayers. Remember Pastor Mike and Janel as they finish their ministry at CBC and pray for Pastor Mike as he fills the role of chaplain in a Retirement Community in Cincinnati, and for Janel in whatever the Lord has for her. Pray for us who remain as we begin the process of finding what God has already chosen to lead us here at CBC. These are not fearful times, they are exciting ones as we travel them arm and arm together. While we do not know what the future holds, glory to God, we know Who holds the future! Any questions? Ask!


CBC Market Place All submissions will remain for three months unless you sell your item(s). Please call the church office if your items have sold.

FOR SALE: 1998 Buick Lesabre, 94000+ miles, radio doesn’t work, needs inspection. If interested contact Gloria Smith at (717) 797-4495.

FOR SALE: Two Custom Bedspreads, Twin Size, Throw Style, Loom Quilting, Kashmir Fabric, Sea Blue. $75 each. Interested call (717)624-5503.

FOR SALE: Two Headboards, Twin Size, Aged Brass Finish, Hillsboro. $50 each. Interested call (717)624-5503

FOR SALE: Swivel Gliding Recliner, Fabric is Leno-Coral . Price $100. Call (717)624-5503.

FOR SALE: Used Horizon 1.1T Treadmill. $100.00 or best offer. Call Patricia at 717-624-3797.

FREE: If you know of someone needing a hospital bed or lift chair, please contact Judy Feather at (717)-624-8673.

Date Day Time Event Room

1 Wednesday 9:30 AM Widows Fellowship 202

6:15 PM Teen Ministry

6:30 PM Awana, ESL, Grief Share, Ladies Bible Study, Prayer Meeting

2 Thursday 6:00 PM PA Mandated Reporter Training Seminar

3 Friday Teen Group: Reverb (All Nighter)

4 Saturday 8:00 AM Men’s Breakfast @ Ryan’s Steakhouse

5 Sunday 10:25 AM Communion — AM Sanctuary

6:30 PM Divorce Care/DC4K, Ladies Bible Study PM Service: Wegners to Speak, Women/Word

6 Monday 6:30 PM Adoptive Family Group 216

7 Tuesday 6:30 PM Precept: John Part 1 106

8 Wednesday 6:15 PM Teen Ministry

6:30 PM Awana, ESL, Grief Share, Prayer Meeting,

9 Thursday 6:30 PM Elders Meeting

10 Friday 6:00 PM TNT Girls’ Sleepover

11 Saturday 8:30 AM Leaf Raking Moul Field

12 Sunday 10:25 AM AM Service Sanctuary

6:30 PM Divorce Care/DC4K: Surviving the Holidays, Ladies Bible Study, PM Service, Women/Word

14 Tuesday 6:30 PM Precept: John Part 1 106

15 Wednesday 9:30 AM Widows Fellowship 202

6:15 PM Christmas Decorating, Teen Ministry

6:30 PM Awana, ESL, Grief Share: Surviving the Holidays, Prayer Meeting

19 Sunday 10:25 AM AM Service Sanctuary

6:30 PM Children’s Choir Party, Divorce Care/DC4K, PM Service: Thanksgiving Testimonies, Women/Word

21 Tuesday 6:30 PM Precept: John Part 1

22 Wednesday No PM Activities

23-24 Thur—Fri Office Closed — Happy Thanksgiving

26 Sunday 10:25 AM AM Service Sanctuary

6:30 PM Divorce Care/DC4K 206

28 Tuesday 3:15 PM Good News Club 128

6:30 PM TSF Staff Meeting 216

29 Wednesday 6:15 PM Teen Ministry

6:30 PM Awana, ESL, Grief Share, Prayer Meeting

CBC November Event Calendar