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It is true that people don’t like change.

But it is not always true.

We mostly welcome familiar routines and places and people. But we also welcome Spring

turning to Summer to Fall to Winter and Spring again. There is an appealing possibility for a

new restaurant or technology or friend or place to explore.

As a Christian, it is a comfort to know that God doesn’t change

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights,

with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.” (James 1:17).

It is also a comfort to know that we WILL

“Behold! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, [52] in a

moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the

dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed.” (1 Corinthians 15:51–52)

And aren’t you glad that Jesus changed you:

“For at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of

light (Ephesians 5:8)

Change can test us, but it also shapes us.

Why do I bring this up? Because some significant change is in front of us and I know it can be

uncomfortable and downright difficult. But I am trusting you will embrace it.

Effective November 1 (the same day as the time change when we “Fall Back” FYI) we are

planning to change the order of events on Sunday morning. During my time as your Pastor, it

has been Sunday School first followed by Worship. The Deacon Board and I believe we will be

better served by having Worship first and then Sunday School. Our proposed schedule: 9:30-

10:45 Worship, 10:45-11 coffee/transition, 11-11:45 Sunday School.

While there are a number of reasons for this, let me highlight these:

• First, we believe more people will stay for Sunday School if they are already here for


Calvary ConnectionOctober 2020

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• Second, while there will still be a variety of other types of Bible-based fellowship and

instruction, “Sunday Reflections” will follow Worship and be a chance to revisit the

morning message, field questions, and discuss life applications of the message. This will

help everyone process the sermon, and give newcomers, especially, the opportunity to

connect with our church family.

• Finally, complacency is an enemy of following Christ. God does not just want us to

occupy a seat on Sunday morning. He wants to meet with us and use his Word in the

power of his Spirit to make us more like his Son. If changing our Sunday order of

events helps spur us on to that, it would be a good change.

By the way, on November 1, we will be serving a breakfast at 8:30 so your family home prep

can be eased a bit. Then, after the Sunday School hour at 11:45, we will serve a potluck meal –

the first true potluck we’ve had since COVID hit. Then, since it looks like Trick or Treating

might suffer this year, we’ll have treats that might make Mom wonder about us, but the kids

will love it!

Calvary family, let me urge you not to focus on the reasons why change is hard and

uncomfortable. Instead, let me urge you to embrace change, and rejoice in it.

Circle November 1 on your calendar. There is a time change coming. It may be “Fall Back” on

the national clock but I am looking to “Move Ahead” with you all!

Calvary Family,

I just wanted to let you know of an important change developing in our already full church life. We are moving to strengthen our worship ministry by separating the teams into three separate components: Music under the leadership of Gordon and Sarah Roberts, Technology led by Aaron

Madsen, and Worship Arts which is still awaiting an answer from the person I’ve asked to lead us. This change will take effect November 15. Join me in thanking everyone who is stepping up to help. In particular, I want to thank Aaron for his countless hours of outstanding, faithful service to our congregation for the last 12 years. He has been leading all three of these components well but this effortwill require more than any one person can really give on a volunteer basis going forward. Please pray

for all of the people who will lead us into the days ahead.

Pastor Don

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Join Together to Prayat church or wherever you are

What: For our church, America, Covid19, and

repentant hearts

Where: Calvary Community Church

When: Each Tuesday from 12:15-12:30 pm

Sunday Sessions

When: Sunday evenings @6pm

Open discussion on:

*Sunday’s Sermon

*Devotional Discussion

*Biblical Questions/ Current Issues

Pack your own box– OR –

Pack a box online for $25.00(by November 15)

Click the link below:

Nebraska City Life Chain

Sunday, October 4th

From 1:00 to 2:00 p.m.

along 11th St.

Pick up signs at the public parking

lot at

10th St. and 1st Corso at 12:45.

Stand with us for life

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Pastor Moore,

On behalf of Global Assist, I want to thank you and Calvary Community Church for the generous donation we recently received. It will be used 100% to aid the work of our Global Ministry Partners, who are independent,

native church planting ministries lead by devoted leaders with a vision of reaching their people groups with the Gospel and developing disciples through planting sustainable local house churches. This is native people

reaching their own people, the most effective and dynamic method that God is using to further His Kingdom in today's modern world.

Specifically, your donation helped hundreds of families receive the dramatically needed assistance for food

caused by the COVID shut down. We pray for the people in India and Ethiopia where our partners are working, as the pandemic is especially hard on the poorest of our brothers and sisters around the world.

As a side note, Paul and Debbie Salansky are in our closest circle of friends. Paul and I went through Optometry

education together over 45 years ago and we have enjoyed our relationship with them all these years. Not only as Paul and I are in the family of Optometry together, but Paul and Debbie are in the family of God with us as


May God continue to bless your work in Nebraska City. Hopefully we will have an opportunity to meet personally in the future. Kerry is such a critical component of our ministry, working with local churches in our

midwest region, to help them understand how Global Assist can effectively be used as a logistics resource to accomplish the local church's global missions responsibility. Together we can reach the world with the Good

News of Jesus!

In His Service...'till Jesus returns,

Jim Kirchner

Ministry Opportunity

Paid Babysitter Needed

• Tuesday- Friday

• 8 hours/ day

• Hours may vary

This would be for Ross and Pam Baker’s 6-month old grandson, Crew, who is doing

very well. If you have a heart for children and/or for single moms, contact Sierra

Baker at (402) 209-5188 for more detailed information about hours.

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More News:

➢ Deacon Nominations: It’s that time of year to begin the process of Deacon

nominations. Nominations will be closed October 26. Please receive permission of the

person you are nominating, and put their name in the Nomination Box on the

Welcome Table in the foyer.

➢ Q&A Meeting: Sunday, October 11 we will be discussing a By-Law change. Lunch will

be provided.

➢ Quarterly Business Meeting: Sunday, October 18, following the worship service, we

will be voting on the By-Law change.

Community Outreach Volunteer Opportunities

Please sign up as soon as possible at welcome desk in church foyer or by responding to the email, thank


Saturday, October 17, 8:30 am – 12:00 - Keep

Nebraska City Beautiful is organizing a yard

cleanup. One yard selected from mail-in

applications. Need 8 or more volunteers to

pick up and haul debris, yard waste, trash, or

other materials from a local residence. Need

pickup trucks to haul debris to dump. Wear

gloves and appropriate shoes, and bring water

and yard tools. Local address and specific details

to follow.

Thank you for your service to Calvary Community


and Nebraska City!

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To Paul Salansky and John

Stukenholtz for giving your time to

make Calvary’s landscape beautiful

and inviting! You have done a

beautiful job!

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Prayer Ministry

If you are in need of prayer, there are several

ways to reach out:- Call Pastor Don or Pastor Daniel for confidential

prayer requests- Call one of the Prayer Team members to have

the team pray for/with you- Call or email the church to have your request

added to the congregational prayer email which is sent out every Monday and Thursday.

Prayer team forOctober 2020

Laura PoirierJulia Perry

Gary HudnallJim Brockhaus

John & JudyStukenholtz

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Calvary Community Church

Evangelical Free

273 S 63rd Road

Nebraska City, NE 68410

(410) 873-7205

Email: [email protected]



Don Moore

Associate Pastor:

Daniel Evertson

Worship Director:

Aaron Madsen


Chris Ely, Jeff Parker, Gordon Roberts,

Claude Strope, Ray VanVoorhis, Bob Yearian


10:30 AM Worship Service