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Harry Potter is a wizard.

His two best friends are RonWeasley and Hermione Granger.

Favourite sport is Quidditch.

When he is not at school, he lives with nasty Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia and his cruel cousin Dudley Dursley.

Enemies are Voldemort and Professor Quirrel.

He's in Gryffindor House.

He has a pet owl named Hedwig.

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He is one of Harry’s best friends.

Ron is the best chess player in thewhole of Hogwarts School.

He's in Gryffindor House.

He has a pet rat called Scabbers.

Ron’s father owns a blue flying car.

He has the most family in the whole of Hogwarts.

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Hermione Granger is the smartest of her age.

She reads a lot of facts about Hogwarts.

She goes to the library all the time.

She's in Gryffindor House.

She has a pet cat named Crookshanks.

Hermione’s parents are Muggles (they are not wizards).

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He is in Slytherin House.

His two friends are Crabb and Goyle.

His favourite teacher is Professor Snape.

His dad Lucius malfoy is a death eaterAnd helps voldemort.

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He calls his wand “The Death Stick”.

Professor Dumbledore is the Headmaster of Hogwarts.

He is the best at magic in the whole of the world.

He can not only use his wand for magic but he can also use his hands for magic.

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Hagrid loves dragons and three- headed dogs.

He is the game keeper of Hogwarts School.


He goes to the forbidden forest a lot.

Hagrid lives in a very dusty old hut.

Hagrid has a dog called Fang.

Hagrid is half giant.

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Professor Quirrel 2 headed person

(Bad dude)

Scabbers (whichIs Ron’s rat) changesinto a human and turns Voldemort back to life.

Professor Quirrelwas tricking everyone in Hogwarts.

Voldemort lost allhis powers and hehad to share heads With Professor Quirrel.

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She is the Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts School.

Her power is to turn into a cat.

She is the leader of Gryffindor House.

Professor McGonigol teaches Transformation Classes.

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He is the leader of SlytherinHouse.

He teaches ‘Potions‘.

He was unsuccessful when teaching The Dark Arts.

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School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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Brief Story Outline

When Harry Potter was a little baby Lord Voldemort

came to his house and killed both his parents.

Lord Voldemort used the killing spell Avader Kadabra on

Harry Potter and that’s how Harry Potter got the scar on

his forehead.

Now Harry Potter’s learning how to become a

wizard at Hogwarts School and defeat his enemies.

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Problem of the story

Voldemort and Professor Quarrel were coming to

kill Harry Potter.

They were wanting to get the Philosopher’s

Stone so Voldemort could come back alive with

his own body.

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Since Harry Potter made it to the Philosopher’s Stone

and stopped Voldemort from getting the stone, he

defeated Voldemort with his darkness with his love.

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Presented by Callum and James