  • 8/14/2019 Callie_Arizona 6x14 Live Chat "Valentine's Day Massacre"



    18:51 mak62184 hi everyone!

    18:51 Cori Ello!

    18:51 mak62184 where is everyone?

    18:52 tlwlover hi :]

    18:52 Elyima Hey guys, if you are logged in as a guest, please edit your nickname to your name

    on the comm.

    18:52 Elyima don't worry mak, they'll be here :)

    18:52 superbutterfly7 hey everyone! :D

    18:52 Elyima heyo!

    18:52 rach morning!

    18:53 Elyima morning!?! Wow.

    18:53 Cori Hehe Bonjour!

    18:53 rach 11:41am

    18:53 strandedinaber hi all!

    18:53 Elyima hey gem!

    18:53 LexieRobbins! Hey Everyone! Are yall excited fo this ep? I am!!

    18:53 Elyima oh my yes

    18:53 strandedinaber yep!

    18:53 LexieRobbins! =]

    18:53 superbutterfly7 of COURSE! hahah

    18:53 mak62184 i am

    18:53 tlwlover yep. i've been wrking on the vday challenge vid all day to pass time

    18:53 LexieRobbins! LOL nniiccee!

  • 8/14/2019 Callie_Arizona 6x14 Live Chat "Valentine's Day Massacre"


    18:54 strandedinaber here is streaming link for anyone who needs it - I am just about to post it inthe comments as well

    18:54 Elyima thank you!!!!

    18:54 LexieRobbins! Aww nice!

    18:54 strandedinaber you're welcome! :)

    18:54 LexieRobbins! Crossing my fingers for mucho Calzona loving!!

  • 8/14/2019 Callie_Arizona 6x14 Live Chat "Valentine's Day Massacre"


    18:56 superbutterfly7 jeepy you need a snowblower

    18:56 kicks_316 Snowmaggedon.

    18:56 Elyima I've got about 30 inches right now

    18:56 superbutterfly7 cori - lucky!

    18:56 empress112 Hello! Happy Valentine's Day everyone! ;)

    18:56 saffinity Hello lady-loving ladies :)

    18:56 Cori Heh. Not really?

    18:56 jeepy91 oh we have a snowblower, with a flat tire lol

    18:56 savache27 Happy V-day, empress

    18:56 superbutterfly7 oh gosh

    18:56 Cori All the crazies are in town. XD

    18:57 strandedinaber happy valentine's day :)

    18:57 sandyb78 its snowing here on the east coast of Canada now :( I hate the snow.

    18:57 Cori Lol happy v-day!

    18:57 strandedinaber or two-days before valentine's day...

    18:57 jeepy91 Cori, they can truck in some of mine for you guys up there :P

    18:57 Elyima i have school delays across the top of ABC...grrrr....

    18:57 sweetbalm me too em

    18:57 superbutterfly7 mine was at the bottom... the must;ve taken em off

    18:57 rach its summer here and its HOT

    18:57 savache27 ugh, I hope I don't, haven't turned it onyet

    18:57 Cori Funny thing is Chinese new years is on V day this year.

    18:57 Cori Haha that be awesome! and much obligued.

  • 8/14/2019 Callie_Arizona 6x14 Live Chat "Valentine's Day Massacre"


    18:57 jeepy91 so chocolate dipped fortune cookies?

    18:57 LexieRobbins! thats an interesting fact!

    18:58 Cori Lol. Never heard of such a thing.

    18:58 Cori Mhm Lexie.

    18:58 strandedinaber mmmm yumm

    18:58 jeepy91 heh, well it sounds semi tasty lol

    18:58 kicks_316 Our class got a Valentine's gift for our gay Chemistry professor. It was funny tosee how his professionalism went out the window and see him blushing and giggling like a little


    18:58 Cori Lol. Indeed?

    18:58 Cori Hehe sounds awesome kicks!

    18:58 rach Lol that Rob guy has a classic accent

    18:59 Elyima hey guys if you are logged in as a guest please edit your nickname to your comm

    name! thanks!

    18:59 savache27 lol

    18:59 LexieRobbins! =]

    18:59 mak62184 yay 2 minutes :)

    18:59 Elyima ...sorry to yell...

    18:59 Kitty 2 more minutes! Keeping my fingers crossed for hot Calzona action! :-)

    18:59 mak62184 or maybe less

    18:59 superbutterfly7 its ok elyima. kick some ass. lol

    18:59 saffinity Haha. I had youtube open on a different tab and didn't realise so I was reallyREALLY confused as to where the music was coming from.. I feel a little silly nowww..

    18:59 Elyima hahah thanks butterfly

    18:59 strandedinaber awww bless I do that all the time...

  • 8/14/2019 Callie_Arizona 6x14 Live Chat "Valentine's Day Massacre"


    18:59 Cori Think anyone know it's me? because putting my username with my nickname wouldbe too long. D:

    19:00 savache27 I've done that before saffinity

    19:00 charmed1026 :D sooo excited

    19:00 Elyima starting now

    19:00 savache27 it's on

    19:00 LexieRobbins! WOOT!!

    19:00 sweetbalm :-)

    19:00 LexieRobbins! lol

    19:00 saffinity Mine isn't on yet :O

    19:00 Kitty I'm loving the shots of the city

    19:00 Cori Me niether...

    19:00 LexieRobbins! ahh that was cute

    19:00 LexieRobbins! lol

    19:00 savache27 lol at christina

    19:00 saffinity OOH THE TEASING. Mine is behind >_
