Page 1: Call for PapersCall for Papers The EuroMed Academy of Business announces the 2nd Annual EuroMed Conference October 26-28, 2009 University of Salerno, Salerno, Italy Presidents Prof

Call for Papers

The EuroMed Academy of Business announces the 2nd Annual EuroMed Conference

October 26-28, 2009 University of Salerno, Salerno, Italy


Prof. Demetris Vrontis, Dean Prof. Yaakov Weber, Chair School of Business, Dept. of Strategy and Entrepreneurship University of Nicosia, School of Business Nicosia, Cyprus College of Management, Israel

Key Note Speakers

Prof. Oded Shenkar, and Prof. Michael R. Czinkota, Ohio State University, USA Georgetown University, USA

Page 2: Call for PapersCall for Papers The EuroMed Academy of Business announces the 2nd Annual EuroMed Conference October 26-28, 2009 University of Salerno, Salerno, Italy Presidents Prof

Host: The University of Salerno, Italy

Conference Chairs

Prof. Gerardo Metallo, and Dr. Maria Teresa Cuomo, University of Salerno, Italy University of Salerno, Italy

Conference Organising Committee

Prof. Elio Iannuzzi, University of Salerno, Italy Prof.Carmen Gallucci, University of Salerno, Italy

Prof. Vittoria Marino, University of Salerno, Italy Prof. Alfonso Siano, University of Salerno, Italy

Dr. Mario Testa, University of Salerno, Italy Dr. Debora Tortora, University of Salerno, Italy

The 2nd EuroMed Academy of Business Annual Conference has two goals. The first is to provide a global platform for different academic and professional approaches (i.e. empirical, conceptual, practical, as well as multidisciplinary approach, case studies, etc) and discussions on recent managerial and entrepreneurial developments in this turbulent region and the world. The second goal is to provide the opportunity for young scholars, practitioners and PhD students to have their work reviewed, encouraged and commented on within a supportive academic and professional community of colleagues from different international contexts.

The EuroMed Research Business Institute (EMRBI) is an international research institute, with country directors in all the main countries of the region who are supported by an advisory board of scholars from the leading universities.

Page 3: Call for PapersCall for Papers The EuroMed Academy of Business announces the 2nd Annual EuroMed Conference October 26-28, 2009 University of Salerno, Salerno, Italy Presidents Prof


Submission Deadline: June 30, 2009

Please submit your paper or abstract to [email protected] by strictly following the author guidelines of the EuroMed Journal of Business found at Abstracts should be up to 750 words and based at the guidelines given at Manuscripts (including abstracts) will be double blind reviewed. Please indicate, on the first page of the manuscript, the track (only one) for submission. All accepted full papers and abstracts will be published in the Conference Book Proceedings (with an ISBN number). A selection of the best conference papers will be published in the EuroMed Journal of Business (the official Journal of EMRBI). The best competitive and student papers will be awarded at the conference. The maximum number of papers presented by each author (either leading author or co-author) is three.

Symposium and Professional Development Workshops (PDW)

The EuroMed Symposiums and Professional Development Workshops (PDW) (for example, professional to scholars) are platforms for colleagues to share knowledge and expertise and foster the professional development of workshop participants. It is also an opportunity to develop innovative and creative symposium with the view of enriching participants and generate a high standard scholarly gathering. Our goal is to have sessions that encourage new thoughts and innovative research directions. The submission should not exceed three pages and should be submitted by at least three scholars whose participation in the conference would be necessary.

Doctoral Consortium

The 2nd EuroMed Academy of Business Annual Doctoral Consortium provides an opportunity for doctoral students representing all areas of business to explore their research interests in a unique interdisciplinary and interactive workshop with a panel of distinguished research faculty. Papers and abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings. Questions and inquiries about manuscripts, track chairs, review process, guidelines etc. should be sent to either of the Vice Presidents, Dr Rudi Kaufmann and Shlomo Tarba at [email protected]

Other Important Deadlines

Notification to the authors: August 06, 2009 Early-bird registration: Till September 28, 2009 Late registration: After September 28, 2009

Bus Tours: details about organised bus tours, to the beautiful sites of Salerno and nearby areas such as Amalphi beach, Capri, Naples, Pompeii ruins etc. will soon be published on the website.

Page 4: Call for PapersCall for Papers The EuroMed Academy of Business announces the 2nd Annual EuroMed Conference October 26-28, 2009 University of Salerno, Salerno, Italy Presidents Prof

Programme Tracks and Track Chairs 1. International and regional trade and economics in the Euromed zone. Amir Shoham, College of Management, Rishon LeZion, Israel, [email protected]

2. Venture capital backed entrepreneurship - Aspects and trends. Avi Messica, College of Management, Israel, [email protected]

3. M&A management and perspectives: Process and practice of M&A, global expansion via M&A, post-merger integration, knowledge transfer, and performance. Satu Teerikangas, Helsinki University of Technology, [email protected], Audrey Rouzies, University of Toulouse, [email protected], Emanuel Gomes, Coventry University, [email protected], and Daniel Dauber, Vienna University of Economics and Business, [email protected]

4. Organizational behavior: Leadership, motivation, job design, team work, organizational citizenship. Yitzhak Fried, Syracuse University, [email protected]

5. Agriculture trade and businesses: customer behaviour, labour management, marketing, real estate. Sara Edom, Ashkelon Academic College, [email protected]

6. Transnational and immigrant entrepreneurship (this track focuses on papers regarding how transnational and immigrant entrepreneurs examine the process of seeking and exploiting business opportunities). Israel Drori, College of Management, [email protected] 7. International business and management: Multinational enterprises, comparative business-government relations, reasons for direct foreign investment, internationalization theory, joint ventures and strategic partnerships. Erika Vaiginiene, Vilnius University, [email protected] and Yaakov Weber, College of Management, Rishon LeZion, Israel.

8. Strategic management: Competitive strategy, business unit strategy, corporate strategy. Shlomo Tarba, College of Management, Rishon LeZion, Israel, [email protected]

9. Accounting and control: Comparative studies in accounting and auditing, adoption of new international financial reporting standards (IFRS), performance evaluation systems. Dan Elnatan, College of Management, [email protected]

10. Tourism marketing in Mediterranean Region: The influences of global economic recession on tourism. Liljana Elmazi- Billa, University of Tirana, Albania, [email protected]

11. Case study track. Yaakov Weber, College of Management, Israel [email protected]

12. The influence of branding from the consumer behavioral perspective in both product and service industry: Branding implications on customer retention and customer loyalty. Mohammad Fateh Ali Khan Panni, City University, [email protected]

Page 5: Call for PapersCall for Papers The EuroMed Academy of Business announces the 2nd Annual EuroMed Conference October 26-28, 2009 University of Salerno, Salerno, Italy Presidents Prof

13. New perspectives on the banking and finance market under times of duress. Simona Mihai Yiannaki, European University, Cyprus, [email protected]

14. Energy security – The global challenge. Olga Klaas, LUKOIL Overseas Cyprus Ltd. and Russian State Oil & Gas University, [email protected]

15. Sustainable development and retailing: Cleaner production and environmental management systems, supply chain management, and education and information of customers. Sanda Renko, University of Zagreb, Croatia [email protected]

16. Cause related marketing, Marlen Demetriou, University of Nicosia, Cyprus, [email protected]

17. Technology application management in banking: Business process reengineering, customer satisfaction, payment system, risk management, financial integration, financial stability. Saroj Datta, Indian Institute of Technology, [email protected] and Sukanya Kundu, Institute of Management Technology, Centre for Distance Learning, [email protected]

18. Celebritiy advertisement and business performance: Use of celebrity in breaking media clutter; celebrity-target audience connectivity; risk analysis,principle of congruity and brand image management. Saroj Datta, Indian Institute of Technology, [email protected] and Supriyo Patra, George College, [email protected].

19. The global financial crisis, waves in the high-tech industry, emergence of the new markets, and acceleration of the globalization process. Yaron Timmor, Tel-Aviv University and Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, [email protected]

20. Organizational behavior and organization theory in the Mediterranean regional context: Cross-cultural interactions and transformations in learning, training and development, and their implications for practice. Peter Stokes, University of Central Lancashire, UK, [email protected]

21. Culture implications on performance. Orly Yeheskel, The Academic College of Tel-Aviv Yaffo, [email protected]

22. Value based management: Value definition, measurement, and management of value drivers. Bernd Britzelmaier, Pforzheim University, [email protected]

23. Systems thinking: Identifying and solving real-world problems, the interactions between the different parts of the system, and their practical implications for improving organizational performance. Harry Kogetsidis, University of Nicosia, Cyprus, [email protected]

24. Collaboration, social and professional networking: Management through global virtual collaboration teams. Charles Wankel, St. John’s University, USA, [email protected]

25. Religious tourism in the Mediterranean countries. Vitor Ambrosio, Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo do Estoril, Portugal, [email protected]

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26. Service marketing: Research modelling, service quality, web-marketing, consumer behaviour. José Luís Abrantes, Instituto Politécnico de Viseu. [email protected]

27. Customer satisfaction management in the service industry. Olivera Jurkovic-Majic, Maja Martinovic, and Ivana Busljeta Banks, Zagreb School of Economics and Management, Croatia, [email protected]

28. Ηow to succeed in cross-cultural environments: A managerial perspective on ethnocentrism, cross-cultural communications, negotiations, and leadership in multicultural contexts. Carmen Rodriguez Santos, University of Leon, Spain. [email protected] and Evangelos Tsoukatos, Technological Educational Institute of Crete, Greece, [email protected]

29. HR development: Workforce training, career development, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, occupational health, and the influence of different HR practices on firm performance. Grégor Bouville, Université de Rennes 1, [email protected] 30. Risk management: The emerging management skill. Yossi Raanan, College of Management, Rishon LeZion, [email protected] 31. The role of the manager in turbulent international environments: Differences between informal and formal decision making, new market penetration modes, and headquarter-subsidiary interrelationships. Christiane Prange, EM Lyon Business School, [email protected] 32. Marketing management in services industries: Health care marketing, telecommunications-mobile marketing, bank marketing, educational marketing, restaurant marketing, and crisis management in service industry. Constantinos Vasilios Priporas, University of Macedonia, Greece, [email protected] 33. Law and Economics: Defining reasons for disinvestment in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, exploring the inefficient judicial system and complicated, non- responsive public administration accompanied by corruption. Ljerka Mintas Hodak, Zagreb School of Economics and Management, [email protected] and Jasenka Zaninovic, Law Office, Zagreb, Croatia, [email protected] 34. Identity and the creative industries: The interplay between identity and engagement with the creative industries and consumption of cultural and creative products. Hilary Collins, Euromed Toulon and Bernard Paranque, Euromed Marseille, France, [email protected] 35. Corporate governance and corporate social responsibility. Mehdi Majidi, The American University of Paris, [email protected]

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36. Pricing strategies in times of recession: Discounts, rebates, price sensitivity of customers, and their impact on firm performance. Andreas Hinterhuber, Hinterhuber & Partners Strategy Pricing Leadership, Innsbruck, Austria and Bocconi University, Milan, Italy, [email protected] 37. International financial markets during turmoil periods: Behavior of various financial instruments such as bonds, stocks, mutual funds etc., and their impact in Meditternean region. Hasan F. Baklaci, Izmir University of Economics, Turkey, [email protected] 38. Mass Customization and personalization of content and services in the new digital business environments: Internet and mobile computing in context of e-business and global economy. Panagiotis Germanakos, University of Nicosia, Cyprus, [email protected] 39. Leadership and Leader-Member Exchange. Ismatilla Mardanov, Southeast Missouri State University, USA, [email protected] 40. Crisis management in the tourism sector. Christos Vassiliadis, University of Macedonia, and Zissis Maditinos, University of Macedonia, Greece, [email protected]

41. Strategic alliances in a turbulent economy: Network perspective, product vs. service alliances, temporary vs. permanent alliances. Luca Petruzzellis and Salvatore Romanazzi, University of Bari, Italy, [email protected] 42. Knowledge management: Capturing, codifying and transferring the knowledge. Geoff Turner, University of Nicosia, Cyprus, [email protected]

43. Entrepreneurship in context of complexity: Local versus global entrepreneurship, types of entrepreneurial businesses. Massimiliano Berardi, Universita' degli Studi di Foggia, Italy, [email protected]

44. The competitiveness of district firms in the era of global crisis. Elio Iannuzzi, University of Salerno, Italy, [email protected]

45. Cultural heritage in the context of tourism industry: Branding and promoting destinations, and the role of festivals, traditional food and beverages on the firm competiveness. Werner Gronau, University of Nicosia, Cyprus, [email protected] 46. Supply chain management: Supplier-buyer and customer-seller relationships, purchasing, logistics, and distribution. Abu Bakar A. Hamid, University of Technology, Malaysia, m-abakar@utm,my and [email protected]

47. Cultural Differences in Global Business: Overcoming barriers existing across national borders, managing business negotiations abroad, intercultural sensitivity. Tugba Kalafatoglu, Tugba Kalafatoglu Associates, Turkey, [email protected]

48. Regional competitiveness and performance in the global context. Milena Viassone, University of Turin, Italy, [email protected]

49. Internationalisation and innovation of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the Mediterranean region. Stefano Bresciani, University of Turin, [email protected]

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50. Marketing across culture with specific focus on services marketing, customer relationship management (CRM) aspects in marketing and E-Business. Satya Dash, Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow, India, [email protected] 51. European and global business innovation system policy, analysis and management techniques: Economics and business strategy viewpoints on innovation, innovation systems in several sectors and regions – business clustering. Ioannis Papadopoulos, Department of Wood & Furniture Technology & Design, Karditsa, Greece, [email protected], Glykeria Karagkouni, Department of Wood & Furniture Technology & Design, Karditsa, Greece, and [email protected] and Marios Trigkas, Department of Wood and Furniture Technology& Design, Karditsa, Greece, [email protected] 52. Wine marketing and branding in the global arena. Demetris Vrontis, School of Business, University of Nicosia, Nicosia, Cyprus, [email protected]

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