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Folsom Middle


California English Language

Development Test [CELDT]

Preparation Booklet

Name _____________________________

Teacher __________________Period____

Created by: English Language Program staff and ELD teachers from Lakeside Middle School, 2014

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Table of Contents


Following Oral Directions…………………………...……………..…………….2

Listening Comprehension…………………………………..…………..……….5


Oral Vocabulary……………………………………………………..……………6

Speech Functions……………………………………………………...…………7

Choose and Give Reasons…………………………………………..…………9

4-Picture Narratives…………………………………………………..………...10


Word Analysis..………………………………………………………………….16

Fluency and Vocabulary..…………………………………………...…………17

Reading Comprehension..……………………………………………………..19


Grammar and Structure………………...………………………..……….……22


Short Compositions………………………..……………………………………28


Following Oral Directions……….……………………...……………..……….33

Listening Comprehension……...………………………………….……..…….33

Oral Vocabulary………………..……………………………………..…………33

Speech Functions……………………..……………………………………..…34

Choose and Give Reasons………………………………………………..…..34

4-Picture Narratives……………………………………………………..……...35

Word Analysis…………………………….………………………………….….33

Fluency and Vocabulary……………….…………………………...……….…33

Reading Comprehension…………….………………………………………...33

Grammar and Structure…………………………………………………….….33


Short Compositions…………………….…………………………………….…38

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Following Oral Directions

ELD Standard: Restate and execute multiple-step oral directions.

1. Which giraffe is the tallest? Mark your answer.

2. Choose the picture that shows the biker descending. Mark your answer.

3. Choose the picture that shows several children. Mark your answer.

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4. Choose the picture that shows the arrow pointing beneath the cart. Mark your answer.

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5. Choose the picture that shows the smallest lyre. Mark your answer.

6. Choose the picture that shows a gray quadrilateral. Mark your answer.

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Listening Comprehension

ELD Standard: Listen attentively to stories and information; identify important concepts using verbal and nonverbal responses.

7. A teacher tells the class: Let’s take a minute to talk about how we will turn in homework. Starting on Monday, I am not going to walk around each morning to collect your homework. Instead, you will drop your homework in the basket on my desk.

What is the teacher talking about? (Answer in a complete sentence.)

a. the answers to a homework assignment

b. a new way of turning in homework

c. when a book report is due

8. During an assembly, the principal announces a change to the lunch schedule effective tomorrow. The 2nd and 3rd grades will eat lunch together. The 4th and 5th grades will eat lunch together and the last lunch will be a combination of 6th, 7th and 8th grades.

Why did the principal make an announcement? (Answer in a complete sentence.)

a. to change the date of the assembly tomorrow

b. to announce a change to the lunch schedule tomorrow

c. to combine grade levels for the assembly tomorrow

9. Your mom holds a family meeting. Her new job starts next week and she cannot pick up your little brother after school. Instead, you will pick him up on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Your sister is responsible for picking him up on Tuesday and Thursday. However, your little brother prefers to walk home with a friend. Your mom explains why he can’t. (Answer in a complete sentence.)

a. to help your brother get to his friend’s house

b. to get your little brother home same after school

c. to let you know she a new job

10. A mother talks to her family about improving their diet to include more healthy options. She lets them know that she will be cooking vegetables instead of rice and potatoes. In addition, she will substitute fruit for dessert instead of ice cream and cake.

Why is the mother making these changes? (Answer in a complete sentence.)

a. she wants everyone in the family to lose weight

b. so her family will be healthier and live longer

c. so the family will not enjoy their meals in the future

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Oral Vocabulary ELD Standard: Begin to speak with a few words or sentences by using some English phonemes and rudimentary English grammatical forms (e.g., single words or phrases).

1. I’m going to say a word, and I want you to say the opposite. Carefully

a) Write the word you just said: ____________________________

b) Use the word you just wrote in a sentence.



2. I’m going to say a word, and I want you to say the opposite. Roughly

a) Write the word you just said: ____________________________

b) Use the word you just wrote in a sentence.



3. I’m going to say a word, and I want you to say the opposite. Create

a) Write the word you just said: ____________________________

b) Use the word you just wrote in a sentence.



4. I’m going to say a word, and I want you to say the opposite. Enter

a) Write the word you just said: ____________________________

b) Use the word you just wrote in a sentence.



5. I’m going to say a word, and I want you to say the opposite. Begin

a) Write the word you just said: ____________________________

b) Use the word you just wrote in a sentence.



6. I’m going to say a word, and I want you to say the opposite. Prohibit

a) Write the word you just said: ____________________________

b) Use the word you just wrote in a sentence.



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7. I’m going to say a word, and I want you to say the opposite. Complicated

a) Write the word you just said: ____________________________

b) Use the word you just wrote in a sentence.



8. I’m going to say a word, and I want you to say the opposite. Cowardly

a) Write the word you just said: ____________________________

b) Use the word you just wrote in a sentence.



Speech Functions

ELD Standard: Listen attentively to stories & information, identify important concepts using verbal and nonverbal responses.

9. I’m going to tell you about a situation that could happen to you. Tell me what you would say. (Answer in a complete sentence.)

What would you ask the teacher if you had a paper cut on your finger?



10. I’m going to tell you about a situation that could happen to you. Tell me what you would say. (Answer in a complete sentence.)

If your class returned from P.E. and you were thirsty, what would you say?



11. I’m going to tell you about a situation that could happen to you. Tell me what you would say. (Answer in a complete sentence.)

What would you say to the office clerk if you arrived late for school?



12. I’m going to tell you about a situation that could happen to you. Tell me what you would say. (Answer in a complete sentence.)

If your classmate was sick and your teacher did not know, what would you say?



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13. I’m going to tell you about a situation that could happen to you. Tell me what you would say. (Answer in a complete sentence.)

What would you say if your friend invited you to hang out, but you had soccer practice?



14. I’m going to tell you about a situation that could happen to you. Tell me what you would say. (Answer in a complete sentence.)

If you were absent and did not know your homework, what would you do?



15. I’m going to tell you about a situation that could happen to you. Tell me what you would say. (Answer in a complete sentence.)

If you needed help putting the tetherball on the pole, what would you say to a classmate?



16. I’m going to tell you about a situation that could happen to you. Tell me what you would say. (Answer in a complete sentence.)

What would you say to your friend, if you wanted to get some extra help in math after school?



17. I’m going to tell you about a situation that could happen to you. Tell me what you would say. (Answer in a complete sentence.)

If you finished your book report early, what might you say to the teacher?



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Choose and Give Reasons

ELD Standard: Actively participate in social conversations with peers and adults on familiar topics by asking and answering questions and soliciting information.

18. I’m going to ask you a question, and I want to hear what you think. (Answer in a complete sentence.)

When do you prefer to do your homework, right after school or right before class?



19. I’m going to ask you a question, and I want to hear what you think. (Answer in a complete sentence.)

Do you prefer to watch TV or play video games?



20. I’m going to ask you a question, and I want to hear what you think. (Answer in a complete sentence.)

Do you like to play soccer, or a different sport?



21. I’m going to ask you a question, and I want to hear what you think. (Answer in a complete sentence.)

Would you prefer to eat lasagna or tacos?



22. I’m going to ask you a question, and I want to hear what you think. (Answer in a complete sentence.)

Which do you prefer to wear, shorts or long pants?



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23. I’m going to ask you a question, and I want to hear what you think. (Answer in a complete sentence.)

If you could start school at 8:00AM or 9:00AM, which would you prefer?



24. I’m going to ask you a question and I want to hear what you think. (Answer in a complete sentence.)

Which school rule is the most important?



4-Picture Narratives

ELD Standard:. Retell stories in greater detail by including the characters, setting, and plot.

25. I will start the story for you. Yesterday, Maria and a group of friends played baseball. Tell me what happened.

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26. I will start the story for you. Yesterday, it was Diego’s first day of school. Tell me what happened.

27. I will start the story for you. Jordan took an advanced snowboarding class. Tell me what happened after he launched in the air.

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28. I will start the story for you. Yesterday, at the gorilla cage, everyone was gawking. Tell me what happened.

29. I will start the story for you. Linus didn’t study for his math test. These are his thoughts. Tell me what happened.

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30. I will start the story for you. In March, 2011, a huge 9.0 earthquake occurred in Japan. This triggered a tsunami off the coast where this photographer was watching. Tell me what happened.

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31. I will start the story for you. On April 27, 2011, a picture was taken of a community before a tornado struck. Tell me what happened.

32. I will start the story for you. Daniela wanted to go to the movies with her friends, but didn’t have any money. Her father had an idea. Tell me what happened.

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33. I will start the story for you. Miss Espinoza is a teacher at Wilson Elementary School. Tell me what happened.

34. I will start the story for you. A team of dentists volunteered their services for a local zoo and were amazed at what they did. Tell me what happened.

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Word Analysis

ELD Standard: Apply knowledge of word relationships, such as roots and affixes, to derive meaning from literature and texts in content areas.

1. Which of the following shows a past tense verb?

a. teach

b. teached

c. taught

d. will teach

2. What is the meaning of the Latin root word “oct”?

a. many sided figure

b. a month

c. eight

d. to see

3. Which of the following is the prefix of unbelievable?

a. able

b. believe

c. un

d. be

4. Which of the following is the suffix of biologist.

a. ist

b. bio

c. biolo

d. logist

5. Which part of the following word means three in Latin? trimester

a. trim

b. tri

c. ster

d. er

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Fluency and Vocabulary

ELD Standard: Use decoding skills and knowledge of both academic and social vocabulary to read independently.

6. Choose the word that means the same as the underlined word in the sentence.

They worked very hard and succeeded.

a. won

b. slept

c. failed

d. collapsed

7. Choose the word that means the same as the underlined word in the sentence.

Due to the approaching hurricane, the flight was cancelled.

a. typhoon

b. tsunami

c. earthquake

d. locusts

8. Choose the word that means the same as the underlined word in the sentence.

He knew his writing needed more active predicates.

a. nouns

b. verbs

c. interjections

d. appositives

9. Choose the word that means the same as the underlined word in the sentence.

One of the electives in high school is Speech and Debate.

a. teachers

b. officers

c. choices

d. requirements

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10. Choose the word that means the same as the underlined word in the sentence.

To make an omelet, use a frying pan.

a. French toast

b. egg mixture

c. pie

d. eggplant

11. Choose the word that means the same as the underlined word in the sentence.

After hitting his elbow he winced in pain.

a. the joint between the hip and ankle

b. the joint between wrist and shoulder

c. a type of ribbon on a package

d. kneecap

12. Choose the word that means the same as the underlined word in the sentence.

His favorite meal is spaghetti & meatballs.

a. Italian

b. a type of pasta

c. small pieces of paper thrown in the air

d. a type of strap on girl’s clothing

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Reading Comprehension ELD Standard: Read text and use detailed sentences to explain orally the main idea and details of informational text, literary text, and text in content areas.

Directions: Read this passage. Then answer questions 13-15.

13. Which of these is NOT a requirement for this job?

a. painting experience

b. carpentry experience

c. ability to lift 50 pounds

d. ability to work evenings

14. The Buford Hardware store placed an advertisement in the newspaper for what kind of position?

a. seasonal full-time

b. seasonal part-time

c. permanent full-time

d. permanent part-time

15. The job description states that the Buford Hardware store:

a. wants to hire someone who can drive a car

b. expects the applicant to be willing to work part-time

c. seeks to hire someone with a college education

d. would prefer an applicant with carpentry experience

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Directions: Read this passage. Then answer questions 16-18.

Diego Rivera is my favorite artist. Rivera, who grew up in Mexico and started to paint as a young boy, painted scenes of the struggles and daily life of the village people. His paintings reflected his political views.

At age 21, Rivera traveled to Europe to study the paintings of famous artists who lived before him. He also wanted to paint with other young artists, like the modern Spanish painter Pablo Picasso. When he returned from his studies in Europe, he applied his new knowledge to his work.

Today, Diego Rivera is famous for his colorful paintings of Mexican village life, as well as for his enormous murals. Rivera learned about mural painting when he was in Italy. Some of his most famous murals are painted on the walls of many important buildings in Mexico and all over the world.

16. This passage is MOSTLY about Diego Rivera’s:

a. work as a painter

b. village paintings

c. trip to Europe

d. murals in Mexico

17. Diego applied new knowledge to his work when he:

a. left Mexico

b. returned from Europe

c. was a young boy

d. arrived in Europe

18. Diego Rivera went to Europe to:

a. teach other artists

b. sell his village paintings

c. become a friend of Pablo Picasso

d. study the paintings of famous artists

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Directions: Read this passage. Then answer questions 19-20.

Crocodiles have a lot in common with emperor penguins. Both animals lay eggs. The female crocodile lays 20 to 80 eggs in a nest she builds. The male crocodile stays with the nest, waiting for the eggs to hatch. The male emperor penguin builds no nest and has only one egg to protect. He guards the egg, keeping it warm until it hatches. Both the male emperor penguin and the male crocodile stay with their eggs. The male emperor penguins eat no food while they are guarding their eggs. They sometimes lose half their body weight while keeping an egg warm. Both crocodiles and emperor penguins are good parents.

19. Which is NOT true of the emperor penguin?

a. The male alone guards the egg.

b. The female alone guards her nest and young.

c. The male goes without eating food for long periods of time while he’s guarding the egg.

20. What do male crocodiles and male Emperor penguins have in common?

a. They eat while guarding their eggs.

b. They wander away from their nest leaving their young all alone.

c. They are both dedicated parents.

Directions: Read this passage. Then answer questions 21-22.

Middle school changes many things for students. Most often, there are many teachers to visit, which means more homework. Students move from class to class during the school day. Usually, in elementary school, one or two teachers teach various subjects throughout the day, including P.E. Students are assigned a physical education teacher for P.E. in Middle School. The term "recess" becomes "nutrition," a time for eating a snack and hanging out with friends and classmates during the mid-morning. Also, students no longer need a restroom partner after grade six.

21. Which statement implies that students are expected to be more mature in middle school?

a. "Students no longer need a restroom partner after grade six."

b. "This generates more homework."

c. "Middle school changes many things for students."

22. Which is probably true of middle school students?

a. They have more freedom than elementary students.

b. They have no time to hang out with friends and classmates during the school day.

c. They have only one or two teachers throughout the school day.

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Grammar and Structure

ELD Standard: Revise writing for appropriate word choice, organization, consistent point of view and transitions, with some variation in grammatical forms and spelling.

Choose the word that BEST completes the sentence

1. Tomorrow I __________ go on a field trip.

a. will b. do c. am

2. Last night the stars _______ very bright.

a. are b. be

c. were

3. I’m thirsty, ________ I get a drink of water?

a. can

b. may

c. please

4. __________ going to love the present.

a. Their b. There c. They’re

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ELD Standard: Write an increasing number of words and simple sentences appropriate for language arts and other content areas (e.g., math, science, social studies).

5. Write a sentence that describes what is happening in the picture:





6. Write a sentence that describes what is happening in the picture:





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7. Write a sentence that describes what is happening in the picture.





8. Write a sentence that describes what is happening in the picture.





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9. Write a sentence that describes what is happening in the picture.





10. Write a sentence that describes what is happening in the picture.





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11. Write a sentence that describes what is happening in the picture.





12. Write a sentence that describes what is happening in the picture.





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13. Write a sentence that describes what is happening in the picture.





14. Write a sentence that describes what is happening in the picture.



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Short Compositions

ELD Standard: Write expository compositions such as descriptions, compare & contrast, and problem and

solution that include a main idea and some details in simple sentences.

Directions: You will write a short essay about a given topic. Think about what you will write before you write it.

Use descriptions, details, and examples to make your writing interesting.

Your short essay should have a beginning, a middle and an end. Write at least three

Complete sentences.

Pay attention to grammar, capital letters, punctuation, and spelling. Make your writing clear. Do not write outside the box.

First, use a graphic organizer to plan your writing.

Writing Topic #1: In one paragraph, describe your greatest adventure.

Setting: Characters: Plot:

Beginning: Middle: End:








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Directions: You will write a short essay about a given topic. Think about what you will write before you write it.

Use descriptions, details, and examples to make your writing interesting.

Your short essay should have a beginning, a middle and an end. Write at least three

Complete sentences.

Pay attention to grammar, capital letters, punctuation, and spelling. Make your writing clear. Do not write outside the box.

First, use a graphic organizer to plan your writing.

Writing Topic #2: In one paragraph, describe one of your best days at school.

Setting: Characters: Plot:

Beginning: Middle: End:








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Directions: You will write a short essay about a given topic. Think about what you will write before you write it.

Use descriptions, details, and examples to make your writing interesting.

Your short essay should have a beginning, a middle and an end. Write at least three

complete sentences.

Pay attention to grammar, capital letters, punctuation, and spelling. Make your writing clear. Do not write outside the box.

First, use a graphic organizer to plan your writing.

Writing Topic #3: In one paragraph, compare & contrast a cat and a dog.








Cat Dog

Similarities Differences Similarities

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Directions: You will write a short essay about a given topic. Think about what you will write before you write it.

Use descriptions, details, and examples to make your writing interesting.

Your short essay should have a beginning, a middle and an end. Write at least three

Complete sentences.

Pay attention to grammar, capital letters, punctuation, and spelling. Make your writing clear. Do not write outside the box.

First, use a graphic organizer to plan your writing.

Writing Topic #4: In one paragraph, compare 2 people.








Person 1 Person 2

Similarities Differences Similarities

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Directions: You will write a short essay about a given topic. Think about what you will write before you write it.

Use descriptions, details, and examples to make your writing interesting.

Your short essay should have a beginning, a middle and an end. Write at least three

Complete sentences.

Pay attention to grammar, capital letters, punctuation, and spelling. Make your writing clear. Do not write outside the box.

First, use a graphic organizer to plan your writing.

Writing Topic #5: In one paragraph, describe your perfect day with a friend.

Setting: Characters: Plot:

Beginning: Middle: End:








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Following Oral Directions

Listening Comprehension

Oral Vocabulary

Word Analysis

Fluency and Vocabulary

Reading Comprehension

Grammar and Structure

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