

Activities Ministry, Lindsay GrahamMINI-MITES BASKETBALL

Save the Date! MINI-MITES Tip-Off is Saturday, November 19, at 12:30pm.

Children’s Ministry, Tina Jones FAMILY ADVENT FESTIVAL NOVEMBER 30

Save the Date! FPC’s 11th annual Family Advent Festival will be Wednesday, November 30, 6:00–8:00pm in Fellowship Hall. Celebrate the Advent Season by making memories and keepsakes that your family will treasure! Cost of $35 includes a soup and bread bar for your family. Register at (click EVENTS), or contact Tina Jones (672.7031, [email protected]).

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOEBOXESBe a part of changing children’s lives all over the world in Jesus’ Name through a simple gift!

• Pick up an instruction/label pamphlet from the Loggia or Fellowship Hall

• Fill your shoebox with requested items

• Return it by Sunday, November 13

In addition, children will participate in a SHOEBOX

PACKING PARTY during Sunday School (9:30–10:30am) on November 6. Adult

Sunday School classes have been asked to provide specific supplies for the Children’s Packing Party by Thursday, November 3. If you are not involved in a class, you may bring small stuffed animals and place them in collection bins around the church. Questions? Contact Tina Jones (672.7031, [email protected]) or visit you for spreading Good News & Great Joy!

College Ministry, Phil Hargrove COLLEGE CARE PACKAGES: INFO NEEDED

Parents and students, please send any address changes or new applications for college care packages no later than November 7. Email Autumn Clark ([email protected]) for information. Be on the lookout during exam season for packages to arrive!

Family Ministries, Phil HargroveCSI SINGLES DINNER NIGHT NOVEMBER 11

CSI, Christian Singles Interacting, will meet for Dinner Night at Stax Omega Diner (72 Orchard Park Drive) on Friday, November 11, at 6:00pm. To reserve your place at the table, please contact Dave Preuninger, [email protected]. All singles are welcome!

First Presbyterian Academy, Tom RoeACADEMY FALL FESTIVAL THANK YOU!

Thank you to all who attended and contributed to the Academy’s Fall Festival! It was a huge success, and we very much appreciate your support.

ACADEMY OPEN HOUSE WEEKSFirst Presbyterian Academy, which provides high-quality Christian education for K2 through 8th grade, will host Open House Weeks November 14-18 and January 17-20. For more information about our school, visit To schedule a tour, please contact Aimee Waite, Academy Director of Development (235.0122, [email protected]).

Membership Development, Claire Ripley COME TO A NEW MEMBER WEEKEND!

Are you exploring membership at First Pres? We invite you to attend our next New Member Weekend to discover more about the vision, discipleship, and outreach of FPC. Our three sessions are:

• Friday, November 18 (6:00–8:30pm)• Saturday, November 19 (8:45am–12:00noon)• Sunday, November 20 (3:00–5:30pm)

Register at Contact Autumn Clark ([email protected] or 672.0370) with questions. We look forward to welcoming you!


Reserve March 31, 2017, for the Great Alaska Sporting Clay Classic 2017 at the Clinton House in Clinton, SC. This year will feature two levels of

COMMITMENT SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6Pastor of the Day: Tim Leslie (423.2063) 8:30am • Worship Service (Sanctuary) 9:30am • Continental Breakfast (Memorial Hall) • Children’s Shoebox Packing Party (Gym) 9:45am • Sunday School • Vision Plan Presentation (Harper Chapel) 10:45am • Ignite Worship (Fellowship Hall) 11:00am • Worship Service (Sanctuary) 4:00pm • GriefShare Support Group (Room 261) 4:30pm • Resonate! Youth Choirs (Choir Room) 6:00pm • Youth Small Groups (off campus) • High School Boys Small Group (Youth 352)MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7 Pastor of the Day: Stan Johnson (423.2067) 8:15am • Academy Moms in Prayer Group (Room 212) 5:30pm • Missions & Outreach Committee (Room 301) 7:00pm • Community Bible Study (Harpter Chapel)ELECTION DAY, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8 Pastor of the Day: Charlie Buchanan (561.6346) 8:30am • Women’s Study: Children of the Day (Rm 213) 9:30am • Women’s Study: Entrusted (Room 307) 10:30am • Circle #4 (Room 213) • Circle #5 (Room 210) • Circle #6 (Parlor) • Circle #7 (Cascades Verdae) • Circle #8 (Room 212) • Circle #10 (Formal Dining Room) 6:00pm • Pack 11 Webelos (Scout Hut) 7:00pm • Tuesday Evening Prayer Service (Harper Chapel) • Boy Scout Troop 11 (Scout Hut)WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9Pastor of the Day: Phil Hargrove (423.3455) 9:30am • Women’s Study: Gospel-centered Life (Fellowship Hall) 11:30am • Luncheon Bible Study (Fellowship Hall) 5:15pm • Wednesday Advantage Supper (Fellowship Hall) 5:45pm • Junior High Roots (Youth 354) • Nursery Care–age 0-2 (Nursery Suite) 6:00pm • Financial Peace University (Room 305) • Stephen Ministry Training (Room 212) • Divorce Care Support Group (Room 306) 6:15pm • Bible Study–age 2-3 (Room 215E) • Bible Study–grades 1-2 (Room 323) • Bible Study–grades 3-5 (Room 318) • Cherub Choir–age 4-5 (Room 213) • Covenant Choir–grades 3-5 (Ligon Conf Room) • Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal (Choir Room) • Men’s Fraternity (Room 301) • He is Risen! (Room 403) • Alpha & Omega (Room 307)

• Mission of Jesus (Formal Dining Room) • Women’s Study: Women of the Word (Rm 405) • Revive Women 30s-40s (Parlor) 6:30pm • Bible Study: Minor Prophets (Fellowship Hall) 6:45pm • Radiance Young Women 20s-30s (off campus) • Bible Study–age 4-5 (Room 323) • Carol Choir–grades 1-2 (Room 213) 7:30pm • Senior High Roots (Youth 352) • Cathedral Ringers Rehearsal (Room 402) • Orchestra Rehearsal (Sanctuary)THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10 Pastor of the Day: Brian Stewart (423.2660) 7:00am • Men’s Bible, Fellowship, & Breakfast (Formal Dining Room) 8:00am • Women’s Prayer Group (Room 212) 9:30am • Women’s Study: Son of David (Room 305) • Women’s Study: Jeremiah (Room 308) • Women’s Study: Life of David (Room 301) • Women’s Study: God’s Mysterious Ways (Rm 210) 11:00am • Women’s Study: Entrusted (Parlor) 12:00pm •Christian Men’s Fellowship (Formal Dining Rm) 6:00pm • Circle #2 (Formal Dining Room) 6:15pm • Circle #3 (off campus) 6:30pm • Tiger, Wolf, and Bear Cub Scouts (Scout Hut)FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11 Pastor of the Day: Phil Hargrove (423.3455) 9:00am • High School Moms in Prayer Group (Rm 352) 10:00am • Bulletin Stuffing (Room 254) • Circle #9 (Rolling Green Village) 6:00pm • CSI:Singles Dinner Night (Off campus) SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12Pastor of the Day: Phil Hargrove (423.3455) 7:00am • Men’s Cycling Club (Parking Lot)

Vision Plan PresentationsIf you missed the presentation in your

Sunday School class, please come

this Sunday, November 6 or Sunday, December 11

9:45–10:30am • Harper ChapelFor details, visit, and

click on the Vision Plan icon on the home page.

competition: the new Palmetto Church Challenge (with a special Clergy Bonus) and the Team and Individual Challenge. This event supports the ministry of Steven and Natalie Hall, serving with SEND North in Alaska. Questions? Contact Drew Brown (242.3491, [email protected]) or Steven Hall (907.320.0158, [email protected]).

Student Ministries, Charlie Buchanan CONFIRMATION CLASS BEGINS JANUARY 4

A Confirmation Class for youth in 6th–8th grades will be offered during Wednesday Advantage evening class time beginning Wednesday, January 4. Students are encouraged to attend Confirmation Class in order to confirm their baptism. This class helps the student to consider the claims of Christ Jesus and the Christian Church. The truths of the Gospel and the call to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ are presented and discussed. Please watch the weekly newsletter, bulletin, and information racks for more information on the upcoming class.

Women’s Ministry, Claire Ripley NOVEMBER CIRCLE MEETINGS

Tuesday, November 8#4 10:30am • Room 213#5 10:30am • FPC Room 210#6 10:30am • FPC Church Parlor#7 10:30am • Cascades Verdae Retirement

Community#8 10:30am • FPC Room 212#10 11:00am • FPC Formal Dining Room (lunch)Thursday, November 10#2 6:00pm • FPC Formal Dining Room (supper)#3 6:15pm • Home of Alison Quarles,

115 Wedgewood Drive, 29609 (supper)Friday, November 11, 10:00am#9 Rolling Green Village Palmetto Conf Rm ATuesday, November 22, 11:30am#1 Foothills Retirement Community

ITEMS OF THE MONTHFirst Pres Women’s Ministry collects items each month to benefit others. Please place donated items in the basket in the Women’s Ministry Room (212) closet. For the month of November, we are collecting empty Christmas stockings for Bel-Aire Community Outreach. (During December, we encourage you to participate in other donation opportunities.)

BAPTISM (October 30, 2016)Clinton Colman “Mack” McKinney, Jr., son of Mr.

and Mrs. Clinton McKinney, Sr. (Flynn), and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Larke Jameson (Beverly).

CONGRATULATIONSThe Pastors and Congregation extend blessings to:Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Snipes (Emmy) on the birth of a

daughter, Mary Elizabeth Snipes, on October 18.Rev. and Mrs. Stan Johnson (Stephanie) on the birth

of a grandson, Levi Griffin Daniel, on October 26.CHRISTIAN SYMPATHYThe Pastors and Congregation extend sympathy to:Mr. and Mrs. Roger Stoddard (Connie) in the death

of his mother, Ruth Stoddard, on October 26, and to Tyler Peach in the death of his grandmother.

IN MEMORIAMRuth Lanford Stoddard

September 27, 1926 – October 26, 2016

Daylight Saving Timeends at 2:00am on


Volume 13, No. 45 November 6–12, 2016

Ministry News

Member News

Calendar for the Week

Ministry News

CONGREGATIONAL MEETING NOVEMBER 13The Session has approved a Congregational Meeting for Sunday, November 13, for the purposes of approving the Pastors’ Terms of Call and electing the 2017 Nominating Committee. Please make every effort to be in the Sanctuary at 10:30am on November 13 for this meeting. The Nominating Committee slate is included in this GrapeVine.


Equipping the Body of Christ to Engage in Radical, Gospel-driven Personal Relationships


Growing faithful Christians to engage and impact the culturewith the transforming power of Jesus Christ

Give CheerfullyGod loves a cheerful giver.


Give ReverentlyHonor the Lord with your wealth.


Give SacrificiallyThey all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.

MARK 12:44

Give HumblySo when you give to the needy, do not announce it

with trumpets… to be honored by men.MATTHEW 6:2

Expect to be Blessed Spiritually It is more blessed to give than to receive.

ACTS 20:35


This Sunday we will have the opportunity to make a commitment of our finances to enable us to reach out to those within our own congregation, our community, our nation, and the world. Our desire is to engage and impact the culture with the transforming power of Jesus Christ.Please prayerfully consider how God wants to engage you in enabling First Presbyterian Church to fulfill our mission. Take time this week to pray with your family, and be prepared on Sunday to turn in your commitment cards. If you are unable to attend this Sunday, please mail your cards to the church or drop them by the church office. Encourage your children to make commitments as well. This is a great time to teach them the biblical principles of stewardship.

Commitment Sunday November 6

Watch your mail this week for your commitment card, fill it out, and bring it to

church this Sunday.

Questions?Contact Terri James (672.0374, [email protected])

Committing to a Culture of Biblical Stewardship

Recognizing God as the provider of all good gifts, I/we intend to return a portion of those gifts toward this year’s ministry and mission of First Presbyterian Church.

Total Expected Giving for 2017 $

Printed Name

Signature Date

q I would like to continue and/or begin receiving offering envelopes.

q I would like to begin giving using automatic withdrawals (ACH) (Please complete the Bank Draft Authorization form below and return to the Accounting office.)

q I am currently giving using ACH and have no account information changes. Please change my ACH amount effective ___/___/17 to $ per draft.

q I am currently giving using ACH but my account information has changed. (Please complete the Bank Draft Authorization form below and return to the Accounting office.)

Give online! Give online using ACH or debit cards at

Please remember First Presbyterian Church Foundation in your estate planning.Philippians 1:4-6

Contact Us200 West Washington Street

Greenville, SC 29601


phone 864.235.0496 fax 864.235.0698

website email [email protected]


First and Foremost Program on WHNS-TV FOX Carolina

Sundays at 10:30am

November 6–12, 2016

WHAT’S INSIDECommitment Sunday November 6

Insert: Nominating Committee Slate

Congregational Meeting November 13

November Circle Meetings

New Member Weekend November 18-20

College Student Data Request

For more information about the ministry of FPC, visit



r 6–

12, 2


Maryann Abbott, June AndersonLynn Campbell, Roger Chastain

Aileen Clay, Cheryl CraigMarilyn Fain, Sarah Fain

Marcus Gambrell, Brenda GanttLouise Gilstrap, Carl Graves

Motte Grey, Bill HagoodNatalie Hall, Grover Haynes

June Haynes, Becky HillJay Huff, Ellis Huguley

Amy Hunter, Alice LenzJerry Lenz, Janet MacCallum

Kenneth MacCallumJudy McAlister, Judy OutlawDuncan Paulk, Cema PowellBrenda Preston, Pat Quarles

Elizabeth Teel RobisonDarst Yvonne Rose

Earle Russell, Jr., Jim Seward, Jr.Bertha Mae Sims, Lewis Sims

Josh Skinner, Elizabeth SmithsonGrayson Smithson, Justin Smithson

Larry Starkey, Betty StoneKristen Turner, Mary Lou Vassar

Dot Whitesides, Barry Wimberley

PRAYER REQUEST LINESPrayer Requests: 672.1838

Prayer Appointments: 672.1848Congregational Care Director Tammy Burkhalter: 672.0327

Bold = New Italics = In Hospital

Connections Greeter Team:8:30 Team (8:10am): Mary Ann Brown, Jace Koehn (Portico), Jack and Judy DePriester (Loggia), Phyllis Crist (Memorial Hall), Mary Gladys Gilstrap (Sanctuary).Sunday School Team (9:20am): Jane Anne Bruch (Portico), Betty Cady (Loggia), Billie Schiera (Choir Room); Sylvia Evette (Academy).11:00 Team (10:40am): Lindy Miller (Portico), Bettie Landreth (Loggia), Ben Pangle (Memorial Hall), Jamie Daniel (Sanctuary), Ken Chapman (Choir Room).

Nursery Workers: (9:15) Jane Anne Bruch, Doane August, Suzanne Philipsen, Bobby and Priscilla Hoffman, Elaine Harvey, Megan Blackston; (10:30) Allison Russell, Casey Hurst, A.J. and Allison Kramer, Barbara Nickles, Meredith Rhine.

New volunteers are always welcome!To join the Connections Greeter Team:

Contact Chad Brown at [email protected] join the Nursery Team:

Contact Evelyn Penkert at [email protected] or 672.1843.

NOVEMBER 9, 2016

Bible Study (12:30pm & 6:30pm)Dr. Richard Gibbons

Minor Prophets: Haggai & Zechariah

Wednesday Meals (11:45am & 5:15pm)Baked Pork Chops with Dressing

Spaghetti with Sauce, Steamed CornFried Green Beans, Oven-browned Potatoes

Breaded Squash MedleySalad Bar, Assorted Breads and Desserts

Assignments for November 6thSUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2016

8:30 and 11:00am Worship 10:45am Ignite Contemporary Worship


Philippians 4:2-9 Rev. Dr. Richard Gibbons

9:30am – Continental Breakfast9:45am – Sunday School

