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1. What Is Cake PHP ?

2. Why Use It?

3. What Is Smarty Web Development ?

4. Why Use CakePHP for Web Development ?


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*Cake PHP development *

Cake PHP is a free, open-source, rapid development framework for PHP. It’s a foundational structure for programmers to create web applications. Our

primary goal is to enable you to work in a structured and rapid manner–without loss of flexibility.

Cake PHP takes the monotony out of web development. We provide you with

all the tools you need to get started coding what you really need to get done:

the logic specific to your application. Instead of reinventing the wheel every

time you sit down to a new project, check out a copy of Cake PHP and get

started with the real guts of your application.

Cake PHP has an active developer team and community, bringing great value

to the project. In addition to keeping you from wheel-reinventing, using Cake PHP means your application’s core is well tested and is being constantly improved.

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Here’s a quick list of features which give the way that why cake php using

Active, friendly community

Flexible licensing

Compatible with versions 4 and 5 of PHP

Integrated CRUD for database interaction

Application scaffolding

Code generation

MVC architecture

Request dispatcher with clean, custom URLs and routes

Built-in validation

Fast and flexible templating (PHP syntax, with helpers)

View Helpers for AJAX, JavaScript, HTML Forms and more

Email, Cookie, Security, Session, and Request Handling Components

Flexible ACL

Data Sanitization

Flexible Caching


Works from any web site directory, with little to no Apache

configuration involved.

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*PHP development for Smarty*

Smarty is a web template system written in PHP. Smarty is primarily

promoted as a tool for separation of concerns. Smarty is intended to simplify

compartmentalization, allowing the front-end of a web page to change

separately from its back-end. Ideally, this lowers costs and minimizes the

efforts associated with software maintenance.

Smarty generates web content through the placement of special Smarty tags

within a document. These tags are processed and substituted with other code.

Tags are directives for Smarty that are enclosed by template delimiters. These

directives can be variables, denoted by a dollar sign ($), functions, logical or

loop statements. Smarty allows PHP programmers to define custom functions

that can be accessed using Smarty tags.

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Why Use CakePHP for Web Development

*Cake Php development cycle*

CakePHP is an open source framework which offers a rapid application

development platform to web developers. As the name suggests, it uses PHP,

the most popular open source programming language for developing web

applications. CakePHP allows web development companies to develop highly

robust and featured websites by using simple procedures. Although there are

many PHP frameworks available in the market but CakePHP has managed to

secure its position among the most popular web development platforms

available in the market.

The reasons to use CakePHP for web development are:

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The MVC Pattern: CakePHP is based on Model-View-Control model which

separates the business logic from the data presentation layer. Models connect

the database with queries and save the data in the database. Views present

content in a viewable format to the end user whereas controllers process the

data before it interacts with the database or model.

Object Relational Mapping: Data is saved in the form of tables which are

further represented through classes. Relationships can be defined between

different tables through these classes. Further, validation definition and

callbacks can also be predefined in this setup. CakePHP supports ORM

technique thus incorporates the features of an object oriented programming


Allows the Reusability of the Code: CakePHP allows the usage of prewritten

code into different projects which saves a lot of development time. Developers

don't need to focus much on code writing thus they can concentrate on the

logical and creative part of the project rather than writing code. Chunks of

code can be picked and incorporated into the projects.

Zero Configurations: CakePHP requires zero configurations before

developers can start using it. Most of the feature and settings are auto

detected thus developers are not required to configure any settings other than

the database connection settings.

In-built Validation: CakePHP offers built-in validation features that are very

simple yet efficient in use. Developers can attach multiple validation rules to a

single file and attain advanced validation functionality.

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CRUD Scaffolding: CakePHP offers CRUD functionality which allows easy

management of data. It allows you to Create, Read, Update and Delete the

various entities in the system. Most of the database management issues are

solved by implementing CRUD in the CakePHP framework. Developers can

easily compress and store data and get help from the CakePHP development

community whenever they want.

Open Source Platform and Supports PHP: The most important factor for the

wide popularity of CakePHP is that it is an open source web development

platform and supports PHP for web application development. This allows PHP

developers to create highly robust and cost effective websites.

Normally, web development companies and PHP web development service

providers work on very tight budget therefore they try to explore and extract

maximum out of these open source technologies to develop highly functional

and cost effective websites in the minimum timeframe. CakePHP was

launched in year 2005 when most of the market was captured by Ruby on

Rails and Spring frameworks. Since then CakePHP has performed

magnificently and now has a fair share of its own. Web development service

providers and PHP developers are now making extensive use of CakePHP for

web development and web application development purposes.

By : incarnate software solutions pvt ltd


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