
Caithness Bird Report 2012

A big thank you to everyone who submitted records. Can I say from the outset that for future

reports don’t just submit the records for the rarer species, the more common ones are equally

important, especially with bird populations ever-changing. The paucity of published records for

some of the commoner species in the 2012 Report is not indicative of their status as described, and

should not be assumed to indicate anything other than “submitted records”.

Can I also ask that you try to submit records as early as possible at the end of the year. I know it’s

often the thing furthest from your mind, but the sooner I get the records the sooner I can put the

report together.

It is usual practice to begin with a summary of the year’s highlights. Following the autumn 2011

influx of Bean and European White-fronted Geese, birds continued to be recorded in the county into

spring 2012. The other big influx of course involved white-winged gulls with birds remaining well

into spring 2012, mostly Iceland, with smaller numbers of Glaucous and a few Kumlien-type Icelands,

adding evidence to the birds’ origins from Arctic Canada (see British Birds vol 105 pp 263-272).

Two Little Auks were reported in January, one at Wick on 06/01 and one on the road at Dunnet Links

on 21/01. Following the big influx of thrushes in autumn 2011, flocks were still present into 2012

with 200 Redwings/200 Fieldfares recorded at Quoys of Canisbay on 02/01. A flock of 230 Snow

Buntings at Scrabster Farm on 15/01.

Numbers of wintering Redshanks are declining, the maximum roost count at Scrabster was 175 birds

on 14/01. A maximum count of 43 for wintering Cormorants at Loch Watten on 15/01. Common

Goldeneye now winter mainly on inland lochs in the county and very few on the coast; the maximum

count was 157 on Loch Watten on 12/02. Spring passage of Pink-footed Geese began in late

January, peaking in March when 10,000+ present in the county. 20 Great Northern Divers in

Sinclair’s Bay on 22/03 was the largest spring count. The small group of Velvet Scoters in Sinclair’s

Bay peaked at 23 birds on 22/03 and the maximum spring count for Long-tailed Duck was 200 in

Dunnet Bay on 26/04, with the last birds on 24/06. Common Scoter numbers peaked at 157 in

Dunnet Bay on 09/06. A female Surf Scoter was present with the scoters between 14/05 – 24/05.

The Pied Wagtail roost at Scrabster held 200+ birds on 14/04. 12 Short-eared Owls were recorded

between Broubster and Westerdale on 22/04.

Records for spring passage produced some really good birds. A male Lesser Scaup appeared on St

John’s Pool from 21/02 to 31/03, and again (probably a second bird) from 09/05 to 11/05. An adult

Bonaparte’s Gull was recorded at Castlehill on 25/02, 07/03 and 01/04. There was an adult Little

Gull at Westfield on 31/03. A Lapland Bunting at Brawlbin on 02/03 and 6 on the north coast on


The first White Wagtail of spring was recorded on 11/03. A Red-rumped Swallow at Castlehill on

09/04. A Hawfinch at Reay on 21/04. A first year Little Gull at Castlehill on 30/04. Male Marsh

Harrier at Greenvale on 01/05. Another first year Little Gull at St John’s Pool from 02/05 to 30/05,

then 3 from 06/05 to 07/05 with one remaining to 13/06. A Common Redstart at the Biel on 04/05.

Two Lesser Whitethroat at Noss Head on 08/05 with one on 07/06. Common Redstart and Common

Whitethroat at Noss Head on 08/05 with two Common Redstarts on 09/05. A Pied Flycatcher at

Brough on 09/05. Two Tree Sparrows at Dunbeath on 09/05, two at Harpsdale on 10/05-11/05 and

another (no loc) on 21/05. A Whinchat at the Biel on 10/05. A first year Little Gull in Dunnet Bay on

04/06. Male Garganey on St John’s Loch from 02/05 to 01/06. Red-necked Phalarope appeared

briefly on a garden pond on 03/05. A Juvenile White-tailed Eagle originating from the east coast

reintroduction scheme turned up in Caithness between 10/05 and 16/05. Two Leach’s Petrel in

Dunnet Bay on 14/05. Three Long-tailed Skuas passing west at John O’ Groats on 17/05. A Honey

Buzzard moving north at Mey on 20/05. A Whinchat at Noss Head on 20/05. Little Egret flying west

passed Dounreay with Grey Herons on 22/05. A Red-backed Shrike at the Biel on 23/05. A Hawfinch

at Wick on 04/06-05/06 and a Woodchat Shrike at Skirza on 13/06. A Pied Flycatcher at Westfield on

16/06. A Black Kite flying northeast at Scoolary on 19/06 or 24/06. A Garden Warbler at Wick on

25/06 and a Honey Buzzard moving north, Reiss, 26/06.

Dotterel are irregular migrants in Caithness and not recorded every year but there were two at

Lower Reiss on 06/05, six at Bardnaheigh between 15/05 and 17/05 and one at Brabstermire on

25/07. The passage of Golden Plover in late April peaked on 30/04 with 2500 at Loch Heilen.

Staging by migrating Whimbrel in late April/early May on the Caithness coast reached a maximum

count of 170 at Ratter on 29/04 and 06/05. 50 Wheatear were recorded in the Shebster area on

16/05 including birds of the Greenland race leucorrhoa.

The two stars of 2012 were undoubtedly the Greater Yellowlegs first seen at Loch of Mey on 28/05,

then at St John’s Pool between 25/07 and 01/08 and a glorious female Grey Phalarope present at St

John’s from 13/06 to 24/06.

First records for returning summer migrants included Chiffchaff on 25/03, Wheatear on 27/03. Sand

Martin on 30/03, Swallow on 31/03, House Martin on 18/04, Willow Warbler on 18/04, Sandwich

Terns on 19/04, Arctic Tern on 29/04, Sedge Warbler on 02/05 and Swift on 13/05.

Despite a declining population in the south, the Cuckoo remains a relatively common summer

resident in Caithness, especially in the south and west of the county. A count of 11 birds at a

presumably abundant feeding site at Lieurary Hill on 05/06/2012 is noteworthy and equals the

previous highest count of 11 at Dunbeath on 23/07/1989.

The summer highlight had to be St John’s Pool, not just for migrant waders but more importantly for

the huge breeding success of terns and Black-headed Gulls, down to Mr Smith’s sterling efforts. An

estimated 282 pairs of Black-headed Gulls fledged between 300 and 450 young and 100 to 130 pairs

of Arctic terns raised 70 young. In addition 10 to 12 pairs of Sandwich Terns bred with 12 to 14

chicks probably fledged, the only mainland breeding colony in UK. This prompted a visit by a Red

Grouse on 10/05 to see what all the fuss was about!

Two pairs of Shoveler also bred successfully at St John’s. The scarcity of this species as a breeding

bird is highlighted by the fact that no Shovelers were reported breeding in Highland Region in 2010.

There were Common Whitethroats on territory at Berriedale, Dunbeath and Achvarasdal. A count of

five singing Common Redstarts at Langwell on 26/05. Whinchat bred at Rumster. A solitary Gannet

sitting on one of the Duncansby Stacks on 21/05 is probably not a prelude for future breeding as this

behaviour has been recorded in past years.

Limited data from the Dunnet Head RSPB reserve shows some levelling off in the decline in breeding

productivity in both Fulmars and Kittiwakes and a possible increase in Guillemot numbers, which

would be good news. Common Eiders had a good breeding season with several recorded broods,

although the maximum count of 110 birds in the moulting flock in Dunnet Bay, remains well down

on ones in the recent past.

Continuing on a negative theme, breeding Arctic Skua numbers continue to decline at a somewhat

alarming rate. One site was destroyed by a late hill fire and another through a windfarm

development. This species may well disappear as a breeding bird in Caithness within the next 5 to

10 years.

Despite a plethora of bird surveys, mostly related to proposed windfarm developments, much

important and useful information relating to Caithness birds and which could be incorporated into

this report passes us by due to the refusal by the developers to release the data.

A Nightjar was calling at Killimster on 10/06 and Quail there on 14/07. A Corncrake on territory at

Keiss in early summer. Blackcap numbers continue to increase with singing males reported from

several sites. Stonechat numbers remain low following the severe winters of 2009/10 and 2010/11

with little sign of recovery yet. Several reports of singing Grasshopper Warblers.

Autumn migration again produced some interesting records. A Rose-coloured Starling at Bower on

08/07. A Little Gull at St John’s Pool on 13/07. A Wood Warbler at Skaill on 28/07. Several reports

of Green Sandpiper in late summer from 25/07 to 08/08. A Hobby at Scrabster Hill, 03/08 and

another at St John’s Loch, 12/08. A Little Egret at Bilbster on 07/08 to 08/08. A second Rose-

coloured Starling at Wick on 08/08 to 09/08. A Icterine Warbler at Lybster, 15/08. A Lapland

Bunting at Holborn Head, 07/09 with three on 06/10. A Red-breasted Flycatcher at Wick on 25/09

and a Barred Warblet at John O’ Groats on 27/09. Interesting seabirds included a Leach’s Petrel in

the Pentland Firth on 21/09 and a Cory’s Shearwater there on 07/10. The first returning Long-tailed

Ducks were recorded in Thurso Bay on 27/09 with a maximum autumn count in Dunnet Bay of 200

on 13/10-14/10. A Pied Flycatcher at the Biel on 12/10. A Buff-breasted Sandpiper with Golden

Plovers at Hempriggs on 14/10. A Yellow-browed Warbler at Lybster on 14/10. Autumn influx of

Great Spotted Woodpeckers with several reports of birds coming to garden feeders. A fall of

Goldcrests at Dunnet Head on 14/10. A fall of thrushes also, with 100+ Blackbirds at Noss Head on

14/10; 100s/1000s Redwings at Lybster on 14/10; Ring Ousels with 15+ Lybster, 14/10, three Dunnet

Head, 13/10, two Keiss, 13/10 and three John O’ Groats, 13/10. In contrast with last year there were

very few Fieldfares recorded. Waxwings began to appear from late October, but in much smaller

numbers than the previous autumn, with birds recorded to the end of the year; a maximum count of

200 at Castlehill on 03/11. Two Red-necked Grebes in Thurso Bay on 15/11.

The poor summer/autumn with much crop remaining unharvested, provided a bonanza for both

Whoopers and geese. With up to 800 birds recorded at Greenland Mains/Loch Heilen on 04/11 this

has to be one of the highest counts for Whoopers in recent winters. Large numbers of Greylags

were also recorded in the county with < 16,000 birds during the goose roost count of 10/11/2012. A

Blue Snow Goose was present at Skinnet on 29/11 – 08/12 with greylags and a Canada Goose at

Lythmore on 01/12.

50+ Brambling and 600+ Chaffinch on unharvested crop at Lower Rumster in November.

Combining WeBS counts gives some idea of passage and wintering duck numbers in the county with

a minimum of 1400+ Wigeon, 1100+ Tufted Ducks, 600+ Mallard, 600+ Teal in autumn. An American

Wigeon at St John’s Loch on 02/11 – 18/11 and a Ring-necked Duck and two Lesser Scaup at Loch

Watten on 10/11 and the Ring-necked Duck there again on 16/12. A Lesser Scaup at St John’s Pool

on 18/11.

What has become apparent in recent years is a build-up in Shag numbers in the Pentland Firth in the

first half of the winter, numbers then declining through late winter. Colour-ringed juveniles among

these flocks originate from breeding colonies in Aberdeen and on the Isle of May. Maximum counts

for November and December were 450 in Thurso Bay on 1st November and 400 on 30th December.


Lorna Body (LB), D Brown (DB), (, Phil Davey (PD), Dave Devonport (DD),

Martin Elwell (ME), Claire Foot (CF), Dave Jones (DJ), Stan Laybourne (SL), Mary Legg (ML), M Lock

(MLo), Angus McBay (AMcB), Sinclair Manson (SAMM), Eric Maughan (EM), Derek May (DM), Peter

Miller (PM), Neil Money (NM), Kim and Jenny Morrison (KJM), Karen Munro (KM), Catherine Nicol

(CN), Donald Omand (DO), Alison Reiss (AR), Ian Sargent (IS), Julian Smith (JS), E Sutherland (ES),

Robert Walker (RW), David Watt (DW), Jonathan Willet (JW).

Bird List

All submitted records are included except those of rare breeding species where the site is considered vulnerable to disturbance. The birds’ names and list sequence follow those used in The Scottish List (2011) published by the Scottish Ornithologists’ Club. The county status for each species is that used in Birds of Caithness (2008). Those records marked by an asterisk remain to be accepted by the SBRC/BBRC. In most cases this is because full details of the bird have not been submitted to the local recorder or to the relevant committee. Mute Swan Cygnus olor Resident

Adult, Dunnet Bay, 02/01/2012 (SAMM); 5, Loch Calder, 15/01/2012 (DO); 11, Loch of Mey, 18/03/2012 (DO). 1 pair + 4 yg, Loch Scarmclate, 19/07/2012 (SAMM). 2, Broubster, 15/10/2012 (CF); 17, Loch Watten, 16/12/2012 (SAMM). Whooper Swan Cygnus cygnus Passage and winter migrant

36, Broubster, 02/01/2012 (SL); 100, Bilbster, 03/01/2012 (; 10, Loch Calder, 15/01/2012 (DO); 31, Westfield, 15/01/2012 (DO); 5, flying south, Thurso Bay, 17/01/2012 (RW); 15, Loch of Wester, 11/02/2012 (PM); 19, Geise, 27/02/2012 (DO); 21, Loch Calder, 11/03/2012 (DO); 6, Loch Scarmclate, 11/03/2012 (SL); 6, Loch Watten, 11/03/2012 (SL); 13, Killimster Loch, 17/03/2012 (PM); 127, Loch of Wester, 18/03/2012 (PM); 3, Broubster, 06/05/2012 (SAMM), 2 on 17/05/2012 (KM); 3 adults, Loch Watten, 24/07/2012 (SAMM). 64, Loch Watten, 22/09/2012 (SAMM); 22, Westfield, 01/10/2012 (KJM); 70+, incr to 100 through the day, Scrabster Loch, 06/10/2012 (SAMM, KM); 500, Loch of Wester, 10/10/2012 (PM); 50, Carsgoe, 11/10/2012 (SAMM); 68, Loch Watten, 14/10/2012 (KM); 391, Loch of Wester, 14/10/2012 (PM); 210, Stirkoke, 14/10/2012 (SAMM); 250, Biggins, 18/10/2012 (SAMM); 700 – 800, Greenland Mains, 04/11/2012 (SAMM, JS); 400, Greenland Mains, 05/11/2012 (ML); >800, Caithness as part of

November goose roost count; 150, East Murkle, 14/11/2012, 80 on 15/11/2012 (SAMM); 40, Scrabster, 15/11/2012 (SAMM); 268, Loch of Wester, 18/11/2012 (PM); 75, St John’s Loch, 18/11/2012 (JS); 25, Broubster, 19/12/2012 (DJ). (Black Swan Cygnus atratus 1, Reiss, 20/04-28/04/2012 (PM); 1, Greenland, 29/04/2012 (ME))

Taiga Bean Goose Anser fabalis fabalis Scarce visitor

2, Gillock Mains, 12/02/2012 (per JS); 2, Achscrabster, 11/03/2012 (SL).

Tundra Bean Goose Anser fabalis rossicus Scarce visitor

31, Rattar, with 13 flying to St John’s Loch, 11/01/2012 (per JS); 10, Gillock, 12/01/2012 (JS); 3

Sibster, Wick, 25/01/2012 (SL); 19, Gillock Mains, 12/02/2012 (JS); 53, Durran, 23/02/2012 (JS); 33,

St John’s Loch, 24/02/2012, with 3 on 25/02/2012 (JS); 50, Loch Scarmcate, 14/03/2012 (JS); 20,

Gillock, 15/03/2012 (JS); 1, Loch Hempriggs, 17/03/2012 (PM).

Bean Goose Anser fabalis (subspecies unspecified) Scarce visitor

4, North Winless, 30/01/2012 (PM); 25, Durran, 02/02/2012 (SL); 34, North Winless, 12/02/2012

(PM); 42, Gillock, 12/02/2012 (PM); 20, Durran, 25/02/2012 (SAMM); 3, Loch Watten, 11/03/2012

(SAMM); 1, Hempriggs Loch, 17/03/2012 (PM); 2, Watten, 07/04/2012 (per JS); 2, Rattar,

04/05/2012, 5 on 07/05/2012 (per JS).

Pink-footed Goose Anser brachyrhynchus Passage migrant

115 flying east, Thurso, 29/01/2012 (SAMM); 70, Reiss, 02/01/2012 (SAMM); <5000, Winless, 25/01/2012 (ME); 1000, Winless, 29/01/2012 (SL); 1400, Winless, 22/02/2012 (SL); 500, Upper Gillock, 22/02/2012 (SL); 800+, Whitefield, Wick, 25/02/2012 (SL); 7, Calder, 02/03/2012 (DO); influx into the county in mid March with 8000, Noss Head, 17/03/2012 and several flocks of 4000-5000 reported in the county, notably at Scarmclate and Loch of Mey (per JS); 1200, St John’s, 14/03/2012 (JS); 778, Loch Hempriggs, 17/03/2012 (PM); 600, Achavarn, 18/03/2012 (SL); 211, Loch of Wester, 18/03/2012 (PM); 1000+, Scrabster Loch, 13/04/2013 and 2000+ on 21/04/2013 (KM); 100+ flying west over Thurso, 28/04/2012 (SAMM); 32, Loch of Wester, 06/05/2012 (SAMM). Calling overhead, Westfield, 08/09/2012 (KJM); 56 flying south, Skirza, 27/09/2012 (SAMM); 20, Greenland Mains, 06/11/2012 (SAMM); 200, Loch Scarmclate, 10/11/2012 (SAMM); 299, Loch Hempriggs, 12/11/2012 (PM); 45, Assery, 21/11/2012 (KJM); 16, Loch of Wester, 16/12/2012 (PM). White-fronted Goose Anser albifrons Passage and winter migrant (Greenland race); Scarce visitor

(European race).

Race not specified: <200, Winless, 26/01/2012 (ME)

Greenland race flavirostris: 50 to 70, Broubster, 02/01/2012 (SL); 80+ Oust, 17/01/2012 (SL); 170

West Mey, 25/01/2012 (SL); 66,Lower Boulloch, 28/01/2012 (SL); 60, West Mey, 30/01/2012

(SAMM); 156, West Mey, 31/01/2012 (SL); 90+ Lower Boulloch, 07/02/2012 (SL); 7 birds killed

striking power lines, Bardnaheigh, Shebster, 07/02/2012 (SL); 72, Knockglass, 15/02/2012 (SL); 151,

Kennachy, 21/02/2012 (SL); 148, West Mey, 21/02/2012 (SL); 136, Lower Boulloch, 23/02/2012 (SL);

3, North Winless, 13/03/2012 (PM); 8, Forss, 18/03/2012 (DO).

Heard over Broubster, 09/10/2012 (per JS); 7, Mey, 12/10/2012 (per JS); 46, White Bridge,

Scrafskerry, 13/10/2012 (SAMM); 5, Westfield, 13/10/2012 (KJM); 142, Broubster, 15/10/2012 (CF);

100+, West Mey, 30/10/2012 (SAMM); 100, Mey, 02/11/2012 (JS); 34, Assery, 03/11/2012 (KJM); 24,

West Mey, 04/11/2012 (SAMM); 137, West Mey, 15/11/2012 (SAMM); 3, Loch Calder, 18/11/2012

(DO); 58, Castle of Mey, 02/12/2012 (SAMM); 135, Loch of Mey, 13/12/2012 (SAMM); 112,

Kennachy, 16/12/2012 (DO); 57, Kennachy, 24/12/2012 (PM).

European race nominate albifrons: 2, Mey, 13/01/2012 (JS); 3, Loch of Wester, 15/01/2012 (PM);

73, Sibster, Wick, 25/01/2012 (SL); 4, Milton, Wick, 25/01/2012 (SL); 51, North Winless, 30/01/2012

(PM); 2, West Mey, 31/01/2012 (SL); 65, North Winless, 12/02/2012 (PM); 3, Gillock, 12/02/2012

(PM); 2, Knockglass, 15/02/2012 (SL); 104, Durran, 23/02/2012 (JS); 20, Durran, 25/02/2012


Greylag Goose Anser anser Resident; passage and winter migrant

30, Quoys of Canisbay, 02/01/2012 (SAMM); 60, John O’Groats, 02/01/2012 (SAMM); 30, Lybster, 02/01/2012 (SAMM); 200, Isauld, 15/01/2012 (SAMM); 321, Loch of Wester, 15/01/2012 (PM); 137, Loch Hempriggs, 15/01/2012 (PM); 550, Loch Scarmclate, 15/01/2012 (SL); 360, Loch Watten, 15/01/2012 (SL); 43, Loch of Wester, 11/02/2012 (PM); 181, Loch Calder, 12/02/2012 (DO); 120, Loch Watten, 12/02/2012 (SL); 150, St John’s, 17/02/2012 (JS); 450, Loch Watten, 11/03/2012 (SAMM). 20, Loch Rangag, 26/05/2012 (SAMM); 2 pairs, Loch Rangag, 05/06/2012 (SAMM). 95, Holborn Head, 06/10/2012 (SAMM); 3500, Loch Watten, 14/10/2012 (KM); 5000, Greenland Mains, 04/11/2012 (SAMM); >16,000 in Caithness goose roost count on 10/11/2012; 67, Loch Hempriggs, 12/11/2012 (PM); 200, Hastigrow, 14/11/2012 (SAMM); 720, Loch Calder, 18/11/2012 (DO); 577, Broubster, 18/11/2012 (DJ); 1036, Loch Hempriggs, 18/11/2012 (PM); 111, Loch Stemster, 28/11/2012 (SAMM); 6,710, Loch of Wester, 08/12/2012 (PM); 1150, North Calder, 08/12/2012 (SAMM); 704, Loch Watten, 16/12/2012 (SAMM); 3510, Loch of Wester, 16/12/2012 (PM); 276, Broubster, 19/12/2012 (DJ). Snow Goose Anser caerulescens Scarce visitor

1 (blue), Skinnet, 29/11/2012- 08/12/2012 (PM, SAMM, JS)

Barnacle Goose Branta leucopsis Passage and winter migrant

1, Quoys of Canisbay, 02/01/2012 (SAMM, KM); 1, Winless, 09/02/2012 (PM); 1, Killimster,

13/10/2012 (DO); 2, Greenland Mains (with Whoopers), 05/11/2012 (ML); 1, North Calder,

08/12/2012 (SAMM); 1, Hempriggs Loch, 16/12/2012 (PM).

Brent Goose Branta bernicla Passage migrant

Race hrota: 1, Oust, 23/02/2012 (SL, PM); 1, Castlehill, 02-03/05/2012 (PM); 1, Scrabster,

03/05/2012 (per JS); 2, Dunnet Bay, 07/10/2012 (SAMM).

Canada Goose Branta canadensis Scarce visitor

1, Lythmore, 01/12/2012 (DO).

Shelduck Tadorna tadorna Summer resident

1 m, Sandside Bay, 15/01/2012 (SAMM); 1 m, East Murkle, 28/01/2012 (SAMM); 2, Loch of Wester,

11/02/2012 (PM); 2, Loch of Wester, 18/03/2012 (PM); 1 pair, Gillock Mains, 24/04/2012 (SL); 1,

Skirza, 28/04/2012 (SAMM); 2, St John’s Pool, 01/05/2012 (JS); 3 pairs, Noss Head, 20/05/2012

(SAMM); 1 pair + 2 yg, 1 m, Sandside, 04/06/2012 (SAMM); 1 pair, Harrow, 10/06/2012 (SAMM).

Wigeon Anas penelope Migrant breeder; passage and winter migrant

68, Loch of Wester, 15/01/2012 (PM); 53, Loch Hempriggs, 15/01/2012 (PM); 140, Westfield, 15/01/2012 (DO); 147, Loch Calder, 15/01/2012 (DO); 86, Loch Scarmclate, 15/01/2012 (SL); 85, Loch Watten, 15/01/2012 (SL); 71, Thurso East, 28/01/2012 (SAMM); 50, Murkle, 28/01/2012 (SAMM); 56, Loch of Wester, 11/02/2012 (PM); 53, Loch Scarmclate, 12/02/2012 (PM); 206, Loch Watten, 12/02/2012 (SL); 63, Loch Scarmclate, 12/02/2012 (SL); 68, Westfield, 12/02/2012 (DO); 78, Loch Calder, 12/02/2012 (DO); 80, Thurso Bay, 08/03/2012 (SAMM); 54, Loch Watten, 11/03/2012 (SAMM); 50, Loch Scarmclate, 11/03/2012 (SL); 129, Loch Hempriggs, 17/03/2012 (PM); 96, Loch of Wester, 18/03/2012 (PM). 1f + 1 yg, Scrabster Loch, 03/08/2012 (SAMM). 60, Dunnet Bay, 29/09/2012 (SAMM); 62, Loch Calder, 14/10/2012 (DO); 34, Loch Olginey,

14/10/2012 (DO); 290, St John’s Loch, 14/10/2012 (JS); 900, Loch Watten, 14/10/2012 (KM); 48,

Loch Scarmclate, 14/10/2012 (KM); 60, St John’s Loch, 14/10/2012 (JS); 71, Loch of Wester,

14/10/2012 (PM); 53, Loch Hempriggs, 12/11/2012 (PM); 346, St John’s Loch, 18/11/2012 (JS); 50,

Loch of Mey, 13/12/2012 (SAMM); 90, Thurso Bay, 13/12/2012 (SAMM); 170, Loch Watten,

16/12/2012 (SAMM); 55, St John’s Loch, 16/12/2012 (JS); 171, Loch of Wester, 16/12/2012 (PM); 40,

Broubster, 19/12/2012 (DJ).

American Wigeon Anas americana Scarce visitor

Young male, St John’s Loch, 02-18/11/2012 (JS, SAMM, PM)*

Gadwall Anas strepera Passage migrant; casual breeder

2, St John’s Loch, 11/03/2012 (JS); 1 m, Loch of Wester, 28/03/2012 (PM); 1 pr, Loch Watten, 28/04/2012 (PM); 1 m, St John’s Pool, 29/04/2012 (JS); 1 m, St John’s Pool, 09/05/2012, 12/05/2012 (JS, KM), 20/05/2012 (SAMM). 4 mm, 4 ff, Dunnet Bay, 10/10/2012 (SAMM); 2, Westfield, 14/10/2012 (DO); 9, St John’s Loch,

14/10/2012 (JS); 1 m, St John’s Loch, 04/11/2012 (SAMM); 7, St John’s Pool, Oct/Nov 2012 (JS); 7, St

John’s Loch, 18/11/2012, 16/12/2012 (JS); 1 m, Loch of Mey, 13/12/2012 (SAMM).

Teal Anas crecca Resident; passage and winter migrant

60, Loch of Wester, 02/01/2012 (SAMM); 64, Loch Scarmclate, 15/01/2012 (SL); 23, Loch Watten, 15/01/2012 (SL); 138, Loch of Wester, 15/01/2012 (PM); 25, Loch Hempriggs, 15/01/2012 (PM); 90, Loch of Wester, 11/02/2012 (PM); 30, Loch Scarmclate, 11/03/2012 (SL); 79, Loch of Wester, 18/03/2012 (PM). 68, Loch Hempriggs, 14/10/2012 (PM); 30, St John’s Loch, 14/10/2012 (JS); 90, Loch Scarmclate, 11/11/2012 (KM); 120, St John’s Pool, 11/11/2012 (JS); 94, Loch Hempriggs, 18/11/2012 (PM); 110, St John’s Loch, 18/11/2012 (JS); 268, Loch of Wester, 18/11/2012 (PM); 200, Loch Watten, 14/10/2012 (KM); 132, Loch Scarmclate, 10/12/2012 (KM); 250, Loch of Mey, 13/12/2012 (SAMM);

69, Loch Watten, 16/12/2012 (SAMM); 110, St John’s Loch, 16/12/2012 (JS); 118, Loch of Wester, 16/12/2012 (PM). Mallard Anas platyrhynchos Resident; winter migrant

102, Loch of Wester, 15/01/2012 (PM); 39, Loch Hempriggs, 15/01/2012 (PM); 124, Loch Scarmclate, 15/01/2012 (SL); 138, Loch Watten, 15/01/2012 (SL); 47, Loch of Wester, 11/02/2012 (PM); 72, Loch Watten, 12/02/2012 (SL); 32, Loch Watten, 11/03/2012 (SAMM); 30, Loch Scarmclate, 11/03/2012 (SAMM); 49, Loch of Wester, 18/03/2012 (PM). 1 f + 11 yg, Wester River, 08/05/2012 (PM); 3 ff+ 6, 7, 5 yg, Loch of Wester, 28/05/2012 (PM); 1 f + 9 yg, St John’s Pool, 05/2012 (JS). 270, Loch Scarmclate, 11/11/2012 (KM); 100, Loch of Wester, 18/11/2012 (PM); 154, Loch

Scarmclate, 10/12/2012 (KM); 150, Loch of Mey, 13/12/2012 (SAMM); 143, Loch Watten,

16/12/2012 (SAMM); 118, Loch of Wester, 16/12/2012 (PM); 170, Loch Calder, 16/12/2012 (DO).

Northern Pintail Anas acuta Passage and winter migrant; casual breeder

1 m, Wester River, 08/05/2012 (PM); 1 m, Loch of Mey, 13/12/2012 (SAMM).

Garganey Anas querquedula Scarce visitor

1 m, St John’s Pool, 02-3/05/2012, 07/05/2012, 10/05/2012, 18/05-01/06/2012 (JS).

Shoveler Anas clypeata Summer resident

1 f, Loch of Wester, 18/03/2012 (PM); 1 m, Gillock Mains, 24/04/2012 (SL); 1 pair, Loch of Wester,

28/04/2012 (PM); 1 f + 7 yg, St John’s Pool, 29/06/2012 (JS); 1f + 7 yg (second brood), St John’s Pool,

08/07/2012 (JS); 2 ff + 4, 2yg, St John’s Pool, 04/08/2012 (SAMM); 2, Loch Calder, 16/09/2012 (DO).

Pochard Aythya farina Passage and winter migrant

2, Loch Scarmclate, 15/01/2012 (SL); 12, Loch Scarmclate, 12/02/2012 (SL); 17, Loch Watten,

15/01/2012 (SL); 3, Loch Watten, 11/03/2012 (SAMM); 50, Loch Scarmclate, 11/03/2012 (SAMM); 2,

St John’s Loch, 11/03/2012 (JS); 5 mm, 2 ff, Loch Watten, 24/07/2012 (SAMM); 93, Loch Scarmclate,

14/10/2012 (KM); 10, St John’s Loch, 14/10/2012 (JS); 320, Loch Watten, 18/11/2012 (KM); 15, Loch

Scarmclate, 10/12/2012 (KM); 1, Loch Sarclet, 16/12/2012 (PM).

Ring-necked Duck Aythya collaris Scarce visitor

1 ad male, Loch Watten, 10/11/2012 (JS, SAMM)*; 1 ad male, Loch Watten, 16/12/2012 (SAMM)*.

Tufted Duck Aythya fuligula Resident; passage and winter migrant

319, Loch Watten, 15/01/2012 (SL); 110, Loch Scarmclate, 15/01/2012 (SL); 213, Loch Watten, 12/02/2012 (SL); 78, Loch Scarmclate, 12/02/2012 (SL); 30, Loch Sarclet, 12/02/2012 (PM); 100, Loch Scarmclate, 11/03/2012 (SAMM); 192, Loch Watten, 11/03/2012 (SAMM); 100, Loch Scarmclate, 11/03/2012 (SAMM); 120, St John’s Loch, 11/03/2012 (JS); 21, Loch Hempriggs, 17/03/2012 (PM); 1 m, Dunnet Bay, 05/06/2012 (SAMM). 4 ff+ 2,2,4,6 yg, Loch Watten, 24/07/2012 (SAMM); 2 ff + 5,10 yg, Scrabster Loch, 03/08/2012 (SAMM). 450, Loch Watten, 22/09/2012 (SAMM); 700, Loch Watten, 14/10/2012 (KM); 85, Loch Scarmclate,

14/10/2012 (KM); 130, St John’s Loch, 14/10/2012 (JS); 203, Loch of Wester, 14/10/2012 (PM); >500,

St John’s Loch, 01/11/2012 (JS); 180, Loch Scarmclate, 11/11/2012 (KM); 200, St John’s Loch,

18/11/2012 (JS); 164, Loch Scarmclate, 10/12/2012 (KM); 208, Loch Watten, 16/12/2012 (SAMM);

32, Loch Calder, 16/12/2012 (DO); 35, Loch Sarclet, 16/12/2012 (PM); 65, St John’s Loch, 16/12/2012


Scaup Aythya marila Passage and winter migrant

2, St John’s Loch, 11/03/2012 (JS); 1m, regular in March 2012, St John’s Loch (JS); 5, St John’s Loch,

14/10/2012 (JS); 12, St John’s Loch, 03-04/11/2012 (JS, SAMM); 12, St John’s Loch, 18/11/2012 (JS);

4, Loch Watten, 10/11/2012 (JS); 1 f, Thurso Bay, 13/12/2012 (SAMM); 2, Loch of Wester,

16/12/2012 (PM); 10, St John’s Loch, 16/12/2012 (JS); 1, Loch Olginey, 16/12/2012 (DO).

Lesser Scaup Aythya affinis Scarce visitor

Ad male, St John’s Loch, 21-23/02/2012 (JS,SAMM,PM)*; ad male, St John’s Loch/Pool, 05-

11/03/2012 (JS)*; reappeared on loch on 21/03/2012 and still present to 28/03 and probably

31/03/2012 (JS); 1 m, St John’s Pool, 09-11/05/2012 (JS, ME)*; 2 ad males, Loch Watten, 10/11/2012

(JS, SAMM)*, one on 12/11/2012 (per JS)*; 1 ad male, St John’s Loch, 18/11/2012 (per JS)*.

Eider Somateria mollissima Resident/migrant breeder

79, Thurso to Castlehill, 28/01/2012 (SAMM). 4 ff + 9 yg, Castlehill, 07/06/2012 (SAMM); 3 ff + 7, 2 yg, Castlehill, 09/06/2012 (SAMM); 3 ff + 8 yg, Harrow, 10/06/2012 (SAMM); 1 f + 3 yg, West Murkle, 17/06/2012 (SAMM); 6 ff + 17 yg, Castlehill, 21/06/2012 (SAMM). 60, Castlehill, 19/07/2012 (SAMM); 76 on 02/08/2012 (SAMM); 87, Dunnet Bay, 04/08/2012

(SAMM); 23, Thurso Bay, 06/08/2012 (SAMM); 110, Castlehill, 14/08/2012 (SAMM); 50, Thurso Bay,

24/08/2012 (SAMM).

Long-tailed Duck Clangula hyemalis Passage and winter migrant

40+, Dunnet Bay, 02/01/2012 and 21/01/2012 (SAMM); 200, Dunnet Bay, 16/04/2012, 212 on 21/04/2012 (SAMM); 248, Dunnet Bay, 19/04/2012, 205 on 25/04 (PM); 200, Dunnet Bay, 26/04/2012 (SAMM); 50, Sinclair’s Bay, 28/04/2012 (SAMM); 80, Dunnet Bay, 03/05/2012 (SAMM); 60+, Dunnet Bay, 05/05/2012 (SAMM); 80+, Dunnet Bay, 06/05/2012 (SAMM); 110, Dunnet Bay, 07/05/2012, 09/05/2012 (SAMM); 40 Dunnet Bay, 12/05/2012 (SAMM); 6, Sinclair’s Bay, 12/05/2012 (SAMM); 9, Dunnet Bay, 14/05/2012 (SAMM); m, f, Thurso Bay, 10/06/2012 (SAMM); 1 m, Dunnet Bay, 21/06, 24/06/2012 (SAMM). First birds of autumn, Thurso Bay, 27/09/2012 (KM); 4, Dunnet Bay, 06/10/2012 (SAMM); 12,

Dunnet Bay, 10/10/2012 (SAMM); 6, Thurso Bay, 12/10/2012 (SAMM); 200+, Dunnet Bay, 13-

14/10/2012 (SAMM); 1, Loch Sarclet, 14/10/2012 (PM); 2, St John’s Loch, 14/10/2012 (JS); 4, St

John’s Loch, 01/11/2012, 14/11/2012 (JS); 25, Thurso Bay, 15/11/2012 (SAMM); 2, Loch Scarmclate,

18/11/2012 (SAMM); 4, St John’s Loch, 18/11/2012 (JS); 4, Loch Watten, 16/12/2012 (SAMM); 1, St

John’s Loch, 16/12/2012 (JS); 30, Thurso Bay, 30/12/2012 (SAMM).

Common Scoter Melanitta nigra Migrant breeder; passage and winter migrant

2ff, Murkle Bay, 02/01/2012 (SAMM); 1 f, Sinclair’s Bay, 02/01/2012 (SAMM); 1 f, Claredon, 28/01/2012 (SAMM); 3, Dunnet Bay, 19/04/2012 (PM); 6mm, 3ff, Dunnet Bay, 21/04/2012 (SAMM); 3, Sinclair’s Bay, 21/04/2012 (PM); 4, Dunnet Bay, 24/04/2012, 9 on 25/04 (PM); 1 m, 2 ff, Sinclair’s

Bay, 25/04/2012 (SAMM); 3 mm, Dunnet Bay, 28/04/2012 and 03/05/2012 (SAMM); 6, Dunnet Bay, 02/05/2012, 7 on 03/05 (PM); 6, Dunnet Bay, 05/05/2012 (SAMM); 1 m, 3 ff, Dunnet Bay, 07/05/2012 (SAMM); 25, Dunnet Bay, 09/05/2012 (SAMM); 64, Sinclair’s Bay, 12/05/2012 (SAMM); 15, Dunnet Bay, 12/05/2012 (SAMM); 70+, Sinclair’s Bay, 20/05/2012; 70+, Dunnet Bay, 20/05/2012 (SAMM); 106, Dunnet Bay, 23/05/2012 (PM); 34, Sinclair’s Bay, 23/05/2012 (PM); 110+, Dunnet Bay, 24/05 – 01/06/2012 (SAMM); 115 on 24/05, 91 on 28/05, 125 on 30/05 (PM); 70+, Dunnet Bay, 04/06/2012 (SAMM); 30, Sinclair’s Bay, 04/06/2012 (SAMM); 105, Dunnet Bay, 05-07/06/2012 (SAMM); 140+, Thurso Bay, 08/06/2012, 157 on 09/06/2012 (SAMM, KM); 10, Castlehill, 21/06/2012 (SAMM). 6 ff, Dunnet Bay, 04/09/2012 (SAMM); 4ff, Dunnet bay, 28/10/2012 (SAMM).

Surf Scoter Melanitta perspicillata Scarce visitor

1f, Castlehill, 14-24/05/2012 (PM, SAMM)*

Velvet Scoter Melanitta fusca Scarce passage and winter migrant

8, Sinclair’s Bay, 18/03/2012 (per JS); 23, Sinclair’s Bay, 22/03/2012 (PM); 1 m, 2ff, Dunnet Bay,

16/04/2012 (SAMM); 4 mm, 2 ff, Sinclair’s Bay, 28/04/2012 (SAMM); 6 mm, Sinclair’s Bay,

12/05/2012 (SAMM); 3, Dunnet Bay, 23-24/05/2012 (PM); 1, Thurso Bay, 27/06/2012 (KM).

Goldeneye Bucephala clangula Winter migrant

14, Loch Scarmclate, 15/01/2012 (SL); 54, Castlehill, 16/01/2012 (PM); 10, Loch of Wester, 11/02/2012 (PM); 157, Loch Watten, 12/02/2012 (SL); 52, Loch Scarmclate, 11/03/2012 (SAMM); 52, Loch Watten, 11/03/2012 (SAMM). 5, Loch Hempriggs, 17/03/2012 (PM); 12, Loch of Wester, 18/03/2012 (PM). 14, Loch Watten, 22/09/2012 (SAMM); 15, St John’s Loch, 14/10/2012 (JS); 24, Loch Scarmclate,

11/11/2012 (KM); 32, Loch Scarmclate, 10/12/2012 (KM); 16, Loch of Wester, 16/12/2012 (PM); 35,

St John’s Loch, 16/12/2012 (JS) 125, Loch Watten, 16/12/2012 (SAMM).

Red-breasted Merganser Mergus serrator Passage and winter migrant; has bred

1 pr, Murkle, 02/01/2012 (SAMM); 2 mm, Dunnet Bay, 02/01/2012; 1 m, Thurso, 28/01/2012 (SAMM); 1, Loch Watten, 15/01/2012 (SL); 1 m, Thurso Bay, 02/02-03/02/2012 (SAMM); 2 mm, 1 f, Thurso, 05/02/2012 (SAMM); 2 mm, Thurso, 19/02/2012 (SAMM); 2 mm, Loch Watten, 11/03/2012 (SAMM); 1 f, Castlehill, 11/03/2012 (SAMM); 1, Loch of Wester, 18/03/2012 (PM); 1, Thurso Bay, 25/03/2012 (SAMM); 1 pr, Thurso Bay, 08/04/2012 (SAMM); 1 m, Thurso Harbour, 21/04/2012; 1 m, Dunnet Bay, 26/04/2012 (SAMM); 1 pr, Dunnet Bay, 27/04/2012 (SAMM); 1 pr, Loch of Wester, 28/04/2012 (SAMM); 1 m, Dunnet Bay, 07/05/2012 (SAMM); 1 m, Dunnet Bay, 25/05/2012 (SAMM); 1 f, Dunnet Bay, 05/06/2012 (SAMM). 12, Thurso Bay, 01/09/2012 (KM); 2 ff, Castlehill, 13/10/2012, one on 14/10 (SAMM); 1, Keiss, 02/11/2012 (CN); 7, Dunnet Bay, 25/11/2012 (SAMM); 1 m, Dunnet Bay, 09/12/2012 (SAMM); 1 m,1 f, Loch Watten, 16/12/2012 (SAMM); 2 m, 1 f, Thurso Riverside, 29/12/2012 (SAMM); 1 m, Loch Meadie, 30/12/2012 (SAMM).

Goosander Mergus merganser Winter migrant; casual breeder

3, Loch Watten, 15/01/2012 (SL); 1 m, 3 ff, Loch Watten, 02/02/2012 (SAMM); 1, Loch Watenan,

12/02/2012 (PM); 1, Loch Watten, 12/02/2012 (SL); 1, Loch of Wester, 12/02/2012, 4 on 26/02 (PM);

1 m, Loch Watten, 11/03/2012 (SAMM); 11, Loch of Wester, 21/05/2012 (PM).

2, Loch of Wester, 14/10/2012 (PM); 4, Wick Riverside, 18/10/2012 (SAMM); 1 m, Loch of Wester,

03/11/2012 (PM); 2, Thurso Riverside, 11/11/2012 (RW); 4, Loch Scarmclate, 18/11/2012 (KM); 8,

Loch Scarmclate, 10/12/2012 (KM); 2, Loch Watten, 16/12/2012 (SAMM); 1, Loch Watten,

24/12/2012 (PM).

Red Grouse Lagopus lagopus scotica Resident

1 m appeared briefly at St John’s Pool, 10/05/2012 (JS)

Red-throated Diver Gavia stellata Migrant breeder; coastal visitor

1, Wick Harbour, 02/01/2012 (SAMM); 3, Thurso Bay, 14/01/2012 (SAMM); 1, Castlehill, 21/01/2012 (SAMM); 1, Thurso Bay, 02/02/2012 (SAMM); 1, Loch of Wester, 11/02/2012 (PM); 2, Scrabster, 26/02/2012 (SAMM); 1, Loch Watten, 11/03/2012 (SAMM); 1, St John’s Loch, throughout March, 2012 (JS); 5, St John’s Loch, throughout April 2012 (JS). 2, Loch of Wester, 28/04/2012, 06/05/2012 (SAMM); 12, Dunnet Bay, 03/05/2012 (SAMM); 1,

Thurso Bay, 20/05/2012 (RW); 2 calling overhead, Noss Head flying into Sinclair’s Bay, 20/05/2012

(SAMM); 2, Thurso Bay, 27/05/2012 (SAMM); 6+, Dunnet Bay, 05/06/2012 (SAMM); 2 pairs, Thurso

Bay, 07/06/2012 (SAMM); 5, Thurso Bay, 08/06/2012 (SAMM); 6 feeding around a Bonxie kill and

later at same spot 4 diving with guillemots around a group of feeding Great Black-backs, Thurso Bay,

09/06/2012 (KM, SAMM); 5 incl yg bird, Thurso Bay, 10/06/2012 (SAMM); 2, Thurso Bay,

06/08/2012 (SAMM); 2 overflying Thurso into bay, 10/08/2012 (SAMM); 1 calling overhead, Thurso,

25/08/2012 (SAMM); 11, Dunnet Bay, 03/11/2012 (SAMM); 3, Thurso Bay, 13/12/2012 (SAMM).

Black-throated Diver Gavia arctica Migrant breeder; passage and winter migrant

3, Sinclair’s Bay, 02/01/2012 (SAMM); 1, Sandside Bay, 15/01/2012 (SAMM); 1, Thurso Bay,

21/01/2012 (SAMM); 20, Sinclair’s Bay, 28/04/2012 (SAMM); 2, Loch Meadie, 28/04/2012 (SAMM);

1, Dunnet Bay, 03/05/2012 (SAMM); 2 non-br, Dunnet Bay, 09/06/2012 (SAMM); 1, Loch Rangag,

10/08/2012 (SAMM); 1, Loch Stemster, 10/08/2012 (SAMM); 4, Dunnet Bay, 11/11/2012 (SAMM).

Great Northern Diver Gavia immer Passage and winter migrant

1, Brawlbin, 02/01/2012 (SL); 3, Murkle Bay, 02/01/2012 (SAMM); 6, Dunnet Bay, 02/01/2012

(SAMM); 5, Sinclair’s Bay, 02/01/2012 (SAMM); 1, Skirza, 02/01/2012 (SAMM); 2, Scrabster,

19/02/2013 (SAMM); 20, Sinclair’s Bay, 22/03/2012 (PM); 12, Sinclair’s Bay, 28/04/2012 (SAMM); 2,

Stroma, 29/04/2012 (DO); 10, Dunnet Bay, 03/05/2012 (SAMM); 6, Dunnet Bay, 05/05/2012

(SAMM); 1, Thurso Bay, 20/05/2012 (SAMM); 1, Sinclair’s Bay, 20/05/2012 (SAMM); 2, Thurso Bay,

22/06/2012 (SAMM); 1, Loch of Wester, 16/09/2012 (PM); 12, Dunnet Bay, 17/10/2012 (SAMM); 9,

Dunnnet Bay, 25/11/2012 (SAMM).

Cory’s Shearwater Calonectris diomedea Scarce visitor

1, Pentland Firth from Holborn Head, 07/10/2012 (DO)*.

Sooty Shearwater Puffinus griseus Offshore passage migrant

1, Holborn Head, 29/06/2012 (KM); 1 flying north, Auchengill, 13/10/2012 (SAMM).

Manx Shearwater Puffinus puffinus Offshore passage migrant

2 flying north, Auchengill, 22/06/2012 (SAMM); 5, Thurso Bay, 27/06/2012 (KM).

Fulmar Fulmarus glacialis Oceanic breeder

Slight decrease in AOSs at RSPB Dunnet Head with a count of 181 compared to 205 in 2011,but

productivity similar at 0.28 compared to 0.26 in 2011 (DJ).

Leach’s Petrel Oceanodroma leucorhoa Scarce coastal migrant

2, Dunnet Bay, 14/05/2012 (SAMM); 1, Pentland Firth from Holborn Head, 21/09/2012 (DO).

Gannet Morus bassanus Passage migrant and coastal visitor

1 sitting on ledge, Duncansby Head, 21/05/2012 (KM); 50/hr N, Auchengill, 22/06/2012 (SAMM);

60/hr N, 30/hr S, Auchengill, 14/08/2012 (SAMM); 500/hr N, 6/hr S, Auchengill, 13/10/2012


Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo Migrant breeder; passage and winter migrant

43, Loch Watten, 15/01/2012 (SL); 4, Loch of Wester, 15/01/2012; 35, Loch Watten, 12/02/2012

(SL); 15, Loch Watten, 11/03/2012 (SAMM).

Shag Phalacrocorax aristotelis Resident; winter migrant

80, Thurso Bay, 14/01/2012 (SAMM); 250, Wick Bay, 24/10/2012 (CN); 148, Thurso Bay,

25/10/2012; 200+ on 01/11/2012 (SAMM); 450, Thurso Bay, 01/11/2012 (KM); 350+, Thurso Bay,

14/11/2012 (SAMM); 110, Thurso Bay, 13/12/2012 (SAMM); 250, Scrabster, 29/12/2012 (KM); 400,

Thurso Bay, 30/12/2012 (SAMM).

Juv (colour ringed), Thurso, 29/01/2012 (ringed as pullus in 2011 on Isle of May) (SAMM).

Little Egret Egretta garzetta Scarce visitor

1, flying west passed Dounreay with Grey Herons, 22/05/2012 (per JS); 1, Bilbster, 07-08/08/2012


Grey Heron Ardea cinerea Resident

1, Loch Dhu, 02/01/2012 (SAMM); 4, Murkle, 28/01/2012 (SAMM); 3, Loch of Wester, 11/02/2012

(PM); 5, Broubster, 12/02/2012 (DO); 2, Loch Calder, 12/02/2012 (DO); 1, Loch Calder, 25/02/2012

(SAMM); 2, Loch Sarclet, 16/09/2012 (PM).

Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis Resident/migrant breeder

1, Loch Calder, 15/01/2012 (DO); 1, Loch Hempriggs, 15/01/2012 (DO); 3, Loch Scarmclate,

15/01/2012 (SL); 4, Loch Watten, 15/01/2012 (SL); 3, Ham Pool, 28/01/2012 (DO); 1, Loch Watenan,

12/02/2012 (PM); 1, Loch Olginey, 12/02/2012 (DO); 1, Loch Calder, 25/02/2012 (SAMM); 1, Loch

Watten, 11/03/2012 (SAMM); 2, Loch Scarmclate, 11/03/2012 (SAMM); 1, St John’s Loch,

11/03/2012 (JS); 1, Loch Olginey, 08/04/2012 (DO); 3, Loch Watenan, 05/06/2012 (SAMM); ad + juv,

Nottingham Pool, 02/07/2012 (PD); 5 incl 1 yg, Loch Toftingal, 28/08/2012 (ML); 1 pair + 3yg, St

John’s Pool (JS); 3, Loch Olginey, 16/09/2012 (DO); 6, Loch Scarmclate, 22/09/2012 (SAMM); 4, Loch

Watten, 22/09/2012 (SAMM); 10, Loch Scarmclate, 11/11/2012 (KM); 2, Loch Calder, 16/12/2012

(DO); 1, Lochan Buidhe, 16/12/2012 (DO).

Red-necked Grebe Podiceps grisegena Scarce visitor

2, Thurso Bay, 15/11/2012 (RW)

Slavonian Grebe Podiceps auritus Passage and winter migrant; has bred

1, Loch Watten, 15/01/2012 (SL); 1, Loch Calder, 12/02/2012 (DO); 1, Loch Watten, 11/03/2012 (SAMM); 1, Sinclair’s Bay, 22/03/2012 (PM); 1, St John’s Loch, 24/03/2012 (SAMM); 2 br plum, Dunnet Bay, 26/04/2012 (PM); 4 br plum, Dunnet Bay, 27/04/2012 (SAMM). 4, Dunnet Bay, 21/09/2012 (SAMM); 5, Loch Scarmclate, 22/09/2012 (SAMM); 3, Loch Watten,

22/09/2012 (SAMM); 13, Dunnet Bay, 06/10/2012 (SAMM); 1, Loch Scarmclate, 14/10/2012 (KM); 2,

St John’s Loch, 14/10/2012 (JS); 15-20, Loch Watten, 20/10/2012 (JS); 1, Loch Calder, 31/10/2012,

and on 03/11 and 28/11/2012 (KJM); 4, St John’s Loch, late Oct-Nov 2012, 2 on 18/11/2012 (JS); 1,

Loch Scarmclate, 11/11/2012 (KM); 6, Loch Watten, 16/12/2012 (SAMM); 1, Loch Hempriggs,

16/12/2012 (PM); 1, Loch Calder, 16/12/2012 (DO); 1, Loch Watten, 24/12/2012 (PM).

Honey Buzzard Pernis apivorus Scarce migrant

1, Mey, 20/05/2012 (SAMM); 1, flying N, Reiss, 26/06/2012 (per JS)

Black Kite Milvus migrans Scarce visitor

1, Scoolary¸flying NE towards Gills, 19/06/2012 (per JS) or 24/06/2012?*

Red Kite Milvus milvus Scarce visitor

2, Castletown, 14/01/2012 (per JS); 1, Olrig, 18/04/2012 (; 1, Achscrabster, 19/04/2012

(ML); 1, Thurso, 02/05/2012 (per JS); 1 seen near Thurso, c. 24/07/2012 (per JS); 1 (blue wingtag),

Dwarick Head, 27/07/2012 (per JS); 1, Loch Watten, 12/12/2012 (per JS).

White-tailed Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla Scarce visitor

1 juv, Halkirk, 10/05/2012, flying towards Gerston, 10/05/2012 (PD); 1 juv (wing-tagged)**, Broubster, 16/05/2012 (DJ, KM, SAMM, PM); 1, Duncansby, 22/05/2012 (DO).; 1, flying south, Dunnet, 24/05/2012 (JS); 1, Loch Watten, 29/09/2012 (per JS) **A bird from the Scottish east coast re-introduction scheme in 2011. Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus Scarce passage migrant

1 m, Greenvale Farm to Ham, 01/05/2012 (JS)

Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus Resident; passage and winter migrant

1 m, 1 f, the Biel of Duncansby, throughout winter (DW); 1 f, Brawlbin, 02/01/2012 (SL); female,

Tacher, 02/01/2012 (SAMM); male, Achinabust, 01/02/2012 (SAMM); male, Broubster, 17/02/2012

(SL); juv, Georgemas, 19/02/2012 (SAMM); up to 3, Georgemas, March 2012 (ME); 1 f, Strathmore,

28/04/2012 (SAMM); 1 m, Dalnaha- Dalnawillan, 28/04/2012 (SAMM); 1 m, Dunnet Bay, 28/04/2012

(SAMM); 1 f, Warth Hill, 06/05/2012 (SAMM); 1 m, Brawlbin, 06/05/2012 (SAMM); male, Scotland’s

Haven, 24/05/2012 (ML); 1 m, Strathmore, 26/08/2012 (SAMM); ringtail, Lower Rumster, 09/09,

15/09/2012 (PD); 1 m, Loch Scarmclate, 22/09/2012 (SAMM).

Sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus Resident; passage and winter migrant

Calling from tall conifers (presumed nesting), Camfield, Thurso, 02/06/2012 (SAMM); pair with 5

young, Assery, fledged 19/20/07/2012 (KJM); 2, Smerral, 10/08/2012 (SAMM); 1, Hill of Forss,

23/08/2012 (SAMM); 1, Thurso, 23/08/2012; 1, Burnside, Thurso, 25/08/2012 (SAMM); 1, Thurso

East, 28/08/2012 (SAMM); 1, Thurso, 30/08/2012; 1, Thurso, 01/09/2012 (SAMM); 1, Thurso,

03/09/2012 (SAMM); 1, Skirza, 27/09/2012 (SAMM); 1, Holborn Head, 06/10/2012 (SAMM); 1,

Thurso, 28/10/2012 (SAMM); 1, Castlehill, 03/11/2012 (SAMM); 1, Thurso, 02/12/2012 (RW).

Common Buzzard Buteo buteo Resident; passage and winter migrant

2, Thurso Riverside, 17/02/2012 (RW); 7 flying north, Reiss, 26/06/2012 (per JS).

(Rough-legged Buzzard Buteo lagopus Scarce visitor)

1 probable, Ord, 04/03/2012 (SAMM).

Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos Scarce visitor; has bred

1, Drumholliston, 23/09/2012 (per JS); 1 juv, Loch More, 30/12/2012 (SAMM).

Eagle sp 1, Castletown, 24-25/09/2012 (per JS)

Osprey Pandion haliaetus Passage migrant ; has bred

1, Broubster, 02/05/2012 (per JS); 1, St John’s Loch-Ham, 10/05/2012 (JS); 1, Achanarras (flying

towards Toftingal), 24/05/2012 (ML); 2, Nottingham Pool, 06/06/2012 (PD); 1, north end of Loch

Calder, 11/07/2012 (ML); 2, Loch of Wester, 13/07/2012 (PM); 1, Loch Watten, 24/07/2012 (SAMM);

1, St John’s Loch, 26/07/2012 (JS); 1 flying SE, the Biel of Duncansby, 02/08/2013 (DW); 1, Loch

More, 26/08/2012 (SAMM).

Kestrel Falco tinnunculus Resident; passage and winter migrant

1, John O’Groats, 02/01/2012 (SAMM); 1, Skirza, 02/01/2012 (SAMM); 1, Clyth, 02/01/2012

(SAMM); f, Dirlot, 22/04/2013 (SAMM); m, Langwell, 26/05/2012 (SAMM); 1, Bardnaheigh,

06/06/2012 (SAMM); 1, Dunnet, 14/08/2012 (SAMM); 1, Holborn Head, 09/09/2012 (RW); 2,

Castlehill, 29/09/2012 (SAMM); 1, Brough, 03/10/2012 (SAMM); 1, Dunnet Forest, 14/11/2012; 1,

Dunnet Links, 14/11/2012 (SAMM); 1, Lower Thura, 14/11/2012 (SAMM); 1, East Murkle,

14/11/2012 (SAMM); 1, Thurso East, 15/12/2012 (SAMM).

Merlin Falco columbarius Migrant breeder; passage and winter migrant

Birds seen occasionally throughout year, the Biel of Duncansby (DW); 1, Achanarras, 24/05/2012

(ML); 1f, Hillside, Killimster, 26/07/2012 (PM); 1, Thurso East, 14/10/2012 (SAMM).

Hobby Falco subbuteo Scarce visitor

1, Scrabster Hill, 03/08/2012 (SAMM); 1, St John’s Loch, 12/08/2012 (JS).

Peregrine Falco peregrinus Resident; passage and winter migrant

Bird seen regularly throughout the year on St Andrew’s Church, Thurso (SAMM); 1 flying inland,

Berriedale, 14/07/2012 (SAMM); 1, Janetstown, 09/10/2012 (SAMM); 1, E Gills, Scrabster,

15/12/2012 (SAMM); 1, Castlehill, 25/11/2012 (SAMM)

Quail Coturnix coturnix Casual breeder

1, Hillside, Killimster, 14/07/2012 (PM)

Corncrake Crex crex Migrant breeder; passage migrant

Bird calling throughout early summer at Keiss.

Moorhen Gallinula chloropus Resident

1, St John’s Loch, 11/03/2012 (JS); 1, Westfield, 12/02/2012 (DO); 1 pair + 2 yg, St John’s Pool (JS);1,

Loch Olginey, 16/09/2012 (DO).

Coot Fulica atra Resident; winter migrant

81, Loch Watten, 15/01/2012 (SL); 96, Loch Watten, 12/02/2012 (SL); 52, Loch Watten, 11/03/2012 (SAMM); 21, St John’s Loch, 27/03/2012 (JS). 1 pair + 2 small yg, Ham Pool, 04/06/2012 (SAMM); 2 pairs + 2, 3 yg, St John’s Pool (JS). 14, St John’s Loch, 25/07/2012 (JS); 32, Loch Watten, 22/09/2012 (SAMM); 105, Loch Watten,

14/10/2012 (KM); 135, Loch Watten, 16/12/2012 (SAMM).

Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus Resident; passage and winter migrant

30, Murkle, 02/01/2012 (SAMM); 60, Sandside, 15/01/2012 (SAMM); 90, Thurso Bay, 14/01//2012

(SAMM); 80, Thurso East, 28/01/2012 (SAMM); 50, Murkle Bay, 28/01/2012 (SAMM); 250, East

Murkle, 28/01/2012 (SAMM); 40, Thurso Bay, 19/02/2012 (SAMM); 110, Thurso Bay, 11/03/2012

(SAMM); 44, Loch Watten, 11/03/2012 (SAMM); 2 pairs St John’s Pool (JS); 80, East Ackergill,

05/06/2012 (SAMM); 43, Thurso East, 17/06/2012 (SAMM); 67, Dunnet Bay, 04/08/2012 (SAMM);

88, Thurso Bay, 14/10/2012 (SAMM); 60, Thurso East, 03/11/2012 (SAMM); 40, Sandside,

25/11/2012 (SAMM); 60, Thurso Bay, 15/12/2012 (SAMM).

Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula Resident; passage and winter migrant

20, Murkle, 02/01/2013 (SAMM); 37, Thurso East, 14/01/2012 (SAMM); 70, Thurso East-East

Murkle, 28/01/2012 (SAMM); 60+, Mid-Sands, Dunnet, 09/05/2012 (SAMM); 40, Dunnet Beach,

14/05/2012 (SAMM); 245, Dunnet Bay, 28/05/2012 (SAMM); 1 pair with 2 young, Dirlot, 13/06/2012

(KJM); 3 pairs, Holborn Uplands, 20/06/2012 (SAMM, KM); 30, Dunnet Bay, 21/09/2012 (SAMM); 25,

Thurso Bay, 04/11/2012 (SAMM); 40, Sandside, 25/11/2012 (SAMM).

Dotterel Charadrius morinellus Scarce migrant

2, Lower Reiss Farm, 06/05/2012 (PM); 6, Shebster, 15-17/05/2012 (KM, PM); 1 m, Brabstermire,

25/07/2012 (per JS).

Golden Plover Pluvialis apricaria Migrant breeder; passage and winter migrant

700, John O’ Groats, 02/01/2012 (SAMM); 30, Loch of Wester, 02/01/2012 (SAMM); 6, Bardnaheigh,

Shebster, 22/03/2012 (DO); 12, the Biel of Duncansby, 16/04/2012 (DW); 100, West Murkle,

18/04/2012 (SAMM); <2500, Loch Heilen, 30/04/2012 (ME); 35, Loch Scarmclate, 22/09/2012

(SAMM); 500+, Loch Hempriggs, 29/09/2012 (SAMM); 400+, Hempriggs, 14/10/2012 (SAMM); 40,

Loch Scarmclate, 14/10/2012 (KM); 300, Broynach, 03/11/2012 (SAMM); 200, Rattar, 04/11/2012


Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola Passage and winter migrant

1, east end Dunnet Bay, 02/01/2012 (SAMM); 1 x 1st y, Castlehill, 03/05/2012 (PM); 1, Sandside Bay,

14/10/2012 (EM).

Lapwing Vanellus vanellus Resident; migrant breeder; passage and winter migrant

60, Murkle Bay, 02/01/2012 (SAMM); 300, John O’ Groats, 02/01/2012 (SAMM); 100, Loch of Wester, 02/01/2012 (SAMM); 20, Lybster, 02/01/2012 (SAMM); 274, Loch Scarmclate, 15/01/2012 (SL); 150, Dounreay, 15/01/2012 (SAMM); 19, Brawlbin, 15/01/2012 (DO); 53, Murkle Bay, 28/01/2012 (SAMM); 150, Loch of Wester, 11/02/2012 (PM); 260, Westfield, 12/02/2012 (DO); 139, Loch Watten, 12/02/2012 (SL); 27, Loch Calder, 12/02/2012 (DO); 24, Loch Sarclet, 12/02/2012 (PM); 80, Loch Scarmclate, 11/03/2012 (SAMM). Displaying at St John’s Pool, 17/02 and 25/03/2012 (JS); 6 pairs breeding St John’s Pool, hatched 28/04 (JS); 1 pair with 2 young, Lieurary, 29/05/2012 (KJM); 1 pair with single young, Dirlot, 13/06/2012 (KJM); 6 pairs, Holborn Uplands, 20/06/2012 (SAMM, KM). 50, Loch Scarmclate, 19/07/2012 (SAMM); 60+, Loch Watten, 24/07/2012 (SAMM); 100,Scrabster

Loch, 03/08/2012 (SAMM); 70, Loch Scarmclate, 22/09/2012 (SAMM); 30, Skirza, 27/09/2012

(SAMM); 60, Reiss, 27/09/2012 (SAMM); 300, Loch Hempriggs, 29/09/2012 (SAMM); 300, Dounreay,

01/10/2012 (EM); 300, Eastside, Dunnet, 13/10/2012 (SAMM); 200, Loch Scarmclate, 14/10/2012

(KM); 256, Loch of Wester, 14/10/2012 (PM); 200, Rattar, 04/11/2012 (SAMM); 57, Broubster,

18/11/2012 (DJ); 74, Loch of Wester, 18/11/2012 (PM); 130, St John’s Loch, 18/11/2012 (JS); 130,

Sandside, 25/11/2012 (SAMM); 300, Loch of Mey, 13/12/2012 (SAMM); 160, Loch Watten,

16/12/2012 (SAMM); 330, St John’s Loch, 16/12/2012 (JS); 390, Loch of Wester, 16/12/2012 (PM).

Knot Calidris canutus Passage migrant

1, Murkle Bay, 28/01/2012 (SAMM); 13, Castlehill, 14/05/2012, 16 on 22/05/2012 (PM); 8, Dunnet Bay, 09/06/2012 (SAMM); 2, Castlehill, 02/08/2012 (SAMM); 3, Burnside, Thurso, 28/08/2012 (SAMM); 7, Holborn Head, 07/09/2012 (SAMM).

Sanderling Calidris alba Passage migrant

5, Murkle, 28/01/2012 (SAMM); 12, Dunnet Bay, 14/05/2012 (SAMM); 5, east end, Dunnet Bay,

04/08/2012 (SAMM); 16, Castlehill, 14/08/2012 (SAMM); 16, Reiss Beach, 19/08/2012 (PM); 50,

Castlehill, 23/08/2012 (SAMM); 22, Dunnet Bay, 05/09/2012 (SAMM); 2, Dunnet Bay, 21/09/2012


Purple Sandpiper Calidris maritima Winter migrant

30, Castlehill, 02/01/2012 (SAMM); 20, Auchengill, 02/01/2012 (SAMM); 72, Thurso Beach,

11/01/2012 (PM); 70, Thurso East, 14/01/2012 (SAMM); 51, Thurso Beach, 21/01/2012 (SAMM);

114, Thurso to East Murkle, 28/01/2012 (SAMM); 80+ roost, Thurso, 08/03/2012 (SAMM); 60,

Thurso, 07/04/2012 (SAMM); 5, Dunnet Bay, 14/05/2012 (SAMM); 41, Thurso East, 03/11/2012

(SAMM); 25, Thurso Bay, 14/11/2012 (SAMM); 20, Sandside, 25/11/2012 (SAMM).

Dunlin Calidris alpina Migrant breeder, passage and winter migrant

88, Murkle, 28/01/2012 (SAMM); 7, Wester Olrig, 20/05/2012 (SAMM); 1, Nottingham Pool,

06/06/2012 (PD); 2, Holborn Uplands, 20/06/2012 (SAMM, KM); 3, Scrabster Loch, 03/08/2012

(SAMM); 52, Castlehill, 25/11/2012 (SAMM).

Buff-breasted Sandpiper Tryngites subruficollis Scarce visitor

1, Hempriggs, 14/10/2012 (PM, SAMM, KM)*.

Ruff Philomachus pugnax Passage migrant, has wintered.

3, Loch of Mey, 28/05/2012 (IS); 7, South Head, 27/08/2012 (PM); 1, Loch Hempriggs, 29/09/2012

(SAMM); 1, Rattar, 04/11/2012 (SAMM) (same bird? also reported from Loch of Mey and St John’s

Loch on 01/11/2012).

Jack Snipe Lymnocryptes minimus Passage migrant

1, Broubster, 16/12/2012 (DO).

Snipe Gallinago gallinago Resident; passage and winter migrant

Drumming, St John’s Pool, 27-28/03/2012 (JS); first drumming at the Biel, 07/03, numbers

increasing (DW).

Woodcock Scolopax rusticola Resident; winter migrant

1, Scrabster Brae, 12/10/2012 (DO); 1, Heathfield, Barrock, mid December 2012 (NM); several,

Dunnet Forest, mid December 2012 (NM); 1, Causeymire, 15/12/2012 (PD).

Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa Passage migrant

2, St John’s Loch, 08/04/2012 (JS); 1, St John’s Loch, 26/04/2012 (JS). 2, St John’s Pool, 21/07/2012 (JS); 1, Thurso, flying south over town, 31/08/2012 (SAMM).

Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica Passage migrant

3, Murkle Bay, 02/01/2012 (SAMM); 2, Castlehill, 05/09/2012 (SAMM); 1, Loch of Wester,

16/12/2012 (PM).

Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus Passage migrant

1, Hillside, Killimster, 26/04/2012 (PM); 1, Sinclair’s Bay, 28/04/2012 (SAMM); 2, Auchengill, 28/04/2012 (SAMM); 170, Rattar Mains, 29/04/2012 (JS); 37, Barrock,01/05/2012 (JS); 5, Burnside, Thurso, 02/05/2012 (SAMM); 25, St John’s Pool, 02/05/2012 (JS); 220, Rattar Mains, 04/05/2012 (JS); 1, Dunnet Bay, 05/05/2012 (SAMM); 2, West Greenland, 06/05/2012 (SAMM); 13, West Mey, 06/05/2012 (SAMM); 170, Rattar Mains, 06/05/2012 (SAMM); 1, Hillside, Killimster, 12/05/2012 (PM); 11, Thurso, 15/05/2012 (PM); 15 flying west, Dunnet Bay, 16/05/2012 (PM); 1, Sinclair’s Bay, 04/06/2012 (SAMM); 2, East Ackergill, 05/06/2012 (SAMM). 2, flying over, East Gill, Scrabster, 02/07/2012 (KM); 1, St John’s Pool, 20/07/2012 (JS); 1, Castlehill,

14/08/2012 (SAMM); 1 flying south, Hillside, Killimster, 19/08/2012 (PM); 1, Dunnet Bay,

05/09/2012 (SAMM); 2, Skirza, 27/09/2012 (SAMM).

Curlew Numenius arquata Resident; passage and winter migrant

70, Huna, 02/01/2012 (SAMM); 52, Thurso Bay, 14/01/2012 (SAMM); 70, East Murkle, 28/01/2012

(SAMM); 27, Loch Sarclet, 12/02/2012 (PM); 1 pair with one chick, Assery, 08/06/2012 (KJM); 1 pair

with one chick, Baillie, 14/06/2012 (KJM); 3 pairs, Holborn Uplands, 20/06/2012 (SAMM); 180, East

Murkle, 19/07/2012 (SAMM).

Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos Migrant breeder

1, St John’s Pool, 01/05/2012 (JS); 2, Shebster, 06/05/2012 (DO); 1, Loch of Wester, 28/05/2012

(PM); 1, Loch Rangag, 05/06/2012 (SAMM); 1, Wick River, 21/08/2012 (PM).

Green Sandpiper Tringa ochropus Passage migrant

1, Loch Watten, 25/07/2012 (per JS); 1, St John’s Pool, 26/07/2012 (ME); 2, St John’s Pool, 27-

28/07/2012 (JS, KM); 1, Dounreay, 03/08/2012 (per JS); 1, St John’s Pool, 06/08/2012 (JS); 3, Hillside,

Killimster, 08/08/2012 (PM).

Greater Yellowlegs Tringa melanoleuca Scarce visitor

1 x 1st yr, Loch of Mey, 28/05/2012 (IS) and then St John’s Pool, 25/07-01/08/2012 (JS, PM, ME,


Greenshank Tringa nebularia Migrant breeder; passage migrant.

2, Broubster, 21/04/2012 (DO); 1, Thurso River, 22/04/2012 (per JS); 1, St John’s Pool, 25/07/2012

(JS, SAMM); 1, Scrabster Loch, 03/08/2012 (SAMM); 1, Castlehill, 23/08/2012 (SAMM).

Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola Passage migrant

1, Loch of Mey, 13/05/2012 (SAMM); 2, St John’s Pool, 09/06/2012 (JS).

Redshank Tringa totanus Resident; passage and winter migrant

25, Sandside, 15/01/2012 (SAMM); 175, Thurso Bay, 14/01/2012 (SAMM). Nest with 4 eggs, Sandside, 28/05/2012 (KJM); 5 pairs, Holborn Uplands, 20/06/2012 (SAMM). 114, Thurso Bay, 14/10/2012 (SAMM); 100, Thurso Bay, 03/11/2012 (SAMM); 105, Thurso Bay,

15/11/2012 (SAMM); 50, Sandside, 25/11/2012 (SAMM); 102, Thurso Bay, 15/12/2012 (SAMM).

Turnstone Arenaria interpres Passage and winter migrant

59, Thurso Bay, 14/01/2012 (SAMM); 20, Sandside, 15/01/2012 (SAMM); 40, Thurso, 21/01/2012

(SAMM); 130, Thurso East-East Murkle, 28/01/2012 (SAMM); 50, Thurso Bay, 08/03/2012 (SAMM);

60, Thurso Bay, 11/03/2012 (SAMM); 8, Burnside, Thurso, 28/08/2012 (SAMM); 43, Thurso Bay,

20/09/2012 (SAMM); 30, Thurso Bay, 14/10 and 03/11/2012 (SAMM); 45, Thurso Bay, 15/11/2012

(SAMM); 64, Thurso Bay, 15/12/2012 (SAMM).

Red-necked Phalarope Phalaropus lobatus Scarce visitor

1, Hill of Forss, 03/05/2012 (AR).

Grey Phalarope Phalaropus fulicarius Scarce visitor

1 f, St John’s Pool, 13/06 to 24/06/2012 (JS, KM, ME, SAMM).

Pomarine Skua Stercorarius pomarinus Passage migrant

1, Holborn Head, 24/09/2012 (per JS)

Arctic Skua Stercorarius parasiticus Migrant breeder; passage migrant

1 flying north, South Head, 27/04/2012 (PM); 3, Stroma, 29/04/2012 (DO); 2 (dark), Dunnet Bay,

08/06/2012 (SAMM); 1 ad (dark), Reiss Beach, 22/07/2012 (SAMM); 2 (dark), Dunnet Bay,

04/08/2012 (SAMM); 1 (pale), Dunnet Bay, 04/08/2012 (SAMM); 1 (dark), Thurso Beach with gulls,

11/08/2012 (SAMM); 2 (dark), Dunnet Bay, 14/08/2012 (SAMM); 1 (pale), Dunnet Bay, 23/08/2012

(SAMM); 1 (dark), Thurso Bay, 23/08/2012 (SAMM).

Long-tailed Skua Stercorarius longicaudus Scarce visitor

3, Pentland Firth, flying west passed John O’ Groats, 17/05/2012 (ME).

Great Skua Stercorarius skua Migrant breeder; passage migrant

9, Pentland Firth from Holborn Head, 14/04/2012 (KM); 1, Scrabster, 15/04/2012 (KM); 1 flying

north, South Head, 25/04/2012 (PM); 59 flying north/hr, South Head, 27/04/2012 (PM); 3, Holborn

Head, 23/05/2012 (SAMM); 8, Thurso Bay, 10/06/2012 (SAMM); 2, Holborn Head, 20/06/2012

(SAMM); 1, flying south, Noss Head, 09/12/2012 (ML).

Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla Migrant breeder; passage migrant

>2500, Pentland Firth, 12/05/2012 (JS); 50/hr N, Auchengill, 22/06/2012 (SAMM). 50+ nests, Old Castle, Berriedale, 26/05/2012 (SAMM); 6 occupied nests, 9 yg, Clett Rock, 19/07/2012 (SAMM); 362 AONs at Dunnet Head RSPB, an increase on 2011 (321 AON); productivity also better at 0.68 compared to 0.23 in 2011, but well down on 2009 (430 AON; 1.21 fledged/nest)(DJ). 100/hr N, Auchengill, 13/10/2012 (SAMM).

Bonaparte’s Gull Chroicocephalus Philadelphia Scarce visitor

Ad, Castlehill, 25/02/2012 (KM)*; ad, Castlehill, 07/03/2012 (per JS)*; ad, Castlehill, 01/04/2012 (per


Black-headed Gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus Resident

200, Thurso Riverside, 19/02/2012 (SAMM); 200, Thurso Beach, 08/03/2012 (SAMM). 282 nests at St John’s Pool, fledging between 300 and 450 chicks, first fledged 10/06 (JS).

Little Gull Hydrocoloeus minutus Scarce passage migrant

Ad, Westfield, 31/03/2012 (SAMM); 1 x 1st y, Castlehill, 30/04/2012 (PM); 1 x 1st y, St John’s Pool,

02/05-23/05/2012 (JS, SAMM); 1 x 1st y, Dunnet Bay, 04/06/2012 (SAMM); 3, St John’s Pool, 06-

07/06/2012, then single to 13/06/2012 (JS); 1 x 1st y, St John’s Pool, 13/07/2012 (JS).

Common Gull Larus canus Resident; winter migrant

1200, Loch Calder, 18/11/2012 (DO); 1000, Skinnet, 29/11/2012 (SAMM); 2 pairs bred St John’s Pool

(JS); 300, Loch Watten, 22/09/2012 (SAMM); 470, St John’s Loch, 16/12/2012 (JS).

Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus Passage migrant; casual breeder

2, Gillock, 03/05/2012 (PM); 1, Geise, 06/05/2012 (SAMM); 10, Bardnaclavan, 13/05/2012 (SAMM);

1, Auchengill, 22/06/2012 (SAMM).

Herring Gull Larus argentatus Resident; winter migrant

70, Wick (nesting on rooftops at riverside), 22/04/2012 (SAMM).

Iceland Gull Larus glaucoides Winter and passage migrant

Influx into Caithness from 03/01/2012. 3, Auckengill, 10/01/2012 (per JS); 5, Castlehill, 11/01/2012

(PM); 4, Barrock, 13/01/2012 (per JS); 1 ad, 1 x 2nd y, Thurso Riverside, 14/01/2012 (SAMM); 1,

Thurso Riverside, 15/01/2012 (RW); 1 x 2nd y, Glengolly, 15/01 and 16/01/2012 (SAMM); 1, Castlehill,

16/01/2012 (PM); ad, 1 x 2nd y, Thurso, 21/01/2012 (SAMM); 1, Thurso Riverside, 21/01/2012

(SAMM); 1, Thurso Beach, 21/01/2012 (SAMM); 1 x 2nd y, Castlehill, 21/01/2012 (SAMM); 2,

Dounreay, 22/01/2012 (DO); 2, Thurso East, 24/01/2012 (PM); 1 x 1st winter bird, Thurso Riverside,

25/01/2012 (SL); ad (Kumlien’s), Scrabster, 26/01/2012 (; 1 x 1st w, Thurso Riverside,

01/02/2012 (SL); 2 ad, following plough, Stemster, Halkirk, 02/02/2012 (SL); 1 x 2nd y, Oldhall,

02/02/2012 (SAMM); 1, Whitefield, 02/02/2012 (SAMM); 5, Gillock Mains, 09/02/2012 (PM); 2,

Sarclet Loch, 12/02/2012 (PM); 2, Loch Watten, 12/02/2012 (SL); 5+ regularly, Rockwell, Thurso,

between 22/02/2012 to early April 2012 (RW); 11, Scrabster, 13/02/2012 (KM); 1 x 2nd y Thurso,

17/02/2012; 6, Greenland, 17/02/2012 (JS); 30, Scrabster, 19/02/2012 (KM); 1 x 2nd y, Thurso

Riverside, 19/02/2012 (SAMM); 1 x 2nd y (Kumlien’s), Thurso Riverside, 19-21/02/2012 (KM, SAMM);

1 x 2nd y (Kumlien’s), Thurso Riverside, 25/02/2012 (DD); 4 x 2nd y, Thurso, 24-25/02/2012 (SAMM); 4

X 2nd y, Thurso Beach, 08/03/2012 (SAMM); 8, Thurso Beach, 11/03/2012 (SAMM); 1, Loch

Scarmclate, 11/03/2012 (SAMM); 2, Lynegar, 11/03/2012 (SAMM); ad, Tister, 11/03/2012 (SAMM);

6, Lynegar, 13/03/2012 (PM); 1, Castlehill, 14/03/2012 (PM); 1 ad, 1 x 2nd y, Thurso Riverside,

01/04/2012 (SAMM); 4, Thurso, 07/04/2012 (SAMM); 19, Wick to Thurso, Mey to Dunnet,

07/04/2012 (per JS); 1 X 2nd y (Kumlien’s), Wick Harbour, 07/04/2012 (per JS); 12, Durran/Gillock,

08/04/2012 (per JS); 1 x 2nd y, Thurso Riverside, 26/04/2012 (SAMM); 1, Loch of Wester, 28/04/2012

(PM); 1, Bardnaclavan, 16/05/2012 (SAMM); 1 x 2nd y, Thurso East, 02/06/2012 (SAMM); 1,

Scrabster, 03/06/2012 (KM); 1 x 2nd y, Thurso Bay, 04/06/2012 (SAMM); 1 ad, Wick Harbour,

21/06/2012 (SJP); 1, Scrabster, 28/12/2012 (KM).

Glaucous Gull Larus hyperboreus

1, Wick, 03/01/2012 (per JS); 1, Thurso, 03/01/2012 (per JS); 1, Auckengill, 10/01/2012 (per JS); 2,

Barrock, 13/01/2012 (per JS); 1, Thurso Riverside, 26/01/2012 (RW); ad, Claredon, 28/01/2012

(SAMM); 1 X 2nd y, Thurso, 29/01/2012 (SAMM); 1 x 1st w, Thurso Riverside, 01/02/2012 (SL); 1 X 3rd

y, Thurso Harbour, 03/02/2012 (SL); 1, Loch of Wester, 11/02/2012 (PM); 2, Nybster, 13/02/2012

(ME); 1 x 3rd y Thurso, 17/02/2012 and 19/02/2012 (SAMM); 2, Scrabster, 19/02/2012 (KM); 1,

Rockwell, Thurso, 22/02/2012 (RW); 2 ad, 1 x 2nd y, Thurso, 24-25/02/2012 (SAMM); 3 ad, 1 x 2nd y,

Thurso Beach, 08/03/2012, 2 ad on 09/03/2012 (SAMM); 1, Loch Scarmclate, 11/03/2012 (SAMM);

1, Wick Harbour, 07/04/2012 (SJP); 1,Durran, 07/04/2012 (SJP); 1, Loch of Wester, 28/04/2012 (PM);

1 x 2nd y, Dunnet Bay, 03-07/05/2012, 2 on 04/05 (PM, SAMM); 1, Westerloch, 08/05/2012 (PM); 1 x

1st yr, Westfield, 31/08/2012 (KJM); 1 x 1st w, Castlehill, 12/12/2012 (SAMM); 1, Thurso Riverside,

27/12/2012 (KM).

Sandwich Tern Sterna sandvicensis Migrant breeder; passage migrant

3, Dunnet Bay, 19/04/2012 (PM); 2, Thurso, 21/04/2012 (RW); 12, St John’s Pool, 26 – 28/04/2012

(JS); 4, Dunnet Bay, 27/04/2012 (SAMM); 20, St John’s Pool, 24/06/2012 (SAMM); 10 to 12 pairs

nested and fledged at least 12 to 14 young, St John’s Pool; two of the adults were colour-ringed birds

fledged on the Sands of Forvie, Aberdeenshire (JS); 45, St John’s Loch, 25/07/2012 (JS); 20, Castlehill,

14/08/2012 (SAMM).

Little Tern Sternula albifrons Scarce visitor, has bred

1, Reiss, 26/06/2012 (DO).

Common Tern Sterna hirundo Scarce migrant breeder

4, Dunnet Bay, 14/08/2012 (SAMM).

Arctic Tern Sterna paradisaea Migrant breeder

1, St John’s Pool, 29/04/2012, 6 on 03/05/2012 (JS); 6, Dunnet Bay, 03/05/2012 (SAMM); 12+,

Dunnet Bay, 05/05/2012 (SAMM); 50+, Dunnet Bay, 06/05/2012 (SAMM); 300, Dunnet Bay,

12/05/2012 (KM); 100+, Dunnet Bay, 09/06/2012 (SAMM); 30+ displaying, Castlehill, 07/05/2012

(SAMM); est. 100 to 130 pairs bred, fledging over 70 chicks, St John’s Pool; 8, Loch Watten,

24/07/2012 (SAMM); 150, St John’s Loch, 25/07/2012 (JS); 1 juv, Castlehill, 21/09 and 29/09/2012


Auks 150/hr N, Auchengill, 13/10/2012 (SAMM).

Guillemot Uria aalge Oceanic, migrant breeder

1650 individuals at Dunnet Head RSPB (1515 in 2011)(DJ).

Razorbill Alca torda Oceanic, migrant breeder

87 AOS, Dunnet Head RSPB (DJ); adults with young, Dunnet Bay, 04/08/2012 (SAMM).

Black Guillemot Cepphus grille Resident

4, Lybster Harbour, 05/08/2012 (DO)

Puffin Fratercula arctica Oceanic, migrant breeder

132 individuals at Dunnet Head RSPB (DJ).

Little Auk Alle alle Winter migrant

1, Wick, 06/01/2012 (; 1, Dunnet Links, 21/01/2012 (SAMM).

Rock Pigeon Columba livia Resident

60, flying inland from Holborn Head 0930 hrs, 06/01/2012 (SAMM); 200, Skirza, 27/09/2012

(SAMM); 70, Holborn Head, 06/10/2012 (SAMM).

Collared Dove Streptopelia decaocto Resident

12, Thurso, 30/12/2012 (SAMM).

Cuckoo Cuculus canorus Migrant breeder

1, Brough, 22/03/2012 (JS); calling Harpsdale, 29/04/2012 (SL); 1, Hillside, Killimster, 30/04/2012

(PM); 3, Achvarasdal, 30/04/2012 (DO); 1, Ackergill, 20/05/2012 (SAMM); 4 calling, Hillside,

Killimster, 26/05/2012 (PM); 11, flying down from overhead wires to presumably feed on ground,

Lieurary Hill, 05/06/2012 (KJM).

Barn Owl Tyto alba Resident

5, St John’s Loch, 12/01/2012 (DO); 1, Bulliemore, 06/05/2012 (SAMM); 1 (dead by roadside), Upper

Latheron, 28/05/2012 (SAMM); 1, Mireland, 11/06/2012 (PM); 1, East Gill, Scrabster, 09/09/2012

(KM); 1, Halsary, 27/10/2012 (SAMM); 1, Mid Sands, 01/11/2012 (SAMM).

Tawny Owl Strix aluco Resident

calling Duncan St, Thurso, 25/02/2012 (SAMM); calling Harpsdale, 05/04, 06/04, 11/04 and

29/4/2012 (SL); calling Duncan St, Thurso, 18-22/12/2012 (SAMM).

Long-eared Owl Asio otus Resident; passage migrant

3, Sandside, 03/06/2012 (DO); 1 ad, 1 yg, Reay, 04/06/2012 (SAMM); 1 ad (presumed parent of

fledged juvs seen early June), Reay, 15/07/2012 (ES); 1, Hillside, Killimster, 04/06/2012, juvs calling

29/06, 10/07, 15/07, 25/07 (PM).

Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus Migrant breeder; passage migrant

8, Broubster, 28/02/2012 (DO); 1, Georgemas, March, 2012 (ME); first seen at the Biel of Duncansby

on 12/03/2012, then seen occasionally throughout summer, breeding outcome not known (DW); 1

pair, Ulbster Mains, 17/03/2012 (PM); 12, Broubster to Westerdale, 22/04/2012 (KM); 1, Loch

Rangag, 31/05/2012 (SAMM); 2 fledged young, Broubster, 26/06/2012 (KM).

Nightjar Caprimulgus europaeus Scarce visitor

1 calling Killimster, 10/06/2012 (PM).

Swift Apus apus Migrant breeder; passage migrant 1, Thurso, 13/05/2012 (SAMM); 3 to 4, Thurso, 20/05/2012 (RW); 3, Thurso, 21/05/2012 (PM); 38, Thurso, 03/08/2012, 26 on 11/08, 9 on 17/08, 2 on 19/08, 1 on 23/08 (SAMM); 3, Balmore, 20/08/2012 (PM); 1, Thurso, 02/09/2012 (DO); 1, Thurso, 03/09/2012 (SAMM); 1, Shalmstry, 06/09/2012 (SAMM). Hoopoe Upops epops Scarce visitor

1, Thrumster-Haster road, 14/10/2012 (per KM)

Great Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos major Local resident; irruptive migrant

3, Langwell, 26/05/2012 (SAMM); 1 carrying food, Smerral, 05/06/2012 (SAMM); 1 juv, Dunnet,

15/08/2012 (per JS); 1, Smerral, 29/09/2012 (SAMM); 1, Latheron, 29/09/2012 (per JS); 1, Reay, 01-

08/10/2012 (EM); 1, Shebster, 20/10/2012 (KM); autumn influx with several records of birds coming

to garden bird feeders through into 2013; 1, Lybster, 15/12/2012 (PD).

Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio Passage migrant

1 f, the Biel of Duncansby, 23/05/2012 (DW).

Woodchat Shrike Lanius senator Scarce visitor

1 m, Skirza, 13/06/2012 (DB, ME, PM)*.

Magpie Pica pica Local resident

1, Bridle Way, Upper Gills 04/07/2012 (LB); 2, Berriedale, 28/11/2012 (DO).

Jackdaw Corvus monedula Resident

Mixed roost with Rooks (2500-3000 birds), north end Loch Calder, 25/02/2012 (SAMM, KM).

Rook Corvus frugilegus Resident

see Jackdaw; Thurso rookery count: 396 nests on 13/04/2012 (SAMM).

Carrion Crow Corvus corone Resident

1 pair at nest, Dirlot, 22/04/2012 (SAMM); 1 pair at nest, Westerdale, 22/04/2012 (SAMM).

Raven Corvus corax Resident

4, Baillie Hill, 25/02/2012 (DO); 2 adults, 1 juv, Holborn Head, 19/07/2012 (SAMM); regular

throughout year around coast and river, Thurso (RW); 3, Smerral, 10/08/2012 (SAMM).

Goldcrest Regulus regulus Resident; passage migrant

fall at Dunnet Head, 14/10/2012 (KM).

Coal Tit Periparus ater Resident; passage migrant

100 ringed throughout October, Skaill Wood (DO); 1, Thurso, 15/11/2012 (RW).

Sand Martin Riparia riparia Migrant breeder

5, across county, 30/03/2012 (per JS); 4, Thurso, 13/04/2012 (RW); birds first seen Scrabster Brae,

01/05/2012 (KM).

Swallow Hirundo rustica Migrant breeder

1, Scrabster Brae, 31/03/2012 (; 4, Sandside, 07/04/2012 (DO); 1, Thurso, 13/04/2012

(RW); 1, Scrabster, 18/04/2012 (per JS); 1, the Biel of Duncansby, 02/05/2012 (3 pairs bred, 2 broods

each, one pair fledged 4 and 3) (DW); 1, Gerston, 26/09/2012 and 12+, Mey, 27/09/2012 (SAMM);

12+, moving south down coast, Latheron, 29/09 and 1, Noss, 29/09/2012 (SAMM); 4, Rattar Burn,

12/10/2012 (SAMM); 1, Wick, 15/10/2012 (PM); 6, Castlehill, 28/10/2012 (SAMM); 1, Castlehill,

04/11/2012 (PM).

House Martin Delichon urbicum Migrant breeder

1, Scrabster, 18/04/2012 (per JS); 3, Thurso, 08/05/2012 (RW).

Red-rumped Swallow Cecropis daurica Scarce visitor

1, Castlehill, 09/04/2012 (DD)*.

Long-tailed Tit Aegithalos caudatus Resident; irruptive migrant

10, St John’s, 13/10/2012 (JS); small flock, Hollandmey, 30/10/2012 (ML); 17, Brough, 01/11/2012

(SAMM); 1, Castletown, 04/11/2012 (SAMM); 10, Thurso Riverside, 09/12/2012 (SAMM); 3, Thurso

Riverside, 10/12/2012 (RW); 1, Loch More, 30/12/2012 (SAMM).

Yellow-browed Warbler Phylloscopus inornatus Scarce passage migrant

1, Lybster, 14/10/2012 (PD).

Wood Warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix Passage migrant; has bred

1, Skaill, 28/07/2012 (DO).

Chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita Migrant breeder; passage migrant

19/07/2012 (KJM); 1, Reay, 21/04/2012 (per JS); 1 (s), Achvarasdal, 07/05/2012 (KM); 1, Noss Farm,

08/05/2012 (PM); 1 (s), Achvarasdal, 13/05/2012 (SAMM); 1 (s), Wick, 18/05/2012 (PM); 1, the Biel

of Duncansby, 23/05/2012 (DW); 5 mm (s), Langwell, 2, Achscrabster, 25/03/2012 (DO); 1, St John’s

Loch, 27/03/2012 (JS); 1 (s), Broubster Forest, 26/05/2012 (SAMM); 1 m (s), Achvarasdal,

06/06/2012 (SAMM); 1 m (s), Castle of Mey, 10/06/2012 (SAMM); 1, Lybster, 13/07/2012 (PD); 1

feeding fledglings, Broubster Forest, 19/07/2012 (KJM).

Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus Migrant breeder; passage migrant

1, no loc, 18/04/2012 (per JS); 1, East Gill, Scrabster, 21/04/2012 (KM); 2 (s), Geise, 22/04/2012

(SAMM); 1, the Biel of Duncansby, 23/04/2012, one pair bred successfully (DW); 1, Thurso,

08/05/2012 (RW); 2 (s), Smerral, 05/06/2012 (SAMM); 6 (s) Dunbeath, 05/06/2012 (SAMM); 2 (s),

Achvarasdal, 06/06/2012 (SAMM); 1, Latheron, 29/09/2012 (SAMM).

Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla Migrant breeder; passage and winter migrant

1, Shebster, 26/04/2012 (DO); 1 m (s), Castlehill, 06/05/2012 (SAMM); 3 mm (s), Achvarasdal,

13/05/2012 (SAMM); 5 mm (s), Langwell, 26/05/2012 (SAMM); 2 mm (s), Castlehill, 25/05/2012

(SAMM); 1 m (s), Thurso Riverside, 03/06/2012 (SAMM); 1 m (s), Smerral, 05/06/2012 (SAMM); 2

mm (s), Achvarasdal, 06/06/2012 (SAMM); 1 m (s), Wick Riverside, 07/06/2012 (SAMM); 2, St John’s,

03/11/2012 (JS); 1, Forss, 26-29/11/2012 (CN).

Garden Warbler Sylvia borin Passage migrant

1, Wick, 25/06/2012 (DO).

Barred Warbler Sylvia nisoria Passage migrant

1 x 1st winter, John O’ Groats, 27/09/2012 (SAMM).

Lesser Whitethroat Sylvia curruca Passage migrant

2, Noss Head, 08/05/2012 (PM); 1, Noss Head, 07/06/2012 (SAMM).

Whitethroat Sylvia communis Passage migrant; local migrant breeder

1, Noss Head, 08/05/2012 (PM); 1m (s), Berriedale, 26/05/2012 (SAMM); 1 m (s), Dunbeath,

05/06/2012 (SAMM); 1 m (s), Achvarasdal, 23/06/2012 (KJM).

Grasshopper Warbler Locustella naevia Migrant breeder

2, Spittal, May 2005 (per JS); 1, Broubster, 02/05/2012 (per JS); 1, the Biel of Duncansby,

07/05/2012, 4 heard reeling spring/summer (DW); 1, Rumster, 13/07/2012 (DO, PD); 1, Killimster,

25/07/2012 (PM).

Icterine Warbler Hippolais icterina Scarce visitor

1, Lybster, 15/08/2012 (per JS)*.

Sedge Warbler Acrocephalus schoenobaenus Migrant breeder

1, Duncansby, 02/05/2012 (per JS); 3 (s), Thurso Riverside, 12/05/2012 (SAMM); 1, Thurso,

17/05/2012 (RW); 1 (s), Dunbeath, 05/06/2012 (SAMM); 1, Thurso Riverside, 02/09/2012 (SAMM).

Waxwing Bombycilla garrulous Irruptive migrant

12, Scrabster, 28/01/2012 (KM); 4, Thurso, 29/01/2012 (SAMM). 1, Thurso, 29/10/2012 (SAMM); 8, St John’s, 30/10/2012 (JS); present at East Gill, Scrabster between

02/11/2012 and 31/01/2013, with maximum 27 (KM); 30+, Lybster, 02/11/2012, with 2 to 4, 07/11/

to 10/11/2012 (PD); 200, Castlehill, 03/11/2012 (SAMM); 30+, Castletown, 04/11/2012 (SAMM);

115, Castlehill, 04/11/2012 (PM); 60, St John’s, 04/11/2012 (JS); 30, Thurso, 04/11/2012 (SAMM); 1,

Thurso, 09/12/2012 and 14/12/2012 (SAMM); 12, Thurso, 10/11/2012 (SAMM); 100, Castlehill,

11/11/2012 (SAMM); 21, Thurso, 15/11/2012 (SAMM); 1, Thurso, 16/11/2012 (RW); 1, Shebster,

25/11/2012 (DO); widespread reports throughout county in November (; one bird

seen in Wick garden on 10/11/2012 had been ringed in Orkney; 1, Wick, 11/12/2012 (CN); 5, Thurso,

15/12/2012 (SAMM); 14, East Gills, Scrabster, 21/12/2012, one on 27/12/2012, but still 7 to

30/12/2012 (KM); 14, Thurso, 24/12/2012 (SAMM); 26, Wick, 25/12/2012 (CN); 2, Thurso,

28/12/2012 (SAMM).

Treecreeper Certhia familiaris Resident

2, Achvarasdal, 18/03/2012 (SAMM); 1, Achvarasdal, 13/05/2012 (SAMM); 2, Langwell, 26/05/2012

(SAMM); 1, Achvarasdal, 06/06/2012 (SAMM); 1, St John’s, 15/11/2012 to end of year (JS); 1,

Shebster, 25/11/2012 (DO); 1, Achvarasdal, 25/11/2012 (SAMM).

Starling Sturnus vulgaris Resident; passage and winter migrant

200+, Holborn Head roost, 07/01/2012 (SAMM); 150, Isauld, 11/01/2012 (SAMM); 500, Murkle,

03/09/2012 (SAMM); 200, Eastside, Dunnet, 13/10/2012 (SAMM).

Rose-coloured Starling Pastor roseus Scarce visitor

Adult male, Bower, 08/07/2012 (JW)*; one, Wick, 08-09/08/2012 (DM)*.

Dipper Cinclus cinclus Local resident

1 feeding fledgling, Dirlot, 13/06/2012 (KJM); 1, Lybster, 04/08, 28/10, 31/10/2012 (PD).

Blackbird Turdus merula Resident; passage and winter migrant

100+, Noss Head, 14/10/2012 (per JS).

Ring Ousel Turdus torquatus Passage migrant

2, Dunnet, 27/04/2012 (per JS); 1, Ushat Head, 27/04/2012 (per JS); 2, Keiss Castle, 13/10/2012

(DO); 3, John’O Groats, 13/10/2012 (SAMM); 5+, Lybster, 13/10/2012, 15+ on 14/10 and 4 on

15/10/2012 (PD); 3, Dunnet Head, 13/10/2012 (per JS); 1, Dunnet Links and 1, Dunnet Head,

14/10/2012 (KM).

Fieldfare Turdus pilaris Passage and winter migrant

75, Harrow, 02/01/2012 (SAMM); 200, Quoys of Canisbay, 02/01/2012 (SAMM, KM); 300, John O’

Groats, 02/01/2012 (SAMM); 200 in mixed flock with redwings, Isauld, 11/01/2012 (SAMM); 15,

Isauld, 12/01/2012 (DO); 100+ mixed flock with redwings, Scrabster Farm, 15/01/2012 (SAMM); 200

mixed flock with redwings, Achinabust, 15/01/2012 (SAMM); 150 mixed flock with redwings,

Bardnahiegh, Shebster, 15/01/2012 (SAMM); 80, Lynegar, 02/02/2012 (SAMM); 50, Gillock,

02/02/2012 (SAMM); 22, Hillside, Killimster, 19/04/2012 (PM); 2, Mireland, 28/04/2012 (PM); 1,

Scarmclate, 03/05/2012 (PM); 3, Noss Head, 08/05/2012 (PM); 1, John’O Groats, 13/10/2012

(SAMM); 1, Hillside, Killimster, 04/11/2012, 9 on 05/11/2012, 12 on 25/11/2012 (PM); c. 100, Forsie,

29/11/2012 (KJM); 60, Moss of Geise, 08/12/2012 (SAMM, KM); c. 150, Westfield, 10/12/2012; 40,

Skaill, 27/12/2012 (PM).

Redwing Turdus iliacus Passage and winter migrant

75, Harrow, 02/01/2012 (SAMM); 200, Quoys of Canisbay, 02/01/2012 (SAMM, KM); 100, John O’

Groats, 02/01/2012 (SAMM); 200 mixed flock with fieldfares, Isauld, 11/01/2012 (SAMM); 6,

Lythmore, 15/01/2012 (DO); 100, Stemster Mains, 02/02/2012 (SAMM); 20, Gillock Park, Thurso,

03/02/2012 (RW); 6, John’ O Groats, 13/10/2012 (SAMM); 35, Westfield, 13/10/2012 (KM);

100s/1000s, Lybster, 14/10/2012 (PD); 1, Hillside, Killimster, 03/11/2012 (PM); 14, Westfield,

24/11/2012 (KJM); 1, Skaill, 27/12/2012 (PM).

Song Thrush Turdus philomelos Resident; passage migrant

Male singing Thurso, 21/02/2012 (SAMM).

Mistle Thrush Turdus viscivorus Resident

4, Shebster, 21/04/2012 (DO); fledged, Achvarasdal, 07/05/2012 (KM); 2, alarming, Achvarasdal,

06/06/2012 (SAMM); 2, Brough, 14/10/2012 (per JS).

Spotted Flycatcher Muscicapa striata Migrant breeder; passage migrant

6+ Langwell, 26/05/2012 (SAMM); 6, Smerral, 05/06/2012 (SAMM); 2, Dunbeath, 05/06/2012

(SAMM); 3, Achvarasdal, 06/06/2012 (SAMM); 1, Noss Head, 07/06/2012 (SAMM); male singing

Assery Plantation, 07/06/2012, 2 fledglings begging on 05/07/2012; pair seen occasionally after that,

last sighting was adult on 14/08/2012 (KJM).

1, Halkirk, 10/06/2012 (PM).

Robin Erithacus rubecula Resident; passage and winter migrant

First on winter territory, Thurso, 06/08/2012 (SAMM).

Redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus Migrant breeder; passage migrant

1, the Biel of Duncansby, 04/05/2012 (DW); 1 m, Noss Head, 08/05/2012 (PM); 2, Noss Head,

09/05/2012 (per JS); 5 (s), Langwell, 26/05/2012 (SAMM).

Whinchat Saxicola rubetra Migrant breeder; passage migrant

1 m, the Biel of Duncansby, 10/05/2012 (DW); 1, Noss Head, 20/05/2012 (SAMM); 1, Rumster,

13/07/2012 (DO); 1 pair + 2 yg, Rumster, 13/07/2012 (PD).

Stonechat Saxicola torquatus Resident

1, Castlehill, 06/05/2012 (SAMM); 1 f, Holborn Head, 09/09/2012 (RW); 1, John O’Groats, 27/09/2012 (SAMM). Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe Migrant breeder; passage migrant

3, Dunnet Head, 27/03/2012 (JS); 1, Holborn Head, 21/04/2012 (KM); 12, Thurso River, 22/04/2012

(per JS); 2 mm, Dirlot, 22/04/2012 (SAMM); 1, the Biel of Duncansby, 07/05/2012 (DW); 3,

Dounreay, 12/05/2012 (DO); c. 50, including Greenland race, Shebster area, 16/05/2012 (DO); 1 m,

Holborn Head, 19/07/2012 (SAMM); 1 f, Strathmore, 26/08/2012 (SAMM).

Greenland race leucorhoa Passage migrant

2, Dounreay, 12/05/2012 (DO); 1, Duncansby, 04/06/2012 (SAMM); 1 m, Smerral, 05/06/2012


Red-breasted Flycatcher Ficedula parva Scarce visitor

1 juv, Wick, 25/09/2012 (DM)*.

Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca Passage migrant

1f, Brough, 09/05/2012 (JS); 1, Westfield, 16/06/2012 (DO); 1, the Biel of Duncansby, 12/10/2012


House Sparrow Passer domesticus Resident

40, Thurso, 29/01/2012 (SAMM); 8, Old Manse, Lybster, 09/11/2012 (PD).

Tree Sparrow Passer montanus Passage migrant; has bred

2, Dunbeath, 09/05/2012 (MLo); 2, Harpsdale, 10/05 and 11/05/2012 (SL); 1, no loc, 21/05/2012


Grey Wagtail Motacilla cinerea Resident/migrant breeder

1 pair, Langwell, 26/05/2012 (SAMM); 1, Smerral, 05/06/2012 (SAMM); 1, Dunbeath, 05/06/2012

(SAMM); 1, Thurso, 10/09/2012 (RW).

Pied Wagtail Motacilla alba yarrellii Resident/migrant breeder

1, Thurso Beach, 05/01/2012 (SAMM); 2, Thurso Beach, 14/01/2012 (SAMM); first at the Biel of

Duncansby, 15/03/2012 (DW); 200+, roost Scrabster Pier, 14/04/2012, 18/04/2012, 20/04/2012

(KM, SAMM); <20, cliff face, Victoria Walk, Thurso, 24/02/2012 (SAMM); 16, Victoria Walk, Thurso,

16/08/2012 (SAMM); 20+, Thurso Riverside, Sept 2012 (RW); 20+, Viewfirth, Thurso, Sept 2012 (RW).

White Wagtail Motacilla alba alba Passage migrant

1, Calder, 11/03/2012 (DO); 3, Thurso, 19/04/2012 (SAMM); 1, Harrow Harbour, 21/04/2012 (per

JS); 1, Loch of Wester, 06/05/2012 (PM).

Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs Resident

600+, Lower Rumster, 28/11/2012 (SAMM).

Brambling Fringilla montifringilla Passage and winter migrant

2ff, Hillside, Killimster, 02/01/2012, 24 on 03/01, 34 on 11/01 (PM); 2 to 4, Scrabster House,

09/01/2012 (RW); 2, Halkirk, 15/04/2012 (DO); 1, Weydale, 23/04/2012 (AMcB); 1m, Hillside,

Killimster, 23/04 and 25/04/2012 (PM); 1, Harpsdale, 24/04/2012 (SL); 22, Calder, 11/07/2012 (ML);

1, Loch Watten, 15/08/2012 (SJP); 1, Skirza, 27/09/2012 (SAMM); 25+, St John’s, 13/10/2012 (JS); 1

m, Weydale, 17/10/2012 (AMcB); 1 m, Hillside, Killimster, 11/10/2012, 11/11/2012 (PM); 1, Bridge

of Wester, 14/10/2012 (PM); 1, Hillside, Killimster, 05/11/2012 (PM); 50, Lower Rumster,

24/11/2012 (PD).

Greenfinch Carduelis chloris Resident; passage migrant

20, Janetstown, 15/01/2012 (SAMM).

Siskin Carduelis spinus Migrant breeder; passage migrant

1f, Thurso Riverside, 01/01/2012 (RW); ++ (S), Langwell, 26/05/2012 (SAMM); 1, Lower Thura,

07/06/2012 (SAMM); 1, Noss Head, 07/06/2012 (SAMM); 6, Thurso East, 14/10/2012 (SAMM).

Linnet Carduelis cannabina Resident

40, Janetstown, 15/01/2012 (SAMM); 7, Achavarn, 15/01/2012 (DO); 50, Scrabster Loch, 03/08/2012

(SAMM); 100, Huna, 14/08/2012 (SAMM); 150, Huna, 27/09/2012 (SAMM); 30, Ulbster, 29/09/2012

(SAMM); 12, Noss, 29/09/2012 (SAMM).

Twite Carduelis flavirostris Resident; winter migrant

10, Dounreay, 11/01/2012 (DO); 105, Hillside, Killimster, 29/01/2012 (PM); 8, the Biel of Duncansby,

08/03/2012, 26 on 11/04 (DW); 4, Dirlot, 22/04/2012 (SAMM); 7, Mid-Sands, Dunnet, 07/05,

09/05/2012 (SAMM); 2, Burnside, Thurso, 28/05/2012 (SAMM); 1 pair, Nottingham Loch,

09/06/2012 (PD); 3, Spear Head, 20/06/2012 (SAMM); 4, Holborn Head, 19/07/2012 (SAMM); 50,

Strathmore, 26/08/2012 (SAMM); 9, Holborn Head, 07/09/2012 (SAMM); 100, Lower Gills,

27/09/2012 (SAMM); 3, Rangag, 29/09/2012 (SAMM); 60, Brough, 03/10/2012 (SAMM).

Lesser Redpoll Carduelis cabaret Migrant breeder; passage migrant

2 fledglings, St John’s, 14/07/2012 (JS). 40, St John’s Pool, 07/10 and 10/10/2012 (JS); 1, the Biel of Duncansby, 11/10/2012 (DW). Common Redpoll Carduelis flammea Passage migrant

One individual most like the race islandica, with flock of 40 Lesser Redpolls at St John’s Pool, 07/10 and 10/10/2012 (JS). Common Crossbill Loxia curvirostris Resident; irruptive migrant

1, St John’s, 17/02/2012 (JS); 2, Langwell, 26/05/2012 (SAMM); 10, St John’s, 27/07/2012 (JS); 30,

Shebster, 20/10/2012 (KM); 1, Skitten, 10/11/2012 (PM); 10, Dunnet Forest, 14/11/2012 (SAMM).

Bullfinch Pyrrhula pyrrula Resident; winter migrant

1 m, Achvarasdal, 18/03/2012 (SAMM); 7, Langwell, 26/05/2012 (SAMM); 1, Achvarasdal,

06/06/2012 (SAMM); 1 m + juv, Halsary, 31/07/2012 (DO).

Hawfinch Coccothraustes coccothraustes Scarce passage migrant

1, Reay, 21/04/2012 (KM); 2, Wick, 04-05/05/2012 (per SAMM).

Snow Bunting Plectrophenax nivalis Passage and winter migrant

1, Dounreay, 11/01/2012 (DO); 230, Scrabster Farm, 15/01/2012 (SAMM); 100+, Janetstown,

15/01/2012 (SAMM); 1, Murkle, 28/01/2012 (SAMM); 250+, East Gill, Scrabster, 30/01/2012 (KM);

male, Duncansby, 21/05/2012 (KM); 5, Oldhall, 15/10/2012 (KM); 1, Keiss, 02/11/2012 (CN); 7, Sour,

02/12/2012 (PD); 80, East Gills, Scrabster, 30/12/2012 (KM).

Lapland Bunting Calcarius lapponicus Scarce passage migrant

1, Brawlbin, 02/03/2012 (DO); 6, north coast of Caithness, 29/04/2012 (per JS); 1, Holborn Head,

07/09/2012 (SAMM); 3, Holborn Head, 06/10/2012 (SAMM).

Yellowhammer Emberiza citronella Resident

2, Forss, 13/03/2012 (DO).

Reed Bunting Emberiza schoeniclus Resident

6, Harrow, 04/11/2012 (SAMM); 2, Lybster, 10/12/2012 (PD).
