Page 1: CA STANDARDS 20.0: Students use the quadratic formula to find the roots of a second-degree polynomial and to solve quadratic equations. Agenda 1.) Lesson

CA STANDARDS20.0: Students use the quadratic formula to find the roots of a second-degree polynomial and to solve quadratic equations.


1.) Lesson On The Discriminant

2.) Assignment

Learning Objectives: Given a quadratic equation, students will be able to determine how many solutions it has.

Page 2: CA STANDARDS 20.0: Students use the quadratic formula to find the roots of a second-degree polynomial and to solve quadratic equations. Agenda 1.) Lesson

The number of Solutions, Roots, X – Intercepts, and Zeros depends on the value under the square root in the Quadratic Formula!

If it is Negative Then Zero (0) SolutionsThen Zero (0) Solutions

If it is Positive Then Two (2) SolutionsThen Two (2) Solutions

If it is Zero Then One (1) SolutionThen One (1) Solution

2 4b ac

Example 1:



2 4b ac

16 16 0

Therefore, there is One Solution


24 4 1y x x How many times does the graph of intersect the x-axis?

Page 3: CA STANDARDS 20.0: Students use the quadratic formula to find the roots of a second-degree polynomial and to solve quadratic equations. Agenda 1.) Lesson

Example 2:

How many X-Intercepts does the graph of have? 2 3y x x



2 4b ac

1 12 11

Therefore, there are No Solution

Page 4: CA STANDARDS 20.0: Students use the quadratic formula to find the roots of a second-degree polynomial and to solve quadratic equations. Agenda 1.) Lesson

22 2 2y x x _____a_____b_____c




2 4b ac2(2) 4(2)( 2) 4 16 20

Therefore, there are Two Solutions

How many Solutions does the following equation have?

22 4 2 0x x _____a_____b_____c




2 4b ac2( 4) 4(2)(2)

16 16 0Therefore, there is One Solution

How many Roots does the following equation have?

Example 3:

You try:
