Page 1: C603 regional health observatory-its role in the generation and dissemination of information to support decision-making in public health

Introduction Methods Results


The Regional Health Observatory (RHO) of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) is an authoritative source of data, information and analyses to support decision-making in public health in the Region of the Americas.

This poster introduces the RHO and highlights its role in generating and disseminating information and evidences to support decision-making in public health.

Since its launching in October 2010, the RHO has produced and published nine health themes, including more than 20 analytics topics and more than 40 information products and data visualizations.  All datasets used on the above mentioned health themes are accessible through the Health Data section. The evidence generated by the RHO aims to to orient the technical cooperation and support decision-making at regional and national levels.

Regional Health Observatory: Its role in the generation and dissemination of information to support decision-making in public health

Martinez-Piedra R.1, Soliz P1, Marinho F. 1, Gerger A1 1Pan American Health Organization (PAHO-WHO)


RHO Objective:

To generate and disseminate data, information, situational analysis, and the scientific evidence to support health planning, technical cooperation, monitoring and evaluation, and monitoring public health interventions in the Region of the Americas.

A multidisciplinary team are in charge of PHIP operation and data management. Health analysts access data sources and use analytic tools from PHIP to generate results and information products. Analytic results and information products are disseminated in the Portal of the RHO.

Figure 1. PHIP Architecture

Interactive data visualizations are intensively used to: i) effectively communicate analytical results; ii) communicate key messages to an heterogeneous audience; iii) promote data and result exploration, pattern discovering, and finding responses to ad hoc analytic questions; iv) open data sharing; v) facilitate re-utilization of results in other contexts; and vi) support decision-making in health in a more effective and efficient way.

Figure 3. Non-Communicable Disease theme

Figure 2. Portal of the RHOPortal of the RHO highlights key indicators and relevant information on its front page.

Every health theme highlights a current information product, theme-related health indicators and topics based on the theme analytic framework.

For more information visit the PAHO Regional Health Observatory

email: [email protected]

13 – 19 October 2012Brasilia, Brazil

Abstract The Regional Health Observatory (RHO) of the Pan American health Organization (PAHO) is presented, highlighting its objective, functions and components. Its role as a mean to facilitate access to health data, disseminate health information and evidence to support decision-making in public health is also illustrated. Nowadays, the Health Observatory is an essential and key health information resource for PAHO, Member States, public health professionals and civil society.


RHO Functions:

• collection, standardization, integration, and processing of health data and statistics from countries of the Americas and technical programs across the Organization;

• application of epidemiological methods for documenting health situation and trends, measuring of population health status and inequalities;

• monitoring the progress of health indicators and the achievement of goals;

• generating analytical evidence to support decisions in public health and guide public health policies;

• evaluating the impact of programs, services and health policies at local, national and regional levels

• be source of data and information for researchers and civil society.

RHO Components:

• Health Information and Intelligence Platform (PHIP): Organization-wide information system for health data, information, analytics and dissemination of results and evidence.

• Cross-Organizational team of

health professionals and analysts: group of health analysts in charge of data analysis, generation of evidence and production of information products.

• Portal of the Regional Health

Observatory: entry point to health data and information, and mean for disseminating health information and knowledge .

PHIP was designed and implemented, and multiple data sources across the Organization were integrated in a data warehouse. Figure 1 illustrates its architecture. A Business Intelligence component was setup as a solution to provide fast and visual analytic capacity.

Portal of the RHO

The Portal of the RHO is integrated in the PAHO Web site and articulated with web pages of PAHO technical programs and projects.

The content is organized by:

• Health themes: Relevant public health themes

• Health data: databases and datasets used in health themes are disseminated in this section.

• Country statistics: statistics and information products by countries

• Reports: publications, reports, briefings and papers are disseminated in this section.

• Presentations: Technical and scientific presentations and talks are included in this section.
