Page 1: c - Stamford Board of Representatives · o o o ~~Pr~D~a_lQ~_1251 A bllllot vote WIlS taken and counted by Tellers Young and ~llIrphy. tlr. ,icConnel w;os elected b)T a vote of 33


A ~eetin~ at the Board at Representatives of St~ford, Conn. w~s called to order on SePte~ber 10, 1951 by President Robert G. Shepherd at 3:15 P.M. at the Burdick Junior Hi~h &hool Audi toriu~. .

Inv.:.:o~c~a~t~i~o~n~w=as~g~i.:.:v~e~n~b:y~R~e:v;.~~~~i=l=l~i=~~S~t~U=d=w~c~ll~ of the Hi~h Rid~e M~thodist Churcli:""-


Roll call was taken with 34 ~e~bers present and 5 absent. The absent ~~bers were Catherine Cl;pry, Joh" C~avan, Vito ~gO, John Co~ and~ohg 'C~~n •

• RObert Shepherd requested n~ination5 for fillin~ vac.ncv at 5th District Representative.

Jr. 5ol11l'1a no~in~ted Hr. Aa~e Feldt~ose, seconded by walter Seely.

Geor~e Lockwood ~ved that no~inations be closed, seconded and CARRIcu.

Hr. Feldt~ose was elected by a vote of 3'1 in favor, a opposed •. Ir. Feldt~ose was s~'Orn in by the President, 'Jr. Shepheri't:

Rob~rt Lewis moved that the minutes of August 6, 1951 and at the Special meet­in~ of Au~ust 20, 1951 be accet1ted as wri t ten, seco~ded and CARRIeD.

0 .......... ..c..... .. --(, -r'\'~ -:y.!2.~_ ... · .• ~ Joseph Zaalllllrie£ !IO'/W, seconded' 'and CARRH.J, that the Pl~nning & Zoning

Co~mittee report be heard at that ti~e.

Joseph Zdanowicz read letter fro~ the J101[d. 9! ~sign _O!' ... 1!.!?Lr~~~_ oLPolice and Court Build!~g_s. . '. ~.

Babette Ransohotf, a member of the sub-co~mi tt~c wi th Paul Plotkin on Housing and Redevelopment, outlined the redeveloDment and pro,iect areas being considered bv the Urban RedeveloD~ent Commission.

Geor~e Lockwood, seconded bv Paul Plotkin, requested that Hr. ~ark Harris, Director of the Urban RedeveloDment Commission be heard.

Hr. Harris, with the aid ot two ~"ns, pointed u"der i~~ediate consideration and plans underw~y. at St.mtord. Proiect N2 is bound bv Atl.ntic St., Street and inclu'des Old J"bl in.

01lt the sections which are The h prQject is the oouth railroad, Hm Street, Hain

Fo11owinq his eXDl'nation of the charts, ;·Ir. h.rris answered questions.



O~ NOI IO~ of .1 ames ;hllreed. s,'condrd tl' .:e len Bro'lllel'. ilnd CAKR ItJ, reques t to waive tee ot $25.00 to the Jllnior Chamber of Coml'lerce was denied.


O~ MOTION of GeorRe Lockwood, seconded by RObert Le~is, and CARRI~J Petitio" #110 was granted to the Stil"·ford Co~m\lni ty Chest for their driv., during the month of OctOber for erection of i\ neon sir-n, ~ there~o~etp.r and sign plilcilrds on lamo posts.


rlr. Shepherd read !Iilyor QuiRley's letter re r.'sign"tion of fir. h. Gaynor Brennan trom the Bnilrd of ~inr."cP'.

Helen llro~le)T lIomi n~ tea .. Iurra)· ;·lcConnel to !i 11 the VilCanCI', seconded by .ial ter s.:·elY.

UPO)l ,·IOTIO:, L,' John Chilrleson, seconded by ilillii\l1l Kaminski and CAR.1Il:) nomination s werp closed.




Page 2: c - Stamford Board of Representatives · o o o ~~Pr~D~a_lQ~_1251 A bllllot vote WIlS taken and counted by Tellers Young and ~llIrphy. tlr. ,icConnel w;os elected b)T a vote of 33





A bllllot vote WIlS taken and counted by Tellers Young and ~llIrphy. tlr. ,icConnel w;os elected b)T a vote of 33 in favor, 2 opposed. "~ -, '- ..

Letters from lIayor Qt,igley re the aUllointment of ,John J. Mc:iahon and Frederick ii. :Ji1rlin~ to the Personnel COl1l'llission were read.

Letter from Hayor l..luigley re appointment of Dr. Paul Ilrown as Health. Commis­sioner was read, and action was deferred on the Anpolntments Committee report. - .

Letter from llayor Qui~ley re appoin t'lleot of Frank X. Lennon on the Urban Redevelopment Co~mission was read and referred to the ApPointments Committee.

Letters from the Corporation Counsel in reply to letters from the Board in regard to Resqlution #116 and Sewer ~~tors Were re~d.

James Nulreed ~IOVt.J that because the letters were so len~thy and had jllst been received that they be referred to the Legislative & Rnles Committee for perusal and stud)T and be taken uo at the October ~ectinf., seconded by Babette Ransohoff i\nd CARRIhD.

Piltrick Ilogi\n reguested that Legislative :t ;l',les Committee reter oarticularlv to 73I1F.


Ei~'~1_QQ~i11~~ Helen Bromlev ~IOVhJ), seconded by B"bette l!?nsohoff, that permission be gTi1.nted

Mr. Horrissey, Commissioner of iinance, to invest surplus funds of the City of St;~ford in U.S. Tre~sury short te~ notes,-rreasury Bills, Certificates and Federlll Intermediate Credi t Bank Jebeptures, as requested, UNAAIHOUSLY CARRI!:.J.

Helen Bromley HOVhil, seconded bv ,illiter Seely, thH the tmergencv ,\poro­priation for $63~, _ !or equipment, Ilrchitect's fee and acceutllnce of three alternates in tEe base bid to conolete the Stark School i\ddition be granted. UNANI:·KlUSLY CARRILJ. -------

Helen Bromley relict. letter received from Commissioner of Finance, Thomas .Iorrissey on fees collected for licenses and oCl"!'IiLS _since this study was started, i\nd "'1iich also ~dvised that bills ~ad been forwardt'lj to theatres, bowlin~ alleys, etc., returns 0" which had not I'et been received.

L~£i~laliY~_&_~Yl~~_QQmmil1~~ Qt. r·IOTION of JAmes :·Iulre"d, seconded by P?trick Sc"rella, Ilod UN,\;.lolOUSLY

CARlIltJ, Ordinllnce U1 SIIflPl€'m('nt was ,ccepted as publishpd in the StAmford Advocat~ on 9/11/51:

Ot<JINJI,\Ct. Nll SUPPLI:Nt:~L.::... rc rental and sale of ci ty-own_ed oroperty. Be f; -;;;:d;t-;;ect -h~ford that, in conto!":.i ty wi t h Sec t ion <188 of the

Stamford Charter, the Cod~ of General Ordin?"ces of ~ti\~ford is hereby amended by inclUding as Chaoter 31, " new chi\llter establishin~ the following procedures and comli tions for rental or SAle of real property owned by the Ci ty of Sti\lllford:

Chaoter 31 - nental or Sale of City Owned Prooert)T Sec. 1. Proced'Jrc for Authorizing Rent"l or Sale--"~I Juring thE ,"onth of OctOber in ci\ch ye'r, the Commissioner of Fin"nct"

sh,,11 furnish thf' Plllnning Hoard "i th " list of .. 11 real ornpertv owned ny the citl', pxceotin~ from s~id list snch real estate ,'5 is bcin~ "sed for schools,

Page 3: c - Stamford Board of Representatives · o o o ~~Pr~D~a_lQ~_1251 A bllllot vote WIlS taken and counted by Tellers Young and ~llIrphy. tlr. ,icConnel w;os elected b)T a vote of 33

/ '

StrItM~,H_J2~_J25J '+27

public blJildin~s or pnblic parks. and any properties so restricted by deed or otherwise AS to pr{'clude re"tAl or sale. Such list sh"ll i~clude ~ description of each p",rcel. its 'lssessed v"lllatian. the usc to which it is bein~ put. and th .. income. if :lIlV. received from the s~"'e b.v th~ Cit)' dlJri"g the preceding, fiscal year.

b) The Planni~e 80~rd. on or bef6re JanlJ~ry 15 of the succeeding ~ellr shall trans",i t to the ;·(lIyor. the Board of keDresentat ives and the Bo"rd of Finllnce. s"id list with its recommendlltion as to prese~t and future use of each p~rcel on the same. Such Use ma.1' be stucd in ~enerlll terms.

c) The Board of Representlltives. Hits reelllllr meetin~ i" the follo"inp :'ll1rch. shllll. by a maioritv vote. I,uthoriz~ the le,lSc or s~le of MY property on sllid list which is recommended for lease or sllle bv the Pl"nning ~"rd. The Hoard of Representatives. by ' ~ two-thirds vot~ of its e"tire membershiD. may authorize the ren tal or sal~ of any prooerty on s " id list "hich is not recoJ1ll1lended for lease or sllle by tht' Planning BOllrd. The BOllrd of ilcorese'tatives. by " tl<O-thirds VOt<' of its entire me",bershin. "'~v authorize the s?l'? or l,,"se of ~'n.v property o"ncd b,v the City of Stal'lford lit any reeular Dr special ",eeting ci\lled for t~at DurDose.

Sec. 2 ~e~21i~li2n_Q1_a~nl~1_Qr_~Jl~ The H'lyor is hereby c~owered to Ipi\s~s of such properties as are

authorized for rental in accordance wit~ Sec. I hereof ..... nd. sUh,iect to the aoprova1 of the Board of Finance of thl' terms .nd conditions thereof. to enter into such leilSPs on behalf of the City. but no l E' i\se extendin~ over" Deriod of more than two years ",ay be made without sP~cific i\nprnvi\l bv the Board of R('f1resentatives.

The Mayor. wi th in two mo" ths after au thori Z" t in" by t he Board of ilpprcst'nt a­tives. shall sell at public .... uction bOlt for not l ess th"n i IS assessed villur. slJch of the properties IIuthorized by the Bo.,rd of Repres <'ntativ(>s for sale as thfo :1 .... yor and the Bo .... rd of Finance shall IInrrove. Notice of the ti",e and place of such sale shi\ll be ~iven by publishing .... notice of the Si\llle for t"o consecutive di\Ys in " dailY "ewspi\pp.r hi\vin~ i\ gener.l circulation in the Ci tv of ;;t .... "'ford. beginnine not less thi\n five days nor more thi\n twenty d .... vs bdorc the date of said sllle:

The ~(avor is hereby authorized a~d e",po.'er~d to "ct for the City and to execute all documents l1ect'ss.1.ry to tr~ns!c r ti tlt:- to slJch prooerty.

Sec. 3. fr2~egYre_i!_nQ_~~~~~!aQ!~_big-

If there shilll be "n acceptable bid for 'n ,I' nal'tiClllar ",rcel of rei\l cst" te. the l:ity shall continur: to hold it and it shi\ll be i"cluded on t~~ list to he sub",i tted by the Co",missioner of Fini\nce i~ the folto"i n~ OctOber unless. orior to submission of such list th~ Board of ,'epr'sf'ntnti\'es sh,n "p,i\b anthorize si\le bv a t"o-thirds vot ... of those T'res .. nt ,11 " f<'guJ"r m ~ct. in~ or a sT'ecial meeting celled for th e purpose.

;;ec. ~ t!le~liye_Ja!e This Ordinance shall ulk~ effect frn", the datI' of its c",ctmcnt.

(fhe. r"'Adin~ of th(· lJrdinMc(> Io'as o",ilt e' l hcc,usc ever)' ",e"llJer had recpived a CODY ns Oer Ch.rt"r r~qllir" .. e"ts.)

.'Ir. In1reed. rcportin~ for the Lcgis1:ltho" I< rlulf's CO'"1JT\i ttee i~ the nbsenc,·

of its Chi ' '''''An. advis('d thllt th(' t!'tter nf r"plv on pensions from Cornoration Conns,.,l ,John h,nrahM did "01 ,rrivp i" sufficient ti",c for the co",",ittee to rt'­port on stu,,;:.

:ofr. Hulreed MJvi~ed thu. th': coo""itt "c hod "ol~in F to report to d"tP 0" lilt' opcnine of ~r:\vt ' l oits. exc;w:,tions, etc. t bill would endf!:\Vor to renort ttl thl\ Octob~r ntN>tl!'l r, .




Page 4: c - Stamford Board of Representatives · o o o ~~Pr~D~a_lQ~_1251 A bllllot vote WIlS taken and counted by Tellers Young and ~llIrphy. tlr. ,icConnel w;os elected b)T a vote of 33



o 7

A~~2iulm~nls_Cgmmill~~ Geor~e Conners sUbmitted report of interviews with James M~nnlng and Dr. Paul

Brown recommendin~ the acceptance of these appointments.

A ballot was taken on Hr. Hanning's appointment and votes counted by tellers Young and Numhy were 21 in favor, 13 opposed and 1 blank • .. - ---- --

James Manning was approved as Commissioner of Public Works. .. ..... .. . ~-,

James Hulreed ~I)Vl'.D Suspension of Rilles to vote on Dr. Paul Brown at this "',(eting, seconded by William' Kaminski ~nd UNANIHOUSLY CARRTID.

tlarold Clark ~IOVI:.D for a ten minute recess, seconded and CARRIl:.D.

,\ ballot for Dr. Paul Brown was cast and counted by tellers Young and Hurphy wi th results of 22 in favoI', u opposed.

Jr. Paul Brown was aoproved as Public Health Commissioner.

fygli'_~~11a[~_~_B~,[~align_~Q~ill~~ This committee recommends the demolition of the old Lockwood Avenue firehouse,

sale of same and purchase of oroperty in Cove section where there is a great need for a recreation center, in a' section where there has been a tremendous influx of populat i n.

Patrick Hegan MOVED that report of the committee re lockwood Avenue Firehouse be recommended to the Mayor and Planning Board, seconded and UNANIMOUSLY CARRII:.D.

Helen Bromley urged further inquiry into the possibility of usin~ the building.

Helen Peatt read the report of the commi ttee re Hills Bros. ci,r.cus and the careless and neeli~ent manner in which WoOdside Park was lelt, believin~ that the entire Board should decide wh~ther permission for circuses in the future should be granted.

Jost'ph Carlin ~IOVW that a decision be withheld at this time and that each request he hroueht up s r:parately, and carcfull .\· considered, s('conded and UNANIHOUSLY CARRHD. .

H~~11h_~_r[21~'li2n_~Qmmil1~~ ROhert Shepherd as Actine Hayor held a meetin~ wi th CaPtain Herbert of the

Police Department, Chief Vei t and Capt.lin rlich~rdson of the Fire Department, Board of Pllblic S"fety and Dr. Paul Brown on Nanda:.', :;eptembcr 10. lq51 for the purpose of examininp, thel'rp.sent ha~dlingof emlr~cncy cases and whether personnel of the Fire and Police :Jepartl'lent werp adequatelv trained in First Aid lind use of emergency p.quipment.

It was "~reed to send the letters frnm the /Io.lrd of Public Slifety, Fire ilnd Police Jepartments to til<- Health Ii Protect ion Commi ttee for review.

Robert Lewis, in the absence of nr. John Cook. Chair'llan, SUbmitted report of this cO"lMittN' req'l(-stillg t~nt "'.',," he held in "b~ \'ance until Sliid committee have suffici,'nt time tn study "nd rppOrl on the mott e r.

iIi 11 i am KiL'Ili nsk i sllb",i tted " Resol u t ion rc h.lndli n~ of emergency CAses by the Police and Fire ucpartments, fIOVt,D its acceptance, sf'candf'd by Patrick Scarell~ and UN'\~nIOU;:;LY CARi<lb).

Rt'solu t ion #ll8

11111 [(}':i)LVWtl;"t thl' ci ty of Stamford m.,k(' avail~hle tn the Police and Fire M·partm"nt s i.l n.'~ .,,>citAtOr ond anv othrr equipment to be used in connection

Page 5: c - Stamford Board of Representatives · o o o ~~Pr~D~a_lQ~_1251 A bllllot vote WIlS taken and counted by Tellers Young and ~llIrphy. tlr. ,icConnel w;os elected b)T a vote of 33



with emerRcncy cases, coupled with a trainin~ pro~r~~ for the men in the princi­ples and operation thereof. Be IT FURTHhR RhSOLVlD that a reasonable effort he constantly maintained to keep this equipment available, in good working condition and that men responsible for same be kept UP to date aD the latest ' techniqnes in emergency first aid. In conclusion, tJe it also the OONFIRH~J DUTY of the Board of Representiltives or a dlll.v chosen committee thereof, to keep constant vi~ilance lIntil a satisfactory pro~ram of tr&inin~ be accomplished.

Robert Shepherd read the steering committee report.

It was foK)VI!.D that the Ordinance on Page l09-110~9Cl.h~ Cqde of Ord,iJlilnces be brought to the attention of the Buildln~ Inspec.tM and Health Commissionl'r re issuing building permits in certain areas.

Upon NOTION by Clifford Waterbuo', seconded ant:! Ci\RRIl:i), th,: Mee ting "as adjourned at 11: 35 P.N.

Respectfully suhmitt~d,

B:lbo:: tt e, S.Ransohoff, Clerk



