Page 1: C H m b er tJ.N 7K iris R u ss C harge Nixon Takes Over · C H m b er Unit Now Favors ^Treatment Plant The cliairnian of the

C H m b e r

Unit Now Favors ^Treatment Plant

The c lia irn ian o f th e T w in ' I 'a lls C hnm hcr.of C o n im erec j-rnittee w h ic h , tw o ycni'a jiro. de.HTibed a sewiifje t r c a t -

L . t nlnrit fls n '•luN ury" i-ever>u(l liis npitiion T n c s tla y . r itte n s tu le m c ii t , l la r n ld E . l-eiTjer sai(l.“ ’' l t is my

n tlin t th e c i t y of T w in Falln n'hniild liavc i» sewiiRo ■ s rap id ly :ia possible: il i;

City votcrs-TriJh-ro-toto 'vo te f o r th e issue, w iti 1 le rta in ly urKe a ll seriouA

ihinkinK v o te rs to U o J iK ^ s a i ,he polls T u e s d a y to vote theM .700.000 se w a g e trca !- mpnt rev en u e bond issue.S o ' C ‘1 t 'v o - th ird s of

votini;, tl-.e money will heI construct a scwq'

Dlanl In Snake river canyon.“ r m a ln j Ji..«‘K - . . slivicmcnl, l a .o t 1

OTinR pn«»it= Of ‘hf !-•• tollo"s:

MJy 1C. 1058. n report H,fn to tlie Chamber ol Com-

csncernlni the (at that ^oposed Mwa«c Ueatment Muc. by a commlUce ot

£ h i nfts chalrmnn." Other th „ j of till.’ commltlc* «•{

w'. Stivers nnd Thomai Hwfndon.

r,ii . ’• nnd wondered If nw ’ot noelc crcci wbs ex ,■ tnouith to dilute U>e bacteria I non-liiu^rdou-i quftntltlw? rtic ccrnmltice also ,hnd recelv- minv rfport.' which' ’S\. were tj-on no fnct, or only p»rtl»l u - Gtrber wys- n concliulot* the eoinmlttee

ik;« into cons:dtrntion hcH ■j conccmlnft health lim rd lound ili«i n 'cwage treatment

p'.ir.l Icr the city of Tuln i-j i:o; itnMitert a t thnt ilil’.ouih concludlni? will) .alraifnt . . . I t » health tiizard 1 wuBltshtd and can be proi-ed a (Ki. t icn the construction of .

"Ilf:! trentmcnt plant h u merit. •Since tH»t date, over two years so. miny lists Have been made ot oU CJeti water; members of the

Burley Trial Jury" Decid Driver Gii^tyk tlx-member Jury found Ray

jidaay, 20. Keyburn. g:\illiy in a p-ley police court trial Tuesday Ifallure to yield the r igh t or way t ej'dlst.lioisay Is free on.MO bond and tin; Fvlice judfe Jam es Annest

aid date for seDt(nclz>g h u not

t J . N 7 K i r i s R u s s C h a r g e

A g a i n s t U . S . ; P l a n s f o r

^___I n v e s t i g a t i o n s V e t o e d, yNITEII XATIOXS. N* v„ .r,ily 27 L'. N. serarity c»nnal'l:.»l iiicl.t .1.-

'I'IWII Iht' h itrs l Si>%’ii 't S|iy p la n e ai'ciisatii>n llie I 'n i t c d S ta te s .. ^I!^L['U'Ljn-lllI■Jl..\l;tDcd-tu-Aun^^•icall-4^emal1<l-for-lUl-inll)a^liaUlll^;rll:lt iiii(al-inv«‘»- tis a t io i i , Ih f'j v„t|, o f tin, i i - n a t im j ' c o u n c il njrainst Jhe Soviet dem am i.i fo!knvc<l a viKoriHU Aiii^virati a tta d ; ni'cusitvft n f a ttem pting to spv on mi.^silo a n da th e r nHIii;.ry m.htik o ff lh < i,co n sls o f t l i e U nited State.-. Only com nu iiii^ t P o lan d v o te d w ith till’ f^nvicis. The Suviet U n ion a l s o ii.scd it.n bijr-pnwer ve to p riv ilc tre to kill

Nixon Takes Over Convention; Lodge Is Sought as Mate

•rescihitirrtr tn-pfrn iil liU erimti. . Red r r o . s s con tac t with

Big Tree Uprooted in Wiiulstorm

>ibr» Slodta, daughter of Mr. and dra. Pretton Stocks, Burley, njured when' the bicycle shedisc collided with L litdsay 'i__The Slocks Blrl .waa dismissed

Mudsr from . Cottage hospital, ury members were Mrs. Ruth J'oisan, Mrs, Prank Spcncer. Mrs. - • Kunaifi' H fa .'O le n Knnnr;

Jsmes Klrchcr and Prank

LjTin Holland. IT, Burley, was Jied lU and costs by Burley Jus< <e of the Pence A ltred Crane tdaesday mornlnK fo r speeding

H miles per hour In a U>mUe m . He v u c ited by 8U U PaUoU lu Roy Thomas .Un. Nmna !>. Jtan , 9S. Burley,

lined $17 «nd cosU by Judgt M for a atop sign vlolaUon. v u cited by Slate Palnlm an

t Ctrr.U1 qooch, l e , Burley, lprrelt«d » bond Wednesday momln* In ter police c ou rt for speeding U » per hour In a U -m lle tone.

^*Rlt B. Thomas. 24, Jerome, M flaed M Wednesday by Jerome wee Judge F red Eberh&rdt for ^ mUes per hour In

Wednesday lo r going 43 ^ per hour in a U -m lle tone.

........................In Jerome police wu 34 m iles per hour in

’ lie tone. AU three drive.. . |l»en 25 demerits each by

«ie Eberhardt.- .™ m « OhlqulU, Rupert, lu .- W a SIS bond In K upert paUee

snd was.given five demwlta Judge fleoTBe Redford “

^ “ 4^*J>>S5^Burley, n a-----

'iler Woman Is ^HurtinNievada•wilcoDdlUan

h m e tim .a v a r « ^ » r e t b e r had «an« to Me L w d Mr*. Eugene Bltwer: •

««uple, c m te k ' tor Ja-

Qlagertcto » m driftng the ^ cu^^ocortU her il*>

Jen B re n tad b u mb. Lysn Brown, IS, «M West CeoKr. Klmbtriy, anrvey damAr* t« tfaeir hone when otie »f U>t large*(-and oldest poplar trees In tbst stea was uprooted In » freak wlodslorm aboul 6 pjn. Toesday and fell onto bU borne. The tree It s( least M years old. Brown said. lie alie reported damara (« hU home, estimated from UM to )t,m by bU iniiiistiee agent. !■ folly eoTctedreported damage t> by liuranee. No o*. daws were broken. (Slaff ]

s hnrt. Brown said there Is no dshiste at 'stt'lhsTde the fa

Englishman’s ShakeupNets

_ Politicd FireLONDOM, July J7 fl-TB — Prime

Minister Harold MacMillan today named the Earl of Home. 81, for- elga secretary in a large-scale cab­inet shakeup that touched off a furious political storm In Brltalo.

Home (prooouQced H um e), is i shy, retiring Scoltlah aristocrat who Is almost'a political ttnknovn. He iuee«ed^-Selwyn U oyd who had held the }ob alaee Decembu, 1»SS.

Uader ChallengedLloyd, SS, was named chancellor

of the exchequer In succeaslon W Derick Healhcoat Amocy, 61, who •- -lilting politics.

...jyd’s appointment 'to Brita in’s top econemle spot .autom»Ueally made him > chaUenger to Home Secretary Richard A. BuUer as Brlt^D'a next prime m inister when Macmillan ultimately steps down.

holder ot one of Bcoltand'« most lllusUlotu peerages, is th e first ----- -• • iiousa of lords “

named foreign secretary In 30 years, -nie last was tho Karl of Halifax In l»3»-40.


. re-wppoftera. T hey ob­jected that the Holder o f * key Jt* like tbat -o t fonign McreUry

d sit la th i house o f com*

Brilatn’s torelgn keystone .»Ul remain _ wttb ths Dnited 6U(ct.

U no change lii

N o B e e t le s F o u n d I n J e r o m e F i e l d s

■■ 'JEROME, Jujy" 27—No Wexrca'iTbcikn bf>etlcs ImvcTieen fourtd in commercial fields in th e Je ro m e . area,-Counly A gent W . G. Priest rc|x>rled this noo n as fed e ra l and state research and control men continued th e ir inspection and spraying. AH garden.i in the sou thw est, northw est and n o rtheast sections of Jerome w hich have bean s have been sprayed and were found to be 30 to 40 p e r cent infested, P r ie s t said. He stressed that a f te r 2 4 hours th e beans and

any o th e r p la n ts on which

Final Day, of Hot Lunches Meeting Held

The last day of the ttiree-day Maglo Valley conTenUon of Uie Id*ho 8t« ts School lunch work­shop and Idaho School Food Senr- Ice association was In progress Wedneiday~ab~.<Pwixi-FslU high ach'ool.

counes 80qietlms~Wednetday aft* eCDOOD, and some will receive speclU reeognltkin tor- lUeodlng five coDMcuUve workshops, ae^ cording to CecU Olsen, Boise,

----- lunch director for Uie sUlo t education.

plathe s p ra y f a l ls will be i f e c t l y sa fe to eat. B._.. p lan ts will n o t be destroved if they are not Infeeted, he added.

the county a g en t rt^wrtcd. n ie cbemiceU being used U malathloo.

Bo n r , no beeUes have been found l a the northeast secUon of Jerome, a lter spot checks, but conUnued spot checking was pUn nea W ednesday aitemoon.

PH est-pointed-out Uiere-ar* di. . je n fro m the -s tate departmeat of a g rio u l tu re w o rk lag with fed' eral research a n d control men tc determlDe Uie ex ten t of Uie'tnfe*- UUoa a n d bring I t under conmi.

U lks and general butlnvs, and U » remaining two dsis w u spent In elasiroota* wlUj courMS offered

lunehM, records and n


He- (denta_for U n to dais

henalve about ip ra y harming Tcgeubles.

Ttie beeUea. which rekmble ladybugs a u l e a t on-the undertldi ol th e b e u Jeares, possibly w ot b ro a i^ t into th e - area by vlilton

where thera t* a n InfeiUUoo, Uw county agent .noted.

■nus U .tb e n n t ouUireak since 1W4-U.

4 agabut l i ^ ' a m w a

Activity Jumps , , On Sicily PeA

OBKJAOO, July a r.lB -M alW i delegation to the R^mUIosd u vmUoD w u celled ta an .a A m e o a caueui, today .to detomlDs b It nU| .c u t lU ;4 votes Xor the pn a td co W ix m lM tlon.

hflh mi4i ihhH ' _a t OewtB f l s U , 1 ^ ^w he« —

______i m i o f a< A teaJaM Iiulda the n l . eano^ruH dn 'B T iH rn ind iiioT —* ih i l L « x » l « ^ j u u l reached « U m to - l i f iP t i a u r ;


by ttie S o v i e t s d o w a i n p o RR47 phtiH'.

hria capt i\

CillC.ACIO, July 27 (U P I> — lU dian l M. Nixoa took over complete control of th e € O I’ iiatioiRil convoiition tm iay a few hour.t before the Itepublicans m et to nominate him for llie W hite House niul U’l iiim choose his vice presidentin! ninninR mate, Nix-

to]! clioiL-o foi' No. 2 .Kpol oa tbiv4ick-'t wh.h llciiry Cabot Lodifo, Massachusetts. S. iKnIiassador to th e United Kalioiis looked like a phoo-in. Lodfje also wn.i

favorite of President; i a n d j l » ‘_ a :

Ihat II ■ RB47 hc bcfOK

Two Forest Fires in —Idaho Defy Control

By The Asxwlttlfd PrrnTw o raK’ink' fo re s t firu.s d e fie d con tro l today and one

........... . ................ in th e riiKKcd u p p e r H ells c a n y o n ro ared ncro.«.H fire linc.iTlit Eovift uiiVo'n casrit^s 88th towiird thousand.H of acres of heavy timber. Tiic fire dis-

■nd m veio In Its history os a pjitchor a t McCall saiil the Hells canyon fire on Ecklea , creek was ■‘burnintr loo h o t" to hold the fire lines' this

Jienry £i»bot Lodjc chief morniiiK. Tlic fire had already eiiKulfed more than 14,000 dcleitaie to the u. N.. nc- acres. Officials had expressed hope the five could be sub- ■'le Soviet Union of a loot:;------ ' ’ dued Tuesday, but the fire

Tie Utiltcd !the plane wm ilowiicl over liilcr nnllannl «.klcr.« on Julv I nflcr

■ flRlltpr altriiilH tSoviet torrlloo'.

Union of a loncj- scn .viy lncUlenl.v r i 1 1 T > "I

e.n ,u o .ei.c the ^ c l l O O l B O l l d

• Soviet

Kriey-fncludlni; an at tfal vehicle of fired by a nuclear submn •'le AilRntlc co<wi.

Lodse also accn.icd tin Onion ot u.ilng a thiw lrr I. . . secret East coast instnllallons and of stndlng IntelllRcnce planc.i nichtJ oft the s ta te of Ala-^ka.

LodKe reserved hu bitlei words, however, for. the Soviet \

Italian reflolullon which ^•ouia have called upon the Cro.u (0 make contact with the

(Ivors ot the RB47. Two '. (Ivors are captlvcA. thri

Hated as mlMlng, nnd one died in Uie Incident,

'That was a ci olutlon," Lodge »aid. "and they tuniM it down. I -te tl you, It l.i sad thing when a people as warm hearted as Uie Soviet people Is

- ■ — emmentaad

. . . a ' kovicold-hearted, brutal, cynical as Uiey showed theinsclve.' tonight."

Umt In U;e cloeing moments Uie acrimonious 'debate with tho -(ChUbiM P»i« l.-C.lD.B 4>

Canal Brealc"Repaired for Lincoln Area

RfCHPIELD. Ju ly 27 — W ater •as back in the B ig Wood River

canal which Irrigates the R ich­field tract today after some 30 men worked through the night re ­pairing a 13-foot break about nine miles norUiwest o f here - y»dOi

Defeated for ; Blaine Area

HAILEY. July ;7 - A Blaine county S780.000 school bond wn.** defeated for t^e flflh time In six ycnra a t n Mhool hoiid election •held Tuesday.

Tlicre were 619vote.iea.'t against le school proposal and 2C3 voted

for It.polling places and rejults arc

Carey, four yes end 2IB no; Gan- ett, M ye.s. 31 tio; Belle\’ue, 41 u , S3 no: Hnlley, 17S yes,-100 o. and Kctchujii, 29 yes and

Tlie defeated proposal' Included ;;wlrs nnd additions to the WPA-

built elementary school at Ketch- cocuitructlon of a new 10-

. elemenuiry school a t Hailey. > elementary schools a t and Caroy.

I of JSS2 votCB were* cast In , ’'s election, fn IBSI, 1.344 •tflrtlO-Surirf v6lerTnnR55:

. . . .ited; In 1956, «1, and In May of this year. 1J80 east baJ-

ilota. The prior elections also In­cluded a new high school proposal, which was not Included In the moet recent elecUon.

Blit Brown, canal eompsM.^m- plo;e. said the break,^ UeUfived caused by either a. badger or rock- chuek, was repaired by a aon. Wednesday. The crew consisted mostly of canal company em ­ployes.

" d a n ^ e was caiw d by -wnEJn'ajf"adwh (l'draw bri

Uis Vaden ranch which U farmod by Jack Tewes. Brown said 700 sandbags and planks were used to plug the break.

Heavy ecpiipment was used 'by Charles Sluder,' Richfield, to as- sUt lo the repa ir work. Leon Oriere, Ooodlng, and Arnold Bridge, Dietrich; company offl- dsli, supervised th e work.

Mot much water w as lost bec-s..^ Uis wster was diverted to other canals In Ibe system. A small of was cu t o ff a t Haglo i

Cre+* were hauUag din W ednes- day U build up ttaw bank where th» break odourred.

UAR’s t ie s With Iran Are Broken

CAIRO, jBiy r i a n - i b t trm ted Arab‘B*pubUo-»ewr«>-dlploiaatIc relsUsnt with I n n last n ight In protest sgalnst thA t eountrys re­cent reeogniUon o f israsL ~Preildent O a n a l Abdei N atter prtMded the movo wiUj a b lttw demtaelsuon of th e shah of I ra n for ‘iHUaylni'’ th e Arab cause

a and alanlsm,*

his dH lre to see Uie a

ieli«YU« and A \ ) t i | p!S.

Richfield Man Is Hospitalized By Sting otBee

RICHFIELD, Jtily J7-R lch- ard Wendell Johnson. Richfield farmer, was dismissed from SL Benedict’s hospital. Jerome, to­day after being in crlUeal con­dition from a bee sting on his nose while'he was worklag. In the field Tuesday afternoon,

Johnson had duriculty In Teaching-ms“house,'Wlrtre- his wire and her broUier, Rlehard 0)11, took him to Shoshone for emergency treatment.

The atterdlng physician said Johnson was unable to get his breath and the fact he became nauseated saved him from probable death. He ordered the fartner to the ho^iltal for over- night observaUon.

broke Tuesday nisht and was rciwrtcd mmpaRinfr completely out df con today:

CrpKS were being nishtd noi-iJiCttst end ol the fire —the daniter n rea-ln an effort to thro*' up a control line before high afternoon temperatures m ake even slight containment virtually Impouible,

The fire area li adjncent lo the even Devils mounlalru ot Idaho nd Is RlmoKl fnacceslble to heavy

conlpmcnt. Crens were forert to depend on hand tools to flglit ••le blaie.

Payclto Fire Control Officer Dob Boubler said the fire burned over

Kinney point on therldgc .....................east slopfs of the steep caiiyon"• He said It a-aj burning toward heavily timbered land at the bot­tom of Uie slopes along Snake river.. But, he said, "If weaUier condU Uons thLi aXtcmoon'are favorable we hope to make pood progress conirolUna Uie breikUirouih."

Mere tkian- half of th« area Is In Uie mop-up stage and copsld-

Planes were dumping flrWetard* Ing chemicals on tho blase In an effort to hold It unUt a control Une could be established.

Another fire, about 11 miles southeast of McCaU on No-Busl- ness creek, w u burning

(C»i>U«im4 P u t I,' C«N

Eisenhow er. The conventio originally had i)U n i) c d to nominate a vice president a t tonlRht's 5f.«lon i7:30 p.m. i-tvi'* Immediately after approving Uie revnmpcd p^trly platform and shouting its approval of NUon for Uie prc.^ldency.

But Sen. Eyerelt M. Dlrkiien. Illinois, said afwr a conference with Nixon th a t the vice preal- dentlal balloting-had been post­poned unUI tomorrow, presumably to give NUon more Uma to confer with party leaders.

Qov. Mark O. Hatfield. Oregon, was given the honor of puuing Nixon in nomination for president.

Ei-en token opposition to NUon’s npnilnation vanished a few hours bofore tonight's ellmacUe session when Sen. Borry M. Ooldwster, Arliona, asked his ’ conservaUve backers not to put him up for (he presidential spot. He urged'them to support Nixon Instead.

At the some time. Nixon won a promise fro n New York Oov. Nel- son A. Rockefeller Uiat ho would - • . campaign coast-to-coast for Nixon In the November elecUon battle against Democrats John P. Ken­nedy nnd Lyndon B. Johnson.

OonvenUon arorovsl of th e party’s i860 plauorm was nailed downpHTen the Important civil rlRhta, defense and foreign policy planks were reshaped to meet most of-NUon'»-demands.

Southerners grumbled over a call In the civil rights plank for trglslatlon to help integrate schools .(ind end discrimination In hous-.'.-w Ing. B ut they said Uiey could ,

iM n y trouble from the Rockefa^"* ■ ^ ' ler forces m eUmtoated whsnjt^ ^ ^''-

In gbe wished thprijfu rther tf<ft tha t » OMvU-

_____ tH -iJ f the IS elemeatFofUie ccraprehanolre civil rights p r ^ gram” he h a d adrocated.

This le ft only the viot sn iid ia - Ual la n e to be setUed. OOP tionol Chairman IhniMoo B. lilar- ton appeared to be Uie only man with any chaaee of taking the nomination away from Lodge. Morton was the farortte of mldw ' westerners a n d conservatives.

S h e r i f f L e a v in g t o i T a lk W i t h S u s p e c t

GOODING, July 27 — Goodlnsr C ounty .S heriff K eith Anderson, and Prosecuting A ttorney Cecil Hobdey will leave tonight for Key West, F la ., to queatlon E m m ett Spenc^,-irianky Kentuekian;-Htboutnhe^g«nBhofr^e«th^^;|7 ^ : D r. John Hunt, jr., 37,'^'ortland. n e a r B * e la s t Aug. 24.The sheriff said he feels w tlsfied Spencer and another man, who is being held as m aterial w itn e ss , w ere Involved in 'the unsolved murder of the PorU and pathologist nearly

Sheriff A iider--------------------------------------------

OwenzaArea Fire Started By Lightning

eHOSaOHB. July' 37 — A fire which bureau of land management officials here report has burned an estimated 3,000 to S,000 acres souUt o t Qwene.-was-eoosldered-tinder -control Wednesday noon after it was started by Ughtnlog about « p . m. Tuesday-

The blase, which was spotted •• ........................... t s t a -

mUes south of Owensa and by p.^m.-lthad-bumed-to mile of there.

The BLM offlce dispatched four tankers, a buUdoser and a shovel

of from 30 to as m«a to the

son talked with officers a t Key W est this morning and was informed Uiat Spencer had de*rlbed the area w h « the

r' de-The.crlbes ^ ..._____— — -the Uttle red foreign vagoa in which Hunl« 'found. Anderson said 71______thoriUts told him of a desotpUon of the roadside near here which tallies with Uie ares where tha body w u found, r

Dr. H unt WH en route to Tale tmlvertlty to aeeept an asHclats profeisorshlp when h i « u found dead. I h a deaUt w t r u i '*

. Andataon said Florida olfleera report ^w neer olalins to have tolkmed the Hunt car tioog Uis h lgbw tr. fo r 4uiU some distance before bemklng a t him and final­ly getUnr h im to puU over to Uis aid* o e -m d .H i* ihuUf seld

-toe Pl(

Raiigcb Fires . Out ]Vo’»r ill

Burley ^ e aB U RU nr. Ju ly 37 — Three first

------- ' ' — • Id . believed

i'iSSS1 of ta n '

-------------------- lert serriWedaesday.

Marvin W . Pear*'a, Burley BIM . ofOca m anager, it ld that.A lbioa residents *«wam ed la - like anta* .

a U r e lb a t started about-B pm . Tueedhjr n e a r th i A lb lA ' water tower.

An . eeU m ated' 190 a s m w it ■ burned la th e A lbion 'fin , wbleta' -

u s ta rted I ' •

eera tha t he -and s ti-year-old wcinan compaBlon stniek Dr. H unt over the head with a « i ^ when h e a to p M the car,

r t t t etlil th m w u . tha- d««] n i a l htad

Ike Tells GOP of U.S. Might; Soviets Chaileiiged to Hold WbrJiff ©eiEtibns

aibvt Ui pdlUes-anff,

g ^ t h ^ i M t e d a ^ . U u n « r-

: th e n tbrew a peace- Union.

Nttu jQiruheheT.>aad ete If the ^ e h o o e e t o l l r a

HIGHLIGHTS inT o d i/ .T In iA N .* «

J e re « < K lw o

Uon deatbschool bond f s l l a ______chalnnan oftCbHBiiei oCOboi

- s . u a M ^ ‘J i t t b W i W

Page 2: C H m b er tJ.N 7K iris R u ss C harge Nixon Takes Over · C H m b er Unit Now Favors ^Treatment Plant The cliairnian of the


Range Fires —Gut-Now-iu

Burley Area«rr*a Ptfi Out)

\n t debrb in Uie BLM ofreporwd that cli*r*e» «•'

- pen<llDt- •saln»t---lh* - p e r io J Khoso nune vm not dlKlOAcd.

KHrljr ISO ptnons, IncludlnK i

—F T V B ^A Y -roBB 3A B ^TH lS«>A Y -TTnU 3U a T«nMraturc»'«»e™ftlng ftbore normn wlUi maximum •mostl? in w ». nS?lmSm I T to 85- No preclplUiUon. except . few afternoonthuodersnowcrs.................

MAGIC VALLEV —VariableMAGIC VALLEV-V«ri»ble eloudlnesi Ihrourt lomorrow wllhwldetr-ie»tteTed-ih<m«T« «n4 Uirsadmhanert in ib* »it«riioo^»n<J evenlnr Continued w»nn with a low of CS lo IS lonlihl 97 (« loa.tomofl«>l»,J^lf.J«j!Lnliht K it 8 *jn. ind 8? noon.

Weather, Temperatures Twin Falls News in BriefU.N. DefeatsRedOaimon ______ _

T T C i * 1 taveltJV«^Virplcnlc;of"the Kliyera Duplicate Brldgi- t l ^ D T ^ A i r p l a n e Si & o n . t P-m V n-M uh ^ C A

1 * ^ 8 high BchooltU al^W U ^e^Ilf’ th e Junior <U»l*lonjTn*.* ... f_ _ . th» Pl«»»ra Duol c ate HridBB

Soviet. L o ^ e 't '^ n ( lu ck came before the vote, when he returned U) the aUMic »nl[uC a Soviet de> mnntJ-ferr- eunnttl-condetnnatlon on the United Statel, The coun-

;cii ndjoumed at fl;M p.m..........~Lo.' ' —

lav T hoje attendin* are aiked to Mn. Karen Dowson ■ & thJS- own .Jrl'd chicken, a,J. M "-. M a r

rred dish and table servlet.

:8praher»-to Meet -

[club will meetI rails Toa

and Mrs.' Rom Sinclair, second; |Mrs. Ted Bcott and Mra. Duncan lUuna. tlilrd. j iD tl^ ^ r» - l_ 0 . ciuh*


.-I....— . . .a a d Mrs. I; L‘. Hanson, lourlh. Friday,Next tesilon will be the evening ofl - 'm s . 3. __ _____ '

WorldVotiiig Challenge Is IVIade by Ike

,e have btcome^ihc s^rongeat mil ItEtT power on-Earth."

At for the economic plteure or........................ rly.jlRhl

Two men llfiln i p ,.,,.I mower into cnr trurn .T-* >-oiing Blrls'tallcliig lo

'n n d while do« . , , j^;,’ g-* cllmblnif around roof or hr.^- Mon can^-lng jrrecii tronfr u 1 Into bank . . , Paul o j . l cu.«liip KnoUioIc baicsiv.'i

; standings , i . Olrl exci';M!T / cuMlnit her wcddlnc J '-

Seen Toda

bulldoserj battled the blaze about three hour*, until Uie fire WM under control.

A Xlre in the Bublett eretk eaat of Malla. put on a Dtjkl tankff aod ahovei crew Tuesday afternoon.

Th« BLM * u called to i ll«ht-' nlng-atarftd fire at McMullen creek, three or four mile.? weal nock creek, Aouth of Unnser taiikitf nnd Tiri'enw wm *nii the area.

Only between three and four m rm were burned and about SI'

_____the forest.nervicc crea-j___ eent lo the tlte, reports JohiPetersen, of the forest service of­fice In Tn'ln Palls. ,

Petersen also - reportr t —« -flrc »hleh burned about IJ5 acres on Bhirley creek, east of Malta, *’3«|K„n «;c declared out this morning, ilarted about fl pm, Tuesday.

NonTHERN IDAHO-Contlnued warm wHb i.toe htRh cloudineM ..t times and a few aflemoon or evening thundernhowers uircmgii w- imorrow. Low tonight 60 to M rhlgh lomorrow 90 to 100.

e<1 to IheNEW YORK, July n apr—The hliheityesterday

j 3J a -It nijlhe and .\e « lle s . C»Ilf.

, .................... . ....-WSSE:,• VK-. ..-V...,, Jtrect north canyon Iook-|Plenle SIi;ronlc IntelUgence N ulpmentJoul, Mr.s. Gordon Tobin will be in ' family plcnlc o fcan lon i and It appeared only 13, mlle.s off;chnrge of the prcgrnm. Tlie lexl-middle Alllntic coast, colocy..........

n April-2«r !SCT. LodRe sa ld .|n^hrrt Soviet trawler appeared lOSi

south of Cape Cod, Maas . In ,•here the nuclear aub -| j„r>- E.-Kobert^, 19. Hansen,I

u lined 115 for driving

t Carlcson.

22ud Italian Government Takes Oaths

ROME. July « m — Premier Amlntore P*nf»nr» government— , Italy’i 33nd alnce Uie end of World war n —w u fwom In todajr b;i Pretldent OlOTannl Oronehl. I

Panfanl, leader of the largest lelCwlJig faction of the Chrlatlan Democratlcj parly, wa* formally named preinlef lu t night when QtnttchL ilgnftl^ A o t a acctpuofe* Uis realrnrtlc« -of -onuolng Prc*'

—mlar Pemando .TambronLTh# coalition government, which

•ppe'an to be Italy'i best hope In yean for a aUble regime, Includes lour fortner premlera. Fanfanl, himself, served as premier twice— Jn 19M and agsln in 19SB,

Fanfanl said he would go before parliament for a vole of confl- dencB next Tuesday. He was virtu­ally assured of paillamentan' ap­proval of bis cabinet and program

Serving with Fanfanl *•"' *“

. nURLBY—Funeral services for Jauph Dllts, Heybum. vlU be

.held a t 10 a. m. Thursday a t the Joseph Payne memorial «shapel

'w ith John M. Moore of the Rupert Chrlillan church offlclntlng. Final rites will be held a t the Riverside ccmetery. Keybum.' Friends miiy

Pnyna morwary Wednej-'

TWIN FALLS — Funeral servl- >s for Jnm es A. Oalllhcr will b<

■ held a t . l pJn. Saturday a t tin iTwIn FBlU mortuary chapel. Offl- 'cers of Tw in Falb Elks lodge No 1183 will be m charge of flnal| rites a t th e Twin 'Falls_cemeMry. rrlenda m a r mortuary until tl

Tormer Premiers Antonio Segnl as toc«lgi» inlnliter. Unrio Scelba os ' Interior mlnlsler. and Oluseppe Pella as mlnltterof the budget.

Chairman for Study Group Favors Plant]

medical, ‘pro?t»!on “ hsTe l>een' quoted on their opinions; all-es- tabllshlnff a definite health haz­ard. Various Industries located alonr Rock cieek have Indicated thair deslra to coi^ierale wllh the city la the ellnlnatlon of i,-aste dumping Into Uie waUr. Although, not directly connetled with thel tew««« Issue, other Items menUoned I In the report changed; I.e., the in ­creased water supply problem, anti the fire mb-statlon. both indicat­ed as long range planning for the city, have been started - the pUnnlng sUge.

*-bi view oC the foregoing, i t Is my cftlnbn that the elty of Tn'ln Palls should have a seasge treat* ment plant as proposed in the factbeanl&g bond election u r a p / Idly aa poaslbte; It is my IntenUou to .io le for the Issue, and I cer. talnly urge ill eerloui thlnklns Toten to do the sane."

I t ie two-to-20 year bonds will-, ____ b*.paid.oU-by-aoitUiJ]>-«)iarfle»-ot— t or each residential. sewer

oooneoUon. -niere wlU be an added ' chart* o t t t a month lor connec­tion to nn r Uteral lewer lines Us areaa not served now by a sewer Uae. The dty commission has no t set charges for commercial, tm ller pertc, hotel or motel cwintcuona

Prcmlnent residents, under the eo-ch&lnnaajhlp of E. S. Harold- aen. Idaho Power company official.

Magic Valley FuneralsBURLEV-Funeral aervlces f<

Mrs. Mary (Maile) Ciwaon will be .held at 2 pjn. T hursday at the iBurley flrsl-flfth w ard clapel Iwllh Bishop Sylvan Morley-ofWcl- ' iiing, Final riles will b e held In he Pleasant View c e m e t e r y . '

I Friends may call a t th e McCulloch ■ ........................ ..........and

marine Georgi. ...... . .........conducting Polarb m*fSlle ojec-

lUon tests... I t Bss warned-to s ta y I lawny, and Ignored the wnminir.I At one point, the Vega tried pick up the te.« vehicle of a fired

I ml.«lle. and was roaneuvere'd away 'by atrA nnncin'vf& sti.'Tadgnatd the Vega then sailed lo a point opposite the U. S. signal center a t

l£Vthe vicinity of Wallops uland.-Va..

I site cf hlgh'Oltltude ezpertmeni/ 'by tJic U. S. space and aeronou-

"CS administration.Uxlge snid Soviet Intelligence

planes repeatedly and for a long - — e clo. e lo the coast of

......... . .ta le of Alaska—far cloacr,he sold, than the point off the

I Soviet coast to which he said the RIMT was forced by aSovlet figh t- r Juty 1. .Lodge spoke after the Soviet

delegate made It certain no Inte iSatlonal Investigation of theRB Incident would be undertaken.

Gooding Aide Goes to Talk

HEYDURN — r tn e r a l services for John phllllps P ayne win held at 2 pjn. Frltiay n t the H i.

I burn LD3 ward chnpel with I Bishop Stevens Helner officiating, I Last rites will be he ld in lUver- slde cemetery. Frelnds m ny calRat

, Uie Psyno .mortuary. But*y, iThursday evening and Friday.le Twin Falls;

of service, Itll time of services:

Magic Valley Hospitals

ney. have fonneS i ................ .urge paasage of tti* revenue bond Isnie. Spetkets have addreesed olvto clubs, a publls meeting has been held, puiiMets have been drawn up and mailed to-dty vo­ters. aod a television show to ex­plain the problem is scheduled for KLIX-TV a t 10 p. n . Wednasday.

The d ty coounlaslon decided in June ,to proceed with the bood election after a study of Rock

- w r t r fKilliitinn hT_Uie.Id»ho,Je- pertment-of hesJUi was puUlshed which described the stream as “the most poUuted In southern Idaho." Since that time, loeal doc­tors h a v e ....................................

Magic Yalley Memoriallvisiting hours in the matemliy'

ward a re from a to t and 7 W B pm-: In all other wards, from11 am . to 8 pjn.____

ADMITTED ..1. 0. m r re ll Crawford. Mr*.'

Robert WUls. Mrs. Eddie Patchln, Anita Cednretrom, Mllllcent Rog- enwn, Mra. Donald Zltterkoffand Reuben Jackson, all Twin Pall*; Bernard Worland, Wendell; Mr/- ISa Andrews. Flleri'Mary DeLash- 'muU a n d Mrs. Harold Heldemann. both B uh l: Mrs. Steven Pniett, Rogerson; Mrs. Dan BUck. Eden: Bherman Cllmer and Mrs. Honnld Lterman. both Kimberly.Wayne WWte. CaaUeford.

DIBAU3SED Mrs. ISave Howard. Mrs. Rsy-I

tnond' S m ith and daughter. Mra.| ■niomaa Major and daughter; Mm. p d y a rd Bnickett and Mm Maxine Moore. aU Twin Falls; Mrs. Raymond BuUer. Hansen: Mrs. V ernon McClain and daugh­ter, Kimberly: Robert Hendefion, Buhl A n d O U r e n o e Nuxall, Salmon.

BIRTHS D aughters were bom to Mr.

and Mr«. Ronald Uerman. Kim­berly. a n d Mr. and Mrs. Harold Heldetnann, Buhl, and sons »-ere boro to Mr. and M n. Steven PrueW. Rogerson. and Mr. and

'M n ..jM (t!p_atgw .o,.T gin,f tii« .

U. N . Leader to Meet in Belgium

BRUSSELS, Belgium. July 37 e» -T J. N . Secrelary-aeneral Dag Hatnmarskjold arrived here today for talks with Belgian officials — the mlU U iy and econwnlD slti • nn« In th e Congo before making

Q on-the-spot Investlgatloa of ed itions In the turbulent AfrU in republic.

, Hammarskjold came here' from lUJf. headquarters in New York Iresh from three days-discusslons with Congolese Premier Patrice Lumumba who maintains the im* medlata withdrawal of Belgian troops Is needed to restore peace.

Expected to be high on th agenda o f the discussions here I whether Belgium wUl recognise jlhe “sMeaslM’' of the mineral* 'ricS'prwrince ^ -'S ilah g a .

'due to dumping of i»w sewage - Inta-the-itreaar-fresn d t r eewer.

outfalls. '


.. tlonal - AssocUUon for the Ad. Taaetment of Oolond­day praised (he dvU rIghU plat*

• Iks-of boUi pollUbol Vsaid the He------------

‘Miss Twin Falls’ Is uGiiest Of Club

Carolyn Louise (Kelleyl Prls- u lle,-M U s.T K .’in FalU of 19». charmed Twin Palls Uon club member* a t their noon meeting Wednesday in the Roundup'room of the Rogerson hotel where the spoke briefly on her experiences in the r«cent Miss Idaho pageant lloBoUe.

Oene Klaas reported ------ d—Uon a-galf - t -

Forest Blazes in

Minidoka Countyvisiting h o u r s a t Mlnldokaj

County hospital are f ro m 10 a ji ■) 7 pm.

ADMITTED Chris Uhl. Mrs. L aw rerue Hni ,

, ,ery. Mrs. Harvey H olm s and I iJullft Ann Facer, all R upert. '

BIRTHS Daughters were bom t o Mr. and Irs- Lawence Harvey and Mr. lid Mrs. Hdfvey H olm s, both

|Rupert - - ■

St. Benedict’s, JeromeVlsltlDg hours a t SC. Benedict’s!

,hoq>ltal are from 3 to 4 and from' ■ to 8 pm.

ADMJITEDRobert Pratt, E ugene Oraetzer,

Kent Roberson. M rs . Wllmcr Young. Mrs. Andrew B a ll and Mrs. H U Imernintz,ollJerome; William Woods and Brenda sp e n ce r, both Wendell; Curtis Parke and Rich­ard Wendell Johnson, b o th TUch- field, and Richard S h o r t . H atel- ton.

DISMISSED Brad Capps, Jerom e, and Afrs.

Marion Moore. H ozellon.BIRTHS

Son swere born to M r. and Mrs. Hlllmer Hints and M r. and Mrs. Andrew B»Il.,b{rth Jerom e.

With Suspecti-hlch couW*havV^ee°n*nittde w ith A wrench. He said the suspect then claimed to Florida officers th a t Hunt was shot after ^e waj knocked unconscious.

In Florida. Bpeocer’s eerie .ad ­missions are being cheeked th o r­oughly because he led deputies Monday to a body lying In a lonely wooded area In the Florida Keys.

He said Tuesday ho also killed . minister's son in Idaho, a Jack* sonvllle woman and a family of four in Virginia, The FBI already hns arrested another man for the Virginia slayings.

Spencer had been held Key West }all since April under Indictment In the hammer slaying

r John T. Keen, a navy yard worker, He said the other alay- .igs were recalled lo his mind by

I dreams he had about them.LIcut. Rene Itslole of the M on­

roe county (Key Vital) sheriff de­partment. snld Bpencer was hazy about details and "we'/e trying

. to check out one kllUng a t a Ume.’’ Victims of other unsolved souLh-

?rn Idaho elsyings were:Wayne Siegel, 31, a inarlne pri-

rate from Fort Ripley. Minn. Hel (.-as en route (rom -hU home to hlsj California base. He w u sho t ' the head.

Mllo aien Damron, 82. Inkom, Idaho, construction worker, found

lot lo death In hb parked car. Mrs. Ann Estell was found shot

.3 death in a store she and her husband operated.

Members of the Twin Palls Ro­tary club heard-a recording of the second half of a speech given

■ by Rabbi Julius Model a t the ^

visiting hours a t Ooodlng Me­morial hospital are f ro m 8:30 am , lo 8:30 pm.

ADMITTED Mrs. Fred H. Jam es . Ooodlng.

and Steven Osborne. Homestead, ■ Ore.

IS and SOD. Hage.--

BIRTHS A daughter was bom to Mr. and

M rt Fred H. Jame*. Ooodlng.

C o t t a g e , . B u r l e yVisiting hour, a t C o ttage hospl-

,lal are from 3:30 to * a n d from to 8 pjn.

ADMITTED, Mra. Verda E therlngton. Paul; Mrs. Slid Emery. A lbion: Tlbonia Urigoltls. Burley, and M rs. Lorefta Abbott, Page. Arts.

BIBTU8 Sons were bora to W . and Mrs.

.Ubloa. a n d Mr. sEherington. P»

|Joseph B. Drake Honored a t Rites

8HOSHOMS. July 3T — Funeral senrlce* for Joseph B . B rake were held al 10 a. m. p y id a y a t the First BaptUt church. T w in FUls, with Um Rev. Oeorge Briggs. Sho. (hone Uethodlst m in iste r, offlclat- ling.

A ttg^lb a t the m un idp^ ler and R ^ er t T a o a luurging everyone to take part.

P re s ld ^ t Robert'Baker remind.<d memM rs there would be no luncheon meeting Aug. 17. the day o f 'th e lio n s plcole a t Hirmoa ptfk. T h e plcnlo U acheduled to sUrt a t e;30 pm.

I n n e its w*r*, OntiiU were ^ itr le s Vail. Twin {v)^;-H al_R oT en,-U t Lake q ty ; '

Pallbearerg were ('A lfred Peters, Elmo Oreen and B en ry Woodland, Twin nots: ^ I f i m K erae r. l«oo< M Daugheiiy and Clarence.Qeh* rig. Shoshone.

concluding rites w «r» held jSboshnQe..........a cemetery.

Rotary Hears Rest of Talk

..... ......... .. luxlllarles of th e K)OP Lodge tn-glvcti by Mrs.'e'udlng lodges fron) Oooding.

Twin Falls, R upert and .Pocatello, will be held a t 1 pm . Sunday at the Idaho Power picnic grounds at Twin fulls. Ted Arborcnat, Burley,

general,’•(^halrman of orrange- , _ . mufflers tjy Tttin Fallsl'"*"^^' *1’

Ipollcc judge J.-O. PumphreyTueA-l - • ------ ---------cru was cited Saturday Take* Itlfle )lanora Falls police. Pvt. James Hlsglns, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Frederick Hlgglru, Twin Falls, earned top honors basic training M -l rifle company B, fourth ba ttle group.

iTlng a

U n con tro lled i a u b Meets SundayI Hlghllncrs 4-H club win

te land! ftyettV national forESt;J-30 P-m- Sundaythe bureau of land n

I officials were coopernllnit .... jffo rt to keep It contained. It

ihad burned about SO acres.' 10 Johnson bar fire,northeast of RIgglhs in nigged Snake river country, was eipect-

be controlled Thursday morning.

Forestry officials were concern­ed. however, about possible new outbreaks f r t n forecast "dry" lightning storms over the region late today and tonight.

“We can see our way through the Johnson bar fire Itay Hlldlng. assistant supervisor of the Ne2 Peree naUonai forest.

About . . .Johnson bar flrellnes, assisted by six helicopters, nine bulldoien, national guard group from Lei iston and more than 100 horses | and mules,

He aald mopping up continued n .f ire s near Elk City. Maekay|

bar. Corral creek and Cow c;•The Payette fire, about to ,

line mUes west of McCall, Is thel biggest forest fire lo bum In th<

's tate this season-the worst ir Idaho in 30 years.

bureau of land mansge- tnent in Boise said most' rangi flreo in the state appeared to be under control today. But Forrestl Twltchelt. BLM fire control ofJIcerl for Idaho, said “It is too esily

;li yet,--e fire n rDu-

___ , the Idaho Palls grazingIdlstrlct was "fairly well under control.- he said. A unit of na- lio to i guardsmen was assbtlng BIAJ crews there.' Twichell said lightning caused I

ra sh of fires In southern Idahol Tuesday night, but hs'added most of them appeared to be controlled,,

Lieut. Oov. WUllam E. Drtvlowj closed to public access TMesdayj two forest protective districts ' north and central Idaho. Hie der closed large sections of the. Priest lake and southern Idahi districts until further notice.

The dosures become elfeetlve Friday.

Illclen Cnudlc.- All member: lurgcd to attend and bring llvestockl ' rojecis. A poUuck supper will be| .jrved alter demonstrations andj I showing of livestock are completed.

MeclToBlgbt Anyone Interested in motorcy­

cles is invited to attend the newly-1 anired Magic Valley Motorcy- dub meetings held a t 7:30 p.. u e h Wednesday a t the home

of Jay Pace, ooe mile eas t of five| points east on Kimberly road.

Ueellng SlatedAn organizational m eeting of the

Magic Valley Timing association held a l 8 pjn. today In the

Idaho Power compafiy auditorium. All persons interested In automo-

drag racing are invited.

^ for Noiseeed Alvls, 18. 431 Polk street, ded guilty In police oourt Wed- lay morning to a charge -Of atlng a motorcycle with r

noisy m uffler'and was fined tlS by Police judge J . O, pumphrey. Al­vls was d ted by police Friday in the 200 block on Main avenue

Pay of BUI AskedA suit to recover »I31,4T plus

interest was filed in probate court Tuesday altem oon by Ed Eldredge, doing business as Ed's Park Serv­ice sUtlon. 341 Shoshonj street lorth, against Delmar Malone foi

goods sold Sept. i. 1950. Attomey for Eldredge is Jam es J . May, ' May and May. Twin Falls, '

the American Legion hall. The first half was played a t the lastl m eeting..

Wilfred Relher ployed the cording and Robert Snyder was^ program chainssn.

President Gordon Oray remind­ed members to vpte in the sewer

election Tuesday. £arl H ar- oldsen told them how to register and how to Uli if they are eUgible.

> vole. ICharles Hopkins told how hel

and his wife vers on Ralph Ed­ward's Truth or Consequeaces show on their vacation recently in California.

Frank DeLuca, secretary, read letter of resignation from Oeorge FTits. who is moving irom Xwln rails toon.

Oray announced directors will meet a t 8 p a Thursday a t his home.

Ray Sherwood. Tnln n i ls ._ guest of David Barry. VlaltJng Rotarians were Mart Moorman. Burley, and Hsrley Greaves, .|>res-

iDiscussions Near On Sewer ChargetflTy commissioners will meet

at 4 p jn . Thursday a t the dty hall with troller park operators and motel owners to discuss service charges anllclpated jthe pa.<!£age of the .sewer bci I T lie residential diarge Ins been iset a t *2.25 per month, and trailer

properties will be charged a pro­rated cost in proportion (o their

' le of sewage facilities.Oomrolssloners have asked

I member of the consulting en_ neer Xinn. of Hoffman, Pbk and

,Mllar to be present lo make rec- [onunendatlons. Interested penons are invited.

National Forests Koad Fund o k ’d

WASMNOTON. July J7 o n - ■he eommerte department to^ay nnouaoed. spportionmenl o f |33

mUlion- doUai* to t l ' state* d a i t>uerto Rico for lm j«venien l' jtilghways in and adjacent to

, ih e funds, lo be allocated I llhe year starting July 1, IMI. l^iproprUted as a percentage 'th e art* and land value of forests In eacti state,


I Archie Mi Pulley Wm Is Probated

A petiUon for probate of the •will o f Archie M, Pulley, who died Jan . 15. was filed in probate courl Tuesday afternoon setting the value Of the esUte a t more thai *10.000. , ,

Named executrix Is Mrs. Minnie Pulley, widow. Other

Chicago by a crowd w hich police ofllclats estimated at a million persons, of whom about 10,000

lused In the downtown Ihatel'area. ,' In challenging Khrushchev..El- I scnhower put it this way;

"The Soviet dictator h iu said he has, in his recent Journeys

lanij speeches, succeeded Itj d •jglng-the prestige of Amerlci.' concerning this matter — -

t -test: riding

free elections under the sponsor.. United NatloDs-to|

permit people even' nation i . . . tlnent. lo vote on one single,

Isimple Issue:That issue Is; Do you re under a communist regime r under • free system such

[found in the United Btates?, -Ar* the s o v ie t s willing to Imeuure their world prestige by [the results of such elections?

■The United Btstes would gladly. 0 so,"Elsenhtrwer thus took -the InlUa-

Jre, setting forth an admlniilra- loti’proposal aimed a t counttrlng

entlon , . . P.-oh,,.f j Dean ■ Mosher .•.howu-.: iround courthouse . ,

sprlnUlng vlolowrs on'TW west . . . nfjiubiiKir

tuned Into convenilnn strou.? flowers on co-

desk , . . Man cnncelii-.j i I favor of new one , , "f sldt.ou-its ■ . . . And oycrhnrt!' •

humidity here h lernbiilj

Lebovitz,330 Ninth avenue nortt\, a music Intiniclor. a tt« tu ied -the-flfth bi­ennial western division convention

Music Teachers n a t io n a l___I elation, this week on th e Univer- Islty -of Oregon campus 'More than 300 teochers end-lead-

in music attended th e program ledures a n d perfornmncea on

I study of piano, voice, stringa. jan. m u s i c therapy, choral

music, American music, church music, theory and muslcoloirj-,

IMeellor Plamied ' ' City ccmimlssloners .will mec

It Infomial discussion and dinner . lUi new members of the city

iplannlng and zoningu Aug, 3. a t the Roger-

n hotel.

lUen WilhdrawnA federal tax Hen for »908£2


a « « fe f® w * es•Ithdrawn. according .to notice

filed with th e Twin P^lls county recorder Wednesday ntomlng.

Car Is Looted Ivan Lincoln, route S. Twin

IPbIIs. reported to d ty police '2:1S a. m. Wednesday tha t sor one had stolen a brown lo and j>lastlc holder from the vlsbr-of hU cor 'som etim e after B p. m. Tuesday. Lincoln valued the holder a t between «7 and (10 and said -it contained personal papers. City police a re Investigat-

___ ..•ill drawn' Feb. 4, l#59..are eson. Sheldon M. Pulley. Nampa; a daughter, Mrs. Eleanor L. Stew-, a rt. RlBlto. C^Ht. and two grand- children. Lawrence Ray pulley. McCaU and WUliam. J. Pulley., Vancouver, wash. Also named was! Clara Stenbakker. Seattle. Attor-, ney fo r Mra. Pulley is Rosald E.{ Sm ith. ' '

A heartng-waj-eet for 10 ___,Aug. H a t .tho.TEln.P»Us_eouW}rj courthouse. , '

tag. _____

Payment Aaked Suit was filed in probate

Tuesday afternoon by the Profes- |Sional Adjustment bureau agaii

Silvers awkihg payment


Twin saUUItee might be shot in Idcotleol o rb iu around the mooa toward the end of the year, ac­cording to scientist Paul P. Glaser

'»75 plus in terest and ' costs. Th< original sum Is owed Dr. Chariei Beymer. Twin Palls, for services performed Npv. 3S.. 1957. Attomej for the credit company Is >1. N Jewell. Twin Falls.

Offlcen to Meet th e Magic Valley Peace Off uocUtion will meet a t 7:30

today .a t. w ood ’s cafe; Jer ■ U n y Rauber. valley youth pr i Uon officer fo r th e ' board health, will speak.

... „_______ ___ 1 the 8 . ,■lets have been waging agalnstj

United States alnee Khrush- , r torpedoed the P a ris summit lonference last May.Democrats have been contend- ig the collapse of th st conference jid subsequent inum atlonal telopments stemmed from i .. hey called administration, hunr [ling in the handling o f foreign

°Referring to the foreign policy :i(ld, the president declared;

“I believe profoundly tha t Rc- jybllcan policies and Republican etders pnovlds us with our best| )pporlunlty lo carry these, as well u our domestic, issks to ccmple- Uon.“ ‘

He told a convention ready to nominate Vice Persldent Richard M Nlxoo — Elsenhower's own i*olce - for the presidency:

“In the successes of. the past ;ven «nd one-holt years you ive a solid foundation on which > build toward new levels of a t- ilnment. But thank God there

_ no smugness or complacency about your occMnplUhmenU,

■Indeed, today's world demands! Ihit we be alert and responsive to ivery national requirement, a t­tacking- It - a t- every—appropriate ':Tel of gOTCmment—M well as 1 every prUaM sector—with vig- r. Judgment, and imoglnaUon." The President also to ld the del­

egates: ■ ■ ■ ■ ‘ ■ - ................."W# shall do nothing here tol

^ e the cult of pessimism, to spread falsa gospel am ong our a l­lies or create mtsunderstandlng among ourselves. You will make your decblons of your own free will-unlnflueneed by any outside I design or pressures."

Death Takei joint Paviie, Ai-ea Pionceil

HErYDOnN. July 27-John Pi lllps Payne. 72. lloburn pic:, 'tiled this momlnK nt ln.i hoiiH tybum Rder a l&nR lllnm,

bam a t fiyraciiw, rii Oct. 23. JS57, and spent his rs

ere. In IMS he came to t i , ! id worked with hl5 o ldfrbrcijl

constructing cnnnh nnd I the newly opened Minidokap.l i e«t. ■ f

Mr. J>ayne married VerupL Steed, a t Syracuse. Oct. 31 ik 'I

[Their marriage was - 1— ^ la ter a t the LDS temple at Lake City. Tlicy homfjifadMT Island, near Osklcy, in is i i .^ J movlnR to ' Hejb-jin Tsh( have resided since isic

He was an nctlve mcmbi LDS church nnd a hit,, a t the time of lil. death, k Payne was a member ot^he It supcrlntendency nnd 1 ward tcflchcr for niiiny j

He ser\-cd oii llie IleyljumidaB tward for nine ycnrs and ttsj t

:ploycd'by the Mlniaoka Jrrl8»:._ 'idUtrlct lor 29 years until ieL -:|

even years ago, survivors include till »

ions, John Psyne, Jf., PartUa|^ ind Rulon S. Payne, Lons W 4. y .: three dnuchtcrj, Mrs. ( tJulln) Wlilllaker. Rtipcrl;Jay (Virginia) Floyd, Proi-H?2x|j Uloh, nnd Mrs. SamvM 1 Skoujen, Tuc.'on, Art?.; 31 | .. ;lilldren. elnht greai-grtniO-'L drcn and one sl. ler, Mrs, H1.T/1B Eloblnson. Salt Lake City.

Funeral tervlccs will be fc p.m, FTldny at the HejburtUft 1

rard chapd with Bishop Slnrj ■ Hclncr ofliclstlng, Usl rites 30 held In the Riverside (e.xeimi F r ^ d s - m»r tail at th

Plan ConventionPour Magic Valley residents ar.

m the Idaho Farmers Union state idrtsory commltUe which met last week In McCall to plan the state convention to b e held in Novemi>er, probably in Boise.

They indude Wellington. Uabo, QSMUnii Mrs, William Bedcn- bofer. route, 1, Oooding: Merrill Paslay. route 1. Hozelton, and Huvey Pflughoelf. Paul.

y ls r r s s is t e bHAOERMAN. July 27 MfB. V,

Carson has gone to Denver, to visit her sisUr, Julia M, Wright, who is recovering from a n iUnea*.

unlU liras e

P a i 'k i i i g F i n e JPosting overtime parking te M

with Ttt'ln Palls police T u e M were Bill Brady. John Pelera« Mrs. A. M. Webb. Viola KUOi^ Lorraine Larson, Ronald Harold Brown, William L . Mrs, Russell Bowles, Faje ^ Mrs. Arlene Teater, Mr^ Knoble. Sherril Becker, {- M*«=r Lynn Brown, Mrs. Art oiite. l

Charles Hafer, Ralph Kel«B Chris Strieker. William BrM* Jennie Cr>lg. Mrs. W llll»ml| Berry. Lamar A n d r ^ n , ^ | Cammeet. Mrs. Vess WhliaWjUp W. Stcrnke. Mary Coo^r. M lU lker,-G sorgs-Bunne^..'! B rw n , MTS. Jack Matlock, Richard ^ Ocntry, Nlcki. Edgar,Btima and John Blrrell.

BACK FROM GEBMAKT , HANSEH. Ju ly 37-L eonard Daw H jhas rtUimed I ro n a year and a | half of service a t Saadhaven. aer> M

____ Oarwii SeatUe; ____Iptocer, tm a h , Calif.. and'WU- ' - Brown. Payette.

S e lec ttd From Krengel's G ourm et Bor


.D is c r e e t . ; . U S E


W A N I^ E D !Exterior H ouse & Roof Painting

-EX PE R IE N C E D RELIABLE— -.-6U A R A N T EE l>-| W O R K -- -R E A S O N A B L E ^ T E S - ^ REFERENCES.

___ ____ -- cueumbert,Canlinower. oatoni. p lm tn u a . InauManl dfewlng.. , ' -

- T o m - 0 ' - H c l l 6 r q - RE 3 - 2 6 8 9 X R EN C iB^ H araw ave

4 Door HardtopH o u m C or with N e w Car Wortanty

• P O W B R .W N D O W S• POWER SEAT• P O W E R . S T E B R m O a o d B E A K E 3

: • D O Z E N S 9f

Verv''Si^sstantidlPISGOUNH'! :

: : MOTOR~ ^ t { l l ; B M C K - 4 i a A t b i m S ooBi J j

Page 3: C H m b er tJ.N 7K iris R u ss C harge Nixon Takes Over · C H m b er Unit Now Favors ^Treatment Plant The cliairnian of the


p r o g r e s s D a y

EvenlsNoted B y G r a n g e r s

Bargain-Hiintinfi Piihlic Best ri™. E^ • 11 » bv local.IV

P rey for S w in d le r s Schem es 'n'.* m_,iL ■nrinc <U’.AMrr U\e Kxint flU. ., f

out &lluaUon3 I GrniiR# ment

m ni" otlfii con

• these, he adds.

h'e’l ® ?p'-1*. -

Som« wcet< nco liie Twin PolW Cliftinbcr ol C >nimcrcP ttcelved »bulletin Irom Ihe.iuiioiial

r—Plana for; Biistiirsj burfnii. Ntu York ofMcc. he ProRTesS ndvhiiiK Ihc clianitrr ol the op-

tion.s Df IV mAtrnniir E » itern %xho find coiifcic.1 in excess

of $50,000 in cnMi from soles °f l-trlp ticiim lo ttie p lonet

'1 [lie Chnni. "cue III nuJ-Decrni- c ifiiiiHTniiiff *Tis 10

Oran^i'" ciLlIrd U ofllcc ,.i

,l « i!u;u otlenili'H lit) in.uiiol* ilmm.:h


r (IciwrliiU'IU Iv" r-'i.

•«1(t llU.'i l>l>f lit <ml(-.‘.ini\iic> llip cliiinibrr ot Comin. ............... ..........;c ulicn ho Jlrst rpIa mto^w «iwir<| t< 1 and o ffer.lo buy a lrBlllm«rp.

ship, H he la given » mwnbeniilp.-which pre\iou<y h u h»pp«Bi*<S. llif tlrM itiinR he any* In » Mlcs piitli Is iiini he Li & member of Ihc inc.ll cimmber of Commerce. In Vdfr to nvolil Ihls, every prw- piHiKp iiiMiihrr nf the -chftniber

h u opemlloa

IDAHO STATE RAM SALE,____________ l''ii irc ro u n ils— H::ili n.iii,

Clumber n( Com imiiiiiccr. MVS II bouRhl- nnd ivild persons better, t

ruin Falls p w re ta ry*

s ini.-t iicketii were lid lor In cash'froni sliould tijve know ‘

^ w u ttported work nlBlUnroduce for -Uie T v m

EjU county fair W>o<h will be; When tlicv uokr i.|i to ihe fnet i.ii! »ch Wrii'Wday- ‘t h a t liavlUlv .wiiielliliinS kW. Doimld Taylor, home eco.jwronc, tliry t.inm ii,i» cr.stwhlle

chslrman, reported new , xnlcniinn nui.Mi> iiif cuiillnt'3 ^ S j'iib ltt'an il'cB a irs-nnve: nr^;UiTUfflte’d s ih iu nnd uuilide th e

for the Orange dlnlnu hnU.;rcMch r l the Inx. ciiJoylnK H’'" Awicclillon »-as expres.«d lo; truiu of Uicir luborj, Giimge rc S UJ»« fOf ; Porl-'.

n ils examiilt mny sound fnr-fetctiKl

Lolie UJ'*% m ^rj'iriir»orlt on club clKn.

« m « tln « which wl-

D rake reslcned ,T,u Vlub and the of rr lifttr, Lyle Drown was n|>polnt- S w rtpl.ce him w reporter.

ptirtJhrnenl^ were eerved bj Jjrt juitson.

4-H Club Meets■mreid tnd TTUmblo- <-H club TuesdtT atternoon In the home fj Ftnwlclt,

Mtnibfrt worked on Uielr fourth ,(tr «»-lns projccti. I*;, »■” nn- Muacfd ihtt there will be ,no BKllnj neit w«ek bccause of ^-H KflietOTent dayooA u. . 2._______

........... -hi«jpeafu rc," he Bddrd, -

■'Allhoueh vtc liivtn't lieord of anyone sclllni llclicis to the pli ' et Venu.v there we tevcral sunce.? locally ot persons w ho have been nearly u nuUible."

"Some monthi »ro," OranKC snld. "tlie Chamber ot Comincrce received a call from B voman ' had purchased feme ildliift lor home from an lllnemnt wle.smon enrly In the .SJrlnR months. Sli« had algned a contrsrl for poy- ment ot the sldlnj that was U ■ nvc been Instnlled.

"The day after jijnlnd Uie con ­tract. » crew proceeded lo take the present sldlnc from her home, prcpamtory to Insiallallon of th e

WdInK, ThLi f tu done in eorly

'f ndlii;: 'I

)u.M li.ipntne

,^ c m cu. ui;ai uwiiiiiit,,’ani.saU— questioas.-

K«lcd the‘»i)mnn fnniacW bu.'«lin-.s:.iimii Mh.1 0(11,1,1 sHl liistnll .•vidini and aik limi to

I Coni- Oininse n«ia.' It llirv uonlif. «

'iiinr.''. *llrI>. A lirrc nml Mlmiii lliey k

FILE R , A U G U S T 3A ss rm lilc il fur Iii.siH'ctinn, Conip.iri.-idn nm l S e le c tio n

■ 600 SUFFOLK/7r(‘f(/o - (iiiil Ihnjrr ^^pinixoird ,Idiilio W'licil (Irow rrs 'A ssofuition

6,3.10 T1100l’.>; AlUI.UTFDF.VRi;UX, H-iiiicc, July J7 r a ­

the cmcn;uicv I)..................... .spokc.*.nmn rcpun,v He snld an nd- dltlonnl S.noo men and more than 3« tons ol ^ Jppo t efjuipment still remain lo be transported lo ]>o- poldvllle.

L e t 's N o t P u t It O f f A n y

L o n g e r


SYSTEM NOW !The people o f Twin Falls have known for y e a r s th a t th e city’s sewer

Bystcm is inadequate . I t ’s so inadequate, in fac t, th a t th e state hculth dc- . yiftrtment has ordered th a t no major additional connections can be addwl to the presen t sy a tem until proper trea_tment_facilities a r e provided. T_hla_ restriction could m ateria lly affecf five realilential areas o f Twiti Falls al­ready w ithout city-Bewer service. No matter hov? we look nt it, th ia is a disgraceful s itu a tio n which should be corrected in the .special sewer b o ^ eleclion n e x t Tuesday .

To g u a rd a ^ i n s t any of the objections ra is e d in a previous election, the Twin F alls c i ty commission has exercised g re a t c a re in presenting the problem to t h e {Kople once more. The $1,700,000 bond issue to bo voted on n e x t T uesday will provide the best an sw e r to th e city’s aewer problems. In d e te rm in ing the type of sewer trea tm en t p la n t to meet the city's needs, all questions have been weighed f ro m all a ngles, chief amon? which a re th e follow ing:

Why W o u ld t h e Treatment Plant Be L ocated in Snake

River C a n y o n lnstead‘0 Roek C reek?nr^er^ow ol____M 8n»ke River because of Uie much lorger fl.. -

________________ __________k. another lUje would be required In tha plant construc-UOD at ft coat th a t would be nearly do»*le the $883,000 eatlmated cost of a plant in Snake River caayon. Moreover, with uveral hUDdred fe e t mora gravity tali, tlv* editloc pum plnc fUUoiw w o^d be e l ln ^ M .

Are W o A c tu a lly Confronted With a H eo lth Problem?' -Ve-should take the w ord o t Uiwe In beet peelUon to know, “n ie sta(4 department ot

pubUe health , tlie BoutH Centml Idaho Uedlcal Bodety. th e South C entral District Health Department and Uie Medical SU tf of Matle Valley Memorial Hospital have joined la

.......................................... ......................................... - ‘Ion o l Rock Creek.’Hie?deploHn« th e health ] » rttultlng Irom Uie 0point out th e high Incddeneett Intertlnal trouble w d hepeUtla and oOier dangers which already ^ ^ i b u t a U v to UUi neiuce.

Why a T rea tm en t Plont Instead of o S o-co lled "Lagoon"?U rte amount* of cheap land are reijulred tor Ui« "Ugoon” method o f tew K t treitaent. A very minunum of 300 acres of expensive Uod would be required for Twin Palls' prcMnt needi asd 400 acres would be necMstry In aUowlot for fu tttre expm lon . Ih e very mini, mum cost of land fo r th e laeoon sya(«m would ojiprexltnaM | » 0,OQO.

How W ill th e Bond Issue Be Paid O ff?o the Twin lU i lewer lystem wUl pay a I3J8 per monUi

Are Y ou Sure You Are Registered?

a wUl clOM Saturdiy «t 9 p n . .

IF YOU HAVE ANY OTHER QUESTIONS -plane c a ll E k V E . U M ildaC T, B«tt L u n g , v « m o n B id d le or Ik e tkam - W ot C o n im erce. TBejr w ill be t i l l t b > In to c o n p le tp deUUI l i eii- •werin* a n jr .q n csU o n s-y o n B u y hATriii ______1 . : .

“M u i / i r /<nv/r,^7 ( tih l f i n e s t i l i / m r l m c u l :!foiT:’

pre-season sale of100% WOOL

LADIES FALL COATSA b e o u tifu l new foil selection of th c ic fo m o u s lobe!

1 0 0 °6 wool fab rics styled for tomorrow, W o ru m b o , H ockonufn,

Fo rrsfm o n ond m o n y others in (he new est colors

a n d fo b ric In terests for foil, sizes 6-16, sa le p r iccd !

GROUP ONE!R e g u la r

5 9 .9 5

GROUP TWO: "LUXURY FABRICS"AM b rond now fall s ty les in^gorgeous lu x u ry fa b r ic s , m an y of them imported — n e w fa sh io n colors! Sale priced lo save! S iz e s 8-16.



.Be Sure To Register

And Vote Aug. 2nd



T ollored o f heavy cofton-cofd and , .fu lly oflon pile-lined for liAtwelght

:-w orin itk -M och fn e.:w ashQ l|er8 -20 .

(B) BOYS' NS tu rc iy 2 p ly , nylo" -k n i t nylO!i“ cCifft. Q u ilt'll

j ^ d * w e h a fatffT-hb 6 d . - ^ 4 ’<.-


i iheil withforwormth,-


Two'fovorite ^ - V r i g tK " c o r coots with bright p d ls l iy : o r . orlon pll«' ,

■ lining, knlt...{n««rts o h -collar and -p«k ets,,ho6d .------------- --- ’ ' . -

(B) Sizes 7-14 A II.Season UtilityM ost popular o r lo n pll« .|irw d pop* • lin l» wofKJerftilly w w h o b i* . T h ^ , . . J

. derbird h o o d / t h o « - i t r i n g b«Ih 3 co lon. , -K 173

I 3-«jc W oshoblali h - a h A m l l n ’richlifc 1li> ‘

(C): Slz£a.i— -Cwnbed M H M taS ilS rtw pnn 'rich lik II

•d with o IomHI^ Oijoi pKpoee 'con,

Page 4: C H m b er tJ.N 7K iris R u ss C harge Nixon Takes Over · C H m b er Unit Now Favors ^Treatment Plant The cliairnian of the


oliaAtbin ot Fib. r I t l l tlx filW Xrnlftl ‘_____ U ]»0t >nd »M Toln filli N>» huUiiIoJ InPubllaW sad Suodir >t 110 <imt Wnb

r*ll*. Idiho. br tb< rublUklnr Conpunr.

• E i i i : " ^ 3 E E E E E =

D/ I

. S E C U R IT Y A N D FREEDOM T h e N a tio n a l F a rm bu reau tcdera tlon ,

n s everyone know s, does no t go along w ith th o se w ho su p p o r t socialism, the w elfa re s ta t e , w ho lesa le R overnm ent spending, a n d a l l th n t s o r t o f th in g . i

I t 's ’ s lg n t f te m t t h a t th e nation’s la rg e s t f a r m o rg a n iz a t io n frow ns on federal h a n d ­o u t s a n d Is w ag in g a relentless crusade fo r a r e tu r n to " ru g g e d individualism .”

T h a t ’s so m e th in g l o r a ll o t us to keep I n m ind w h en o p p o r tu n is t politicians, in t h e i r In d iv id u a l sp e ec h es and p ir ty p la t­fo rm s . t r y to m a k e ,u s believe tha t A m erican fa rm e rs g e n e m lly a re looking to the fede ra l g o v e rn m e n t fo r a so lu t io n to all th e li p ro b ­lem s.

- I n i ts l a s t m o n th ly le tte r to Us c oun ty o rg a n iz a t io n s , th e I d a h o Farm Bureau fe d ­e ra t io n voiced m o re o f th e thinking t h a t c h a ra c te r iz e s th e la rg e s t and m ost a c tiv e f a r m o rg an ljm tIo n .ln th e United S ta te s . T o r e m in d m e m b ers o f th e organitatlon’s m a g ­n i tu d e , I t w as p o in te d a t "as we have s ta te d m a n y (lm .es" t h a t t h e "F a rm Bureau Is th e o n ly o rg a n iz a t io n w ith a nation-wide In - X orm ation se rv ice w ork ing In 40 s ta te s a n d m o r e th a n 3,S00 c o u n tie s to bring th e in ­f o rm a tio n to th e po p u lace th a t will a ro u se

• t h e people to th e d a n g e rs about th em ." ' T h e h ig h lig h ts o f th e s ta te o san lza tlon '5

l e t t e r fo r Ju ly d e a l t m ostly with th e 'd a n ­g e r s I n h e r e n t In th e worid-wldo c o n flic t w i th R uss ia.

“ B ecom ing u p se t o v e r trivialities seem s to b e a n obsession to d a y w ith jn a n y 'A m eri­c a n s , '’ th e m e m b ers w ere reminded. “M any o f o u r le a d e rs to d a y a re disturbed a b o u t t h i s s i tu a tio n b u t seem to be a t a lo ss-abou t w h a t to do to c o rre c t I t . We w ant you to k n o w w h a t w e a rc t r y in g to do to a ro u se

. . o u r m em b ers to th e d a n g ers facing o u r n a ­t i o n , so t h a t th e y m ig h t do som ething .be­f o r e i t is to o la te . . . W e are urg ing o u r m ^ b e r s t o 's t a n d o n th e ir own fe e t a n d l e a d th e w ay ba ck to th e belief in ru g g ed In d iv id u a lism . T h e F a r m Bureau believes t h i s to b e ne ce ssa ry i f w e are to keep th is n a t io n so lv e n t a n d f re e ."

---------I n - f a c ln g " th e fft* t-m ov lng -eom m un lstm e n a c e a n d a th i r d w orld war th a t m a y be J u s t a ro u ifd t h e c o rn e r," the Idaho F a rm B u r e a u m em bers- w ere B a m c U _ * g a in s t

___“ o yerlook ln g th e im p o r ta n t things o f lifef o r th e d o u b w u rc a l ls fa c tro n o T s llc k in g 'to o u r g u n s a n d n o t a llow ing fac tj to c h a n g e o u r op in ions.

" A re A m e ric an s concerned a b o u t th e c h a n c e s o f t h e i r c o u n try emerging in o n e p ie c e a f te r t h e show dow n w ith c o m m u ­n is m ," t h e m e m b ers w ere asked. "S om e­t im e s you w onder. W h en to m any o f o u r

: p e o p le becom e so u p se t over Uttle th in g s a n d com plete ly overlook the more se rio u s m a t te r s , i t m a k es you w onder how w ell p re ­p a r e d th is n a tio n m a y b e to face th e com ­i n g c o n flic t w ith R uss ia . The trouble w e f a c e w ith th is foe. b e n t upon d o m in a tin g

^ a ^ g o r l 4 . a n d J t i i H f a g , . f l l l Jrtedom . i s n o t n e a r ly a s im p o r ta n t to m a n y ^ e r t c a n s a s k e e p in g u p w ith th e Joneses. I f s no t a s im ­p o r t a n t to th e m a s takiner a firm s ta n d o n p e t ty issues.

"M ost o f u s h a v e th o u g h t th a t a ll in te r ­n a t io n a l p rob lem s could be solved a ro u n d t h e ta b le w ith n a tio n s negotiating. B ut- w h f l t do y o u th in k now ? Do you th in k w e c a n n e g o tia te w ith m e n who have b u t o n e u l t im a te goal in m ind—a n d th a t Is to c o n ­q u e r th e w orld a n d rep la ce freedom w ith c o m m u n is t tre a c h e ry ? ”

E m p h a s iz in g t h a t “ th e overall e f fo r t w e m a k e U designed w ith keeping th e lib e r ty o f th e people in v io la te ," th e Farm B u re a u ’s

.--fo llow ing a d m o n itio n Is something fo r a ll o t u s to th in k a b o u t;

- - " T h e F^irm B u re a u believes th a t w h en th e p e o p le o f a n y f re e n a t io n relinquish a p a r t o f th e ir freed o m f o r a promise of se cu r ity , t h e y a re f l i r t in g w ith th e loss of a ll th e t r lib e r t ie s a n d th e i r se cu rity , too. T h a t Is w hy t h e F a rm B u re au opposes t ^ n y schem es o f m e m b e rs o f c o n ^ s s to ta k e shortcu ts a c ro ss fre ed o m , a s S e n a to r B o ra h used to say . I n o r d e r to a r r lv 'e .a t som e p o in t more qu ick ly ., “ M illion o f o u r people a re eager fo r m o re so -ca lle d so c ia l se cu r ity — so'’eager th e y a r e w illin g to T > ay fo r I t b y giving u p m o re fre e d o m by c om ply ing w ith federal re g u la ­t io n s . 'm i s . i s w h a t S e n a to r Borah m e a n t by ta k in g sh o r tc u ts a c ro ss freedom—a n d ' h e w a rn e d t h a t f re ed o m o n ce relinquished Is s e ld o m re tr ie v e d ,.o f te n - t lm e in e v e r . .

“ T h e F a rm B u re a u in s is ts th a t A m ericans c a n n o t, n ffn rri i f , trari,

.1 p m o f I t , fo r a n y prtm lse o f so m e - • th ln g -b e t te r . F o r . a f te r a il, there is n o th - - In g b e tte r t h a n f re e d o m . W hen sm a ll p o r ­t i o n s o f f r e ^ o m ' a re g iven up y e a r a f te r .y e a r . I t - m e a n s th a t- b e f o re long a l l y o u r fre e d o m h a s be en tr a d e d lo r security. T h e n y o u hav e lo s t b o th —y o u r freedom AND y o u r

.*5® “? ^ ^ ' ^ no -secu rity w itho i^ tnSedOEO.

‘ Look a n y w h e re o n th e face of th is e a r th

- to se rve a s th e i .aU th e se th in g s w M e ra t lo f i llQ da ao

■ ■ » - W K « l e ^ n l y I h w p u t

TUCKER'S NATIONALW H I R L I G I G(Wblli 8>r Tackn (• M •MitloB. kU ^illr nilums •!!

U •illUK Hr OlttlnzviUhnJ olluri In krr tu ln Ifit Mil'***! lo U>OM lUtM M tl>»r[TUiuit la thU flKllon jMr.)

Bw WILLIAM W. VOSBUBOil. JR.(EdItoiUI Dlreclorl , ,

(W«t*rborr. Conn.. lUpuMle.n »nd Aoierfc*n) WATEanURY, Conn.-Connectlcul'* people i

fond of eaUIng the ir »Ule -The Land of eiMdy Hablu." T heir «in*erv»Uve temper (five* iliem pniie

... -.V .. wajr«.“ But iwo ycnr* ago, under •pell of Gov. Abralwrn niblcoff’a popularity, they nhed UiB oldert o f 'th e ir poliiieal hablti by cl«Urn more I>cniocret« Uian ne^bllenn* lo the kwtr home of the leslalalure.

In Uie course of rctumlnn Jtiblcoff to ilie „ iio r’« clinlr by a slunnln* 2«,000 votc.v Ulvy n tclld DcmocroUc delegation to the national h

t representative*, and put both branchen of *te leglalntiire m Democrotlc hiinda for th< me In 83 years.Abi lU blcoffhJul caught ins imastnBtion of the

voters In a w-ay to |)rovlde Ills party cohorU 'illlt the most exJillarallng coat-tftll r)do In the atote'i hlitory.

BUOYANT COATTATLS-AND rOLITICAL ACCI- DF.NTH—S o now. u i the lliica ore drawn tor lilt 1060 eompftlfcn. a veritable ht»t of Democratic canill- date-1—Including a certiftB eomplemen' ■' two yenrs- ojo, were poilllCQl--‘mccldcnla'Ing wistfully for a new k i of buo>-nnl coalUills. "Hify hope they have foynd them fiapplns around the youthful flanks of a young neighbor Jrom Maisa- chiiietu. Oovemor Rlblcolf. Chairman Jtiin Dnlley ond Ifttcr Rep, O iester Bowles sU rtcd rallying thfm lo Jolm P . Kennedy’s cnuse m early In the game Uiat a t IxM Anftcles. the governor could apenk ol tiie Kennedy nomination a« the culmination of four years of effort.

And w hen ths conneetlcgt delesatlon aat > a Tlot«ry feast ou t In L, A.. U »-oi with a heady :nM th a t a handy plu-i factor hod been added lo

ihelr chancea all up and down the line. Oovemor RJblwfrprofeas«|-ruIl confidence th a t Kennedy tMumphtintly n u ry the state, though In a pre-i venUon t«levl»lon Interview he shrank from plckJni a a a jo r t t r fl«we. even In the case of a suggerttd 100.000 w hich would be ..........................................Jc«ly of two je am ago, 'm U wna undoubtedly b^ catu« he recognizee th a t In a national election. Con­necticut Is more likely to revert toward traditions:

BUBURBIA DREAMS OF A KIXON TRIUMFII- Conneotloufs people are. by and large, of a conserva­tive temper. D ^ l t c populaUon shifts after the general national paitem . whereby a lot of formerly rock-ribbed Itepubllcan towns have become segments of a somewhat mottled suburbia, there are many up-country areas pnrtlcUlorly a tuched to what the a o p ailU "fiscal responsibility."

There a re large elements la the generally Demo- eratJB manufacturing centers to. whom the prt»- pettty dTBument will appeal. There Is the afflupnt society of Connecticut's "bedroom towns" wliere the Kew York commuter doffs his itray flannel suit, wraps the drtipcrlcs of his righteous belief ' money about him, and lies down to drc Nixon trtuDiph.

ReLIGIOUS ISSUE—ASSET OR LIAniLITYT-If for all Senator Kennedy's efforts to write off tht Issue of religion, i t rises to plague him In some quar­ters of th e land, in Connecticut It could be an asjet rather th an a liability. Connecticut Catholics are roughly one-half of lu populatloh. The Protestants who live and work with Catholic neighbors are. by dint of Uint association, less Innommable on '■ subjea th an might be other Americans not so c ditloned.

:_to.recall th a t t^e lost Umi

At iny rate , a couple bassed a rattlesnnke In lunlu the o ttier night.

r Inform ant aays th e ratUer found lo th a t old parking

lot located n o r th ot Elltsbeth boulevard octom ihs a treet from Jsycn park..

Traffic hoan’t been exactly heavy lit by the ba llpark the last couple

ol mmmers.


Must find good hone for gray, t months old. male.-long-haired kitten. Homebrtjken.

Phone REdwood S-IS7> (Twin Falls)


Prom the cape worn by ttie me In picture on page nine of T- for July 3i. Castro Is making luadvay In th e U. s.


FUF8 FO B KIDB O E PX Dear Potsle:

I would like to find good mas- ters or mlstreswes for three border collie pup* b o m May I, two moles and one female. I live four miles east of M urtaugh LDS church highway ao a n d one-half mile south on the o ld Oakley road. The sccond hottse o n the east aide of the road, the Blaine Webb res

phone HEmloclc 2-263 K aye Anne Webb <Rt. I, Murtaugh)

PoU:Dad aays X h av e one too many

-og» and m ust g e t rid of one. She Ij half Oettnan shepherd and half Au-ilrallan shephcrtl. a year old, good with stoclc and good watcli- dog. 1 live six miles north, on mile west and three-fourths of mile north of Jerom e.

Roger Moore

CAtKblio ran Ifonv the preelclency. the only sense of triumph he_enJoyed on the stump came during his swing through southern New England. A vet­eran w m mentator who weighed the apathetic, if not hostile, a ttitude shown the happy warrior In the W est-and Middle We«- against the crowding and clamor to see and hear him In New England called It-iUhe-dUfereneo—hetween_a—frwt_and-.a_frcniyj:

Massachusetts and Rhode Island voted for him. Connecticut went for Herbert Hoover by only 44,000 votes, and tha t a t an unregenerate time of double machine politics, when the compelling power of the late Boes J . Henry Roi«bt(* pretty well iuid the leadership of both parties firmly In hand.

they might have had to FranUln D. Roosevelt, be- caiM four year* later, and with th a t archtype ol the old Connecticut Yankee, Wilbur L. Cross, making a seconding speeoh.-they were sUU shouting’ for Alfred E. Smith.

Kennedy's youth., his personatilllty. hU freedon from the kind of tag Uiat linked A1 ^ I t h and Tam­m any-together with what oiy of us hope U the ceegloii o f rtrong antl-<3alhoUc feeling in the

e '- iw icratle candidate much r I. He will bepitted in th e OonnecUcut voter’s mind a j n g ^ Nixon and. more importantly, against w hat NUon stands for In the' way of Republican attachm enl to valuu eneemed m an Industrial community. I t Is-too early

> say m ore than th a t It ought to be a hone race.

TANKEE INDIVlDUALirr AND A SECTIONAL PfiOOT—Connecticut's Demoratle senator. Thoms*J . Dodd—Rewibllean Prcsco« Bush waan‘6 tunning when Rlblcoft made his I8»8 "grand alam’'-w a a the lone dlsMnter m an otherwise soUd New England block in m pport of Ketmedy a t the convention. Un­der the u n it nUe hU vote went to the Bay ©Uter, but bli h e a r t and hla earnest voice belonged to 6et>. Lyndon Johnson.

m * otherwise uniform ezprtcslon by the sU New England st*t«i was a rare development—and ft prtdoua o n » -to tftoe#/ho. down the yeart, have tsOked fondly of tn s potfblUUM of a loUd seoUonal tnrnt. Including and ccnerlog m t t e poUtlt*I>eeo< ttomlo front.

But.-there seemi to be too nraeh of ttw t prized Yankee charac terlstlo-lndlv lduallty-^ the *ereral New Btgla&d su te$ for this sense at colleoUve power to grow in ConiMotlout. Rhode Island, Mauaehu- •e tu . New Hampahlre, Vermont end Maine la either party, or offer more t h u a tem p m ry phenooM


Twenty-five years of researeh a t WhlttUr eel- lege have confirmed wbat educators have long sui- peoted—th a t IQ (Intelligence quoUent) It not the measure of native learning abUlty U aotneUines l i pwported to be. “

When a child Is tagged with an IQ. there is - tendency to Judge hU potentUl capabUlUe* by that tag. The SducatlooaUy Advanced program In Uie Satan schools as well as the others throughout the state determine the 'g ifted children" largely tiy means of IQ to ts and Ubels.

- - The IQ raUhg Is a necessary device for the ad-.uimciB tion-o r -w ea-T gotrunii. m ir-u g i d ^ --c ~

mean it 1* infallible, or even reliable.The W hittier teeing program showed tba t IQ

ratlQca can be raised as much 32 points through Intensive training of the Individual. After subject* tag 3B0 etudenU to .‘a 'logic^developlng'' progrui for eight months, th e college found I t had Increased their average IQ by otk 10 points.

This re tta rd i raises a basic Issue. Row mueh ef the “gifted" chUd'# -glftedneas- U due to lnhefllea brain capacity and 'bow much is-unusual training

' *1x1 exposure t« lodo-developlng processes?Tb cducatora-and the bublle a t lanre. th s WhUtler

;N a tu re c * n 'd u c k .th e W am e f o r a lo t o f h k ‘ a i r th is m im m er. C a m p a ig n vpM ctaes are

'- •n>8r# a » a ^ r o r r e m s a r w i o i f - r a ^ <1# I w w U n g .o n .h o w .m a iv

P o t

Sh o t s '

HOW TH IN G S APPEAR FROMP E G L E R ’S A N G L E______ u___( - - - _

Two Back From Caldwell School

WATCH YOUB STEPThis Inform ation m ay b

benefit to Any o t you good slltumts who wtah to foster the

cmiCAOO-Ther# - - laue of UtBh or f a l s o b ^

itaeen tbe staUmenta ofBairy Oolflwiter------ -asi} ths Kennedy brolhen In thslr

laccounts of the WcClellia com - mlttee'i ln*e*tl- Wtlon of Walter

uic United Auto- axrters. E i th e r (}oldwtt(r U ly­ing or the Ken­nedy's lle il in ______________Ihelr ulf-servlnti Fwtotbook called 'Tlic •. ^Biemj Within,- dwllng with the imlon rackcl Inqulrj-.

Ooldwaltr has long Insisted that-8«n. JactK enncdy protectedHeuther and-hla-unloa. IteulhCr U now the chief union henchman of the Kennedy campaign.

Jack and hU-younger brother, Robert, chief counsel to the c6m- mltt«e.-took over the InvestlRO- tlon from Chairman Jo h n Me aellan, aa ArUnsas

^ whlch' he is depleted u a noom victim of . an aall-Iabor —m p.ijn by a sordid reactionary Repub-

Dear Pot Shota:I would like to find a home for lets dog], I hAve a German short-

halr, female. 3 y e a n old and a 4- month-old b ird dog. F o lti can get ,th(in a t 870 I/JcuM sueet south any time.

__________Rtra. I ^ Daniel7*TwIn Palli)

FAMOUS I.A8T LINE ■. . . Bat t h e ’troubla with «ay

lajr ‘maybe’ la th a t the kids Uke it lo Bean 'yea.' ’


Ooid*-ater points out that both Kennedy's "divorced" themselves from the Reulher-UAW jituaUon. This the Kennedys admit, T,as though they had done a virtuous thing In refralolng from doing an «—w . Job of sabotage on tlte

Impartial Democratic senator and a non-pollUcnl chief couniel had been available In their olaces Reuther and the UAW might have come out of the frataj badly scuffed up. Now, by the Kennedy account. Reuther 'and the union are fine eiaroplea of Ubor with a capital L. .Ooldwater, ot coune is a fnistrated labor-balter,

"When Investigating other ions." Goldwater's r ^ t iayj, "the chief counsel worked coop­eratively with the Democrats and llepubllcana. But whenever an

.ItVvestlgaUon , touched HeutherS domain an aluxjether different

so Arkansae i-»CTnocnho w u unacquainted wllh u iclubject betause Arkansaa is not an indusulsl etate, Goldwatcr -ays Uiey ran things as they pleased. In the committee's m ajority re ­port and in ‘The Enemy Within” they «hue»aahed R euther. and the UAW.

Qoldwaltr Is prepiirlng a sep­arate account for tlie campaign. Mean*-hlle his verslott is con- tslned fn Che commlJtee’a mlnorJt}’ report. Bany alone carried on the fljht ajslnjt Reuther nnd th^ Kenntdyj and a claque o f V/aih ington reporters anti cotnmenlarL ans of tha news magazines and radlo-TV.

Ue ordered two reporters out of hU office afteir calling them liars, and threatened to throw them out by hand If they ever came buck. Thnt Is no w ay to cul­tivate the wnshlngwn cabal. The Kennedy's on Uic o th e r hand, make general accusations of b r ltt ery or payola -against r e ^ rtc r s and broadcasters whom they do

. name. There Is a m other lode . . pay dirt here reminiscent of the Van Doren TV quiz scnndai.

Assuming thnt the Kennedy's collaborated on Bobby's book, they wrote that Jack McGovern, a Republican la^Ter ond Investi­gator for the committee, laid an egg in Goldwater's p e t project.. 7iils wM the long rclpn ot terror of the UAW a t Kohler. Wla., In which one victim n-as beaten badly that he died.

The Kennedj's said McOovcm turned In a report consisting mainly of vanned-ovcr documents -f the labor relations l>ocrd.

Ooldrater retorts th a t the com­mittee. with a BUIX sometimes ai large as 100 qualified experts, re ­fused lo live MoOovern even one assistant.

The Kennedys make much of a .......... .... - R«pul>-

OoldwsUr hns Insl-itcd nil along lat the Kennedys protected Reu­

ther. Tho Kennedy boolt has a chapter ei'itltled “Q et Retither"

was followed."Not until the G oiw _

the flnol dnyj) did counsel, Manuel, have an oppor­tunity to question witnesses at open hearing*. And. la that hear­ing, chief counsel (Robert) tacked those ntemptln* to ai.... tain the true i-.tolu.i instead of aiding the Investigation. We are convinced thnt corruption misap­propriation Cf funds, bribery, tortlon and collusion with the ut.- derwrfrld have occurred in the DAW."

Richard T, Oosser Is senior vice president ol the UAW and "second in power to Reuther, himself." A Toledo local chanted Oosser with •■corruption.’' The Reuther execu­tive force fouod him not guilty and fired the financial secretary of tlie l o c a l which mads the charges.

"The e\'ldence *ow s th*t Rich­ard Thomas Ooaser, alias Rich­ard McMullen. Richard Ooffer

'and Richard Ooofer. has a police record of arrests and Indltlmenis for burglary, auto theft and re­ceiving .stolen properiy." soid Qoldwoter's minority report. "He was conrtcted of armed robbery nnd sentenced to 3 to 15 year ‘ Michigan slate reformatory,"

Oo-wr owned a residence in Toledo and another In -Hollywood, Fla,, and a-ranching firoi with l.lBt acres In Michigan and 1229 acres In Florida, He also numerous bonk accounts—allsalary of »15,000 a year but ......on Infortnal sideline in *k>t ma-


COMMERCIALSatisfaction. Guaranteed


Don Frazier and Bob Fisher

wednesday, ^ yt>7, , , ,

• •WENDJU..- July '27-M n. Hnr- o ld F. Holslnger and Mrs, Roy Blahop have returned trom Cald­w ell where they' attended the w eek-long Presbyterian leadershlj train ing school held on'the Col- le s e of Id ah o campus.

M n , Holslnger. lyndlcal preel. d en t, presided for fhe'Idahe Svn- odlcal meoUng held on Uie campus th e Saturday preceding Uie train- lri« school and aUended the Eun-

sunnac service held on thi

Speaker Is Noted. For OptometristsJEROME. July 27 — Dr. Bnice

Persons. B alt U ke City,' spoke to M agic va lley Optometrists la.u week a t a meeting held In the of­fice of Dr. Charles Parker, presi­den t. and h ts aajoclate. Dr. Wes- ley.Rose.

Dr, Parsons spoke on the recent­ly developed features oi lilting

Member* 'planned the a fre e pre-school vision clinic to be conducted by all Mi,(ic Val- lc 7 optometrists in their ofllce: Aug. ifl. O r. Farken^ald the clinic is for all children beginning school Paren ts are Invited to contact theic local optlmetrlst.

Those attending the meeting eluded Dr. Orrln Fuller, Dr.OcorRc Scboler and Dr. Robert Ehaw, all T w in Falls; Dr. Robert Maguire a n d Dr. Robert Phillips, Rupert; D r. Tom Tappen, Buhl; Dr. Orr K een. Burley; Dr. Ed Ryin, Oood- In s . and D r. Rose end Parker, Je-

d em o JisT m feT ^Ih S ^^ S 'Ping ahccp. John Scott,Kllmea and Lyle Droan started how to Iwa nnd _ dftlo' and beef c«lu.? for s h S

1, - ed out

Filer NewsFILBR. Ju ly n -M ra , tcJe Bor-

ro n arrived home after visiting at 8 « n Francisco, and Bremerton, 'Wash.

Mr. and Mre. Siunuel Todd. W una. Ore.. visited Mr. and Mrs. F re d Clifton over the week-end.

Mr, and Mrs. r . W. Perris and family, Portland, are house guests o f Mr, and Mrs. Reuben Llcrman a n d family.

ATTEND PARLEYTTLEB, Ju ly 77—The Rev. Carl-

Losser of the Clover L u th e ^ church le ft Mondny for Portland to attend a northwc.'it^..^lstrict board peetlng .

dilnea In Toledo.The Kennedy book glnnced

llBhtly over Oosser. The question remains—'Who Is lying here?

‘Poiuters’ for Showing Are Seen by Qyj,

highlighted Uie Monday meeting-of the }-uture t-H club a t the Halp Scott 5 ?

Jack Rawson andd e m o n s tra te d ,^ to ifadbefore Jud g c s .-^ m - Pq;,,^ .* ^

lender, Rnlph ^ o ti. mtfcrencM mi/uL uiiii-i ciiirs m 5lio»

*n'g* sc 'tt '^^ ''’ demonstrations, -* ^

Scliedule fo r Eo-n End Ach:~i nent day to be tIfM I'jejd ,. ^ ‘ll^ m b c fly grade vhool ,J

Mn. Jam es Me^vr.^mlth „ sented the safety ic.sson. u " sucRcstcd a-Jence be in.ttallfd? tween the Orani;e prT>perivi.i the Kimberly grade school grounds. •

A a-ntermelon feH wni hfli, Ihe clo’ie of the nifellnr • re.« of the evenlnc v._ „ cleaning seeds for the fair p rj^

New NameNEW YORK. July 27 lIUx,

York's SpanUh-UnsuaKc diUi r DIarlo, came up Mth a new u a today for Cuba's leftist ru ler-lS Cnstrovlch,

It called him that in page headline.SW«»%X%1CC0 B00tK!C0Cq5

I TIRES• Where the b est for less, A’o Money Doun. . . Up .to a year to pay.




Cotni in now and save. Soli tnds Saturday, August 131


• Pfoteet and bewtilV drtiMrt, bureovi,itt.

f e A n y ih S p e e rilM .^

‘ lxBmp'l»rHiavy Cryitol Glsii T«pi t'4" % 3B“. A* lew <t - * 3 j2 ® -


• 1 8 " > i2 6 '' . .N o w $ 1 2 .4 «• 2 4 ' W ' . . Now $19.13• 3 0 " x 4 0 ' . . Now $25.46 S p M lo lI 3 6 " x 4 0 "

- * 3 8 . 9 5 -


i r T W IN ,J A U S C O tA -C O L A S O H t l B a cO .

: 2 5 % .O F f ON AU.,


I »i».5

305 SHOSHONE SOUTH Twin Foils, l^ho

\ A i n u r q i £ ^ l a n n a s o f

■ILLERr m t v L m m a -

Page 5: C H m b er tJ.N 7K iris R u ss C harge Nixon Takes Over · C H m b er Unit Now Favors ^Treatment Plant The cliairnian of the


Bread Baked During Hot Lunch WorkshopPAGB nVB

Bill for Western Project Backed

Good Guests Noted

■ItnAU T lM rS-M

P A I N T I N G :l'41itt]iaM(liic, tfiliiriiii;. I.ipliii.

Phone RE 3 .4 8 7 5 or 6 7 6 0

(k 'lU ’nitiM 's, S f a r lc r s , ( ’a rb u ro h ir s . iKiiitions,

____________VciltaEC Itc K n ia to rs . >‘lr.

■ ^ < n r Y n u

McHILL AUTO REPAIRU O 2nd A tc . H o. ■ RE 3-4845

Mb . Kennelh W«lker. -WUUim Mclnrilr. -

bRtd Jnrioc«l B urheldibe; uia H»1llMSt « lOlTM imnrtBr)

Burley Club Has Talk on

2ar BeetsSugalumxy. July

- jd imong Ih----- ---pw j i ^ r beets, W.

“ liS£,-p;adrnTol lh<s It

Taking Son on Fishing Jaunt Proves Costly

lower SnsM nssocllt:

< notar>- clut) Tuc-idny.SuE&r becta trc the third rank­

ing crop In Idiilio while wheat ratika fm i and potatoa.-secocd, the ipeaker userted.

.“ S ^' “ d W


BURLEY. July 27—SomeUmea dcwsn't pay to get up early ai

Uie your » n flah ln g -th n t la, 3U-donl-iuive_ft-flahlne_llcen«. Karry C. Norwood. San Fran-

cI«o. was fined 525 by Probntc Judge Vem C arter Tucstlny lor Bllowlnir hi* son, n minor to flsli «hen the fatlier, ft non-rc.ildcnt, did not have n Itecnse. T he Judce

led «1J of tlie line. Tho at&tcd ha did not llsh In

r S s S ' S r . ,tnc« to the Amnlgunated 8v

. home atate.Thla violation falU under the lUi rehftbUltatlon act of con-

ibutlng to the delinquency of a Inor. i r the 'fa ther had a llcenae,' mteor under 14 yeara of o<c mid have been perm itted to fish

without » Ucenae, the Judge - - lalned..The vacationing father

family were en rout* to Yellow- pork. The boy stated he ; some “ae* weed” f ro r

___ river.Nor*-ood WM cltod by Cocserva-

Officer Dale H o ry . '

'“ FlneNoted

1 District , man«vi

<« Chamber

and costa by B urle j JusUce Peace Alfred Crane for. not

right aide m irror. ^- w u to n , RujMrt._ costa by Judge Crsme to display two license

pUtea. Both wera cited by State Patrolman Front W . Moaenscn.

Jvan R. Dailey, Burley, w m fined $2 and coats by Judge Crane for

nud (laps. H e waa cited by *- Patrolman B o y Thomaa.

c a t week's meeting.

« p i M u | t IF YOU FEED IT I OR P L A N T IT . . .

e rt . to s s | | GLOBE SEEDW ill H a v a I t.

India Delegation Departs Peiping

border dUpuIe n

dlo reported A Chinese ..

Kew-Delhl-n'xl talka on - ' s/iunre mil








RE 3.2260

■ ■■vi'r.W.v.v''

Page 6: C H m b er tJ.N 7K iris R u ss C harge Nixon Takes Over · C H m b er Unit Now Favors ^Treatment Plant The cliairnian of the


■Increase for '' Cassia’s Tax - R oll Is Noted

" DURL^V. July 37—lUal uid '-peraonal property U x rolU mow t an IncrcMC of n lllUe under one- [ hnlf m illion doUarx from the 19JJ [ toUl o f S11,B07.29IM, reports Cat- I »lk County Aiseasor Don Loveland. I . Th# 1000 Tolu«Uon U; tl2,0l3.a30£0. The county’t -.- riuH abstffttr-E -.- ...............• »onftI inxes have been Mibmltted to ! Uio s ln io tax commlMlon. which I mKtA iu> A boATd or .equ&IUaiion ! to review county roll*. —I The flntil total will be made In ' November and will Include Uie ! uUlllica. l ^ t year's final awesjed• M luatlon WM »H.741,724.I Tills county has made s jletidy• Increase In voluaUon ovct Uio ; je u s . T he r eal in d personal*V4JUftttWl ill—tMO' AIU I8;1W,SIS"which show* a gain of o»er Jour 5 million W the p ast 10 years. Cai- b ila eounty ranks ISth among the « 44 eountloi of Die *Ute In valut* Stfam i-y»eU i« l,.n fll«L .------• n \c pump lands were valued Sm a,9M in 1S50 aeninil (790.40a■ this year. Tills aocounix tor the 5 primary Increase in this year" « total.

' i . Total pumplnnd aereoge Is 37,■ set. th e SAiAuor snJd. r’oi 3, Sb13 only 10 yenrs ««o with the H ralue of »7S,000.5 Rural Improvcoients liB»e In- S aeased from »l.(»a,900 to tl.l3S,- 5 440. Beoidcnce ImprovemcnU haveSrlsen rrom 12.103.313 to *l^S5,SM." Livestock and merchandise Inven- i tory TftJuatlon levels are virtually• ths sam e, Loveland said.S R o u m e of raluatlons Indleata S 'boa-trrlBated farm land Includei

jK S S ’STiAnS?5 gated f*i*n land. 80.503 acre*. i e a , « « : residence low t3»,Ol6:• busIneM lots, (378.069. and buslneu "•Improvements. tS44,43I.

s Death Qaims i Mrs.ThiirmanS BOHt., July 27 — Mrs. Minnie 5 •m urm aa. a4. died a t MaRic Valley■ Manor. Wendell. Tuesday mnlnK

after a n extended illness. She had1 been » pa tien t thero about threeJ weeks.a M ri. T hurm an waa bom at• Burk. Tenn ., July 13,1S7S, and was 3 m arried to Stephen L. Thurman a there Dec. 11.1808. M« died Nov. IB, S 19&7. T h ey came to Buhl In 19162 from B u rk and hod resided here• alnee.•* Mrs. T hurm an taught school3 prLar to her marriage. Bbe was a 3 member of the Flrtt Methodist• church here, W ar Mother*. Me- 2 CoUum club. Sunnyslde club and » WUllng Workers club.J Survivors Include five daughteri. i Mrs. 'Wealey Plercy. Kysaa,. Ore;

2 * Mrs. ~pftnty~«arm on. -OastUfordL S’ Mrs. C- W. Beams. BuW; Mr*.• Beubea O raham . Boise; Mri. Myr- s tie K epner, Honolulu; two sons, - K eni T hurm an. PUer, and Wood­

row T hurm an. Buhl; two broth- e r s .H ln c h . B o l ^ Doc Hlnch,

I'C roasvU leV Tenh.; T8 grahdchir- { drea fcud 30


c r i Rll®ereWnraiiJuiuaT


WKUNIUIUAyL ai'* ' ° *Ot Urn q u u H.WI

KEKP—OtW-UlMjalM)w tu sa u tr


wKUNaauat4 :*9 parrtll lUnipn l ; t l nlrr*)! Hii.1, .


Jerome Blood Aides Report On DrawingsJEBOMF. Ju J / S7-Mra. LeiJJe

Roberson and M rs. Leo Palcon* burg, co-chairman of the Jerome Red Cross program reported today Dr. E. P. Sestero. director , regional blood center, Boise, onir ihree o f th e 18 sched^ejj drawings last m onth attained or lurpisjed Ihelr quota. These ^hree

. HousingPublic coopemim was asked

Wednesday to secure adequate houslag for teaottm here thU tall.

-Needed are smsU furuUhed houses, fumlshtid apartm enu, ro«as tad board tod room ra- elUtlea. CooperaUoa of Twin Falls rtsldenu was asked by s c h o o l adminutraUon, 1>TA couh'ell and Uie Chamber of Commerce,

Persons having housing were Mked. to . phono U«. Rodney Tegan. office eec?Hary a t the


[FBI Arrests Man, 28, for

Setting FireBOISE. July 27

Ithorltlea have arrCAiM » j, old farm laborer on a setting a lire Uint co:uiL-^3'y''000 acres of Kovernxea nt" land near Marslng b,.t v , S '

1 Federal bureau ol uivfs-.,,I agents Identified ihe n I Logan. Upmedale,

l» ThMUr dho»t««l

T ;U9 PtonM

t'uO Ur*>t<Mt Cut


r, N.^.

•O OlniurbiU BaSu*

Clarinet Trio To Higldight T. F. Concert

■'Meirlment Polka," by Barnord. played by a clarinet tr io will be ihe highlight o t the T w in Falls

band shell.Members of th e trio a re Gary

Dossett. a senior in m usic educa­tion at Uie University o f Idaho. MoKow; John Mason,_ who has been ptayliig In service bitnds' a t Colorado Sprlnes and Chicago the past two years and wfll continue hli education a t Idaho Stale col-

ocatello.' this fall, a n d_____ Potter, a IBM prnduate ofTttln Falls high school who plana 10 enter the University of Idaho this fall.

Under dlrectfoo of Charles Rat- ellffe, the program also will In elude "Brooke's Chicago Marini Band March." by Selta; overture from '■THe W anderer." by K. L.

-Hall.Scheduled fo r after Intennlsslon

_r« a mai«h, "American Legion Forever.” by Morton Oould; the clarinet trio's polka; "Tho Whistler and His Dog." a taprlce by A. Pryor; 'T h e Wee Mocgreegor, Highland Patrol." by Amers; a selection from ‘'Show Boat." by Jerome K em : ‘The Tliunderer," by'J6hH-PhllltT»'eoua»7-*ftd-'“n»cStar Bpsoigled Banner.''

i-l-Livestock Barns

Built a t Rupert.UPERT, Ju ly n — Minidoka

LAS MiaiCEDES. Cuba, July 27 W—Fidel Caitro, obviously still t sick man. said yesterday the ex­ample of his revolution is at- tractlng oUier U tln - American peoplea "toward tlie same plon."

The bearded prime minister. srcaring-»~fltw)y-»tra»-hat-and capo to protect lilm against a rain tha t began soon after he st4rted to speak; looked dntKn and hag­gard as he addressed a mass rally ' celebrate the seventh anlver-

Funeral servicesRUPERT, Ju ly n

ouoty fa ir board members this week tha t three

■ caU a» home. __________________

IC a ld w e U M u rd e r ' ' f - C a s e - I s S ta r te d

' I cS P r t... .......... - --i g u t h la flrst-decTM murder cas; t agalns* Thomas J . Fayne before i a sereoU t district court Jury of i llTS w omen and seven man today. S Payne. 76, Naxnpa. Is e h a r ^■ with th o gunshot death last St.

Patrick 's day o t Edmund D. Bamoy. M. The ahooUng altegMly

tock bam * wertf being con-

Faubus Wins,S ^ IS sil-S il-H ea d in g J n to ^ p u ^ fi^ o u se -

Fourth, Term

a t F a jm 's Nampa borne.Ye«t«Tday*8 tria l events were

taken u p wlUi selection of (tie of th « .J tu y to try the ease.

Visitors of ViewV IEW , July 3 7 -U r. and Mrs.

Re* W rigley and family. Salt Lake C ttr. « vlslUni^ hla parents, u r . and idrx . Wllford Wrigley; hU brott^w. Gale Wrlgley: his brethers and •taters-ln-law . U r. and Urs. Don w rlg ley and Mr. and Urs. Jay W rigler. and famUles, and hia bother-ln-law and sister, Ur. and IDS. lA iTy Christensen, and ftm*

PTt. Jam es Wayment. mo of Mr. M d M rs. Byroo Wayment, is tls- nm > h la parentJL R e I

1 h la baslo tr tin lng

GRANGE T O _____- H O LU 6TER. July S7 — The Hollister Orange wlU meet at 8;S0 p in . today in the Orange hall. Mr, and M rs. David Chadwick and Mr. and M rs. Homer RoberU win host the meeting.

time for use a t the 1960 fair Sept. • to 3. . - . - -

According to PJojd Idle, secre­tary of the fA ir board, the work Is being done by 'th e Minidoka•umber and Bup ' ......................trs on the pro j Ihe three buildings are pole

type construction with galvanised roots, They wUl be 38 feet wide and 83 feet long witb a center aisle for feeding and viewing slock.

Th# tvcrw buildings a re -being ?ullt n e y th e J i ^ e ^ l exhibitionjams, aSfaHTexpectetfTo BeatieT <iuat« to house aU Uveotock - (ered In the fa ir .

Idls said th a t the fair- this year would run Sept. 1 through 3, Wtth a hofse show and rac ing events scheduled for Labor day. Sept. 5.

Achievement Day Is Set for JeromeJKBOMS. J u ly 37-W . Q. Prieot

announces th o Jem n e county 4-H council Is planning two achieve­ment days soon.

Ibe first wUI be he ld Sunday U the Jerom e faii^rounds and tbs second (S o U sla ted (or the foUowtng Sunday. Auc. 7, a t the

^U> wui b e d n a t 1 p . n . with poUuek d inner. AU club members,

ckf the-fair. Members of groups sponsbrlng th e olubs a re also ln>Tiled.

Both Priest and Mrs. Agnes A. Hunt u rted 4 -H menbera to bring pnilsoto fcr oraloaU aa and help

i~hlt dally tchedate of (eterlslon and rad io proframs 1* pretta(ed as a service to readcn of Ibe Tlmea-New*. L lsllnn are fumbbed by the lU tlon. Any error* orebanges should be reported to tbs aUUon Itself nnd not Ihe Tlmn-Newa.

« * * * '

T e le v i s io n L o gKLIX-TV

(Cbsonel 11)' WSDNCBDitr

« UfTTT Ullkmin

kO'Hcanh forTomorrov

Castro Talks At Mass Meet

Although 111

Cuba.He flew to Las Mercedes In a

Soviet helicopter,Soviet Union, and rode Into th e celebration grounds In a Japatteeo

iiuls military car.In hU opening remarks he sa id

his poor healUi h»d prevented h is taking port in prerally ceremonies. He was stricken with what his doctors ^ l e d pneumonia. July .

Cascro told a tfirong of obouc SOO.OOO tha t "ihe principle reason (or aggression sgalait our country Is to prevent our being an ekatnpie for these peoples in Latin Ameri-

Man Sentenced On Check Count

without fu n d s ............... ...... .Twin Palls Police Judge J. pumphrey Tuesday afternoon.

Cutsforth attempted to cash a «20 check on the FIdeUty NaUonal bank of .Twin Falls In J. C. Pen - ney's Monday afternoon. He was arrested by Sheriff James H. 8 e n - ham after a phone call (rom th e store.

Cuta(orth toid police he w u In arrears on (inshce charges (or h is automobile and needed the money.

1*:00 Liilli

Wind Storms Are Seen for Jlidwest Area

By irm U d Press InUraatioaal Tornadoes, spotted in widely

s c a tte r^ paHs o f the nation dur-

iW V«nilct !• Y««n i«0 Druthur Dir

i l S S v ’r*l i S S S - . M - S ' , . . , ,t:M Jobnnr Rlnift llso KA'l^Mcctijl::0 TambitoiK Ttrrltorr

1« KUX

Rjecord Heat •■ SALT LAKE c r r y . July 37 Ui — temperature reached m degrees a t the Salt lake airport yesterday — a reading which the weather bureau said «-as on all-tlme record,

■me previous high reconled hera was IM, In 1931 and again

’n i ls was the 13th day of a heat wave which has seen the temperature above 100 every day exccpt last Saturday, when

. l a central UUnolsear AtlanU .O ther severe weather included

thunderstiawus—a t —Moline,..Jll. which injured 30 persons and left considerable damage.

H allttenes FaH Minneapolis r«?»rtfd golf boll

size hailstones ond three inches t rain soaked S t. Peter. Minn, Rainfall across other sections ..

_ie country w as generally lea than one-half Inch, but western Pennsylvania a n d West Virginiareported one to I ’i Inches.__

Thundershowers continued .. soak th e desert reTlons of the Southwest, from Texas, north- northeoittt'njti to the Orest The OuM coast and the area from the central Appalachians to the lower G reat Lakes also had thun­dershowers.

Faclfle A rea Cbllly Temperatures dropped to the

ehUl 60's a t-daw n along the Pa­cific coast due to cold coasul waters. The northcentral portion of the country h o d •- peraturefl.

W armer weather prevailed in the G reat Basin and Bouthcm

•pialnjT~where“ inD«iy-8(F~flfjree tentperaturea-were-reportsd.-and in th e central and southeastern p o «on*“ of th e —country-wbcre temperatures Maycd In the 70'a.

LITTLE ROCK. Ark., July 37 ifl —Oov. Orval E. H ubus was OD the high road to an unprecedested

Ing victory over four opponents in yesterday’s Democratic primary.

Faubus. central figure In the Little Rock Integration crisis, faces RepubJlCJin opposition in Uie Nit- vcmber general election, but Ar- k iu isu has not elected a OOP governor since reconstruction days.

Returns from 3.18S of the state's 3JS3 precincts showed; Faubus 311.639: Joe C. Hardin. Crsdy.67.- 371; Attorney Oeneral Bruce Ben-

. . . . Rep. Dale Alford. Uttle Rock, go t a heavy vote in late re­turns to best State Sen. Robert Hays Williams and Rep.. Jim Trimble. BenyvlllB, trounced Don­ald ^oe, Wair -

The vote in . . . . in tho fif th distric t. . . .31,785, WilUams 34J30.

In th e third district, 472 ____preclncU gavs lYlmble 46,609 and Foe 18.633.

Arkansas' four other eonress- men a n d Sen. John U McClellan bad no opposiUon. Ihe lr name

on the primary ballot.

Mountain Home o lr forceDr, Sestero said a telegram had

notified the center li now owes 14$ pints of blood to non-Red Crojs banks, which must be paid. In addition to about 300 pints owed to other Red Cro.« centers.

Beatero sold- this deb t was Incurred through Teclproclty blood received by Idaho residents In other parts of the country... Dr, ee-Ttero saW 20,000 persons In this area received blood during the last y ear;-23,000 cubic centi­meters of gfimmn globulin were used: 500 units o f serum albumin, 60 units ot flbrtnogen. 183 xmits ot frozen plasma, a n d . IMO pints of btoo'J throusb icctpm air.-.H e-ap- pealed to friends and relatives of these people to give blood.

Dr. Sestero a lso announced program for th e ' preparation a distribution of vaccinia Immune Rlobulln (VIC) has been estab­lished by the Red Cross In cooper­ation with th e United States armed forces as another i service of the Red Cross bank program. T h is hyperimmune gamma globulin Is specially pre­pared snd Is effective against the smallpox Virus, and U avaUable only through th e Red Cross, the local chairman stated.

VIO is specific In treatm ent of the rare complications o f small­pox vacclnaUon. Dr. Sestero said several physicians have been ap­pointed volunteer Red C row con­sultants to assist in the distrlbu- Uon_of_the rare blood fraction.

32 Jeronie Boys Attend JamboreeJEROME, Ju ly 27 - Thirty-two

Boy Scouts (rom Jerome o ra a t the national jam boree a t Colorado Springs, Colo. F re d Chibb, Jerome, Is also at the event.

d in s include CarioU

wood a-SBH.

Water Pours Into Aiea in • Cliile’s SouthSANTTAaO.' Chile. July 27 OD—

Water continued to pour today over a valley normally Inhabited by 100.000 persons as earthen'dnms crumbled further below Lake Rinl-

ue In southern Chile.HfiaTy_r»lnslorms.-strong winds

and eintr'-tnoK n added tixthe^reffcd Is

Built at PaulRUPERT. Ju ly 37-Oonstructlon

. f a new potato warehouse tn Paul was begun last week by Bob and Bill P la tts .

The new business will be located north o f the railroad tracks near the w otsoR Milling company And iriU be luiown a s the Id a -P o W - pany. T h e building wUl be 40 by 189 fee t and th e owners plan, to pack a n d ship 10. 35. 60 and lOO- ound b r — * .............They I

valley, a city devastated by ... quakes In May and now nimo.'.; certain to be destroyed by flood waters from the swollen Jake SC

illes upstream.Several towns In the valley jvl-

ready were under water. Only the tops of house* were visible from ths air.

Pour (lihermen were reported drowned when tlielr boot over­turned in the rampaging torrent.

AJmy engineers yesterday evoc- uated the last of tooie 40.000 per­sons fnsm Valdivia and took them to temporary quarUri on High ground.

Fast “Draw”" W O N T ^ U July n « U -A ___pointed a pistol through a 'teU er's window In a branch of the B ank of Montreal yesterday and demanded targe bills.

Merllyn I-tarshtll, the teller, stuck her ballpoint pen Into the muale. Hie bandit ran (rom the back and disappeared.

LOgiin «as lu rnd 'o r a i . I l . r h . 10=1 . ,1, d i? . test In Boise ytsicrdnv. (vV- county otllcers broujht Boise,

S h cn rt Al Barker;!. county. Jald Losiin ailnuitMi In th e nrrti .of the mlle.1 south of Msr-;n? ani'-.’ Investigation rcvcalp;! b scootcr found conte.iircl i;;'. * vert belonged to ter,Vi.. Barberla salcl U^ai> lii-- ,

fighting the fire ahlcli rw.'_' July-LOfifcw as Jailed it:Ing J2.000 In ball tot I , missloner Wlnslon c:.-.:

~ land over «hirh

he.idquaitcrs I

ft Oklahccj,

W E D ___ TH U R S.-FR I" T H E SN O W QUEEr

Sandra Dee,-Tommy Kirt w Patty McCormack


CXBOOSE" Molly Bee and Ben Coosxr


B urt Lancaster. Audrey lltnbc- Audle Murphy

P lu i M ogoo Corfoon

Campbell. W ayne Childers, Jerry Clubb. Larry Dahmer. M ike Davis, Terry Davla. Robert Hoil. Robert llsrdcr, Carl Harr)}, Eugene Bite, Jr.. Max Hoskins. Pat Malone, Or- en Miller, Olna Newlan. Kenneth Parker, Paige Parker, BlU Peters. Richard -Rice. Allen Ricketts. Marvin Standley. Hal Sto lts, De Loy Thueson.

Gordon Vinlnjr. James Vinlng, Parker WorthinBton. Pat WUIlama. Robert Williams.''Michael Metcalf. Phillip MacKnlght. Larry Gifford. Ron Fager and Dennis Zahn.


together fo r th e firs t time . . .


Whflf a Com bm arion o f Big H/h On The S a m e Progrdml

Page 7: C H m b er tJ.N 7K iris R u ss C harge Nixon Takes Over · C H m b er Unit Now Favors ^Treatment Plant The cliairnian of the


youth Center Opening Near por Kimberly

-~.r< Brkt * new Ifen-ine T>’» T ^,.p a-iil ow n In Klm-


Serving Projects Judged at Bulil

Brkt * new leen-ilieoutfl winouncwl Mrt.


"S S «■TTie ^ ^ 5 m fViTi from

1 Utu be open Sundn; through

Hn H P- in- to 1

: r U e tlm .. o n .he JuUbo.

'A r fm lX iT frW in d -p w iirt r 'r t ,11 K M invltjg- .

Welcome for Ike Is Kind He’ll Recall

ciiicAOO. July i^ cn—In Ws

hu b « n MCWlmed ngBln In hell never lorfteU

tMb*r«nt welcome and *Jjowei;*d S , presJdent »nd hU wife with

I^SnfeUl. ticker Wpe «nil «»;

EifCBhsircra TonchedU it night the Reput>llcan dele-

„te* UJd their »ucsU cut loosi Jl Convention hoU with a thunder- nui or»tlon th«t obviously touched 111* President »nd Mra. EUenhowerdeeplr. • . '

II vU t ' lentlm enlst jtnimey Mct to ChJcigo for the President •nd hli *Ue. A* they stood arm ID urn on the plottcrm. smiling B»Ttn£. their thoushta Inevitably went t*d: to ■ July day eight yeiin i n »ten he was nominated for bu fltil term in the WhlU Home.

Both Thanked . Nov he «‘os Jipproachlns the

tnd of hU second term .*nd the crort * u saying * roualng fare- ire!l.

.~<ni*-«rewd-v*nte<l-M unl*-t(■hire It.

■Thank you. Mamla und Ike.t btsoen eTcrywhere proclaimed. - '"Well done," other* read. niB President delivered a fight­

ing speech, hitting a t cHUm and plugglaK for elecUoa of — Republican president. He terrupted by appUuse 78 time*

.C T w a.G 9«-W ua_____B* b td a tljoa oi It aren |r t -

tine atarted. An oration atarted be inu Introduced b ;

Heyburn Reports Visitors for AreaHEMJUliN. .tiily :7 —Mr.

Hagerman NewsHAaEItMAN, July 37 — Mr. nrrt

Mrs. Vnn Jonr.v Nfw rivinoulli, «nd Mr. iinrt Mrj. M,ke (iiliiiorp,Allchorllk• Aimn,

a Mrs lln lrloinuilfr. nipy »re *ljo vImiihc

niid Iwo'hl.i tnlhfr. flfrt Cillniorr, mid hr nh a r r r liiioilipr, Mrs. Klorriicp fiirrot • moU»cr.hli>cniillil, .

' ' ........... f tL«Ullli! • ' ' "

t cinude II Mt.v

rt Ciui-

«:d. Hlcliinoncl,

ii\* 3<VI.500 tele-

SEOUI., S<iiiili. Korf:>. July 2 l.l'—T «<1 limidrtil wllfsp Miidriit

iu,-i\rilji)nmil«l llinnish Sfotil lr«lii\ cmipnlKiilii!.- for iiniittiml mister lly IVIlll MlUlKlll Ol AllKT

scvcnil ,'iuilftil I

)f liliick miiikft c

Almo Tells Recent Visitors in Region

A1.MO. July 27-M r. »nd Mrs. Robfrt Taylor and son, Ames. In..

vlslUnc hl. pnrenH, Mr, .and . WnlUiCP Tnylor, Almi). and

.. pnfcnl.v Mr, and Mrs. nelUcrt T.itmer. CrreK. Ul.ih.

i. OttellR Tracy and Mr. and William Trncy and fnnilly

d Sunday In idjiho JMIU wltli Mr. iiiul Mr.1. Hcrrhel Loosll and

Georgia Eniiir*.

nimmer school Id l>oe«t«llo> visited his father, Arthur Taylor.

nonnie Taylor, son of « r . and Mrs, charlM Taylor, calif.. Is vlj- Itlng his grandfaUler, Arthur Tiy-



RE 3-1300T w in F o llt M ortuorY

RadiatorsN ew AND V 8tO . Servfce U R epa irt

"Phone RE~3^08(TAV Type*-Kloda


Ill.Way }»_0n Truek Lane Radiators Are Our Bnslnest-

Nat a gldeUB* . .

SafTlB Cinler, seated, leader nf (]

•e members of the Lucerre llappy Lam

II clDb of Twin shows Janice Taylor,

,.d Arhlevfmftil day i«eld » t Buhl .Ttiesdsy; Joan _« Mrs. Ciuler Judge* the outfit. T b e three girls

. iSlstt pholo.fitrra»lng)

Western Gospel Singer Appears

AtT.F.CiiurchPal.’iy PrfKoU. InlcmnUonally

known wcsicrn Rospel ulnRcr. will appear a t the Unlled Brethren In Christ church at 8 p. m. Thursday,

aince J9M. her radio proRnun, "Western Ooepd Roundup Time," has been atred widely. !n 1930, ahe recorded a series of radio pro­grams for the Voice of the Andes productions In Los Angeles, and appeared at Ihe ]Iotl>-wood ChrLi- tJon group, YoulK for ChrLst meet-Ingi, the pinrKCfT Mfliianyl "IgKTmusicals and at churche* of nil denominations while in California. ‘She -«Dcnt"30 -yesrs -gin«lrtg" in

radio, records, television and night clubs In the Midwest, Arizona.' California and Alaska. She nfcom* ] panics hcnelf on the guitar and will appear in a colorful, w estern, costume. I

111 R e d Diplomat T o B e S ent HomeUNITED NATIONS. K. Y

27 if l- Diplomallc Miurccs s Soviet (Ic-lcRnic lo tlie United Na llon.v Art:udy A. Sobolev. 57, tti he sent liome (or trcfllmcnl fo heart irovible as soon as 1

moved.• I t yestcrdsy tiiath tind .^affcred a heart sttsck 8ni urday and w,v< pul to bed Hew Yt>ii ajxmrotnV.


..Jut LiCTrrmnR7~osiOTi'fl. f iiir and Frnnlc RobcrU, CalrtweU, vii Ucd thclr cou- in. Mrs. Wllla Ju! Ucf. a t . t h t Jc to .W . Jontft home

'E xpert WATCH and JEWELUY-Repairing

“ Pole SingedDUHLEY. July 27—A weed fir

200 yards west of th e Burley hig school on We.M I8 th street wa broupht under coritrol by the Bur ley (Ire departm ent TueHlny aft crnoon w ith tJic on ly daranKe Ing a sUiKcd Mrect light pole longing to Uie c ity o f Burley.

School custodian Max Kidd burning weeds on lot near .■xhool.

DIAMONDSreliable Jeweler the

pr1e« of the Quality and alsoaiami>Tirt-?t>tt.»iab-io bay-ThtnermB to MK a n d COMTARE Ihe same qoallty. else and prleet Th* am oanl aared will amaie you! CREDIT TSUMSI

BOB SUM M ERFIELD _ 8 & B , I N C .—

flboahone St. a t Main Ato. Next to Yeliotr Cab Co.

Eh . u i 3 .MZ H . W --------- 4 . 9 9Ee,. 5 . 9 9



Nnw Clpiinincc Savinfr.s on prnctii-ally every item o f m e iisw e n r! C lciirnnce' ninrkdtnvHs, to o , now in W om en 's W ear snd Boys’ W cn r! A n ti, rem e m b e r, th n t no Hnie i s c o m p le te n t Roper's un til each c u s to m e r i s com p lete ly satisficii!

Sport Coats Ln cr & Marx, Kings. r i d R o , Manchc.'ter, H a n o v e r Square, cam pus T o g s snd Otliers.Regular JS5.00....

K " - 23.85 SS'S‘L 26.85

. 29.85 36.85

SAVE-Mens-Boys ShoesE\'ery pair Is from our regular stock of ntie shoeal Famous brands you know and like. In- eludes Dress Shoes, Wc»rk Shoes and CasuaU,

Regular 8 .9 5 to 2 3 .95

1 6 “to




L adiei' S u m m « r

SPORTSWEARLadles' Blouses . . . also Short Shorts, Jamalcoa, Bermudas, Pedal pushers. Coprls and Summer Skirts;

Reg, 1 .98 to_9.9a_ .

Va o ff 1 ^ . 6 “

Boys’ nn-o*. First Quality

REGULAR 2,4?6 to U ...............



SUITS BPORT'Beg. m s - ^ r . 1 3 . 8 5 Be*, lo is 7 .3 5He*. J M J -------1 4 . 8 3 Rer- JM 5 --------- 9 . 8 5Beg, i s « ------- 1 9 . 8 5 --------1 1 ,8 5

S U S a le !

WESTERN SHIRTSR .l. 4.95 ^ . 9 9 ^ . 9 9 h> 5.95 ............ a >• O

Lodtes'Western BLOUSESReg. 3.98 « > . 9 9 9 . 9 94,98 . 5,90 ...... 2 ^ 3

Sum m er SoU .Fam euB H g m *

SPORT SHIRTSQuallly shirts that rou would «zp«ct to cost much morel Good patems. coU ors and fsbrlti. e«». ' t A T ★

Sporf ShirtsBest selecUoM fnm Lan­cer and Others. Pamous

Choose from hundreds. Long sleeve* and


'COPER'S 12 M onth

W ardrobe


lunUi-iM ---- 5.85.Rerolar-1045 .1 .11 '- 7.85wr ia, m . _ 9.85tetotar lOS --- 11.85B«t. ».»5.1l4e-lTiS 13.85 Beg. XIM to I t ) - 17.85

w « il. 'i. W .m

C o t t o n S l a c k stry Style In Badford C«rd


GOOD BUTS a w la th* Cboleet In JackeU and. w»t«r-r«pallent «^;w . io t BOW aod Into fkU. . • . '

2 . 9 9

B(««lar fJS .S . 9 »

Bectilar U M -U JS .

SUIT CUARANCElThe most fAtnous b ra n d s in America! Every- su it is -from regular, stock: Tried u d t r u e m em bers In th e best f a b r lu ana'colorisT; Pick your, whole w ardrobe now and save a t Roper’s l


II «•* » 5 s - » 5 e ■


H a t^ S c lla ftl» r & M arx

w!so“ »?j S 9KINGSRIOGE:


m m m :

Page 8: C H m b er tJ.N 7K iris R u ss C harge Nixon Takes Over · C H m b er Unit Now Favors ^Treatment Plant The cliairnian of the

Slatus-Seeker Hank Dreams Of Having ‘Hideaway’ SoonBy IIENBY MeLEMORE

' If jrou' >r« & fUtuB-neeker—and 1 have 'bfen one ever since I iwitched (ran sray to red sleevc> holden—you mim be dream ing of tliB d»7 whcrv you will have x "lildfasay" of your very own.

Illdmimys ire now Uie rage. Ttity h

forclirn Aport.i th ; pick of beatt* iM, color TV on<l (he m ttrd TwinBH a D-mbol ofhnvlnn Brrlvfrd.

Oxntni: usirtns of polo i>onJe» It tio lonaer enouith.,

' h>iUifrlA»irt«UM| box In 6c«llaiid. .A box at the o[f^_ . McL.mott

n Invltntlon to

M .moderaiely pluth e re r Mncej ;iemando »m« «> Joyously »bout iLs but It n s not unUl th e na* Uonnl political coB»entIona of thU month that ihty b«»m* down- rlRht mtnllal to true »U tus. leelterii.

a hide&war.

TIM^S-NEWS, t w i n f a l l s , IDAHO

flnrt in place hlj official «l«mp on the conectneu of th e hide­away. Anyone who w atched the DenjocmW coovtDtlsn on TV knovi that the tcnator'a hideaway received almoit u much attenllon ui the conxntton hall,

■'The senator is In hU Jilde- iway." Huntley would aay.

•■Kenncdy.c»nnot_be, reached .he momenl-he li In hU hide'- away," CforJdie would annot:nee.

w ith hU aldei In Wa hideaway - own will no t be able to a fford one D aly would tell hla llsMners. that cwU what ftocltcfeIler-4 does,-

N ot to be.outdone by hU liien and what Kennedy* m ust have, r ival, 8cn.'Lyndon johnsion had;it u hoped that wmenne comrs hU hideaway, to which he Houmiup with a do-lt-jourjeJf hideaway re tire a t the drop of a sccondinir]»lt.cpeech.' And It may be nasumcd, I'hnve a nice place in m y back th a t senator Symington had one, yard [or a hidcaday provided I aUo. can find plans for »',almple one.

I t soon became quite erlsenl gny one about (he tij.e of a pup th a t anyone who araourited to lent. Into whith I could retreat anything a t the convention nnd a ahen the - pteMgrr.i bfcome too hideaway. , srf-il, and ickc a uiooze.

T he nepubllcans wasted llltle or, i wouldn’t tell a/)yone I t was no time Iji preparing hideaways of'my hideaway, or hanjt a ftlRn the ir own.______________ _______ Ivdilch read ;~hldfawty" on It. The

Women More Germ-Proof,‘ H al F inds F r o m M aU Bag

DemdcraiR one belter — he an-lmy secret. I would drop I t In nounccd in advnncc thnt he v.ould:conversot1on wrtly for pre.itlKe. h a re a hldeawny in Chlcnr.o. mid Like. “I thihk r u slip nway then went on to give Iw Ix.ition.-my mdeawcy thla weeX-end" o .

Not only Us locallon, but ,lLi "f haven't sctn a new.'pflper for price — one hundred smnckera * three dry* — bfcn taking I t easy dny, in my hldenwa--'

Nl»on ha* a hlflenway, but h^ 'j i'>no t revealed whero It wn.'i. or w hn l" it waa Mlllng niiiT tjsck-.-j-The-plRclriB of Bibtw in -ho te l

Since many of u» who le tl com-!rooma Is awoelited with th e Old- pelled to have a hideaway

By HAL BOYLENEW YOIIK, July 31 tfv-Things

_ columnist might never kiic he didn’t open his mall;

One reaaon women ouillte seema to b« that they are ) ,, germ.proof, Of 355 disease condl- -ons. men are more susceptible

r 246, women to only 120.Most kids bell£fe-bubble gum _______ ____tnalhr-i

troducfd In IB06. but It was too sticky for the children ot'that day, Modem bubble Rurn. made with a *>tithfllc base. «aa dere!oped in 1028.

Do y6ir reiJly duiike your Job? If you do you are an eiccptlon, A rcccnt MUdy shoaed thnt 53 per ccnt of the worklnn public felt they would bea>o happier, with a different Job.

Whnt's In ft nirna? Job Sharp,

_ member of gaminy "Kays’* troupe, has a brother-in-law nam ed Jim Plat.

^ e e o EJizabrth, m«Jaa<f, a UlCkT monareh. and here’* ' fac t about h e r more women might envy than h e r crown—she doesn’t have to diet. Two of her farorlle fooda are grapefruit and tooitlamb.

now has passed the beajle . America’s m ost popular purebred dog. The Chihuahua ranks third and the dactuhund fourth. Who can remember whu alredale or a collie of dlaunctlon?

A pt definition: Arthur Murray says you can always tell a family m an—Ha ia th e one whooe wallet holds anapshota instead of

WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, ijj,Bpeaklng of money, h e re b one

lort possible proof th a t women an handle R hotter th n n men:

Some 10 mliUon U. S. m en—com­pared to only four m illion U, s. nnen -h a v e h a d to h o d a p n - tboil p«ssesaloD In a pawQ -thop at some tome In their Ufe to raise ready cuh.

Wo5d/nan. spare th«t tree l can anycoe present recall w hen pc ale indoora and cooked w ith or ^Ktrletty? Americana now 350,000 tons of eharvoal a year In backyard barbecues, nnd ' iDduitiy expecbs the figure

Hollister Scouts Hold Swin Partv

lOLt.tSTPB i,.i. •

, J good old days; I n 1835; there were only four automobiles rejiitered In th is country-.

Can you spell penltenLlartctly? II you can you a re l ........jpeller than three ou t of lour adults.

Wisecrack of the t^eelt: T lic honeymooQ la.over." w ys,R obert' Q. Lewis, "when a fellow would rsthtr see th e kUcheti in

HOLLtSTiS, July - ■* l?ul. scout pack

riui u pan oi theJubilee otaervnncej. ‘ ®"'--

Cubmaster ty n -•olt bcdaes to om u Hofer. Rodney Mm,,Robert Louthmiiifr ling, Bill Colllrj sni! Luke

'tending. ~

rnrai:conS:i;iltday, ot Americans killed in cir acc'di-^ la-'t year, ne.irly pne fi[t;i d 'e ^ Saturday crajtitj.

OFUmmBAlKS!Furniture - Tires - Garden Supplies!

Only 3 ,99 D ow n-1.25 W eekly

Relaxing Chair3 9 . 8 8Big

Com fortKever before to many features In a relaxing chair at only U9.B8. Com-

■fort . . . polyfoam padded . . . kidney-roll for addeny comfort . . . nylon uphol- ttery . . . supported plaatlo

-■ .■. extra-hli

RAO RUOS — « 0 " x 2 J " , tweed,fliiortcd c o l o n ............................. 33cCHAISE L O U N G E — w ifh w«ath»r-

id , t p r i n g 8 .9 5 . . . . . . .

■^roof^pa^d^^pring c o n itru c tio n .

SUNG C H A IR S — H ardw ood framo wirh eanvo* b « c k a n d te a t .Ideal far th e p o H o ....................... ................

Fu l l LEN G TH d o o r m ir r o r1 6 x 6 0

•1th b ra c k e ts ..............................................

9 X J2 L IN O L E U M RUGS. Vinyl p lo iH c , ______

-SO FA -PIL L O W S Aitorted c o lo r o n d fab ric s . Your cho ice .................................

9 FOOT R O L L LIN O LEU M Reg. 1 .39 r u n n in g H.SPiciA L,.....

b i6 ex tra s a v in g sIf You Buy All 3 Outfits!

26 P ieces10.00 Down6.00 W eek

THE BEDROOMThis beautiful proupinff includes 2-Piece D aveno Set, uphol.stered in long-w earing frieze—popular colors; 2 S tep Tables in raahoRuny, limed oak or walnut-4 1 M ntch- ing Coffee Tnble; 2 Decorator Table Lflmps, a n d 2 Dec­orator Pillows . . .' A SUPER VALUE 1

-T H E-LIVING-ROOM-■oofedTVo-piece bedroom set w ith big dresaer, d u s t - p

draw ers and cen te r drawer jruides, snd bookcase bea . . . H otel Special'M attreaa and Box Sprinfrs. . . chenille bed­spread and -2 kapok bed pillows, which are non-allergi^. SAVE M pRE NOW ! ,

THE DINETTEOne of the m ost versatile d inette sets ever o ffe red —one se t fo r a large fam ily, or the small table can b e used fo r th e kiddifs. One 24" table. 1 CO" table, m ak in g ,a fu ll 84" table and 8 sm art, m atching choirat

Page 9: C H m b er tJ.N 7K iris R u ss C harge Nixon Takes Over · C H m b er Unit Now Favors ^Treatment Plant The cliairnian of the


Demos in Talk at Meet

T.,i» n wwooT.

^ N gPAY.J^Y27.19G0 TIMES-NEWS, t w i n f a l l s . IDAHO

Chances of Getting Ticket Reported

I H I I V «»•^nrA G O JU'T ^ W^OoT.

K Smjlle. W ^»' ‘the Democraw lu t niRhi

«f^hose gloomy »n<J <!«?»'• men who Kotli««I m

wd Mn” flnf-'S »m « lor »tm.«perlrncennd


Soviets Step up Radio Jamming

..-WASlUNCa-ON. Ju!y 37 m —

sippi>ini; up tlu- ntiimiiic of Volcc r A m crla ollidnt^ oflio U. S C»\r;-,r:-rlU» iKmrrliil aillo iicHvork n-;vrl.


Fireside HeldHEYBUllN. J u ly '57—A firoldc

fi»t for lilc »Hke M-Mni OI«vnpra wiv< hflit Similiiy n'lor eluirfh liom r o r Mr. ;vi;rtMr*. Lflnncl Ttmxic’n. Joan CimI; WM In cIiiirKc of arraiit;rmi'irj<

Bcrtlm niirc-h kavo » pu.unr rMdliis u'Uli l).ifki;rouiid by Alonv Cr\>fl. liiVyriP Joiiri nf,.t Liiclllr JciniM siim:. Sfnkc Ifn.iii'. upre A rlymi.Tlinxtoii niul Vircln.

Papers Filed in Compton Estate

A rifiuion for Iniprs of nnmln- LMMiiim ol the «U l« of »c<c. D.I’oiiipi.'ii WM {il«l in T"'iii Knll.i l)roU,itf court 'riK-.viny l>>' Jcm O.

A lir.irlni: " '•« f tt by i'wtj.iti: Jmluc J. Doiin Moslirr lot

2:8 Y co rs ISY eprt 68 Ycors 69,5 Years 969 Ycors

>o;HUm “ '-It1 illi-rt on Mny 2i.- 105C

. ... Iciwiiic n will- Mrj. Mary

■ lu.r, A rrslclent ol U

View Tells NewsVIEW. July 27_Mr. and Mr*.

Kny Til.'fiior »nd l»mlly, U «lj- toii, Ul.iti. are vliliind hfr parents; Mr. nnd Mrs. Ellon Q. llaldi, »n4_ rnmll)-.

.Mr. niiA Mrj. j . W. Knowljnd,' niythc, cam,, are vlsliinj Ihelr .'on-yi-lnw and dnughwr, Mr, «nd Mc»r Janip. Knowjanil. *nii family, •rlip Cnlllnrnja'Toiiple Is *a loxll*. hnnic from AliLskn.

•fl»c pclUlon vMuM Ihe e*l*le t t .pproThimtrty »I,000:70tm'O.Tltp.~ ‘

ivortli. Duhl, Is attorney for Dui-


Churlcd.'aboTr. are the thknctf th»« m.Mhirjl tiiuturUl. lh» - jvms tor varloui ofCensci. Thoufb he mlfht b( > irru u jirr a«<l llvr lo II haplcu.ftlloiT would run Itie rl(k of bcinc nctril fnr drlvlne WIiIIp il the U « of arerace*. And he woold hare m cirlir v>mr IiMOO.flOd mllr trafflo accident. Data «i reported by i', i u .. motor club. ai mobile auoriallon.

I139 cl (rtllKi; a tJckee i;r of Mflliuiflah. n>« in ?o9 jciM, Sci ticurr,* lit IrHolvfd in a tn la l I (lie Amcrlcaa Aulo*

l id . humui dignity, unmoi«icd

„;p” chiW» “^ a n e n t chalrmat. of the con-

HallKk. Smyllt'nld,

a person.! Jd tndrCAMP 18 SOU>

nLER' July-2 UlAll'

Debt Payment Asked in T. F.■tu:o *ull« for collection of dcbta

«e?P flIed | —T w in FbIU 'probate court Tucidny.

Lcn-Jcrfola. U .tuuned as Uie df- fcildnnr in one su it. The pinlntlff, Nomiftn Ucrrett, doing btwlneis ns U crretfs Manufncturlnjc Jewelers. 1220 Klmborly rond. nllegt.i Uwl Jodoln purchased a dinmond ring from Herrelf* on Jan. 19, 1859. and «tUI ou'ts »358 on the pur. chose.

Juslninu ■* i AUTinl-ot $3 ftlton',py'.% /<

I Acl- cll, rppffipiiij

,cc, Grand . SI tocrc.--l.

innicy II, N. lie burenu.

:u to Dr. Cliarlc.s iJoiinhue «iid r. Druci' Cnttl,'. Ore.,

pim U351 in;fn..-,t: $;.-2 for pro- fc&slonfll .wviccs'H«j_ ino Aiiwtlie-

VI.SIT GRANurAnKNTS M u im u o n . July 27 — o -“

I/ni Iitm and Pnlrlcln Iron n ; i of iiu'ir nt;indpnrfn;.s, ^ .Mr.v John Dyer, for Hic r

maiiider ol tlie mmnier. Tlicy n llic chlklri'n of Mr, nnd Mr.s. W limn Iron, EuRPne, Ore.


S ligh tly Damaged



S A V E2 0 % to 6 0 %


3 CARLOADSMosl of thes« appliances w er# s lig h tly dam­aged in Bhipment. In som e cases t h e damage Isn't even noticeable. ,Th!s hage vo lum e ship- ment enables ua to offer you even g r e a te r sav­ings. Prices Bubjecl lo stock o n Iiand! PRICES INCLUDE FACTORY W A R RA N TY AND

-!~ 0 N B -¥ « A R FREE flERVICBl ---------...........

* Water Heaters ★Ranges* Dryers★ RejFrigerotors* Freezers* Buitt-ins★ D iih w a s H e »

L a u n d r o m o ts★ Air Conditioners★ Disposals


U-Houl emor will deliver for a

small additional charge

N O j^ w n ftiyinenth

lu s e

WAIN 50 .-.-^

c o u n K tii “ cwr#i" you may hear , cbout. II you ivfftr hvm a

J p V f T '- i .... gnawing p d n In vour flomodi...iM‘ your doctor. Thap l«l • '

. ......... RELY O N O UR PHABMACBT \

H A R i m i S u m tu lc M i i b r ovtr 2 0 0 • d iffarant kinds o l

I n t ic X an d p t i t i l

Y o u m a y now pur* c h o i i ( h i t amaxtng V e p o r iu r fo r o n ly . , .

-*5" ,

VISIT OUR TOY DEPT.On r t i t B alcony

DRESS-EE2 BABY PANTS— A A A ^ i By Ployt«x. REG. 6 9 c EACH Z f e r 7 7 C ,

KITCHEN TO W ELS — C heflina m # lM »r#njth I r ti ln t r e o t fd popar. P « rf««f fo r J k A m '

J h i feUchan. R e g .a 9 c *0 . N O W A fo r

PICNIC p l a t e s « . CU PS — Pockoa* o f pIfltH I r tg . 69e v o lu o ond p a c k a g e o f cold Q Q « I e u p ir f f l .4 3 e v o I u « .A L L F O R O N L Y ^ O O C ,

INSECT r e p e l l e n t SPRAY by D olpli A twt» \

IeoIi'.941?ALUE------------------------------ 1 . 4 7 ■!

CLEARANCE!All Swim m ing F in s. . . « ^ /

l n f l o t « d B o l l s . . . .7 . ■ / « »T l i i i b b i e F A n i m b r s r ; " /an d 'W a d in g P o o li . . . . OFF


h o ir , h o n d - o n d .— . b ru th M .T H E .eN T IR E S E T O F 5 0 IS I-Y

N U T R I-T O N IC SHAMPOO - > H alf

P H . - , 1 . 5 9

a f t e r b a t h F R E S H E N E R .^ ,Y crd .|«y English U vM dar. .<3 .5 0 VALUE Z o U U FACIAL CLEARER — Richard HiN 0u t "Cool Glow". 3V4 os. ■ T A . l a r l ^ __ U o u Jar # 7 6 1

D ic » n n R r a iH i coNTm

the eeisy


to lose

Page 10: C H m b er tJ.N 7K iris R u ss C harge Nixon Takes Over · C H m b er Unit Now Favors ^Treatment Plant The cliairnian of the


2 Actions for DivorceFiled In Area Court

Mn. P»»r5 J . Peterson *«»oi divorce Jrom' D on E. P«ef»on. ehtrglnj him w U h.m tnW l crMtl- tT. c o o p le-----

"rfurricd In Eiko. Nev.. on 19H. and h»»B three clilHlren.

Mr*. Peterson n»lu for ciuilody nf the children. *100 monthly »up- port, division of eommimlly prop*

■ erty. principally represented Iry lUoO eqully In rea re « te te a t SiJ LocuAt *treet »outh, T*-ln FbIU. piyment of c ou rt aSeU a n d 1175 iHorney'* fee.

J, Alfred M»y. o f th f Tw’ln FsIUi Uw'flnn' of M*y end’MAy. U « -

, tflmey for Mr*. Peterson.In ft dlvorrje ocllon filed by Mrs.

IJlllsD Stulz BBBlnit Jiwnen C. eiulr. he U cljarBcd wlUi pJiyslcnl »nd mental cruelty.

H h w it u y s Uicy « fre mwrled In EiM. Nev.. on June 2, 1956. and ht>a t»o children.

&(ri. Slultx. xequfAU. cu»U» " the' fhildrcir. pnynie n r of ■ HOO — m«nlhly-for-W ielr-»uppof'— P»y*

ment of lS603i de*l* incurred by the couple. »175 attorney'r tnd court c<ut. .

Lloyd J. Webb, of the T * '!" F“l'* liw fimi of RAyborn and H»yborn U atumey for M rs. Slultl.

Reunion Is Held By Heyburn ClassHEyUURN, Ju ly 21—About 30

»emb«r* and th e ir husbands and w lm and fam ilies o( the Heyburo cnduaUnv c la u - of IMO heM *plente *t Nepti---------- -a n d V banquet Burley.\

H urt W WtUker »»s jnaaU r of eeremMiRt a t the banquet at which Alonto Hutchln-wn. Moses like . Wa*h.. presented » magic ihow.• Award! wer« presented to Mrs. Leo Thompson (B«lv» H orn) and Qlayde Wilcox for chanBlnr •’'* least in appearance In th e years' to liw ls Stlmpson 'o r hs»» inj the youngest wife; to Hugh WhltUker for luivtng th e largest wiUtUne: and to Mrs. a a tn Biow- t«a (Beth piiyne) tor hftVlnir the (mallut wmtatline: to AlonM Hutchinson for being the to Mrs. Cleve Bcun <Myrtle Vlb- bert> for being married to the eldest husband: to Mrs. Scnousen for traveling th e fartheat: to Louis 8Umi»Jn for h*vlng the hair w fl to WHllwn HellewaU lor biTlng the lesist hair.

.. jS B fu S th ! ijm w > 'H u U h - tnson ehalrmfcn. Mrs. Charles KUngenbenr *od.

50 YearsI 9 6 0

l l i e Inslfnls of the Camp Hr« CIrla U canlea on this sUmp which will |« .»n sale In New York City Nov. 1 t« mark Iha 50th annlTenarr ol that group. A hair>mlllli>n (Iris ar« i ben todjiy.

Glass at HeyBurh- Has Reunion Fete At Park in BurleyHEYBURN, July 17-The Hey-!

burn high school graduating class of m is held ft reunion and picnic Saturday evening at the Burleyi swimming pool perk.

FYank Boimieser conducted short business meeting and K « . . dcclded to hold another reunion; In 10 years. The committee to pUn! the reunion wlU b« RoimieMr, Mrs. Leo Weber. BUlle Drew »ad Mr*. Emery Winks.

Mrs. Albert Bunn led group slnglns and Carol Cannell pre> sentcd a baton demonstration. Louise Larsen gave a ballet dAnce number. ■

Mrs. Wftlly Kortai won the prlie for coming the longcet distance to attend the reunion and Mr. and Mis . Adrian Smith for being mar* ijed the longest,, Mr». Reuben RJchsrdson gp;>eral chairman: Mrs. Richard, son and Mrs. Russell Kolohan, In- rllfttlons: Mrs. Leo Weber. U n . a n e ry Winks lutd- Mrs. Fairest Zemke. decorations; Mrs. Jack

« ehftlnnen *or the e fe n t this

K i n g H i l l P e o p l e

------------ ^ R e p o r t J o u r n e y sKINO inL Ii, Ju ly 27—m ™. Lee

TraU and chlldroa and M r. « Ur*. WUtUm . 'm i l and ««> • tended a fam ily M «n»n » t the hone of Mr. M id Mr«. jw n e * 0»- hlli Wdser

Mr. u d M n . William Tr»U a m ftlso a ttonded the reunion the l»U trM kutlBC class «f the Payette high achool OTcr th e w t^ '

W. R«B. I tad fo rt. o r * . tIsU-ed hJi parent*. M r. and Mrs.'Ohai-tcr ROM. He U a ttend tn r a pro- Jaot «aBa«er aohool In Bolae-

Marilyn .Van Curen, Long View, t W ub, H dt«d Lomdoa Carnahan.

Mr. and U ra , Clyde Cox and . fHDUy bave n tu r a e d from Nampa

I irhert they viattwl Mr. a n d Mrs. O t« * Plach. M » . Plncb to Cox* iltier.

L , Mr. aitf M » . JOha a t- -------teded-fuDHml a e rh g e r la -B o ls r

- 0* M», L6biia'K atiierla® Baker, n , nbo w u M rs. BapUe’a aunt.

F p r a J y at E d e n

- B B c k F r o m -TripXDSN, Ju ly 27 - - Mr. a n d M n.

BenhU JotuMon a m dauchtera n tu n u d tro tn Parasould. Aik., irtw n he cnctdiKled a series of mnceUsUo Bwetlaca and they t1s< Ittd nUUTM. H e Is pastor of the S d a C h u r^ o f Christ.

Mr. and M i*. & i l Mouton, ] r , a » l f tn ehildr«n returned to Or- a&ce. Calif, a fte r Tlaltlnc her fa­ther, Daa B nice . and o ttie r rela*

.... M i«.O am aB urdand»i:n .7T aok • Btonctr airlTod fn m PboenU,

AHi, and Bureka, O aU f. to be wtth their m o th y , M rs. w . L; BfuvUp tn>^* ** *a t M a lta 'V a n e r_____tal Tuesday m oralaf. "They win • ta r «1U) Brown a t i ^ t o n a M f t th tlietr atot«r. Mrs. b i w Ham- mend, and ttaelr hrothar aad t«r-tn>law. M r. and l b s . Carl MOtphey. ___________ __

F w f i e l d N e w sV A OV ID I). Ju tr r r —U r . atkd

'* n natwrt K e n a n d lihldtreii. •• OaU f, a » her

Couples in Utah Visit in Heyburn

-HEYBiniN.-Jttly 27 —'Mr. and Mrs. Eugeno Fisher and Mr. and Mrs. Olen Badger, Balt U k» City, visited reUtiTU here orer the week-end. They eime especially.,to a ttend the IHO Heyburn' high school c lu s reunion.

Mrs. Lena MaeEalght and Dor­othy May, Phoenix, Arlt., have been-gtiests of Ur.-ud'M ».-M«l' bert Taylor.

Mr. and Mrs. Lorta Carpenter, Star, have been gueits of Mr. and M n . Melbert Taylor and other rel­atives.

Mr. and Mtt. Alonso Hutchin' m. Moees Lake, Wash, rlslted rer the week-end with leUtlrcj

here and In Burley.

Fairfield Woman Goes to Germany

PAIRPIBtD. July n - M n . Boyd Moon and six children have gone tv a charteder army plane " New York where they were leave New Tork Sunday and fly .. PVankfort, Oermaay, to Join Mood who U statloMd at Balmholden on the Rhine. Mrs. Moon and children hare been staying, in

■ ^ b T i,H r;iu ia Mrs. Odea Prock, unlit arrange­ments could be made for their traasportatloa Moon U the Mr. and Mrs. Al Moon. PaWleW.

Mrs. Charles Wateibury and 8oda Springs, are vlsltlM he

motherV-Urs. Carrie W h e a T ^ t Lee Harness. Qftry, Ind., U vli-

lung his parenti, Ur. sod Mrs. EddlB Harness, Corral.

I p o d W

Aliiiaaua , fo r obstrra-tlcn. B e a c a a ^ m to Boise a m * : day atteraoati to Tltlt




BARBECUED HAMSaturday Afternoon Only!

Be Sure to Register for

Free BrazierT o be given away to some lucky person v i s i t I n K our s to r e during: the Sell-A-Bra- t io n ! N oth ing to buy . . . just re g is te r! ®


m s i m

10" Tricycles....26" Boy's Bike ... 26" Boy's Bike.. 26'^^irl's Bike 26" Girl's Bike 26" Girl's Bike.... 13" Tricycles

Regular 5 .95

ALUMINUM i 1 - 8 8U W N C H A IR S, ■Hr

24" Barbecue Grill..Fo!d-up Barbecue Grill. .. s.s?24" Barbecue Gri'ir ..' ... ia .« 12.!24" Barbecue Grill......«.« 18.'24" Barbecue, w/h..d..,.n, 24.95 17.91Wagon Gri|l.............. 27.9s 19.81Potio Wagon Barbecue . 23.95 17.9Portable Picnic Grill....2.9s ].9iNo. 6000 Barbecue .:... i« 95 13.9iSteak Broilers, .... .95«-p=.Borbecue Set,.1.=..tort.,, m.oo 7.9

I t isn ’t o f te n you can buy ^uch quality a t such low, low p rices . B eh e re w hen the doors open Thursday morning at 9:00 f o r th e g re a te s t sa le Magic Valley has seen in a long, Ipng time! T h e re a r e m an r, nraity m ore bar^airts'in additibn-to those Hstett-ficre!

HURRY!. . . Quantities Are Limited!



5 0 %

Rag. SALEKit....«.9s 34.95......5.95 ■ 5.19... ......39.eB 31.62.......«.9S 34.30.......49.95 34.30.......54.9S 49.95.......47.95: 39.95^ ..‘. . . . : . . . . l i . « 5 ' tkS z

w m


and p U T D O p R LIVING!

FISHINGT A C K L E ..... 25% •«

an d X O O L S

Lock Sets.....ick File Boxes.......

R*fl.. 3 .50

len Door Latches - ite Colonial Mailbox 4.95 ary Leather Punch . .. 1.59

Hammer --------- 1.10


2.252 .2 r_.593.491.19

Vise Grip Wrenches, 1.10ion P l i e r s .... 1.00Saws ...1.00

Boxes................. 4,75




H«iipro«f Cereal Bowls, whii. .15

Coffee Mugs...... -- .10Ironing Boards........... 9,95 6.95Fiber Glass Planter,

» llh . ro u g h ) Iron .le n d .....................3 ,25 2.4910-gal Milk Cans........i7« 14.95

j 15-gal. Garbage Cans ... 4.30

Milk Filter Discs, ... .90

Knife Sharpeners, 3.50

i2<»p A uio. Coffee Maker, u.9j Bag of Asst. S p o n g e s .45


2 B

y." Pip. Threading Set, i6.« 11.95 1 Tool Sets

Patio Lounge...............9.9sSwing Sets.......


Lug Wrenches............Reg.’"

... 1 .4 0


.99Seat Covers............... . .5 .9 5 4.44Exhaust Extension..... ... 1 .0 ? .79Auto Flares .79Cool Cushions.......... 2 .4 9 1.99


-jito. 780 Serving Cart..... 1.95 6.95Tote Table................... .n 6.95Coleman Coolers.......... m.9s 16.95Picnic Jugs................ . 3.49 2.49Lain Beverage Stand »i •( 4,3.95 2.95 PatioBeveftige Stand . V . 345 2.59Picnic Baskets............. 9.95Coleman Coolers.........n.95 12.95Patio Beverage Stand...4.45 3.39Portable ice Chests ..........21.49 14.95

Propane Lanterns Sleeping Bags N., *25 Coleman Stove ..

Clothes Hampers....Double Drain Tubs..:.. .17.89

10-qt. Galv. Buckel Loaf and Dessert Pan.Cookie Jar............Plastic Sink Trays. .. Covered Cake Pans.



2 .25

9 .50 .29

5 .7515.79


Hose Hangers ............ 2.00 .99SVi-gal. Tank Sprayer 10,9s 7.95Wheelbarrow/s .. ...... 10,49 8.66Garden Carts............ 4.69 5.4919 ' R,..,, Lawn Mower, 3 35-9L24" RIDING b lA R Y

Lawn Mower......... 129,95 109.95"5 lbs. Grass Seed....... 2.49 I .49

50=ft. Plastic H6se .".- 3,49 ;2.4925 ft.-Rubber H o s e 4.95 3 95


........ 1 .15 .79

........ 1 .35 .79

........ 3 .25 1.95

........ .98 .66......... 1 .10 .591 ......2 .2 0 1.69; 7.9B 5.59

N., 220-E Coleman Lantern, 13-95 11 NS.228.E Coleman Lantern, i« « 13.i

. Baseball Bats Life-Jackets ii Life JacketsLife Jackets 11..S.1...... -Golf Balls ...........Golf Carts..


%. KM., Faucet Set, 12.50 ',rt., Steel Sinks, 41 jo 29.95 icine Chests.— -...H.J5 8.95itSeots----------4.M 3.49

Repair Kits .t» -;49


Elec. Point Sprayers — 12.95

Ounldt WMtf Paint Nk. 101, goL 5.29

Assorted Paint Brushes - .99 9x12 Drop Cloths .59




: . . -W V v^had-theM Uema around a king tim e . In fact, weVe become attached to’ them and i t makes u s sad to see them g o . . . h a n d as a towel.

Auto Wash BrushesR . , .

;...*3 .98


1.69Dust Goggles------ .... 1.25 .43Flash tites u «iii -— .79 .40L.P. Torch Set, 9.99 5.99Bird Cages______ ....16 .00 8.95Sun Dials i__-..... . ..13 .50 ' 6.95Utility Tables......... ... 8 .95 ■ 3.69Barbecue Trays.— .44 •2?i

Caution Weight Loser Of TOP Qub Named Queen

U». Albert M ayer r tlfoed M the TOPS (Tulce Olf PouatU Beruibl;r Nix.on-Plx club weJglit iMlnt Quetn ». coron»Uoa p « r tr TUMdiky ({Urnoon th*t m a rk e d : the tnd ot t inree-menlh welglit ' luint conlm betw era member* of the chipitr.

during II

Mrs. lUchud w nU e, dlrtilon one; ^ r . Herb Hoppe. dlrWon two;

n. C. Tliiel. tour; Mr»- W U. Molllngfr, Jr.. flyp, u id i i n .

C. K McCIHn, dlvlalon ili." 'Tile qutena were crowned b j

Mrt. nonild Cox. club presldenL.Mn. Edmond Moon t m m lstrui__

of-tfrttnonlerimd'lov.caJorlo re- JreihnwnU »-erB »«Tfd by lOMn In the contttt.

rclfnlnc queea received %

Bnt loser of th e veek v m U ra. Giro Mon, »ho lo«t five and one- 'iilf pounds. • T h e 38 member* >re*tBv lost h to ta l pottndT ' ‘JiuHitthewKlc and'litiOH p<xinda h»ve been lo#t by the group since Uig unit lormed In Kovembfr.

Tie next meeting win b« he ld kt -ISO pjn. Tuesday In U19 hom e ot ktri. lulph Kolmei, one*fourth - "9 t»3t of Blue Lakes boulevftrd

Pole Une rwid-

T he Nkllonsl Ssrtty eoancil w»ma th il drlTlnr on rur»l rokdi d itfe n to m ueh from (omplke and tubao motortnr Itiat il'i ■ tilt like ciplorlnc aDother realm. AnythlDs from a chtrkrn to a chuckholf. from a cow to a <ul> vrrt can loom a t an] and usually d o d , ---

Biihl Man Is Talk Winner

K enneth W alktr. Buhl, won the blue pencil Tuesday night when Ihe Twin Palls Toutmaster club No. 14B met » t the Turf club. lU gare an unprepared ape«h, crlU- cltlng the "myth that the United States never haa struck fln t in

Topic for the erentnic "bold adventure." and Walker cold of World war TI experlencei In bac> ties In the A tlantic ocean. He end­ed by suggesting the t}.S. strike f ln t in the nex t global conflict.

O the r speaker* were John Lein- ja . j f h a iQ ld fthQ u«a lootbal] game between Qeorglt Tech and Cumberland university; D av id H am lett. "Bold venture or defeat,' and Douglas Neville, "A Lacuna adventure."

T here were as members present a t th e meeting that began with provocatlL»_t^1e topics led '

Kovtnilocv. K* told"o{ .... Ivo'W eek discussions a t a war col« lege in Washington. D.O. His main toplca concerned dvU defenst_and airra id shelt««.

Ohler erlUc duU u were shared by B obert Oolnor and Ray ODon> nell. Jo h n R oper was toastmaster. U arald O erber. was graaunarlan.

N ext Tuesday the club will meet for I ts annual summer picnic the Clear l ^ k e t coaotry el... Buhl. TTiere will be no speaking program.

Aug. 9 . the club win return to Use TurX club fo r speeches hunU“

Declo’s Scouts Go To Slimmer Camp-----------• • - .3 7 -^ -8 « o u l* -o f

■mey are Mike TtompMn. Qtle -TttompMm, Z3dou Bunt, lAtry Darrlngtoo, Johnny Oarrlngton Wayne PuQua, L arry Meade, ‘Pani- my Matthew*, Stbor Pbll, Lymi BodUy. Zase Walker. David An- d m o n . Nelson -Rlohai’dtoo, Prtd Wood, n ichard OMerhout. Dennis Cbamberlaln, lA rry Ottertwut, Oalen- g n p trc m Danny Karfn, K urt eUovaon. Jerty Penrod Utd UutTftjr FKcton.

Tlier w e re acMcmtaolc

r v n M U n t .Fred V tm a a . X<rtandPnitao.M(ir- n a n Wood. Mr*. Merle U a tth m

' M r. and M n . Winfield Bunt.

Shoshone Scouts oir Jaunt

______ _ July 71 - An anouUng wms held '

. . M aaU a* ' D e« r- HaUey.,--

Jlnx 'U eOokM ek, awlB>«nt__u t t e r , tad .S m e T m y were bus W ver#.' ■ -

Ooldctclc. -Ttrry. Ura. WilUam B U Aoas and u n :

Btaale^. I m o q .

Aide Reports On Tax Rolls

JEitOUS. July 37 — Charlotte Hoberson. wunty auditor, reported

n the toUl of th e IMO asseaament jlls, at the county comcnisaloner* leetlni this w e e tHfsl, city a n d penonal rolls owed a IoIaI valuation In the

amount of t9.62S.875. Mrs. R ober. son ssld this U an increase of (lOlMi over the lOW valuaUon.

Increases a re Irrl-gsW Isnd, I1M73: pump Irrigated^ t9U »; rural tmprovemests. S96,« 7M; all classes o r cattle. »33.303;

machinery and tool,sexTlce station e<]Ulpment. p rint* Ing pl.nt».'funUture and fixtures, surgicsl a n d scientific, Instni* lenu and art coUecUsns. .63.476.Un. Roberson s&ld the tot*l Tal<

uitlon of the county will n o t be esUbllshed until the corporaUoa roll Is received from ths s ta te and the subsequent personal roll la re . celred from Hi# assessor l a De­cember,

Couple Talks a t Declo's^ervices-

DBCIO. July 37—Mr. a n d Mrs. Allon Orlffln wot« special apeak-

Sundiy n l ^ t a t the Declo i meeting. O riffln used lo r hU

subject, "The t U t h ecmznsnd. ment.* Mr*. O rlfn n i ^ e on Trala^ua a in th i w e j h*__KJTor^Tommy Oarrln«ton f a r * the 00 honesty. O w l Oa-

-a1jc« M Dduet^ a i ^ p r»yeri wtn liven by P»OTtt W eet -aad • Utoli Plckstt —

California C o u p le Visite HiigermanHAOERUAN, J u ly 37-M r. and

Mr*. Barold Rtf)<UU, I>*rU, CM lf, rts!tu« hU KTMdmother. Mr*.

tUten, Mr*. VJrgU N e r r o d . Higerman, and M r*. Henry How­ard. Fairfield. AccoD^Mnylos him wHiliw phetr. S teve How»rd,*oa of 14r. tnd Ut*. B e n i; H ow ard. PalfriekL-PMTOt*-

roed, to B k o . M«r. to visit dauibter, VlJBliU*. H w y re-

- jed In the eTexUng.Ur. tod Ur*. U t t i <

Ing Ih* B m uiU i • I-------------------and Un. pKirott. M ia .O ikno re la Uu fonner l^ u lao Parrott.

BlueJBencU Won By Filer Speakerfohn«<m .*tiiBr, w n j t o hlue

tbt-Ronnoo hoteL L-----------------won (m> awarda. tha iqM csp for m oat r lm praved . «Mker and a bluo peneU.for b a i t . table tcvM m a k e r - * '

«oka o n ’rR ile raaM m w i conpnmiae.*’ u d O w d a e r^ topic v u 'T aiR ilow f liU n c a t .

l«nn DUlon, -A M « i

back ^ t d . 7T1 d t e w a .

Page 11: C H m b er tJ.N 7K iris R u ss C harge Nixon Takes Over · C H m b er Unit Now Favors ^Treatment Plant The cliairnian of the


Judge Points Out Features of Horse Shown at Buhl Cities AskingMore Say in

GovernmentWASIONOTON, July 31 m -

A naUon-K'lde munrclpol Kroui> has unjed the supreme court to help city dwellers b « more .voice In r.tnte RovernnienC.

'T he municipality of IJfiO

Ambassador Goes Home to Israel

BUENOS AIRES, ArgenUM, .uly 71 1^.— Israeli Ambasstdor Arleh LevBTl, hla *ife <ind tao daushlns W t yeaterdny by plsne

LevaJl wM-decJored peronsa n T»t» u,iC'con»e<jucnce of the d UK ovfr the abducllon last M ., f lonner Njul ofXlclal Adolp Elch-

Prime Minister Nobiisuk.>103 been dlJchRTBed from the ho^llal where he- was trc.Med lor ittb wounoi Jnfllctcd July 18 t M-year-old Jfttmnese rlRhllst.

King Hill NewsK£NO HILL. July 71- M r . in d

tr». Roy Cl»rt, Bonnen Ferry, were suesU of Mr. aad U n . Ray­mond Oolden.

DallM WcW», OkUhoma City. Oklft, is vlilunit Mr. and Mr. “ O. Decker. Webb U Decker'#

DIRECTOR Dir.8 L oa ANOEliS, July 27 ..

Cedric Olbbons. 6S, ■*’tnner of 11 ■ACBdemy awt rda-fof-tnovle-ftit-dt rectlon, died yeslerdoy utter lonjt lllneaa. He retired four yet BKO after 32 >rar» as head of the Metro-Ooldwyn-MByer aipartinctit.

FRENCn CO o i T o r m ^ ALQIERB, M o io c t r j ^ 'i ’’

-^ e re r» l thotisMia rrench have Iftundicd ’a ntw

N o w M o n y W e o r

false TEETHV W lth U H I.w „"


r a - , ...(nnn-ttciai. cl'ecu


You payonIy^29**

Page 12: C H m b er tJ.N 7K iris R u ss C harge Nixon Takes Over · C H m b er Unit Now Favors ^Treatment Plant The cliairnian of the

^ „ hb:sday . w i .y 27.196. TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO PAGE THIRTEEN

F a r l e n e L o w e r y ,

J o r d a n U n i t e d i n

I u t h e r a h R i t u a l sn mil* immiinual Lu-

«>* WM Uie Mt-.lnB

■“ I f L V i nnrv. C. A. Rathjtn per-

buM t4'of Inrtie nnd

^ »,ridf alvcn In mnrrlaRt by W wrA lIcn, T^m F»lls.

tff UR^'' ItnRth go»nn . "ntin? loce thSl Jen.

« hooped skirt which fell

____T neeUtne *'«* a c e e n ir t^ U l

^ Th« 'ions lHy PO'n‘J u n ^ tlay butloiu.

.r^»rrtlD veil of lUusInn netS 'Ad mcrujied pfArlj.^ . cflrrled R bouquet ot white -^Mdlum orchids Rnd stcphan-

-niwlned with pale plnk lllu- net and Rmall rWueilone

f? r t. with white strcsmfM. She ^ s r r l e d a white linen and Ince ^ n - r e h l c f which belonpcd to ■Jf^JSnt Mr*. Eveljn Johrv«.n,

J^ ^ V lt^ 'e u i tu r c d peiir:, a gift^ Uie brldfRroom.

iUtron ot honor woi Mrs. Cljnr- IM Moore, sister of the brldc-

She wore * IfnfTthof pale broctide. eniln .m ill hat of pSUe- pink illu-

n»t 6he earrlcd a bouquet of S : *pl^r mum* entwined with S lUujlon n e t und rhinestones.

r o M . ahOBhone. eouiln

’to* lengthK , of Dtle Plok brocads w tln P , » i l I h . t o f pftla pink Ulu- S i Drt.' Her bouquet wa4 p nk S 5 ,r wumTentwUied with pink

Ml and riilnestonea. , B ^ d l aad T erri Ann ForbeiJ K h o n e . eouslra of the bride, ^ n o w e r jlrls. They wore Iden- Uttl drti»!* of .p*l8 pink brocade SSn and small head b u n i^ o f oiak Uluilon net *nd rower*. They

«hlt< baekel* wtth pink ^ m e r * filled with pink fose (taU.. .The drejsf* were designed by

u i i n Allen and Mrs. Anna Uura FortM. aun t of the bride, *Dd Mrs- Merle Parrott, the bride- iroom's molher.

Ciiirlei Moore, brother-in-law ol the brldtgroom served as best man. Uihwi were Mike Rambo. Bolie, and Oiry Miller. Twin Falls.

A belp illemoon dreia of em­broidered cotton with pink accc*- Kfles was jdected by the bride's rnoUier. Ilie brldCRTOOm'* mother e&us an a/temoon dre&s of mint petn acelsle w ith a lace bolero ud ehlle sceessorlfs- Both

_£Sn««-SlJShitfijprchlds._— ^Alier .the ceremony, a reception

TU held at Memorial Lutheran jeluol wllh SO Rucsl* attending. la charge of the bride'* liook wm tul» M«e KllUriKfr. Tlia briilr's tiblB wns rnvpred with a nhllc »nd-pli!{-ny|or>- tnble skirt ivnd centered slili a three-Uered wrd-

; cake decorated with pink ■* nnd topped with a miniature :al couple under an arch of I pink roses. After the cake cut In the traditional manner, a* sen'ed by Mrs. Anna Laura les, aunt of the bride, and Mrs. 1 Rambo. Punch was senred

by Mrs. Iva Allen, aunt ot the Wde. Mrs. Ouy Lattlmer and Mrs.

Marian Martin Pattern •

M a r r i e d i n D o u b l e R i n g R i t e s '

- - - ' t S T " - ■ • - ' ’ JM i s s P a r r o t t I s

W e d t o B e n n e t t

I n E l k o R i t u a l s^B ntL , J,:ly 27—Mr. (incl Mrs.]

of t:u lr rtaiighier.U> H-;; J iP l Ui'nnca, mu oi

iiid Mri. aortJon Bennett, u couiia- woilrtUlK.Ill •> cliiublc m ic Cf.-r:tio»y|

rm«l in tlic cUy hnll iH Elko.: 30 pm. .luiy 1C by Ji-vicc ' 'pacr K .luard T. Lui;.«forcI.

W e d s i n N e v a d a ' P r e s i d e n t L e a d s

• ^ T R i c h f i e l d L e s s o n

D i o r ' s C o l l e c t i o n ■

R a i s e s H e m l i n e ,

D r o p s W a i s t l i n er.MUS, Ju ly -27 17. — Dciistier

Pnliit lA iircn t of D!nr drop- ft (:i«hloii IJomb today by

pliiK siiiris o ff ohort enoiidi hciii- the • kneccnp nnd dnip-

iiiik’ tlie wnlslllno nearly to the h ips.intteiied nnd wiiLsts

■wi.i bnalc.illy i

mill'd II

Social Calendar

UABVE0V8 MXXBU JW -M * n a trto l SIoum, c u f

bojr ..ghortt mix y w y i J iu n u n g — cart to Uttte

Pattern MS#!.-iOiMi' £ .1 0 . U. M. 18, M, 30. 8U t -l«

Tvdf M*laeb;

•W M e«tji (ootBi) toe thl* add lO .cenU for n e b

firtt - okaa' m tlUnrW to MwUn. TlMtt.

„ ...........™ . ' S 8 ® 2

gr;si%3'» »s.s£:^ 4 acwl, Oidj » “c*BUi-

CASnO-ORD — M e t h o d U t Youth Fellowship will hold an Ice cream soclil from 7 to 9 p.m. F r i­day ai the church. A prosrnm will be pruented nt 8 p jn . Homemade Ice cresjn, cake, pie, punch and ice cream toppings will be .served. The j)ublls Is Invited.

M r s . P a u l s o n I s

F e t e d a t S h o w e rlUCIiFIELD. July 27—Mrs. Carl

Paulson R-M honored a t a pink and bluo ehower Monday afler-

at her homo In Rlclifleld. SiftS were Mrs. H al Hom, Jr.,

Shoshone, Mrs. Glen Roas &nd Mrs. Thro Brush. '

Mrs, Hal R au wa* assisted In dlrecllnr games by her dnughtcr,Dall.J’rli£s,-rcceivcd-by-JJr4^D**nWilson, Mountain Home, Mrs. Bill Hortlngand Mrs. Kenneth Roundy,

ere prciciiled th# honored gue.5t. Mr.v nnuntly n.' 'Uted « lth open-

Inc Rifl.? nnd .Mrs. Glen Row com piiril ihc ultt ILit. Mr*. CInra Pliul

in. moilicr-ln'-laV or'llieTionorce, as ajpcclal guest from Shoshone.

Gary Miller were In charge of the reception.

Mrs. Brelyn Johnson, aunt of the bride, and BeTeriy Kevari 'were in charge of the gift*. Dorothy Shepherd assisted with' the sifts and passed out rice cups.

The bride was graduated from Tain Pall* high school in IMD and U employed by' Hoffman, Plske and Mllar, conjultlng engineer*, and Dr. Robert V. Shaw. •

Jordan la a 10S7 sraduate of Flier high ahchool aAd Is serving la the niry as a second cla** boil­er. Mc>ui]ci»n. on t U e ^ a a U cm--. riEr..U.S,S. Essex,

Out-of-town guest* Included Mr. and Mr*. Dean Banner...New Hampahlre; Mrs. Brelyn Johnson. Kimberly; Mr. and Mrs. Judd Rambo and family, Bol*e; Mr. and Mrs. ead-aoq.antl M r..and.M ra.. H anr Skjold, ooodlne: Mr. and Urs. Han? Forbes, Jerome: Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Sanser, BuhJ: Mr. aild Mr*. Herbert Forbe* and family, 8ho«bone, and Harry Hamilton and Mr. and Mr*. Ken­ny LORdcr and lam llf, aOl Kim-, berly.

G o w n s o f F i r s t

L a d i e s M o d e l e d

F o r G O P E v e n tCHICAGO, July 27 il?r--Crcat

Ladles" of the Republican pari today modeled 100 yenrs of tlic most lathlonablc goftiu j>om .by OOP first IfldlM since the party Inceptloa.

The •'Orcnt L.adle.i of America" lundi for l,4(X),dlstlnculslied publican wonu'n nnd wlvc; party dlgnitnrles was to prc.«nt 13 gowiu norn by GOP presidents' wives dating t>aclc-to Mory Todd Lincoln’s lull-tklrted. roj-al blue velvet dinner go»7> of 18SI.

Honored guest. Mrs, Dulsht Eisenhower, wBs expecjed to waltli Mjt>, Shirley stfaiton. Srunetle wife of Illinois' governor, model Mrs. Elsenhower's first Inaugural ball gown—n Renoir pink tllk criiatlon—tniljroidEred. .wltii.. than 2.000 rliliicsloncs.

Mrs. Roberti Smylle, flr:t hdy of Idaho, ;\lll wear n rriuoducimn' of R gown unru by Jtilln Dent Grant a t the Mci>nd imuictirnl bull ot plywirs S, Cr.iiu. TliL' L'

ll of.«llvn--B. , excellent example of the

. ,n mode irom hoop si bustle, ^ thcrv a t the back and ends In & train. ->

Other OOP women turned model /or a day were Mr*. Thpiston Mor­ton, wife of the national chair­man, who will wear Lucretla ilU' dolph Oarfleld's pale satin In augtxrol gtwn trimmed with Bruj. eels point lace, and Mrs. Charles HaUeck, wife of the Indiana grtasman. Mrs. Halleck will the ISOG revival of the Empire line tha t Helen Herroa Taft choe# Joi her hUBtand's inauguraL

* * * R i t u a l s

g bag,

I, wiTe ( ir t^ c d drns-lUie bottom the hio,' theretl-on inflon skirts) Slclrts Were moderately

n t th e hcni,'«hlch iiy -hit m id-knee level.Saint U iir e n t did not bnptlie I* new shape w ith a name, b-jt

.. looked a b it like a bomb or elongnicd melon. I t always hung -a a long, slack middy top.

The flapper e ra influence Is strong, but to complicate mnitera there It ap A frican iJieroe ' ' ' slinped like n a tiv e hut« ... hlll.% nntl barljarlc co*tumo Jew- clrj. Colors nro daric for day— broMn, blnck, p rune and steel rray; witli gold nnd silver lames, beading nnd b rig h t shades for evening.

foltiy o r do»-n-to-e*rth touch M In with icnlt toboggan cape

topped with ft wool pom-pom. Thftt they are teamed up • ■ mint.and soblc does no t see matter. Several luxurious

I'e r lb -k n it sleeves and turUe neck, rolled,

into almost a horse collar, for cocktail a n d evening there re outright jwiclu—whatever they

may chocee to call them this time —and floor-length tent*, some­times drasgtng yards of mink hem along tlic floor.* ^ * Reunion Held in

Twin Falls PorkA reunion of th e family of the

late T .-J:-pooie“ lattllir-w as“Ke1d‘ recently nt H arm on park with signing the guc.-it book, This a ;nunt event la Jiel<l cath year t j third Sunday In July, i The progmm included h a l l dances by the thre.

Hope leper A *hoȣr htid fo r Mr*,

jojy I’aikfrs new /:in in -con­junction MUli llir service.

RICHFIELD, July Jl-Women's Mi.ialonnry council of thr A-weni. tuy of God church met ln«t wtpk a t Lhe ol Mn, Jomti rate w lirre Mrs. Carl Klnnei', prfol- nen t, eoncliioted the iMsnn tnd M rs. Pnte rend the Scripture.

A letter ».n.' read from s mLs- sicinarj’ nt the ’leper colony, la rvew Hope, Liberia Prnyrn wnf oilered by Mrs. Llo>d Campbell

iia Mrs. Kinney.. a in , Jgav.Eflrltm

icrtfl by memtjrr.t w iui a snow- Mr.v Clarence Low and Mrs.

I’nte conducied gnmes ulth Mn. Jo h n Shaw. .Mrs. U)lls Leiinoi and Mrs. Parker winning piitv

Mr*. Shnw and Shirley a.vl3tnl “ ■ with serving refresh-

* * * -

M e t h o d b e r s U n i t

M e e t s f o r P i c n i cHAQEn.MAN..July 37 - 1 ...

Methodocrj Siindiy School cln.w m et for a po;lt;ck picnic at the home <if Mrs. Ella Norris Sunday evciUng.-

OueMS included Mr. and ^....Dpmon, Scliullz, Wfndtll; Mrs, Nrlllo Roger*. Hagermsn; Mr. and Mi-8. Harold Randall. P*rl.i, Calif.; M r. and Mrs. Verne Melton. Twin Palls; Mr, nnfl'Mrs. Bert Carlwn nnd (Iiiishter, Tutllr, «nd Mr. r.iul Mrs. Loiile Majolfln, nich- flctd.

Tlie Aunu.-;t picnic will be held Aug. 39 n i the home of Mr, and M rs. Fred Roherls.

rlage of her daughter,’ Ann. to Sam J . Martinez, son of Mra. T T in f D ft«ieT T w ln ' FaHs.-Tfie couple wa* married July - Elko.

Ttie bride 1* a 1SS7 graduate of Mlnleo high *chool and aUen4(4 Newcomb college. Tulane. univer­sity, for one year, BoUj arr - ployed a t Sun VaUey. .

Care o f Your ChildrenBy AN GELO PATRI

. W id hfnionc, BiirlejT Karen, Bonnie a n d Kathy. Prizes went to U r. ifnd Mrs. Wld Malone. Mr, and Mrs. K eith Maione and Mr. and Mrs. D n n Jean, Phoenix, lArlt.. Other guestd from » distance were Mr. and M rs. Ralph Malone' and family. 8 a l t Lake City. -Mr.l nnd Mn. C harles Mason. Provo.l Mr. and Mrs. E ugene Malone. Pres­ton, and Q erry Nebon. Spokane.

^ ^

Bazaar Articles Are Completed

BLISS, July 27—Sevens! articles « r e compJeted fo r the boxaar to be"hH d'ln ''thc' f(iin )y Uio'BIUs Ladle* Aid m em bem a t their meet­ing last week ftt.U ie home of.Mr*.lie* PanoRB.---------- ......... -

Lumh d o th * . 'b a th towel* and pUlow cases w ere completed. Work al5Q is being d o n e a t the regular meeting* o a a quUt project for the bazaar.

Members decided to donate |3S > the Bliss Community church

for Injuraneo. T h e devotions were given by Mrs. M errin Leidig and U n. Paraon*.

The next meeU ng vlU be held Ug. 14 a t th e borne of Ur*. Herb


Club H as PicnicUtely I read a piece In the news,

paper, written by a phytlclarf, th a t called attention to the bread­winner of the family who. per­haps tn more need of a 'restful va­cation than_any_ member of hi* tam lly ,...................when the vacation plans were ar­ranged.

tliually it I* Father who help* pack up Uie femlly, li» d the car, pile in the children and the do«. call* Mather to "Oom# on.” as­sures her once more th a t the g u J* t u n ^ off, the milkman U no- tUledntb Is the paper boy. AfUr •II dldnt she ■ tto k t'to alt th a t day* ago! She.bad. b u t the U so tired by this time th a t she Isn't jp ta lo which key took*, what.


jr .a »£_______ _................. Sometimes’ this U

what they want and aeod and then it U »neV But occaaiooally there U a tatlwr'who dOM .ao t think that-dilTlog miles and

^ ^ / • l e W o f t o ^ t o o e e P l e ^ '

cared for children’ N .w e e k i straight to take them on a loni

. motor trip. And certainly It 1* not renful for a father who ha* work- ed'hard for a long *peU to drive

loaded with hi* family, Uielr -..................... the dog; to

a faraway place, often tinder pres­sure to get to a certain place at a certain time. I t 1* a (train he doe* not need.

When tt 1* a t all poaelbleparenu should be separatAd from tbelr children Jo r -a reat. .Two week*, the usual length of n e b a lepa- tstlon. can usually be arranged ao that the ehUdren are In safe hand* and their parent*, for the one time In the year, rtUeved of their care,

I know all famUlea do not ned thl*' aeparatenesa, nor can all

element ■ln:thB**«ltoiuS’*lu’lSe breadwlnoer-s health. nU s is ui- ually.Psther m i t 1* wise to plan Tacatton time for him to « way meat profitable to hbni-not for- gettingyotter. T b t doetorsayisa.

•od 6eot<nlm«nt o f : hU •_____ li not as rwtfuX as » w JeaUoD Doilld-^

Now and,then, i -------- --m lo iiii'on-4 iiltt'-bc(D L ... .

to be back (here,'sleeping as loof I he liked in the a om tng . w «a£ I

■Rie M ountain View club held .A July poUuck picnic Bunday a t the home of M r. .and H n . L aw renee CampbeU. Jerome.

Quests Included Mr. and Mrs, J. B. Olandon. Esale Hinton. Joee Work, Mrs.‘B e r th a Brown. Kenny Dungkln. M rs. Miuclne Nussgen aod ' tam lly.-tieeler-Reed,'A lfr*d Rayl, Mr. and M rs. P . R. Carey and family a n d Mike Moudy end Uarla Uoudy.

Wayne Corey ^ y e d several pi- and solos a n d aoccrdlon solos and Mrs. H arry Rayl played sev­eral plaiw num ltera.

rA H IU E S GATHER HEVBU2W, J u ly 37 — A family

atherlag and p icnic were held a t le-JoMph lie e ticsBe recently.,

-u t«o f-tow n rvIaUve* attending tbe e m t were M r, and Ur*; Uonle Lewls_^and famUy; Pocatello; ’Mr.

Uy, Twin n j l* : M r. and Mrs. Arlo U«, Boy. U tah , and Itrs . John Jayne, j r , a fld fMnlly. PocateHa




LAMES' DRESSSHOESJ• Tw M dii. Rm . 1 8 . 9 5 ....................• Volentlne. R eg . 1 4 .9 5 ...........• V ogiii. Km . f 2 . 9 5• Enna J itH ek . R e g . 1 2 .9 5 ...• M l . Mode. R e g . 1 0 .9 5 ........

Ladies'DRESS CASUALSin W « d g « a n d Flot Heels

• Forhinit. V d tie * -H - I P .M S a ltto 9 .9 5 .u _______ _ SpI » - . .

• D ele Book. V o h ie i t« 7 .9 5 ___ _ Sole 4 .60• O ther Slylet. V oiiicH to 6 .9 5 S o f t Z 6 0

W h o r s

m u W W


At Anne's Casuals?A NEW SWEATER BAR

Chock_iulLof-the Newest^-in flat knits and bulkies in all the Gorgeous Fall Colors.

Choose from ...............GLASGO-BRADLEY


from 10.95 to 16.95and hundreds of S k irts to match in solids, plaids and m ixtures-slim or pleated.

*1 holds your loyaway


for that Petite Teen-size 5-6 in casual or dressy clothes—


One of our gorgeous new vel­vets, satins or chiffon after 5

-cfresses— he-most-gioraorous- copies of all the top designers in the world and at prices you can afford-

^Beautiful SWEATERS with FUR COLLARS or a M INK STOLE to top off any ensem- b l e _ Q r e , h e f e r - i n ' a „ l d n g . M . p a J .

all their ownj

DARK COTTONS by the hun , dreds in every color and style imaginable r select yours to­day—Sizes 5-20F

LADY MANHATTAN S h ir ts have just arrived-ond we have, isvery style and color there is-' m any have skirts to match—r

■gACK^INTER^nts ore-more l>e;autifu l than e v e r - w ith ^swOTters and bbuses to_match in gorgeous Fail Colors—

Page 13: C H m b er tJ.N 7K iris R u ss C harge Nixon Takes Over · C H m b er Unit Now Favors ^Treatment Plant The cliairnian of the


Women’s Magic Y^illey Golf Tournament Will Open at Club at Buhl on Thursday

BUHL. Ju ly 27__ S o m e o f Wnjric VnUe.v’s cM ablishcd w o m e n jto lf s t a r s plus a new-“ ' “ I h icrhliifhL thc nnnnnl T lm c H -N fw g Wf.moiTfl MngiC Vnl-

lev Kolf to u r n a m e n t a t B u h l 'C o u n t ry club T hursd iiy a n d F r id a y . . A m onif th e estah- lished chamnionfl a r c M r« . H elen P rilucik, Buhl, w ho h a s w on th e tiU o several times, SerRcno SoretiBon. B u r l e y . ar»l Mrn. J e rry Gaase r. T w ? " ............. .

O ly m p ic F i e l d N e e d s M a n y D i f f e r e n t C o o k s

ROME, Ju ly 2 7 (/P)— T o o many cooks m ay spoil t h e bro th , bu t In th e lOGfl O ly m p ic s too few_cooks-could n p o il th c -a th le tc .-M ic a a t .- th e "O lvm pic com m ittees of th e v a r i ­ous countries a r o u n d t h e - world feel th a t way. I t a l i a n eookinit is all r i j r h t— f o r t h e tou rists . I t s also f i h e ^ f o r •-------------------------- -------------- -— Ilnlinn a th le tes , R u t s q u id ,


Tier# »re nimblJniw Jn i h ba»rt»U world Uisl th e PloiiMjr Icocue la about to "get well.”

TUI* good Jortune fo r the Plo- n««r vUl ectne th e expense of fcnothw Jeop-th»Oili/sraia Impit.

T h e r e p o r t comet rrom.umg n i i o r le& (ueKOUU «;iO >UkT« b e en prowlln« eouthem Id a h o for future itore.■m i U Ui* Kftj thejr teU Iti

Curranllr. th e ,Ptoneer leigu* it ' m utt belter off tLnuicUUr th « n the CUlfotnli. 'm * California le«(itt h u two (r«nchlMA t h a t mkMUt be ftble to JM t tM


l U i would lodlMt* th e CftU for. nJ» leecue 1« In iu lo s t year o f opcnllon. Beotiiee th e num ber ofcUm 0 ioof» U dnrlndlU«. th ein*Jor» will rtep In t o keep tlio Pioneer eUre, Tills w ill be d o n e

' b r tAUnc all the m o n e r p o u red into the OtlUomlft leesuo a n d girliK it to the Pioneer, th u a doubling the Pioneer league s u b - •Idjr.

in a rougti «atlmat«. this a tro lte —Of-f£srtUM,-lf It oatne» to 'p a a s .

might to mtk« it a tireete fo r th e Plcneer. Inttead of needing aoo to UO paU Mctt night (o break ev en ,

— thelMgaroouhl-bTeafc-eTen-on-a 4U-SQ0 nlxht. This U about w h a t the ilx Idaho-M ontana t« a m s arengtd tn the first haU of th is •csMn.

Now th il you know Uie n to ry , « e can all til buck a n d Me If th e

—aooule-knewrwhai-thejr-were UUk- . Ing about.

StlU In the baiebaU world.' so m e of the toouU are eaylag the d itya of the ■UTOut ’ eamp are «U b u t

which putA muscles Italian, coulii tu rn th e .s to m ­ach of an A m erican o r E n - }(liKhman.

3o IS toreljn. cookA, trnlnMl ')k food ol many naiioim. wl.. on.hrviitl during the Olympics htip ihe 160 Italian chefs

tlimcd In the kltclicna oC OI>tnplc YllloKe.

Many counlrlc* will also brloK thflr o»n Chets and dlellclnrui. Several nallocvi have already se n t farorlie recelpU to Rome »o th a t lUllan chefs can get used to strange iptces in exotic dUtns.

All the codu will work together. In fire big kitcheiu tervlns th e 10 caf«lerlft-*tyle rwtauranta. All the chefs will have the same b u tc dally menu to work on. But they win be able to rary cponiint ai well as woklng.

Take beef. I t’s about the aani< .11 orer the world. But a can a u n sUr contnjreiiy. Indian athlet«.i. mostly Hindu, will not (a t I t fo r religious reasona, Americans w an t K grilled simply and pretty well ■one. , ■

'Rib Italian Olympic eommlltee. pU»ing the perfccl hwt, has told other national'Olympic commlt- iMf to name thrir faTcrlt« d ish ­es and they wUl get them.

Each or the 7.000 nihletes wUl h»7e a dally food allowance con? iUtlng of almost a pound or b read, noodles or rice;,a pound of m ent: haU a pound of butler; almost 3 'A pounds of frull; a quart of mlUc: plus bacon, eggs, sugar, tea a n d coffee.

But theaa foodstuffs will come »lo.tha,.rUl»n cafeterias In d if ­

ferent fomii.The Olymplo oonunltUe saye U

cannot supply special utensils. forCOUnlrlM. dtalrlng them.

That means the Chinese w in haye to bring their own chop atltks, and the PrentJunen th e ir oR-n snail /orks—end pnbaiyly Ih e lr ------------- ----

by the QIanU and another -. OaldweU by the Plr«t«s. N e ith e r was wsll attended a n d only o « e future poaalbUlty w as found » n d he> (till a t least tw o years from signing.

Tlie OsJdweU n a p was a tte n d e d by about Si youngsterA, many Im . parted fnan the coaM. None f rc m Maglo Valley attended. The O la n t «amp attncled about (0 a«co rd -

.»J« •«7lce reports. In both eslies, the n lim ber'o fyounB -' tte n w u mBonelble for th e a t ­tendance. Few o{ the “objects’ the camps—young m en ab o u t 30 yean oi sge-sliowed up.

It can elMTly be seen t h a t . If the tryouta cant get the 3 0 -yea r- olds out. the time of their u a efu l- neM U orer.

As the scouts explain, the p ro s - peetlre - protealonals now adar* jntcnr that there are aoouts c o m i Ing the area all th e time. F ro m their ptraiU; tMenda. high schoo l cosehes and thetr ow n th ink ing , they know they're b e tter th a n th e ATerage teen-ager.

With that In mlDd. why sho u ld they (0 to a tryout oaiup w h e n If they are as p M a s they flKure, « Kout will coRte to see th e m .

While a scout for a n established team ny t thlKwe recall a le n s th y •tofy carried recently In the Tlm(»-Kew* that Brarw h R ickey figured tn-outoampe would n U the pnvoM Continental league.

. tUckey mainiained In th e s to ry ttiitscoutsi»remlsslnic.FnoitKt> po- tetillal to fill a n o th e r m a jo r leaguel

a m f e one of th * m a n r T w in Falls tuidenU who think b a s e ­ball haa gone out o f existence ' tally, we-vf got news for you.

Orer the past tw o sew ons bare heard the tale th a t a pe rso n would like to K« a b a ll game once In a while but alnce the Cowboys aikd pro(<ealoaai b a ll ' left, tb e ra h iso t been any, oppw tun lty .

SeTtril buebaU p l^ e r ^ and coarhes were <Uacu4s liu '-U & the other nl|b( and w ere M u e w tia t

- .................. • to find T w in

. . ..U s. H ow ever, M rs. Mar- lo n ~ G ^ d h je m . T w in Fall.s m a k in g h e r deb u t in the lo.

il ffolfinjc scene , is consid­e re d a p rim e /a v o rite ,

The toiirnamoni. ttliicli ojfi *150 added .prlr.e llM, will bfjT hursday »llh qiiulllylni;. , area women ROlfer* may quallly the fourionies of lliclr ctiol Palrlnga nnd flltIht^ mil be s up for Frliiny action.

Tlie louniamcnt Mill dellnltfly have a new champion Ihl:

Wr«. Ifnrvey Pierce will fend.-hcr title.

Mrs. Prilucik and Mra. Undhjfm -ft rated Uie favorites. Mrs. Prl- irik will be plnylnn her home

courae which will make her loui!li- tlinn In previous year. i

r u-on on fori'lRn Undhjcm. rated one'of llie

.1 Momen amntcurs around Ball Lnke City In previous yeivn.juunp- ed her.^eir as a favnrll* by Ilrlnf: A 74 on the »omen> par 7J T»ln Polls courM recently. TliU Ij * rceorrt for women since convfrslon of tlie course but records complete for the time the munici­pal links consisted of nine holea.

e ttn Mrs. OoMer, atio Is a con ststently low lOs golfer on th. Twin Fnlts muny and Blue Lakes Country club Unks. and Mn. sor- enson. who is the queen of the Minl-Cassla golf circles, be counted out.

Date Change ForKentucky Derby Eyed

LEXINOTON,-Ky, July J7 vn— Churchill Downs president W ath* en Knedelkamp said' Tuesday he has been Ulklng with racing c f- flclaU about the posalblUty f f changing th* dale ol the K e n ­tucky derby,

JOiedelkamp said nothing d e fi­nite has come ol the meeUngs to discuss the possiblUtlAi ot having the famed Loulsvltle race ru n a week later lt»n-usual. This would ,nni#.ll...Hl»-»»»n(l B alw dar In May; .- • , ; ------------

He said he believed changing th e date would attract top stables for a longer pre-derby period, m uch of It for tuning up lor the big

■nie derbf has been run the f irs t Saturday In May alnce 19J2, w ith the excepUon ot some World w ar ndayt.

Knedelkamp said'he has d is ­cussed the mailer with . J o h n Hanes of the New York ikclhg

and with Plmlleo trackiHlclaU.

Any change In the derby da te , he said, would directly affect th e other legs of raclnfa triple crown, the Preikness at Pirallco and th e Belmont sUkei, which after the derby.

Knedelkamp itid there are no deftalU puna for further m e et­ings.


U»t Canada cup malcha will be pUyed In AuatnlUa, President P »nk P»fe. Jr, or international aon aaoclaUon sail, Tuwday.

by the fact most t-rre oh week­ends and Sundnj-s when I t wa« Just as convenient for tan s,»

T o p F i e l d E x p e c t e d f o r A n n u a l b o d i n g A m a t e u r G o l t T o u r n e y

• G O O D IN G , J u ly 27— All e a r lv n um ber o f e n tr ie s indic.itcs a ^ood f ie ld l o r th e G oodinK a m a te u r Kolf to u rn a m e n t th is w ee k -e n d , rep o r ts cour,«e pro R a y W ilk in ­son .. T h e G oo d in g to u rn u m e n t will befrirt .S a tu rd ay w ith 18 holes and c o n c lu d e S u n ­d a y . S o m e $1 ,000 in m erchiindi.-e prize.s w ill be aw arded , Suv in e a c h f l ig h t . E n tr ie .s will lie nccepted th r o u g h 2 p . r .....

PGA Tourney Is Destroying Initial. Aim

AKRON, O., July J7 tn - The bigger the ProfenAlonal DoUen as- eoc/tttJon champlonshp irrows. and' It h as pushed into the big tKree'

American pro golf, the snaller Is likely to t>ecome In Uitereet

to th e feUow It used to be designed for—the club profteslonal.

and teachers headed for their homes and stops on golCs eon- tlm ilng circuit after Jay Heberl'a nerreiniBnblnff^rtctory in the WM POA tournament. ^

Of th e top SO ftnlshera In the rinnl standing, only a handful were club pro8,-irha»-been-thBt way fo r three year* now since the POA was changed from a match play erent on genemlly easy "pool ta b ln ' to medal plsy on a course like th ta 7,169-yaiU par 35-3fr—70 FlTBBlone Country club rrtonster that played a« t o ^

site of the National Open. O nly th t r e ^ a r mcnibers

golf's tutoring group have _ ehaiK* on courses Ilka' these. At the e ta r t of last week, 80 per cent of th e tourinc pros claimed Fire­stone was too tough for all but ■ few of their number.

T h a t H Aert wasn't one of Ukm enough

reaUy shouldn't matter. What docs m atter U that c< the top to In a field th a t originally numbered IBi Ute best perfonnances by club pros were 72-hole totals of JM by old-tim er H en rr Heard of Cleve. land, SheUey l ^ l e l d of Jerleho. N. Y , and Bob Harris of Win. nelka. lU. '

T h a fa -th e - ae trate .«f 7« -pat round and IS vtrokes-off the 3BI th a t won for Hebert and his Mat- ln« finish In Sunday's final round.

Washington State Will Meet Iowa

PU14J4AK, w aah . July r «i -

University ot Iowa, athletic di­rector Stan Bates aaid lodsy.

T he teams will meet on SepU IS, 1»6^ in Iowa City In the fourth m *tlng 'betw een the two ichooU. I t also will be ttie season opener tor both learnt.

WSU and the Bawkeyea i scheduled to meet a t Iowa city Sept. U , l»«3.

Iow a dumped the Cougart b twoprevious meetlngat M - l J ...........and 30-IS In ieS7.


el Ycaza, Panamanian Jockey who suffered .a bmken colUrbona In a splU June 31, was given medical

Tuesday to-^W 'SaldiE ac ie in ths |100,000-aaded Brook­lyn handicap a t Aqueduct Satur­day.

------- They bad to draw <rom four-<Uf>.ferau sooraef tee ou n e i |p w ith

■ t t lunM, only lO-ieaa U ian th e . cowboy schedule.

•thB high a A o o l------------------. tune games and ttie s e m l-p io

; ' MeTcnasts bare b a d u , l l w . t lion team ha* e taced U sam ea

)o«»lly. Add 1 0 - -------------------• K Ui«--------------------------

and yea ^ up th e

-v.i o t i i i . ____ ____ ____________«een played eH .th« d la-

f7>tr.r^-m eed,-ttei*«wil»4w~ to - Jeyeee

?'W « 'dajr o r twl-

----- —“ t 15 o r sow M ptfae t

M m n t O M i u i M B r L i s u i c r t c a ^ i u i ^ '

Yankees Defeat Indians by 6-1; Piersall Cheeredkees w en t on to d e fe a t t h e C le v e la n d huliati.^ n igh t. M antle's hom er e ra s e d a 1 -0 (■levclaiwl I,-id bv J i m m v Piersa ll’a s a f e ,--------- -— -• '

Stingy PitcherP O e> U LA a B E L tS f^


■eii place.'? w i l l b e p a id I . Sa tu rday . W ilkinson s a id N e w t

— Carter, B o i s e , i.s e x p e c te t l h.ick to defend hi."! c h a m - pionship'. T hat c o u ld s e t th e staRo for a r e p la y o f th e Mlni-C«!ula-amalcur month In fthlch Carter nipped Dr. John S. Clmrch, Gooding. In a sudden dMlh ;.)uyoJf.

Carter has won four nmnteur diamplonshlps m four irle.i in this area over a U o-year period. He •inrted tliu .'eason by succe.vifully defending Mlnl-Cn.uln croy,n.

He can expect siern competition from Dr, Church, w lio will ‘ plajlnit his home cour.^e- for Ihlns and usirt! nn improved game. Dr. ChurcJi expre.^cd dl.i- appolntmenl over h is o v e r B l l gwiie after Ihe Blue Lnk<a Coun- iry flub ini'jlajfonnl tJiJ.t .-;pr}n? h«l ndmltlcd his frnme wns Im-

3Vln? at tlie Miril-Ca.wla. At irley, only a dlsastrouA four-pult ten kept him from the cro«-n. Mso cxpected to b e in serious ntentton for the tit le are Con­

rad Larsen and Robb Sm ith, both

by J i m m y Piersa ll’bun t in the second ......

Pleraall. cheered loudly by crowd of 37,513 each Ume he c a m c '^ / ,

bal. advanced to second on a n t e d D iV

"'"'■iJockey’s WifeMcrUlce anjUacorcd the c l c v e - i ' ■ ' l ^ O r C f land run^TO Johnny nomano'si L 0 3 ANGKLE.S. Ju v '7 Mnale.-- ;jockcy willlc Shocmatrr.'J

Piersall. the controversial ten- V^ars was ei.uitc* ther fielder, had averted n cen-surc Tuesdny. mectlnc scheduled by his leam -l VliKlnia si;,,.matcS-lor Tuesday night By p rn in - |“ ‘** " ’ ’arcled alinionv Islng to cul out capers on the field!"'®" » tor one jM r,... and stay out ol argumcnU v.lthl*®'' ’■ccond >cir and umpires. . (ficrc.ificr, , ,5,

spired six prtvloui ejections by umpIrM and fines amounllnE U » , Piersall almost forgot In self once. Thot was In the sixth nlng after Cleveland left fielder Tito Francons had made a clrcu.^ catch of Hector Lopei's bid for n homerun with Mtrls on bn.ic.

In making the leaping catch,Fyanccna scluaJJ)’ lu;nblfd ovrr the low ralllnj Into the crowd.The second base umpire, Ed B un­ge, ruled that Uie'catch was legal.But Piersall. mlsunderatandlng the umpire's signal, came charglmc In from cerjler f«M, He was Intee- cepled by umpire Joe Papureltn.Who said something to him. and ............................................. back

PITCHER Sl/6rENDEDo m o D ty A T i. Jair -37 tfl-w a-

tional league president, Warren Giles Tuesday suspended pitcher Joe Kuxhalt of the ClncinnaU Reda f t j five

mediately—and fined him »3M for a rt altercation with, umpire Ed Varg:o a t Chicago.

Smith’s Bat Comeback May Be Sox Aid

HEW Yoaic. July 37 Nellie Fox' Isn't having nearly ns Rood season as he did a year ag NeltherU Lula Apnrlclo nor E.irlyWynn,

So. »hy are the Chicago While 5ox holding down f irs t place In the American league?

Minnie Mlnoso's con-iistent h it­ting has hod a lot to do w ith it. So has Roy Slevers’ run-producing ability. However, th e m ajor son could be the unexpected c( back of At Smith.

. . . . batted on .237 tn 1B59. L-nstTreek-he-hlkwmis -1960-I Bse nine points to -322 wltl hiu In 28 tries. T h e 32-year-old outfielder trails only ba tting leader Bill Skoa-ron of Now York, J34 snd-Mlnoiorthe-Tuner-up-nl-.33j^

The Nauonal league bottlni? race has develi^ Into a t70-7»an' affair between Norm L nrker ot Lo« Angeles and W lllle M ays of 8sn rtancLwo, B oth lost ground last week, Larlcer j lu m p in g seven points to m and M ays five points to .343, The figures Include Sun­day’s games. U rk e r had six bits in 31 times at bat a n ^ M&ys had S-for-». f ‘ •

Hank Aaron of M ilwaukee took over the senior c ircuit's homerun lead from Chicago's E m le Banks, The Braves' star slam m ed four homer*. gWng h tm 2a fo r the campaign. Banks h a d only a single circuit blo«'. pulllns h is to ta l el

. Banks, however, maintained hH lead In runs b a tted In with 80—four .more thnrj .Aaron.

Roger Marls continues, to pace the American league In homervna

Senator rcached !rc,->n the first innlnn ii/iui J;a u and Bill)- Oardmr ’id n in th with succcs.i;ic Lnblne,replaced LnryVuv.? and retired the side

T h e Chlcaco Whitf siji u .......di-nt’?;;ncd So.x

and weak hutlnj bombarded tlielr lioswn ' 10-3 and preservfd a oi American league >sd,

PVcese. whose tive Wj i-, hl3 overage againsi oa«cn b

> his poalllon.Mantle, the'next hitter, homered

5 put the Yankees in front ‘ atay.

Pour consecullva slnglea with CO outs tn the eighth Inning

broke a one-all tie and gave the Kansas City Atlilellcs a 2-1 v ie • jry over the Diltlinoro Orioles,

Mill- Pappas, the Oriole loser who had a one-hit ahutout through the first alx Innings, retired ' the first two batters In the eighth be­fore Bob Johnson-and-winning pitcher Johnny Kucki sm ashed, alngles lo right Hell I

Then Bill Tuttle beat ou t al roller lo third U> load the bases, and Johnson scored when Jerry Lumpe beat out a topper end.

Waslilngton Jumped on FYnnk Lary for three runs In the first Inning, then the Detroit righ t­hander took charge as the Tigers fought back fw a S-3 victory’. •

Lary, winning his ninth ngalnsi. nine losses, gave up seven h its. No|

BOWLING—HaTe-openlngs-for-Men's._Women's and Mixed Doubles

teams for Winter beaguea. Kim -Lonet, Kimberly, Id a .

Pfa. GA I-M44 WrIU Box 71

the Red Sox lor the eighth^ tim e and the 12tti in is u meetlng.v


EQUIPMENTw h y buy unkno-*n, cr

a n d unguaranteed ' aucii equipment when you excellent terms on r^ U ll t uicd equl[lmtni h T h e s.iwtooth Comnsnr i» dependable Michigan ioi We-have been wmne SouU« Idaho , Easlfrn O itm e Northern Nevada jor co tlm n M ye«rs. Here ate l-s few of tile items xe hsti' stoclc:

CAT 12 Motor Oradcr; MIO lO A N Tractor Shovels Ua 75-AG, 12S-A0 and US-U Crutt-icr Lo.-iden ana Doimt A. C., CAT and IHC; ahdici: o the r Items Including buU* conipre«ors_an[l pontr la: W h a t do you need? Call uii " lec t and- we'll fly you to B to see this guaranteed i_ equipmentl Low doin payita a n d low interest ntes.

— THI-SAWTOOTH CO.Sisa Ftderal Wij, B«lja Jdil



FIAT 1 1 0 0 S 1 7 7 3 * f i a t 1 2 0 0 S 2 9 2 5 * FIAT l l b o $ 2 9 3 3 *


^ B O B S R E E S E ^ O T d ltC O P. ' 5 0 0 B W k . S econd A «enua ^ u t h '

• W I N FALLS - '

Page 14: C H m b er tJ.N 7K iris R u ss C harge Nixon Takes Over · C H m b er Unit Now Favors ^Treatment Plant The cliairnian of the

TIMES-NEWS, t w in f a l l s . IDAHO,. PAGE FIFTEEN

Payette Tabbed Favorite [n State Semi-Pro Meet; iVction Will Begin Friday

T. F. Players Prepare for Toiu’ticy

Payette c a r r ie s t h e t«K of fnvorite iiitu Uk‘ se m i-p ro toun i.u iu 'ik 'i th tw o Ki'nu'.--, riiy cu o , loiuicci ^v ith '■■ ■ ''

______ . ........................I. N iim pa . B o ise ,'i 'w it i Fallswore g e n era lly r a t e d oven fo r nintiiT-iii) h o im rs w h ile th e rcm .iindor m'

S k y lin e C o n fe r e n c e ^ ea rs D is s o lu t io n<?ALT L A K E C IT Y . J u ly 27 th e S a y lii ic con fe r- ^ - rc s id e n ts - sn id T tiestlay lh6 coiilcrence w a s n b o u t

un . A s th e y p u tlU '> -» sta tem en t a f t e r a day lonK . ‘'T h e p r e s id e n ts ’ council of the M S A C (M oiin-

<;tntes A th lc t ic confereiK 'e) toiiiiy ciinic; to th e c o n - th a t so m e rea liR n-; th e c o n fe re n c e is in--

i« t« i w ith in n re lu t iv e ly

!fS?poislbm ty of oUlcr RinUtt;Su UlvoMng liism ullons wfilclv. u ticlr present coIIcnBUtv Jmve

ii« rfucatlonal progmnis nna ^ T f s , but which. In julfllllon.- «ner*lly Urger in enrollment

capable of a tlrn e tln j ftl-

u mnnbers asreed to defer I nsisldereUon of such mat- until Ihelr next nitcllng In

No notices of Intention lUiirew were received ut

^ .S k y lin e schooU mo.'M m ^ In tallts of reollgnmenl tS Brtgluun Young and New JHl« IWoe outside th^confcr- a a t W « i to be InteresCed In flUm op » new confercnce arc irijhiuC AlUonn 8t»te-unlvet«lty. yuhlngton State, Oregon and 3nr>nSUte. ^ _________

our Relief lurlers Toil Jnlieralded^ intue pitchers working itcad dJiislon tesnu could v.'ell

for membership Tucsduy U URO^underrated rtllever* omnn- itiUm.

Bilie a*rrJ^8Uley-or-lhB cni- <9 White eox, lin d ? McDaniel . Si. Louli. -Bd noebuclt of Lo» imeles and Elroy paee of Pltts- uT|h have been hof?glng most of - hcadllnts, Ihe proposed URO llninU have been toUlng bUII

,.f but with ]l(Ue recognlUon.I The four are Mika Portilelea of

••-n, Dick Farrell of Phlladel- and Jim Brosnan And BUI

iry of Clnclnn#a ornJcIu. 28-fear-old right- ider, has won six games and I one. In addition h e has saved

w; games for the icventh-plaee If] Sox while compiling i ubm! run average of 3^0. fiffell hw won seven games

Al nved tlx for the PhIU, who Jt^renth In Uie National league. I t fist-balUnc r lg b t; has ap-

In 35 of Ms • Uam'a 80 His ERA 11-2.81.

Bronian and Henry have }----------- ln-a« of C lncln i

........ B w sntn baa fourand Hx Mves a n d th« lelt- Henry h a t been

V uU *'(O U ue) R ldd lerw liw n-ealem R«d Bird nuuiager. aiht for th» D urham Bulls in tO w llna ie«cus In jw «, law

3-1 Victory Over Giants

Dy The Associated TrtssMilwaukee rlRhttinndcr Carle-

lon Wlllcy, ft-Rli liclp from never rooltlo Ron Plche In ninth, bent Snn Francisco . Tuesday niBhl o. the Braves clung within a hnlf name of Plltiburgh,

le National IcaRue leader Willey gave up only three h its.

l«o of them bunLi. Jim I^rshoU led olf Ihe San FmrKlsco n in th with a hoDierun.

Blit Milwaukee scored once in the seventh and twice In the elBhth, adding five more hlta aa the Glaiilscomnilllcd tliree errors.

Four-Jilt pitching by Cincin­nati’s Bob Purkey and heavy h it­ting by roolle Cliff Cook and Frank noblrvson cooled off Uie Los Angeles Dodsers. 4-t.

The 21-ycsr-old C ook."thlrd baseman c^led up over the week­end from Noshvllle. drove In one run vim four alnglea In four limes at bat.

with 0icred

abcord'In th e fiftli In- tlie loelngjjltcher, John-,

ny Podres,Vern Law of the Pltt-sburgh lies Iiuled only seven innings

gained hU lOlli conaccutlve vlc- ovcr the St.- Loula Cardinals hti thirteenth win of the as the National league leaders , 8-4.vo-nin homers by Carl Sawat-

skl and pinchhltter aeorge Crowe

The bk :i to the righ t Held Villon root by Crowe was his th ird homerun ot the seaaoc, plnch-hltter, and the 13th pinch homer of his career. He had a l- ready set Uie alPtim e rkord re ­cently with No. 12.

Cloy D»lr}Tnple. thlrd-strlng, catcher drafted from Sacramento this season, hit a thrce-run homer In the ninth Inning to propel the Philadelphia PhUllea to a 4-1 vio- 3ry over the latt-plac© ChicagoibB.The Cubs nearly won the game

In the boltom of the n inth when Ron Santo't Ho. 4 homer shelled Robin Roberts-from the mound but -lellef hurler Dlclc Farrell got the tide out.

Newcomer ito Try For Race Trophy

DCTBOrr, July 27 U»-A new- .omer to Eastern w aters will com- pelB In the Hartnsworlh trophy ue at Plcton. Ont., Aug. 1II-20-33. ThB Yachtmen's association of

America Tuesday picked the three- *— *. hydroplane team that wll

6 Cansdi't.defendlos cham­pion. Miss Bupehett-m . I lie new­comer was Miss Burlen. from th e 9ueen City, Yacht club, Seattle.___

As pr*<fleled; daIe~V. owned by Jos Schoesilb of Detroit, and

owned by Samuel

jU. S., Japan Swim Times Scare Aussics

SVDSEY, July 27 tP —neoord iir> liy Ajnfrlc-in and Jupsnrse >r tl\r p.i5t lei' dayj [lAve

'Hie AiiMifs ate iia't iie.iilv *.n nllrtciil as they \

II Is known ths Australian* have ioiip plnnntd to set new world Itnu's for many distances at these carnlvnla. But the word from TowiijvlUt l.-s the Aussles overall a rc not coming up In Irnlnlns.

CommfntliiB on American and Jiipaiicic umc«, couch 6»m Hcr- foril fnld: -Tlie tsame Is Up . , .

back IQ l05t and trailingcr luUniii.''........

ei'iU Japan niid the United

I Don Tnlb<il, conili of Jon siiit s;il.-,a Kollri»cL , the Irccstyle record 1. holders. i-%ld: -The other imions


t least I

t the Home Olympic s Austriiliiin sAlmmcrA

Mith Ihfir conrlifS 'I’ovMUMIlp, 1,000 iiilks - Jiiiir, The Olympic

I'ld.lhrrp Aui;. i .

mes. rtoniplftcciicy. re lro)n-; mine Is lii i i troplcnl; Is niiiiilns .s

II Ije namemornlnK.

The icheUiiIf"ne. Buhl vs, .Mini-c,u.M. . . . .1.; Valley v,.., U-wlstoii at 8 a inn diamond [«o; Payelte vi

Plcrce at ll a m.; Rame four TVln Pnll.1 Vi, winner of Mini Coula-Buhl at 2 p. ni and Nampi.

Winner of Valley-Lewlston at 3 p. m. on diamond two.

With the Inler-leanue pUy, Ma­gic Valley teams win have great difficulty in their quest for '

The first night of Ihe louma- lent will he Knothole IcApie night

wltlj all local younR ballploycrs being admitted free If accompan­ied l}y parents. In addlticn. se ol nrl7,e.i, Incluiilnn a bicjde nated by Blaslus Cyder)-, will be given away.

Saturday iilffhl ptoniollon will re the area Sinclair dealers giv­

ing away a free fishing car, Sun­day, which will be the final night, K ay^aw om olo, owner ot Kay's Rlc<L.J>oul. will give away ,jree clilcken dinners.

Trophlc.% for the _____ ___have been don.iied by Prrrlne lounge and Valley Sporting Goods.


NATIONAL LEACUE. ...iburrh _____ 25

FrinclK^ __ tS


s*i( L>k« ciir —. t» <« iiiov 7 n f < I i . ; r z r . . 5* II 'I”Sln ^Dle»» .......... II II .(|1


The Twin l-'a iu Merehinli hntleit hlllrrt and tip-the-m lddle Thurm an, compare batflnjr grip# while preparing for (he atate end. ~Stowe. a shortitop, ha> proved the mnxt rnni<l!itent h ltt rr on a ho t Xreak. goinc etfh( for 1< In M> Ixit ( lirre gamrs. Twin Fallt U tiafed pjn , Friday. T he nine teams will begin (he double elimination photo-etitraTlngl

^towF, left, and Sieve , . , lament here tbl* week- neaaon, while Tburman has been

Olympic Coach Confident of EasyJVTictory

LOS ANQELES, July 37 Ifl - Form er Olympic head coach Dean Cromwell, alway.? the optimist, day forecast g rea t succcju for United States truck and field team In Rom e this aummer.

H arold Connolly, hamraerthrow- Ing champion, annoanccd he wli: be trying to be tter his world mark of 225 feet. 4 Inches and Olympic marlc ot 207 - feet, . . Inches-cv tn bclore-lie-headj.Ior Rome In meets coming up In SouUiern Calliornla Aug. 5 and 12

Connolly Is pampering a badly torn back muscle but sold Ihe In­jury Is gradually responding totreatm ent.- _______ ______

Coach of th e 19)8 American team, Cromwell declared the ' ed S ta te s could leave its top ath letes a t home and win the gamea with th e next three.

Cromwell predicted a sweep In the 100 and 200 meter da.ilics, -- Bobby Morrow accomplished the 19S6 Oames. "If we are pi vidcd with enough bandage and adhesive tape to keep Ray Norton togethcr.-

N orton, subject to InJur}-, Is best U S. b e t In the sprints.

Cromwell predictfd succcss In tlie 3,000imctef ‘steeplechase lor Oeorge Young, the ex-Arlzonan now in the arm y.■ "A nd Herbie Elliott had bettei


ritaiuiM, N. Sk<n7 (t>.

Favorites Sweep To Tennis Wins

CmcrNNATT,- Ju ly 37 liB—"^p- teedtd Stephanie de F ina o t Hoi- lymwd. Fla., beaded ih e eight seeded players aa they bree*ed through second round tlnglcB tests Tuesday a t th a naUonal tennlt tournament Xor g lrb age IS and

Uncertain C ircumstances..are o f less consequence when you have

» a subsiantial,Saving Account’

back of you/

Tomldns Has Lead in-Rodeo Riders’ Race

DENVER, July 27 (fl-C ow boy Harry Tompkins of Dublin, Texas picked up nearly »3,ooo In deos last week and moved

ad In the all-around cowboy

Tompkins collected J2.058 for winning the bull riding event a t the flalln&s, Calif, rodeo and added *731 for a fourth place in bare­back brono riding.

Thot moved him ahead of Dob A. Robinson of Rockland. Idaho,

won 1878 In steer wrestling bareback bronc riding a t the

Snake river stampede in Nampa, and the Sallnis affair. Robinson

■ by airplane betweenthtf'ti

Tor . , . ,Ings Of $19,070 for the year co pared to 117,821 for Boblnaon.

Clyde Frost of LaPoint. Utah, ranks lOth In tlie all-around standings with {9,360 In winnings. Frost has won |a.205 in bareback bronc riding and ranks <Uth in this event.

Dean OUver ot Boise Is first In calf roping with (1«,1S3 to ta l win­nings and Robinson leads In steer wrestling with »7,B« In this event. Bill Llndermsn of aoodlng, Is seventh In tteer wrestling with *S.M1 and Harry Charters of Uel- ba. It 11th with ti.015.

•' Roeser of Wilder. Is eighth ■ with

th e t r u e o ld - s t y le K e n t u c k y B o u r b o n ... eiways

■ s m o o t i i e r b e c a u s e I t ’s

EarlyTimess l o w - d l B t i l l e d . 1


Page 15: C H m b er tJ.N 7K iris R u ss C harge Nixon Takes Over · C H m b er Unit Now Favors ^Treatment Plant The cliairnian of the


Page 16: C H m b er tJ.N 7K iris R u ss C harge Nixon Takes Over · C H m b er Unit Now Favors ^Treatment Plant The cliairnian of the

TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO PAGE SEVENTEEN. I I Im a r k e t s a n d f i n a n c e


S S ;


Livestock Grains

Top Hogs at Jerome Sale

Are Hijjlicrn — Thr nia;

i: uvuUjcJ: CumiV >,ilt T»iP5.1av

c;s. tliJriliic ,,.11. ,;U Cl

Bids Due Military Air Exercises to

Halt Flying

Double Trouble Follows Family In Burley Area

™ i® ltrusa (;iuh Workshop Is Meet Feature

a i“

I? |S F - .!!.WltlCAN mn*NCB

S U ’1

f.'nl Eu(


•s iiiiMi i’uirit

i i r5’iU S G n « » 1rt fliw Xxb i

l i p ,

'♦ w„, . _

Stock Averages“iS-r'-ir-af:

ISV£ST«NT T»Ura SJ** r „ d . _____ %


«3, H3.00-J1 ino-jiiao: c.tnncrf

0P-SII.50; fccdi




io-t:3.oo;CJ, ia.03- r-enlvM.—* 2 i^ uo-uictii sleci It Jlolsteln xlcci infornintLstcli

. . Holslflll . )-$l7.00; und jro lstd ii i:3-s:oo per licAd.

hoj:!, tlfl.OO-SDO-aO; i;]. )i7.oo-tiaxo: iisiii -»H25; heavy ; Jcwlcr hofp. ♦I500- f WCAIim, tT.OO-$14.00 id llBhmMncrs, S4.00-

$7.00 per Kcpder Inmbs. »13.00-»15.75; niid

bulciicr cxu. »li(3-t3iO per Jiun- drctl wtiRbl.

$18.00; I

“iS r .

S a - S ; ;

J. A . Galliher, 74, Claimed by DeathJa m es A. Oainher. 74, former

tocal resident, died a t 3:40 aj todoy a t MorgBii, UuUi, tlUr ]ons llJness.

Mr. GaUlher wns bom M»y 3, 1866. a t sublctt and spent many years h e re and in ctarluton, Wnsh. He was a charter member or I

lnrfpa.Mn-> ...jSurvivors In addition - to hU

widow, Mrs. Larlra oalllher, are two sons, a ra n t QaUlher. cisrks- ton. a n d Tticodora OoUlhcr, prot* Mr, W ash., and six grandctil '

FXwerol services will be ht___1 p jn . Saturday the Twin F»I1j m ortuary chapel. .OfUcen at‘T< Falls Blks-lodse No. IIS3' vlll . . In c harge of final rites i t Twin FalU cemetery. Friends msy call at the T w in Falls mortuary until


'V.'sni,VM“-sst-,T,£;a"”“'SboiU S7.tft>>l.ti.Wh<it futvrai eloitd ti

^th Unharmed® E A t n c . JtMw. July 2T

Anlu a a r tb a ld fn , down on her«aO | "PlpO- ^

Wheat-Bjlrns^K J , »o Uw L. & m tlcu iK ta

Open Pairs Play Result Reported

Filial Mfldon of tAe Twin Falls D uplicate Bridge dub 'a open pain ehunplozishlp w u held Uoodsy a lgb t a t the Moose hoU.

O verall Tinners for the two tes- slpna w ere-O r. -aod.M n, H sittrt S. Burgess, first; Mr. and Un. Robert Sass. sectwd: Mn. A. J, L lndem er and Mis. Joseph Sbelby, tiiird: M rs. Jack RUieley and Donald Lusk, fourth, and Mrs. WUUain Spaeth and Mn. L. H. V anR lper, fifth. ' ‘

M (»d«y night winners wers Mr. and M rs. 6aas. tirst; Mn. Llnde­mer a n d Mrs. Shelby Ued for ond a n d third with Dr. snd Mrs. B u rgeaarM rt, Roheley and Lusk, tounb .- And MTa. Je ire Oorer and M n . C tw lea B. Beymer, fifth.

Milner GuestsM ZZJnat, July 27—Mr. u d Mrs-

Edwin B rune and family ire Utli- Inc t h e Bev. and M n, Martin E elnleke AdMea.. M r jw d Mrt. Olarcnte Sears and Mr.- and Un..;<elsoa of.cicar^ field, U ta h , have-retumM 'bone tf te r v isiting M r..aod U n. f i d 8ear» family. • ■ • . '

■ Mr. a n d Mrs. Donald B iima n d -fam U y .--------- - -TlsltlnKUAr. and fam ily .

■ P otatoes-O nions'- CillCACO

rood; mtrkmII C*JirornU W w».»»<.16:. T»*»« round ---- .

U S.tfl i Vlr»1oU Cobbltn ----..ika trMk mImi CaJlfemita SUkIiUbrtUow •cal-rl<>b« 1.S0.Sirwt Mlwi CtJironiU ytllnr cratis

Urti l.H-S.M. m«dluB t.OO.|.iti Tmm jrilow trmno 1.74.

Butter and Eggs

Ywri F^IsiWiarketS

s r

Wall Street ChatterYORK. July 17 flTB — 'I f

your profit mareliu hnvc tiern thlnlnt! rcccntly, vou have plenty of company, m js Prcnilcc-IMll ' lla ttcckly report on builne.'sa.

;rcMnsly rouah competition l l keeping most prices In line, squeezing niarsto and «hi profits, the firm adti.

■Initial n.ccond quarter rcport-s Itie. t that pretax • corpornte •iiliiss are likely to run a ; billion dollars below thi

•snm nt-rrtc-of thefirst tivree monltu of 1060,'

What's behind the shrlnkaf?e Ir profits and marglru? Prcntlce' ■>U .w s the kty factors seem tc

> a less profitable product mix, t ..'luctance or inability to ralsi price* In strong competitive mar- kcij and still hlgh-to<risins fixed

»ts.nichard T. Lfaiiy of . .

Sparks and company sucrcsL« trad ­ers look’lnto the upside potential of Martin company, a stock wlilcli recently recorded a new high In the lace of a declining market. "It appears that Martin may well b? aeekins the higher lereis Indicated by recent technical studies."

Experienced observers ore fore­casting one of'Uie bitterest elec­tion campaigns in decades that may distract attention from. cus. tomary bttsiness plans, reports Hornhlower and Weeks. M ean­while. the llnh points out. Indus- trlfll activity has been slowing down and cutbacks In Tnonufoc- turlng operations have been In ten­sified by a leas active demand for consumer goods.

SnoAW Dopr.i 1 chalriiini), ,Mfj. Jiuy

uyui.-. .'irs. Doiuild Krellni Moop, Helen Whlticll, Mi rrncc llnrpcr, Mr.v Dwlgh; McOIll nnd Mrs. E. M. poultcr; Ellen Kos,

lonal infonnnlion elmlrnnn, Adele stodtf.ird, Mrs. Mar­

garet' Harper. Mrs. Bon Mauldin, Mrs. June Prater, Mrs. Irving Wood. Mrs. J. Hill, Mrj. L. L. Lnncdoii and Mrs. McCall,

. LaVcrn Strong, liitcriia- - relations chulrmin, Mrs.

MclClnnon. Mrs. iolm M. BftUsTicr. Jo ca\MU. Mis.Cluyton Toler. Mrs. nobcrt Klrsch, Mrs. nose Williams, Mrs. Cliaries Aldrich, and Oeia Miller; Mr. . W, 0 . W atts, public atlnlrj chairman,

Carolyn Pence, Mrs. Ralph Wilson. Mrs. Jrina Ecoll, Mrs. W.

.a ro u t, Mrs. Frank DcPev and s. Harold Stcarlty; Mrs. Frank

DcPew. constitution and bylai ' airm an. Mrs. Itobert Klrsch ai

•«. Charles Aldrich, ifra. E. M. Pouiter IJ chMrman

. . th e finance and pn . m ittee. assisted by Oela Miller, CMO\jn Pence, Mrs. LanTtnce H arper and Mrs. LanRdon; Mrs. Pm ter. courtesy chairman. Hi

Whiteseil and Mrs. Clayton ler; Mrs. Irving Wood, m Ip ond clnsslflcatlon chi

. . . s . Donald Kreltmnn and Mrs. HJll;-Mra.-H. O. McCall, publicity chairm an. Mrs. Rose WllHi i lr s . Carolyn Pence.

A picnic Thursday ot the Idaho . ower company picnic grounds Tw in fails,will be featured for 1

bound In the economy has waned."It Is difficult to conceive of '

recession severe enough to deal .. serious Wow to Kimberly-Clark aay? 'Arthur WIesenbergcr and company. When things get rough, many people may make their car last another year, tho firm notes. ■3Ut U> the kind of mild recession

are experiencing, it would be hard to picture him (or her) go­ing without Kleenex cr other dU- posabie tissue p ^ r s In which Kimberly-Clark speclalUes."

Philip MorrU and Reynolds To- .acco are good candidates lor leadership <» any market rebound, according to Bache and company. "Our research department has also pointed out the penlstent uptrend of both companies earnings and their m ently increased dlvl. dendf.*' •

Best Loser Gets Honors for Meet

Lynnette Bann. loilog eight « one-half pounds, « u honored best loser ot the week during meeUng of |h« Curve ^ c u t ^ i chapter, teen-agt unit of TOPS, Tuesday night a t her home. .

Lost by the 10 membeni present a t 81 peunds and sateed w ««

lOU pounds.The club wUI continue to m eet

a t the home of Miss Hann. 1401 P o r te avnue, for the lenulxider of the cufflneri -

New members are welcome »nd aoyane lateraated nay phone RE d- vood;5-a8tt or HEdwood 3 - m a or, attend meetings at 7 p-m. each X i id a jr . . . .

Fined at Buhl. n-:«8bert Wohswl

WoilH. OeaMhWr«»d:ewtrB*on(l«y to“Bubl-4u»- Uce of till Peace 0. S. Rudy < «

M guU r for luflfkUo^ m ud f itp i: W t eMUoat wtra isw ed " - • 'd U le - P i l io to a n -R lebw d


Hrii'a club ii'crkslinp

rntintl «na ’lirlii Mon- idahn Power comp.Miy iiuli r iliri'ctioii oI Mrs. 11. Inlunuitliju eUilr-


WASHINOTOS. Ju ly J7 - IIUHLEY. July 37 — "Whivtl-ttvlntloii iu ..iiio-.t ol North ----- • •- •nicrlcn rccflved notice ye.'terdny ml ii >xlll bp i!rMm.lf<l t..r oiir.i Scpl. 10. 10 c lear the jklfs .r ft vast Bfr torce I r n j lrw! exer-

The KrOUiitUnir iifffctfl

I the F>ank Morion Household. Tlie Hurley lire departm ent * ailed to their farm home two a;

lhrfp.tmirth« miles nouth of

llKht s pl.>rrul


ran nnd

.... only alrcrnit flying froin : iw rrrrrn trtK S Ti thnt-spcrnfl-sat

ird.iy in Scplcinbcr, will be mill ary tvpc-'>.Kor ilic first lime out. lae of i

inr emcrpcnc\', flvllliui Dying Is innnci - while ilie Ncrth Ai •an nlr dofca'i* command ci iul nn elnbornio training else.

fire ‘

Mi’S. Bradley Is Paid Last Honor

lor llie .Ith II iiild A , olll-

and Hopped a b la ie Jhi “ -rafcnmg seven aheda.

'In. Herbert Hancock. Clear- Id, uifth. daughter of tlie'Mor- .1$ »ho u vUltliiB I’cre, wn:

burning jome trash w hen the winc Untied ihe lUnies causing somi ».-r(ip iumljfr near th e aheds to Ir- iille. Tlie quick action 61 I department uved th e slledi crntainea hay, feed and nmcli

The only da;;hed ihed and

. Hancock is recuperating from the ihock of h e r a-year-ofd

Jack, being burned by scald- »aler ihe day before. Som e ‘ens D'cre being cleaned nnd lllile lot fell in to the water,

lie hai.ucond degn -c bums ptt-SO |3fr cent ol his body bu t his Pl>y- M'lnn Mporls tha t h e is doing

' St the cotioge hospital.. Hancock is reported 3" by her mother. Mrs. M

.. . «.ho vorks a t th e Cotti hoipilal. ,

Nclllo 0 «lroiii Tinbcock w.ii soloist nnd

Pallbearer.'* were Howard Dun. an, Chester -Kelson, Leslie L )ean, Ivnn WnrlnK. Donald Plyhn ,nd John Duncan-

Honorory pallbearers mood Hen.stock. Leslie V U Reyborn, A. E. Kunkel. Wilbur wrlson.-Dnle Kunkcl. Ouy Peters, Ed Pastoor, Rny D uncan and Al­bert Sova.

Concluding services were held t Sunset Memorial park,

Sugar May Cost Housewife More

NEW YOllK. Ju ly 27 itTJ-Thc American houatrw’lfe probably will stflrt paying a lit t le - -

ar w ithin ihe nex t ss of market dLiloci Ing suaperulon o l Uie Cuban

quota, sufW brokera Mid?B. W. Dyer and company, p

thorllatlve sugar nnalytts, pi dieted the r rta lf rls<s—the first be attributed to th e Cuban situ lion—will be Irorii tine-tMrd.

le-half cen t a pound."That won’t mean much to the

housewife," a D yer spokesman said, "and It might prove tcropor- nry. Once new—aources of raw sugar s ta r t movinK- rapidly to this country to replace th e IDOJKO tons cut Irom the Cuban quota, things might straighten ou t."

mid-month meeting with Helen WhitscII os chairnjoji.

t l “ T T O f r A N b llESOkTS ■"


lOs t a n d f o u n ps r: ,;c. |„.,i.ini„ oi

Jt-n-no.p... j ,„ pi.kun 11,4 d*H»trjr. lu.j RB


c uu .:U n

r.NTKRS ARMY EDZN, July 27 - Thom oj S ic k - rwn. son of Mr. and Mrs. O lenn .

Nickerson, has been accepted by 8. snny and la now station-


C l a s s i f i e d MWANT-AD RATES r.Am-isd.


I. p a "


ttrtlct on tclor dto. Camara Ci 111 BkMbosi SUM SouUi. phone

■'.■'icCtVr'u'oilS xiT."


Page 17: C H m b er tJ.N 7K iris R u ss C harge Nixon Takes Over · C H m b er Unit Now Favors ^Treatment Plant The cliairnian of the
Page 18: C H m b er tJ.N 7K iris R u ss C harge Nixon Takes Over · C H m b er Unit Now Favors ^Treatment Plant The cliairnian of the
Page 19: C H m b er tJ.N 7K iris R u ss C harge Nixon Takes Over · C H m b er Unit Now Favors ^Treatment Plant The cliairnian of the


Republicans Split, Claims Texas Solon

CHEYENNE. Wyo.. July 28■ —Democrsilc Vl« PreMdcnUAl

C.mdldate Lyndon D. JohnBon Mid todny the nepiibllcara »rc tnc fplimcred party IhU year.

- - Tlie-U. 8. ttnale maiorlty Icad- fr from Tc»a* miido ihe Mat^mcnt

tingfcoaeh In a parmic klcKlnj oH ihc omiual Ciieyenne F ron ­tier dnys. John-ion atwndcrt Uie llrit Fronllfr days rodeo perform ­ance ye.lfrday afternoon.

•■I tlJlnlc the nejmWlcans- nre rcnl tlc5i)tral«," Joltnion told newsmen. "Ilocky Is ijolnn cll- r«llon. nlonR with Jnviu. Scoit, Kntlnif nnd otliers. Ooldwntcr Is (Toinif ths oUior- rtlrfcuon, and Mxon doesnt luiow where Ho £0inK"

Hr Mid Vice President Blcltnrd Nlxcn li "Identified .witli the ne- piibllctvn Old Guard, bill Uiol Gov. .Nclwn nockffellcr. New Vork. teemed. tii..lmve .influence., over liipi In ilieir conference.on Uie Hepubllian jilalform.

"PeoiJle have 6con lome." Johnson said, "tiint If Rocke* fellpr can worx over Nixon In one nlsl't on (he party pintfonn. wlint mould Khrushchev do to h im •' Uiey (tot (osedier?"-Tlie senator earrlcd ai yellow ro^e. Ills alntc’s flower, lla hi rode In tlie parade. He told rpi>ort- cr» he once had been a nxleo com- ptlllor hlmseir.

Heyburn Citizens Report on EventsHEVBUHN. July 27-Mrs. Wnllle

Norton and children. Unyward, Callt.. a rt vliUInR Iter parcnta, Mr. and Mn. Amos Jordan.

Mr. and Mrs." Adrian Sm ltll and children. St. Anthony, were weclc- end guest.i of her parenta, Mr.

__Mrs, Orville DoBg e l t .___________Hr. andi-Mn. Bay Dudley Jina

family. Jariesvllle, Call/., are vWt- Inir-hla parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Dudley.

Lieut. Col, and Mrs, Sam Skou sen. Tuc,son, Arlz., are. vl&illni; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John

■ Payne. .■Mr. and Mr.-i. Kenneth

Combi, Wationvllle. Calif,. vUlted friends and relatives here week-end.

Action Filed for . Debt Collection

Max Valdei was named m de­fendant In ■ eollectlon 5Ult for

.-*328.77 filed In Twin F#lla pro­bata court Tuesday by the Profes-

The suit claims tha t Valdez re ­ceived tfeatment a t the Cottage h<«plUil, Burley, between S ep t. 11 ■nd Oct. IJ. J958, valued a t *387J9, and lUU owes |3n£», plus MX pet cent in te ra t amountli^ lo «7I.10.

—Tiity 'court -T w t»~«nd~ ttorney^ fees. H. N. Jewell, Twin ra lta . ' tha latorney tor th s •d jiu tm e bureiHi. -------------------

Wendell Residents Note HappeningsWBNDHL. July J7-A In , O rM e

'Urtwo la in BolM tills week visit- Ine her ton and daught«r-ln>law, Mr. and Mn. Ctikrles V itn n . u id family.

June QrlfJim left, for he r home In Los Anselee Ihli week follow-

. In j exMijded raeatlon Tisl with her moUier. Kirs. Kanc] Orif/lUJ. and rthwreliUJyeo.—- - . Mr. «nd Mn. Uoyd Seltscr......................... nuerque. N .

. Olive Rdholt,_____ JM ts . &rtlatlvea.

M n. BOBle Benson l«(t for Colorado SprlncB, Goto, to be with Mr. and Mrs. W oltef l.e« Bhe wsd called ther« becauM of

. th« lUneat of her' alsler-ln-Uw Mrs. I>e..JjelU v Pdvler- retumed- to ' hU home In Nuni« th la .w e^ after vlaltlns bli mother, Mti. Florence Powler.


Ploreoce Sharp. Pacific Orove CalU., visited her mother. Mrs. WlUft Justice, and other relaUvM the post »-e«lc. Mrs, Sharp Uftch- Cl Ja Monterey. Calif, a n a has rtcelred a year% leave of absence frCQi the Monterey schools to teach for one year In an American army achool near Paris, m n c e . O the visllors of Ure. Wllla Justice and her family the pest week have been Mn. Maricrrle Thom*s dsughten, Albany, Calif.

Grader Works on Resurfacing Road to Shoshone Falls

Entln Hand, trader operator to r the elly of Twin ^■a^ <ufdex worked by the tr a d e r to *e t s better mixture. Aeeotdlnr lo H. E. h l i michine a t it mlici travel to icet be lter oil distribution .og.a llu|he>, flatman for the reiurfaclnt project, aboat CO tourists •ecllon of the road leadint lo Shonhon# fa lls thal is belnt rrttir- ^ were turned away Tue»day from Shoihone fsllt It li anticipated faced. The oiled pavel It hauled by 11 trucks Jrom the old clly the roid wl(l rem ain closed until Friday or Saturday. (Staff photo­dum p sonth.of Twin Falli where I t Is mlacd. Ertin aald It mBU be entravlnn

4 8 Workers Affected by

Leaking GasGREENSBORO. N. C,. July 27

t?&—Forty-eight workers at a bts- Ult conit»ny plnnt sere honpltal- scd last night with dizziness and a in tln s spells from Inhallnt an

imiaemifiea'ffftj.— -; — - - - Ambulances and police cars were

.sed to rusli the victims to tv.'o ocal hospitals. A doctor at Wcs- ey Long hospital theorized the

RRS was sUnilar to propane or bu- :ane. He said many of the dlzzi-

eases were the result of

GOP Appr,oves Rights Ruling^ ” —A boy wkli a p»mi m iiis iiaiia

Of Com-t; Demos Haven’t Yet r ':n%TXZr' >1. . 1..J t. I..__ I > ... *U-


A ll but two of . the vlcllnu of h e mysterious Ktis at the Qladlola BIbcDU company, wer« released a f tc r ’tiefftninitr

O ne worker said she smelled sm w hen she wallced by a lift truck being repaired Inside Uie plant. U f t trucks usually are powered by propane or butane.

W )en IrUialed. the gas usually c u ts down the amount of oxygen carried (o the blood stream result- Ing in tlsnie suffocation.

Emergency crews later were or­dered to test for gas leakage a t th e plant.


PatUadH Rm ..-US.m(0il* lM _______ K.wo' 1»,ShaU rr______».“ 0 • «•liUckfMt____Am Rm ^ 44*,OM(>)

CHICAOO. July 37 Lf>-lt hw ta k en the Republicans. a.s a parly, jlx years to get around to jnyins hey think the supreme court «a;

rlRht In' outlawing seRrccallon li >ublle schools. The Democrals. a; i party, haven 't said It yet.

The. court handed down ita decl- :lon Mar'17r-l»HrT1ie Jlrst thsnte ;lU>er p arty had to come out Ibtly in approvnl of the court's historic n tid far-rcnehlng octlon •heir party platfornw In the 1. . . campaign. Both backed away from a flat npprovnl.

Both piirtlcs of course, had their

:ou rt n tllng was a elnch la cu t \-otea In th e South, for the party ■\nlrt tn .try. It-_____ —

I n their 19S8 platform Uie publicans wouldn’t go any further th a n saying their "party accepts th o decision of the U.S. supreme cou rt th a t racial discrimination publicly supported schools must progressively eliminated."

This w aj <iulle a long -way from saying th e party approved what ' a court did. President Elsenhow-

hlmselt se t the pace for such l CAUtlon by avoiding saying (o this day that h e approves the court's action.

B ut In 195fi the Dem ocrat' plat- . j r m WB3 even more cagey than th a t of th e Republicans. The Democrats, whose southern n(em- bera have been a constant obsta­cle to civil rights legislation In eongttaa.— contented Ujenuelves w ith this:

segreitatlon In publicly support­ed schools and elsewhere have brouiiht consequcncc.1 portance to our na tion a.% a whole nnd espcchlly to communities di­rectly slfcctcd."

■ M hatdly nc tts th a t the decision wtts going to force

big cimiigcs.Two weeks aso a t Los Ansoles he Democrats produced th e

stronge. t civil r igh ts plank In their history—one which may cr ' them some southern white votC!

seized Uie lad. it turnedboy only wanted Ihe king’s ____ffropJi. The nfipoji fired on!^,

Pliotos TakenCHICAGO. July 27 tfl — Vice

Prrsldent Richard M, Nixon cm- birlted ori a project yesterday of having his picture , taken w ith each t the conrentlon's 1.331 delegates.Tho photographa were snapped

after Ntxon made his Wlks at delegation meetings. He started that round In th e rooming. The pictures were m ade on an as­sembly line basis w ith each dele­gate Uloled only» a few seconds.


eoln County Democratic Women's ■ 111 meet a t 2:30 pjn. Thurs-

ua, . . the McFall hotel. Air Dem- . , ................0c*aUc women o f UiB -county w e — -i‘«^nd-PresnBi-Califomi»i" urged to attend.


h o w to live a n d en te rta in lik e a m illiona ire w ith Sam ovar V o d k a

S v c N If your name is John— — D„ .Vinctnt-A»_AniIceK_C.^

or Cornelius V., you'll (Ind it impossible to entertnin more lavishly than with a bottle of .Samovar Dlamond-Cleor V odka. This is because Samovar, like money itself, complements any aituation. All you need is Sam ovar VoOkn, some iee and som« ' mix—orange Juic^, tom ato Juice, ■er-»ermouth t6 name a few—to entertain, and tive, like a millionaire! Our free recipe book tells you how. Send poskard lo Room 3305. Empire State Bidfr., N. Y. I, K. Y. Samovar is made from Krain, full 100 proof by the Boaka Kompaniya.Schcnlcy,


G IR LS’ SWIM SUITS—Sub-Teen sw im su its - Sizes 4 to 14, -favored styles at BIG SAVINGS. •G IR LS’ SUMMER DRE^ES — F a m o u s name

—d rc s s c 3 r^ " t l ie “heigHt ol the season. A ll "at UT!--D U CED -PRICES!^--------------------------------------------------

GIRLS’ WASH *N WEAR SKIRTS—Sizes 4 to 14. In a fairly g:ood choice of colors. Y ou’ft save a t these N E W l o w PRICES!

G IR L S ' SH ORTS.JAM AICAS-TOPS-CAPRIS — B ig reductiofifl. Sizea 3 to 14. n l a va rie ty o f colors to mix or match. Stock up npw. W ONDERFUL BU Y S;

- R egh te r and V rte!-T w tr< - Po l(s Bona-i;(l

8n>k«. MlnUokftWin N 8

I* A l^t«rs] . . wMllnrr NSO W «.•»)- .........~Jb."kT «.»IT ...8k>U«>.DIktt ».ni ............

f tw ti C«l «K


D O D G E’A Ton Pickup

• 3 . S PE E D TRANSMISSION• 6 . CY LIN D ER MOTOR• TURN S IG N A L ^ '• HEA TER and DEFJtOSTER• D U A I^V ISO R S and ARM RESTS• FOAM S E A T S• 7 . 1 0 x l 5 _ ^ R K _ _ '

‘2170 Ddivered-S

RefeJWofoi^Co;----- -- M 0=B LO C K -2i.d-A «iiu. South.
