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Week 8 – BYOD…Bring your own device


“We’re going on a Webquest

We're gonna catch a big tablet,

What a beautiful day,

We're not scared.

Oh oh!


Cool, shiny, devices.

We can't go over them,

We can't go under them,

We've gotta work with them!

Beep, zoingy, beep, zoingy.”

One of the keystones of public education has always been the notion of “equity” or equal access to

education regardless of socio-economic status. Certainly, socially speaking, we as teachers see the gap that

exists amongst our students in terms of how they are perceived and treated based on status symbols such

as clothing, transportation, food and…mobile devices and technology.

What I have put together is a webquest of sorts with a lot of other things to discover/find that is

related to “technology” and its use in schools. Indeed, some might be considered “esoteric” – I simply call it


The Rules:

I. Four people per team max with a minimum of two.

II. Yes, you can copy and paste – “less is better” – this is not a paper but some details to answers required.

III. Only one document with your “answers” will be sent to me via email to determine a winner.

IV. Someone on the team needs to have a smart phone – this is necessary for this exercise. Speaking of

exercise, someone on your squad should be “fit” as there may be some movement involved...

V. Don’t worry about copyright for any images asked for.

VI. Create a Google Doc and invite me using: [email protected]


VIII. You can lie to others but may not “mess” with any clues…


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Ready, set, surf...

1. a) What does BYOD mean and provide three other very closely related terms and what they mean (hint:

one of last week’s examples...collaborative tool is used to create “the mother of all encyclopedias”).

b) Which geographical area has the highest adoption rate of BYOD?

2. All members from your squad need to take a picture of someone using a mobile device (cell, tablet,

laptop, etc.) outside the classroom who is not in EDTE 431 (either section) Do you need to ask them

something...? You need to take this picture, add the person’s name and put it into the Google Doc that all

your answers will be on – label it. Figure it out.

3. When we talk about iPads and how popular they are I don’t think we get it. Find a school district in the

USA where they planned to give every student an iPad until many hacked them almost immediately. Give

me the name of the school (think past US President), how many were hacked and how many iPads they

planned on deploying, i.e. how many students would get one. Are you Revved up about the Sweet new iPad

Air? Bold is good – might help with the correct site.

4. List three generic types of mobile devices and attach a picture for each.

5. What two things are required in order for every mobile device to be used as intended? Think about what

the two main strengths of a mobile device are...

Now, explain what “digital divide” means and explain how this impacts one of the above answers.(not the

bunny one...)

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6. Get ready to RUMBLE!!! – Seriously, all members of your team will sprint over the Education Bldg and a la

“Amazing Race”, someone might know who the longest serving

Faculty member is, currently teaching this semester...once you find this out, go to the door of their office

and look for something that might take you to a website...all members must be there and I have spies in the

building watching...make sure to SCAN with your eyes...there sure are a lot of apps and tools that might

help...You must take a picture of all team members by the correct door…once you are at the website, find

the answer to the question posed...Hawkeyes help in terms of hints...Then, sprint back and put the answer

on your document.

7. List three pros for starting a BYOD/BYOT program in your school district – why should a district do this?

List three cons for not allowing students to bring their own devices/technology. Be a Leader...

8. Thinking of how today’s students access the internet from their devices and what many schools have

installed that allows students access for free... Look at “Wireless 101”, and answer the following questions:

a) What is the fourth “R” students will have to master?

b) What does WHO have to say about wifi in terms of health concerns?

c) In terms of the Vancouver School Board, what will it cost to install wifi in its schools?

d) Thinking about the costs of wifi, give the comment that one parent made about the quality of a teacher

and the tool they use to teach.

9. Find the lowest price and best “value” for the new iPad Air – include the URL/image for the ad you select.

Must be bought in North America.

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10. We used to talk about the digital divide that existed in terms of nations – the haves vs. the have nots.

However, this term today takes on newer meaning when we notice how it applies to our students and their

ability to bring a device to school. Looking at The 21st Century Principal, provide answers to these


a) What do some advocate if everyone cannot have a device?

b) Summarize Marc Prensky’s position.

c) “As educators we must be concerned...” Finish the quote and use the words “enough” and “equal” in

your answer.

Thanks for playing – hopefully it was “fun” and you learned something about our students and the

challenges that both they and ourselves will face around the issue of BYOD.

Remember to invite me to your Google Doc and list all the members of your team.

I will announce “the winner” as quickly as I can.



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