  • By

    Dr. G.P. Tareja

    Upkar Prakashan, Agra-2

    (PAPER-II & III)

  • ( ii )

    © Publishers

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  • ( iii )


    Practice Set-1 Paper-II .............................................................................................. 3–7Paper-III ............................................................................................. 8–15

    Practice Set-2 Paper-II .............................................................................................. 16–20Paper-III ............................................................................................. 21–27

    Practice Set-3 Paper-II .............................................................................................. 28–32Paper-III ............................................................................................. 33–39

    Practice Set-4 Paper-II .............................................................................................. 40–45Paper-III ............................................................................................. 46–52

    Practice Set-5 Paper-II .............................................................................................. 53–57Paper-III ............................................................................................. 58–65

    Practice Set-6 Paper-II .............................................................................................. 66–71Paper-III ............................................................................................. 72–79

    Practice Set-7 Paper-II .............................................................................................. 80–84Paper-III ............................................................................................. 85–92

    Practice Set-8 Paper-II .............................................................................................. 93–96Paper-III ............................................................................................. 97–103

    Practice Set-9 Paper-II .............................................................................................. 104–109Paper-III ............................................................................................. 110–117

    Practice Set-10 Paper-II .............................................................................................. 118–122Paper-III ............................................................................................. 123–128

    Practice Set-11 Paper-II .............................................................................................. 129–133Paper-III ............................................................................................. 134–140

    Practice Set-12 Paper-II .............................................................................................. 141–145Paper-III ............................................................................................. 146–153

  • ( iv )

    Practice Set-13 Paper-II .............................................................................................. 154–158Paper-III ............................................................................................. 159–166

    Practice Set-14 Paper-II .............................................................................................. 167–171

    Paper-III ............................................................................................. 172–179

    Practice Set-15 Paper-II .............................................................................................. 180–184

    Paper-III ............................................................................................. 185–193

    Practice Set-16 Paper-II .............................................................................................. 194–197

    Paper-III ............................................................................................. 198–203

    Practice Set-17 Paper-II .............................................................................................. 204–209

    Paper-III ............................................................................................. 210–217

    Practice Set-18 Paper-II .............................................................................................. 218–222

    Paper-III ............................................................................................. 223–228

    Practice Set-19 Paper-II .............................................................................................. 229–234

    Paper-III ............................................................................................. 235–243

    Practice Set-20 Paper-II .............................................................................................. 244–248

    Paper-III ............................................................................................. 249–255

  • Practice SetSUGc-Net/JrF/Set


  • 1. Consider the following statements: 1. Ritteridentifiedracesbyskincolour. 2. Ritter's concepts regarding the Earth's geo-

    graphicalpatternswereteleological. Whichofthestatementsgivenaboveis/arecorrect? (A) 1only (B) 2only (C) Both1and2 (D) Neither1nor22. Ratzelcoinedtheterm'Anthropogeography'which

    heusedforthe (A) Geographyofmanintermsofindividualsand

    races (B) Geographyofmanandhisworksinrelationto

    theEarth'ssurface (C) Organictheoryofsocietyandstate (D) Studyofharmoniousreciprocalrelationofman

    andnature3. Whichoneofthefollowinggeographerswrotethe

    book'Influences of Geographic Environment'? (A) Humboldt (B) Ratzel (C) Ritter (D) Semple4. Dioriteisanexampleof (A) Chemicallyformedsedimentaryrock (B) Extrusiveigneousrock (C) Plutonicigneousrock (D) Metamorphicrock5. Among the following regions of India,whichone

    receives comparatively least amount of annualrainfall?

    (A) An80kmwidecoastalbeltfromNelloretoPointCalimere

    (B) ThemiddleandlowerAssamValley (C) North-easternRajasthan (D) The coastal plains of Gujarat south of

    Narmada6. AsperKoppen'sclassificationofclimate,whichone


    (A) Tropicalmonsoonrainforest(Amw) (B) Sub-tropicalmonsoonrainforest(Am) (C) Humidsub-tropicalwithdrywinter(Cwg) (D) Tropical wet and dry climate (Monsoon

    Savannah,Hw)7. Consider the following statements: 1. InIndia,groundnutisprincipallygrownasrain-

    fedcrop. 2. In India, sesamum is grown as kharif crop in


    Whichofthestatementsgivenaboveis/arecorrect? (A) 1only (B) 2only (C) Both1and2 (D) Neither1nor28. MatchListIwithListIIandselectthecorrectanswer

    usingcodegivenbelowthelist: List-I List-II (Crop) (Major cultivating districts) (a) Ginger 1. CuddapahandGuntur (b) Jute 2. IdukkiandWayanad (c) Mustard 3. GoalparaandKamrup (d) Turmeric 4. BharatpurandGanganagar Code: (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) 1 4 3 2 (B) 2 3 4 1 (C) 1 3 4 2 (D) 2 4 3 19. Considerthefollowingpairs: Mineral District with large/ significant/commercially importantdeposits 1. Apatite Visakhapatnam 2. Cromite Cuttack 3. Gold Nagaur 4. Gypsum Anantapur Which of the pairs given above are correctly

    matched? (A) 1and2only (B) 1,2and3 (C) 1,2and4 (D) 2,3and410. TheBhakraNangalMultipurposeProjectisajoint

    ventureof (A) PunjabandHaryanaonly (B) Punjab,HaryanaandRajasthanonly (C) Punjab,Haryana,Rajasthan&HimachalPradesh (D) PunjabandHimachalPradeshonly11. Westerliesareexamplesof— (A) Macroatmosphericmotions (B) Tornados (C) Microscaleatmosphericmotions (D) Gusts Directions: AlltheAssertion(A)–Reason(R)questionsinaretobeansweredbasedontheoptionsgivenbelow: Code: (A) BothAandRareindividuallytrueandRisthe

    correctexplanationofA (B) BothAandRareindividuallytruebutRisnot

    thecorrectexplanationofA (C) AistruebutRisfalse (D) AisfalsebutRistrue

    Practice Set-1 Paper-II

  • 12. Assertion (A): In theMediterranean climate, apronouncedwinterprecipitationisobserved.

    Reason (R): TheMediterraneanregimeiscontrolledbysub-tropicalanticycloneinwinter.

    13. Assertion (A): Thewesterlies of the southernhemisphere are stronger andmore constant indirectionthanthoseofthenorthernhemisphere.

    Reason (R): Thebroadexpansesofoceaninsouthernhemisphere ruleout thedevelopmentof stationarypressuresystems.

    14. The plain formed due to coalescence of series ofalluvialfansinthepiedmontzoneisknownas:

    (A) Pediment (B) Bajada (C) Pediplain (D) Hamada15. Aretesaresharpridgeswhichdevelopbetweenthe

    adjacent (A) Cirques (B) Rochemoutonnee (C) Medialmoraines (D) U-shapedvalleys16. Calciumcarbonatedepositedbyprecipitationfrom

    carbonate-saturatedwaters around a hot spring iscalled:

    (A) Stalactite (B) Stalagmite (C) Travertine (D) Lapies17. When a descending air contracts and its volume

    decreases,whathappenstoitstemperature? (A) Itstemperaturedecreases (B) Itstemperatureincreases (C) Itstemperatureremainsconstant (D) Itstemperaturefirstincreases,thendecreases.18. WhatareChinooks? (A) Coldlocalwindswhichblowfromnorth-west

    tosouth-eastdirectioninSpain (B) Extremelydrywindsblowingfromnorth-east

    and east towest in eastern parts of Saharadesert

    (C) Warm and drywindswhich blow down theeastern slopesofRockyMountains ofNorthAmerica

    (D) WarmanddrywindsamongthenorthernslopesofAlpsMountains

    19. Condensationisaprocesswhichoccurswhen (A) Temperaturefallsbelow0o C (B) Absolute humidity becomes equal to relative

    humidity (C) Temperatureintheairparcelremainsstatic (D) Relativehumiditybecomes100%andmore20. Which of the following sequences of clouds in


    (A) Stratus,Nimbus,Cirrostratus,Cirrus (B) Nimbus,Cirrostratus,Cirrocumulus,Stratus (C) Cirrostratus,Stratus,Nimbus,Cumulonimbus (D) Stratus,Cirrostratus,Cumulonimbus,Cirrocu-


    21. Aridge,64,000kmlongand1000to4000kmwide,runs down themiddle of theNorth and theSouthAtlanticOceanbasinsintotheIndianOceanbasins,thenpassesbetweenAustraliaandAntarcticatoentertheSouthPacificbasin.Whatisthisridge?

    (A) Socotra-Lakshadweep-Chagosridge (B) Pacific-Antarcticridge (C) Dolphin-Challengerridge (D) Mid-oceanicridge22. MatchList-IwithList-IIandselectthecorrectanswer

    usingthecodegivenbelowthelists: List-I List-II (SedimentTypes) (Examples) (a) Terrigenous 1. Calcareousoozes (b) Biogenous 2. Quartzandclay (c) Hydrogenous 3. Tektitespheres (d) Comogenous 4. Manganesenodules Code: (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) 2 4 1 3 (B) 2 1 4 3 (C) 3 1 4 2 (D) 3 4 1 223. Hardpanandclaypaninsoilarefoundin: (A) A-horizon (B) B-horizon (C) C-horizon (D) A-Chorizon24. VerythickA-horizonisoftenfoundin (A) Chernozemsoil (B) Chestnutsoil (C) Brownforestsoil (D) Podzolicsoil25. Caledonianorogenicmovementsare related to the

    geologicalhistoryof (A) LateJurassicandearlyCretaccousperiod (B) LastSilurianandearlyDevonianperiod (C) MiddleTriassicperiod (D) LateDevonianandearlyCarboniferousperiod26. MatchListIwithListIIandselectthecorrectanswer

    usingthecodegivenbelowthelist: List-I (Discontinuities) (a) Weichert-Gutenbergdiscontinuity (b) Mohorovicic(Moho)discontinuity (c) Lehmandiscontinuity (d) Conraddiscontinuity List-II(LayersofEarth'sinteriorassociatedwith

    discontinuity) 1. Outercoreandinnercore 2. Lowermantleandoutercore 3. Uppermantleandlowermantle 4. Lowercrustanduppermantle 5. DivisionofSialandSimawithinthecrust Code: (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) 5 1 3 2 (B) 2 1 3 5 (C) 2 4 1 5 (D) 5 4 1 2

    4 Practice Set U.G.C. Geography

  • 27. Consider the following minerals: 1. Corundum 2. Quartz 3. Topaz Whatisthecorrectsequenceoftheaboveintermsof

    descendingorderoftheirhardness? (A) 1–2–3 (B) 2–3–1 (C) 1–3–2 (D) 3–1–228. Alens-shapedigneousintrusionsituatedbeneathan

    anticlinalfoldorinthebaseofasynclineiscalled (A) Lapolith (B) Lacolith (C) Phacolith (D) Batholith29. Openfoldsarethoseinwhichtheanglebetweenthe

    twolimbsofthefoldis: (A) Morethan90obutlessthan180o (B) Morethan75obutlessthan150o (C) Morethan45obutlessthan90o (D) Morethan120obutlessthan210o30. Consider the following statements: 1. Kaoliniteistheweatheredsilicateclay 2. Kaolinizationprocessoccursduetohydrothermal

    alterationoffeldspar. Whichofthestatementsgivenaboveis/arecorrect? (A) 1only (B) 2only (C) Both1and2 (D) Neither1nor231. Thedraughtanimal'Llamas'arefoundin: (A) Tibet (B) Arctic (C) Alps (D) Andes32. Whichoneofthefollowingregionsistheworld'sbest

    cod-fishingground? (A) North-eastAtlantic (B) South-eastPacific (C) WestCentralPacific (D) IndianOcean33. TheDoggerBank,themainfishingareaofEurope,

    lies in (A) BalticSea (B) EnglishChannel (C) NorthSea (D) NorwegianSea34. MatchList-IwithList-IIandselectthecorrectanswer

    usingthecodegivenbelowthelist: List-I(Country) List-II(Namesofshifting

    cultivationthecountryis associated with) (a) Philippines 1. Chena (b) Thailand 2. Caingin (c) ShiLanka 3. Milpa 4. Tamrai Code: (a) (b) (c) (A) 3 4 1 (B) 3 1 4 (C) 2 4 1 (D) 2 1 435. MatchList-IwithList-IIandselectthecorrectanswer

    usingthecodegivenbelowthelists: List-I List-II (LocalWind) (Country/Region) (a) Harmattan 1. Argentina (b) Haboob 2. Adriaticcoast (c) Bora 3. WestAfrica (d) Zonda 4. Sudan

    Code: (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) 1 2 4 3 (B) 1 4 2 3 (C) 3 4 2 1 (D) 3 2 4 136.


    known as the ‘Golden corridor’ industrial area islocatedattheplacemarked

    (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 437. Withreferencetothesub-tropicalhighpressurebelt

    considerthefollowingstatements: 1. ItisaffectedbyEarth'srotationanddescentof

    windsfromhigheraltitudes. 2. Itisdynamicallyinducedandcharacterisedwith

    anti-cyclonicconditions. Whichofthestatementsgivenaboveis/arecorrect? (A) 1only (B) 2only (C) Both1and2 (D) Neither1nor238. InKoppen's classification ofworld climateAw

    climatesreferto: (A) Humidtropicalwetmonsoonclimatewithashort

    dryseason (B) Tropicalwetanddryclimatewithdryseasonin

    winter (C) Tropicaldesertclimate (D) Humidmeso-thermalclimates39. Inwhich of the following places are deposits of

    Wolframfound? (A) ChandigiriandAmarkantak (B) ChendipatharandDegana (C) BellaryandRadhanagari (D) GunturandHazaribagh40. Consider the following statements: 1. TheCochinShipyardwasconstructedwiththe

    Japaneseassistance. 2. The IntegralCoach Factorywas set upwith

    Germancollaboration. Whichofthestatementsgivenaboveis/arecorrect? (A) 1only (B) 2only (C) Both1and2 (D) Neither1nor2

    Practice Set U.G.C. Geography 5

  • 41.


    Turkana (LakeRudolf), (b)LakeNyasa, (c)LakeTanganyikaand(d)LakeVictoriaaremarkedwithnumbers.Matchthelakewiththecorrectnumberandselect the correct answer using the code givenbelow:

    Code: (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) 4 1 2 3 (B) 3 2 1 4 (C) 4 2 1 3 (D) 3 1 2 442. Considerthefollowingcities: 1. Agra 2. Indore 3. Nashik 4. Vadodara Which of the above aremillion-plus cities as per

    Census2001? (A) 1and4only (B) 1,2and3only (C) 2,3and4only (D) 1,2,3and443. Consider the following statements: 1. ThesexratioinIndiaasperCensus2001islower

    ascomparedtothatofCensus1951. 2. From1991 to2001, the sex ratio in Indiahas

    increased. Whichofthestatementsgivenaboveis/arecorrect? (A) 1only (B) 2only (C) Both1and2 (D) Neither1nor244. Considerthefollowingpairs: 1. CentreforEnvironmental : NewDelhi ManagementofDegraded Ecosystems 2. CentreofSocialForestry : Allahabad andEcoRehabilitation 3. NationalCoralReef : Tiruvanantha- ResearchCentre puram Whichoftheabovepairsis/arecorrectlymatched? (A) 1only (B) 1and2only (C) 2and3only (D) 1,2and345. MatchList-IwithList-IIandselectthecorrectanswer

    usingthecodegivenbelowthelist: List-I List-II (PollutedArea) (TypeofIndustry) (a) GreaterKochi 1.Cottontextilesanddyeing (b) Nagda-Ratlam 2.Foodprocessingand (c) Pali electroplating

    (d) Parwanoo 3.Oilrefineries,chemical andmetallurgical industries 4.Viscoserayon,caustic, dyesanddistillery Code: (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) 4 3 2 1 (B) 3 4 2 1 (C) 4 3 1 2 (D) 3 4 1 246. MatchList-IwithList-IIandselectthecorrectanswer

    usingthecodegivenbelowthelist: List-I(Country) List-II(Tribe) (a) Canada 1. Onge (b) India 2. Chukchi (c) Russia 3. Haida (d) Zaire 4. Lese Code: (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) 2 4 3 1 (B) 3 1 4 2 (C) 2 3 4 1 (D) 3 1 2 447. Consider the following statements: 1. Pyramidal peak is a gentle-sidedmountain

    summit. 2. Tarnisformedofteninthecirques. 3. The long axis of drumlins are parallel to the

    directionofglacialmovement. Whichofthestatementsgivenabovearecorrect? (A) 1and2only (B) 2and3only (C) 1and3only (D) 1,2and348. Landformdevelopedby the process of deposition


    (A) Pediment (B) Bajada (C) Playa (D) Peneplain49. Eskersareofglacio-fluvialorigin.Whichoneofthe

    followingstatementscharacterizethem? (A) They are long, narrow and sinuous ridges of

    sands. (B) They are small, irregularmounds of bedded

    sands. (C) Theyaresmallalluvialcones. (D) Theyareflat-toppedterraces.50. Consider the following statements regarding the

    distributionandpatternofisotherms. 1. In the northern hemisphere, isotherms bend


    2. Temperature gradients are greater in summerthaninwinterinthenorthernhemisphere.

    Whichofthestatementsgivenaboveis/arecorrect? (A) 1only (B) 2only (C) Both1and2 (D) Neither1nor2

    6 Practice Set U.G.C. Geography

  • Answers And explAnAtions

    1. (C) 2. (A)3. (D) The book 'Influences of Geographie Environment'

    was written by E.C. Semple in 1911.4. (C)5. (C) (The North Eastern Rajasthan receives annual

    average rainfall under/below 30 cm.) An 80 km. wide coastal belt from Nellore to point

    Calimere receives annual rainfall of about 100 to 200 cm. The middle and lower Assam Valley receives annual rainfall of about 100 to 200 cm. The coastal plains of Gujarat, South of Narmada receive rainfall of about 150 to 200 cm.

    6. (C) Humid sub-tropical with dry winter (Cwg) is spread over the entire stretch of the great plain of India including the north-east India and North Bengal.

    7. (C) Groundnut is a Kharif Crop in India, sown in June-July and harvested in November-December. But in Tamil Nadu, it is a summer crop sown in February-March and harvested in June-July. In India, groundnut is principally grown as rain-fed crop. Sesamum is a kharif crop in the northern part while it is a rabi crop in the southern part of the country.

    8. (B) 9. (A)10. (B) Bhakra Nangal Multipurpose project is a joint

    venture of Punjab (37.7%), Haryana (46.7%) and Rajasthan (15.6%) only.

    11. (A)12. (C) This is because of the westerlies.13. (C)14. (B) The bajada is formed by coalescing alluvial

    fan.15. (A) Aretes are sharp ridges which develop between

    the adjacent cirques.16. (C) Banded Calcareous deposits around a hot spring

    is called Travertine.17. (B) A decrease in altitude increase both the pressure

    and the temperature. The air is compressed and warm.

    18. (C) Chinooks are warm and dry winds which blow down the eastern slopes of rocky mountains of North America.

    19. (D) 20. (A) 21. (D)22. (B) Quartz and clay are terrigenous sediments.

    Calcareous Oozes are biogenous sediments. Manganese nodules are hydrogenous sediments. Tektits spheres are black, glassy, rounded objects thought to be of extraterrestrial origins.

    23. (B)24. (A) Chernozem is a very black, crumbly textured

    lowhumus soil rich in Carnonates and exhibits a Thick-A-horizon (0.6 to 1m) characterized by

    a layer of mull humus resulting from the decomposition of the prolific natural grassland which is its climax vegetation.

    25. (B) Caledonian mountains were formed during Silurian and Devonian periods. Examples: Appalachian system, mountain of Scotland, Ireland and Scandinavia (Europe), Aravallis, Mahadeo, Satpura of India.

    26. (C)27. (C) The best known scale to measure hardness of

    rocks is the Mohs scale, in which ten selected minerals are arranged so that each one can stretch all of these which precede it on the scale. From the softest to hardest these are: 1. Talc, 2. Gypsum, 3. Calcite, 4. Fluorite, 5. Apatite, 6. Feldspar, 7. Quartz, 8. Topaz, 9. Corundum, 10. Diamond.

    28. (C) A phacolith is a lens-shaped mass of igneous rocks occupying the crest of an anticline or the bottom of a syncline and being fed by a conduct from beneath.

    29. (A) Open floods are those in which the angle between the two limbs of the fold is more than 900 but less than 1800 (i.e. obtuse angle between the two limbs of a fold).

    30. (C) Kaolin is a white clay produced by the Chemical breakdown of Feldspars (especially those in granite) by the process of Kaolinization. This may be achieved either by hydrolysis, the main type of chemical weathering or by hydrothermal activity (pneumatolyms). Kaolin is the clay and Kaolinite is the two-layered hydrous aluminium silicate.

    31. (D) 32. (A) 33. (C) 34. (C) 35. (C) 36. (C) 37. (C) 38. (B) 39. (B) 40. (A) 41. (A) 42. (D) 43. (C) 44. (B) 45. (D) 46. (D)47. (B) Pyramidal peak is a steep-sided isolated mountain

    summit produced by the convergence of the back walls of adjoining cirques.

    48. (C)49. (A) Eskers are long, narrow and sinuous ridges of

    sands and granites and are situated in the middle of ground moraines. It is a glacio-fluvial depositional landform.

    50. (C) In January, i.e., during the winter in the northern hemisphere, isotherms suddenly bend poleward while passing through warm portions of the oceans and bend equatorward while passing through the cold portions of the oceans and bend equatorward while passing through the cold portion of the oceans. The trend is opposite in July i.e., during the summer.

    Temperature gradient is more pronounced during winter than summer.

    q q q

    Practice Set U.G.C. Geography 7

  • 1. FactoryFarmingisthecharacteristicof (A) North-westernNorthAmerica (B) North-westernEurope (C) EasternEurope (D) South-eastAsia2. Inwhichoneofthefollowingcountriesistheiron

    miningcentrecalledScunthorpelocated? (A) France (B) Germany (C) Sweden (D) UnitedKingdom3. Considerthefollowingdrainagepatterns: (a) Rectangular (b) Radial (c) Annular (d) Trellis Identifythedrainagepatternsmarkedas1,2,3and


    Code: (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) 1 3 4 2 (B) 2 4 3 1 (C) 1 4 3 2 (D) 2 3 4 14. WithreferencetotheavailabilityofmineralsinIndia,

    considerthefollowingstatements: 1. Thehighestconcentrationofmanganeseisfound

    intheDharwarsystemofrocks. 2. The chromitemainly occurs in ultra-basic

    igneousrocks. Whichofthestatementsgivenaboveis/arecorrect? (A) 1only (B) 2only (C) Both1and2 (D) Neither1nor25. Kampungisaformofruralsettlementfoundin (A) China (B) Malaysia (C) Philippines (D) Cambodia

    6. MatchList-IwithList-IIandselectthecorrectanswerusingthecodegivenbelowthelist:

    List-I List-II (Patternsofrural (Locationsassociated settlements) with) (a) Arrow 1. Delta (b) Checkerboard 2. Lake (c) Circular 3. Mountainslope (d) Fan 4. Roadcrossingatright

    angle 5. Roadmeetingariverbend Code: (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) 5 4 2 1 (B) 3 4 2 1 (C) 5 2 4 3 (D) 3 2 4 17. Inverticaldistributionofoceandeposits,whatisthe

    correct sequence from oceanic surface towardsbottomofthefollowingdeposits?

    1. Calcareousoozes 2. Siliccousoozes 3. Terrigenousdeposits 4. Redclay Select the correct answer using the code given

    below. (A) 1,2,3,4 (B) 3,1,2,4 (C) 3,2,1,4 (D) 4,3,2,18. MatchList-IwithList-IIandselectthecorrectanswer

    usingthecodegivenbelowthelist: List-I List-II (GeneticPhases) (ResultantTides) (a) TheSunandtheMoon 1. Springtide areatrightangleswith 2. Neaptide theEarth 3. Apogeantide (b) TheSun,theMoonand 4. Perigeantide theEarthareinastraight line (c) TheMoonisnearestto theEarth (d) TheMoonisfarthest fromtheEarth Code: (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) 2 1 4 3 (B) 2 4 1 3 (C) 3 4 1 2 (D) 3 1 4 2


  • 9. Considerthefollowingpairs: Area Well-knownfor 1. KintaValley Tinfields 2. Sudburyregion Nickelproduction 3. Chihuahua Silverproduction Which of the pairs given above is/are correctly

    matched? (A) 1only (B) 2and3only (C) 1and3only (D) 1,2and3only10. MatchList-IwithList-IIandselectthecorrectanswer

    usingthecodegivenbelowthelist: List-I(Oil-field) List-II(Country) (a) Bahregan 1. Iraq (b) Dhahran 2. Iran (c) Kirkuk 3. Indonesia (d) Palembang 4. SaudiArabia Code: (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) 2 4 1 3 (B) 2 1 4 3 (C) 3 4 1 2 (D) 3 1 4 211. MatchList-IwithList-IIandselectthecorrectanswer

    usingthecodegivenbelowthelist: List-I List-II (Coalfields) (Districts) (a) Makum 1. Dibrugarh (b) Kamptee 2. Palamauand (c) Karanpura Hazaribagh (d) Singrauli 3. Nagpur (Waidhian) 4. SidhiandSahdol Code: (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) 1 2 3 4 (B) 1 3 2 4 (C) 4 2 3 1 (D) 4 3 2 112.

    Intheabovediagram‘A’represent (A) Arete (B) Bergschrund (C) Cirque (D) Rochesmoutonnees13. WithreferencetotheoccurrenceofmineralsinIndia,

    considerthefollowingstatements: 1. Silverisamineralofprimaryoriginoccurring

    inacidigneousrocks. 2. Bauxiteisasecondarymineralmainlyassociated

    with lateritic rocks formed during tertiaryperiod.

    Whichofthestatementsgivenaboveis/arecorrect? (A) 1only (B) 2only (C) Both1and2 (D) Neither1nor214. Among the following states, inwhich one is the


    (A) ArunachalPradesh (B) HimachalPradesh (C) Sikkim (D) Uttarakhand15. Considerthefollowingpairs: Tree Locationofitsnaturalhabitat 1. Rosewood SlopesofWesternGhatsof KarnatakaandKerala 2. Spruce WesternHimalayasat elevationsfrom2100mto 3600 m 3. Walnut LowerelevationsofEastern Himalayas. Which of the pairs given above is/are correctly

    matched? (A) 1only (B) 1and2only (C) 2and3only (D) 1,2and316. Consider the following statements: 1. TheBuckinghamCanalrunsthroughthecoast

    fromGunturdistricttoSouthArcotdistrict. 2. For IndiraGandhiCanal additionalwaters of


    Whichofthestatementsgivenaboveis/arecorrect? (A) 1only (B) 2only (C) Both1and2 (D) Neither1nor217. Consider the following statements: 1. ThegenredevieofVidaldelaBlacherefersto

    the inherited traits thatmembersof ahumangrouplearn,whatwemaycallculture.

    2. Thegenredevieisabasicfactorindeterminingwhich are the various possibilities offered bynatureaparticularhumangroupwillselect.

    Whichofthestatementsgivenaboveis/arecorrect? (A) 1only (B) 2only (C) Both1and2 (D) Neither1nor218. Consider the following statements: 1. TheKangraValleyisastrikevalleyextending


    2. TheKuluValleyisatransversevalleyintheuppercourseofRavi.

    Whichofthestatementsgivenaboveis/arecorrect? (A) 1only (B) 2only (C) Both1and2 (D) Neither1nor2

    Practice Set U.G.C. Geography 9

  • 19. MatchList-IwithList-IIandselectthecorrectanswerusingthecodegivenbelowthelist:

    List-I List-II (Wetland) (State) (a) Barilla 1. Bihar (b) Dihaila 2. Gujarat (c) Pariyej 3. HimachalPradesh (d) Pong 4. MadhyaPradesh Code: (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) 1 4 2 3 (B) 1 2 4 3 (C) 3 4 2 1 (D) 3 2 4 120. Considerthefollowingrivers: 1. Banas 2. Ghaggar 3. Machhu 4. Rupen Whichoftheaboveneitherflowintotheseanormerge


    (A) 1and2only (B) 2,3and4only (C) 1,3and4only (D) 1,2,3and421. MatchList-IwithList-IIandselectthecorrectanswer

    usingthecodegivenbelowthelist: List-I List-II (Mangrove Area) (State) (a) Coringa 1. Andhra Pradesh (b) Coondapur 2. Karnataka (c) Ramnad 3. Maharashtra (d) Vikhroli 4. TamilNadu Code: (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) 1 2 3 4 (B) 1 2 4 3 (C) 2 1 3 4 (D) 2 1 4 322. MatchList-IwithList-IIandselectthecorrectanswer

    usingthecodegivenbelowthelist: List-I List-II (Country) (Feature) (a) Thailand 1. Entrepot (b) Singapore 2. Mekongdelta (c) Indonesia 3. Pattayabeach (d) Vietnam 4. BandaAeeh Code: (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) 2 4 1 3 (B) 2 1 4 3 (C) 3 4 1 2 (D) 3 1 4 223. Forobtaininggreateraccuracy in the fractionofa

    division in both linear and angularmeasurements,whichscaleisused?

    (A) LinearScale (B) VernierScale (C) PlaneScale (D) GraphicScale

    24. WhichoneofthefollowingRFrepresentsthe1cmmapdistanceto5kmofgrounddistance?

    (A) 1:500 (B) 1:5000 (C) 1:50000 (D) 1:50000025. Aformofdiagraminwhichvaluesareplottedasradii

    fromapointoforigin,isknownas: (A) Stardiagram (B) Columnardiagram (C) Blockpilediagram (D) Dispersiondiagram26. WithreferencetoDotmethodconsiderthefollowing

    statements: 1. Dotmethodisthemostconvenientmethodfor

    illustratingthedistributionofabsolutefigures. 2. Thesizeofthedotsdependsuponthefrequency

    oftheelementstoberepresented. 3. Initeachdothasanidenticalvalue. 4. Itisusedveryeffectivelywhenplottingvalues

    indetailonalargescale. Whichofthestatementsgivenabovearecorrect? (A) 1,3and4 (B) 2,3and4 (C) 1and2only (D) 1,2and327. MatchList-IwithList-IIandselectthecorrectanswer

    usingthecodegivenbelowthelist: List-I (Maptype) (a) Choropleth (b)Isopleth (c) Chorochromatic (d)Choroschematic List-II (InformationContent) 1. Quantitativemap showing imaginary lines

    joining places of equal value for anydistribution

    2. Qualitativemapshowingarealdistributionbysymbols,indexletters,etc.

    3. Qualitativemapshowingarealdistributionbyshades and tints

    4. Quantitativemapshowingregionalvariationofdistributionusingshades

    Code: (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) 2 1 3 4 (B) 2 3 1 4 (C) 4 3 1 2 (D) 4 1 3 228. Agraphshowingwavelengthandreflectanceamount

    isknownas (A) SpectralReflectanceCurve (B) SpectralSignature (C) SpectralBand (D) SpectralRegions29. For representing the data relating to cost control,


    (A) Cyclediagram (B) Chorochromaticmaps (C) Chorographiccompassmaps (D) Bothchorochromaticandchorographiccompass


    10 Practice Set U.G.C. Geography

  • 30. A vector-based data structure ismade for storingterrain information in digital terrain modelling in whicheachsamplepointhasanx,yco-ordinateandaheight,orzvalue.Allthepointsareconnectedbyedgestoformanetworkofnon-overlappingtrianglesthat collectively represent the terrain surface.Thisnetworkisknownas:

    (A) TIN (B) DTM (C) TQM (D) TIGER31. IntheGovernmentofIndia,underwhichMinistryis

    theNationalRiverConservationDirectorate? (A) MinistryofAgriculture (B) MinistryofEarthSciences (C) MinistryofEnvironmentandForests (D) MinistryofWaterResources32. Consider the following statements: 1. TheRhineriftvalleystretchesformorethan800

    km 2. ThefloorofDeadSeaismorethan1100mbelow

    sealevel. Whichofthestatementsgivenaboveis/arecorrect? (A) 1only (B) 2only (C) Both1and2 (D) Neither1nor233. MatchList-IwithList-IIandselectthecorrectanswer

    usingthecodegivenbelowthelist: List-I List-II (Soilgroup) (ClimaticRegimes) (a) Chernozem 1. Temperategrasslands (b) TerraRossa 2. Mediterranean (c) Podsol 3. Cooltemperature (d) Sierozem 4. Hotdeserts Code: (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) 4 3 2 1 (B) 1 2 3 4 (C) 4 2 3 1 (D) 1 3 2 434. MatchList-IwithList-IIandselectthecorrectanswer

    usingthecodegivenbelowthelist: List-I List-II (HighestPeak) (Country) (a) MountLogan 1. Australia (b) MountMcKinley 2. U.S.A. (c) MountKosciusko 3. Canada Code: (a) (b) (c) (A) 1 3 2 (B) 1 2 3 (C) 3 2 1 (D) 2 3 135. InU.S.A.whichoneofthefollowingregionsreceives

    heavyrainfallthroughouttheyearundertheinfluenceof Westerlies.

    (A) NorthWestern (B) NorthEastern (C) SouthWestern (D) SouthEastern

    36. Inthediagramgivenbelow,whichoutof1,2,3and4arecoldcurrents?

    (A)1and3 (B)2and4 (C)2and3 (D)1and237. AlpsMountainsarespreadover: (A) France,Switzerland,Italy,Romania (B) France,Switzerland,Italy,Austria (C) France,Switzerland,Italy,Spain (D) France,Switzerland,Italy,Belgium38. Thehighaltitudetropicalforestwhichhasdwarfed

    treesisknownas: (A) Alpineforest (B) Elfinforest (C) Montaneforest (D) Sclerophyllforest39. Considerthefollowingpairs: 1. Coal Donbas 2. Ironore Magnitogorsk 3. Mica Mama Which of the pairs given above is/are correctly

    matched? (A) 1only (B) 2and2only (C) 2and3only (D) 1,2and3only40. MatchList-IwithList-IIandselectthecorrectanswer

    usingthecodegivenbelowthelist: List-I List-II (Island) (City) (a) Hokkaido 1. Takamatsu (b) Honshu 2. Nagasaki (c) Shikoku 3. Yokohama (d) Kyushu 4. Hakodate Code: (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) 2 1 3 4 (B) 2 3 1 4 (C) 4 1 3 2 (D) 4 3 1 2

    Practice Set U.G.C. Geography 11

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