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Vasco B. Nunes

Thesis Committee:

Geno Pawlak, ChairpersonKwok Fai CheungMark Merrifield

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© Copyright (2005)


Vasco B. Nunes


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I would like to thank my committee for all their assistance and interaction, without

their guidance I would have never reached my goal. A special thanks to my advisor,

Dr. Geno Pawlak, by all means this is the end result of our work and interaction. I

would like to thank Marion Bandet and Kimball Milikan for their much useful sug­

gestions and comments as well as their help in the field work. All the encouragement

words were much welcomed. I would like to thank Monte Hansen, Pedro Garcia and

Rick Carter for their key help with the field instruments' setup, their input made

all the difference. I would like to thank Danny Merritt, Sonja DuPlessis and Andy

Hebert for their diving assistance. I would like to thank Chip Fletcher and Chris

Conger for their generosity in lending me the Force motorboat. I would like to thank

Kumar Rajagopalan, Volker Roeber, Yong Wei and Liujuan Tang for their help in

the data analysis process. I also would like to thank Edith Katada and her assistants

for their patience with my always late paperwork. Thanks to Amal Phadke as he

kindly supplied me with this I¥IEX template. Last but not least, a big thank you to

my family and girlfriend, Maria Byrne, for their constant and unconditional support.

This research was supported in part by a grant from the Office of Naval Research and

Sea Grant.

This personal achievement is entirely dedicated to my father.

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Sea bed roughness was measured and quantified in an area of the south shore of O'ahu

using a boat-mounted acoustic altimetry system. The study site is characterized

by a highly inhomogeneous rough sea bed. Roughness was resolved in the 10 to

200 em range over an area extending from the wave breaking zone to a depth of

20 m. Theory suggests that both roughness length scales and distribution play an

important role as a wave energy dissipation mechanism. This paper investigates

methods for quantifying inhomogeneous bed roughness within this range of scales.

Various roughness parameterizations are examined including spectral and statistically

derived variables. These methods are validated qualitatively with side-scan imagery

and quantitatively by in-situ roughness surveys. Results show that wave number

spectra can differentiate smooth from rough areas. Results also suggest that the bed

roughness in the study site exhibits a high spatial variability, within the examined

range, with no dominant length scale but with a characteristic spectral slope. In

addition, roughness also exhibits a sharp contrast between the shallow and deep ends

of the study site.

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Abstract ... V

List of Tables viii

List of Figures IX

1 Introduction . 1

1.1 Bed roughness and the wave friction factor 1

1.2 Research framework. 5

2 Study Area 9

3 Methodology 11

3.1 Data collection 11

3.2 Data quality control 14

3.3 Data analysis .... 16

3.3.1 Data gridding 16

3.3.2 Spectral analysis 16

3.3.3 Data validation 18

4 Results .. ...... 21

4.1 Spectral results 21

4.2 Validation of spectral results. 25

4.2.1 Side-scan survey ... 25

4.2.2 'Roughness' bar survey 26

4.3 Root mean square validation . 30

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References . . . . . . . . . . .

A Confidence intervals . . .

C Boat-bar spectral merges

COULWAVE simulations







Discussion . . . . . . .

Conclusions summary.




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B.1 Depth (m), significant wave height (m), peak period (s) and wave direc-tion (0) for each site. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3

B.2 Depth (m) and modelled significant wave height (m), peak period (s)and wave direction (0) for sites 1,2 and 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4

B.3 Depth (m) and modelled significant wave height (m), peak period (s)and wave direction (0) for sites 4 and 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4

B.4 Depth (m) and modelled significant wave height (m), peak period (s)and wave direction (0) for sites 8 and 10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5

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Figure Page

1.1 Typical bed roughness offshore of Honolulu Harbor. The roughness scalescan be roughly gauged by the diver in the background. . . . . . . . .. 6

2.1 Location of study area on the south shore of Oahu, courtesy of the U.S.Geological Survey and the EROS Data Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9

3.1 Detail of part of the boat mount setup (starboard side) with the ADCPlooking downwards. On the portside an identical setup was used for thealtimeter. 11

3.2 Survey site in the adopted projection along with the survey boat tracks.The 5 m bathymetry contours are also plotted. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 13

3.3 An example of the altimeter beam (solid line) and boat tracks (dottedline) with a stable boat ride (left) and less stable boat leg interruptedby rejected points (segment between diamonds; x=56m, y=-26m). . .. 15

3.4 Measurements using the 'roughness' bar. A schematic of the apparatus(left) and typical measurement procedure (right). 18

3.5 Visual scale for the qualitative analysis of the side-scan images. Thesepictures, left (smooth=l) to right (rough=5), illustrate the adopted clas-sification. 20

4.1 Spectral curves for boxes 4, 28, 32 and 40. 22

4.2 Roughness rms values for four wave number bands. Lighter tones cor­respond to smoother beds while darker tones corresponding to rougherbeds. Bathymetry contours are also plotted. Boxes with insufficient dataare marked with targets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 23

4.3 Normalized rms values as a function of depth. The horizontal line to the12 m tick. The vertical line represents the mean normalized rms. . . .. 24

4.4 Qualitative roughness map based on a side-scan survey with density ofobservations show in the left and interpolated scores in the right. Boxeswith insufficient data are marked with targets. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 26

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4.5 Relationship between the side-scan and the roughness rms maps is exam-ined. Black dots are normalized rms values for the 63 to 200 cm interval. 27

4.6 Wavenumber spectra from the 'roughness' bar (dashed line) and the boatmeasurements (solid line) with 95% confidence intervals. 28

4.7 Spectral energy of the study area for the same wave number bands(37-47 cm, 47-63 cm, 63-100 cm and 100-200 cm) based on the 'rough­ness' bar data. Bathymetry contours are also plotted. Boxes with insuf-ficient data are marked with targets. 29

4.8 Spatial rms values of the study area for four wave number bands (37-47 cm,47-63 cm, 63-100 cm and 100-200 cm). Bathymetry contours are alsoplotted. Boxes with insufficient data are marked with targets. ..... 30

4.9 Relationship between rms values computed via spatial and wavenumberdomain:: circle = 30-60 cm, triangles = 60-90 cm, squares - 90-120 cm,diamonds = 120-220 em. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 31

B.1 Location of wave gauges (white dots) with site numbering. 2

C.1 Wavenumber spectra from the 'roughness' bar (dashed line) and the boatmeasurements (solid line) with 95% confidence intervals. 6

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Ocean waves lose energy at boundaries, via surface and bed stresses, and by breaking.

In the intermediate and shallow water regions, before breaking occurs, bed friction

becomes the main energy dissipation mechanism (Ardhuin et al. 2003; Hay and Smith

2002). Quantifying this energy loss is important for determining wave heights and

estimating sediment transport. In the near shore environment, these quantities affect

coastal works, harbor maintenance, marine habitats (Friedlander and Parrish 1998;

McCormick 1994) and local wave refraction/shoaling patterns. In the last 50 years,

considerable research has been dedicated to this field in order to understanding these


1.1 Bed roughness and the wave friction factor

Quantifying the bed energy dissipation is done by means of an hydraulic roughness

parameter, of which the Manning or Chezy coefficients are common examples used

in river hydraulics. In the ocean environment, this energy loss depends on the wave

friction factor (fw), or the energy dissipation factor. The value of fw is a function

of the flow conditions above the bed, represented by the Reynolds number, and the

physical sea bed roughness. For a non-movable bed, the energy dissipation is the result

of the skin friction and the form drag. The former represents the friction resulting

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from viscous forces along the bed while the latter represents the drag generated by

the pressure differences generated by the roughness elements and distribution. For a

movable bed, roughness further includes the contribution of the sediment in motion

over the bed (bed-load).

Historically, much work has been devoted towards parameterizing sea bed rough-

ness for homogeneous beds, e.g. sand ripples. Jonsson (1966) pioneered the research

on the relationships between roughness and wave energy dissipation and in his pa-

per he introduced two expressions for the energy dissipation. The energy dissipation

occurs within the boundary layer where the waves' orbital motion produces a shear

stress defined by:


Ed - time averaged energy dissipation;

Tb - bed shear stress;

Ub - near bed maximum orbital velocity, defined by:

A·wUb = --,.---------,--

sinh(k . h)


A - wave orbital amplitude immediately above the bed;

w - radian frequency (21r IT);



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k - wave number (27f/L);

h - water depth.

Jonsson (1966) derived the expression (1.3) for energy dissipation assuming a

constant dissipation, or friction, factor:


Ie - energy dissipation factor;

p - water density.


Using the relationship for the conservation of wave energy flux along with lin-

ear wave theory, an alternative expression for the energy dissipation was presented

(Jonsson 1966; Madsen,K., and Graber 1988):

1Ed = - . P . Iw • Ubr . u~



Iw - wave friction factor;

Ubr = 8/3· 7f • Ub.


Jonsson (1966) also showed from dimensional analysis that the friction factor

depends on the Reynolds number and on the bed roughness. However, in real con-

ditions the flow is predominantly turbulent. In this regime the wave friction factor

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solely depends on the bed roughness parameter (Kamphuis 1975), thus underlining

the importance of the bed roughness parametrization. For a rough turbulent regime a

commonly used expression for the wave friction factor was suggested by Swart (1974),

and subsequently adjusted by Nielsen (1992) as it over-predicted fw at the smaller

roughness scales:



r - hydraulic roughness.

The term r / A is the relative roughness and r is the hydraulic roughness also

corresponding to the Nikuradse roughness (kN ; Nikuradse (1933)). This roughness

definition is widely used and represents the sea bed morphology in terms of single

length scale. In a rough turbulent flow, the bed roughness elements penetrate outside

the laminar sublayer and therefore the vertical velocity profile reduces to zero (no-slip

condition) somewhere between the lowest and the highest roughness feature. Defining

this point, or equivalently hydraulically defining where the bed sits at, is not trivial

and the Nikuradse roughness addresses this particularly issue. Nikuradse observed

that for a bed closely packed with spheres of diameter d, the logarithmic velocity

profile is zero at a depth proportional to d. A general approach is to assume a rough­

ness factor related to some measurement of grain size such as r = D50 . Madsen et al.

(1990) and Hay and Smith (2002), among others, extended these results to movable

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beds under irregular waves, and presented alternative expressions for estimating both

the bed roughness and the wave friction factor.

1.2 Research framework

Despite all the contributions to this field of research, bed roughness parameterization

is still not an exact science. Most of the assumptions used in deriving roughness

parameterizations are based on small scale homogeneous beds with sand grain geom­

etry. Moreover, these parameterizations apply for sea beds where the scale of the bed

features is at least one-fold smaller than the wave orbital amplitude. Validation is

lacking when the scales of these two quantities are comparable.

Roux (2003) observed that bed roughness can vary considerably within a given

site. Consequentially these physical abrupt changes are reflected in the boundary

layer, thus affecting directly the estimate of the bed friction. At the same time, a

particular roughness scale can dissipate energy differently depending on the wave

characteristics. Pawlak and MacCready (2002), for example, examined how oscil­

latory flows react to different rough boundaries. Their results show that both the

length scales and distributions of roughness elements introduce mechanisms that can

enhance the energy dissipation near the boundary. This suggests that for accurately

determining the friction processes, bed measurements are needed and with it, effective

measurement schemes.

For a wide range of conditions, the accuracy of existing formulas decreases, par-

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ticularly when dealing with rough and inhomogeneous beds such as coral reefs. In

these environments (Figure 1.1) roughness is inhomogeneous and individual elements

can often be of the same order of magnitude as the wave orbital amplitude. These

conditions challenge some of the assumptions used in the existing roughness parame-

terizations schemes.

Figure 1.1: Typical bed roughness offshore of Honolulu Harbor. The roughness scalescan be roughly gauged by the diver in the background.

Coral reefs and rocky sea beds have not been studied as extensively as sandy beds

in the context of wave friction. Gerritsen (1980) examined pressure sensors' data to

derive wave friction factors for a site adjacent, and very similar in bed morphology,

to our study area. He obtained values of fw ranging from 0.1 to 0.5 in agreement

with the predictions using Jonsson (1966) formula. More recently, Falter (2002)

examined wave attenuation data over a coral reef on the east coast of O'ahu. The

fairly flat reef platform allowed wave refraction, shoaling and diffraction effects to

be neglected relative to wave attenuation induced by wave friction. Using a range of

parameterizations he obtained an average fw value of 0.22±0.03 and a hydrodynamic

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roughness scale of 0.2 m. Nelson (1996) also investigated wave friction and bed

roughness of a coral reef on the north-east coast of Australia with a wave environment

similar to that examined by Falter (2002). A hydrodynamic roughness of 0.06 m was

determined, based on measured wave heights for two data sets with fw values of 0.13

and 0.18. This value agreed with the results given by Jonsson (1966)'s and Swart

(1974)'s formulas. This bed roughness value is an order of magnitude smaller than

that inferred by Falter (2002) and suggests an attenuation magnitude similar to that

observed in sandy beds. It is suggested that such differences could be related to

individual reef differences since detailed physical measurements were not performed

in both studies.

This discussion illustrates the need for robust parameterization schemes of bed

roughness in order to estimate wave friction factors. Current state-of-the-art models

like SWAN, developed at Delft University of Technology (Booij et al. 1999), or

COULWAVE, developed at Cornell University (Lynett et al. 2000), do not recommend

the use of friction factors above 0.1 m since there is little or no validation in this

roughness range. For a typical Hawaiian coral reef, parameterizations within this

range, or higher, may be suggested based just on visual observations (Figure 1.1).

Bed shapes can often be 0.5 to 1.0 m in height and width, thus presenting unanswered

questions on how to calculate wave and current friction factors.

All said, there is no scientific agreement on how to parameterize inhomogeneous

roughness larger than the common sand ripple, much less for validating its use in

a wave model. This thesis attempts to improve our understanding in this issue.

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Following recent studies using spectral analysis to investigate sea bed morphology

(Ardhuin et al. 2003; Chae et al. 2004), we examined the bed roughness of a coral

reef using in-situ measurements. Potential parameterization schemes are suggested

and discussed.

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The study area was located offshore of Honolulu Harbor on the south shore of O'ahu,

covering approximately 1 km2 and ranging from 5 to 20 m deep. Figure 2.1 shows the

location of the study site along with a close up of the region of survey. The survey

'box' was rotated relative to north to be roughly aligned with the incoming wave

direction. Also shown are the 5 m contours with the surveyed area bounded by the

box-grid. Each box dimensions are 75 x 75 m. The sea bed in the area is comprised

of coral reef and sand, exhibiting a wide range of roughness scales.

Figure 2.1: Location of study area on the south shore of Oahu, courtesy of the U.S.Geological Survey and the EROS Data Center.

The wave environment is seasonal although energy is present year round. During

winter time, wave heights are small (less than 1 m) associated with weak south swells

and short period energy resulting from the wrap wind swell generated by north-

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easterly trades. During summer, wave heights are higher but rarely larger than 2

m, associated with very long period swells generated by distant southern hemisphere

storms. Wave breaking only occurs within the shallowest portion of the site. The

offshore slope in the study area is relatively steep, ranging from 0 to 60 m deep within

about a kilometer. This suggests that local bathymetry accounts for most of the wave

transformation process, in contrast with broad shelf continental regions.

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3.1 Data collection

Data were collected using a boat-mounted altimetry system consisting of an acoustic

doppler current profiler (ADCP), a narrow beam altimeter (with a 2.5 0 nominal beam

width) and a GPS, all linked to a laptop. The ADCP and the altimeter were mounted

on an aluminum frame secured to the boat's hull. This frame was assembled using

scaffold equipment and attached to the boat using a pressure bolt system (Figure

3.1). Power to the ADCP and altimeter was provided by a 24 volt battery set, while

the GPS and laptop used their own power supply systems.

Figure 3.1: Detail of part of the boat mount setup (starboard side) with the ADCPlooking downwards. On the portside an identical setup was used for the altimeter.

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A WAAS enabled GPS was used to provide a reference time stamp and an absolute

position within a 4 m accuracy. This accuracy is adequate for navigational purposes,

however, a 4 m accuracy was too coarse to resolve submeter roughness features. GPS

position data, therefore, was only used in the data gridding process, discussed in

section 3.3.1.

For accurate relative positioning, ADCP ouput was used. The ADCP yields high

accuracy vessel velocities via its bottom tracking capability (Fong and Monismith

2004). Relative vessel position can then be obtained by integrating the vessel velocity

with respect to time, which in its discrete form is represented by:

Sx = VN . COS(()i) . !:1Ti

Sy = VE . sin(()i) . !:1Ti


Sx - along-track distance in the X direction;

Sy - along-track distance in the Y direction;

VN - north velocity;

VE - east velocity;

()i - ith angle of velocity magnitude with respect to the adopted projection;

!:1Ti - ith time increment.



The result is a time series of boat velocity converted into a time series of along

track distance series, Sxy(T), for the adopted projection. This projection has its zero

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south of the site with positive X direction alongshore to the right, and positive Y

direction cross shore towards the coast. Figure 3.2 illustrates this projection along

with the boat survey tracks.


JcXi .- ·200 ·100 0 100 200 300 <00 soo 800lIst-.lm)

Figure 3.2: Survey site in the adopted projection along with the survey boat tracks.The 5 m bathymetry contours are also plotted.

The time series of vessel velocitie was sampled at about 2 Hz (ADCP sampling

rate), with pitch and roll angles also provided by the ADCP sensors. Contrary to

the GPS output, the Sxy(T) error is cumulative but assumed to be negligible within

a survey track (Fong and Monismith 2004), which were always shorter than 330 m.

The boat provided a stable survey platform and the survey were performed in very

calm sea conditions when waves and wind were at their minimum.

The altimeter produced a time series of bottom range, Rxy(T), at a sampling rate

of about 10 Hz. The altimeter beam track was reproduced using pitch and roll values.

The altimeter unit sampled at about 10 Hz and therefore Sxy(T) was interpolated

to match the higher sampling rate of Rxy(T). These two time series resulted in a

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spatial series of bottom range, i.e. along-track distance versus bottom range Rxy(S),

in the general direction of the local wave path, referenced to the long period south

swells (as opposed to short period trade wind swell). This time series, Rxy(S), was

the fundamental input for the data analysis.

3.2 Data quality control

The bottom range spatial series, Rxy(S), was filtered to remove questionable data

points. These points included locations where it was too shallow to navigate, the

altimeter exceeded its maximum range (> 20 m) or when the boat pitch and/or roll

angles were excessive. High values of these two angles were rare, caused primarily

by nearby boat traffic. As a result, all bottom range points from the altimeter track

were rejected if the altimeter track fell backwards in reference to the boat track, or

if the track moved laterally in reference to the boat track beyond a threshold value

(80% of the along-track distance between pings) or were obvious false readings, e.g.


It is shown in Figure 3.3 two examples of the altimeter (solid line) and the boat

tracks (dotted line). The altimeter track was usually offset from the boat track by

a small distance due to the instrument mount setup. This offset did not affect the

data acquisition since it was constant throughout the survey period. Ideally, smooth

boat legs yielded approximately parallel tracks between the boat and the altimeter

beam. Whenever a disturbance occurred, e.g. a ship wake, the boat would roll and

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pitch making the tracks less parallel. The higher the disturbance the more likely the

existence of rejected data points. Figure 3.3 (right) shows some rejected points where

the altimeter (solid line) pinged backwards relative to the boat track (dotted line).

!t -17.5

.,~, 37.5 "


Figure 3.3: An example of the altimeter beam (solid line) and boat tracks (dottedline) with a stable boat ride (left) and less stable boat leg interrupted by rejectedpoints (segment between diamonds; x=56m, y=-26m).

The above criteria segmented the Rxy(S) spatial series, such that the rejected bot-

tom range points defined the start and end points of 'good' segments of data, hereafter

termed 'boat legs'. As a result, the bottom range spatial series was segmented into

several boat legs varying from a minimum of 12.5 to a maximum of 330 m long. All

of these boat legs were aligned with the incoming wave direction of about 2000 (long

period swell from SSE). The minimum length of 12.5 m of continuously 'good' data

was adopted with the spectral analysis in mind since our goal was analysis of the

characteristic spectral roughness energy at the order of magnitude of a typical wave-

length at depths shallower than 20 m (typically within the 50-300 m range). At the

same time, shorter segments maximized data use due to constraints on the acoustic

footprint and sampling rate, as will be discussed in Section 3.3.2.

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3.3 Data analysis

3.3.1 Data gridding

The next step in the analysis consisted in spatially gridding, or spatially 'boxing', each

bottom range point based on its CPS reading. Data were organized into 75x75 m

boxes (Figure 2.1), a size determined by compromise between the order of magnitude

of a typical wavelength and the survey data density (Figure 3.3). The grid box was

rotated, relative to north, to be roughly aligned with the incoming wave direction.

3.3.2 Spectral analysis

Spectral analysis was used to investigate the different roughness scales. The fast

Fourier transform (FFT) was applied to the various segments of bottom range. The

input signal consisted of a 12.5 m running window at an average sampling rate of 10

Hz. The FFT was centered at every point of each boat leg, starting 6.25 m ahead

of the first point, continuing at every single point onwards and ending 6.25 m before

the last bottom range point of the segment in order to maintain the 12.5 m input

for the FFT. As an example, a 100 m boat leg entailing 1,000 points produces 875

spectra. It is noted that by using this approach not all spectra are independent. This

approach maximized data use and coverage and it was considered in determining the

confidence intervals for each box (see Appendix A).

The FFT dealt with two key variables: the sampling rate and the acoustic foot-

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print. The altimeter sampling rate was about 10 Hz but not constant, such that

bottom range data were unevenly spaced. Thus, the sampling rate input for the FFT

corresponded to the largest spacing between points in each 12.5 m window and the

data input corresponded to the original data interpolated at this largest spacing dis­

tance. Each 12.5 m window was multiplied by a Hanning window to minimize data

leakage. Data trend and mean were removed prior to the Hanning filtering.

The acoustic footprint (or equivalently the altimeter horizontal resolution) is dic­

tated by the altimeter beam angle and the depth of measurement. For a constant

beam angle (set at 2.5°), the resolution of measurements is reduced in deeper regions.

For example, the altimeter can resolve 13 em at 3 m but only 87 em at 20 m, while

the altimeter sampling rate is predominantly lower than 20 em. For these surveys, the

footprint was predominantly larger than the altimeter sampling rate. Nonetheless,

the footprint was accounted for so that spectral estimates were limited to wavelengths

larger than the greater of the footprint or the altimeter sampling rate. Thus, we were

able to compare equal resolutions independently of the depth of measurement, with

the drawback that shallower regions tend to have more data compared to deeper re­

gions. The term sampling rate term will be used onwards and will refer to the actual

sampling rate used in the EFT analysis, i.e. the maximum (in the space domain)

between the acoustic footprint and the altimeter sampling rate at each box.

Large and single occurring features, on the order of a meter in height and width, or

higher, are seldom but do exist in the study area. These features' size are considerably

lower than a typical wavelength and hence do not affect the wave transformation

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processes since they are several orders of magnitude smaller that a typical wavelength

and at the same time their distribution is scarce. However, they can influence the

spectral analysis considerably. As a result, each box was repeatedly surveyed and the

obtained results were averaged together for a given box.

3.3.3 Data validation

Data validation was performed to assess the consistency of our methods. At the same

time, the validation provided a helpful insight in relating spectral output to a more

meaningful quantity. These validation techniques included the use of a 'roughness'

bar, visual observations and side-scan imagery.

Figure 3.4: Measurements using the 'roughness' bar. A schematic of the apparatus(left) and typical measurement procedure (right).

The 'roughness bar' (McCormick 1994) is a diver based measurement device con-

sisting in a 2.8 m long perforated aluminum bar, which measures elevation every 5 ern

using aluminum rods that slide vertically through the bar (Figure 3.4). The bar is

placed over a section of the bed, letting the 68 ern long rods slide down until they

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hit the bed. As the rods fall down they take the natural shape of that bed section.

The bar is then photographed digitally for post analysis, where one bar reading is

measured using eight photos to limit the image distortion. Scaling is determined by

the black tape stripes and heights by the rod offset. Laboratory tests using artificial

roughness elements resulted in an accuracy better than 5%. However, the bar spatial

coverage is limited and at the same time data collection was also limited by dive

time. The 'roughness' bar was used in locations with contrasting surfaces in both

shallow and deep spots. Sandy areas were not surveyed by the 'roughness' bar since

its accuracy is reduced at these sites. Surveys were performed within eight boxes

resulting in 93 bar measurements. Although the spots were previously selected, the

actual surveyed sections were randomly chosen by dropping a marker from the surface

prior to the measurement.

Over the course of the project, numerous dives gave a qualitative idea of the exist­

ing roughness length scales. These visual observations provided a helpful background

for qualitative analysis of a side-scan survey data. The side-scan data were produced

by a REMUS autonomous underwater vehicle, that surveyed part of the study site.

The result of this survey is a high resolution acoustic picture of the bed. Based on

the images from this survey a classification with scores ranging from 1 to 5 was used:

smooth bed textures or mostly sand (1), some textures or mostly sand with small reef

coverage (2), medium bed textures or equal coverage of reef and sand (3), significant

bed textures or mostly reef with small sand pockets (4) and strong bed texture or

mostly rough reef (5). The roughness distribution was accounted by the density of

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the side-scan classifications, which were approximately one per every 20 x 20 m area.

Figure 3.5 illustrates the aforementioned scaling.

Figure 3.5: Visual scale for the qualitative analysis of the side-scan images. Thesepictures, left (smooth=l) to right (rough=5), illustrate the adopted classification.

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4.1 Spectral results

Spectral results were spatially 'boxed' and averaged so that for each box there is one

representative spectral curve. No dominant roughness scales were identified but an

average characteristic spectral slope was observed. The average slope was of -3.0 ±

0.7 in the logarithmic domain. The observed spectral shape is typically 'red' as lower

wavenumbers are associated with higher spectral energy and higher wavenumbers are

associated with lower spectral energy. From all the existing boxes, boxes 4, 28, 32

and 40 are used to exemplify the spectral curves. Their representative spectral curves

are shown in Figure 4.1. These boxes range from deep (box 32) to shallow (box 28) as

well as from smooth sandy beds (box 28) to rough coral reefs (box 4). Roughness was

quantified by integrating the areas bounded by wavenumber bands of equal width.

The adopted intervals were: 37-47 cm, 47-63 cm, 63-100 cm and 100-200 cm.

The result of the integration corresponds to a spectral energy value and its square

root corresponds to the roughness root mean square (rms) value. The rms values

obtained are shown in Figure 4.2. Boxes with insufficient data are marked by targets,

which were either too shallow to be surveyed, deeper than the altimeter range (20 m)

or the acoustic footprint was too coarse for the wavenumber band in question. Due to

this last issue, deeper boxes tend to have more data than the ones located shallower.

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BOX 4 BOX 28


lcfL.----~--- ........10" 10"


1cfL-------~---'10" 10"

BOX 40


:: _: ~...'. ~ .. ' .



10'" 10"

Wa~ !lli'nber (;1ianj

Figure 4.1: Spectral curves for boxes 4, 28, 32 and 40.

Bed roughness was observed to a transition from smooth to rough, going shallower.

Figure 4.3 illustrates this conclusion where the normalized roughness rms values are

plotted versus depth. The horizontal dashed line represent the 12 m contour and the

vertical solid line represents the mean rms value. The black dots correspond to the

rms values for the wavenumber 63 to 200 cm band since it has values in both deep and

shallow areas. Black circles correspond to the side-scan values which are presented in

the next section. The side-scan values were used to validate this observation.

• Figure 4.2 also shows that spectral energy is able to differentiate bed roughness

scales. Between 5 and 10 m deep, inside boxes 28,33,34 and 35 (see also Figure 2.1),

there was a large sand patch. Although this sand patch did not cover these boxes

entirely it was large enough to mark its signature. The rms value for these boxes is

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RMS 47 to 63cm (boat)









RMS 37 to 47cm (boat)900


~ 700 ..E';; 600·uc:.!! 500I/)

is 400


200 L...L::.----'-__~_ __'__

-200 '0 200 400



RMS 100 to 200cm (boat)

200 '---"'---'-----'-.........,,--"'-----200






RMS 6~to 100cm (boat)900


,.....0; 700 •E';600uc:,~ 500

is 400


200 '----'.........-'-------'-...........,~-"'----200 0 200 400

Distance (m)

Figure 4.2: Roughness rms values for four wave number bands. Lighter tones corre­spond to smoother beds while darker tones corresponding to rougher beds. Bathym­etry contours are also plotted. Boxes with insufficient data are marked with targets.

low and comparable to the rms values observed in the deeper and more smooth boxes,

hence contrasting with the nearby shallow rough boxes. This result is particularly

evident in the wavenumber interval of 63 to 100 em, suggesting that sand and reef are

more distinguishable at these scales. This contrast tends to fade at scales higher than

one meter suggesting that some lower order geological conditions may playa role, for

example a gentle substrate variations on which the present sand and reef substarte

lies upon. Other boxes exhibit more energetic roughness (e.g. box 4 and 40). There

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• • b

·~4~----C.3!:---.2!:---.7-1--+-0--":-1---0-2 _----!-_---lNormaHz~rmsend s1Qeo.s~_\l8lues

Figure 4.3: Normalized rms values as a function of depth. The horizontal line to the12 m tick. The vertical line represents the mean normalized rms.

is also a small trend for smoothing at the shallower areas. It could be suggested that

this area is too close to the wave breaking zone, where too much stress ex.ists for coral

to develop. It is also interesting to note the sudden increase of rms values above the

meter scales.

All the length scales examined, below and above 1 m, can potential be parame-

terized as roughness parameters since they are all comparable to the wave orbital

amplitude at the bed. This discussion relates to the link between physical and hy-

drodynamic roughness and, despite falling beyond the scope of this analysis, it is still

worthwhile to note and certainly is one of the main motivations for this work. Some

comments on this issue are presented in Section 4.3.

All said, these results suggest a good degree of consistency regarding wavenumber

spectra as a measuring scheme. This will be supported by the validation methods,

the 'roughness' bar and the side-scan analysis, discussed in the following section.

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4.2 Validation of spectral results

4.2.1 Side-scansurvey

A visual roughness map was produced using the results provided by a side-scan survey

of a REMUS autonomous underwater vehicle. A side-scan survey consists of a sharp

acoustic picture with no direct information regarding bottom range. The analysis

of the side-san images consisted of assigning roughness values for areas of roughly

20 x 20 m based on apparent bed textures. Scores were interpolated onto the adopted

box-grid and a qualitative roughness map was produced (Figure 4.4). Although these

data are limited by what the human eye can distinguish when looking at an acoustic

picture, these appear to create a reliable picture of the site based on boat and diver

observations carried out by the approximate 2-year long research.

The roughness rms pattern is qualitatively similar to the one obtained by the boat

survey (Figure 4.2). This is particularly evident in the 63 to 100 em wavenumber

interval (74% correlation) suggesting that these are the scales better distinguished

by the human eye. The sand patch in the shallow region, the contrast between deep

and shallow areas and the rougher boxes on the right side, (e.g. box 40), are all

clearly distinguishable in the side-scan map. This suggests that wavenumber spectra

is consistent and effective in differentiating sea bed roughness. A scatter plot between

the side-scan and the rms maps is shown in Figure 4.5, showing the level of correlation

(~70%) between the the wavenumber band of 63 to 200 em in black.

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Map of side-scan analysis900.----~--~--~__,

Scores from sidescan900

400o 200Distance (m)

200 ............'---~--'---" .........--'-----200



400 .

ado300 ~

200 ~ r-:--...-200 0 200 400


Figure 4.4: Qualitative roughness map based on a side-scan survey with densityof observations show in the left and interpolated scores in the right. Boxes withinsufficient data are marked with targets.

4.2.2 'Roughness' bar survey

Several field surveys produced a collection of bar measurements, resulting in eight

boxes with 93 in-situ roughness measurements. From these eight boxes, three were

selected (boxes 4, 32 and 40; see Figure 4.2) to present the results for this in-situ

method (results for four others boxes are shown in Appendix C). These three boxes

range from medium to rough beds and from 9 to 13 m deep. It is noted that the

roughness bar method was not performed on sandy areas and for comparison purposes

the spectrum for box 28 is included, where the bed is predominantly covered with

sand and located in the shallow region of the study site.

Figure 4.6 shows the merge between the 'roughness' bar and the boat measure-

ments' spectra. The reasonably good agreement in terms of energy and slope indi-

cates the existence of a characteristic spectral slope for each site. An average slope

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1..E •«i .-t" 0lit •lJ ••,~

«i •6-1 • •z •• •• •


• •• ••••......

•• •• ••

••• • ••

-~3~------:_2:-----C_1---00----:-1--72-----c1NonnaUled side-scan value

Figure 4.5: Relationship between the side-scan and the roughness rms maps is exam­ined. Black dots are normalized rms values for the 63 to 200 em interval.

of -3.0±0.7 was obtained for the 50 to 120 em interval. At the same time, it further

suggests that wavenumber spectra is consistent in its measurements. The spectral

merge is observed to occur between 63 and 100 em wavenumber band. Since not all

boxes were surveyed using the bar technique, an extrapolation criteria into higher

wavenumbers was investigated based on the spectral agreement between boat and

bar measurements. However, the observed significant variability, based on data from

these eight boxes, yielded no relationship between higher and lower wavenumber

bands. Figure 4.7 shows the same rms maps as shown in Figure 4.2 with the same

equal width. The 47 to 200 em wavenumber intervals allows for a direct comparison

to the boat data. However, the 100 to 200 em band has broader confidence intervals

due to fewer points in the wavenumber domain. Results match satisfactorily for the

limited coverage of the 'roughness' bar, with a 63 to 84% correlation. This result,

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BOX 32




toO '-- --.-.,..........."'-'"-- ........,.......................,...'10'3 10'~


100 '-:--""--"......,-'---..........'""-"-:.,---------......................,...

10.3 10'2 10.1

Wave number{1/cm)

Figure 4.6: Wavenumber spectra from the 'roughness' bar (dashed line) and the boatmeasurements (solid line) with 95% confidence intervals.

along with the spectral agreement shown in Figure 4.6, suggests that wavenumber

spectra provides a realistic image of the bed roughness, varied in length scales entail-

ing both coral reef and sandy areas. However results also indicate that in order to

have an accurate estimate of the bed roughness a comprehensive survey is required

as bed roughness can vary greatly and randomly within short distances, a fact that

greatly limits the applicability of the 'roughness' bar compared to the boat mounted

altimetry system.

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RMS 3710 47cm (bar)

RMS 6310 100cm (bar)

o 200 400Distance (m)












RMS 47 to 63cm (bar)

RMS 100 10 200cm(bal1

o 200 400Distance (m)












Figure 4.7: Spectral energy of the study area for the same wave number bands(37-47 cm, 47-63 cm, 63-100 cm and 100-200 cm) based on the 'roughness' bar data.-Bathymetry contours are also plotted. Boxes with insufficient data are marked withtargets.

4.3 Root mean square validation

The root mean square values obtained via spectral analysis were also validated with

rms values obtained via analysis in the spatial domain. In order to perform a com-

parison within the different wavenumber bands, low-pass filtering was applied to the

spatial series of bottom range to remove wavenumbers outside the interval of com-

parison. The low-pass filter consisted of a Butterworth 10th order filter. Filtering

was then set at 37, 47, 63, 100 and 200 cm and rms values were computed with the

purpose of comparing them to the results in Figure 4.2. Figure 4.8 shows the results

using the same wavenumber bands used in Section 4.1.

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RMS 47 to 63cm (spatial)900



RMS 100 to 200cm (spalla!)900 '10





00 200Distance (m)











o 200 400Distance (m)

RMS 37 to 47cm (spatial)

RMS 63 to 100cm (spatial)



Figure 4.8: Spatial rms values of the study area for four wave number bands(37-47 em, 47-63 em, 63-100 em and 100-200 em). Bathymetry contours are alsoplotted. Boxes with insufficient data are marked with targets.

Again, the matching results support the consistency of the wavenumber spectral

analysis. A good correlation is observed both in terms of value as well as distribution

pattern through out the survey site. The correlation between rms from the spatial

domain and rms from the wavenumber domain is particularly high at the 47 to 100 em

band, with a 62% correlation, and at the 100-200 em band with a 84% correlation.

A reduced correlation of 6% was observed on the 37-47 em wavenumber band due to

the fact that the number of boxes with data is less and at the same time there is a

lower boat coverage on some of the right side boxes (see Figure 3.3), which greatly

offset the correlation value. These relationships are illustrated in Figure 4.9.

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-2 ~1 0 1 2NormalizedRMS(spatial)






Figure 4.9: Relationship between rms values computed via spatial and wavenumberdomain: circles = 37-47 em, triangles = 47-63 em, squares = 63-100 em, diamonds= 100-200 cm.

It is also observed that a handful of data points tend to be underestimated via

spatial domain (relative to the spectral analysis). These points, which fall above

the one-to-one line, correspond to boxes 4, 5 and 6 where data density from the boat

surveys is minimal (see Figure 3.3). Therefore, low confidence is given to these points.

Overall, however, a good correlation is apparent.

4.4 Discussion

One relevant and innovative result presented here is the development of bed rough-

ness maps for a sand/coral reef site in terms of rms bed variability. These maps

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provide a numerical approach towards quantifying bed roughness scales and although

a clear single representative wavenumber was not observed, wavenumber spectra is a

potential candidate for a hydrodynamic parametrization scheme. However, it is still

valid to ask which rms scale relates to a wave friction factor/roughness parameter,

or in other words, how One obtains a wave friction factor/roughness parameter from

rms values. This question, which presented'the primary motivation for this research,

remains unanswered. All roughness scales examined in this study (37 to 200 em) are

of the same order of the magnitude of the orbital wave amplitude, thus any values

in this range can contribute towards a potential roughness parameter depending on

the wave height, period and depth. Orbital wave amplitudes can vary from about

0.10 to 5 m within the site and for a broad range of wave conditions. This variability

in orbital wave amplitudes in addition to the variability in the roughness rms within

the study site, illustrates that there is not a straightforward solution. The results

presented here attempt to improve our understanding on this issue and much more

can be investigated and improved.

The most obvious continuation of this research is establishing the link between the

rms values, or spectral energy, and the wave friction factor. Computer simulations

using the COULWAVE model were performed to examine how wave heights varied

with different wave friction values. These simulations were compared to wave data

collected in the study site using 10 wave pressure gauges. Results were inconsistent,

however, across all of the simulations. Using a 20 minute wave directional spectrum,

different model runs were performed using a range of bed friction values from 4x 10-4

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to 0.7. Wave direction and particularly, wave heights, were on average underestimated

by the model which greatly hindered the analysis. No conclusion was obtained from

this part but a far more detailed modelling can be done. Other approaches, may in­

clude laboratory tests of oscillating flows over a varied distribution of roughness scales

to investigate which wavenumber bands are prone to contribute more predominantly

to the energy dissipation process. This practical approach, along with computer sim­

ulations, could result in a more valuable strategy. The major goal is still to derive a

parametrization scheme for the wave friction factor, based on field measurements of

bed roughness, and the results and methods presented discussed here constitute the

first steps towards such milestone.

Limitations regarding the methods used here and possible improvements are also

identified. By far, the more restricting factor to this study was the altimeter acoustic

footprint. The altimeter 2.50 nominal beam width associated with a user controlled

ping rate, allowed to resolve roughness up to 15 em in the shallower regions but the

loss of resolution in the deeper regions could not be avoided. Moreover, the deeper the

site the smaller the orbital wave amplitude, translating in a two-fold loss of accuracy.

Furthermore, the smaller roughness scales observed are very close to the altimeter

threshold which may add some unaccountable noise to the results. In the framework

of this research, an autonomous underwater vehicle equipped with a narrow beam

altimeter presents the most attractive tool to date. Such vehicle can navigate above

the bed at a constant height that can be as low as 3 m. For instance, this operational

altitude, for a 2.50 beam, results in a 13 em footprint at all depths and with a far

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greater coverage in terms of area and depth range.

The spectral analysis methods also affected the results to some extent. The vari­

able bottom range sampling rate, data interpolation and filtering as well as smoothing

and averaging techniques used all influenced the data to some extent. Nonetheless,

the methods used are commonly applied in similar studies with proven reliability.

In the particular field of spectral analysis, a multitude of techniques exist and this

study did not perform a thorough task in comparing which ones performed better

than others. Further fine tuning of these particular issues can potentially improve

the quality of our results. Limitations regarding the applicability of the Fourier trans­

form to analyze a coral reef bed is also debatable since it loses all phase information

of the original signal. For homogeneous beds like sand ripples, phase information is

less important provided ripples occur periodically. Periodicity is not observed in in­

homogeneous beds such as coral reef or rocky bottoms, however. In these cases, some

fundamental information may be lost, since random signals can yield equal spectra

(Armi and Flament 1985) consequentially overlooking a more accurate parameter­

ization of the bed roughness that may depend on roughness element distributions

(Pawlak and MacCready 2002). Nonetheless, this an issue that requires further in­

vestigation and the conclusions obtained by this research do not reject, in any way,

wavenumber spectra as a potential candidate for a parameterization scheme of sea

bed roughness.

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4.5 Conclusions summary

Wavenumber spectra proved to be an effective method for distinguishing different bed

roughnesses. The roughness at the study site exhibits an apparent transition from

smooth to rough going shallower. In addition, a smoothing near the wave breaking

zone, in the shallower region of the survey site, was also observed. No dominant

roughness wavenumber was observed in the study area. The bed roughness of the

study site exhibits a characteristic spectral slope of -3.0 ± 0.7. The study area exhibits

a high spatial variability and no relationships were observed between different orders

of magnitude of wavenumbers. These methods were validated qualitatively with side­

scan imagery and quantitatively by in-situ roughness surveys.

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The ratio of the estimated wavenumber spectrum, Syy(k), and the expected values of

the wavenumber spectrum, Syy (k ):


is distributed as a chi.square variable with v degress of freedom. It then follows

that the true spectrum is expected to fall in the interval with 95% confidence:

v· Syy(k) S (k) v . Syy.(k)2 < yy < ---;2:O-=~

XO.025,v XO.975,v(A.2)

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In July 2004, 10 wave gauges were deployed within the study area as shown in Figure

B.lo Seven of these instruments recorded wave directional data. Using a wave model,

we were able to simulate the wave transformation over the are and create an output

of wave heights at each gauge site. This output was compared to the actual recorded

wave heights with the goal of isolating the contribution from the bed friction.

Figure B.l: Location of wave gauges (white dots) with site numbering.

Data was collected for a 2-week period. On Table B it is shown the observed data

for each site concerning a 20 minute interval (16/July/2004, 16HOO to 16H20). Sites

6,7 and 9 correspond to instrument with no directional output and were not included.

The Carnell University Long WAVE (COULWAVE) model was developed by

Patrick Lynett and Philip Liu ?? This model is able to simulate fully non-linear and

two-dimensional dispersive irregular waves over variable bathymetry. The model also

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Site IDepth Hsig Pp()

1 17.6 1.29 18.5 32 9.0 1.62 18.2 3493 8.2 2.06 18.2 44 10.2 1.73 18.2 65 11.0 1.30 18.5 3496 8.17 9.58 5.4 1.61 18.5 19 7.310 3.3 1.38 18.5 18

Table B.l: Depth (m), significant wave height (m), peak period (s) and wave direction(0) for each site.

accounts for bottom friction. Model runs for a range of wave friction values from 4x

10-4 to 0.7 are shown in the following tables for each site excluding the sites with

non-directional wave data (sites 6, 7 and 9).

Results show that refraction and shoaling effects are not accurately simulated by

the model. Site 10 and 5 shown an underestimate in wave direction of about 10°

suggesting that refraction tends to be smaller in the model. At the same time, wave

heights are observed to be smaller than measured values suggesting an underestimate

of the shoaling transformation even for the runs with very low values of bed friction.

Despite the fact that this accuracy can be good or bad, depending on the purpose of

the analysis, the variability observed did not permitted more conclusive observations

within the scope of the bed friction attenuation.

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fw ISite Hsig Pp () I Site Hsig Pp () ISite Hsig Pp ()

0.0004 1 1.22 18.9 0 2 1.41 18.9 2 3 1.29 18.9 20.0007 1 1.26 18.9 0 2 1.47 18.9 0 3 1.35 18.9 3580.001 1 1.29 18.9 0 2 1.49 18.9 0 3 1.38 18.9 3580.004 1 1.23 18.9 358 2 1.41 18.9 2 3 1.37 18.9 20.007 1 1.21 18.9 358 2 1.36 18.9 358 3 1.33 18.9 00.01 1 1.19 18.9 0 2 1.36 18.9 356 3 1.28 18.9 00.04 1 1.11 18.9 0 2 1.22 18.9 358 3 1.19 18.9 3580.07 1 1.08 18.9 0 2 1.14 18.9 358 3 1.12 18.9 3580.1 1 1.04 18.9 0 2 1.08 18.9 0 3 1.07 18.9 3580.4 1 0.79 18.9 0 2 0.76 18.9 0 3 0.77 18.9 3580.7 1 0.65 18.9 0 2 0.60 18.9 0 3 0.62 18.9 2

Table B.2: Depth (m) and modelled significant wave height (m), peak period (s) andwave direction (0) for sites 1,2 and 3.

fw I· Site Hsig Pp () ISite Hsig Pp ()

0.0004 4 1.06 18.9 2 5 1.26 18.9 20.0007 4 1.07 18.9 2 5 1.26 18.9 20.001 4 1.11 18.9 2 5 1.26 18.9 20.004 4 1.18 18.9 358 5 1.16 18.9 20.007 4 1.16 18.9 358 5 1.16 18.9 40.01 4 1.16 18.9 358 5 1.20 18.9 40.04 4 1.01 18.9 0 5 1.10 18.9 20.07 4 0.97 18.9 2 5 1.05 18.9 20.1 4 0.93 18.9 2 5 1.00 18.9 20.4 4 0.68 18.9 2 5 0.72 18.9 20.7 4 0.54 18.9 0 5 0.58 18.9 2

Table 8.3: Depth (m) and modelled significant wave height (m), peak period (s) andwave direction (0) for sites 4 and 5.

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fw ISite Hsig Pp () ISite Hsig Pp ()

0.0004 8 1.60 18.9 4 10 1.72 18.9 20.0007 8 1.60 18.9 358 10 1.66 18.9 80.001 8 1.59 18.9 0 10 1.69 18.9 80.004 8 1.51 18.9 358 10 lAO 18.9 60.007 8 1.52 18.9 358 10 1.39 18.9 60.01 8 1048 18.9 358 10 1.35 18.9 80.04 8 1.33 18.9 0 10 1.31 18.9 80.07 8 1.21 18.9 0 10 1.20 18.9 80.1 8 1.12 18.9 0 10 1.12 18.9 8004 8 0.67 18.9 0 10 0.72 18.9 80.7 8 0.50 18.9 0 10 0.54 18.9 8

Table BA: Depth (m) and modelled significant wave height (m), peak period (s) andwave direction (0) for sites 8 and 10.

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Four additional merges, between the spectral curves obtained by the boat measure-

ments and the 'roughness' bar measurements, are shown.

BOX31 BOX 39.

10' 10'..~-8.~ 10' 10'c:""~ 10' 10'"c:W

10Q 10'10" 10~ 10'\ 10" 10" 10"

BOX 41 BOX 43

10' 10'

%,.e~ 10' 10'Ii"~ 10' 10'"c:w

10' 10'10" 10" 10" '10" 10" 10"

VVaVllIll,lTlb~r(1/gn) vvaVllnuniber (1leni)

Figure C.l: Wavenumber spectra from the 'roughness' bar (dashed line) and the boatmeasurements (solid line) with 95% confidence intervals.

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Page 52: By -€¦ · the data analysis process. I also would like to thank Edith Katada and her assistants for their patience with my always late paperwork


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