  • 8/7/2019 Business Intelligence Solutions at Pineapple


  • 8/7/2019 Business Intelligence Solutions at Pineapple


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    Table of Contents

    What is Business Intelligence? ........................................................................................ 2

    Why Business Intelligence Solution? ............................................................................... 4

    How to Use Business Intelligence Tools? ...................................................................... 10Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 13

    About Pineapple Innovative Solutions ........................................................................... 14

    Contact Us .................................................................................................................... 14[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://
  • 8/7/2019 Business Intelligence Solutions at Pineapple


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    What is Business Intelligence?

    Business Intelligence (BI) is defined as a set of technological tools that turn the corporate data into theinformation which can be used to support any strategic decision or finding out where the company isheading in terms of business & customers.

    In todays world, the Business Intelligence refers to a set of technological tools which will -

    Capture Data Standardize Data Store the data in an efficient format Process the data Display the same in an easy to understand & coherent manner Allows the management to take informed decisions.

    The data can be displayed through mediums like dashboards, reporting tools, analysis tools & custommade reports. It informs the managers about the complete state of business & helps in predicting thefuture hence also works as decision support system (DSS).

    Business Intelligence tools give the full knowledge about ones strengths & weaknesses. It also helpsin finding out the strengths & weaknesses of the competitors. Lack of either one of this may result insignificant losses to the company. The business intelligence solutions help in taking the decisions withcomplete confidence & accuracy.

    For example, consider there is one Mr. Ashish who runs his manufacturing company. He has been intothis business for last 20 years. He is currently in a growth phase where the market around him is

    growing at constant speed. Ashish also wants to make the most of the current opportunities & grow hiscompany 4 folds in 10 years time. He has all his data recorded in a place. He has to deal with twopeculiar cases

    He is incurring losses since many a times, he does not have orders & he has to pay for labor,raw material, electricity, storage facilities & many such charges

    In other cases, he suddenly gets many orders at once & he has to scramble for labor, rawmaterial & transportation. He pays almost twice the normal charges for these last minutearrangements

    This situation is repeating itself year on year. He really does not know what is happening & how tocontrol it. He is afraid of making new investments since he does not how fruitful they will be & does

    not have much cash to waste on useless projects. He is really frustrated & really needs help.[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://
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    What can he do now? Lets read further[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://
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    Why Business Intelligence Solution?

    The business intelligence tools help in running the business in an optimal way. These tools makelife much easier for the managers. The business intelligence solutions help in running the daily

    activities, taking short term decisions & making sure that long term decisions really yield fruits.Depending on the nature of the problem, the business intelligence tools can be used as Strategic BIfor long term, Tactical BI for short to midterm & Operational BI for daily activities.

    The various types of BI tools & their usages are shown as below

    Strategic BI Tactical BI Operational BI


    Increase Market Share Increase Total Revenue Increase Customer Base Take Strategic Decisions

    Launch a Product Launch a Campaign Review the Pricing Increase Profitability

    Offer Bulk Booking Discounts Monitor Payment Schedules Monitor Inventory Monitor Sales Volumes

    BI Needs

    Market Share Analysis Revenue Analysis Customer Analysis Long Term Planning Trend Analysis

    Market Analysis Price Analysis Competition Analysis Cost Analysis

    Real Time Sales Analysis Inventory Movement Analysis Transport Analysis Fraud Detection Customer Analysis


    Years Months

    Weeks Months

    Day Hours Week


    CEO Board of Directors Strategic Partners

    Top Level Management Middle Level Management

    Line Manager Supervisor Operations Manager

    A set of business intelligence tools can assist in following things

    In analyzing the data from hourly basis to yearly basis Find out the hidden patterns & trends from the data

    Planning the daily activities in advance with more efficiency & cost effectiveness

    Assist in doing fraud analysis.Business intelligence tools will help in doing the customer analysis. The analysis will lead tointeresting discoveries like

    What the customer generally purchases What is his purchase frequency What is his total purchase in terms of dollars What is the time when he purchases the most[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://
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    Has the trend in purchasing of the customer changed overtime? How much profit the customer is bringing into the company Is the business growing with the customer or reducing How much cost is incurred in serving every order for the customer & many such things

    This information can then be used to design the marketing campaigns targeting every single customer.The campaigns can mean offering the product bundles to the customer depending on his purchasehabits, increasing / decreasing the discounts offered to the customer, plan in advance for the predictedcustomer orders and be ready in advance for the change in customer orders / product choices. It is agolden rule of customer management which states that top 20% of your customers yield 170%profits for you, next 60% breakeven or yield minor profits while the last 20% yield the 70% losses.Hence it is wise to focus on the top 80% & encourage the elimination of the bottom 20%. The BI toolswill be very efficient in finding out these sets of customers.

    The business intelligence tools will also help in monitoring the important parameters like

    Worker productivity Inventory productivity Transport network productivity

    The worker productivity will tell out of total 100% worker availability, how much is actually utilized.It also shows the salaries needed to be paid to workers in various seasons. The prior information willhelp in establishing long term contracts with few key workers & hire the temporary workers as &when needed. The gains out of this whole process are very significant.

    The inventory management modules can effectively monitor the inventory & its usage patterns. It is aone shot answer for two daily situations faced by companies as mentioned below

    Situation 1

    Non-expected New Orders

    No Stock since activity was not planned

    Loss of Cusotmers, Higher costs leading to lower profits,

    Loss of reputation, Win for competitor[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://
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    Situation 2

    The inventory management will significantly reduce these losses.

    The transport network analysis will help in finding out the efficiency of the transport network. Thetransport network necessarily transports the goods to customers & brings the materials into thecompany. Many a times, these services are hired & not owned. The analysis can show

    The load factors of the trucks / tempos used How much material each vehicle carried How much was the cost paid every season How much more could have been loaded on every vehicle How much time the vehicles stayed idle in the company compound

    This data can better equip the management to book the vehicles in advance & gain the profits throughadvance booking & reduce the total number of vehicles used along with virtually eliminating thevehicles standing idle. These gains can boost the overall profitability of the product.

    All these gains can then be used to increase the profitability & reduce the cost of the product resultinginto gaining more customers, market share & overall rapid growth of the company.

    So now lets look at what Mr. Ashish can do with the business analysis tools.

    No orders in a period

    Stock, machines & workers remaining Idle

    Losses due to wear & tear, salaries, wearhouse charges,

    transport contracts, theft etc[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://
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    Mr. Ashish has two products P1 & P2. The total flow of costs & profits for the products for theproducts are as follows

    P1 P2

    Sales Price = $ 100 Sales Price = $200

    Raw Materials

    Cost = $40

    Raw Materials

    Cost = $120

    Labor Cost = $20 Labor Cost = $30

    Storage Cost = $10 Storage Cost = $10

    Other Costs = $5 Other Costs = $10

    Total Profit = $15 Total Profit = $10

    Transport Cost =$10 Transport Cost =$20[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://
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    Now Mr. Ashish uses the BI tools to analyze every process & finds saving opportunitiesas follows

    20% Savings 25% Savings

    15% Savings 20% Savings

    20% Savings 20% Savings

    20% Savings 20% Savings

    P1 P2

    Sales Price = $ 100 Sales Price = $200

    Raw MaterialsCost = $32

    Raw MaterialsCost = $90

    Labor Cost = $17 Labor Cost = $24

    Storage Cost = $8 Storage Cost = $8

    Other Costs = $5 Other Costs = $10

    Total Profit = $30 Total Profit = $52

    Transport Cost =$8

    Transport Cost =$16[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://
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    How to Use Business Intelligence Tools?

    The next worry of the businessmen is How do I use these tools? This has been made very easy withthe modern business intelligence tools. The modern day business tools work on click to get result

    methodology. What it takes to get useful information is few clicks in an easy to use software interface& Bingo!!! The information flow starts. Modification of few parameters & another set of reports canflow out of the system. What all it takes to run these tools is basic computer knowledge & an easy touse computer interface designed by a competent business intelligence company.

    Lets look at what Mr. Ashish does to use his BI tools. He wants to view the inventory turnover &usage reports. He opens the software interface & enters the number of months for which he needs thedata. He clicks Generate & within few seconds, Mr. Ashish is presented by inventory turnoverreport.[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://
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    Now he wants the amount of money spent on each activity for products Silicon, Solar etc. All he doesis, opens the software interface, selects the products & clicks Generate Cost Report. The detailedcost report is in front of Mr. Ashish.

    Next he wants to know the total down cycle time by regions. He opens the software interface & selectsthe regions. He clicks on Generate Downtime Report. He is again presented with a report in fewseconds.[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://
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    Last but not the least; he wants a holistic view of all his products, costs & their progress.He clicks on Management Dashboard & gets to see all the products with colorssignifying the progress. Red meaning a negative progress, Green meaning excellentprogress & so on.[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://
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    The Business Intelligence tools will certainly help in running the business in an optimized way bymaking sure that it performs following functions

    Bring the whole organization on an unified platform Standardize the total set of processes Get rid of all extra costs which do not add to the profitability Focus on your core competency Make the decisions based on your own progress & industry trends Be able to predict the future Adhere to all the quality control processes Be able to find out the exact source in case of faults Be able to reduce the cost on constant basis Increase the overall profitability year on year Increase the total market share beating the competitors Build strategic relationship with the customers Build a strong brand name Increase the on time delivery & other measurable factors Accurate & timely decision making Lower time to market for the products Significant increase in customer satisfaction Reduce the total turnaround time in case of orders / requests Higher client base & constant addition in number of profitable clients[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://
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    About Pineapple Innovative Solutions

    Pineapple Innovative Solutions, a group company of Pineapple Group has a clear vision of becoming astrategic client partner in offering various custom solutions best suited for client needs. We have major

    technical strength in the fields of Business Intelligence (BI), Knowledge Management (KM) & CustomApplication Development (CAD).

    Pineapple leadership team is composed of domain experts with over 20 years of experience in fields ofAuto, Aero, Education, Supply Chain, Learning and Logistics.

    Our value proposition mainly focuses on

    Deep domain expertise Reliable service delivery Technological excellence for effective decision support Help realize Return On Investment on total IT investments Attractive pricing & lower Total Cost of Ownership Strategic partnership with customers Strong customer service brand

    Contact Us

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    Call us at - +91-9962416488, +91-9049008986[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://
