
Business Data Communications & Networking

Lecture 13

Distributed Applications

Business Data Communications & Networking

Key Distributed Applications

Electronic MailElectronic Data Interchange (EDI)Web-Based Applications

Business Data Communications & Networking

Public E-Mail

Public is provided by a vendor, generally via a dial-up network

Messages can be sent to any other registered user

Gateway required to send messages to users outside the system

e.g. AOL, MCI Mail

Business Data Communications & Networking

Private E-Mail

Integrated with the user’s computer system

Can run on a central host, or as part of a LAN environment Host examples: DEC All-In-One, IBM PROFS LAN examples: CC:Mail, QuickMail

Owned and operated by an organization for internal messaging requirements

Business Data Communications & Networking

Public v Private

Features and services can be quite similarPrivate systems involve higher initial cost,

low or no transaction costsPublic systems involve little initial cost,

ongoing transaction costsPrivate e-mail offers better integration

with installed systemsPublic systems offer wider range of

delivery options

Business Data Communications & Networking

Internet E-Mail

Does not fit directly into either category

Transfer mechanism for exchanging mail among systems, rather than a mail system itself

Business Data Communications & Networking

Single System E-Mail

Only allows users of a shared system to exchange messages

Each user has unique identifier and mailbox

Sending a message simply puts it into recipients’ box

Business Data Communications & Networking

Multiple Systems E-Mail

Distributed system enables mail servers to connect over a network to exchange mail

Functions split User agent handles preparation, submission,

reading, filing, etc Transfer agent receives mail from user,

determines routing, communicates with remote systems

Interconnection requires standards

Business Data Communications & Networking

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

Standard for TCP/IP mail transfer, defined in RFC 821

Concerned addressing and delivery, not content, with two exceptions Character set standardized as 7-bit

ASCII Adds log information to message that

indicates message path

Business Data Communications & Networking

Basic E-Mail Operation

User creates message with user agent program Text includes RFC 822 header and body

of message List of destinations derived from header

Messages are queued and sent to SMTP sender program running on a host

Business Data Communications & Networking

SMTP Mail FlowSMTP server transmits messages to appropriate

hosts via TCP Multiple messages to same host can be sent on one

connection Errors handling necessary for faulty addresses and

unreachable hosts

SMTP protocol attempts to provide error-free transmission, but does not provide end-to-end acknowledgement

SMTP receiver accepts messages, places it in mailbox or forwards

Business Data Communications & Networking

SMTP Connection Setup

Sender opens TCP connection to receiverReceiver acknowledges connection with

“220 Service Ready” or “421 Service Not Available”

If connection is made, sender identifies itself with the “HELO” command

Receiver accepts identification with “250 OK”

Business Data Communications & Networking

SMTP Mail Transfer

MAIL command identifies originator, provides reverse path for error reporting

RCPT commands identify recipient(s) for message Receiver has several positive or negative

responses to RCPT Sender will not send message until it is sure

at least one copy can be deliveredDATA command transfers message

Business Data Communications & Networking

Sample SMTP Exchange

S: MAILFROM:<[email protected]>R: 250 OK

S: RCPT TO:<[email protected]>R: 250 OK

S: RCPT TO:<[email protected]>R: 550 No such user here

S: DATAR: 354 Start mail input; end with <CRLF>.<CRLF>S: Blah blah blah….S:…etc. etc. etc.S: <CRLF>.<CRLF>R: 250 OK

Business Data Communications & Networking

SMTP Connection Closing

Sender sends a QUIT command to initiate TCP close operation

Receiver sends a reply to the QUIT command, then initiates its own close

Business Data Communications & Networking

RFC 822

Defines format for text messages via electronic mail

Used by SMTP as accepted mail formatSpecifies both envelope and contentsIncludes a variety of headers that can

be included in the message header lines

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Limitations of SMTP and RFC822Cannot transmit executables or binary files

without conversion into text through non-standard programs (e.g. UUENCODE)

Cannot transmit diacritical marksTransfers limited in sizeGateways do not always map properly between

EBCDIC and ASCIICannot handle non-text data in X.400 messagesNot all SMTP implementations adhere completely

to RFC821 (tabs, truncation, etc)

Business Data Communications & Networking

MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)

Intended to resolve problems with SMTP and RFC822

Specifies five new header fields, providing info about body of message

Defines multiple content formats Defines encodings to enable

conversion of any type of content into transferable form

Business Data Communications & Networking

MIME Header Fields

MIME-Version: Indicates compliance with RFCs 1521 and 1522

Content-Type: Describes data in sufficient detail for receiver to pick method for representation

Content-Transfer-Encoding: Indicates type of transformation used to represent content

Content-ID: Used to uniquely identify MIME entities

Content-Description: Plain text description for use when object is not readable

Business Data Communications & Networking

MIME Content Types

Seven major types: Text, Multipart, Message, Image, Video, Audio, Application

Fourteen subtypes: See page 384 for detailsText provides only plain subtype, but a

richtext subtype is likely to be addedMultipart indicates separate parts, such as

text and an attachmentMIME types are used by web servers, as well

Business Data Communications & Networking

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

Direct, computer-to-computer exchange of business data

Replaces use of paper documents Requires two participants to agree

on electronic format for the data Two parties within a company (depts) Companies and customers Multiple companies

Business Data Communications & Networking

Benefits of EDI

Cost savingsSpeedReduction of errorsSecurityIntegration with office automationJust-in-time delivery

Business Data Communications & Networking

EDI Layered Architecture

Semantic Layer: describes the business application (e.g. procurement)

Standard Layer: X.12 from ANSI, EDIFCT from UN

Transport Layer: E-mail, Point to Point, WWW

Physical Layer: Dial-up lines, Internet, WANs

Business Data Communications & Networking

EDI v E-Mail

EDI Typically no

human involvement in processing the information; interface is software-to-software

E-Mail Data not necessarily

structured for software processing. Human-to-software exchange is usually involved on at least one end.
