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Bullying in Ecuador

Name: Ricardo Rivas

Grade: 1 A

Bullying is an unwanted or also a wanted aggressive behavior that one or some

people can make. Bullying is caused not only in adolescents, it can also

appeared in adults. Most of the time bullying, is caused during school time,

because there is where adolescents, and even kids pass most of the time with

their friends, and people in general. Also there are three kinds of bullying, one

is verbal, the second one is physical bullying, and the third one is social

bullying. So this three types make bullying a serious problems in this days.

A very bad aspect to know, is that bullying, is a worldwide problem, not only

in certain countries in the world, so here I am going to talk more about bullying

in my country: Ecuador.

To start talking about bullying, is very important to know the actual percentage

of bullying in Ecuador, which is: 64%. So if we understand this percentage, this

is a very serious problem, because more than a half of students and kids, suffer

bullying in their different schools.

Many specialists in Ecuador said that bullying has been always in Ecuador, but

recently in this time, they have been doing researches about this topic, they have

been investigating this problem, and thinking about a solution.

Through this investigations, specialists have discovered a serious problem,

which is that, each time, bullying has increased its violence, more and more.

This is a very serious and bad problem for our country, because bullying is a

controversial topic, all around the world.

Also an important thing to know about is that Ecuador is in the second place in

Latin America to be one of the countries with more bullying, so this aspect is

really scary, because it means that education is not as well, so bullying could


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Also specialists said that this is really scary, because if today’s percentage of

bullying, is more than a half, tomorrow it would be a disaster, and a very bad

problem not only to our country, it would be even for the entire world, so they

said that a solution is indispensable in this case, because we need to eradicate

this social problem.

Even in social media, bullying has increased a lot. With bullying in social

media, even adolescents have been depressed, because bullying has really

affected them a lot. In most of the cases, people that have suffered bullying, had

to go to a psychologist so they could affront their problems that are related to


Right now in schools of the country they are doing a lot of campaigns to

eradicate bullying as much as possible.

Even in other countries of the world, they are doing campaigns also for the same

purpose, because it is really important to decrease the level of bullying in the


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1. “”

(Ecuadortimes, 2014, pg1).

2. “” (U.S. Department of

Health & Human Services, 2001, pg 1)

3. “


coso_escolar” ( Asamblea Nacional, 2003, pg 1)


escolar-se-torna-mas-violento-aulas ( ElUniverso, 2014, pg 1)
