

Kindly complete the following and place in collection basket.

Name _________________________________________

Address _______________________________________ City _____________________ Postal Code ____________

Telephone _____________ E-mail _____________________________ Will you use offertory envelopes? ________

If “yes”, pick-up in the church entrance foyer next Sunday. Pick up @: St. Helen’s ____ St. Mark’s ____


Baptism: Available on Sundays at 1:00 pm. Call the parish office.

First Communion & Confirmation: Arranged through the

schools. If your child is not in a Catholic school or is not baptized

in the Roman Catholic Church, contact the parish office.

Reconciliation: Before or after each mass or by appointment.

Marriage: Six months notice; marriage prep required.

Anointing of the Sick: Please let us know when someone has

a serious or prolonged illness or is to have surgery. This sacrament

celebrates the healing of mind and body and the forgiveness of sins.

Catholic Funeral Rites: When a death occurs in your family,

please call the parish office and we will assist you in making the

necessary liturgical arrangements.

Pastor - Fr. Philip English Office Administration - Aggie Agnino ext. 115

E-mail - [email protected] Office - 905 562-7427 Fax - 905 562-7789

Website -

Mass Times Saturday 5 pm & Sundays @ 9 am - St. Helen’s Church

Sunday 11 am - St. Mark School Gym, Beamsville

We welcome you and invite you to share in the spiritual and social activities of your parish.

Opened - October 2, 1938 Established as a Parish - January 1, 1986

S T . H E L E N C H U R C H 4157 Maple Grove Rd., PO Box 222

Vineland, Ontario L0R 2C0

Sunday December 1, 2013 ~ First Sunday of Advent

Schools St. Mark School St. Edward School 4114 Mountain St. 2807 Fourth Ave. Beamsville, ON Jordan, ON Principal: Dean Stunt Principal: Adrian Bishop Phone: 905 563-9191 Phone: 905 562-5531

Schedule of Masses for Christmas and New Year

Christmas Eve Tues. Dec. 24, 2013 @ 5:00 p.m. @ St. Mark’s School (Children’s

Mass) 7:00 p.m. & Midnight Mass: with carols @ 11:30 p.m @ St.

Helen’s Christmas Day

Wed. Dec. 25, 2013 @ 9:00 a.m. @ St. Helen’s Church & @11:00 a.m. @ St. Mark’s School

Vigil Mass, Mary Mother of God

Tues. Dec. 31, 2013 @ 5:00 p.m. @ St. Helen’s Church

Solemnity of Mary Mother of God Wed. Jan. 1, 2014 @ 10:00 a.m. @ St. Helen’s Church

Schedule for Confessions

Sat. Dec. 14, from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. @ St. Helen’s Wed. Dec. 18, from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. @ St. Helen’s Sat. Dec. 21, from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. @ St. Helen’s

Before weekend masses or by appointment

Stewardship of Treasure Date Offertory Fac.Maint. BFund Nov. 24 $2,964 $ 40 $ Deo Gratias $ 20 Emergency - Philippines $5085

“Give and it shall be given to you for the measure you measure with will be Measured back to you.” Luke 6:38

Thank you for your generosity and continued support. It is greatly appreciated.

St. Vincent de Paul Society - Please remember the work of the St. Vincent de Paul Society as the needs of the poor continue. Your spare change goes a long way to help needy individuals and

families in our community. Thank you for your continued generosity and prayers.

Sacrament of the Sick /Holy Communion to Shut-Ins Holy Communion can be brought regularly to the sick, elderly and shut-ins. To make arrangements for Holy Communion or for the Anointing of the Sick, either in the hospital, nursing home or your own home, please contact the Parish Office.

CWL St. Helen's Catholic Women's League cordially invites all seniors of the town of Lincoln to attend the 45th annual Seniors Citizens' Christmas Party, Lincoln Community Centre,4361 Central Avenue Beamsville Saturday, December 7, 2013 from 2 to 4 p.m.

Next CWL Meeting ~ December 2nd, starting @ 6:30 pm with a Mass followed by a brief meeting and a Christmas Social. Please bring a personal hygiene item for Community Care. Please pick up your 2014 Offertory Envelopes as soon as possible and notify the office if there are any phone, address or e-mail changes.

ADVENT Advent marks the beginning of the Church’s liturgical year. It celebrates the three-fold coming of the Lord: remembering the events that surround the Lord’s coming long ago, celebrating his coming among us today, and looking forward to his final coming in glory. It is a season of devout and joyful expectation.

First Week of Advent: purple

Jesus, as we wait for your coming, help us not to be afraid and to trust in you. As we light this candle, we remember that you bring the light of hope into our lives. May your Word be always in our minds, on our lips, and in our hearts. Amen.

Day Requested for Requested by

Mon No Morning Mass

Tuesday 8:30 am

† Dora Geczy & Elizabeth Barna Alex Geczy

Wednesday 9:30 am

† Katey Campbell Ivan & Sue Zuzek

Thursday 8:30 am

† Ursula Elia Connie & Louis Elia

Friday 8:30 am

† Maria & Gerald Murphy Paul Murphy

Saturday 5:00 pm

For the People

Sunday 9:00 am

11:00 am

St. Mark School

† Ron Hendriks † Guido Pasquale Baldinelli † Heide Schmidt

Ivan & Sue Zuzek

Aniello & Louisa DeStefano The Brandel Family

Christmas Angel Campaign - please re-turn your Christmas angel gifts back to the parish by December 7th. Please note, it is helpful to place gift certificates in a gift bag.

Angel cards should be taped to the bag/gift.

Year A Mass Intentions Dec 2 - 8

Sunday December 1, 2013 First Sunday of Advent

Scripture They shall beat their swords into plowshares and

their spears into pruning hooks; (Isaiah 2:4) I rejoiced because they said, "We will go up to the

house of the LORD." (Psalm 122:1) it is the hour now for you to awake from sleep. For our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed (Romans 13:11) if the master of the house had known the hour of

night when the thief was coming, he would have stayed awake (Matthew 24:43)

Reflection How do you focus on what will endure lasts and

less emphasis on what doesn’t really matter? How is your parish faith community central to

your spiritual life and practices? What parish ministry could you join to direct your

energy to increase your commitment to spiritual development?

Will you take time during Advent to prepare for what really matters?

The mass culture purveyed by the popular press and the electronic media is preponderantly based on the pursuit of pleasure, wealth and power. It is in many respects alien to Christian ideas and attitudes. … We readily recognize that we live in a world that is becoming increasingly estranged from Christian values. In order to remain a Christian one must take a resolute stand against many commonly accepted axioms of the world. To become true disciples we must undergo a demanding course of induction into the adult Christian community. We must continually equip ourselves to profess the full faith of the Church in an increasingly secularized society. We must develop a sense of solidarity, cemented by relationships with mature and exemplary Christians who represent Christ and his way of life.1 1Dulles, Avery Cardinal, Models of the Church, Doubleday; New York, 1987 – 2002, p. 210, 211. For the Ride Home by Ted Bergh © ParishVision LLC 2013

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! HEAR YE!! Congratulations to Joe Ruesen who is the November 23rd $2000 winner of the St. Helen's Church Raffle with ticket #244! Next draw is on Dec. 28th.

Join us in the church basement for coffee and a Movie Morning on Thursday December 5, 2013 @

9:30 a.m. featuring God’s Doorkeeper, St. Andre of Montreal. On January 6, 1937, the

death of a humble doorkeeper for a boys' college drew over a million people to Montreal for his funeral. For 40 years, Brother Andre Bessette of the Congregation of Holy Cross welcomed people at the door and became known as a miraculous healer. God's Doorkeeper looks at the heart and legacy of Brother Andre -as a man of prayer, of hospitality, and of compassion; a man who draws people in to experience a God who is love. On October 17, 2010, Brother Andre became the first male Canadian-born saint and the first saint for the Congregation of Holy Cross. He is living proof that "it is with the smallest brushes that the divine artist paints the most beautiful pictures." The film features interviews from Montreal, Rome, and the United States-with people who knew him and others who continue Brother Andre's work today. It also includes footage of the Beatification and Canonization ceremonies in Rome and the celebrations in Canada, with footage of the unforgettable events of Brother Andre's road to sainthood.

Looking for that perfect Christmas gift? Something that will change their life? PASSION & PURPOSE LIVE with renowned speaker and author, MATTHEW KELLY and special musical guest, ELIOT MORRIS. Passion & Purpose Live is the inspiring yet practical experience of dynamic teaching and application of the genius of Catholicism to every aspect of your life, including prayer & spirituality, work, dating & marriage, personal finances, health & well-being, parenting, and more! SATURDAY, May 31st, 2014 9AM – 1:30PM, St. Alfred’s Church, St. Catharines. Tickets are available at any parish office or at Branches Bookstore. DO NOT MISS THE OPPORTUNITY TO GAIN THE INSIGHT TO LIVE MORE FULLY THE LIFE GOD HAS CREATED FOR YOU!

Sunday Missal Recall

There has been a recall on our 2014 missals due to printing errors. If you purchased one from St. Helen’s, please return it to the church with an elastic around it (so it will not be confused with the new missal replacements) and exchange it for a new one. We need to ship the order back to the publisher. We are sorry for any inconvenience.

VOCATION VIEW: In our materialistic society, someone must stand up to speak for our spiritual heritage. Could that be you?



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