
Bulk ExpanfoTM

For anfo and heavy anfo systems


Expanfo™ is an innovative in situ ANFO (Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil) product where, in addition to natural porosity, sensitising plastic microspheres are included insitu in each ammonium nitrate prill, which is mixed with fuel oil in Mobile Manufacturing Units (MMUs). Bulk Expanfo™ is used in dry opencast, quarrying and construction applications.

Note: The microspheres remain intact during pneumatic loading, thereby allowing Expanfo™ to retain a lower density and increased sensitivity in the blast hole. This will result in a more ideal detonation behaviour and superior fi eld performance compared to that achieved with equal volumes of standard market ANFO products.


Standard PPAN (magnification x 75) microscope photograph of standardPorous Prilled Ammonium Nitrate, used for the manufacturing of standard ANFO.

Expan™ (magnification x 75) microscope photograph of Sasol Nitro’s Expan™ Porous Prilled Ammonium Nitrate, used for the manufacturing of Expanfo™, clearly indicating the presence of expanded microballoons embedded in the crystal structure.


Bulk Expanfo™ gives superior control and generally more consistent and predictable blast results, especially in tough but dry blasting con-ditions. Bulk Expanfo™ is manufactured in three grades varying in product strength and detonation characteristics to provide the customer with a product that represents the highest value solution for the specific application.


advantagessafe Expanfo™, due to its low sensitivity to shock, friction or impact, is comparatively safe to handle and use. Treating or washing the charge hole with water, will render the Expanfo™ insensitive.

reliable Anti-caking agents make Expanfo™ free-flowing for improved performance in underground or surface applications. Expanfo™ will reliably initiate with any 6D detonator when loaded pneumatically. Due to microspheres, Expanfo™ exhibits improved sensitivity characteristics.

quality Manufacturing of this product conforms to the ISO9002 quality standard. Tests are conducted on the PPAN to confirm that the density, particle size, moisture content and flow properties conform to specifications.

flexible Easy to charge pneumatically, or by using an auger.

cost effective Full coupling and Expan™ technology ensures maximum energy levels are achieved for best results.

product information

expanfo™ 100Expanfo™ 100 is a low density ANFO product for easy / non-demanding conditions or any application where low energy is required.

expanfo™ 200A medium density of Expanfo™ 200, (when compared to standard ANFO) is a general purpose ANFO product for hard rock applications where over-break or excessive fines have to be limited.

expanfo™ 300Expanfo™ 300 is a high density ANFO product for tough conditions or any application where higher energy is required.

* Energies calculated using the Tiger code (JCZ3). (Should not be compared with energies evaluated using other methods).

Expanfo™100 Expanfo™200 Expanfo™300Poured / loose density (kg/l) 0.65 – 0.69 0.68 – 0.74 0.73 – 0.80

Water resistance NoFuel content % 5.7

Initiation Hole diameter < 150mm - 150g Pentolite booster minimum. Hole diameter > 150mm - 350g

Pentolite booster minimum. For optimal performance, detonating cord used as downlines and cartridge explosives as boosters are not recommended.

Sensitivity and reliability High fuel absorption with accurate and even fuel blending optimise performance. Sensitivity is enhanced by microspheres to provide a reliable and effective explosive

Relative Weight Strength (RWS)

100 100 100

Effective Relative Weight Strength %*

125 116 110

Relative Bulk Strength (RBS) 102 @ 0.67 103 @ 0.72 105 @ 0.78Energy* The theoretical energy for ideal detonation is essentially the same for all

ANFO products (RWS = 1). However, actual detonation performance of ANFOproducts deviates significantly from this ideal. Expanfo™ products detonate closer to

the ideal due to the inclusion of the sensitising microballoons. The in-hole density decreases from Expanfo™300 to Expanfo™100.

Operating temperature -10ºC to 60ºCHealth / environment See SDS / MSDS


important instructions

• Always store detonators and explosives separately.

• Keep ANFO away from sparks, flames or any other source of ignition.

• Store explosives according to the country rules & regulations.

• ANFO is soluble in water and can therefore not be used in wet conditions.

packaging information

Please contact your representative.

standard packaging

Bulk product. Please contact your representative.

colour codes & labelling

Bulk product and no colour codes are applicable.

recommended storage, shelf life & transport

warning and disclaimer

All products and equipment manufactured and supplied by Sasol Nitro’s Explosives Business shall be used, handled, stored or transported according to the guidelines laid down by the relevant applicable legislation in that country.

Explosives should be secured in an explosive magazine. All or any part of the explosives is dangerous and can cause injury or death. If you find any of these items, do not touch them. Instead, immediately report their location and description to the police.

To the extent provided for in terms of section 61 of the Consumer Protection Act, 2008, Sasol Nitro Explosives Business shall not be liable for ny damage, whatever its nature, including incidental, consequential and indirect damage caused to buyers or third parties, directly or indirectly arising from or relating to the supply, use or storage of the products and equipment arising after delivery unless caused by Sasol Nitro’s Explosives Business wilful misconduct or gross negligence.

*Trademarks are registered or applied marks are licensed to Sasol.

Sasol Nitro15 Baker street Rosebank 2196

PO Box 5486 Johannesburg 2000South Africa

+27 (0) 11 441 3111

Bulk ExpanfoTM (All grades) Recommended storage Not to be stored as a bulk product Transport: UN classification 1.1D UN number 0082 Zax number 349

Rev 2 September 2013
