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Mass Schedule

Daily Mass: Monday - Saturday at 8:00 AMFirst Friday Mass & Devotion: 8:00 AMEucharistic Adoration: Every Friday, 7:30 AM

Sunday Masses

Saturday Vigil: 5:15 P.M.Sunday Morning: 8:30 AM, 10:00AM, 11:30 AMSunday Evening: 5:15 P.M.

Holy Day Masses: 8 AM, 12:10 PM, 6:00 PMReconciliation: Saturday: 4:30 to 5:00 P.M., and by appointment.Baptisms & RCIA: By appointment only. Please email Linda Acuna, [email protected]: By appointment only. Arrangements must be made at least one year in advance. Pleasecontact the parish office.Funerals: For arrangements, please call the parish office.

Mass Intentions Sat., May 5 - Easter Weekday

8:00 Novena for Mothers5:15 Rev. Richard Perozich, SI

Sun., May 6 - Sixth Sunday of Easter8:30 People of Immaculate Conception

10:00 For the World’s Conversion11:30 Paul & Lee Corarito, SI

5:15 Novena for Mothers

Mon., May 7 - Easter WeekdayNovena for Mothers

Tues., May 8 - Easter WeekdayNovena for Mothers

Wed., May 9 - Easter WeekdayNovena for Mothers

Thurs., May 10 - Easter WeekdayNovena for Mothers

Fri., May 11 - Easter WeekdayNovena for Mothers

Sat., May 12 - Easter Weekday8:00 Novena for Mothers

5:15 Rev. Richard Perozich, SI

Weekly Parish Events or Meetings

WednesdaysChoir Practice 6:00 PM Church

FridaysAdoration 7:30 AM Church

SaturdaysQuilting Group 9:30 AM HallConfessions 4:30 PM Church

Monthly Events or Meetings

First Monday of the Month*I.C. Seniors 11:00 Hall

(Bingo & Lunch)

*Except holidays, in which case I.C. Seniors will meet the following Monday.

Readings for the Week

Monday: Acts 14:5-18; Jn 14:21-26 Tuesday: Acts 14:19-28/ Jn 14:27-31a; Mt 13:54-58 Wednesday: Acts 15:1-6; Jn 15:1-8 Thursday: 1 Cor 15:1-8; Jn 14:6-14 Friday: Acts 15:22-31; Jn 15:12-17 Saturday: Acts 16:1-10; Jn 15: 18-21 Sunday: Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48; Jn 15:9-17

Pray for Our Sick Arthur Acuna, Jr., Eleanor Anderson, Joane Anderson, Cosmo & Joan Busalacchi, Diego Cardenas, Dominic Castagnola, Elio Celentino, Reginald Custodio, Joanne Daleo, Michael Denny, Dawn Desimone, Frankie Diaz, Jr., Gregory Dire, Gilbert Esquibel, Christopher Guerrero, Shirley Ilog, Olivia Ingram, Tony Jenkins, Lucille Miller, Grace Mulvanity, Peter Nalwalker, Georgiana Ottenheimer, Socorro Pacheco, Deirdre Rigney, Mary Jane Tiernan, Marguerite Vorst, Marie Whitman, Martha Zamudio. If you wish to have your name remain on the prayers for the sick, please call the parish office if you have not done so recently.

Pray for Our Dead

Notification will be posted here whenever we are notified that a parishioner or a family member of a parishioner has passed away.

D e p l o y e d M i l i t a r yParishioners, if you have a family member who is currently deployed, please contact the parish office to add his or her name to the prayer list for deployed military personnel.

Call 619-295-4141 or [email protected]

Rev. Michael J . Sinor, Pastor

Deacon Robert Fitzmorris

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Total Collection: $4,209.40Parishioners: $2,910.00

Visitors: $1,299.40Total contributing households: 91

Mother’s Day Novena: $473.00

EXPENSESApril 23-27, 2018

Ministry Supplies $213.18Music $825.00Parish Events $72.00Payroll (incl. taxes) $3677.92Payroll Service $47.40Pension $407.86

TOTAL: $5,243.36

Building Fund Expenses:April 23-27, 2018

Your donations & purchase of courtyard tiles paid for the following:

Plumbing repairs in the hall: $1,248.23Building Inspection: $300.00

Floor repair in the rectory: $1185.00Etching for bench in the courtyard: $840.00

G i f t s o f T r e a s u r eApril 29, 2018

With gratitude for the gifts we have received, parishioners and visitors made a joyful return to the Lord.

BULLETIN MEMORIAL We have a memorial banner in the back of the bulletin. If you wish to commemorate a loved one by inserting their individual name in the new section, please contact the parish office at (619) 295-4141. Cost for one year is $100.

M o t h e r ’ s D a y N o v e n aThe Mother’s Day Novena begins on Saturday, May 5 and ends on Mother’s Day, May 13. Remember your mother or mother-figure (living or deceased) with the gift of prayer.

Envelopes designated for Mother’s Day (contained in your envelope order) may be dropped in the regular collection between now and April 29 or they may be dropped off at the parish office before May 5.

Envelopes are also available in the vestibule.

Welcome If you are new to the parish, please stop by the parish office, Monday-Friday between 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. We want to know and serve you. Formal registration enables us to know who you are and where you live. This helps us with parish mailings, and in the event of the need for a sick call or emergency, it also helps us to find you quickly. Registration forms are available at the parish office and on our website: Please support the parish with your prayers, your presence, and your talents.

Dear friends in Christ, I am so proud of the "above average of parishioners" who contribute to the weekly collection. Your generosity enables us to operate and proclaim the Gospel to families here and to our many visitors. For a parish of roughly 300 registered households, we come close to a third of parishioners contributing on a regular basis. That is higher than the national average.

Unfortunately, we only have a little more than fifty households contributing to the Annual Catholic Appeal. I would like to encourage all those parishioners who have not contributed to the Annual Catholic Appeal to reconsider and pray about their decision. We have to pay the assessment from parish funds if we don't make our goal of $22,000. On the upside, we get everything over our goal returned to the parish "untaxed." But more importantly than anything else is your participation.

We are a community of believers. If all you can contribute is a small amount, well then congratulations!!!! You are still participating. You are participating not only in our parish efforts but in the good work of our diocese in making the Gospel come alive!

I'd like to sharing a Scripture quote with you that is in all of our "thank you" letters to ACA contributors. "The kindness people have done crosses their paths later on; should they stumble, they will find support." Sirach 3:31

May the God who gives us all more than we deserve, bless you and those you love!

With prayers, Fr. Mike

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To register at the parish, please fill out the form below and drop it in the basket or call the

office at 295-4141.



CITY/ ZIP__________________________________


Email: ___

HOURSMon-Thurs: 10am-5pm

Fri & Sat: 10am-7pmSun: 9:30am-5:30pmR e m e m b e r ,

M o t h e r ’ s D a y i sM a y 1 3 These rel igious t i les and

rel igious jewelry just r ight for mothers are avai lable

in the gif t shop.

…NOTE FROM MARSHA I have been very blessed by the incredible minis t ry at our par ish both to our family of loyal par ishioners and our many vis i t ing touris ts f rom around the world. I am now resuming my concert career   but wil l cont inue my   CONCERT SERIES here of re l igious music with harp and/or keyboards and handbel ls .   Blessings for your new music program and I   look forward to seeing you!

Alleluia , your musician, Marsha Long   D.M.A

P L EA S E J O I N U S … …For ca ke a nd coffee in the pa r ish ha l l , as we b id a fond fa re wel l to Dr. Ma rsha Long on Su nday, May 13, after the m orn ing Masses.

We w i l l have a fa re wel l ca rd for yo u to s ig n, or yo u may drop off a persona l on e in the des ig nated basket.

A t t e n t i o n P h o t o g r a p h e r s !

Please ass i st u s in record ing o ur par i sh h i sto r y. Whenever you atten d a spec ial par i sh o r litu rg ical ce lebrat io n, p lease take photos an d fo rward them to the par i sh . We w i l l make eve r y effo rt to inc lu de them in o ur bu llet in to share w it h o u r p a r i s h i o n e r s a n d v i s it o r s . (P lease ensure m in imum of 300 dp i fo r quality. )

E m a i l y o u r p h o t o s t o [email protected].

MOTHERS DAY CONCERT by Marsha Long.”Prayer in Song for Our Mothers" 2pm May 13 FREE 

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H o l o c a u s t M u s e u m T r i p

May 26th: 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

$50 per person Tickets available right now!

Join the Our Mother of Confidence group bus trip to experience the Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust. The docent led tour will guide you through the museum where its architecture and layout play significant roles in how you experience your visit. The room descends and decreases in light as you progress towards the darkest part of history; from there you will ascend and return to a world of normalcy and illumination. Trip & Museum cost: $50 per person. You must be paid in full by no later than May 7th. C o n t a c t G l e n n D ’ A b r e o ( c a l l / t e x t 858-736-4128) if you have questions or e-mail [email protected] The earlier you book your seat, the closer to the front of the bus you will be. So be an early bird and book soon.

No reservations without prepayment!

Vatican City, Apri l 11, 2018

Pope Francis spoke about the sacrament of Baptism on Wednesday, emphasizing the importance of the Catholic practice of baptizing infants, since the grace of the Holy Spiri t helps them to grow in virtue.

“Why bapt ize a chi ld who does not understand?” the pope asked Apri l 11. “When we bapt ize a chi ld , the Holy Spir i t enters that chi ld , and the Holy Spir i t makes. . . the Chris t ian vir tues grow in that chi ld , who wil l then f lourish.”

Though we hope that when a chi ld grows up he or she wil l understand and desire Bapt ism for themselves , to withhold the sacrament f rom a chi ld “means not t rust ing in the Holy Spir i t ,” he said.

“We must a lways give this opportuni ty to everyone, to a l l chi ldren, to have inside of them the Holy Spir i t that wil l guide them throughout their l ives . Do not forget to bapt ize chi ldren!”

Pope Francis spoke about infant Bapt ism during his weekly general audience in St . Peter ’s Square. He also emphasized that the graces of the sacrament are not something one earns through understanding, intel l igence, or worthiness , but as pure gif t .

“Nobody deserves Bapt ism,” he said, “[ i t ] is a lways a f ree gif t for everyone, adul ts and newborns. But as happens for a seed ful l of l i fe , this gif t takes root and bears f rui t in ear th fed by fai th .”

Bapt ism also, by vir tue of the Holy Spir i t , “ immerses us in the death and resurrect ion of the Lord,” the pope said. In the sacrament the “old man,” dominated by s in , gives way to the “new man,” who has been recreated in Chris t Jesus.

“But for us Chris t ians i t must not escape that i f the body is immersed in water, i t i s the soul that is immersed in Chris t to receive forgiveness f rom sin and shine with divine l ight ,” he s ta ted.

He quoted St . Paul’s reminder to the Chris t ians of Rome: “Or are you unaware that we who were bapt ized into Chris t Jesus were bapt ized into his death? We were indeed buried with him through bapt ism into death, so that , jus t as Chris t was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might l ive in newness of l i fe .”

Furthermore, Pope Francis spoke about how Bapt ism, through immersion in Chris t , a lso makes us members of Chris t ’s body and his mission in the world, which is the Church.

“We bapt ized are not isolated,” he said, “ the same l i fe , that of the Holy Spir i t , f lows from Chris t to the bapt ized, uni t ing them into one Body, crested by holy unct ion and nourished at the Eucharis t ic table .”

As he has done on several previous occasions, Francis asked the people gathered in the square i f they remember the date of their Bapt ism, “because perhaps many do not remember this .”“But i f we celebrate the day of bir th , how can we not celebrate – a t least remember – the day of rebir th?” he asked, ass igning a l i t t le bi t of “homework:” to ask parents , grandparents , aunts or uncles what their bapt ismal date is .

“And never forget i t ,” he said to Chris t ians . “And that day thank the Lord because i t i s precisely the day when Jesus entered into [you] , the Holy Spir i t has entered into [you] .

By Hannah BrockhausCNA/EWTN News

Children should be baptized in

the faith, Pope Francis

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Funds raised through this program are designated to building maintenance. For information, please contact Glen Rasmussen at [email protected] or call 858.456.9751. 

H u r t i n g f ro m A b o r t i o n ?R a c h e l ' s H o p e H e a l i n g M i n i s t r y

O v e r n i g h t R e t r e a t   - - M a y 1 9 - 2 0S t . M a r y ' s R e t r e a t H o u s e - E s c o n d i d oCon tac t  Les l i e Bruno l l i (760-745-2529)o r Pa t t i Smi th (760-305-8044)$100 - Inc ludes Lodg ing , Mea l s & Mate r i a l sPa r t i a l Scho la r sh ips Ava i l ab leC o n f i d e n t i a l i t y S t r i c t l y M a i n t a i n e d

excerpt…from The Southern CrossDenis Graska

Young Men Discern Vocations on Pilgrimage to California’s Missions

Traveling from their homes in Green Bay, Wisconsin, and led by their diocese’s vocation direct, Fr. Daniel Schuster, nine young men ages 15 to 18 embarked on a pilgrimage that took them to 17 of California’s 21 historic missions.

Fr. Schuster…said the pilgrimage was intended to help young men who had already expressed an openness to the priestly vocation to take “that extra step … literally” on the path of discernment.

The April 2-7 pilgrimage began in San Diego…and would ultimately take them a far north as Mission San Francisco de Asia in the Bay Area.

While in San Diego, the pilgrims slept for two nights on the floor of the church hall of Immaculate Conception in an effort to share in some small way in the simplicity of the early missionaries.

They also walked about 7.5 miles from Old Town to Mission San Diego to commemorate the mission’s relocation (from Presidio Park to its current location). Along the way, they prayed the rosary and reflected on the role the Holy Spirit played in helping the friars select locations for the missions, as well as the

guidance that the Spirit continues to offer in their own lives.

[The pilgrimage] led to several experiences of divine providence. Before their flight to San Diego, a stranger who had heard what they were doing liked the idea so much that he gave them a $200 donation to help offset expenses.

At another point, it appeared that the group would be unable to celebrate Mass in Serra Chapel at Mission San Juan Capistrano. (The chapel is the only existing building in which Junipero Serra is town to have celebrated Mass.)

On the evening before they were set to arrive, Fr. Schuster received a phone call informing him that the necessary arrangements had been made.

Whether the young men ultimately discern that they are called to the priesthood or discover that their vocations are to married, single, or consecrated life, Fr. Schuster said he hopes the pilgrims will be forever changed by their experience during the week.

Fr. Mike Sinor believes the discernment pilgrimage was a blessing, not only for the pilgrims, but also for the many people they encountered along the way.

“It’s not only what happens to them, he said, “It’s what happens to other people, in terms of providing hospitality and welcoming them welcoming the stranger in the name of Christ.”

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OUR UNFINISHED SYMPHONYPublished August 19, 2007

“Our l ife is a short t ime in expectation, a t ime in which sadness and joy kiss each other at every moment. There is a quali ty of sadness

that pervades all the moments of our l ife. I t seems that there is no such thing as a clear-cut pure joy, but that even in the most happy moments of our existence we sense a t inge of sadness. In every satisfaction, there is an awareness of l imitations. In every success, there is the fear of jealousy. Behind every smile, there is a tear. In every embrace, there is loneliness. In every friendship, distance. And in all forms of l ight, there is the knowledge of surrounding darkness. But this intimate experience in which every bit of l ife is touched by a bit of death can point us beyond the l imits of our existence. I t can do so by making us look forward in expectation to that day when our hearts will be fi l led with perfect joy, a joy that no one shall take away from us.” (Henri Nouwen)

In this l ife there is no such a thing as a clear-cut, pure joy! I want to reiterate those words, coined by Henri Nouwen, in the l ight of some crit icisms that I received to a recent column which quoted Anita Brookner saying that, in marriage, the first duty of each partner is to “console the other for the fact that we cannot not disappoint each other.”

That l ine provoked a number of cri t ical reactions, ranging from: “Not true!”, “Unduly pessimistic!”, “He should st ick to sacred rather than secular sources!” to “I am worried that this can give the wrong signal to young people who are gett ing married, suggesting that marriage will disappoint them!”

I appreciate the cri t icism, especially the last point, but feel that the real message was missed. In essence, I wasn’t commenting on marriage, but on l ife in general , where, sadly, our fantasy of finding some “messiah” to take away all of our loneliness tends to be precisely what makes us too restless to remain happily inside of our commitments, including marriage.

I’m not so worried about sending a bad signal to a young couple contemplating marriage if I tel l them that inside of marriage they will not f ind a panacea for their loneliness. I am more worried that I would be sending them the wrong message if , l ike our romantic novels and movies, I should give them the impression that the final answer to every loneliness l ies in simply finding the right mate. Over-expectation and subsequent disil lusionment

kil ls a lot of marriages. If I marry someone because I nurse the fantasy that this other person is the final solution to my loneliness, I am doomed not just to be disappointed but also to place every kind of unrealist ic and unjust expectations on my partner. Only God can fully measure up.

S t . A u g u s t i n e b e g a n h i s autobiography with the now-famous l ine: “You have made us for yourself , Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you!” Thomas Aquinas taught that “every choice is a renunciation” and that is why commitment, particularly a l ife-long commitment in marriage, is so difficult . Karl Rahner famously stated: “In the torment of the insufficiency of everything attainable, we finally learn that here in this l ife all symphonies must remain unfinished.” And those of us who are old enough remember the haunting l ine in the old Salve Regina prayer: “To thee to we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears.”

What each of these captures, in essence, is precisely what Nouwen states, that in this l ife there is not such a thing as clear-cut pure joy and that we will l ive more peacefully and happily if we can accept that and not put false pressure on l ife, on our loves ones, and on God, to give us the full symphony right now.

Every day of their l ives, my parents prayed words to the effect that , this side of eternity, they were “mourning and weeping in a valley of tears”. I t didn’t make them sad, morbid, or stoic. The opposite: I t gave them the tools that they needed to accept l ife’s real l imits and the real l imits and imperfections within community, church, family, and marriage. They were happier for knowing and accepting that.

My worry is that today we aren’t equipping our own children in the same way. Instead, too often, we are helping them nurse the false expectation that, if they do i t r ight, they can have i t al l already in this l ife. All that is needed is to have the right body, the right career, the right city, the right neighborhood, the right friends, the right vacations, and the right soul mate and they can have the full symphony here and now.

It’s not to be had, and Anita Brookner’s maxim that in marriage we “cannot not disappoint each other” simply states, in secular language, that no one, no matter how good, can be God for somebody else.

Used with permission of the author, Oblate Father Ron Rolheiser. Currently, Father Rolheiser is serving as President of the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio Texas. He can be contacted through his website, Now on Facebook

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