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Building Intercultural Competence for MinistersSample for Training Workshop

Committee On Cultural Diversity in the ChurchUnited States Conference of Catholic Bishops

African American FamilyAsian Pacific Islander FamilyEuropean American FamilyHispanic Latino FamilyNative American FamilyMigrants, Refugees, People on the Move

Catholic Families in the United StatesAccording to Cultures/Ethnicities

Underpinnings Theology for Intercultural Ministry

Christian Anthropology - (A Christian Understanding of the Human Person)Ecclesiology: The Church as CommunionCatholicity: Universality, Unity in DiversityThe Church as missionary

Intercultural Competence is the capacity to:

CommunicateWorkRelateacross cultural boundaries.

Intercultural Competence

Prejudice, Stereotyping, and Discrimination

In-Group and Out-Group Dynamics

Ways We Judge the OtherChapter Outline Iceberg Concept of Culture

7Competencies in Intercultural Group Communications

Dealing with ConflictCommunication Styles Based on Face ManagementMeeting and Decision MakingLeadership

RESPECTFUL COMMUNICATION GUIDELINER: take RESPONSIBILITY for what you say and feel, and speak with words others can hear and understandE: use EMPATHETIC listening, not just words but also feelings being expressed, non-verbal language including silence S: be SENSITIVE to differences in communication stylesP: PONDER on what you hear and feel before you speakE: EXAMINE your own assumptions and perceptionsC: keep CONFIDENTIALITYT: TRUST the process because we are NOT here to debate who is right or wrong but to experience true dialogue.The Mutual Invitation Method(Eric Law)

Encounter with Christ Catholic Identity: Conversion means to turn ones mind and heart around. Communion: The communion of the Church, rooted in Gods love, is called to offer all people the sense of identity, purpose and community they seek. Solidarity: a firm and persevering determination to commit one-self to the common goodCatholicIdentityBelongingOwnershipFrom Newcomers to Stewardsof the Faith CommunityStewardshipIntegration/Inclusion10Cycle for Ecclesial Integration/InclusionOwnershipSense of belonging

HospitalityCatholic IdentityStewardshipCommunionConversionMissionSolidarityEncounter11A.It is an authentic model of continual pastoral conversion.B.It is a model where everyone is acknowledged by having an equal opportunity to speak and an equal opportunity of being heard.C. Resurrection here means to have power and exercising it by speaking and being listened to.D.Death here means being powerless and exercising it by not talking and doing active listening.E.Resurrection without Death means:1. I speak2. Everyone listens3. Everyone obeys and adheres to what I say4. I dont have to listen to anyone else5. My word and opinion is the only one that countsRecognize and affirm cultural, linguistic and racial differences as a gift from God not a problem to be solvedPromote the formation of culturally specific ministries, parish groups and apostolic movements as means for conversion and community buildingAvoid the temptation to expect others to assimilate into a one-size- fits-all youth group, program or activityArticulate a vision of ministry based on ecclesial integration/inclusion

12Be willing to listen to the stories, perspectives, and preferences of people from the different cultures and ethnicities present in your parish

Recognize and affirm cultural, linguistic, and racial differences as a gift from God not a problem to be solved

Promote the right of each Catholic cultural/ethnic group to have their own space to live and practice their faith in the context of the one parish community

Avoid the temptation to expect others to assimilate into a one-size-fits-all group, program, or activity

Commit to achieve unity in diversity, not uniformity

Foster the inculturation of the Gospel in all culturesBe aware of your own cultural heritage

Use the concept of inculturation of the Gospel

Be willing to be a bridge builder rather than a gate-keeper

Avoid the tendency to see your culture as better or more valuable than the cultures of others, and the wethey language

Commit to the spirit of mission of the New Evangelization and its ongoing transformation of all cultures by the Gospel values13

First listen and welcome the unique perspectives of diverse parishioners you are trying to reach

Include them, from the beginning, in the development of plans, programs and activities

Avoid planning for others and judging them when they dont show up to your activityPlan with the people,not for the people14First listen and welcome the unique perspectives of the different cultural/ethnic communities you are trying to reach

Include them, from the beginning, in the development of plans, programs, and activities

Use the language of ministry TO, WITH, and FROM people from the unique cultures and ethnicities present in your parish

Avoid planning for others and judging them when they dont show up to your activity

Build community in everything you do within each cultural/ethnic group and between all of them as one body of Christ

Broaden your understanding of ministry groups, programs, and structures, and cast a bigger Recognize the unique experiences, needs, and aspirations of each cultural/ethnic community in your parish

Understand that the existence of more than one cultural group in your parish as a blessing

Promote the formation of culturally specific groups and apostolic movements

Avoid the perception that allowing the formation of culturally specific groups creates division or separation

Commit to creating welcoming spaces for all Catholic people living in your parish15Recognize the unique lived experiences, needs, and aspirations of each cultural/ethnic community your parish

Understand the existence of more than one cultural group in your parish as a blessing, and as the first step towards ecclesial integration among all

Promote the formation of culturally specific groups and apostolic movements as effective means of evangelization and community building

Avoid the perception that allowing the formation of culturally specific groups creates division or separation

Commit to create welcoming spaces for all Catholic people living in your parish

Understand the way in which people from different cultures view leadership, organize themselves and make decisions

Identify indigenous leaders and mentor them into leadership positions in ministry within their own cultural/ethnic community and in the parish as a whole

Avoid a mentality of scarcity- there is not enough for everyone- and foster a vision of mission and growth that generates more resourcesEmpower people from the different cultures/ethnicities into leadership positions 16Understand the way in which different groups view leadership, organize themselves, and make decisions

Identify leaders and mentor them into ministry within their own cultural community and in the parish as a whole

Advocate for inclusion of people in leadership positions within ministry and in the parish

Avoid a mentality of scarcity when growth in ministry generates demands for more resources

Commit to the awesome mission of weaving a new diverse parish community by helping shape the leadership of Catholic leaders today
