
Building Educator CapacitySession 1 of 3

April 18, 2013

Adrian Blight Tracy Immel

• 15 yrs in education and technology

• Managing Director of Imagine Education

• Global experience in over 30 countries

• ICT and education, pre-service teacher training and innovative curriculum design

• Educator training around 21st Century Skills Development for Microsoft

• Responsible for Middle East & North Africa for The British Council’s Connecting Classrooms

• 20 yrs in education and technology

• Last position Microsoft  Global Director for K-12 Teacher Professional Development 

• Professional Coach with emphasis on overcoming resistance to change in educational institutions and individuals

• Consultant to UNESCO, Educator trainer and group facilitation

• Currently manages Partners in Learning Training Provider program on behalf of Microsoft

In this session we will: • Review Training Provider Program and PiL Professional

Development (PD) offers• Discover how to utilize the PiL Professional

Development model • Learn how the UNESCO ICT-CFT can drive

transformed practice• Examine Level 100 and 200 curriculum • Explore the resources on

Learning objectives

Partners in Learning

Educator Professional Development

UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers

Knowledge Creation

Knowledge Deepening

Technology Literacy (ICT in Education


Digital Literacy/Productivity Tools

Scaffold educator competencies

Partners in Learning Professional Development

L400: Peer Coaching

L300:21st Century Lesson

DesignL200: Teaching with

Technology + Optional Cert

L100: Digital Literacy

Knowledge Creation

Knowledge Deepening

Technology Literacy (ICT in Education


Digital Literacy/Productivity Tools

UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers

Partners in Learning Professional Development

Customized for more individualized approach








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• Just in time, not just in case

• Perfect for ongoing engagement

• Ties skills to educator context

• Organizations

• NGOs• Commercial

Providers• Non-profits

• Independent Consultants

• Affiliate employees

• Education System Trainers

• Primary role may be classroom educator

• Has formal role as peer coach

• Engagement, best practice sharing and professional development

• Opportunity to receive customer referrals • Recognition on the PiLN as a teacher trainer• Affinity with Microsoft • Chance to attend the Global Forum• Over 150 hours of pedagogically sound


What are the benefits?

Logo lock-ups

Email signature

Access to training provider portal

Needs analysis best practice

• Identify goals for both the organization and individuals

• Demonstrate your value with objective measures of both the starting point and ending point

• Know what they are supposed to know (or be able to help define it)

• ISTE: National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS-T)

• UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers

• Australia: ICT Competency Framework for Teachers

• South Africa ICT Teacher Guidelines

• EU eTQF Competency Framework for Teachers

• ICT-enhanced Teacher Standards for Africa – UNESCO-IICBA

ICT competencies for teachers

• Well defined with domains and levels

• Identified target group or roles

• Continuous development phases

• Clearly described performance indicators

• Syllabus with concrete content and suggested methods/ pedagogy

• Relevant cases and resources

• Identification of current situation and essential conditions

What is a good standard or competency?

Feuchun, 2010


Breadth Depth

Role: Teachers, Technology Coordinators, Principals



What is competency-based PD• A common set of competency standards• Methods for identifying learning gaps• A rich and varied set of aligned learning

resources• Assessments, observation, or portfolio

work that help verify improved educator competencies

• Peer support or mentoring to help educators carry forward ICT use to the classroom

• Ongoing refinement

Assess at the whole school level

No costs

Based on ITL Research SurveysMeasures

Innovative Teaching Practices

Research Tool for Schools

International 34 languages

Basis for Common Vision (coming soon to PiLN!


Distribute Surveys

Use the Report

School Signs Up

Innovative Teaching Practices Index

How it works

Personalized Learning% Educators who practice at least 1-3 times per month

Student centered pedagogy

Use to achieve common understanding

Innovative Teaching Practices Index

School Leaders





Getting teacher buy-in

How do we bridge the gap between leadership goals and the educator who is just worried about teaching her math class tomorrow?

• Learn something they can use right away• Show how technology enhances the delivery of

subject objectives or standards• Perhaps start with ‘productivity’ and help them save

time• Utilize peer coaching • Give time to ‘play’• Make sure learning is relevant • Find out what they need to know

Some top tips

Level 100: Digital Literacy

Partners in Learning Professional Development

L400: Peer Coaching

L300:21st Century Lesson

DesignL200: Teaching with

Technology + Optional Cert

L100: Digital Literacy

Knowledge Creation

Knowledge Deepening

Technology Literacy (ICT in Education


Digital Literacy/Productivity Tools

UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers

Partners in Learning Professional Development

Level 200: Teaching with Technology

Partners in Learning Professional Development

L400: Peer Coaching

L300:21st Century Lesson

DesignL200: Teaching with

Technology + Optional Cert

L100: Digital Literacy

Knowledge Creation

Knowledge Deepening

Technology Literacy (ICT in Education


Digital Literacy/Productivity Tools

UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers

Partners in Learning Professional Development

Teaching with Technology

1. Self-Assess Learning Gaps

Creates an Individualized Learning Plan

2. eLearning Content

6 courses Embeds case studies, activities and how-to’s

3. Certificates of Completion


Microsoft Certified Educator Exam

• Valid & reliable assessment of competency

Spr ing 2013

• Blended model• Engage learners in

communities of practice• Opportunity to apply learning

right away with support• Reward/motivate

E-Learning best practices

• E-Supported• Blended (integrated)• Blended (concentrated)• Distance

E-Learning delivery models

• Competency-based, valid and reliable assessment

• Mapped to UNESCO ICT-CFT, Technology Literacy

• Does not measure technology skills, but ability to apply those skills to teaching and learning context

• Available Spring 2013 via Microsoft volume license or Certiport reseller and as part of IT Academy member benefits

New! Microsoft Certified Educator

MCE is a reliable assessment of teachers ICT competency that allows institutions in charge of teacher retraining programs to evaluate achieved results and optimize financing.”—Svetlana Avdeeva, National Training Foundation, Russia MCE provides teachers with a globally recognized certification which is focused on the practical integration of ICT into teaching and learning.—Rose Lawlor, Meath Vocational Education Committee, Ireland MCE compliments our professional development program as it is based on the UNESCO ICT Competency Framework and uses scenarios that deal with the integration of ICT and development of 21st century skills in the classroom.Miriam O’Donoghue, City of Dublin Vocational Education Committee, Curriculum Development Unit, Ireland 

What educator leaders are saying…

Homework (about 2 hours)1. Do one of the following:

• Take one of the assessments from the Digital Literacy Curriculum• Take the Teaching with Technology self-assessment

2. Take at least one unit of study from either Digital Literacy or Teaching with Technology

3. Explore the Level 100 & 200 consolidation activities and tutorials on

4. Read 21st Century Learning Design Rubrics materials(Posted in Training Provider discussion group and downloadable here.)

5. Email [email protected] if you’d like to participate in the May 2 webcast and share your best practice with others
