Page 1: Building a User Interface Test Automation Framework


Building a user interface test automation


Izzat Alsmadi and Kenneth Magel

Department of Computer Science

North Dakota State University

Fargo, ND 58105

{ izzat.alsmadi, kenneth.magel}


This article suggests a fully test automation tool with the least amount of time

and decisions required from testers. Using an automated tool should not be

offset by testers spending a good amount of time for setup and guidance.

The proposed framework for user interface test automation uses the information

stored in the application assembly to build the tested model. The GUI model is

parsed from the application under test at run time. The GUI model is built as an

XML tree. Test cases are then generated from the XML tree using different

proposed algorithms. Some techniques for test case prioritization, critical path

testing, execution and verification are suggested. The goal is to do all those

activities dynamically as part of a GUI test automation framework.

General Terms Software testing, user interface testing and test


Keywords Software test automation, test case generation, Test

execution, GUI testing, GUI modeling, and


1. Introduction

Software testing is an important stage in software

projects. It is one of the most expensive stages that

usually stops after using the available resources (and

not completed). Test automation takes more time in

the initial stages. Eventually, this is expected to

reduce the cost of testing through reducing the

required time and resources. GUI is increasingly

taking a larger portion of the overall program’s size

as newer programs are more interactive with the user

inputs. and GUI testing is taking a major rule in the

whole project’s validation.

GUI test automation is a major challenge for test

automation activities. Most of the current GUI test

automation tools are partially automated and require

the involvement of users or testers in several stages.

Test automation tools are still complex and

expensive. They don’t fully replace testers. They can

be usually used to re-execute those repeated tasks.

Companies consider taking the decision to buy, or

not, a GUI test automation tool as a tough decision

since they don’t know how much time it will require

upfront for setup. They also don’t know how much of

test automation tasks can be fully or partially

automated. We all agree that complete coverage in

test automation is impossible as we also agree that

complete coverage in testing is impossible too.

No matter what software methodology a company

follows, software testing is going to play a major role

in terms of project success or resource allocation.

Automated test refers to testing by a computer (no

human tester). We choose the option of automating

the GUI testing when tests are repeated several times

[1]. Software test automation tasks include selecting

and generating the test cases, building the test oracle

(test cases with expected results), executing, re-

executing, reporting and validating the results.

GUIs manage controls. Controls are reusable objects

with which users can interact. The term "control" is

used as a generic term for any graphical object or

widget that an application may produce. Controls

have common elements that should be considered

before writing a program that interacts with a GUI


• Controls are categorized according to Window

classes. Each control belongs to a window class

(making it possible to search them by class).

• Controls have an organizational hierarchy; every

GUI has at least one root control, and every control

may have child controls. Controls and forms make a

tree. We can generate a valid test case by selecting

several controls that are children of each other.

Page 2: Building a User Interface Test Automation Framework


• Controls have different ways to be located or

identified at run time. They can be identified by their

names, parents, unique location or by the window

handle associated to them at run time.

We present a GUI testing framework that does not

require the involvement of testers throughout the

different stages. The tests do not need to be revisited

during any change in the GUI structure. Since the

application uses reflection to get the actual model at

run time, those changes are included in the current


Generating test cases can happen from requirements,

design or the actual GUI implementation. Although it

is expected that those three should be consistent and

related, yet they have different levels of abstraction.

Requirements and design are usually of a high level

of abstraction to generate from them the test cases.

On the other hand the task of generating test cases

from the GUI implementation model is delayed until

GUI is implemented, which is usually occurred in the

late implementation. We should not have any

problems in delaying GUI testing giving the fact that

a tool will automate the generation and execution


A tool is built in C# that uses reflection to serialize

the GUI control components. Certain control

properties are selected to be serialized. These

properties are relevant to the user interface testing.

The application then uses the XML file that is created

to build the GUI tree or the event flow graph. Test

cases are then generated using the GUI XML file.

Generating the test cases takes into consideration the

tree structure to select the test cases that cover unique


In test execution and verification, test cases are

executed on the application and compared with the

original test suite. The advantages of the object

oriented approach over the widely used

capture/replay back one, is in the fact that the model

is generated at run time which makes it represents the

current state of the GUI model. In record/play back

cases, we have to retest the application in case of any

change in the functionalities or the GUI of the

program. Once utilized, this object oriented approach

is expected to be less expensive as it does not require

users to manually test the application or make

decision for pre- and post-conditions.

2. Related work

There are several GUI test automation tools available

in the market. Some of the larger vendors for such

tools includes: IBM Rational, Mercury, and Segue.

Trying to build a GUI test automation tool is like

trying to make a new operating system in such that

the available resources for the existed ones are hard

to compete with. However, GUI test automation

didn’t reach a mature level were those tools can be

implemented in all scenarios with no problems. User

Interfaces evolves rapidly with more rich and new

components. The automation processes in general use

artificial intelligence algorithms to simulate user

activities. The richness and complexity of this space

make it possible for new research ideas to compete

with long time existed test automation tools in the


There are several research papers about GUI testing

using the data model, [3] [4] [5] [7] [8] [9] [10]. The

overall goals and approach for this work is very

similar to their goals. The GUI testing framework

described, as a GUI test automation structure, is

generic and should be applied to any testing or GUI

testing model. Since research projects in general have

limited resources, each paper discusses a specific

area of GUI test automation. Without having all

components, it is very hard to use such ideas in the

industry. There is a need for using universal

standards for the output formats in all testing

activities. If each tool is producing several

intermediate outputs (generated test cases, recorded

scripts, log files, etc), it will be impossible to use

those tools or ideas in other research projects. Some

papers follow a complex procedure in test case

generation and do not consider any state reductions.

Assuming that changing any property in any GUI

object changes the GUI state is an assumption that

generated a very large number of possible states for

even small applications. State reduction techniques

are considered here to improve the effectiveness of

the track. We intended to follow the same GUI

testing framework for our future work and expect the

overall results to be more practical and easier to

apply on actual projects.

The second category[13][6] is related to semi test

automation using some capture/reply tools like

WinRunner, QuickTest pro, Segui silk, QARun,

Rational Robot, JFCUnit, Abbot and Pounder to

creates unit tests for the AUT. Capture/reply tools

have been existed and used for years. This may make

them currently more reliable and practical as they

have been tested and improved through several

generations and improvements. There are several

problems and issues in using record/play back tools

[11]. The need to reapply all test cases when the GUI

changes, the complexity in editing the scripts code,

and the lack of error handlings are some examples of

those issues. The reuse of test oracles is not very

useful in the case of using a capture/replay tool [12].

We expect future software projects to be more GUI

complicated that may make the test automation data

model more practical. Many researches and

Page 3: Building a User Interface Test Automation Framework


improvements need to be done for the suggested data

model to be more practical and usable.

3. Goals and approaches

Our approach uses two constraints: The tool should

develop all test automation activities without or with

the least user involvement. The second constraint is

that those dynamically generated test case should

provide a value for test adequacy and should

represent actual test case scenarios.

Since the test cases will be dynamically generated

with no need for a user to define pre- or post-

conditions, algorithms are developed for test case


One important aspect of GUI’s that helps in state

reduction is the fact that the GUI is hierarchical by

nature. For example, in MS Notepad, to reach the

event “Print”, the event “File” should be executed


The GUI is analyzed and its hierarchical tree of

controls is extracted using reflection. The decision to

use the XML file as a saving location for the GUI

model is in the fact that XML is a universal format

and it supports hierarchy. This hierarchy can be

extracted easily from the XML file. We used the

information about the parent of each control in the

assembly to build the GUI tree. Figure1 is a screen

shot from the XML output file extracted from a

simple Notepad application.













<Forecolor>Color [DarkBlue]</Forecolor>

<BackColor>Color [Linen]</BackColor>






Items.Count: 4, Text: File</Name>




Items.Count: 3</Parent>






Figure1: a screen shot from a generated XML file.

The above information about the controls and their

properties are extracted directly from the assembly.

We added two more properties; control level and

control unit for each control. Those properties are

used along with the parent property to locate each

control during test generation, selection and


The user has the ability to select certain controls from

the tree and gives them more than the typical equally

distributed weight. This will have an effect on test

case selection algorithms. For example, a control that

is selected manually by the user will be selected

whenever it is possible or valid to do so.

Rather than defining the GUI state change as a

change in any control or control property [2], which

produces a large amount of possible test cases, we

define the GUI state as the state that is represented by

the generated XML file from that GUI. If any of the

parent-child relations in the GUI is changed, or any

property of those parsed controls is changed, then

that is considered a GUI state change.

Some abstraction is used removing those properties

that less relevant or important to the GUI state to

reduce the large number of possible states. The

manually selected properties are: the control name,

parent name, text, locationX (horizontal location),

locationY (vertical location), text, or caption,

forecolor, backcolor, enabled, visible, control unit

and control level.

In the process of developing test generation

techniques, several test generation algorithms are

developed. All algorithms check for a valid selection

of a tree edge. For example, using Notepad AUT, if

the current control is “File”, then a test algorithm

may select randomly a valid next control from the

children of the File control ( e.g. Save, SaveAs,

Open, Exit, Close, Print). In another algorithm, we

processed the selected test scenarios to ensure that no

test scenario will be selected twice in a test suite.

Figure2 is a sample output generated from one of the

test generation algorithms. In the algorithm, each test

case starts from the root or the main entry “Notepad

Main”, and then selects two or more controls

randomly from the tree. The algorithm verifies that

the current test case is not existed in the already

generated test cases.




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Figure2: A sample from a test case generation file.

To evaluate test generation efficiency in the

generated test cases, the total number of arcs visited

in the generated test cases is calculated to the total

number of arcs or edges in the AUT. File-Save, Edit-

Copy, Format-Font are examples of arcs or edges. An

algorithm is developed to count the total number of

edges in the AUT by using the parent info for each

control. (This is a simple approach of calculating test

efficiency. More rigorous efficiency measuring

techniques are planned in future work). Of those

tested applications, about 95% of the application

paths can be tested using 200-300 test cases.

For test verification, a log file is created to track the

events that are executed in the tool during the

execution process. In a simple example, figure 3

shown below, two test cases are generated that write

a text in Notepad and save it to a file. Those test

cases are generated using the tool.




Figure 3: a sample of generated test cases.

The first test case opens a new document and writes

to it. As part of the default input values, we set for

each control a default value to be inserted by the tool

through execution. A textbox writes the word “test”

or the number “0” whenever it is successfully called.

A menu item is clicked, using its parent, whenever it

is successfully called. For example, if Save is called

as a control, File-Save as an event is triggered. We

should have tables for valid and invalid inputs for

each GUI control. The second test case opens the

save file dialogue and clicks the OK or accept button

(Savefilebutton1), to save the document. Here is the

corresponding log file output for the above test cases.

Control Event Date Time File new Menu Click 10/3/2007 11:51:23 AM File new Mouse Down 10/3/2007 11:51:23 AM

File new Mouse Up 10/3/2007 11:51:23 AM

New txtbody Menu Click 10/3/2007 11:51:23 AM New txtbody Mouse Down 10/3/2007 11:51:23 AM

New txtbody Mouse Up 10/3/2007 11:51:23 AM

TxtBody Mouse Move 10/3/2007 11:51:23 AM TxtBody Key Down 10/3/2007 11:51:23 AM

TxtBody Key Up 10/3/2007 11:51:23 AM

(Test) is written in the document 10/3/2007 11:51:23 AM (Test) is written in the document 10/3/2007 11:51:24 AM

SaveFilebutton1 Mouse Move 10/3/2007 11:51:24 AM

SaveFilebutton1 Mouse Button Down 10/3/2007 11:51:24 AM SaveFilebutton1 Mouse Button Up 10/3/2007 11:51:24 AM

File SAVE AS Menu Click 10/3/2007 11:51:24 AM

File SAVE AS Mouse Down 10/3/2007 11:51:24 AM File SAVE AS Mouse Up 10/3/2007 11:51:24 AM

SaveFilebutton1 Mouse Move 10/3/2007 11:51:24 AM

SaveFilebutton1 Mouse Button Down 10/3/2007 11:51:24 AM SaveFilebutton1 Mouse Button Up 10/3/2007 11:51:24 AM

Figure 4 Log file output of a sample test case.

Since the test execution process is subjected to

several environment factors, the verification process

is divided into three levels.

1. In the first level the tool checks that every

control in the test suite is successfully executed. This

step is also divided into two parts. The first part is

checking that all controls executed are existed in the

test suite. This is to verify that the execution process

itself does not cause any extra errors. The second part

that ensures all controls in the test suites are executed

tests the execution and its results. In the

implementation of this level, some controls from the

test scenarios were not executed. This is maybe the

case of some dynamic execution or time

synchronization issues where some controls are not

available the time they are expected.

2. In the second level the tool checks that the

number of controls matches between the two suites.

3. In the third level, the tool checks that the events

are in the same sequence in both suites.

The verification process is automated by comparing

the test cases’ file with the log file. Time stamp is

important to verify the correct sequence of events.

The controls in the test case suites are written to a

sorted list and the execution sequence is also written

to another sorted lists. To verify the results of the test

execution, the two lists are compared with each other.

Upon testing several applications, a small percent of

controls generated in the test cases and not executed.

Timing synchronization causes some controls to be

unavailable or invisible within their execution time.

Regular users “wait” for a new menu to be opened.

This time varies depending on the application, the

computer and the environment. Time synchronization

and some other dynamic issues are part of the future

research goals.

One approach for the GUI test oracle is to have event

templates. For each test scenario listed, expected

results are written in a way that can be automatically

Page 5: Building a User Interface Test Automation Framework


verified. This requires some level of abstraction

where similar events are abstract into one event (like

the saving process). This proposal does not mean

exhaustively testing all probable events. By selecting

critical events for automation and abstracting similar

events we will get a valuable state reduction that

makes the number of GUI states more practical in

terms of testing.

Some algorithms are developed to calculate critical

paths automatically. Those algorithms are:

1. Critical path using node weight. In this approach,

each control has a metric weight that represents the

count of all its children. For example if the children

of File are: Save, SaveAs, Close, Exit, Open, Page

Setup, and Print, then its metric weight will be 7

(another alternative is to sum all the decedents). For

each generated scenario, the weight of that scenario is

calculated as the sum of all the weights of its

individual selected controls.

2. Critical path level reduction. In this approach, a

test scenario is randomly selected. The selected

scenario includes controls from the different levels.

Starting from the lowest level control, we exclude

from selection all those controls that share the same

parent with the selected control. This reduction

shouldn’t exceed half of the tree depth.

For example if the depth of the tree is four levels, we

should exclude controls from levels three and four.

We assume that each test scenario should start from

the main entry point and that three controls is the

least required for a test scenario (like Notepad – file –

exit). We select five consecutive test scenarios using

the same reduction process described above.

3. The previously described algorithms for critical

paths’ selection depend on statistics pulled from the

implementation model. As an alternative, we can

analyze several user captured sessions (e.g. from

testers or users in beta testing) to automatically

weight the GUI controls. User session data is the set

of user actions performed on the AUT from entering

the application until leaving it.

The session logs all the controls that are executed in

the different scenarios. A simple count or percentage

is given to each control depending on how many

times it is listed in those scenarios. The test scenarios

should include all primary and major use cases for

the tested application. The controls’ weights

(calculated from user sessions) can drive the test case

generation and execution. Theoretically all controls

should get the same weight in the generated test suite.

However, in real scenarios this may not be true.

We may cluster the controls according to their usage

from user sessions into three levels; heavily used,

medium and low. Depending on the availability of

the resources to testing, we may choose one or two

categories and generate test cases that cover those

controls in the categories with a proportion to their

weight or occurrence.

This algorithm is considered as a hybrid technique

that uses some of the capture/play-back processes. In

a capture/ play-back tool, the same user session that

is captured in the manual testing is executed. In this

approach the controls’ weights are extracted from the

manual testing to guide test case generation and


4. Conclusion and future work

Developing a user interface test automation tool faces

several challenges. Some of those challenges are:

Serializing the GUI widgets, test results’ verification,

time synchronization issues, handling dialog boxes,

testing data dependent systems, and building error

logging and recovery procedures.

Some techniques, in test case generation, execution

and verification, are explained in principles in this

article. Test case generation from user sessions is

explored that represent real usage of the application

and focuses on the application areas where they can

be heavily used by users. A logging procedure is

implemented to compare the executed suite with the

generated one. A formal verification procedure is

presented that compare and verifies the output of the

execution process with its input. Another track of

verification is suggested. This track requires building

templates for events. For each event pre conditions,

post conditions and expected results are included.

More elaborations and verifications are required to

prove the effectiveness of the suggested approaches.

Automation of the first few test cases is expensive;

beyond that they become much cheaper to develop

and execute.

Test automation can only be successful when we

keep in mind that testing in general, and particularly

automated testing, is easily made obsolete by some

changes in the application and environment.

In GUI, it is difficult to reach a high level of test

adequacy in generating test cases that cover all

possible combinations. GUI state reduction is needed

to make testing all or most possible states feasible.

In this approach, there is state reduction from

selecting specific properties to parse. Those

properties are more relevant and critical than the rest

for the testing process. Total properties of less than

10 are selected. The idea of test automation is not to

automate everything; we automate to save time and


The other issue that causes state reduction is

considering the hierarchy. In flat state diagrams, we

assume that any state is reached from another state

once certain preconditions are achieved. In GUI

terms it means that any control is accessible from any

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other one. This is not true in GUI states, as usually

controls are only accessible through their parent


We can also get GUI states reduction by abstracting

the processes. For example, the saving process has

several intermediate processes (file-save-as, file

name, type… ok), but what is important is the end

state where there are certain results if the process is

successful (e.g. a file with certain content is saved to

a certain location) and other results if it is not.

We don’t automate testing everything. We automate

testing those frequently repeated tasks. We don’t

automate those tests that require user validation or

those tests that require special dynamic or time

synchronization consideration (such as connecting to

a database or verifying the overall acceptance of a


5. References

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